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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The teaching of English in grade 8 in an OBE approach

Hansen, Jorgen Kristian 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Towards the close of the last century, a new curriculum was introduced in South Africa: Curriculum 2005. This outcomes-based curriculum (OBE) was a radical break with previous education policy: it aimed at eliminating discrimination and encouraging independent learning. This new curriculum, however, left teachers uncertain and confused largely because the in-service training provided did not provide clear direction. This study first describes the attempt by an English teacher to explore the theoretical base of the new curriculum; it then attempts to ascertain whether the teaching of English would have to change as a result of the OBE Curriculum 2005 and whether material selected in the initial phase of Curriculum 2005 would meet the needs of the learners. The survey of the literature on language teaching pays particular attention to communicative language teaching (CLT) with its emphasis on using the language for relevant, real-life communicative acts. In addition, it investigates the origins and nature of outcomes-based education to determine whether CLT and OBE combined are suitable vehicles for effective language teaching. The literature survey also suggests a disjunction between the South African version of OBE and CLT. The strong emphasis on achieving certain predetermined outcomes in South African OBE, with the underlying assumption that learning is linear, runs counter to the CLT view that language learning cannot be controlled. The survey of the literature on CLT and OBE also reveals the need for relevant, interesting material that promotes purposeful communication, encouraging learners to invest in developing their language skills. CLT requires learner engagement in real communication and OBE promotes independent learning and learner responsibility. In the light of the demands made by continuous evaluation and other record keeping, it is unrealistic to expect teachers to design or even adapt material for classroom use. The semi-empirical part of this study attempts to test the appropriacy of the material and its effect on teaching and learning. A qualitative case study traces classroom events in two grade 8 classes over a period of five weeks using a module taken from the material which was in use at the time at a particular school. This material was specifically acquired by the school with a view to meeting the requirements of the OBE curriculum. Learners in the classes were taught by two different teachers, who recorded their observations, in accordance with a basic observation schedule, during this time. Additional data were produced in two sets of questionnaires. The learners who did the module were asked to indicate their perceptions of language teaching in the previous year as well as during the five weeks when the module was , and a selected group of teachers at local schools completed a questionnaire on their perceptions of the new curriculum. The responses to the questionnaires are analysed in relation to the literature survey and the conclusions reached by the two teachers involved. This study reveals that the custom-designed OBE material is not much different from that in traditional language textbooks. It also highlights the difficulties associated with finding language learning material which reflects the dynamics of real-life communication and is hospitable to using the insights of current language acquisition theory, while at the same time meeting the requirements of a South African OBE approach. In reflecting on what is needed in effective curricular change, this dissertation reveals the importance of involving practising teachers in developing a new curriculum and providing them with the necessary professional development opportunities. In that context, carefully designed and selected learning material is likely to contribute significantly to successful change. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Teen die einde van die vorige eeu is ‘n nuwe kurrikulum, Kurrikulum 2005, ingefaseer in Suid- Afrika. Uitkoms-gebasseerde kurrikulum (UGO), wat ‘n radikale nuwe benadering tot onderrig in hierdie land ingelui het, was daarop gemik om diskriminasie uit te skakel en om onafhanklike leer te vevorder Hierdie nuwe kurrikulum het onderwysers onseker en verward laat vole omdat die indiensopleiding nie duidelik rigtinggewend was nie. Hierdie study beskryf die poging van ‘n Engels-onderwyser om die teoretiese basis van die nuwe kurriculum te peil en dan om vas te stel of die onderrig van Engels sou moes verander as gevolg van UGO/ Kurrikulum 2005 en of die materiaal wat in die aanvangsfase van Kurrikulum 2005 geselekteer is in die behoeftes van die leerders sou voldoen. Die oorsig van die literatuur rakende taalonderrig gee besondere aandag aan kommunikatiewe taalonderrig (KTO), met sy klem op die gebruik van taal vir relevante, lewensgetroue kommunikasie. Verder ondersoek dit die oorsprong en aard van UGO om te bepaal of KTO en UGO gekombineerd voorsiening kan maak vir effektiewe taalonderrig. Dit suggereer dat die Suid- Afrikaanse weergawe van UGO en KTO nie heeltemal met mekaar versoen kan word nie. Die sterk klem op die bereiking van sekere voorafbepaalde uitkomste in Suid-Afrikaanse UGO, met die onderliggende aanname dat leer liniêr is, is teenstrydig met KTO se siening dat taalleer nie beheer kan word nie. Die literatuuroorsig van KTO en UGO openbaar die belangrikheid van relevante, interessante materiaal wat doelgerigte kommunikasie bevorder en leerders aanmoedig om te belê in hul taal vaardighede. KTO vereis dat die leerders deelneem aan werklike kommunikasie en UGO beklemtoon onderwyserfasilitering en leerderverantwoordelikheid. In die lig van die eise wat deurlopende evaluering en ander rekordhouding stel, is dit onrealisties om te verwag dat dat onderwysers materiaal moet ontwerp of selfs aanpas vir klaskamergebruik. Die semi-empiriese deel van hierdie studie poog om die geskiktheid van die materiaal en die effek daarvan op onderrig en leer te ondersoek. ‘n Kwalitatiewe studie vertel wat in twee Gr. 8 klaskamers gebeur het oor ‘n periode van vyf weke toe ‘n module, geneem uit die materiaal wat in gebruik was in ten tyde van die ondersoek, in die klaskamer geïmplementeer is. Die materiaal is spesifiek aangeskaf deur die skool met die oog daarop om die vereistes van die UGO kurrikulum na te kom. Die leerders is onderrig deur twee verskillende onderwysers wat hul waarneemings neersgeskryf het volgens ‘n basiese waarnemingskedule. Addisionele data is verkry met twee stelle vraelyste. Die leerders wat die module meegemaak het, is gevra vir hul persepsies rakende taalonderrig die vorige jaar sowel as gedurende die vyf weke toe die module gebruik is, en’n geselekteerde groep onderwysers aan plaaslike skole het ‘n vraesly voltooi oor hul persepsies van die nuwe kurrikulum. Die response op die vraelyste is ontleed met verwysing na die literatuurstudie en die gevolgtrekkings van die twee onderwysers wat betrokke was . Hierdie studie onthul dat die spesiaal ontwerpte UGO materiaal nie baie verskil van dit wat in tradisionele taalhandboeke te vinde was nie. Verder beklemtoon dit die probleme wat ondervind word met die vind van geskikte taalleermateriaal wat die dinamika van werklike kommunikasie reflekteer en die insigte van die huidige linguistiese teorie aangaande taalaanleer akkommodeer, terwyl dit die vereistes van ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse UGO benadering probeer bereik. Waanner daar gereflekteer word oor wat nodig is vir effektiewe kurrikulêre verandering, openbaar hierdie dissertasie die belangrikheid daarvan om diensdoensde onderwysers te betrek in die ontwikkeling van ‘n nuwe kurrikulum en om hulle toe te rus met die nodige professionele ontwikkelingsgeleenthede. In daardie konteks is dit waarskynlik dat sorgvuldig ontwerpte en geselekteerde leermateriaal aansienlik sal bydra tot suksesvolle verandering.

Arts and culture teachers' experiences of and responses to curriculum change

Lombard, Jeffrey J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The provision of quality education for all South African learners has been an issue of central concern since the advent of the democratic dispensation in 1994. One initiative since 1998 was the implementation of a new curriculum for South African public schools, C2005 as it was then called. This curriculum was later revised and streamlined as the NCS. There was a mixed reception to this new curriculum. Some perceived it as a progressive initiative by the Ministry of Education, while others argued that it was ambitious and that it undermined the conditions and context of South African schools. Essentially the curriculum policy implementation was intended to change the entire system and introduce new ways of doing in all sectors of education. This links strongly to processes of systemic change and that is the considered policy backdrop to this research. In this study I work from an interpretive perspective and draw on the cognitive sense-making framework to develop in-depth, understanding of teachers’ roles as interpreters and enactors of education policy change in South Africa related to the implementation of the NCS. More specifically, the study examines the ways in which six Arts and Culture school teachers in six diverse South African educational contexts experienced and responded to the implementation of the NCS. Data from the study indicates that teachers found it difficult to adjust to the more complex and demanding teaching methodologies, which took up a great deal of time and required very different roles in the classrooms. Data from the study also suggests that the way teachers come to understand and enact policy or reform initiatives is influenced by their prior knowledge, the social context within which they work, and the nature of their connections to the policy or reform message. The study further suggests that teachers adapt a curriculum rather than adopt it as it is, and that their prior understandings and beliefs about knowledge, beliefs and experiences combined with their contexts in which they work frame their classroom practices explaining why policy is not enacted as intended. Conceptualising the problem of policy implementation in this way focuses attention on how implementing agents construct the meaning of a policy message and their own behaviour, and how this process leads, or does not lead, to a change in how they view their own practice, potentially leading to changes in both understanding and behaviour. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die voorsiening van kwaliteit-opvoeding vir alle Suid-Afrikaanse leerders was ʼnsentrale besorgdheid na die totstandkoming van die nuwe demoktratiese bestel in 1994. ʼnInisiatief was die implementering van ʼn nuwe kurrikulum vir Suid-Afrikaanse openbare skole sedert 1998, die C2005 of NKV soos dit tans bekend staan. Die instelling van hierdie kurrikulum was op verskeie maniere ontvang. Sommige het dit as ’n progressiewe inisiatief van die Ministerie van Onderwys beskou, terwyl ander verskillende perspektiewe het en geargumenteer het dat dit ambisieus is en die toestande en konteks van SA skole ondermyn. Vir onderwysers was die resultaat na die oorgang van meer komplekse en veeleiesende onderrigmetdologie moeilik, omdat dit baie tyd geverg het en swaar gerus het om hulle rolle in die klaskamer te verklaar. Wat belangrik was, is dat die doel van hierdie kurrikulum beleidsveranderinge daarop gemik was om die totale skolestelsel te transformeer tot ’n vernuwende manier van hoe dinge in alle sektore van die onderwysstelse egter behoort gedoen te word. Dit sluit sterk aan by prosesse van sistemiese veranderinge en hierdie is die oorwegende beleidsagtergrond van hierdie navorsing. Die doel van die studie was om maniere te ondersoek hoe ses Kuns en Kultuur onderwysers in verskillende onderwyskontekste die NKV ervaar en hoe hulle daarop reageer, veral in die Kuns en Kultuur leerarea omgewing. Die studie was meer spesifiek daarop gemik om te eksamineer hoe onderwysers die KK leer-area in die klaskamer aanneem, aanpas en implementeer. Die studie openbaar, deur die kognitiewe raamwerk te gebruik, dat die wyse waarop onderwysers die beleid of hervormings-inisiatiewe verstaan en begryp, beïnvloed word deur hulle bestaande kennis, die konteks waarin hulle werk en die aard van hulle verbintenis tot die beleid of hervormings boodskap. Die studie suggereer verder dat onderwysers ’n kurrikulum aanneem soos wat dit is en dat hulle bestaande begrippe en opvattings in verband met kennis en opvattings en ervaringe gekombineer word met die kontekste waarin hulle werk en dat dit hulle klaskamer praktyke vorm en hierdeur word verduidelik waarom beleid nie kan plaasvind soos wat dit beplan is nie.

Coaching foundation phase literacy teachers as leaders in a school in the Western Cape Province : a professional development strategy

Rutgers, Linda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African education system needs literacy teachers with the capacity to lead innovative and appropriate literacy instruction in schools. Schools can benefit from suitable continuous professional development strategies that have the potential to build the leadership capacity of literacy teachers to sustain literacy improvement efforts. Coaching has proven to be an effective development strategy in the business sector and in the field of sport. However, the field of coaching in the educational context is under-explored in research in South Africa. Coaching is a situated practice, which is aimed at the learning and development of individuals within a specific context. Coaching is an on-going professional development strategy for teachers and leaders as opposed to traditional one-shot professional development activities such as workshops or training sessions. There is a need for evidence-based research on alternative professional development strategies, such as coaching. In this research study the researcher argued that coaching has the potential to provide a more effective and sustainable capacity-building strategy for the continuous professional development of teacher leaders. It argued further that the recognition of their own capacity as teacher leaders can empower teachers to take ownership of decision-making for on-going literacy improvement in schools. The specific context for coaching in this study was the professional development of literacy teachers as leaders for the improvement of literacy teaching and learning. In the absence of a suitable coaching model, the Integrated Capacity Coaching model and a coaching programme were purposefully designed by the researcher for the development of literacy teachers as leaders in this study. Cognitive coaching, peer coaching and coaching circles were incorporated as coaching methods in the coaching programme. This study was designed to determine what can be learnt from using coaching as a professional development strategy within the formal structures of the school and its current constraints. Findings from the data indicated a number of positive learning insights about coaching as a continuous professional development strategy to build internal leadership capacity for literacy improvement in schools. This study is significant because the outcome of the study extended the existing body of knowledge and evidence-based research on coaching in the educational context. The implementation of these findings could lead to improvements in the nature and characteristics of future continuous professional development of literacy teachers as leaders to sustain literacy improvement in schools. The proposed model shows potential as a capacity-building coaching model for the education sector, but further research is needed to determine the impact of this coaching model and the coaching approach in different school contexts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwyssisteem benodig geletterdheidsonderwysers met die kapasiteit om leiding te gee ten opsigte van innoverende en toepaslike geletterdheidsonderrig in skole. Skole kan voordeel trek uit toepaslike voortgesette professionele ontwikkelingstrategieë wat die potensiaal toon om leierskapkapasiteit in onderwysers te bou met die doel om die verbetering van geletterdheid te volhou. Dit is bewys dat afrigting ’n effektiewe ontwikkelingstrategie in die besigheidsektor en op sportgebied is. Navorsing in die veld van afrigting in die onderwyssektor is egter onderverken. Afrigting is ’n gesitueerde praktyk wat gerig is op die leer en ontwikkeling van indiwidue in ’n spesifieke konteks. Afrigting wat as ’n voortgesette professionele ontwikkelingstrategie vir onderwysers en leiers beskou word, verskil van tradisionele “enkele geleenthede” van professionele ontwikkeling soos werkswinkels en opleidingsessies. Daar is ’n behoefte aan bewysgebaseerde navorsing oor alternatiewe strategieë soos afrigting vir professionele ontwikkeling. In hierdie navorsingstudie argumenteer die navorser dat afrigting potensieel ’n meer effektiewe en volhoubare kapasiteitsboustrategie vir die professionele ontwikkeling van onderwysers as leiers blyk te wees. Daar word verder geargumenteer dat onderwysers bemagtig kan word om eienaarskap te neem van besluite oor die verbetering van geletterdheidsvlakke in die skool indien hulle bewus word van hul kapasiteit as onderwyserleiers. Die spesifieke konteks vir afrigting in hierdie studie was die professionele ontwikkeling van geletterdheidsonderwysers as leiers ter verbetering van geletterdheidsonderrig. In die afwesigheid van ’n toepaslike afrigtingsmodel is ’n toepaslike model vir afrigting, naamlik die Geïntegreerde Kapasiteitsafrigtingsmodel en ’n toepaslike afrigtingsprogram deur die navorser ontwikkel. Hierdie model is spesifiek ontwikkel vir die afrigting van geletterdheidsonderwysers as leiers in die studie. Kognitiewe afrigting, portuurafrigting en afrigtingsirkels is as afrigtingsmetodes in die model geïnkorporeer. Die studie is ontwerp om binne die formele strukture en huidige beperkinge in die skool te bepaal wat geleer kan word indien afrigting as professionele ontwikkelingstrategie gebruik word. Die bevindinge het ’n aantal positiewe leerinsigte oor afrigting as ’n voortgesette professionele ontwikkelingstrategie getoon en om leierskapkapasiteitvir die verbetering van geletterdheid in skole te bou. Die studie is betekenisvol, want die uitkoms van die studie sal die bestaande kennis en bewysgebaseerde navorsing oor afrigting in die onderwyskonteks uitbrei. Die implementering van hierdie bevindinge kan lei tot die verbetering van die aard en kenmerke van voortgesette professionele ontwikkeling vir geletterdheidsonderwysers as leiers, om die volhoubaarheid van geletterdheidsverbetering in skole te verseker. Die voorgestelde model toon potensiaal as ’n kapasiteitsbou-afrigtingsmodel vir die onderwyssektor, maar verdere navorsing is nodig om die impak van hierdie afrigtingsmodel en die afrigtingsbenadering in verskillende skoolkontekste te ondersoek.

'n Ondersoek na 'n sin van plek en 'n pedagogie van plek in 'n Wes-Kaapse skool

Ontong, Krystle 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study attempted to present a nuanced perspective on the sense of place of learners and the extent to which teachers practice a pedagogy of place. In the study, the researcher investigated the sense of place of twelve Grade 6 and 8 learners at a school, situated in an eco-village in the Stellenbosch vicinity. The assumption is being made that the eco-village is a more conducive context for cultivating a sense of place amongst learners. The group consisted of six learners that did not live in the eco-village and six learners that did live there. Furthermore, an attempt was made to determine what the two Social Sciences teachers' understanding of the concept "place" was, the extent to which they practiced a pedagogy of place and the influence that the eco-village had on their teaching approach. The research report comprises two components, namely (a) a theoretical-philosophical component, and (b) an empirical component. The aim of the theoretical component was to explore the idea of a "sense of place" critically. This was done firstly, by emphasising the nexus between place and space, secondly, to present more clarity on the concept "place" by discussing the multiple meanings underpinning the concept, and lastly, to investigate a sense of place as a multi-dimensional concept. Against the background of a sense of place and pedagogy of place, I critically analysed the South African curriculum statements of the Social Sciences learning area for Grades R to nine, in order to determine how these policy statements address the concept place. Teachers are confronted with these statements on a regular basis and the assumption is that the emphasis being placed on this concept in the statements might have an impact on their pedagogy. This assumption was further explored in the interviews that were conducted with teachers, in an attempt not only to determine their understanding of the concept "place" but also to determine the extent to which they practice a pedagogy of place. Before interviews were conducted with teachers, it firstly determined what learners' sense of place is regarding where they live and attend school. The aim was to establish the differences, similarities, overlappings (if any) between these two groups. This study serves as a confirmation of the complexity regarding educational discourses and practices that explicitly examine the place-specific nexus between the environment, culture and education. It challenges teachers and educators in environmental education to expand the scope of their theory, investigation and practice in order to include the social and ecological contexts of our own inhabitation and those of others. In other words the challenge for teachers and educators lies in reflecting on the relationship between the type of education that they strive for and the type of place that we inhabit and leave behind for future generations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het dit ten doel gehad om 'n genuanseerde perspektief te bied op leerders se sin van plek asook die mate waartoe onderwysers 'n pedagogie van plek toepas. Tydens die studie is die sin van plek onder twaalf graad 6- en 8-leerders aan 'n skool, geleë in 'n eko-dorpie in die Stellenbosch-omgewing ondersoek. Die aanname is gemaak dat die eko-dorpie meer bevorderlik is vir die kweek van 'n sin van plek by leerders. Die groep het bestaan uit ses leerders wat nie in die eko-dorpie woon nie en ses leerders wat wel daar woon. Verder is daar gepoog om te bepaal wat die twee Sosiale Wetenskappe-onderwysers se opvatting van die konsep "plek" is, tot watter mate hulle 'n pedagogie van plek toepas en die invloed wat die eko-dorpie op hulle onderrigbenadering het. Die navorsingsverslag bestaan dus uit twee komponente, naamlik (a) 'n teoreties-filosofiese komponent en (b) 'n empiriese komponent. Met betrekking tot die teoretiese komponent is daar beoog om die gedagte van 'n sin van plek te verken deur dit krities te ondersoek. Dit is gedoen deur eerstens die verband tussen plek en ruimte te bespreek, tweedens meer duidelikheid omtrent die konsep "plek" te verkry deur die veelvuldige betekenisse aan die lig te bring en laastens om "sin van plek" as 'n multidimensionele begrip te ondersoek. Wat betref sin van plek en 'n pedagogie van plek, is daar verder beoog om die Suid-Afrikaanse kurrikulumverklarings ten opsigte van die leerarea Sosiale Wetenskappe vir grade R tot nege krities te analiseer om te bepaal tot watter mate die beleidsdokumente die konsep "plek" behandel. Onderwysers word op 'n daaglikse basis met hierdie verklarings gekonfronteer en die aanname is dat die klem wat op die konsep "plek" gelê word, 'n invloed op hulle pedagogie as sodanig sal hê. Hierdie aanname is verder verken in die onderhoude wat met onderwysers gevoer is waar daar nie net gepoog is om hulle opvatting van die konsep "plek" te bepaal nie, maar ook om vas te stel tot watter mate hulle 'n pedagogie van plek beoefen. Alvorens daar met onderwysers onderhoude gevoer is, is daar eerstens bepaal wat leerders se sin van plek is met betrekking tot waar hulle woon en skoolgaan. Daar is beoog om die verskille, ooreenkomste en oorvleuelings (indien enige) tussen die twee groepe leerders se sin van plek vas te stel. Die studie dien as 'n bevestiging van die kompleksiteit aangaande opvoedkundige diskoerse en praktyke wat eksplisiet die plek-spesifieke neksus tussen die omgewing, kultuur en onderwys bestudeer. Dit stel onderwysers en opvoedkundiges in omgewingsopvoeding voor die uitdaging om die omvang van hulle teorie, ondersoek en praktyk uit te brei om sodoende die sosiale en ekologiese agtergrond van ons eie en ander se bewoning in te sluit. Met ander woorde, die uitdaging vir onderwysers en opvoedkundiges lê dus daarin om te reflekteer oor die verhouding tussen die tipe opvoeding wat hulle nastreef en die tipe plekke wat ons bewoon en nalaat vir toekomstige generasies. / Andrew Mellon Foundation

Zimbabwes environmental education programme and its implications for sustainable development

Mapira, Jemitias 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The environmental education (EE)-sustainable development (SD) nexus has generated much research and debate at local, national and global levels (Fien, 1993). Although the term EE is quite old, dating back to 1948 in Paris (Palmer, 1998), during the last three decades, it has regained global currency due to numerous environmental challenges that are confronting our planet Earth, including: climate change, land degradation, desertification, and de-forestation, pollution and ozone depletion. The Rio Earth Summit of 1992 generated a new zeal in the provision of EE throughout the world. Since then, many countries have adopted it as a remedial strategy to address these environmental challenges. In Zimbabwe, EE dates back to 1954 during the colonial era when it was provided in the form of conservation education among farmers and in schools and colleges (Chikunda, 2007). The Natural Resources Board (NRB), a department in the Ministry of Lands and Agriculture (which was established in 1941) played a key role in both research and the dissemination of EE (Whitlow, 1988). However, throughout the colonial era and up to the end of the millennium, the country did not have a written EE policy document. Consequently, various government departments and organisations, which provided EE, did so individually. However, this fragmented approach proved to be ineffective and had to be abandoned through the promulgation of the Environmental Management Act (Chapter 20:27) of 2002. This development led to the establishment of an environmental management agency (EMA), which harmonised the provision of EE at local and national levels. This study based on information that was collected between 2011 and 2014, examines Zimbabwe‟s EE programme and its implications for sustainable development. It employed a mixed methods research design which enabled the researcher to employ both qualitative and quantitative approaches in data collection, interpretation and analysis. Derived from the pragmatic school of thought, this research design allows researchers to triangulate with different methods without provoking epistemological conflicts from other schools of thought. The study shows that nearly 84% of the EE in the country is provided by the formal education sector (which includes schools, colleges and universities) while the remaining 16% is derived from non-formal and informal education sources such as: EMA, some government ministries and departments, and several non-governmental organisations (NGOs). However, the bulk of the EE provided in Zimbabwe is biophysical in nature and is geared at transmitting facts about rather than for the environment (Fien, 1993; Chikunda, 2007 and Mapira, 2012a). Consequently, it does not instil a sense of environmental stewardship among ordinary citizens as reflected by increasing cases of environmental crimes including: land degradation, veldt fire outbreaks, deforestation, and the poaching of elephants, rhinos, and other wildlife resources. Furthermore, most people lack a deep knowledge of basic concepts such as EE, SD and ESD, indicating the weakness of the country‟s EE efforts. The study makes several recommendations for the improvement of the country‟s EE programme, including: more funding of EMA and its partners so that they can execute their mandate more efficiently, and revising school and college curricula with a view to infusing EE in courses and syllabi. Other recommendations are that EE should be made compulsory in all formal educational institutions while the state should take environmental issues more seriously than it has done in the past. For example, top government officials should refrain from the poaching of endangered wildlife resources like elephants and rhinos if their country‟s EE policies have to be taken seriously at the grass roots level. Stiffer penalties should be meted out to those found guilty by courts of law while ordinary citizens need more educational campaigns if they have to develop environmental sensitivity and a sense of stewardship, which are necessary ingredients for the success of any country‟s EE programme. Furthermore, alternatives of making a living should be created for villagers and peasants so that they do not have to damage their environment in order to survive. Finally, this study argues that if all the above challenges are fully addressed, Zimbabwe‟s EE programme can achieve its goals in the long run.

An evaluation of Guided Reading in three primary schools in the Western Cape

Kruizinga, Alide 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Curriculum Studies)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Given that the South African government intends to improve its literacy rates by implementing Guided Reading in the primary schools, teachers are challenged to give good quality Guided Reading instruction. This study evaluates how teachers understand and implement Guided Reading in Grade 1 and 2 at three public schools in the Western Cape. It discusses how Guided Reading can be a teaching context in which children learn to construct meaning independently from text. In addition, the study gives explanation on how to implement Guided Reading into classrooms. To gather data on teachers’ current understanding and implementation of Guided Reading, a Guided Reading Self-Assessment Inventory was used (Fountas & Pinnell 1996:283-285). Data were also drawn from observations of teachers during their Guided Reading instruction. Analysis of the abovementioned quantitative and qualitative research data, indicate that teachers have a superficial understanding of Guided Reading. The new policy requirements for Guided Reading appear to fail to offer teachers a sufficient explanation of Guided Reading. Without clear explanation of Guided Reading and practical support, it is expected that South African teachers will continue with their traditional reading instruction, because they do not fully understand the concept and value of Guided Reading. This study suggests that South African teachers struggle to implement Guided Reading in their classrooms, because they do not create Guided Reading groups based on ongoing assessment and they do not have access to leveled Guided Reading books. Without addressing these basic requirements, it is unlikely that Guided Reading will be implemented with any success in South African classrooms. An overriding conclusion is that Guided Reading instruction needs further research before it can be implemented correctly on a large scale in the primary schools of South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid Afrikaanse regering se besluit om begeleide lees “Guided Reading” in primêre skole te implimenteer om gelettertheid te bevorder, plaas ‘n groot verantwoordelikheid op onderwysers om hierdie leesbenadering op die juiste manier aan te bied. Hierdie navorsing fokus op Graad 1- en 2- onderwysers se begrip en uitvoering van begeleide lees in drie publieke skole in die Wes-Kaap. Die studie poog om onderwysers bewus te maak dat begeleide lees ‘n raamwerk kan wees waarbinne kinders leer om met begrip te lees asook om hoe hierdie leesbenadering te implementeer. Om data in te samel oor die huidige stand van uitvoering van begeleidelees is gebruik gemaak van ‘n “Guided Reading Self-Assessment Inventory” (Fountas & Pinnell 1996:283-285). Waarnemings is ook gemaak van onderwysers se begeleide lees onderrig. Die analisering van die data dui op Suid Afrikaanse onderwysers se gebrekkige begrip van begeleide lees, tot ‘n mate as gevolg van onduidelike beleidsdokumente. Sonder duidelike instruksie en ondersteuning aan onderwysers is dit te verwagte dat hulle sal terugval op hul tradisionele onderrigmetodes, terwyl die volle waarde van begeleide lees hulle ontgaan. Die studie bevind dat onderwysers die leesbenadering nie korrek tot uitvoering kan bring nie omdat hulle nie hul kinders in groepe plaas aan die hand van deurlopende evaluering nie, maar ook weens ‘n tekort aan geskikte onderrigmateriaal. Die sukses van begeleide lees is onwaarskynlik indien hierdie tekorte nie aangespreek word nie. Die oorheersende slotsom van die studie is dat verdere navorsing in die onderrig van begeleide lees nodig is voordat dit op groot skaal ingestel kan word by alle primêre skole in Suid Afrika.

Students' and clinical teachers' views on effective clinical education in Physiotherapy at Stellenbosch University

Ernstzen, Dawn V. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Clinical education in health sciences is an important and distinct part of health care education. In clinical education situations, students learn to integrate the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of the profession. The attainment of clinical competence is one of the main outcomes of the Clinical Physiotherapy module for physiotherapy students at Stellenbosch University (SU). In its Strategy for Teaching and Learning (2001:3), SU embraces a student-centered approach to teaching. In a student-centered approach towards teaching, the focus is on the quality and quantity of student learning. In the current changing context of higher education, all spheres of education need to be assessed to determine the meaning of student-centeredness and to establish whether it is achieved. The above-mentioned approach may lead to quality management in teaching and learning.

Deurlopende assessering in die wiskunde-klaskamer

Pfeiffer, Cerenus R. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Traditionally the success of learners in South Africa was based on one examination. The education depended on memorization, at the expense of other important skills such as critical thinking, problem solving and analysis. The modern working situation requires learners with critical thinking skills who can solve problems. Traditionally learners were seen as ‘empty vessels’ and their existing knowledge was not considered. The traditional assessment methods were not good enough to give teachers the information they needed to know about the learner. The education therefore requires reconstruction. In 1997, education in South Africa experienced a paradigm shift with the introduction of Curriculum 2005 and Outcomes-Based Education (OBE). The education system has been systematically reconstructed since then. In 2001, Curriculum 2005 was implemented in the senior phase. Along with this paradigm shift came a change in learner assessment. The Further Education and Training band will only be influenced by the curriculum in 2004, but since 1996, teachers have been instructed to assess learners continuously. The Institute for Mathematics and Science Teaching of the University of Stellenbosch (IMSTUS) was contracted in 2000 to implement continuous assessment (CASS) in Mathematics in Grade 10 – 12 in the Northern Cape. The project is known as the CASS project. One of the aims of this project is to motivate teachers to implement the new guidelines of the Northern Cape Education department for continuous assessment. The research is firstly an empirical investigation of the perceptions of teachers in the IMSTUS project being conducted in the Northern Cape on continuous assessment. Secondly, it is an investigation to determine whether teachers are convinced that alternative/formative assessment can improve teaching and learning. It focuses on whether continuous assessment is regarded by teachers as an educational tool or a bureaucratic process. A questionnaire was given to teachers who participated in this project. The questionnaire consisted of questions on teachers’ perceptions on continuous assessment, the rationale for assessment, how assessment and feedback can be done, and the equity in the assessment of Mathematics. There were 34 questionnaires of which 31 (91%) were returned. Twenty-three of the responses were from schools in the Kimberley district, while the other 8 were from the De Aar district. The participating schools were from traditional advantaged, as well as disadvantaged communities. The conclusions of the research are that the participating teachers have the following perceptions on continuous assessment: 1. Continuous assessment is used for: • grading purposes and for year marks, in other words for bureaucratic purposes; • the improvement of teaching, learning, and for diagnostic purposes, to identify learners’ misconceptions and strengths -in other words, it can also be used for educational purposes. 2. The process of continuous assessment does not reflect learners’ real mathematical potential. 3. Some respondents were of the opinion that the process of continuous assessment does however reflect learners’ real mathematical potential. 4. Continuous assessment is time-consuming. 5. Continuous assessment must be systematical. The way in which teachers implement continuous assessment testifies to a summative process, although they in a way learners formative assess. This does not improve formative assessment and therefore is it exclusively a bureaucratic process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sukses van leerders in Suid-Afrika het tradisioneel op ’n eenmalige eksamen berus. Die onderwys was te lank op memorisering geskoei, ten koste van ander belangrike vaardighede soos kritiese denke, probleemoplossing en analisering. Die hedendaagse werksomstandighede vereis leerders wat krities kan dink en wat probleemoplossings kan hanteer. Tradisioneel is leerders se bestaande kennis nie in ag geneem nie en die tradisionele assesseringmetodes het onderwysers nie genoeg informasie gegee wat hulle van die leerders moet weet nie. Die onderwys verg dus rekonstruksie. In 1997 het onderwys in Suid-Afrika ’n paradigmaverskuiwing ondergaan met die invoering van Kurrikulum 2005 en Uitkomsgebaseerde Onderwys (UGO). Die onderwys is stelselmatig gerekonstrueer en Kurrikulum 2005 is in 2001 in die senior fase geïmplementeer. Hierdie kurrikulumverandering bring ook ’n verandering in assessering mee. Die Voortgesette Onderwys en Opleidingbaan sal eers in 2004 deur die Kurrikulum beïnvloed word, maar onderwysers moet reeds sedert 1996 leerders deurlopend assesseer. Die Instituut vir Wiskunde en Wetenskaponderwys van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (IWWOUS) is in 2000 gekontrakteer om deurlopende assessering (DASS) in Wiskunde in Graad 10 - 12 in die Noord-Kaap te implementeer. Die projek staan bekend as die DASS-projek. Een van die doelstellings van hierdie projek was om onderwysers te motiveer om die Noord-Kaap Onderwysdepartement se nuwe riglyne vir deurlopende assessering te implementeer. Die navorsing is eerstens ’n empiriese ondersoek na die persepsies wat die onderwysers in die IWWOUS-projek in die Noord-Kaap oor deurlopende assessering het. Tweedens is dit ’n ondersoek of onderwysers oortuig is dat alternatiewe/formatiewe assesssering onderrig en leer kan bevorder. Dit fokus of deurlopende assessering ’n opvoedkundige of burokratiese proses vir hierdie onderwysers is. ’n Vraelys is aan onderwysers, betrokke by die projek, gegee. Die vraelys het vrae bevat oor onderwysers se persepsies oor deurlopende assessering, die rasionaal vir assessering, hoe assessering en terugvoering gedoen word en gelykberegtiging in die assessering van Wiskunde. Daar is 34 vraelyste versprei waarvan 31 (91%) terugbesorg was. 23 van die vraelyste was van skole in die Kimberley-streek, terwyl die ander 8 vraelyste in die De Aar-streek was. Die deelnemende skole kom uit die tradisioneel bevoordeelde sowel as benadeelde gemeenskappe. Onderhoude is met 10 onderwysers in die Kimberley-streek en 2 onderwysers in die De Aar-streek gevoer. Die bevindinge van die navorsing is dat die deelnemende onderwysers die volgende persepsies oor deurlopende assessering het : 1. Deurlopende assessering word gebruik vir • bevorderingsdoeleindes en vir jaarpunte, met ander woorde vir burokratiese doeleindes; • die verbetering van onderrig en leer en diagnostiese doeleindes om leerders se wankonsepte en sterkpunte te identifiseer. Deurlopende assessering word dus ook vir opvoedkundige doeleindes gebruik. 2. Die proses van deurlopende assessering weerspieël nie leerders se werklike wiskundige vermoëns nie. 3. Die proses van deurlopende assessering weerspieël ook leerders se wiskundige vermoëns. 4. Deurlopende assessering is tydrowend. 5. Deurlopende assessering moet sistematies wees. Deurlopende assessering soos deur hierdie onderwysers geïmplementeer, is ’n summatiewe proses, alhoewel hulle tog in ’n mate hulle leerders formatief assesseer. Dit verbeter egter nie formatiewe assessering nie en daarom is dit uitsluitlik ’n burokratiese proses.

Aligning the clinical assessment practices with the assessment practices

Maart, Ronel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Removable Prosthetic Dentistry (PRO400) is a fourth year module of the undergraduate dentistry programme which consists of a large clinical component. After reviewing relevant literature and conducting module evaluations, clinical tests were introduced and implemented in 2008 as an additional clinical assessment method. The intention of introducing the clinical tests was an attempt to ensure that students were assessed fairly, that their theoretical knowledge and the ability to apply it clinically were properly assessed, and to provide feedback on their clinical performance. The purpose of this concurrent mixed methods study was to compare the relationship between the students‟ performance in the clinical tests and daily clinical grades with their theoretical performance in the PRO400 module. The second part of the study explored the academic staff s‟ perceptions of the clinical test as clinical assessment tool in the PRO400 module. The case study design enabled the researcher to explore the question at hand in considerable depth. The mixed methods approach was useful to capture the best of both the qualitative and quantitative approaches. For the quantitative data-collection, record reviews of the results of fourth-year dental students‟ who completed the PRO400 module at the end of 2007 were used, and included 110 students. For the qualitative component three full-time lecturers within the Prosthetic department were interviewed. The clinical test marks and clinical session marks of all the students (n=109) in PRO400 were compared to their theory mark of that year. The tests marks were entered into a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel and the data analysis was done with the assistance of a statistician. The analytical abstraction method was used to assist with the qualitative data analysis; first the basic level of analysis was done in the narrative form, followed by second higher level of data analysis. The basic and higher levels of analysis were discussed under the following themes: clinical tests, student performances, alignment of theory and clinical assessment and personal influence on supervisors‟ assessment practices and attitude. Role-taking and the supervisors‟ perceptions and concerns regarding the students were explored as emergent themes. The quantitative findings were displayed using tables and graphs. Forty five students. clinical marks were 10% higher than their theory mark, while only 8 students. theory marks were 10% higher than their clinical test mark. There appeared to be hardly any relationship between the students. clinical daily grade assessment marks and their theory marks. The average theory mark was 47%, the average clinical test marks were 55% and the average daily clinical grade was 63%. Integration of the data obtained from the different data collection methods was done at the level of data interpretation. The clinical test as an assessment tool is well accepted by the supervisors and they agreed that it is more reliable and accurate than the clinical daily grade assessment method. The quantitative findings relate well to other reported studies that concluded that the daily grade was poorly correlated with the competency exams (a similar phenomenon in the clinical test of the PRO400 module). From the findings of this study it appeared that there is a better correlation of the clinical test mark and the theory mark, than clinical daily mark and the theory mark. This finding related well with the lecturers. views that the clinical tests were more reliable as a clinical assessment tool than the daily clinical mark. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: "Removable Prosthetic Dentistry (PRO400)" is 'n vierdejaar-module in die voorgraadse tandheelkundeprogram wat 'n groot kliniese komponent bevat. Na 'n oorsig gedoen is van die relevante literatuur, en nadat die module-evaluering afgehandel is, is kliniese toetse in 2008 ingevoer en geimplementeer as 'n bykomende metode van kliniese assessering. Die kliniese toetse is ingestel in 'n poging om te verseker dat studente se teoretiese kennis en hul vermoe om dit klinies toe te pas op . regverdige wyse geassesseer word en om terugvoer te kan gee oor die studente se kliniese prestasie. Die doel van hierdie studie, waarin gelyktydige gemengde metodes gebruik is, was om die verband tussen die studente se prestasie in die kliniese toetse, asook hul daaglikse kliniese punte en hul teoretiese prestasie in die PRO400-module vas te stel. Die tweede deel van die studie het ondersoek ingestel na die akademiese personeel se persepsies van die kliniese toets as 'n instrument vir kliniese assessering in die PRO400-module. 'n Dwarssnit-gevallestudie-ontwerp is gebruik en 'n gemengdemetode-benadering was nuttig om sowel kwalitatiewe as kwantitatiewe data in te samel. Vir die kwantitatiewe data-insamelingverslae is die uitslae van 109 vierdejaar-tandeheelkundestudente in die PRO400-module aan die einde van 2007 gebruik. Vir die kwalitatiewe data-insameling is onderhoude gevoer met drie voltydse dosente in die Prostetiese Tandheelkunde-departement. Die kliniese toetspunte en die kliniese sessiepunte van al die studente (n=109) in die PRO400-module is met hul teoriepunte van daardie jaar vergelyk. Die toetspunte is op 'n sigblad in Microsoft Excel ingevoer en die data-analise is met die hulp van 'n statistikus gedoen. Die analitiese abstraksiemetode is vir die analise van die kwalitatiewe data gebruik. Die basiese vlak van data-analise in die narratiewe vorm is eerste gedoen. Dit is gevolg deur 'n tweede, hoervlak-data-analise. Die basiese en hoer vlakke van analise is onder die volgende temas bespreek: kliniese toetse, studenteprestasie, ooreenstemming van teorie en kliniese assessering, en persoonlike invloed op studieleiers se assesseringspraktyke en houding. Rol-aanneming en die studieleiers se persepsies, asook kwessies rakende die studente is as ontluikende temas ondersoek. Die resultate van hierdie studie het aangetoon dat die kliniese punte van 45 studente 10% hoër was as hul teoriepunte, en dat slegs agt studente se teoriepunte 10% hoër as hul kliniese toetspunte was. Dit het geblyk dat daar feitlik geen verband was tussen die studente se kliniese daaglikse assesseringspunte en hul teoriepunte nie. Die gemiddelde teoriepunt was 47%, die gemiddelde kliniese toetspunt was 55% en die gemiddelde daaglikse kliniese punt was 63%. Al die studieleiers het die kliniese toets as assesseringsinstrument goed aanvaar en hulle het saamgestem dat dit meer betroubaar en akkuraat is as die daaglikse kliniese assesseringsmetode. Die kwantitatiewe bevindings hou goed verband met dié van soortgelyke studies waarin daar bevind is dat die daaglikse prestasie swak gekorreleer het met die bevoegdheidseksamen (ʼn soortgelyke beginsel as die kliniese toets van die Pro400). Dit het ook uit die bevindings van hierdie navorsing geblyk dat daar ʼn beter korrelasie is tussen die kliniese toetspunt en die teoriepunt as tussen die daaglikse kliniese punt en die teoriepunt. Hierdie bevinding het ʼn duidelike verband getoon met die dosente se siening dat die kliniese toetse as ʼn kliniese assesseringsinstrument meer betroubaar is as die daaglikse kliniese punt in die PRO400-module in die Tandheelkunde-program.

A comparison of policies and practices in assessment in a Further Education Institution

Basson, Rene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Curriculum Studies)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / A new Outcomes-based Education (OBE) system, as well as a new Further Education and Training (FET) framework, has been proposed by the government to address past inequalities and provide a skilled labour force. The introduction of OBE has necessitated a paradigm shift in both educational and assessment practices. The FET policies, led by the introduction of the Green Paper for FET in 1998, aimed to inform the FET institutions on the implementation of outcomes-based assessment. However, the implementation of these policies has posed many obstacles and challenges. Lecturers are unsure about the implementation strategies, and their attempts to cope with these uncertainties are seldom effective. Consequently, lecturers struggle to bring their assessment practices in line with the policies. This was the research problem of the study. The aim of the study was to determine discrepancies between the policies and the practices. The FET policies and related literature were consulted to determine how assessment practices should change. Subsequently, a questionnaire and focus group discussions were used to determine the current assessment practices of lecturers at the Klerksdorp campus of Vuselela College. Thereafter, the requirements of the policies and the current assessment practices of the lecturers were compared to determine the extent to which the lecturers had adopted the new assessment practices. Various discrepancies were found. The first discrepancy existed between the implementation strategies of the new FET curriculum and the actual implementation process at the college. No learnerships had been implemented in the N-courses and the implementation process had been delayed several times. A second discrepancy existed between the requirements for lecturers to be registered as assessors and the registration process. Lecturers completed the training courses but struggled to register as assessors. A bottleneck existed with the registration process because of the number of lecturers that had to be registered. In addition, the training did not provide the lecturers with sufficient knowledge to implement outcomes-based assessment while the training was presented on the wrong National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level. Another discrepancy existed with regard to the implementation of the learnerships and the implementation of outcomes-based assessment. Lecturers were only expected to implement outcomes-based assessment in courses where learnerships had been implemented. This meant that lecturers who lectured on N-courses were still required to use more traditional assessment methods. While some lecturers preferred paper-based assessment methods, other lecturers felt that the restrictions imposed by the DoE were depriving them of the opportunity to use more alternative methods. Problems such as an increase in the workload, administration and paperwork and learner numbers were also experienced. Regarding these discrepancies, it was firstly recommended that the DoE be realistic about implementation dates and be transparent about delays and problems. Lecturers could assist the DoE in the implementation process by writing unit standards. Secondly, it was recommended that the DoE should have an efficient structure in place to deal with the vast number of lecturers that would have to register as assessors. This can be done by employing extra human resources. Better training is necessary to support and empower lecturers to implement outcomes-based assessment. Thirdly, lecturers could be encouraged to implement the new assessment practices by giving them recognition for good work, providing them with assistance and appointing lecturers who act solely as assessors. These discrepancies are more related and the recommendations more useful to this particular college than the assistance that is provided by the DoE by making the college aware of the obstacles and challenges that the new assessment practices pose.

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