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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A small perturbation based optimization approach for the frequency placement of high aspect ratio wings

Goltsch, Mandy 26 March 2009 (has links)
Design denotes the transformation of an identified need to its physical embodiment in a traditionally iterative approach of trial and error. Conceptual design plays a prominent role but an almost infinite number of possible solutions at the outset of design necessitates fast evaluations. The traditional practice of empirical databases loses adequacy for novel concepts and an ever increasing system complexity and resource scarsity mandate new approaches to adequately capture system characteristics. Contemporary concerns in atmospheric science and homeland security created an operational need for unconventional configurations. Unmanned long endurance flight at high altitudes offers a unique showcase for the exploration of new design spaces and the incidental deficit of conceptual modeling and simulation capabilities. The present research effort evolves around the development of an efficient and accurate optimization algorithm for high aspect ratio wings subject to natural frequency constraints. Foundational corner stones are beam dimensional reduction and modal perturbation redesign. Local and global analyses inherent to the former suggest corresponding levels of local and global optimization. The present approach departs from this suggestion. It introduces local level surrogate models to capacitate a methodology that consists of multi level analyses feeding into a single level optimization. The innovative heart of the new algorithm originates in small perturbation theory. A sequence of small perturbation solutions allows the optimizer to make incremental movements within the design space. It enables a directed search that is free of costly gradients. System matrices are decomposed based on a Timoshenko stiffness effect separation. The formulation of respective linear changes falls back on surrogate models that approximate cross sectional properties. Corresponding functional responses are readily available. Their direct use by the small perturbation based optimizer ensures constitutive laws and eliminates a previously necessary optimization at the local level. The great economy of the developed algorithm makes it suitable for the conceptual phase of aircraft design.

Neural network based identification and control of an unmanned helicopter

Samal, Mahendra, Engineering & Information Technology, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
This research work provides the development of an Adaptive Flight Control System (AFCS) for autonomous hover of a Rotary-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (RUAV). Due to the complex, nonlinear and time-varying dynamics of the RUAV, indirect adaptive control using the Model Predictive Control (MPC) is utilised. The performance of the MPC mainly depends on the model of the RUAV used for predicting the future behaviour. Due to the complexities associated with the RUAV dynamics, a neural network based black box identification technique is used for modelling the behaviour of the RUAV. Auto-regressive neural network architecture is developed for offline and online modelling purposes. A hybrid modelling technique that exploits the advantages of both the offline and the online models is proposed. In the hybrid modelling technique, the predictions from the offline trained model are corrected by using the error predictions from the online model at every sample time. To reduce the computational time for training the neural networks, a principal component analysis based algorithm that reduces the dimension of the input training data is also proposed. This approach is shown to reduce the computational time significantly. These identification techniques are validated in numerical simulations before flight testing in the Eagle and RMAX helicopter platforms. Using the successfully validated models of the RUAVs, Neural Network based Model Predictive Controller (NN-MPC) is developed taking into account the non-linearity of the RUAVs and constraints into consideration. The parameters of the MPC are chosen to satisfy the performance requirements imposed on the flight controller. The optimisation problem is solved numerically using nonlinear optimisation techniques. The performance of the controller is extensively validated using numerical simulation models before flight testing. The effects of actuator and sensor delays and noises along with the wind gusts are taken into account during these numerical simulations. In addition, the robustness of the controller is validated numerically for possible parameter variations. The numerical simulation results are compared with a base-line PID controller. Finally, the NN-MPCs are flight tested for height control and autonomous hover. For these, SISO as well as multiple SISO controllers are used. The flight tests are conducted in varying weather conditions to validate the utility of the control technique. The NN-MPC in conjunction with the proposed hybrid modelling technique is shown to handle additional disturbances successfully. Extensive flight test results provide justification for the use of the NN-MPC technique as a reliable technique for control of non-linear complex dynamic systems such as RUAVs.

Stochastically optimized monocular vision-based navigation and guidance

Watanabe, Yoko. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008. / Committee Chair: Johnson, Eric; Committee Co-Chair: Calise, Anthony; Committee Member: Prasad, J.V.R.; Committee Member: Tannenbaum, Allen; Committee Member: Tsiotras, Panagiotis.

Development of an integrated avionics hardware system for unmanned aerial vehicle research purposes

Van Wyk, Robin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The development of an integrated avionics system containing all the required sensors and actuators for autopilot control is presented. The thesis analyzes the requirements for the system and presents detailed hardware design. The architecture of the system is based on an FPGA which is tasked with interfacing with the sensors and actuators. The FPGA abstracts a microprocessor from these interface modules, allowing it to focus only on the control and user interface algorithms. Firmware design for the FPGA, as well as a conceptualization of the microprocessor software design is presented. Simulation results showing the functionality of firmware modules are presented. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ontwikkeling van ‘n geïntegreede avionika‐stelsel wat al die vereiste sensors en aktueerders vir outoloods‐beheer bevat, word voorgestel. Die tesis analiseer die vereistes van die stelsel en stel ‘n hardeware‐ontwerp voor. Die argitektuur van die stelsel bevat ‘n FPGA wat ‘n koppelvlak met sensors en aktueerders skep. Die FPGA verwyder die mikroverwerker weg van hierdie koppelvlak modules en stel dit sodoende in staat om slegs op die beheer en gebruikerskoppelvlak‐algoritmes te fokus. Sagteware‐ontwerp vir die FPGA, asook die konseptualisering van die sagtewareontwerp vir die mikroverwerker, word aangebied. Simulasie resultate wat die funksionaliteit van die FPGA‐sagteware modules aandui, word ook voorgestel.

The design and implementation of vision-based autonomous rotorcraft landing

De Jager, Andries Matthys 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis presents the design and implementation of all the subsystems required to perform precision autonomous helicopter landings within a low-cost framework. To obtain high-accuracy state estimates during the landing phase a vision-based approach, with a downwards facing camera on the helicopter and a known landing target, was used. An e cient monocular-view pose estimation algorithm was developed to determine the helicopter's relative position and attitude during the landing phase. This algorithm was analysed and compared to existing algorithms in terms of sensitivity, robustness and runtime. An augmented kinematic state estimator was developed to combine measurements from low-cost GPS and inertial measurement units with the high accuracy measurements from the camera system. High-level guidance algorithms, capable of performing waypoint navigation and autonomous landings, were developed. A visual position and attitude measurement (VPAM) node was designed and built to perform the pose estimation and execute the associated algorithms. To increase the node's throughput, a compression scheme is used between the image sensor and the processor to reduce the amount of data that needs to be processed. This reduces processing requirements and allows the entire system to remain on-board with no reliance on radio links. The functionality of the VPAM node was con rmed through a number of practical tests. The node is able to provide measurements of su cient accuracy for the subsequent systems in the autonomous landing system. The functionality of the full system was con rmed in a software environment, as well as through testing using a visually augmented hardware-in-the-loop environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis beskryf die ontwikkeling van die substelsels wat vir akkurate outonome helikopter landings benodig word. 'n Onderliggende doel was om al die ontwikkeling binne 'n lae-koste raamwerk te voltooi. Hoe-akkuraatheid toestande word benodig om akkurate landings te verseker. Hierdie metings is verkry deur middel van 'n optiese stelsel, bestaande uit 'n kamera gemonteer op die helikopter en 'n bekende landingsteiken, te ontwikkel. 'n Doeltreffende mono-visie posisie-en-orientasie algoritme is ontwikkel om die helikopter se posisie en orientasie, relatief tot die landingsteiken, te bepaal. Hierdie algoritme is deeglik ondersoek en vergelyk met bestaande algoritmes in terme van sensitiwiteit, robuustheid en uitvoertyd. 'n Optimale kinematiese toestandswaarnemer, wat metings van GPS en inersiele sensore kombineer met die metings van die optiese stelsel, is ontwikkel en deur simulasie bevestig. Hoe-vlak leidingsalgoritmes is ontwikkel wat die helikopter in staat stel om punt-tot-punt navigasie en die landingsprosedure uit te voer. 'n Visuele posisie-en-orientasie meetnodus is ontwikkel om die mono-visie posisie-en orientasie algoritmes uit te voer. Om die deurset te verhoog is 'n saampersingsalgoritme gebruik wat die hoeveelheid data wat verwerk moet word, te verminder. Dit het die benodigde verwerkingskrag verminder, wat verseker het dat alle verwerking op aanboord stelsels kan geskied. Die meetnodus en mono-visie algoritmes is deur middel van praktiese toetse bevestig en is in staat om metings van voldoende akkuraatheid aan die outonome landingstelsel te verskaf. Die werking van die volledige stelsel is, deur simulasies in 'n sagteware en hardeware-indie- lus omgewing, bevestig.

Monocular vision assisted autonomous landing of a helicopter on a moving deck

Swart, Andre Dewald 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The landing phase of any helicopter is the most critical part of the whole flight envelope, particularly on a moving flight deck. The flight deck is usually located at the stern of the ship, translating to large heave motions. This thesis focuses on the three fundamental components required for a successful landing: accurate, relative state-estimation between the helicopter and the flight deck; a prediction horizon to forecast suitable landing opportunities; and excellent control to safely unite the helicopter with the flight deck. A monocular-vision sensor node was developed to provide accurate, relative position and attitude information of the flight deck. The flight deck is identified by a distinct, geometric pattern. The relative states are combined with the onboard, kinematic state-estimates of the helicopter to provide an inertial estimate of the flight deck states. Onboard motion prediction is executed to forecast a possible safe landing time which is conveyed to the landing controller. Camera pose-estimation tests and hardware-in-the-loop simulations proved the system developed in this thesis viable for flight tests. The practical flight tests confirmed the success of the monocular-vision sensor node. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die mees kritiese deel van die hele vlug-duurte van ’n helikopter is die landings-fase, veral op ’n bewegende vlugdek. Die vlugdek is gewoonlik geleë aan die agterstewe-kant van die skip wat groot afgee bewegings mee bring. Hierdie tesis ondersoek die drie fundamentele komponente van ’n suksesvolle landing: akkurate, relatiewe toestand-beraming tussen die helikopter en die vlugdek; ’n vooruitskatting horison om geskikte landings geleenthede te voorspel; en uitstekended beheer om die helikopter en vlugdek veilig te verenig. ’n Monokulêre-visie sensor-nodus was ontwikkel om akkurate, relatiewe-posisie en oriëntasie informasie van die vlugdek te verwerf. Die vlugdek is geidentifiseer deur ’n kenmerkende, geometriese patroon. Die relatiewe toestande word met die aan-boord kinematiese toestandafskatter van die helikopter gekombineer, om ’n beraming van die inertiale vlugdek-toestande te verskaf. Aan-boord beweging-vooruitskatting is uitgevoer om moontlike, veilige landingstyd te voorspel en word teruggevoer na die landingsbeheerder. Kamera-orientasie afskat-toetse en hardeware-in-die-lus simulasies het die ontwikkelde sisteem van hierdie tesis lewensvatbaar vir vlug-toetse bewys. Praktiese vlug-toetse het die sukses van die monokulêre-visie sensor-nodus bevestig.

Investigation of an aeroelastic model for a generic wing structure

Cilliers, M. E. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Computational Aeroelasticity is a complex research field which combines structural and aerodynamic analyses to describe a vehicle in flight. This thesis investigates the feasibility of including such an analysis in the development of control systems for unmanned aerial vehicles within the Electronic Systems Laboratory at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Stellenbosch University. This is done through the development of a structural analysis algorithm using the Finite Element Method, an aerodynamic algorithm for Prandtl’s Lifting Line Theory and experimental work. The experimental work was conducted at the Low-Speed Wind Tunnel at the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering. The structural algorithm was applied to 20-noded hexahedral elements in a winglike structure. The wing was modelled as a cantilever beam, with a fixed and a free end. Natural frequencies and deflections were verified with the experimental model and commercial software. The aerodynamic algorithm was applied to a Clark-Y airfoil with a chord of 0:1m and a half-span of 0:5m. This profile was also used on the experimental model. Experimental data was captured using single axis accelerometers. All postprocessing of data is also discussed in this thesis. Results show good correlation between the structural algorithm and experimental data. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Numeriese Aeroelastisiteit is ’n komplekse navorsingsveld waar ’n vlieënde voertuig deur ’n strukturele en ’n aerodinamiese analise beskryf word. Hierdie tesis ondersoek die toepaslikheid van hierdie tipe analise in die ontwerp van beheerstelsels vir onbemande voertuie binne die ESL groep van die Departement Elektriese en Elektroniese Ingenieurswese by Stellenbosch Universiteit. Die ondersoek bevat die ontwikkeling van ’n strukturele algoritme met die gebruik van die Eindige Element Methode, ’n aerodinamiese algoritme vir Prandtl se Heflynteorie en eksperimentele werk. Die eksperimentele werk is by die Department Meganiese en Megatroniese Ingensierswese toegepas in die Lae-Spoed Windtonnel. Die strukturele algoritme maak gebruik van ’n 20-nodus heksahedrale element om ’n vlerk-tipe struktuur op te bou. Die vlerk is vereenvouding na ’n kantelbalk met ’n vasgeklemde en ’n vrye ent. Natuurlike frekwensies en defleksies is met die eksperimentele werk en kommersiële sagteware geverifieer. Die aerodinamiese algoritme is op ’n Clark-Y profiel met 0:1m koord lengte en ’n halwe vlerk length van 0:5m geïmplementeer. Die profiel is ook in die eksperimentele model gebruik. Die eksperimentele data is met eendimensionele versnellingsmeters opgeneem. Al die verdere berekeninge wat op ekperimentele data gedoen is, word in die tesis beskryf. Resultate toon goeie korrelasie tussen die strukturele algoritme en die eksperimentele data.

HV Transmission line and tower inspection safe-fly zone modelling and metrology

Groch, Matthew 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The deployment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for power line inspection requires the definition of safe-fly zones. Transient Over-Voltages (TOVs) on the Overhead Transmission Lines (OHTLs) put the UAV at risk if it encroaches on these zones. In order to determine the safe-fly zones of a UAV in the vicinity of OHTLs, realistic full-scale experimental tests are done. Non-linearity in breakdown effects renders small-scale testing and computational work inaccurate. Experimental work is used to describe the close-up approach distances for worst-case scenarios. Testing cannot provide a full solution due to the limitation of the equipment available. Further tests must therefore be done at a specialised facility. Experiments are run in two phases, namely non-linear and linear tests in the High Voltage (HV) laboratory. The non-linear tests are done to derive Minimum Approach Distances (MAD). The linear experiments are used to calibrate FEKO, the simulation tool, to the measurement environment. Once correlation between the linear test data and the simulated data is found, confidence is derived in both the simulation model and the test setup. The simulations can then be used to determine a geometric factor as an input into F. Rizk’s prediction equations. The Rizk equations are used to describe the safe-fly zones alongside OHTLs as an addition to the non-linear experimental work. Along with the standard’s suggestions, the Rizk predictions are formulated in such a way that line-specific solutions can be determined. The suggested clearance values are provided in terms of per unit values, which can be selected in accordance with historical line data. Power line sparking is investigated to better understand the line radiation phenomenon. This understanding could assist in the line inspection process, as well as in the layout of power lines near radio quiet areas. Knowledge of OHTL radiation patterns can aid in the location of corona and sparking sources in the inspection process. Aerial sparking measurements are taken using a UAV carrying a spectrum analyser. Measured sparking levels are used to verify a Computational Electromagnetic (CEM) model. The CEM model can then be used to further investigate OHTL radiation characteristics. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die aanwending van Onbemande Vliegtuie (UAVs) vir kraglyn inspeksies, vereis die definiëring van veilige vlieg sones. Oorspannings (TOVs) op oorhoofse kraglyne (OHTLs) kan hierdie vliegtuie in gevaar stel as hulle die grense van hierdie sones oorskry. Om die veilige vlieg sones van 'n UAV in die omgewing van OHTLs te bepaal, is realistiese volskaalse toetse gedoen. Die nie-lineariteit in afbreek effekte lewer onakkurate kleinskaal toetse en rekenaar werk. Eksperimentele werk word gebruik om die benaderde afstande vir die ergste geval te beskryf. Hierdie werk kan nie 'n volledige oplossing gee nie as gevolg van ‘n beperking op huidige toerusting. Dit beteken dat verdere toetse, by ‘n meer gespesialiseerde fasiliteit, gedoen moet word. Eksperimente is uitgevoer in twee fases: nie-lineêre en lineêre toetse in die Hoogspannings (HV) laboratorium. Die nie-lineêre toetse word gedoen om die kleinste-benaderde-afstand (MAD) af te lei en die lineêre eksperimente word gebruik om FEKO (‘n numeriese elektromagnetika simulasie program) met die metings omgewing te kalibreer. Sodra daar ‘n korrelasie tussen die lineêre data en die gesimuleerde data is, kan daar aangeneem word dat die simulasie model en die toets-opstelling betroubaar is. Die simulasies kan dan gebruik word om 'n meetkundige faktor te bepaal as 'n bydrae tot F. Rizk se voorspellings vergelykings. Die Rizk vergelykings word gebruik om die veilige vlieg sones langs die OHTLs te beskryf. Dit kan dus gebruik word as ‘n toevoeging tot die nie-lineêre eksperimentele werk. Saam met die normale meet standaard voorstellings, is die Rizk voorspellings geformuleer sodat dit die lyn spesifieke oplossings kan bepaal. Die voorgestelde verklarings waardes word in per eenheid waardes beskryf, wat dan gekies kan word met ooreenstemmende historiese lyn data. Kraglyn-vonke word ondersoek om die lyn-bestraling verskynsel beter te verstaan. Hierdie begrip kan in die lyn inspeksie proses en in die uitleg van kraglyne naby radiostilte-areas help. Kennis van OHTL bestralings patrone kan help met die identifisering van corona en vonk-bronne tydens die inspeksie proses. 'n UAV met 'n aangehegte spektrum analiseerder is gebruik om die lug-vonkende metings te neem. Vonk vlakke wat gemeet is word dan gebruik om 'n Numeriese Elektromagnetiese (CEM) model te bevestig. Die CEM model kan dan gebruik word om OHTL bestralings eienskappe verder te ondersoek.

Modelagem e análise de topologias para veículos aéreos não-tripulados do tipo multirotor / Modeling and analysis of topologies for unmanned aerial vehicles of the multirotor type

Sandi, Nathanyel 03 July 2017 (has links)
Com a evolução dos projetos de multirotores e dos seus componentes, os projetistas vem tendo inúmeras opções de combinações de componentes na fase de projeto do multirotor, buscando melhor performance e menor custo. Isto deixa um problema em aberto: como atingir o multirotor pode atingir uma boa performance ainda na fase de projeto. A motivação para realização deste estudo se justifica no fato que não há trabalhos relacionado ao levantamento de métricas e análise de performance dos multirotores. Assim como o fator de não haver formas de mensurar a qualidade dos projetos e ter possibilidade de comparação, uma vez que tem-se várias formas de projetar um multirotor para diferentes aplicações. Este trabalho propõe uma abordagem para a análise do projeto de multirotores em termos de sua capacidade de voo (definida como voabilidade), levando em consideração as características de seus rotores, peso e topologia. O principal objetivo é apresentar uma forma de qualificar e quantificar uma aeronave multirotor para otimizar seu projeto. A abordagem discutida tem como objetivo analisar as habilidades de voo dos multirotores em seu projeto teórico para suportar os requisitos de projeto (como tamanho da hélice, torque do motor, topologia de armação), garantindo as capacidades de voo exigidas pela tarefa. Como resultado deste trabalhos, um conjunto de índices foi proposto para avaliar a qualidade de projeto de multirotores, sendo eles: voo, estabilidade, posicionamento e flutuação. A soma destes índices compõem o índice de voabilidade. Este índice oferece a possibilidade de comparação da análise do veículo em função das especificações do conjunto motor, hélice, topologia e tamanho do quadro. Para a validação destas métricas, uma análise das topologias tradicionais foi realizada, permitindo uma comparação em função do desempenho e esforço delas. / With an evolution of the multi-curral projects and their components, the designers have been having numerous options of combinations of components in the multirotor design phase, seeking better performance and lower cost. This leaves an open problem: as what the multirotor can achieve a good performance still in the design phase. One motivation to carry out this study is justified in that there are no works related to the survey of metrics and analysis of the performance of multirotors. As well as the factor there are no ways to measure a quality of projects and possibility of comparison, since there are several ways to design a multirotor for different applications. This work proposes an approach for an analysis of the design of multirotors in terms of their flight capacity, defining as characteristics of their rotors, weight and topology. The main objective is to present a way to qualify and quantify a multirotor aircraft to optimize its design. An approach approached for design design to support design requirements (such as power size, engine torque, frame topology), ensuring as required flight capabilities. As a result of this work, a set of indexes proposed to evaluate a multirole project quality, being: flight, stability, hover and heading. The sum of these indices compose the voleability index. This index offers a possibility of comparing the vehicle analysis according to the specifications of the engine assembly, propeller, topology and frame size. For a metric validation, an analysis of the topologies was performed, allowing a comparison for the performance function and their effort.

Modeling and formation controller design for multi-quadrotor systems with leader-follower configuration / Modélisation et conception de lois de commande pour le vol en formation de drones aériens avec une configuration leader-suiveur

Hou, Zhicheng 10 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse propose des solutions aux problématiques inhérentes au contrôle de formations aériennes de type leader­-suiveur pour des flottes de quadrirotors. Au regard des travaux existants, les stratégies qui sont proposés dans notre travail, considère que le(s) leader{s) a une interaction avec les suiveurs. En outre, les rôles de leader et de suiveur sont interchangeables lors de la formation. Dans un premier temps, la modélisation mathématique d'un seul quadrirotor et celle de la formation de quadrirotors est développée. Ensuite, le problème de suivi de trajectoire pour un seul quadrirotor est étudié. Au travers de l'analyse de 1, dynamique du système pour la conception d'une commande par platitude, il apparait que le suivi de trajectoire pour chaque quadrirotor équivaut à déterminer les sorties plates désirées. Un contrôleur pour système plats permettant l'asservissement des drones pour le suivi de trajectoire est donc proposé. Étant donné la propriété de double-boucle de la dynamique du quadrirotor en boucle fermée, un contrôleur d'attitude avec des grands gains est conçu, selon la théorie « singular perturbation system ». Puisque la dynamique du quadrirotor en boucle fermée fonctionne sur deux échelles de temps, la dynamique de rotation (boundary-layer mode) est contrôlée sur l'échelle de temps la plus rapide. La conception du contrôleur de formation dépend seulement de la dynamique de translation (modèle réduit dans une échelle de temps lente). Ce résultat a simplifié la conception du contrôleur de formation, de telle sorte que le modèle réduit du quadrirotor est utilisé au lieu du modèle complet. Étant donné que le modèle réduit du quadrirotor a une caractéristique de double-intégrateur, un algorithme de consensus pour des systèmes caractérisés par de multiple double-intégrateurs est proposé. Pour traiter le problème de la formation leader-suiveur, une matrice d'interaction est initialement proposée basée sur la matrice de Laplacienne. Nous montrons que la condition de convergence et la vitesse de convergence de l'erreur de formation dépendent de la plus petite valeur propre de la matrice d'interaction. Trois stratégies de contrôle de la formation avec une topologie fixe sont ensuite proposées. Le contrôle de formation par platitude est proposé pour obtenir une formation agressive, tandis que les dérivées de grands ordres de la trajectoire désirée pour chaque UAV sont estimées en utilisant un observateur; la méthode Lyapunov redesign est implémentée pour traiter les non-linéarités de la dynamique de la translation des quadrotors; une loi de commande bornée par l'utilisation, entre autre, de la fonction tangente hyperbolique est développée avec un feedback composite non linéaire, afin d'améliorer les performances de la formation. De plus, une commande de commutation saturée de la formation est étudiée, car la topologie de la formation est variable. La stabilité du système est obtenue grâce aux théories “convex hull » et « common Lyapunov function ». Cette stratégie de commande de commutation permet le changement des leaders dans la formation. Inspirée par certains travaux existants, tels que le contrôle de la formation avec des voisins anonymes, nous proposons, finalement, une loi de commande avec des voisins pondérés, qui montre une meilleure robustesse que le contrôle avec des voisins anonymes. Les résultats de simulation obtenus avec Matlab illustrent premièrement nos stratégies de contrôle que nous proposons De plus, en utilisant le langage de programmation C ++, nos stratégies sont mises en œuvre dans un framework de simulation et d'expérimentation développé au laboratoire Heudiasyc. Grâce aux nombreux tests variés que nous avons réalisés en simulation et en temps-réel, l'efficacité et les avantages de nos stratégies de contrôle de la formation proposées sont présentés. / In this thesis, we address a leader-follower (L-F) formation control problem for multiple UAVs, especially quadrotors. Different from existing works, the strategies, which are proposed in our work, consider that the leader(s) have interaction with the followers. Additionally, the leader(s) are changeable during the formation. First, the mathematical modeling of a single quadrotor and of the formation of quadrotors is developed. The trajectory tracking problem for a single quadrotor is investigated. Through the analysis of the flatness of the quadrotor dynamical model, the desired trajectory for each quadrotor is transferred to the design of the desired at outputs. A flatness-based trajectory tracking controller is, then, proposed. Considering the double-loop property of the closed-loop quadrotor dynamics, a high-gain attitude controller is designed, according to the singular perturbation system theory. Since the closed-loop quadrotor dynamics performs in two time scales, the rotational dynamics (boundary-layer model) is controlled in a fast time scale. The formation controller design is then only considered for the translational dynamics: reduced model in a slow time scale. This result has simplified the formation controller design such that the reduced model of the quadrotor is considered instead of the complete model. Since the reduced model of the quadrotor has a double-integrator characteristic, consensus algorithm for multiple double-integrator systems is proposed. Dealing with the leader-follower formation problem, an interaction matrix is originally proposed based on the Laplacian matrix. We prove that the convergence condition and convergence speed of the formation error are in terms of the smallest eigenvalue of the interaction matrix. Three formation control strategies with fixed formation topology are then proposed. The flatness-based formation control is proposed to deal with the aggressive formation problem, while the high-order derivatives of the desired trajectory for each UAV are estimated by using an observer; the Lyapunov redesign is developed to deal with the nonlinearities of the translational dynamics of the quadrotors; the hyperbolic tangent-based bounded control with composite nonlinear feedback is developed in order to improve the performance of the formation. In an additional way, a saturated switching control of the formation is investigated, where the formation topology is switching. The stability of the system is obtained by introducing the convex hull theory and the common Lyapunov function. This switching control strategy permits the change of the leaders in the formation. Inspired by some existing works, such as the anonymous neighbor-based formation control, we finally propose a weighted neighbor-based control, which shows better robustness than the anonymous neighbor-based control. Simulation results using Matlab primarily illustrate our proposed formation control strategies. Furthermore, using C++ programming, our strategies are implemented on the simulator-experiment framework, developed at Heudiasyc laboratory. Through a variety of tests on the simulator and real-time experiments, the efficiency and the advantages of our proposed formation control strategies are shown. Finally, a vision-based inter-distance detection system is developed. This system is composed by an on-board camera, infrared LEDs and an infrared filter. The idea is to detect the UAVs and calculate the inter-distance by calculating the area of the special LEDs patterns. This algorithm is validated on a PC, with a webcam and primarily implemented on a real quadrotor.

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