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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Staking van studie aan landbou-opleidingsinstellings in die Wes-Kaap : waarskynlike oorsake en strategiee vir students-ondersteuning

Louw, A. J. N. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Student dropout at higher education institutions in South Africa is an aspect that is receiving increasing attention from the various role-players who have an interest in this aspect due to the negative influence it has on students, higher education institutions, and the economy of the country. Higher education institutions that offer agriculture as a course of study also have to deal with this problem. Approximately one quarter of the students who are admitted at most agricultural training institutions are forced to discontinue their studies or do so voluntarily. Most of these cessations of study occur during or near the end of the first year of study. The cessation of studies is not the only negative aspect. The low pass rate of students at higher education institutions in South Africa is also alarming. The main object of this study was to ascertain why students discontinued their studies and why they took longer than the minimum time allowed to complete their studies. In order to substantiate this theory, an attempt was made to obtain both an international and a national perspective of the student dropout rate in general, as well as to determine what factors were responsible or contributed to successful completion of their studies by students. A background perspective of agricultural education in South Africa was included. The literature reviews are supplemented by a qualitative investigation of students who discontinued their studies specifically at agricultural higher education institutions. A case study approach was employed, in which an in-depth interview strategy was utilised to obtain descriptive and illustrative data. The study demonstrated that dropout rates can be attributed mainly to academic and/or social factors. These factors prevented adequate integration, which is essential to successful studies, from occurring. Various academic factors may be the reason for inadequate academic integration, of which the most important were unclear objectives, a lack of motivation, wrong academic expectations, a misconception of hard work, as well as a lack of the necessary explanatory knowledge in the agricultural study field. New students’ academic adjustment appeared to be the most problematic factor. It appeared that new students were insufficiently prepared to make the adjustment, and in fact, less prepared for this step than was generally the case in the past. Ineffective social integration was the result of too little student participation in social activities or the absence of adequate opportunities for social activities at agricultural training institutions. Unbalanced and unhealthy social activities were often the major factors that contributed to student dropout. Furthermore, the study demonstrated that non-academic factors such as inadequate accommodation or financial problems were not significant causative factors for student dropout, but rather non-academic factors such as unbalanced or unhealthy social activities and poor time management. After the probable causes for student dropout had been established, a theoretical framework was created that could offer possible explanation for the student dropout rates at agricultural training institutions. The framework was created to establish student dropout from a longitudinal perspective, and not only to explain the phenomenon as a result of what had occurred during the time that the student was at the institution. The framework was therefore designed to explain student dropout against the background of the student, together with various factors that were related to students or the institution and which were responsible for inadequate integration. From this framework it was possible to develop individual models for specific agricultural training institutions or for one specific institution in respect of the dropout phenomenon.

A curriculum framework for an introductory programme in the national diploma: Engineering at the Vaal University of Technology

Sutherland, G. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))-- University of Stellenbosch, 2009 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to develop a curriculum framework for engineering introduction programmes offered at a higher education institution, using a case study design. The South African government is attempting to redress the social inequalities which prevailed in the education sector during the apartheid era. One of their efforts has involved the widening of access to diverse groups in society in order to increase participation within the higher education sector. However, many students attempting their higher education studies are academically under prepared. This is mainly due to insufficient life skills, communication skills, numeric skills and literacy skills. The lack of these skills has inspired various international and national higher education institutions to develop academic programmes aimed at bridging the gap that exists between secondary schooling and higher education. Introduction programmes for prospective engineering students have to ensure high-quality curriculum development procedures in order to secure these students’ academic success throughout their engineering studies. This, in turn, leads to quality graduates and addresses the huge shortage experienced by the industry. An overview of the contextual and conceptual views on curriculum development is given against the backdrop of the current higher education legislation in South Africa. The overview regarding curriculum development links the introduction programme curriculum to generic learning outcomes specifically set at the National Qualification Framework Level 4. It suggests the application of continuous assessments, in line with outcomes-based education criteria, together with quality assurance in order to fit the Higher Education Quality Committee and the Engineering Council of South Africa’s accreditation criteria applicable to higher education institutions. During the design and methodological stages, it was established, by means of a theoretical investigation, that the first phase of this study determines whether students that successfully completed the introduction programme perform academically better than students entering the diploma programmes directly. The theoretical investigation also established that the second phase of this study determines if the diploma students dropped out of the programme for reasons other than academic performance. A triangulation approach was used to increase the validity of the empirical part of the study and to enhance the rigorous use of both quantitative and qualitative data. The study results shed light on the need for introduction programmes. In addition, it proposed a curriculum framework for improved engineering introduction programmes at the Vaal University of Technology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om kurrikulumraamwerk vir oorbruggingsprogram vir ingenieurswese-studente in hoër onderwys te ontwikkel. Die kurrikulumraamwerk is ontwikkel deur middel van gevallestudie wat die implementering van oorbruggingskursusse in die ingenieurswese indringend ondersoek het. Die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse regering poog om die sosio-politieke wanbalanse as nalatenskap van apartheid, uit te wis. Dit word gedoen deur middel van inisiatiewe waarin onder meer hoër onderwys prominente vennoot is wat aan diverse samelewing gelyke geleenthede bied. Die huidige, meer toeganklike bedeling in hoër onderwys in Suid-Afrika het groot toename van studente uit histories agtergeblewe gemeenskappe tot gevolg gehad. Die meeste studente wat in hierdie konteks die hoëronderwyssektor betree, blyk in groot mate onvoorbereid te wees vir hoër onderwys vanweë hul gebrek aan lewens-, kommunikasie-, numeriese en taalvaardighede. Hierdie tendens kom ook op internasionale vlak voor. Dit het inisiatiewe ten opsigte van akademiese ontwikkeling op nasionale sowel as internasionale vlak genoodsaak. Die doel van akademiese ontwikkeling is primêr om die gaping tussen die skool en hoër onderwys te oorbrug. Oorbruggingskursusse moet van hoë gehalte wees om sodoende te kan verseker dat voornemende studente vir hoër onderwys, en vir die doel van hierdie studie meer spesifiek ingenieurstudente, van groter akademiese sukses verseker kan wees. Die suksesvolle implementering van oorbruggingskursusse vir ingenieurswese-studente behoort in groot mate tot beter gehalte gegradueerde te lei en bydrae te lewer tot die vraag na ingenieurswese-studente vir die nywerheidswêreld. Kontekstuele en konsepsuele beskouings ten opsigte van kurrikulumontwikkeling in die hoër onderwys in Suid-Afrika word deur generiese leeruitkomste bepaal. Hierdie uitkomste is op vlak 4 van die land se Nasionale Kwalifikasieraamwerk vasgepen. Dit het ook tot gevolg dat alle programme volgens amptelike Departement van Onderwys-dokumente aan deurlopende assessering onderwerp moet word, dat die gehalte van die kursus onderworpe is aan die gehalteversekeringskriteria van die vi Hoëronderwys se Gehaltekomitee (‘HEQC’) en dat dit moet voldoen aan die vereistes van die Ingenieursraad van Suid-Afrika. Teoretiese raamwerk is tydens die ontwerp- en metodiekstadium van die studie daargestel. Die doel van hierdie eerste fase van die studie was om te bepaal of diplomastudente wat die oorbruggingskursusse suksesvol voltooi het, akademies beter gepresteer het as daardie studente wat nie die oorbruggingskursus gevolg het nie. Die tweede studiefase het bepaal of die diplomastudente hul studies vir redes gestaak het wat moontlik nie met akademiese sukses verband hou nie. Die navorsing het van triangulasie gebruik gemaak, ten einde die doeltreffende gebruik van sowel kwantitatiewe as kwalitatiewe data te verhoog. Die resultate van die studie werp lig op en onderstreep die behoefte aan oorbruggingskursusse. Die navorsing beveel kurrikulumraamwerk aan vir die ontwerp van verbeterde oorbruggingskursusse in die ingenieurswese aan die Vaal Universiteit van Tegnologie.

The role of the further education training colleges in skills development in Mpumalanga Province as perceived by the local industries

Nkosi, Aaron Elly 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / In the Mpumalanga Province, the high rate of black African people aged 20 years or older who had no schooling, namely, 32% in 1996 and 30.1% in 2001, was a cause for concern. The unemployment rate in the province increased from 18.6% in 1996 to 26.3% in 2007. The unemployment rate for black Africans in particular increased from 20.3% in 1996 to 24.6% in 2001. The rural areas in the province are mainly populated by black Africans and since Mpumalanga is a rural province, the conclusion could be drawn that most of the people affected by these figures were found in the rural areas of the province. The Further Education and Training colleges (FET colleges) are the delivery arm of government in skills training programmes, which are primarily suited to the development of human resources in South Africa and especially in rural areas. A research project was carried out to investigate the role of the Further Education and Training colleges in the development of human resources in the rural areas of Mpumalanga Province. A questionnaire was administered to managers of industries, and another one to the managers of Further Education and Training colleges in the province. The results of the research project showed that Further Education and Training colleges did not make a significant contribution towards skills development of human resources in the targeted areas and that the existing offering of programmes were not addressing the critical needs of the people in these areas. Lack of funding contributed towards the limited involvement of the Further Education and Training colleges. It was shown that both Further Education and Training colleges and industries believed that through collaboration in a number of fields such as learnerships, sharing of resources, and planning together can improve their prospects for development. In interpreting the findings within the context of the literature review it was concluded that the role and involvement of Further Education and Training colleges in the rural areas should be directed by the genuine development needs of people in these areas. The identification of training and development needs is critical towards a successful intervention for the development of human resources in rural areas. Furthermore, the training providers targeting rural areas should be informed by both theoretical and practical considerations towards the provision of training intervention programmes. The research presented a number of recommendations, some of the most important being that Further Education and Training colleges be transformed, that there should be collaboration between Further Education and Training colleges and the private sector, that advocacy of the Further Education and Training colleges should take place, that the approaches to planning and development of skills training programmes should be meaningful, that training needs be identified and that funding should be made available for rural development projects.

Acquiring academic literacy : a case of first-year extended degree programme students at Stellenbosch University

Van Schalkwyk, Susan C. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / In this study the experiences of a group of first-year Extended Degree Programme (EDP) students were explored in order to obtain insight into their acquisition of academic literacy. The study was undertaken against the backdrop of a higher education sector that is facing an increasing influx of first-year students on the one hand, and poor retention rates on the other. In South Africa, where the opening up of access to higher education for all citizens has become a political imperative, the need to address the undesirable dropout rate is self-evident. Students’ poor performance at university is often linked to their under-preparedness for higher education studies, and an important aspect of such under-preparedness is their academic literacy. In this context academic literacy is seen as knowing how to speak and act within a particular discourse, and the reading and writing that occur within the discipline as tools through which to facilitate learning. While some students acquire academic literacy by virtue of their participation in the discourse community of the relevant discipline, this is not always so for students who are less prepared for higher education studies. In response to the disconcerting retention rates, higher education institutions have implemented academic support programmes to address the needs of students who enter university with poor school results. One such intervention at Stellenbosch University is the Extended Degree Programme in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, which makes provision for students to extend their first academic year over two years. Since 2006 EDP students have also been required to register for an academic literacy module and it is this group that comprises the focus of this study. Using a case study design, this qualitative, interpretive inquiry was characterized by multiple data collection methods. In this way qualitative data that pointed to the perceptions of the students and some of the lecturers who taught the EDP classes were generated via semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews, observation and content analysis. In addition, descriptive quantitative data was collected and this further contributed to generating the rich, in-depth data that characterize case study research. The analysis of the data was undertaken according to a three-tiered approach, in which the results of the empirical inquiry were first analysed per data source and then themes and trends across all the data sources were identified. Ultimately, these findings were interpreted according to an explanatory framework. The study highlights a number of important issues, key of which is that providing an academic literacy module for under-prepared students can facilitate the acquisition of academic literacy, particularly when such provision seeks to support the different discipline-based mainstream modules. Another important finding of the study emphasizes the extent to which institutional factors, such as increased student numbers, have placed pressure on university infrastructure and human resources. The impact of this situation filters down to the first-year classroom and negatively influences student learning. Finally, the results of the study question prevailing notions about under-prepared students as all of the students in the study, irrespective of their backgrounds and levels of sophistication, attested to the significant challenges that entry into the academic community posed for them. The findings of this study, while specific to the context in which it was undertaken, contribute to the growing body of knowledge in the field of academic development within higher education and the role of academic literacy in student learning.

Organisational culture and external quality assurance

Naidoo, Dhanasagran 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisational culture and external quality assurance in higher education have both drawn significant attention to their promise of greater organisational effectiveness and efficiency and enhanced, improved higher education respectively. In recent years, these constructs have been linked by an assumption that an organisational culture that is amenable to change would be more receptive to the introduction of formal external quality‐assurance structures, systems and instruments, as these are aimed at effective and efficient higher education practices, processes and outcomes. However, this assumption has not been sufficiently tested given that there are significant philosophical, conceptual and methodological controversies and contestations surrounding both constructs. While the organisational culture literature has been littered with a proliferation of paradigms and, albeit, fragmented theories, there has been a paucity of theory building in the corresponding literature on quality in higher education in general and on the impact of external quality assurance on institutions specifically. A qualitative case study was conducted at a newly merged university of technology to investigate two taken‐for‐granted assumptions: first, that organisational cultures are homogenous, unitary and centred around shared values and could therefore easily be manipulated (usually from the top by management), and second, that the introduction of external quality assurance is an unproblematic technology that will be accepted without question by higher education institutions as it was premised upon the laudable aim of improving the quality of those institutions. A conceptual four‐perspective framework was developed to critically evaluate the literature and provide the basis for the threedimensional model used in analysing the findings. The research generated several key conclusions that appear to challenge commonly held and articulated positions with regard to organisational culture and external quality assurance. First, organisational culture should be considered as being more ephemeral than concrete, multidimensional than singular, characterised simultaneously by conflict, consensus and indifference and in a constant state of flux. Second, external quality assurance is not necessarily a value‐free and neutral exercise aimed at improving the quality of teaching and learning, as promised in its early conceptualisation and implementation. Third, multiple cultures may exist simultaneously, interact with and influence each other constantly and of course determine interactions within the organisation and the nature of engagement with externally originated initiatives. Fourth, external quality assurance has purposes that go beyond its often morally just and public‐good motives as it tacitly and overtly acts as an agent of control, empowerment and transformation and simultaneously as an agent of the state, though not necessarily to the same extent. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisatoriese kultuur en eksterne gehalteversekering in hoër onderwys het albei die aandag in groot mate gevestig op hulle belofte van groter organisatoriese doeltreffendheid en doelmatigheid en gevorderde, verbeterde hoër onderwys onderskeidelik. In die afgelope paar jaar is hierdie konstrukte byeengebring deur ʼn veronderstelling dat ʼn organisatoriese kultuur wat vatbaar is vir verandering, meer ontvanklik sal wees vir die invoer van formele eksterne strukture, stelsels en instrumente vir gehalteversekering, aangesien dit op doeltreffende en doelmatige praktyke, prosesse en uitkomste vir en van hoër onderwys gerig is. Hierdie aanname is egter nie voldoende getoets nie gegee die feit dat daar aansienlike filosofiese, konseptuele en metodologiese strydvrae en twispunte ten opsigte van albei konstrukte bestaan. Terwyl literatuur oor organisatoriese kultuur deur ʼn magdom paradigmas en weliswaar gefragmenteerde teorieë oorweldig is, was teoriebou in die ooreenstemmende literatuur oor gehalte in hoër onderwys in die algemeen en oor die impak van eksterne gehalteversekering op instellings in die besonder redelik skaars. ʼn Kwalitatiewe gevallestudie is onderneem by ʼn universiteit van tegnologie wat onlangs saamgesmelt het om twee aannames wat as vanselfsprekend aanvaar is, te ondersoek: eerstens, dat organisatoriese kulture homogeen, unitêr en óm gedeelde waardes gesentreer is en dat dit dus maklik gemanipuleer kan word (gewoonlik van bo af deur die bestuur), en tweedens, dat die invoer van eksterne gehalteversekering ʼn onproblematiese tegnologie is wat sonder teenspraak deur hoëronderwysinstellings aanvaar sal word, aangesien dit op die prysenswaardige oogmerk van verbetering van die gehalte van daardie instellings gegrond is. ʼn Konseptuele raamwerk bestaande uit vier perspektiewe is ontwikkel vir die kritiese evaluering van die literatuur en dit verskaf die grondslag vir die driedimensionele model wat vir die analise van die bevindings gebruik is. Die navorsing het verskeie belangrike gevolgtrekkings na vore laat kom wat algemeen geldende en duidelik bepaalde posisies ten opsigte van organisatoriese kultuur en eksterne gehalteversekering blyk uit te daag. Eerstens moet organisatoriese kultuur beskou word as efemeries eerder as konkreet, multidimensioneel eerder as enkelvoudig, terwyl dit gelyktydig deur konflik, konsensus en onverskilligheid gekenmerk word en in ʼn gedurige toestand van wisseling verkeer. Tweedens is eksterne gehalteversekering nie noodwendig, soos in die vroeë konseptualisering en implementering belowe, ʼn waardevrye en neutrale oefening gemik op verbetering van die gehalte van onderrig en leer nie. Derdens kan veelvuldige kulture gelyktydig bestaan, met mekaar in interaksie tree en mekaar voortdurend beïnvloed en natuurlik interaksies binne die organisasie en die aard van betrokkenheid by inisiatiewe wat ekstern ontstaan, bepaal. Vierdens het eksterne gehalteversekering oogmerke wat veel verder strek as die motiewe daarvan wat dikwels moreel geregverdig en vir die openbare beswil is aangesien dit stilswyend en op overte wyse optree as ʼn agent vir beheer, bemagtiging en transformasie en tegelyk as ʼn agent van die regering, alhoewel nie noodwendig tot dieselfde mate nie.

Development of a conceptual framework for the capacity enhancement of development workers in Botswana

Van der Merwe, Marietjie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Although Botswana is considered by some indices as an economically successful country, poverty is experienced by 30% of the population. This is considered a very high poverty rate especially when it is compared to other countries on a similar level of economic development. Several policies have been put in place by the Botswana government to relieve the consequences of poverty. One of these policies, the destitute policy, targeted those individuals who are disabled and/or unable to engage in sustainable economic activities, causing such individuals to have insufficient assets and income sources. It was found by the Botswana government that the implementation of the destitute policy aggravates dependency of the destitute on government support. As a result, development workers were expected to lead registered destitute to independence through the implementation of a destitute rehabilitation programme. However, literature suggested that approaches that are used by development workers to enable individuals to engage in sustainable economic activities are often detrimental to the very empowerment purposes that such workers set out to achieve. The objective of this research was therefore to develop a conceptual framework for capacity enhancement of development workers in Botswana. This objective was addressed through applying action research in order to gain in-depth understanding of the perspectives, practices and experiences of the key role players involved in destitute rehabilitation. This was done in one urban district, one semi-urban district and one rural district council in Botswana. This research took place in four phases, all of which were informed by the action research approach. The first phase comprised four cycles of action research. Each cycle encouraged reflection and observation on destitute rehabilitation practices and planning towards improved practices, followed by implementation. It became evident to the researcher that only singleloop learning was practiced by the development workers. Therefore, instead of gaining deeper insight into aspects that influence destitute rehabilitation, the same problems related to destitute rehabilitation practices were repeated by development workers. Reflection on this process created understanding by the researcher on why the expected results were not achieved. Based on this reflection, a literature review was carried out in iv Phase II to develop the final theoretical and methodological frameworks for this research. Phase III consisted of focus group discussions to understand the perspectives, practices and experiences of the different role players in destitute rehabilitation. The data produced in Phase III enabled understanding of how development workers’ capacity was influenced by the system within which they are operating. The results of this research showed that development workers saw themselves in the same state of powerlessness as the destitute and as not being able to influence the system within which they are operating. Phase IV comprised the application of the coding principles of grounded theory to make sense of data related to Phases I and III, followed by the application of critical systems heuristics to make further sense of the data. Based on the understanding that emerged through the application of CSH, a conceptual framework was developed for the capacity enhancement of development workers in Botswana. It became evident in this research that the challenge for the government of Botswana is to not only reduce the number of registered destitute, but to redesign the system within which destitute rehabilitation takes place, by using the conceptual framework developed in this research. The purpose of the conceptual framework is to enable policy-makers and development workers to scrutinise the whole system within which destitute rehabilitation is implemented by engaging the key role players in dialogue on adjustments that need to be made to the system to enhance development workers’ capacity in destitute rehabilitation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel Botswana, gemeet aan sekere maatstawe, as ’n ekonomies suksesvolle land beskou word, leef 30% van die bevolking tans in armoede. Dit kan as ’n buitensporig hoë graad van armoede beskou word, veral as dit vergelyk word met lande met ’n soortgelyke vlak van ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Verskeie beleide is deur die Botswana-regering in werking gestel om die gevolge van armoede te bekamp. Een van die beleide, die sogenaamde beleid vir behoeftige persone, is spesifiek gerig op individue met ’n tekort aan bates of inkomstebronne veroorsaak deur gestremdheid en/of ’n onvermoë om aan volhoubare ekonomiese aktiwiteite deel te neem. Die Botswana-regering het egter bevind dat die implementering van hierdie beleid behoeftiges se afhanklikheid van regeringshulp vererger. As gevolg hiervan word daar van ontwikkelingswerkers verwag om geregistreerde behoeftiges na onafhanklikheid te lei deur die implementering van ’n program vir die rehabilitasie van behoeftiges. Die bevindings uit beskikbare literatuur dui egter daarop dat die metodes wat deur ontwikkelingswerkers gebruik word om behoeftiges in staat te stel om aan volhoubare ekonomiese aktiwiteite deel te neem dikwels ’n negatiewe uitwerking ten opsigte van die beoogde bemagtigingsoogmerke het. Die doel van hierdie navorsing was dus die ontwikkeling van ’n konsepraamwerk vir kapasiteitbou vir ontwikkelingswerkers in Botswana. Die mikpunt is benader deur aksienavorsing toe te pas om ’n grondige begrip te verkry van die perspektiewe, praktyke en ondervindings van al die rolspelers betrokke by die rehabilitasie van behoeftiges. Die navorsing het volgens die aksienavorsingsbenadering in vier fases in een stedelike, een newe-stedelike en een landelike distriksraad in Botswana plaasgevind. Die eerste fase het vier siklusse van aksienavorsing behels. Elke siklus het reflektering en observasie met betrekking tot ontwikkelingswerkers se bestaande rehabilitasiepraktyke aangemoedig. Dit is gevolg deur beplanning vir verbeterde praktyke en implementering van die beplande aksie. Dit het vir die navorser duidelik geword dat slegs enkellus-leer deur ontwikkelingswerkers toegepas is. In stede daarvan om ’n dieper insig in die aspekte wat die rehabilitasie van behoeftiges beïnvloed te verkry, is dieselfde problematiese praktyke met die rehabilitasie van behoeftiges telkens deur die ontwikkelingswerkers herhaal. Nabetragting oor die proses het die navorser die redes laat verstaan hoekom die verwagte resultate nie behaal is nie. Gebaseer op hierdie nabetragting is ’n literatuurstudie tydens Fase II uitgevoer om die finale teoretiese raamwerk en metodologie raamwerk vir die navorsing te ontwikkel. Fase III het fokusgroep-besprekings ingesluit om die perspektiewe, praktyke en ondervindings van die verskillende rolspelers tydens die rehabilitasie van behoeftiges beter te verstaan. Die gegewens verkry gedurende Fase III het die navorser insig gegee in die wyse waarop ontwikkelingswerkers se kapasiteit beïnvloed word deur die stelsel waarbinne hulle werk. Die resultate van hierdie navorsing het getoon dat ontwikkelingswerkers hulself beskou as in dieselfde toestand van magteloosheid as die behoeftiges, en dat dit vir hulle onmoontlik is om die stelsel waarbinne hulle werksaam is te beïnvloed. Fase IV het begin met die toepassing van koderingsbeginsels van gegronde teorie ter opklaring van gegewens verkry tydens Fases I en III, gevolg deur die toepassing van kritieke stelsel-heuristiek, ’n stelsel-denke-benadering, om die gegewens van Fase I en III te integreer. Die insig wat verkry is deur die toepassing van kritieke stelsel heuristiek het bygedra tot die ontwikkeling van die konsepraamwerk vir die kapasiteitsbou van ontwikkelingswerkers in Botswana. Dit het uit hierdie navorsing geblyk dat die uitdaging vir die Botswana-regering nie net is om die aantal geregistreerde behoeftiges te verminder nie, maar om ook die huidige stelsel waaronder die rehabilitasie van behoeftiges plaasvind, te herontwikkel deur die konsepraamwerk wat in hierdie navorsing ontwerp is, te implementeer. Die doel van die konsepraamwerk is om beleidmakers en ontwikkelingswerkers in staat te stel om die rehabilitasiestelsel van behoeftiges te bestudeer deur al die rolspelers in dialoog te betrek sodat veranderinge aan die stelsel gemaak kan word vir kapasiteitsbou van die ontwikkelingswerkers.

HIV/AIDS education and the professional development of teachers : investigating the potential of an e-learning programme

Ferreira, Pieter 10 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus of my study was to investigate an existing professional development programme for HIV/AIDS education in schools using e-learning as a delivery method. I investigated aspects of pedagogy that provide efficient workplace training for educators, such as constructivist approaches to adult teaching and learning, assessment strategies, creating opportunities for communication and a focus on learners’ voices as crucial elements of in-service training. I reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning as a delivery method and discussed the trade-off between richness and reach in education. I focused on interpreting and making meaning from the experiences of the educators who participated in the e-learning pilot study. I scrutinised the participants’ electronically submitted journals in which they documented their experiences of the HIV/AIDS and Education module. My aim was to interpret their descriptions of how they experienced their growth as educators and to analyse their views on how the module enabled them to implement courses on HIV/AIDS across the curriculum. My research methodology was a combination of interpretative and critical research, focusing on interpreting and making meaning from the experiences of the individuals who took part in the study. To produce data I used a cyclical process where the participants performed key roles, giving regular feedback, recording their experiences and contributing to the upgrading of the programme. HIV/AIDS and its possible impact on education have changed the rules of many aspects of classroom learning programme development, including sex and sexuality education. The Department of Education alone can therefore not sustain quality HIV/AIDS education, and it is imperative that departmental efforts should be augmented by tapping into existing professional development programmes offered by higher education institutions. I also support the international tendency that integrates aspects of HIV/AIDS education into all the Learning Areas because HIV/AIDS affects all aspects of life. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van hierdie studie was om ’n bestaande professionele ontwikkelingsprogram, vir MIV/vigs-onderrig in skole te ondersoek. E-leer as ’n geskikte onderrigmetode het deel van hierdie ondersoek gevorm. Ek het verskeie pedagogiese aspekte ondersoek wat geskikte indiensopleiding vir opvoeders bied, onder andere konstruktivistiese benaderings tot volwasse onderrig-en-leer, assesseringstrategieë, die skep van kommunikasiegeleenthede asook ’n besinning oor die belangrikheid van deelnemers se opinies. Die voordele en nadele van e-leer as ’n geskikte onderrigmetode en die balans wat tussen reikwydte (“reach”) en volheid (“richness”) gehandhaaf moet word, is krities bespreek. Ek het die elektronies ingehandigde joernale, waarin deelnemers hulle ervarings van die HIV/AIDS and Education-module gedokumenteer het, bestudeer om hulle ervarings te ontleed en te vertolk. My doel was om hulle sienings oor hulle persoonlike groei as opvoeders en hoe die module hulle bemagtig het om MIV/vigs-onderrig in alle leerareas oor die kurrikulum heen te kan implimenteer, te dokumenteer. My navorsingsmetodologie was ’n kombinasie van interpretatiewe en kritiese metodologie en ek het gefokus op die interpretasie en meningvorming van die deelnemers na aanleiding van hulle ervarings. Om data te genereer (produce) het ek ’n sikliese proses gebruik waarin deelnemers sleutelrolle vervul het, soos om gereelde terugvoer te lewer, ervarings aan te teken en bydraes te lewer om die program te verbeter. MIV/vigs en die moontlike impak wat dit op onderwys en onderrig kan hê, het die reëls van leerprogramontwikkelling verander, met inbegrip van onderrig oor seks en seksualiteit. Die Nationale Departement van Onderwys (NDvO) kan nie alleen MIV/vigs-onderrig van gehalte verseker nie, dit is dus noodsaaklik dat die NDvO se pogings ondersteun moet word. Die NDvO behoort gebruik te maak van bestaande hoër opvoedkundige instansies se professionele ontwikkelingsprogramme. Ek ondersteun ook die internasionale tendens waar MIV/vigs-onderrig in alle leerareas geïnkorporeer word, aangesien MIV/vigs ’n impak op alle aspekte van die lewe het.

The development of a training model for peer learning facilitators in adolescent reproductive health in Zambia

Munalula-Nkandu, Esther 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Zambia is reported to have high levels of maternal morbidity and mortality due to low contraceptive prevalence rates, over 50% of births not being attended to by skilled persons, and teenage pregnancies. A number of organisations (stakeholders) have invested in the training of adolescent reproductive health peer educators with the aim of empowering them to be role models to their peers in reproductive health, but Zambia does not have a generic and locally developed training programme for peer educators. The purpose of this study was to develop a training programme that would produce competent and more effective peer educators for Zambia. The objectives were to determine the characteristics of the ideal peer educator. Further objectives were to ascertain the factors that contribute to or impair the development of the ideal peer educator, and to determine whether training programmes that were being used were producing ideal peer educators and enhancing healthy lifestyle behaviours. Key stakeholders participated in group interviews were they presented and critiqued their training programmes. Emerging out of this process was a draft training programme, developed by the stakeholders. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were held with adolescent peer educators from Lusaka, Kafue, Livingstone and Maheba refugee camp. Data were analysed by triangulating the outcomes of the group interviews (with the stakeholders) with the outcomes of the FGDs and reviewed literature. The FGDs highlighted the characteristics of an ideal peer educator as well as factors that contribute towards his/her competence development. Numerous factors were reported that had a negative impact on the development of an ideal peer educator. The peer educators reported that their training had had a positive effect on their lifestyle behaviours. While they had gained more knowledge on HIV and AIDS, they recommended more training on other health issues. The study found that at community level, peer educators were not being given adequate respect because the concept of voluntary work was not readily accepted and they were regarded as failures in life. Major demotivating factors were the lack of payment of incentives and the fact that peer educators were not certified. Peer educators did not receive sufficient support from programme managers/coordinators to enable them to become more effective at community level. Weaknesses in the way the training programmes were conducted were also discerned. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that more life skills’ development be promoted for peer educators. Training should be contextualised for the communities in which the peer educators work. The developed training programme, which should be used as a guide, should be repackaged to suit the profiles (e.g. values) of the different communities. Adolescents and various social sectors (inclusive of indicated stakeholders) ought to be involved in diagnosing community needs so as to influence both peers and communities in a way that would promote adolescent reproductive health. This study also recommends a more informal way of practising peer education, which would produce trainees who would be peer educators and role models in any given setting. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Na berig word is die hoë siekte- en sterftesyfers onder moeders in Zambië daaraan te wyte dat voorbehoedmiddels nie algemeen gebruik word nie, dat meer as 50% van geboortes plaasvind sonder die bystand van bekwame persone, en dat daar ‘n hoë voorkoms van tienerswangerskappe is. ‘n Aantal organisasies (belanghebbers) het in die opleiding van adolessent- portuurgroep-opvoeders in reproduktiewe gesondheid belê ten einde hierdie portuurgroep-opvoeders te bemagtig om as rolmodelle in reproduktiewe gesondheid op te tree. Zambië het egter nie ‘n eie generiese, plaaslik-ontwikkelde opleidingsprogram vir portuurgroep-opvoeders nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om ‘n opleidingsmodel en opleidingsprogram te ontwikkel wat bekwame en meer effektiewe portuurgroep-opvoeders vir Zambië sou kon oplewer. Die doelstellings was om die kenmerke van ‘n ideale portuurgroep-opvoeder te bepaal en om die faktore te identifiseer wat óf tot die ontwikkeling van ‘n ideale portuurgroep-opvoeder bydra óf sy/haar ontwikkeling strem. Daar moes ook vasgestel word of bestaande opleidingsprogramme ideale portuurgroep-opvoeders oplewer en gevolglik gesonde leefstylgedrag bevorder. Die navorser het groeponderhoude gebruik en betekenisvolle belanghebbers genooi om hulle opleidingsprogramme aan te bied, te beoordeel en krities te bespreek. ‘n Konsepopleidingsprogram wat deur die belanghebbers ontwikkel is, het uit hierdie proses ontstaan. Fokusgroepbesprekings (Engels: Focus Group Discussions of FGDs) is met adolessente portuurgroep-opvoeders van Lusaka, Kafue, Livingstone en die Maheba-vlugtelingekamp gehou. Data is ontleed deur die uitkomste van die groeponderhoude (met die deelhebbers) met die uitkomste van die fokusgroepbesprekings en die bespreekte literatuur te trianguleer. Die fokusgroepbesprekings het die soeklig op die kenmerke van die ideale portuurgroepopvoeder asook op die faktore wat tot sy/haar bekwaamheidsontwikkeling bydra, laat val. Talle faktore wat ‘n negatiewe uitwerking op die ontwikkeling van ‘n ideale portuurgroep-opvoeder het, is ook vasgestel. Die portuurgroep-opvoeders het bevestig dat hul opleiding ‘n positiewe invloed op hul lewenstylgedrag gehad het. Terwyl hulle genoem het dat hulle meer kennis oor MIV en VIGS opgedoen het, het hulle aanbeveel dat daar ook meer klem op ander gesondheidskwessies behoort te wees. In hierdie studie is daar bevind dat portuurgroepopvoeders op gemeenskapsvlak nie met voldoende respek behandel word nie. Die begrip van vrywillige werk word nie geredelik aanvaar nie, en die opvoeders word as mislukkings beskou. Faktore wat besonder ontmoedigend inwerk is die gebrek aan ‘n aansporingsloon en die feit dat portuurgroep-opvoeders nie sertifikate ontvang nie. Portuurgroep-opvoeders het ook nie voldoende ondersteuning van programbestuurders/- koördineerders ontvang om hulle in staat te stel om meer effektief op gemeenskapsvlak op te tree nie. Daar is voorts swakhede opgemerk in die wyse waarop die opleidingsprogramme uitgevoer is. Gegrond op die bevindinge van hierdie studie, word daar aanbeveel dat die ontwikkeling van lewensvaardighede tot ‘n groter mate bevorder word. Opleiding behoort gekontekstualiseer te word vir die gemeenskappe waarbinne die opvoeders werk. Die bestaande opleidingsprogram, wat as ‘n riglyn gebruik behoort te word, behoort herstruktureer te word om by die profiele (bv. die waardes) van die verskillende gemeenskappe in te pas. Adolessente en verskillende sosiale sektore (insluitend die aangeduide belanghebbers) behoort betrokke te wees by die bepaling van die gemeenskap se behoeftes ten einde beide portuurgroepe en gemeenskappe so te beïnvloed dat adolessente- reproduktiewe gesondheid bevoordeel sal word. Hierdie studie beveel ook aan dat portuurgroep-opvoeding op ‘n informeler grondslag beoefen behoort te word sodat die kwekelinge uiteindelik in enige gegewe omgewing suksesvolle portuurgroepopvoeders en rolmodelle sal kan wees.

The process of lesson study as a strategy for the development of teaching in primary schools : a case study in the Western Cape Province, South Africa

Coe, Karen Lee 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this qualitative research study was to determine the value that a group of teachers in South Africa would place on the process of lesson study as a model for their own learning and instructional improvement. A qualitative case study approach through an action research design was the methodology employed for this research. Participants in this 18-month study experienced three complete cycles and a fourth partially completed cycle of lesson study. The setting in South Africa offers a unique perspective to research on lesson study. Lesson study has been the primary method of professional teacher development in Japan for more than 50 years. It is also realizing some success in school districts across the USA. The recent educational reforms in South Africa have something in common with each of these countries. Like Japan, South Africa has adopted a national curriculum. The common link with the USA is that both countries have recently experienced educational reform at the national government level. The findings from this research include a discussion of the elements contained in lesson study that may be beneficial to incorporate into continuing professional teacher development programs, an analysis of the sustainability of lesson study, and an exploration of the connection between the model of lesson study and the design of action research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie kwalitatiewe navorsingstudie was om die waarde wat ʼn groep onderwysers in Suid-Afrika op die proses van lesstudie as ʼn model vir hulle eie leer- en onderrigverbetering sou plaas, te bepaal. ʼn Kwalitatiewe gevallestudie-benadering met behulp van ʼn aksienavorsingontwerp was die metodologie wat tydens hierdie navorsing aangewend is. Deelnemers aan hierdie studie wat oor 18 maande gestrek het, het drie volledige siklusse en ʼn vierde gedeeltelike siklus van lesstudie onderneem. Die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks bied ʼn unieke perspektief op navorsing oor lesstudie. Lesstudie was vir meer as 50 jaar die primêre metode van professionele onderwyserontwikkeling in Japan. Dit behaal ook ’n mate van sukses in skooldistrikte oor die VSA heen. Die onlangse onderwyshervormings in Suid-Afrika het iets gemeen met elk van hierdie lande. Soos Japan, het Suid-Afrika ʼn nasionale kurrikulum in gebruik geneem. Die skakel met die VSA is dat albei lande onlangs onderwyshervorming op nasionale regeringsvlak ondergaan het. Die bevindinge van hierdie navorsing sluit ʼn bespreking van die elemente vervat in lesstudie in wat inkorporering in programme vir voortgesette professionele onderwyserontwikkeling tot voordeel kan strek, ʼn ontleding van die volhoubaarheid van lesstudie, en ʼn verkenning van die verband tussen die lesstudie-model en die ontwerp van aksienavorsing.

A framework for the evaluation of an international graduate economic development program for nongovernmental organization leaders

Ridington, Morgan Thomas Jr. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: While nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have existed for several hundred years, their recent surge was largely fueled by several key factors. Firstly, government corruption caused donor agencies to see NGOs as safer investments for their aid portfolios. Secondly, the end of the Cold War fostered growth in development in former Soviet satellite nations. Thirdly, the United Nation‘s (UN) establishment of the Millennium Development Goals galvanized the globe to address indicators critical to combating extreme poverty. Vast amounts of charitable capital combined with donors‘ increasing expectations of performance to spark serious interest in the topics of NGO efficiency, accountability and effectiveness. These topics are foundational to NGO mission accomplishment and have contributed to a global expansion of academic programs in NGO management. The examination of a forerunner of NGO management education helped address the void of scholarship concerning NGO-related academic program effectiveness. The economic development program at Eastern University (US) was created in 1984 as one of the world‘s first MBA programs designed to train entrepreneurs for service to distressed communities. The program quickly grew to over one hundred students and then foundered due to frequent personnel transition, curricular change, mission drift and a lack of investment in relational marketing and outreach. This prompted an administrative intervention in 2002. In 2007, five years into the economic development program‘s reinvention process, a qualitative evaluation determined whether all the essential elements of the program were in place and operating in accordance with the plans put forth in 2002. The knowledge generated by this research will strengthen institutions that serve NGOs and extend the abilities of NGO leaders to fulfill their missions. The following specific aims were established and achieved. Firstly, an analysis of the factors contributing to the management challenges facing the leaders of international NGOs was presented. Secondly, a qualitative evaluation of an international graduate economic development program for NGO leaders using archival analysis verified through iv interviews and focus groups assessed the effectiveness of the 2002 intervention in achieving planned objectives. Thirdly, the research also generated conclusions and recommendations on theoretical, practical and policy-related issues, particularly regarding matters of academic program leadership, curricular development, planning, evaluation, marketing and the distinctive requirements of international programs containing distance delivery components. Fourthly, the research enriched the scholarly conversation in the NGO and academic communities in substantive ways, including two presentations at international conferences and publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Theoretical, practical and policy conclusions were generated as research outcomes and included a theoretical framework for the implementation and evaluation of an international graduate economic development MBA for NGO leaders. The conclusions generated four recommendations for the host institution and others with similar missions and aspirations. The recommendations stated that these kinds of programs should: commit to the discipline of multi-year planning and evaluation, appoint well-qualified faculty to lead them, implement and resource relationship-based marketing plans that engage program alumni, and excel at delivering cross-cultural, highly accessible learning / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nieregeringsorganisasies (NRO‘s) bestaan al vir baie honderde jare. In die onlangse verlede is die belangrikheid en groei daarvan deur verskeie faktore aangevuur. Ten eerste het skenkerorganisasies nieregeringsorganisasies toenemend begin beskou as veiliger beleggers vir hulle hulpfondse as die toenemende korrupsie van regerings. Tweedens het die einde van die Koue Oorlog die groei en ontwikkeling van vorige Sowjet- satellietstate gestimuleer. Derdens het die Verenigde Volkeorganisasie (VVO) met die daarstelling van die milleniumontwikkelingsdoelstellings die wêreld saamgesnoer in hulle pogings om armoede te beveg. Groot bedrae welsynskapitaal en die daarmee gepaardgaande hoër prestasieverwagtinge van skenkers het daartoe bygedra dat daar groter belangstelling was in die effektiwiteit, doeltreffendheid en toerekenbaarheid van nieregeringsorganisasies. Laasgenoemde drie temas is fundamenteel tot die uitlewing van nieregeringsorganisasies se missies en dit het daartoe bygedra dat daar ‘n wêreldwye toename in akademiese programme oor die leierskap en bestuur van nieregeringsorganisasies was. Navorsing oor een van die pioniers op die gebied van leierskap en bestuursopleiding vir nie-regeringsorganisasies het daartoe bygedra om hierdie leemte in die akademieskap van nie-regeringsorganisasies se programeffektiwiteit te oorbrug. Die ekonomiese ontwikkelings-program aan die Eastern University in die VSA is in 1984 as een van die wêreld se eerste MBA-programme wat ontwerp is om entrepreneurs vir dienslewering aan benadeelde gemeenskappe op te lei, in die lewe geroep. Die program was baie gewild en het vinnig gegroei en gou was daar meer as ‘n honderd ingeskrewe studente. As gevolg van verskeie faktore, waaronder gereelde personeel- en leierskapwisseling, kurrikulumwysigings, missieverskuiwing (mission drift) en onvoldoende investering in bemarking en uitreikprogramme, het die program se gewildheid afgeneem. Hierdie afname in die gewildheid van die program het inmenging/intervensie deur die universiteitsbestuur in 2002 genoodsaak. In 2007,vyf jaar nadat die universiteitsbestuur die intervensie geïnisieer het, is deur middel van ‘n kwalitatiewe evaluering vasgestel of al die noodsaaklike elemente van die program toegepas is volgens die intervensieprogram wat in 2002 geïnisieer is. Die kennis wat deur hierdie navorsing gegenereer is, sal vi universiteite en instellings wat nieregeringsorganisasies ondersteun, versterk en die leiers van nieregeringsorganisasies in staat stel om hulle missies uit te leef. Verskeie doelstellings is met die navorsing nagestreef en bereik. Eerstens is die faktore wat bydra tot die uitdagings vir die leierskap van internasionale nieregeringsorganisasies geanaliseer en aangebied. Tweedens is ‘n kwalitatiewe evaluering van ‘n internasionale nagraadse ekonomiese ontwikkelingsprogram uitgevoer. Argivale materiaal is geanaliseer en, gerugsteun deur inligting wat verkry is uit onderhoude en fokusgroepe, is die effektiwiteit van die 2002-intervensie bepaal. Derdens is teoretiese, praktiese en beleidsgevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings gegenereer. Hierdie gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings is veral toegespits op leierskap vir akademiese programme, kurrikulumontwikkeling, beplanning, evaluering, bemarking en die eiesoortige eise wat afstandsonderrigprogramme stel. Vierdens het die navorsing die akademiese gesprek en die akademiese en nieregeringsorganisasies op verskeie betekenisvolle maniere verryk. Onder andere is twee aanbiedinge by internasionale konferensies gedoen en is ‘n artikel in ‘n eweknie-beoordeelde tydskrif gepubliseer. Teoretiese, praktiese en beleidsgevolgtrekkings is daargestel en dit sluit onder andere ‘n teoretiese raamwerk vir die implementering en evaluering van ‘n internasionale MBA- nagraadse ekonomiese ontwikkelingsprogram vir leiers van nieregeringsorganisasies in. Die gevolgtrekkings het gelei tot vier aanbevelings vir die gasheerinstelling en ander instellings met soortgelyke missies en aspirasies. Die aanbevelings sluit onder andere in dat instellings wat soortgelyke programme aanbied, hulle moet verbind tot multijaarbeplanning en -evaluering, dat hulle bekwame akademici as leiers moet aanstel, dat hulle brongebaseerde bemarkingsplanne moet implementeer en dat hulle akademiese personeel moet aanstel wat besonder goed toegerus is in die aanbieding van kruiskulturele toeganklike leerprogramme.

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