Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tried blood"" "subject:"dried blood""
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Development of Field-adapted Analytical Methods for the Determination of New Antimalarial Drugs in Biological FluidsLindegårdh, Niklas January 2003 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of analytical methods for the determination of new antimalarial drugs in biological fluids. The goal was to develop methods that facilitate clinical studies performed in the field, such as capillary blood sampling onto sampling paper. Methods for the determination of atovaquone (ATQ) in plasma, whole blood and capillary blood applied onto sampling paper were developed and validated. Automated solid-phase extraction (SPE) and liquid chromatography (LC) with UV absorbance detection was used to quantify ATQ. Venous blood contained higher levels of ATQ than capillary blood after a single dose of Malarone (ATQ + proguanil). Ion-pairing LC was used to separate amodiaquine (AQ), chloroquine (CQ) and their metabolites on a CN-column. A method for quantification of AQ, CQ and their metabolites in capillary blood applied onto sampling paper was developed and validated. Perchloric acid and acetonitrile were used to facilitate the extraction of the analytes from the sampling paper. The liquid extract was further cleaned by SPE. Methods for the determination of piperaquine (PQ) in plasma and whole blood using SPE and LC were developed and validated. Addition of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to the samples prior to injection into the LC-system significantly enhanced the efficiency for the PQ peak. Serum and whole blood contained higher levels (about 300 nM) of PQ than plasma (about 200 nM) after a single oral dose of 340 mg PQ. This indicates that PQ may be taken up in the leucocytes and thrombocytes.
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Einfluss präanalytischer Faktoren auf die Untersuchung des Aminosäure- und AcylcarnitinstoffwechselsBrauer, Romy 30 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Quantitative Untersuchungen krankheitsspezifischer oder krankheitsassoziierter metabolischer Signaturen in humanen Körperflüssigkeiten („Clinical Metabolomics“) haben zum Ziel neue Ansätze für diagnostische oder therapeutische Konzepte zu entwickeln. Die simultane quantitative Analytik von Aminosäuren (AS) und Acylcarnitinen (AC) mittels Tandem-Massenspektrometrie (MS/MS) ermöglicht die Erfassung wichtiger Stoffwechselwege des humanen Metabolismus. Hierzu zählen der Stoffwechsel der ketogenen AS, des Harnstoffzyklus oder der β-Oxidation langkettiger Fettsäuren. Allerdings wird die Konzentration der verschiedenen metabolischen Parameter in humanen Körperflüssigkeiten durch eine Vielzahl präanalytischer in vitro Störfaktoren und in vivo Einflussgrößen beeinflusst. Diese können zu signifikanten Veränderungen der Laborergebnisse führen.
Im Rahmen meiner Promotionsarbeit wurden in vitro Störfaktoren (Probenmaterial, Lagerung u. a.) und in vivo Einflussgrößen (Ernährung, physische Aktivität) untersucht und ein standardisiertes Präanalytik-Protokoll entwickelt. Dazu wurden pro Probe 3 µL Trockenblut (TB), 10 µL Serum oder Plasma nach Butylierung mittels Elektrospray-Ionisations-MS/MS analysiert und jeweils 26 AS und 35 AC in 1,5 Minuten simultan bestimmt.
Als Ergebnis der zahlreichen systematischen Präanalytik-Untersuchungen konnten signifikante Konzentrationsunterschiede der Metabolite zwischen kapillärer und venöser Blutentnahme sowie in Abhängigkeit des Hämatokrits gefunden werden. Im Vergleich zu Serum und antikoaguliertem Plasma (EDTA, Citrat, Heparin) waren die Konzentrationen der langkettigen AC im TB 5-fach höher. Nahrungsaufnahme und körperliche Aktivität führten ebenfalls zu signifikanten Veränderungen der AS- und AC-Konzentrationen. Durch Optimierung des Probenaufarbeitungsprotokolls konnte die Variabilität zwischen den Messtagen für 17 AS und 6 AC auf < 20 % gesenkt werden.
Die Ergebnisse meiner Promotionsarbeit unterstreichen den Einfluss präanalytischer Faktoren auf die Metabolomanalytik. Durch Etablierung und Einhaltung standardisierter präanalytischer Protokolle kann die präanalytische Varianz der Ergebnisse deutlich verringert werden. Sie stellen somit eine wichtige Voraussetzung für eine qualitativ hochwertige Metabolomanalytik im Rahmen klinischer Studien zur Identifizierung neuer Biomarker dar.
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Development and Validation of Bioanalytical Methods : Application to Melatonin and Selected Anti-Infective DrugsRömsing, Susanne January 2010 (has links)
This thesis describes bioanalytical methods for measuring melatonin and some anti-infective drugs in biological fluids. Solid-phase extraction (SPE) or protein precipitation was used for enrichment and purification of the analytes and Liquid Chromatography (LC) was used to analyze the samples. Developed methods were validated according to international guidelines. Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland with a robust circadian rhythm. Bioanalytical methods for determination of melatonin in plasma and saliva have been developed which were used for monitoring melatonin levels in volunteers and patients suffering from sleep related diseases. Eflornithine (DFMO) is a chiral drug used for the treatment of human African trypanosomiasis. A bioanalytical method for determination of the DFMO enantiomers in plasma, after precolumn derivatization with o-phtalaldehyde and N-acetyl-L-cystein has been developed. The method has been used to study the L- and D-DFMO pharmacokinetics, in order to investigate the possible development of an oral treatment of DFMO. A method for simultaneous determination of three antiretroviral drugs i.e. Lamivudine (3TC), Zidovudine (AZT) and Nevirapine (NVP) in dried blood spots (DBS) was developed. The method was used for drug determination in two subjects after receiving standard antiretroviral treatment. The method seemed well suitable for the determination of 3TC and NVP and in some extent for AZT. Lumefantrine (LF) is one of the active components in a new fixed drug combination recommended by the WHO as a replacement to older drugs that has lost their effect. A method for the determination of LF in DBS was developed. The method is suitable for monitoring of drug treatment in rural settings. Tafenoquine is a new promising antimalarial drug under development. A method for the determination of Tafenoquine in plasma and in DBS is described. The method may be useful in future clinical studies in laboratory environment as well as in rural settings. / Felaktigt tryckt som Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 703
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Triagem neonatal para mucopolissacaridose tipo VI (Síndrome de Maroteux-Lamy) em uma região com alta incidência da doençaBender, Fernanda January 2011 (has links)
A mucopolissacaridose tipo VI (MPS VI) ou Síndrome de Maroteaux-Lamy, é uma doença autossômica recessiva causada pela deficiência da enzima lisossomal Nacetilgalactosamina- 4-sulfatase (ARSB), a qual resulta no armazenamento lisossômico de dermatan sufato em vários tecidos e órgãos, dando origem a uma condição clínica de espectro variável, desde formas mais graves até formas mais atenuadas. O acúmulo de substrato não degradado causa um importante comprometimento ósseo, problemas respiratórios, baixa estatura e outros problemas, afetando os olhos, o coração e outros órgãos. Embora a síndrome de Maroteaux-Lamy não tenha uma incidência definida no Brasil, é reconhecido que, no nosso meio, é muito mais freqüente do que em outros países e regiões. Ela é particularmente freqüente no município de Monte Santo (Bahia), de aproximadamente 50.000 habitantes e onde já foram registrados 13 casos da doença. O diagnóstico é importante porque existe hoje um tratamento específico para a doença, a terapia de reposição enzimática (TRE), que vem mostrando bons resultados, especialmente quando iniciada em idade precoce. Descrevemos neste trabalho uma adaptação para microplacas da medida fluorimétrica da atividade de ARSB, e uma nova metodologia de análise molecular, ambas padronizados para sangue total impregnado em papel-filtro (STIPF). Essas técnicas foram desenvolvidas para incluir um teste de triagem neonatal para MPS VI, realizado nas amostras coletadas para o “teste do pezinho” nos neonatos do município de Monte Santo. Esses métodos permitem a detecção de pacientes com MPS VI e dos portadores da mutação específica que parece ser responsável pela alta incidência de MPS VI nessa localidade, uma vez que todos os pacientes lá diagnosticados apresentavam a mesma mutação (p.H178L) em homozigose. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em três etapas: na primeira foi realizada a padronização das técnicas em 100 amostras de STIPF; na segunda foi feito um teste-piloto com amostras de neonatos de Monte Santo, para avaliação das técnicas padronizadas e para o estudo de termoestabilidade em controles hígidos; na terceira foram analisadas amostras de STIPF de neonatos provenientes de Monte Santo pelos dois métodos (bioquímico e molecular). A padronização para realização da medida fluorimétrica da atividade enzimática de ARSB em microplacas indicou que o método é sensível, permitiu diferenciar os valores da população normal dos valores dos pacientes afetados e possibilitou a identificação segura de pacientes com MPS VI. Nas padronizações da análise molecular da mutação p.H178L em STIPF foi possível diferenciar os indivíduos normais, heterozigotos e homozigotos. Os resultados preliminares disponíveis indicam que o protocolo de triagem neonatal para MPS VI desenvolvido no presente trabalho poderá ser facilmente incorporado por laboratórios de referência, contribuindo para a detecção e tratamento precoce dos pacientes afetados por MPS VI. / Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI (MPS VI) or Maroteux-Lamy syndrome, is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme Nacetylgalactosamine- 4-sulfatase (ARSB), which results in lysosomal storage of dermatan sufate in various tissues and organs and leads to a variable clinical spectrum, including more severe and attenuated forms. The accumulation of undegraded substrate causes bone involvement, respiratory problems and short stature, among other signs and symptoms, affecting the eyes, heart and other organs. Although the Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome does not have a defined incidence in Brazil, it is recognized that in our environment it is much more frequent than in other countries and regions. It is particularly frequent in the municipality of Monte Santo (Bahia) approximately 50,000 inhabitants and where there have already been 13 cases of the disease. The diagnosis is important because today there is a specific treatment for the disease, enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) which has shown good results, especially when started at an early age. We describe herein the standardization of the microplate fluorometric method for the ARSB test and a new methodology of molecular analysis, both adapted for dried blood spots (DBS) samples. These techniques were developed for inclusion of MPS VI in the newborn screening program that already tests the neonates of the city of Monte Santo, Bahia, Brasil for metabolic diseases. The methods were developed to detect patients with MPS VI and also for carriers, once the disease seems to have a high incidence (around 1:5.000) at this location. Also, all patients that have already been diagnosed in this city presented the same mutation (p.H178L) in homozygosis. The study was conducted in three stages: in the first was performed in 100 DBS samples an standardization of the techniques; in the second was done a pilot test with samples of newborns of Monte Santo, for the evaluation of standardized techniques and for the thermostability study in healthy controls; in the third were analyzed newborns samples from Monte Santo for both biochemical and molecular methods. Standardization on microplate for fluorimetric enzyme activity of the ARSB showed the assay sensitivity, differentiating values between normal and affected and allowing a reliable detection of patients with MPS VI. On the standardization for molecular analysis in DBS it was possible to differentiate the results for normal individuals, heterozygous and affected for the mutation p.H178L. The preliminary results available indicate that the protocol of neonatal screening for MPS VI developed in this work can be easily incorporated by reference laboratories, contributing to the detection and premature treatment of MPS VI affected patients.
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Rastreamento populacional para Doen?a de Gaucher em Tabuleiro do Norte-CEChaves, Rigoberto Gadelha 30 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:13:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-05-30 / Background. Gaucher Disease (GD) is a hereditary lysosomal storage disorder
characterized by the accumulation of glucosylceramide, mainly in the cells of the
reticuloendothelial system, due to a deficiency of the enzyme acid β-glucosidase
(GBA). Diagnosis is usually based on measurement of GBA activity in peripheral
leukocytes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of screening for
GBA and chitotriosidase activity using Dried Blood Spots on Filter Paper (DBS-FP) to
identify individuals at high risk for GD in high-risk populations such as that of
Tabuleiro do Norte, a small town in Northeastern Brazil. Methods. Between June 1,
2007 and May 31, 2008, 740 consented residents and descendants of traditional
families from Tabuleiro do Norte were submitted to screening with DBS-FP. Subjects
with GBA activity <2.19 nmol/h/mL were referred to analysis of GBA and
chitotriosidase activity in peripheral leukocytes and in plasma, respectively. Subjects
at highest risk for GD (GBA activity in peripheral leukocytes <5.6 nmol/h/mg protein)
were submitted to molecular analysis to confirm diagnosis. Results. Screening with
DBS-FP identified 135 subjects (18.2%) with GBA activity <2.19 nmol/h/mL, 131 of
whom remained in the study. In 10 of these (7.6%), GBA activity in leukocytes was
2.6 5.5 nmol/h/mg protein. Subsequent molecular analysis confirmed 6 cases of
heterozygosity and 4 normals for GD. Conclusion. DBS-FP assay was shown to be
an effective initial GD screening strategy for high-prevalence populations in
developing regions. Diagnosis could not be established from GBA activity in
leukocytes alone, but required confirmation with molecular analysis / A doen?a de Gaucher (DG) ? uma patologia de dep?sito de gordura nos lisossomos,
de heran?a autoss?mica recessiva, caracterizada pelo ac?mulo do substrato
glicosilceramida, principalmente nas c?lulas do sistema reticuloendotelial, em raz?o
da defici?ncia da enzima β-glicosidase ?cida (GBA). O diagn?stico, comumente, ?
feito pela dosagem da atividade da GBA em leuc?citos perif?ricos. Tabuleiro do
Norte (TN), Cear?, Brasil, ? um munic?pio com cerca de 28.000 habitantes com a
preval?ncia da DG de 1:4.000 habitantes, possivelmente a mais elevada do Brasil. O
objetivo da disserta??o ? avaliar o rastreamento para DG realizado em TN com base
na an?lise das atividades enzim?ticas da GBA e da quitotriosidase em amostras
Sangue Seco em Papel de Filtro (SSPF). Entre 01 de junho de 2007 a 31 de maio de
2008, 740 indiv?duos residentes e descendentes de fam?lias de TN participaram do
rastreamento para DG a partir de amostras de SSPF. Indiv?duos com atividade
GBA<2,19 nmol/h/mL foram selecionados para an?lise da atividade da GBA e da
quitotriosidase em leuc?citos perif?ricos e no plasma, respectivamente. Os
indiv?duos com maiores riscos de DG (atividade de GBA em leuc?citos perif?ricos
<5,6 nmol/h/mg de prote?na) foram referenciados para an?lise molecular para
confirma??o diagn?stica. A triagem com amostras de SSPF identificou 135
indiv?duos (18,2%) com atividade da GBA<2,19 nmol/h/mL, dos quais 131
permaneceram no estudo. Em dez destes (7,6%), a atividade da GBA em leuc?citos
variou de 2,6-5,5 nmol/ h/mg de prote?na, considerados suspeitos da DG. A an?lise
molecular subsequente revelou, entretanto, que se tratava de seis indiv?duos
heterozigotos para a muta??o G377S e, em quatro deles, n?o foram identificadas
muta??es da DG. A an?lise enzim?tica de amostras de SSPF mostrou ser uma
estrat?gia eficaz de triagem da DG em popula??es com alto risco, mas a medida da
atividade da GBA em leuc?citos deve ser realizada para confirma??o diagn?stica. O
diagn?stico de DG em indiv?duos assintom?ticos n?o deve ser firmado baseando-se
apenas na an?lise da atividade da GBA em leuc?citos, sendo necess?ria, tamb?m, a
confirma??o diagn?stica pela an?lise molecular
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Triagem neonatal para mucopolissacaridose tipo VI (Síndrome de Maroteux-Lamy) em uma região com alta incidência da doençaBender, Fernanda January 2011 (has links)
A mucopolissacaridose tipo VI (MPS VI) ou Síndrome de Maroteaux-Lamy, é uma doença autossômica recessiva causada pela deficiência da enzima lisossomal Nacetilgalactosamina- 4-sulfatase (ARSB), a qual resulta no armazenamento lisossômico de dermatan sufato em vários tecidos e órgãos, dando origem a uma condição clínica de espectro variável, desde formas mais graves até formas mais atenuadas. O acúmulo de substrato não degradado causa um importante comprometimento ósseo, problemas respiratórios, baixa estatura e outros problemas, afetando os olhos, o coração e outros órgãos. Embora a síndrome de Maroteaux-Lamy não tenha uma incidência definida no Brasil, é reconhecido que, no nosso meio, é muito mais freqüente do que em outros países e regiões. Ela é particularmente freqüente no município de Monte Santo (Bahia), de aproximadamente 50.000 habitantes e onde já foram registrados 13 casos da doença. O diagnóstico é importante porque existe hoje um tratamento específico para a doença, a terapia de reposição enzimática (TRE), que vem mostrando bons resultados, especialmente quando iniciada em idade precoce. Descrevemos neste trabalho uma adaptação para microplacas da medida fluorimétrica da atividade de ARSB, e uma nova metodologia de análise molecular, ambas padronizados para sangue total impregnado em papel-filtro (STIPF). Essas técnicas foram desenvolvidas para incluir um teste de triagem neonatal para MPS VI, realizado nas amostras coletadas para o “teste do pezinho” nos neonatos do município de Monte Santo. Esses métodos permitem a detecção de pacientes com MPS VI e dos portadores da mutação específica que parece ser responsável pela alta incidência de MPS VI nessa localidade, uma vez que todos os pacientes lá diagnosticados apresentavam a mesma mutação (p.H178L) em homozigose. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em três etapas: na primeira foi realizada a padronização das técnicas em 100 amostras de STIPF; na segunda foi feito um teste-piloto com amostras de neonatos de Monte Santo, para avaliação das técnicas padronizadas e para o estudo de termoestabilidade em controles hígidos; na terceira foram analisadas amostras de STIPF de neonatos provenientes de Monte Santo pelos dois métodos (bioquímico e molecular). A padronização para realização da medida fluorimétrica da atividade enzimática de ARSB em microplacas indicou que o método é sensível, permitiu diferenciar os valores da população normal dos valores dos pacientes afetados e possibilitou a identificação segura de pacientes com MPS VI. Nas padronizações da análise molecular da mutação p.H178L em STIPF foi possível diferenciar os indivíduos normais, heterozigotos e homozigotos. Os resultados preliminares disponíveis indicam que o protocolo de triagem neonatal para MPS VI desenvolvido no presente trabalho poderá ser facilmente incorporado por laboratórios de referência, contribuindo para a detecção e tratamento precoce dos pacientes afetados por MPS VI. / Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI (MPS VI) or Maroteux-Lamy syndrome, is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme Nacetylgalactosamine- 4-sulfatase (ARSB), which results in lysosomal storage of dermatan sufate in various tissues and organs and leads to a variable clinical spectrum, including more severe and attenuated forms. The accumulation of undegraded substrate causes bone involvement, respiratory problems and short stature, among other signs and symptoms, affecting the eyes, heart and other organs. Although the Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome does not have a defined incidence in Brazil, it is recognized that in our environment it is much more frequent than in other countries and regions. It is particularly frequent in the municipality of Monte Santo (Bahia) approximately 50,000 inhabitants and where there have already been 13 cases of the disease. The diagnosis is important because today there is a specific treatment for the disease, enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) which has shown good results, especially when started at an early age. We describe herein the standardization of the microplate fluorometric method for the ARSB test and a new methodology of molecular analysis, both adapted for dried blood spots (DBS) samples. These techniques were developed for inclusion of MPS VI in the newborn screening program that already tests the neonates of the city of Monte Santo, Bahia, Brasil for metabolic diseases. The methods were developed to detect patients with MPS VI and also for carriers, once the disease seems to have a high incidence (around 1:5.000) at this location. Also, all patients that have already been diagnosed in this city presented the same mutation (p.H178L) in homozygosis. The study was conducted in three stages: in the first was performed in 100 DBS samples an standardization of the techniques; in the second was done a pilot test with samples of newborns of Monte Santo, for the evaluation of standardized techniques and for the thermostability study in healthy controls; in the third were analyzed newborns samples from Monte Santo for both biochemical and molecular methods. Standardization on microplate for fluorimetric enzyme activity of the ARSB showed the assay sensitivity, differentiating values between normal and affected and allowing a reliable detection of patients with MPS VI. On the standardization for molecular analysis in DBS it was possible to differentiate the results for normal individuals, heterozygous and affected for the mutation p.H178L. The preliminary results available indicate that the protocol of neonatal screening for MPS VI developed in this work can be easily incorporated by reference laboratories, contributing to the detection and premature treatment of MPS VI affected patients.
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Triagem neonatal para mucopolissacaridose tipo VI (Síndrome de Maroteux-Lamy) em uma região com alta incidência da doençaBender, Fernanda January 2011 (has links)
A mucopolissacaridose tipo VI (MPS VI) ou Síndrome de Maroteaux-Lamy, é uma doença autossômica recessiva causada pela deficiência da enzima lisossomal Nacetilgalactosamina- 4-sulfatase (ARSB), a qual resulta no armazenamento lisossômico de dermatan sufato em vários tecidos e órgãos, dando origem a uma condição clínica de espectro variável, desde formas mais graves até formas mais atenuadas. O acúmulo de substrato não degradado causa um importante comprometimento ósseo, problemas respiratórios, baixa estatura e outros problemas, afetando os olhos, o coração e outros órgãos. Embora a síndrome de Maroteaux-Lamy não tenha uma incidência definida no Brasil, é reconhecido que, no nosso meio, é muito mais freqüente do que em outros países e regiões. Ela é particularmente freqüente no município de Monte Santo (Bahia), de aproximadamente 50.000 habitantes e onde já foram registrados 13 casos da doença. O diagnóstico é importante porque existe hoje um tratamento específico para a doença, a terapia de reposição enzimática (TRE), que vem mostrando bons resultados, especialmente quando iniciada em idade precoce. Descrevemos neste trabalho uma adaptação para microplacas da medida fluorimétrica da atividade de ARSB, e uma nova metodologia de análise molecular, ambas padronizados para sangue total impregnado em papel-filtro (STIPF). Essas técnicas foram desenvolvidas para incluir um teste de triagem neonatal para MPS VI, realizado nas amostras coletadas para o “teste do pezinho” nos neonatos do município de Monte Santo. Esses métodos permitem a detecção de pacientes com MPS VI e dos portadores da mutação específica que parece ser responsável pela alta incidência de MPS VI nessa localidade, uma vez que todos os pacientes lá diagnosticados apresentavam a mesma mutação (p.H178L) em homozigose. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em três etapas: na primeira foi realizada a padronização das técnicas em 100 amostras de STIPF; na segunda foi feito um teste-piloto com amostras de neonatos de Monte Santo, para avaliação das técnicas padronizadas e para o estudo de termoestabilidade em controles hígidos; na terceira foram analisadas amostras de STIPF de neonatos provenientes de Monte Santo pelos dois métodos (bioquímico e molecular). A padronização para realização da medida fluorimétrica da atividade enzimática de ARSB em microplacas indicou que o método é sensível, permitiu diferenciar os valores da população normal dos valores dos pacientes afetados e possibilitou a identificação segura de pacientes com MPS VI. Nas padronizações da análise molecular da mutação p.H178L em STIPF foi possível diferenciar os indivíduos normais, heterozigotos e homozigotos. Os resultados preliminares disponíveis indicam que o protocolo de triagem neonatal para MPS VI desenvolvido no presente trabalho poderá ser facilmente incorporado por laboratórios de referência, contribuindo para a detecção e tratamento precoce dos pacientes afetados por MPS VI. / Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI (MPS VI) or Maroteux-Lamy syndrome, is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme Nacetylgalactosamine- 4-sulfatase (ARSB), which results in lysosomal storage of dermatan sufate in various tissues and organs and leads to a variable clinical spectrum, including more severe and attenuated forms. The accumulation of undegraded substrate causes bone involvement, respiratory problems and short stature, among other signs and symptoms, affecting the eyes, heart and other organs. Although the Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome does not have a defined incidence in Brazil, it is recognized that in our environment it is much more frequent than in other countries and regions. It is particularly frequent in the municipality of Monte Santo (Bahia) approximately 50,000 inhabitants and where there have already been 13 cases of the disease. The diagnosis is important because today there is a specific treatment for the disease, enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) which has shown good results, especially when started at an early age. We describe herein the standardization of the microplate fluorometric method for the ARSB test and a new methodology of molecular analysis, both adapted for dried blood spots (DBS) samples. These techniques were developed for inclusion of MPS VI in the newborn screening program that already tests the neonates of the city of Monte Santo, Bahia, Brasil for metabolic diseases. The methods were developed to detect patients with MPS VI and also for carriers, once the disease seems to have a high incidence (around 1:5.000) at this location. Also, all patients that have already been diagnosed in this city presented the same mutation (p.H178L) in homozygosis. The study was conducted in three stages: in the first was performed in 100 DBS samples an standardization of the techniques; in the second was done a pilot test with samples of newborns of Monte Santo, for the evaluation of standardized techniques and for the thermostability study in healthy controls; in the third were analyzed newborns samples from Monte Santo for both biochemical and molecular methods. Standardization on microplate for fluorimetric enzyme activity of the ARSB showed the assay sensitivity, differentiating values between normal and affected and allowing a reliable detection of patients with MPS VI. On the standardization for molecular analysis in DBS it was possible to differentiate the results for normal individuals, heterozygous and affected for the mutation p.H178L. The preliminary results available indicate that the protocol of neonatal screening for MPS VI developed in this work can be easily incorporated by reference laboratories, contributing to the detection and premature treatment of MPS VI affected patients.
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Využití LC-MS/MS v diagnostice kongenitální adrenální hyperplasie / Utilization of LC-MS/MS in diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasiaGrúlová, Kristýna January 2020 (has links)
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is an autosomal recessive disease that causes a disorder of steroidogenesis in the adrenal cortex. This disease is a part of a panel of diseases searched in preclinical nationwide neonatal screening. The methodology is based on measuring the concentration of 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) in a dried blood spot using fluorescence immunoassay (FIA). However, this determination is not entirely specific and generates a high rate of false positive results (up to 4.3 %). In this diploma thesis the LC-MS / MS method was developed. This method measures selected steroid hormones involved in cortisol metabolism with respect to the diagnosis of CAH disease. The method was validated and applied to clinical samples, it identified CAH patients from negative controls and significantly reduced the false positivity of neonatal screening results. Compared to the FIA results, the LC-MS / MS method reduced false positivity up to 50 % by evaluating the concentration of 17-OHP. Moreover, by extending the diagnostic algorithm with other measured markers, the reduction was enhanced up to 98%. The developed method is also applicable for the measurement of serum and plasma samples, respectively, and has become a part of the confirmation tests for suspected CAH screening findings. Key...
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Einfluss präanalytischer Faktoren auf die Untersuchung des Aminosäure- und AcylcarnitinstoffwechselsBrauer, Romy 19 June 2012 (has links)
Quantitative Untersuchungen krankheitsspezifischer oder krankheitsassoziierter metabolischer Signaturen in humanen Körperflüssigkeiten („Clinical Metabolomics“) haben zum Ziel neue Ansätze für diagnostische oder therapeutische Konzepte zu entwickeln. Die simultane quantitative Analytik von Aminosäuren (AS) und Acylcarnitinen (AC) mittels Tandem-Massenspektrometrie (MS/MS) ermöglicht die Erfassung wichtiger Stoffwechselwege des humanen Metabolismus. Hierzu zählen der Stoffwechsel der ketogenen AS, des Harnstoffzyklus oder der β-Oxidation langkettiger Fettsäuren. Allerdings wird die Konzentration der verschiedenen metabolischen Parameter in humanen Körperflüssigkeiten durch eine Vielzahl präanalytischer in vitro Störfaktoren und in vivo Einflussgrößen beeinflusst. Diese können zu signifikanten Veränderungen der Laborergebnisse führen.
Im Rahmen meiner Promotionsarbeit wurden in vitro Störfaktoren (Probenmaterial, Lagerung u. a.) und in vivo Einflussgrößen (Ernährung, physische Aktivität) untersucht und ein standardisiertes Präanalytik-Protokoll entwickelt. Dazu wurden pro Probe 3 µL Trockenblut (TB), 10 µL Serum oder Plasma nach Butylierung mittels Elektrospray-Ionisations-MS/MS analysiert und jeweils 26 AS und 35 AC in 1,5 Minuten simultan bestimmt.
Als Ergebnis der zahlreichen systematischen Präanalytik-Untersuchungen konnten signifikante Konzentrationsunterschiede der Metabolite zwischen kapillärer und venöser Blutentnahme sowie in Abhängigkeit des Hämatokrits gefunden werden. Im Vergleich zu Serum und antikoaguliertem Plasma (EDTA, Citrat, Heparin) waren die Konzentrationen der langkettigen AC im TB 5-fach höher. Nahrungsaufnahme und körperliche Aktivität führten ebenfalls zu signifikanten Veränderungen der AS- und AC-Konzentrationen. Durch Optimierung des Probenaufarbeitungsprotokolls konnte die Variabilität zwischen den Messtagen für 17 AS und 6 AC auf < 20 % gesenkt werden.
Die Ergebnisse meiner Promotionsarbeit unterstreichen den Einfluss präanalytischer Faktoren auf die Metabolomanalytik. Durch Etablierung und Einhaltung standardisierter präanalytischer Protokolle kann die präanalytische Varianz der Ergebnisse deutlich verringert werden. Sie stellen somit eine wichtige Voraussetzung für eine qualitativ hochwertige Metabolomanalytik im Rahmen klinischer Studien zur Identifizierung neuer Biomarker dar.
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Evaluation et comparaison de méthodologies pharmacocinétiques en pédiatriePeigné, Sophie 26 November 2015 (has links)
Un nouveau règlement (CE) n° 1901/2006 établi par le Parlement européen et le Conseil de l’UE, relatif aux médicaments à usage pédiatrique, vise à améliorer la santé et la qualité de vie des enfants en Europe, en garantissant que les nouveaux médicaments pédiatriques et les médicaments déjà commercialisés seront pleinement adaptés à leurs besoins spécifiques. Ce règlement prévoit de nouvelles obligations pour l'industrie pharmaceutique, assorties de récompenses et d'incitations. Dans ce contexte, un plan d’investigation pédiatrique a été proposé pour l’ivabradine dans plusieurs sous-groupes de la population pédiatrique dans le traitement de l’insuffisance cardiaque chronique. L’ivabradine est une molécule déjà commercialisée chez l’adulte dans la prise en charge de l’angor, et de l’insuffisance cardiaque. Un premier travail a été d’aider au design de cette étude pédiatrique : évaluer la formulation pédiatrique, aider au choix de la dose initiale à administrer chez l’enfant, choisir le protocole de prélèvements et conseiller la méthode de prélèvements. Pour évaluer la formulation pédiatrique, une étude a été conduite pour déterminer la biodisponibilité relative de la formulation pédiatrique par rapport aux comprimés utilisés chez l’adulte. Une biodisponibilité relative similaire a été retrouvée entre les deux formulations. Une approche physiologique (PBPK « Physiollogically based PharmacoKineticsmodel ») a été utilisé pour prédire la dose initiale à administrer et pour proposer un protocole de prélèvements PK. La méthode DBS (Dried blood spot) consistant à collecter à chaque temps de prélèvement une goutte de sang (au pli du coude ou au bout du doigt) a été recommandée. La première dose à administrer chez l’enfant peut être également être déterminée par des modèles de population développés chez l’adulte et adaptés à l’enfant grâce à l’allométrie et à l’ajout de fonctions de maturation. Cette approche a été comparée au PBPK dans le cas de l’ivabradine et des résultats similaires ont été obtenus. Un deuxième travail a été réalisé après que l’étude clinique ait été conduite dans la population pédiatrique. L’étude a été menée chez 116 enfants (74 enfants recevant l’ivabradine, 42 recevant le placebo) âgés de 6 mois à 18 ans et les données ont été analysées. Tout d’abord, une relation a été établie entre les concentrations d’ivabradine plasmatiques et les concentrations d’ivabradine mesurées dans le sang total. Puis, afin de décrire les concentrations d’ivabradine et de son métabolite, un modèle de population prenant en compte l’effet de l’âge et du poids a été développé. En comparant les expositions plasmatiques, une dose par kilogramme plus élevée aurait été nécessaire chez les patients les plus jeunes pour atteindre un niveau d’exposition similaire aux patients plus âgés. Enfin, il a été monté que la relation PK/PD qui avait développé chez l’adulte était conservée dans la population pédiatrique. / New legislation governing the development and authorization of medicines for use in children was introduced in the European Union (EU) in January 2007. This Regulation aims to facilitate the development and accessibility of medicinal products for use in the paediatric population, to ensure that medicinal products used to treat the paediatric population are subject to ethical research of high quality and are appropriately authorised for use in the paediatric population, and to improve the information available on the use of medicinal products in the various paediatric populations. Several rewards and incentives for the development of paediatric medicines for children are available in the European Union (EU). In compliance with the paediatric European regulation, a study will be conducted in paediatric patients with CHF with the objective to determine the efficacious and safe dose of ivabradine, a compound already marketed in adults, and to assess its efficacy and safety in children over 1 year old. A first work was to help design a paediatric study for ivabradine focusing on: the paediatric formulation evaluation, the doses to be administered, the sampling design and the sampling technique. A study was conducted in order to assess the relative bioavailability (Frel) of the paediatric formulation and a similar Frel was observed between the paediatric formulation and the adult marketed tablet. PBPK modelling was used to predict initial doses to be administered in the paediatric study and to select the most appropriate sample time collections. The dried blood spot (DBS) technique was recommended in the clinical trial in children. A secondary objective was to perform a comparison of the prediction of ivabradine pharmacokinetics (PK) in children using a physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) approach and allometric scaling of a population pharmacokinetic (PPK) model. Simulations obtained by both the PBPK approach and allometric scaling of a PPK model were compared a posteriori to the paediatric study observations. Both PPK and PBPK approaches allowed an adequate prediction of the PK of ivabradine and its metabolite in children. The second work was done after the study conduction in the paediatric population. The study was performed in 116 children (74 received ivabradine, 42 received the placebo) aged from 6 months to less than 18 years old and data were analysed. The relationship between blood and plasma concentrations was described using linear mixed effect models. In order to describe ivabradine and its metabolite blood concentrations in children, a joint population PK model was developed taking into account weight & age effects on PK parameters. Plasma exposure comparison indicated that higher dose/kg were necessary to achieve a similar exposure between younger and older children. The PK/PD relationship in adult patients is conserved in children.
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