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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparison of methods for measurement of dust deposition in South African mining sectors

Kwata, Maphuti Georgina January 2014 (has links)
Dust particles in the atmosphere are a key cause of nuisance, health and other environmental problems. The mining sector is a major source of airborne particulate matter caused by operations like terrain clearing, drilling, blasting, tipping and loading and the passage of vehicles on unpaved roads. The nuisance effect of airborne dust can be measured by using dust buckets and/or directional dust deposition gauges. Dust buckets are used to determine vertical dust deposition rates and directional dust deposition gauges are used to determine the direction of the sources. Traditionally the measurement of the vertical flux of dust, or dust deposition has been used as to indicate the nuisance caused by coarse suspended particulate matter. Several countries have produced standards for permissible dust deposition rates. Although alternative deposition measurement methods have been proposed, ASTM D1739 has remained the method most often used in the South African mining and industrial sectors to measure dust deposition. In addition, a number of non-standard directional dust deposition gauges have been used. SANS 1929:2005 (South African National Standards, 2005) prescribes the use of ASTM D1739:98 for measuring dust deposition. However, for historical reasons the previous version, ASTM D1739:70 (re-approved as ASTM D1739:82) is still widely used and in the recently promulgated South African Dust Management regulations the use of this version is prescribed. In order to determine the difference in the results obtained by the two versions, ASTM D1739:82 and ASTM D1739:98 were used to measure dust deposition levels arising from a coal mining operation in the Mpumalanga Province and a gold mining operation in North-West Province. In order to determine whether a correlation exists between vertical dust flux (dust deposition) and horizontal dust flux, standard directional horizontal dust flux gauges according to BS 1747 part 5 were also set up at both sites. The measurement of dust deposition using three dust deposition gauges (i.e. ASTM D1739:82, ASTM D1739:98 and BS 1747 part 5, directional dust deposition gauges) was undertaken monthly over a period of fourteen (14) months at the two sites. The findings of the study indicate that the dust deposition rates for an opencast coal mine are generally higher than the dust deposition rates for an underground gold mine. ASTM D1739:98 was shown to be a more efficient dust deposition collection method than ASTM D1739:82, with the ratio between the mean values slightly more than 2. The addition of water to the dust bucket does not make a statistically significant difference to retention of dust in the bucket. There is a weak correlation between results for the vertical dust gauges and horizontal dust flux. It is recommended that the South African mining sector continue dust deposition monitoring and reporting using the more recent version of ASTM D1739, as high deposition levels may indicate a potential health impact from PM10 thoracic dust. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / gm2014 / Chemical Engineering / unrestricted

Optimal cleaning strategy of large-scale solar PV arrays considering non-uniform dust deposition

Simiyu, Donah Sheila Nasipwondi January 2020 (has links)
The use of solar photovoltaic systems has increased in the past years in an effort to move towards cleaner energy sources. Solar panels are however affected by negative factors such as dust deposition which hinder their performance. The negative effects that dust deposition has on solar panels depend on how much dust gets deposited on solar panels and how it spreads on the top surface. The spread of dust on solar panels can be uniform where all the solar panels in a entire solar photovoltaic array have the same amount of dust deposition. This is an ideal case and can be defined as uniform dust deposition. However, in real life operation, the spread of dust deposition can vary with one solar panel having a different quantity of dust deposition from another. This is defined as non-uniform dust deposition. Non-uniform dust deposition negatively affects the performance of solar panels by reducing the irradiance that reaches the solar cells thereby reducing the performance of the solar panels. The negative effects of non-uniform dust deposition are more significant over time and when there is no intervention to remove the dust. In practice, the negative effects of non-uniform dust deposition on photovoltaic modules has been addressed by periodically cleaning their top surfaces. Periodic cleaning can however increase the operational costs in terms of the cleaning frequency, time taken, cost of cleaning resources and effectiveness. In this study, we propose an optimal cleaning strategy for the solar power plants that are prone to the non-uniform dust deposition. To develop the optimal cleaning strategy, we first investigate the dust deposition process and develop a model to describe the relationship between the solar power generation and non-uniform dust deposition patterns. Then we formulate an optimization model to identify the most cost-effective solar panel cleaning plan. In the optimisation, the additional revenue due to cleaning the solar panels is formulated as the objective function. The decision variables are the number of photovoltaic strings cleaned at each cleaning interval. To highlight the effectiveness of the proposed solar panels cleaning strategy, the developed cleaning strategy is applied to a case study where analysis of the performances of other solar panel cleaning strategies, namely “full cleaning”, “no cleaning” and “random cleaning” is done. The results from the study show that the optimal cleaning strategy outperforms all the other cleaning strategies showing its effectiveness. The optimal cleaning strategy developed is useful to solar photovoltaic plants owners whose plants are located in dusty or polluted areas. It first provides them with an understanding of non-uniform dust deposition. It also provides a way of reducing the effects of non-uniform dust deposition through optimized cleaning which is cost effective and that allows the photovoltaic array to continuously give the desired output. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2020. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / MEng / Unrestricted

Marine Iron Biogeochemistry Under a Changing Climate: Impact on the Phytoplankton and the Diazotroph Communities

Li, Xuefeng 01 February 2018 (has links)
Diatoms constitute a major group of phytoplankton, accounting for ~20% of the world’s primary production. Biological dinitrogen (N2) fixation by diazotrophic cyanobacteria has great biogeochemical implications in nitrogen (N) cycling, being the major source of new N input to the oceans and thereby contributing significantly to carbon (C) export production. It has been shown that iron (Fe) can be the limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growth, in particular, in the HNLC (High Nutrient Low Chlorophyll) regions. Iron plays thus an essential role in governing the marine primary productivity and the efficiency of biological carbon pump. Oceanic systems are undergoing continuous modifications at varying rates and magnitudes as a result of changing climate. The objective of our research is to evaluate the effects of global climate change processes (changing dust deposition, ocean acidification and sea-surface warming) on phytoplankton growth, biological N2 fixation, biogeochemical cycles, and the controlling role of Fe within these impacts. Laboratory culture experiments using a marine diatom Chaetoceros socialis were conducted at two temperatures (13 ℃ and 18 ℃) and two carbon dioxide partial pressures (pCO2, 400 µatm and 800 µatm). The present study clearly highlights the effect of ocean acidification on enhancing the release of Fe upon dust deposition. Our results also confirm that being a potential source of Fe, mineral dust provides in addition a readily utilizable source of macronutrients such as phosphorus (P) and silicon (Si). However, elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations and ocean acidification may also have an adverse impact on diatom growth, causing a decrease in cell size and possible further changes in phytoplankton composition. Meanwhile, increasing temperature and ocean warming may lead to the reduction of diatom production as well as cell size, inducing poleward shifts in the biogeographic distribution of diatoms. Numerous factors can affect the extent of N2 fixation. A better understanding of the major environmental and nutrient controls governing this process is highly required. Iron and/or phosphorus are thought to be limiting factors in most oceanic regions. Special attention has been given to studying the effects of mineral dust deposition which is believed to promote N2 fixation as it increases the availability of both Fe and P. Three laboratory bioassays (+Fe, +P, +Dust) via incubation experiments were performed on Trichodesmium IMS101, an important contributor to marine N2 fixation. Each addition of Fe, P or desert dust was found to stimulate the growth and the N2 fixation activity of Trichodesmium IMS101. Several adaptive nutrient utilization strategies were observed, such as a Fe luxury uptake mechanism, a P-sparing effect and colony formation. In addition, during a field study in the temperate Northeast Atlantic Ocean using natural phytoplankton assemblages, N2 fixation was remarkably stimulated through the addition of dissolved Fe under low temperature and depleted P conditions, highlighting the critical role of Fe. At the time of this study, no Trichodesmium filaments were found in the region of investigation. The diazotrophic community was dominated by the unicellular cyanobacteria symbiont (prymnesiophyte-UCYN-A1) and heterotrophic diazotrophs, therefore suggesting that Fe could be the ultimate factor limiting N2 fixation of these smaller diazotrophs as well. Recently, the effects of ongoing climate change (ocean warming and acidification) on N2 fixation drew much attention, but various studies led to controversial conclusions. Semi-continuous dilution growth experiments were conducted on Trichodesmium IMS101 under future high pCO2 and warming seawater conditions (800 µatm and 28 °C) and compared to the present-day situations (400 µatm and 24 °C). The results indicate that higher pCO2 and therefore ocean acidification may be beneficial for Trichodesmium growth and N2 fixation. However, the present study suggests that Fe or P limitation in oligotrophic seawaters may offset the stimulation induced on Trichodesmium IMS101 due to ocean acidification. In contrast, ocean warming may not play an important role in Trichodesmium growth and N2 fixation with a 4 °C increase from 24 °C to 28 °C. Nevertheless, ocean warming was previously predicted to cause a shift in the geographical distribution of Trichodesmium toward higher latitudes, extending its niche to subtropical regions and potentially reducing its range in tropical ocean basins.Overall, the biological responses of the marine diatom Chaetoceros socialis and the N2-fixing cyanobacteria Trichodesmium IMS101 to several key climate change processes were presented and discussed in this study. These processes included dust deposition, and ocean acidification and warming, which were shown to have a significant impact on oceanic phytoplankton growth, cell size and primary productivity, biological N2 fixation, phytoplankton distribution and community composition. They would thus affect the C, N, P, Si and Fe biogeochemical cycles in various ways. Iron, as one of the most crucial micronutrients for marine phytoplankton, has in particular strong links to climate change and biogeochemical feedback mechanisms. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Experimental determination of the mass deposition flux of mineral dust at the Cape Verde Islands

Niedermeier, Nicole 14 April 2014 (has links)
Der Eintrag von Mineralstaub in den Ozean geschieht entweder durch trockene oder durch nasse Deposition. Dies ist ein wichtiger Prozess um ozeanische Organismen wie Phytoplankton mit Nährstoffen (z.B. Nitrat, Phosphat oder Eisen) zu versorgen. Viele Modelle befassen sich mit der Simulation von Depositionsflüssen von Mineralstaub in den Ozean. Messungen von Massendepositionsflüssen von Mineralstaub sind hingegen selten. Daher ist es von großer Notwendigkeit, diese Messungen durchzuführen um die vielen Modelle zu validieren und den Mineralstaubzyklus besser zu verstehen. Innerhalb des SOPRAN Projektes (Surface Ocean PRocesses in the ANthropocene) wird der Materialtransport zwischen der Atmosphäre und dem Ozean untersucht. Die Messungen dafür wurden auf den Kapverdischen Inseln durchgeführt, über welchen der Saharastaub durch die Passatwindzirkulation vorwiegend transportiert wird. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden in-situ Messungen von trockener Deposition von Mineralstaub in den Ozean präsentiert. Verschiedene Methoden wurden auf ihre Anwendbarkeit getestet und deren Ergebnisse miteinander verglichen. Alle Messergebnisse liegen im Bereich der Messunsicherheiten, wodurch ein Satz qualitätsgesicherter Daten aufgebaut werden konnte. Diese Daten wurden mit den Ergebnissen eines regionalen Chemie-Transport Modells verglichen. Modellierte Massendepositionsflüsse von Mineralstaub waren manchmal doppelt so hoch wie gemessene. Die größte Unsicherheit der Modelle liegt in der Emission des Mineralstaubs, die im Transport und der Deposition fortgesetzt wird. Weitere Unterschiede entstehen durch den Vergleich von Punktmessungen mit einer Gitterzelle, wenn der Staub nicht gleichmäßig über die Gitterzelle verteilt ist. Zusammenfassend wurden Massendepositionsmessungen von Mineralstaub erfolgreich mit verschiedenen Methoden durchgeführt. Mit den Erfahrungen aus dieser Studie ist es nun möglich, Langzeitmessungen von Mineralstaubdeposition in den Ozean erstellen. Diese Daten können von Atmosphärenmodellierern für ihre Modellvalidierung genutzt werden. Anwender von Ozeanmodellen und SOPRAN Partner werden diese Ergebnisse nutzen um z.B. die ozeanische Reaktion auf den Mineralstaubeintrag zu untersuchen. / The input of mineral dust to the oceans, via dry or wet deposition, is an important process, because the entrainment of nutrients (e.g., Nitrate, Phosphor and Iron) is essential for oceanic life such as phytoplankton. A lot of effort has been done to model the dust deposition fluxes to the ocean. However, field measurements concerning the deposition flux are sparse. Therefore, those measurements are needed in order to verify the huge amount of model outputs and to better understand the mineral dust cycle. Within the project SOPRAN (Surface Ocean PRocesses in the ANthropocene), the influence of material exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean is investigated. Measurements were carried out at the Cape Verde Islands in the direct outflow of the Saharan Desert. This study presents the first in-situ measurements of the dry mass deposition flux of mineral dust to the ocean. The applicability of different methods was tested and the results were compared to each other. The results of the measured data were comparable and a set of quality assured data could be built up. Those results were compared to the output of a regional chemistry- transport model. The modeled mass deposition flux was sometimes double as high as the measured one. The main uncertainty of the models is the emission of mineral dust at the source region, proceeding in the transport and emission of mineral dust. Furthermore, comparing single point measurements with outputs of a grid cell leads to differences in deposition fluxes by an inhomogeneous distribution of the mineral dust layer. Summarizing, the measurements of the mass deposition flux of mineral dust could be performed successfully with several methods. With the expertise of this study, long-term observations of the mineral dust deposition to the ocean can now be established. These data can be used by atmosphere modelers to validate their models. Ocean modelers and partners of the SOPRAN project will use these data to investigate e.g., the biological response of the ocean to mineral dust entrainment.

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