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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Active control of sound transmission

Johnson, Martin Eric January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Conception et prototypage d'un système complet pour la surveillance du grain dans les silos de stockage / Design and prototyping of a complete system for grain monitoring in storage silos

Bettahar, Fehd 05 April 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse traite des nouvelles technologies de surveillance appliquées au stockage des grains en silos. Les céréales représentent depuis les premiers regroupements sédentaires l’aliment principal pour l’Homme comme pour le bétail. Les récoltes sont saisonnières et leur stockage est donc une nécessité vitale pour une population mondiale qui compte actuellement 7,2 Mds d'habitants et qui en comptera 9 Mds en 2050. Dans cette problématique autour de la surveillance des silos, les insectes représentent les premiers ravageurs de grain après récolte, ce qui entraîne des pertes considérables pouvant atteindre dans certains cas jusqu’à 10% de la production. Plusieurs techniques et méthodes ont été développées et mises en pratique afin de faire face au danger que représentent ces ravageurs. La méthode la plus répandue est l’utilisation des insecticides chimiques de synthèse dont la dangerosité, impactant tant sur la santé humaine que sur l'environnement, est plus qu'évidente. Ce travail de thèse s'inscrit dans un programme coopératif, nommé ECOSILO, dont l'objectif majeur est de concevoir et de prototyper des solutions alternatives écologiques à l'utilisation systématique et massive de produits insecticides. Il s'agit donc d'une démarche largement pluridisciplinaire dans laquelle nous avons eu en charge d'imaginer un système complet de surveillance : détection au plus tôt des infestations et commande automatique de la diffusion d'attractifs puis d'insecticides. Notre proposition est fondée sur une logique de protection intégrée et privilégie la prévention et la détection précoce d'éventuelles infestations, ce afin de préserver les stocks et d'éviter d'atteindre un stade de perte économique trop élevé. Son originalité fondamentale réside dans la proposition d'un modèle prédictif du développement de l'infestation qui consiste à coupler un modèle thermique du silo avec un modèle biologique décrivant la croissance des insectes. Il est ainsi possible, avec l'appui de données complémentaires météorologiques, d'anticiper le développement des insectes et de lancer des alarmes préventives. Cette solution est accompagnée de développements électroniques et informatiques plus spécifiques de la surveillance continue des silos : un système de détection à l'entrée des silos ; une surveillance sur la partie haute du tas de grain la plus chaude ; une surveillance du tas de grains dans toute sa hauteur. Ces développements mettent en œuvre des modes de détections multiples (température, humidité, sonde acoustique, CO2). Toutes ces contributions techniques sont intégrées sous la forme d'un système complet de surveillance équipé d'une interface utilisateurs qui répond aux exigences du projet global ECOSILO. Les vérifications fonctionnelles ont été réalisées en laboratoire et sur site réel. Nous concluons sur les perspectives ouvertes par ce travail. / This thesis deals with new monitoring technologies applied to grain storage in silos. Since the first sedentary groups, cereals have been accounted as the main food for humans, as well as for livestock. The crops are seasonal and storage is a vital necessity for the world population, which currently has 7.2 billion inhabitants and will reach 9 billion in 2050. In this problematic around monitoring of silos, insects represent the first grain postharvest pest, causing considerable losses in some cases up to 10% of the production. Several techniques and methods have been developed and implemented in order to face the danger of these pests. The most common method is the use of synthetic chemical insecticides, which have an obvious negative effect on both, human health and the environment. This work is part of a cooperative program named ECOSILO, whose main objective is to design and create prototype ecological alternatives to the systematic and massive use of insecticides. This is therefore a largely multidisciplinary approach, in which we were in charge to conceptualize a comprehensive monitoring system to detect infestations early and automatically control of the attractive and insecticides spreading. Our proposal is based on logic of IPM and focuses on the prevention and early detection of possible infestations, in order to preserve stocks and to avoid reaching high level of economic loss. Its fundamental originality lies in the proposition of a predictive model of the development of the infestation, which consists of coupling a thermal model of the silo with a biological model describing insect growth. Thus, it is possible, with additional weather data support, to anticipate the development of insects and initiate preventive alarms. This solution is accompanied by more specific electronic and computer monitoring developments in silos: a detection system at the entrance of silos; a supervision of the top of the heap of grain which is the hottest; Monitoring of the heap of grain in its entire height. These developments are implementing multiple detection modes (temperature, humidity, acoustic probe, CO2). All these technical contributions are incorporated in the form of a comprehensive monitoring system with a user interface that meets the requirements of the overall project ECOSILO. The functional checks have been performed in laboratory and actual site. We conclude on the perspectives opened by this work.

Lessons Learned in Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges Using Advanced Sensor Technology

Enckell, Merit January 2011 (has links)
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) with emerging technologies like e.g. fibre optic sensors, lasers, radars, acoustic emission and Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) made an entrance into the civil engineering field in last decades. Expansion of new technologies together with development in data communication benefited for rapid development. The author has been doing research as well as working with SHM and related tasks nearly a decade. Both theoretical knowledge and practical experience are gained in this constantly developing field. This doctoral thesis presents lessons learned in SHM and sensory technologies when monitoring civil engineering structures, mostly bridges. Nevertheless, these techniques can also be used in most applications related to civil engineering like dams, high rise buildings, off-shore platforms, pipelines, harbour structures and historical monuments. Emerging and established technologies are presented, discussed and examples are given based on the experience achieved. A special care is given to Fibre Optic Sensor (FOS) technology and its latest approach. Results from crack detection testing, long-term monitoring, and sensor comparison and installation procedure are highlighted. The important subjects around sensory technology and SHM are discussed based on the author's experience and recommendations are given. Applied research with empirical and experimental methods was carried out. A state-of-the art-review of SHM started the process but extensive literature studies were done continuously along the years in order to keep the knowledge up to date. Several SHM cases, both small and large scale, were carried out including sensor selection, installation planning, physical installation, data acquisition set-up, testing, monitoring, documentation and reporting. One case study also included modification and improvement of designed system and physical repair of sensors as well as two Site Acceptance Tests (SATs) and the novel crack detection system testing. Temporary measuring and testing also took place and numerous Structural Health Monitoring Systems (SHMSs) were designed for new bridges. The observed and measured data/phenomena were documented and analysed.  Engineers, researchers and owners of structures are given an essential implement in managing and maintaining structures. Long-term effects like shrinkage and creep in pre-stressed segmental build bridges were studied. Many studies show that existing model codes are not so good to predict these long-term effects. The results gained from the research study with New Årsta Railway Bridge are biased be the fact that our structure is indeed special. Anyhow, the results can be compared to other similar structures and adequately used for the maintenance planning for the case study. A long-term effect like fatigue in steel structures is a serious issue that may lead to structural collapse. Novel crack detection and localisation system, based on development on crack identification algorithm implemented in DiTeSt system and SMARTape delamination mechanism, was developed, tested and implemented. Additionally, new methods and procedures in installing, testing, modifying and improving the installed system were developed. There are no common procedures how to present the existing FOS techniques. It is difficult for an inexperienced person to judge and compare different systems. Experience gained when working with Fibre Optic Sensors (FOS) is collected and presented. The purpose is, firstly to give advice when judging different systems and secondly, to promote for more standardised way to present technical requirements. Furthermore, there is need to regulate the vocabulary in the field. Finally, the general accumulated experience is gathered. It is essential to understand the complexity of the subject in order to make use of it. General trends and development are compared for different applications. As the area of research is wide, some chosen, specific issues are analysed on a more detailed level. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations are given, both specific and more general. SHMS for a complex structure requires numerous parameters to be measured. Combination of several techniques will enable all required measurements to be taken. In addition, experienced specialists need to work in collaboration with structural engineers in order to provide high-quality systems that complete the technical requirement. Smaller amount of sensors with proper data analysis is better than a complicated system with numerous sensors but with poor analysis. Basic education and continuous update for people working with emerging technologies are also obligatory. A lot of capital can be saved if more straightforward communication and international collaboration are established: not only the advances but also the experienced problems and malfunctions need to be highlighted and discussed in order not to be repeated. Quality assurance issues need to be optimized in order to provide high quality SHMSs. Nevertheless, our structures are aging and we can be sure that the future for sensory technologies and SHM is promising. The final conclusion is that an expert in SHM field needs wide education, understanding, experience, practical sense, curiosity and preferably investigational mind in order to solve the problems that are faced out when working with emerging technologies in the real world applications.  The human factor, to be able to bind good relationship with workmanship cannot be neglected either. There is also need to be constantly updated as the field itself is in continuous development. / QC 20111117 / SHMS of the New Årsta Railway Bridge

Ανάπτυξη και υλοποίηση τεχνικής εντοπισμού θέσεων πολλαπλών πηγών από δίκτυα τυχαία διασκορπισμένων αισθητήρων

Μαυροκεφαλίδης, Χρήστος 12 September 2007 (has links)
Με τα δίκτυα αισθητήρων μπορούμε να παρακολουθούμε το περιβάλλον και να εξάγουμε χρήσιμη πληροφορία με αυτόματο τρόπο. Τα τελευταία χρόνια, λόγω και της ανάπτυξης κατάλληλων ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων, έχουν εμφανιστεί κόμβοι αισθητήρων σε πολύ μικρό μέγεθος. Αυτοί οι κόμβοι έχουν την δυνατότητα να επεξεργάζονται δεδομένα, να επικοινωνούν μεταξύ τους και να περιέχουν περισσότερα από ένα είδη αισθητήρων. Η συγκεκριμένη εργασία ασχολείται με δίκτυα τυχαία διασκορπισμένων αισθητήρων. Το πρόβλημα που μελετήθηκε είναι ο εντοπισμός της θέσης πολλαπλών πηγών από το δίκτυο. Οι πηγές εκπέμπουν ευρείας ζώνης σήματα που μοντελοποιούνται ως διαδικασίες AR. Η τεχνική λειτουργεί με έναν σειριακό τρόπο. Επιλέγει μια πηγή, εκτιμά τις διαφορές χρόνων άφιξης του σήματός της και υπολογίζει την θέση της πηγής χρησιμοποιώντας το κριτήριο ελαχίστων τετραγώνων. Στην συνέχεια, ακυρώνει το σήμα της πηγής από τα σήματα που έχουν λάβει οι κόμβοι του δικτύου και η όλη διαδικασία ξεκινάει από την αρχή. Παρουσιάζονται πειραματικά αποτελέσματα που δείχνουν την επιτυχή λειτουργία της στην περίπτωση που υπάρχει στην περιοχή του δικτύου μια, δυο ή τρεις πηγές. / Sensor networks are used for monitoring an environment and extracting useful information in an automated way. In recent years, mostly because of the development of suitable integrated circuits, sensor nodes, in small sizes, have emerged. These nodes are capable of processing data, communicating with each other and multi-modal sensing. The thesis is concerned with ad-hoc sensor networks. The problem, that is tackled, is the estimation of position of sources in a multi-source environment. The signals, that are emitted, are modelled as AR processes. The proposed method works in a serial manner. Firstly, one of the sources is selected and the time differences of arrival among the sensor nodes are computed. Then, the position of the source is estimated using the least squares criterion. Finally, the signal of the source is cancelled from the sensor nodes’ received signals and the whole procedure starts over. Experimental results show the functionality of the method when one, two or three sources are present in the environment.

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