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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effet d'une phase d'apprentissage sur la passation de la figure complexe de Rey : application d'une évaluation dynamique auprès d'enfants d'âge scolaire en Algérie / Effects of a learning phase on the realization of the Rey complex figure test : application of a dynamic evaluation with school aged children in Algeria / أثر التعلم على تغيير الرسم المعقدة لى ري : التطبيق تقييم ديناميكى مع الأطفال في الجزائر

Ouali, Sonia 17 December 2013 (has links)
Cette étude examine l’effet de l’âge, du niveau scolaire, du milieu socioéconomique, de la latéralité et des pratiques linguistiques, sur la réalisation d’une épreuve psychologique non verbale dynamisée selon la procédure Test –Apprentissage- Re-test (T.A.R). Nous partons du constat que les tests non verbaux sont culturellement connotés (Dasen, 1993 ; Lautrey, 2001) ainsi, les facteurs culturels peuvent être considérés comme des biais ne permettant pas de comparer directement les performances réelles des personnes issues de cultures différentes. Notre hypothèse est qu’une évaluation psychologique dynamique est possible en Algérie permettant de distinguer les profils psychologiques des enfants d’âge scolaire ayant un niveau d’intelligence normal, de ceux pour qui une remédiation cognitive serait nécessaire.Les 93 enfants âgés de 5 à 11 ans, en plus d’avoir complété un questionnaire sociodémographique, ont participé à une épreuve de latéralité et à une épreuve de compétences linguistiques. Le test non verbal, la Figure Complexe de Rey (Rey, 1959), leur a été proposé une première fois, puis une seconde fois après une phase d’apprentissage selon le modèle de Kirkwood & al., 2001.Les résultats montrent que ce sont les enfants les plus âgés qui réussissent le mieux la FCR autant au test qu’au re-test. Les enfants plus âgés réalisent la Figure Complexe de Rey plus rapidement que les plus jeunes. La latéralité et le milieu socioéconomique d’appartenance ne semblent pas influencer la réalisation de la FCR. Par contre, les enfants plurilingues réalisent de meilleurs dessins que leurs homologues monolingues. Pour la grande majorité des enfants, la phase d’apprentissage est bénéfique quel que soit leurs caractéristiques personnelles. / This study examines the effect of age, school level, socioeconomic status, handedness and language skills, on children’s performance in the non-verbal test that is rendered dynamic according to the Test – Learning – Retest procedure (TLR). We argue that non-verbal tests are also culturally connoted (Dasen, 1993 ; Lautrey, 2001). Therefore, cultural factors can be considered as biases rendering questionable direct comparisons of performances of subjects from different cultures. Our hypothesis is that a dynamic psychological evaluation is possible in Algeria allowing us to differentiate psychological profiles of elementary school children with normal intelligence from those needing cognitive remediation.93 children aged between 5 and 11 years filled out a sociodemographic questionnaire, were tested for handedness and linguistic competence. They realized the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (Rey, 1959) once and then again a second time after a learning phase according to Kirkwood & al. 2001 model.Results indicate that older children perform better at the RCFT both in the test and re-test situations than younger children. Handedness and socioeconomic status do not affect children’s performance. However, children who are speaked more than one language realize more precise drawings than unilingual children. All children profit from the learning phase. / تتناول هذه الدراسة تأثير العمر ، والمستوى التعليمي ، والبيئة الاجتماعية والاقتصادية ، و تجانب والممارسات اللغة على إعمال الاختبار النفسي غير اللفظي مدعوما بإجراء تجارب التعلم - إعادة الاختبار (T.A.R ) . نبدأ من فرضية أن الاختبارات غير اللفظية يبينها ثقافيا ( Dasen ، 1993؛ Lautrey ، 2001) و يمكن اعتبار العوامل الثقافية لا تسمح للمقارنة بشكل مباشر على الأداء الفعلي لل أشخاص من ثقافات مختلفة . لدينا فرضية هي أن التقييم النفسي الديناميكي هو ممكن في الجزائر لتمييز الملامح النفسية للأطفال في سن المدرسة مع المستوى العادي للذكاء من أولئك الذين سيلزم المعالجة المعرفية .93أطفال تتراوح أعمارهم بين 5 سنوات و 11 سنة ، بالإضافة إلى بعد الانتهاء من استبيان الاجتماعية والديموغرافية ، شارك في اختبار ل تجانب و اختبارا ل مهارات اللغة . واقترح الاختبار غير اللفظي ، و الرسم المعقدة لى ري( ري، 1959) ،قدمت لهم لأول ؤهلة ، ثم مرة ثانية بعد مرحلة التعلم في نموذج كيركوود وآخرون، 2001.وتظهر النتائج أنه الأطفال الأكبر سنا الذين هم الأكثر نجاح اإختبار FCR و إعادة الاختبار. الأطفال الأكبر سنا تحقيق هذا الرقم من لرسم ري أسرع من الأصغر سنا . لا يبدو أن هناك تأثيربالانتماء للبيئة الاجتماعية والاقتصادية و تجانب على إعمال FCR . الأطفال متعددي اللغات تحقيق أفضل التصاميم من نظرائهم أحادي اللغة . بالنسبة للغالبية العظمى من الأطفال ، مرحلة التعلم هو مفيد بغض النظر عن الخصائص الشخصية.

A teoria da modificabilidade cognitiva estrutural de Feuerstein. Aplicação do Programa de Enriquecimento Instrumental (PEI) em estudantes da 3ª série de escolas do ensino médio. / The theory of structural cognitive modifiability by Feuerstein. Aplication of Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment (FIE I) on 3rd grade high school student\'s.

Cruz, Sylvio Benedicto 12 November 2007 (has links)
A Sociedade e o mercado de trabalho exigem de cidadãos e trabalhadores, nos últimos tempos, um perfil de desempenho diferente daquele até então aceito. As principais carências do trabalhador dizem respeito, dentre outras necessidades, ao desempenho de certas competências pessoais e a melhoria do funcionamento cognitivo. As escolas, responsáveis pela preparação dessas pessoas para viver em Sociedade - o que inclui a preparação para o mundo do trabalho - não costumam realizar ações educacionais intencionais na direção da melhoria do desenvolvimento cognitivo de seus alunos. O foco do presente estudo está na possibilidade da Escola realizar intencionalmente o desenvolvimento cognitivo de estudantes, futuros trabalhadores. utilizando um programa já existente, criado e estruturado para essa finalidade por Reuven Feuerstein. No final da década de 1940, coube a Feuerstein a tarefa de educar centenas de crianças e jovens, órfãos da guerra, para que se tornassem cidadãos autônomos e produtivos. Diante da necessidade real de modificar o desempenho cognitivo e resgatar a cidadania dessas pessoas, Feuerstein criou - a partir de sua visão de mundo, de um conjunto de crenças por ele estabelecido e de sua experiência - duas teorias: Modificabilidade Cognitiva Estrutural e Experiência de Aprendizagem Mediada e três sistemas inter-relacionados, ou seja, um sistema de avaliação: Avaliação Dinâmica do Potencial de Aprendizagem, um sistema de intervenção: Programa de Enriquecimento Instrumental e um sistema de manutenção: Modelagem de Ambientes Modificadores. Avaliar o efeito do primeiro nível do Programa de Enriquecimento Instrumental (PEI I) no desenvolvimento cognitivo de estudantes da 3ª série de Escolas pública ou privada de Ensino Médio é o objetivo amplo desse trabalho. Em resumo, foram envolvidos no projeto 96 estudantes (54 rapazes e 42 moças) de duas Escolas de Ensino Médio: uma privada e outra pública. Sessenta e sete desses alunos participaram dos grupos experimentais que se submeteram ao PEI I e as outras 29 pessoas integraram grupos de controle, não participando, portanto, da aplicação do Programa. Todos os estudantes participaram de uma avaliação inicial diante de seis instrumentos, sendo que alguns deles permitiam avaliação dinâmica. Da análise dos resultados dos instrumentos, que envolviam avaliação dinâmica, foram levantadas necessidades e estabelecidos procedimentos de intervenção. Os alunos dos grupos experimentais foram submetidos ao primeiro nível do Programa de Enriquecimento Instrumental (PEI I). Durante a aplicação do PEI I, alunos participaram de avaliação intermediária, realizada a partir da aplicação de instrumento de avaliação e ou de questionário para levantamento da percepção dos estudantes sobre o PEI. Finalmente, todos os participantes foram submetidos a uma avaliação final. Os resultados foram analisados de forma descritiva e estatística. Os testes U ou de Mann- Whitney e o teste t de Student foram utilizados para indicar semelhanças e diferenças prováveis entre os desempenhos dos grupos de alunos. A partir da discussão desses resultados foram montadas proposições que justificaram as seguintes conclusões: A modificabilidade cognitiva estrutural dos estudantes dos grupos experimentais foi ampliada. O desenvolvimento cognitivo demonstrado pelos estudantes dos grupos experimentais foi maior que o desempenho cognitivo demonstrado pelos alunos do grupo de controle. / In the recent past, both society and labour market are demanding from citizens a performance far different from those accept until then. The major lacks of workers may concern, among others, to the development of specific personal competences and to the improve of the cognitive process. Schools, responsible for the preparation for life in society - including the life in the labour market - don\'t usually take intentional educational actions aiming the improve of the cognitive development of their students. The focus of the present study is mainly on analyzing the possibility of Schools to make an intentional effort to develop student\'s cognitive habilities, future workers, using a preexisting program created and structured for this meaning by Reuven Feuerstein. In the late 40\'s, Feurstein took the task of teaching hundreds of children and teenagers, war orphan children, to become autonomous and productive citizens. Facing the real need of improving their cognitive habilities and rescuing their citizenship, Feuerstein came up - using his own wide world perception, personal beliefs and experience - with two theories: Structural Cognitive Modifiability (SCM) and Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) and three interrelated systems, or an evaluation system: Learning Potential Assesment Device (LPAD), an interventional system: Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment (FIE) and a maintenance system: Shaping Modifying Environments (ME). The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effect of the first level of the Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment (FIE I) on 3rd grade public or private High School student\'s cognitive development. Summing up, there were 96 students involved in this project (54 boys and 42 girls) from two different High Schools: one private and one public. Sixty seven of these students were placed on experimental groups that were submitted to FIE I and the other 29 kids took part on control groups, staying away from the program application. All the students participated on an initial evaluation, facing six instruments, some of then allowing a dynamic evaluation. From the instrument result analysys, needs were raised and intervention procedures were established. The students\'s experimental group was submitted to the first level of the Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment (FIE I). During its application, the students had an intermediary evaluation, made by the application of the evaluation instrument and by a questionnaire to measure the student\'s level of perception about the (FIE I). Finally, all the participants were submitted to a final evaluation. The results were analyzed in a descriptive statistical way. The U or Mann-Whitney tests and the t for Student test were used to indicate probable similarities and differences among the student\'s groups performances. From its discussion were put together propositions to justify the following conclusions: The student\'s experimental group structural cognitive modifiability was raised. The cognitive development shown by the student\'s experimental group was higher than the cognitive performance shown by the student\'s control group.

A teoria da modificabilidade cognitiva estrutural de Feuerstein. Aplicação do Programa de Enriquecimento Instrumental (PEI) em estudantes da 3ª série de escolas do ensino médio. / The theory of structural cognitive modifiability by Feuerstein. Aplication of Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment (FIE I) on 3rd grade high school student\'s.

Sylvio Benedicto Cruz 12 November 2007 (has links)
A Sociedade e o mercado de trabalho exigem de cidadãos e trabalhadores, nos últimos tempos, um perfil de desempenho diferente daquele até então aceito. As principais carências do trabalhador dizem respeito, dentre outras necessidades, ao desempenho de certas competências pessoais e a melhoria do funcionamento cognitivo. As escolas, responsáveis pela preparação dessas pessoas para viver em Sociedade - o que inclui a preparação para o mundo do trabalho - não costumam realizar ações educacionais intencionais na direção da melhoria do desenvolvimento cognitivo de seus alunos. O foco do presente estudo está na possibilidade da Escola realizar intencionalmente o desenvolvimento cognitivo de estudantes, futuros trabalhadores. utilizando um programa já existente, criado e estruturado para essa finalidade por Reuven Feuerstein. No final da década de 1940, coube a Feuerstein a tarefa de educar centenas de crianças e jovens, órfãos da guerra, para que se tornassem cidadãos autônomos e produtivos. Diante da necessidade real de modificar o desempenho cognitivo e resgatar a cidadania dessas pessoas, Feuerstein criou - a partir de sua visão de mundo, de um conjunto de crenças por ele estabelecido e de sua experiência - duas teorias: Modificabilidade Cognitiva Estrutural e Experiência de Aprendizagem Mediada e três sistemas inter-relacionados, ou seja, um sistema de avaliação: Avaliação Dinâmica do Potencial de Aprendizagem, um sistema de intervenção: Programa de Enriquecimento Instrumental e um sistema de manutenção: Modelagem de Ambientes Modificadores. Avaliar o efeito do primeiro nível do Programa de Enriquecimento Instrumental (PEI I) no desenvolvimento cognitivo de estudantes da 3ª série de Escolas pública ou privada de Ensino Médio é o objetivo amplo desse trabalho. Em resumo, foram envolvidos no projeto 96 estudantes (54 rapazes e 42 moças) de duas Escolas de Ensino Médio: uma privada e outra pública. Sessenta e sete desses alunos participaram dos grupos experimentais que se submeteram ao PEI I e as outras 29 pessoas integraram grupos de controle, não participando, portanto, da aplicação do Programa. Todos os estudantes participaram de uma avaliação inicial diante de seis instrumentos, sendo que alguns deles permitiam avaliação dinâmica. Da análise dos resultados dos instrumentos, que envolviam avaliação dinâmica, foram levantadas necessidades e estabelecidos procedimentos de intervenção. Os alunos dos grupos experimentais foram submetidos ao primeiro nível do Programa de Enriquecimento Instrumental (PEI I). Durante a aplicação do PEI I, alunos participaram de avaliação intermediária, realizada a partir da aplicação de instrumento de avaliação e ou de questionário para levantamento da percepção dos estudantes sobre o PEI. Finalmente, todos os participantes foram submetidos a uma avaliação final. Os resultados foram analisados de forma descritiva e estatística. Os testes U ou de Mann- Whitney e o teste t de Student foram utilizados para indicar semelhanças e diferenças prováveis entre os desempenhos dos grupos de alunos. A partir da discussão desses resultados foram montadas proposições que justificaram as seguintes conclusões: A modificabilidade cognitiva estrutural dos estudantes dos grupos experimentais foi ampliada. O desenvolvimento cognitivo demonstrado pelos estudantes dos grupos experimentais foi maior que o desempenho cognitivo demonstrado pelos alunos do grupo de controle. / In the recent past, both society and labour market are demanding from citizens a performance far different from those accept until then. The major lacks of workers may concern, among others, to the development of specific personal competences and to the improve of the cognitive process. Schools, responsible for the preparation for life in society - including the life in the labour market - don\'t usually take intentional educational actions aiming the improve of the cognitive development of their students. The focus of the present study is mainly on analyzing the possibility of Schools to make an intentional effort to develop student\'s cognitive habilities, future workers, using a preexisting program created and structured for this meaning by Reuven Feuerstein. In the late 40\'s, Feurstein took the task of teaching hundreds of children and teenagers, war orphan children, to become autonomous and productive citizens. Facing the real need of improving their cognitive habilities and rescuing their citizenship, Feuerstein came up - using his own wide world perception, personal beliefs and experience - with two theories: Structural Cognitive Modifiability (SCM) and Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) and three interrelated systems, or an evaluation system: Learning Potential Assesment Device (LPAD), an interventional system: Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment (FIE) and a maintenance system: Shaping Modifying Environments (ME). The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effect of the first level of the Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment (FIE I) on 3rd grade public or private High School student\'s cognitive development. Summing up, there were 96 students involved in this project (54 boys and 42 girls) from two different High Schools: one private and one public. Sixty seven of these students were placed on experimental groups that were submitted to FIE I and the other 29 kids took part on control groups, staying away from the program application. All the students participated on an initial evaluation, facing six instruments, some of then allowing a dynamic evaluation. From the instrument result analysys, needs were raised and intervention procedures were established. The students\'s experimental group was submitted to the first level of the Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment (FIE I). During its application, the students had an intermediary evaluation, made by the application of the evaluation instrument and by a questionnaire to measure the student\'s level of perception about the (FIE I). Finally, all the participants were submitted to a final evaluation. The results were analyzed in a descriptive statistical way. The U or Mann-Whitney tests and the t for Student test were used to indicate probable similarities and differences among the student\'s groups performances. From its discussion were put together propositions to justify the following conclusions: The student\'s experimental group structural cognitive modifiability was raised. The cognitive development shown by the student\'s experimental group was higher than the cognitive performance shown by the student\'s control group.

Evaluering van skoolbeginners met die oog op effektiewe aanvangsonderrig

Heckroodt, Annétia Sophia 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / With compulsory education in the New South· Africa, an increase in the number of school beginners can be expected, together with the probability of large gaps in their readiness for school. In £his study, materials have been developed together with a structure for the organisation of teaching_~!?.r trainers/subject advisers, teachers and pupils, to ensure effective education for school beginners. The "Battery for the Assessment of Bridging period Yields" (BABY) has been developed as a valid, realiable and usable school readiness battery of tests for teachers as unregistered test users. The Pre-Test for division into homogeneous ability groups is applied shortly after entrance to school. The Battery of Diagnostic Tests ensures continuous evaluation of pupils during the school readiness programme. The Post-Test is applied at the end of the first term. In this dynamic interaction between tester and pupil in an instruction-test-instruction cycle, the pupils' readiness to progress with formal instruction is continuously evaluated. / Met verpligte onderwys in die Nuwe Suid-Afrika, kan 'n toename in die getal swart skoolbeginners ve:wag word, asook dat daar in hulle skoolvoorbereiding groot leemtes kan voorkom. In die onderhawige studie is hulpmiddels en 'n struktuur vir onderwysorganisasie vir opleiers/vakadviseurs, onderwyseresse en leerlinge ontwikkel om aan skoolbeginners effektiewe onderwys te verseker. Die "Battery for the Assessment of Bridging period Yields" (BABY), 'n geldige, betroubare en bruikbare skoolgereedheidstoetsbattery vir onderwyseresse as ongeregistreerde toetsgebruikers, is ontwikkel. Die Voortoets vtr indeling in homogene bevoegdheidsgroepe word kort na skooltoetrede toegepas. Die Diagnostiese Toetsbattery verseker deurlopende evaluering van leerlinge gedurende die skoolgereedmakingsprogram. Die Natoets word aan die einde van die eerste kwartaal toegepas. In hierdie dinamiese interaksie tussen toetser en leerling in 'n onderrig-toets-onderrig siklus, word leerlinge se gereedheid om met formele onderrig voort te gaan, deurlopend geevalueer. / Psychology og Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Evaluering van skoolbeginners met die oog op effektiewe aanvangsonderrig

Heckroodt, Annétia Sophia 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / With compulsory education in the New South· Africa, an increase in the number of school beginners can be expected, together with the probability of large gaps in their readiness for school. In £his study, materials have been developed together with a structure for the organisation of teaching_~!?.r trainers/subject advisers, teachers and pupils, to ensure effective education for school beginners. The "Battery for the Assessment of Bridging period Yields" (BABY) has been developed as a valid, realiable and usable school readiness battery of tests for teachers as unregistered test users. The Pre-Test for division into homogeneous ability groups is applied shortly after entrance to school. The Battery of Diagnostic Tests ensures continuous evaluation of pupils during the school readiness programme. The Post-Test is applied at the end of the first term. In this dynamic interaction between tester and pupil in an instruction-test-instruction cycle, the pupils' readiness to progress with formal instruction is continuously evaluated. / Met verpligte onderwys in die Nuwe Suid-Afrika, kan 'n toename in die getal swart skoolbeginners ve:wag word, asook dat daar in hulle skoolvoorbereiding groot leemtes kan voorkom. In die onderhawige studie is hulpmiddels en 'n struktuur vir onderwysorganisasie vir opleiers/vakadviseurs, onderwyseresse en leerlinge ontwikkel om aan skoolbeginners effektiewe onderwys te verseker. Die "Battery for the Assessment of Bridging period Yields" (BABY), 'n geldige, betroubare en bruikbare skoolgereedheidstoetsbattery vir onderwyseresse as ongeregistreerde toetsgebruikers, is ontwikkel. Die Voortoets vtr indeling in homogene bevoegdheidsgroepe word kort na skooltoetrede toegepas. Die Diagnostiese Toetsbattery verseker deurlopende evaluering van leerlinge gedurende die skoolgereedmakingsprogram. Die Natoets word aan die einde van die eerste kwartaal toegepas. In hierdie dinamiese interaksie tussen toetser en leerling in 'n onderrig-toets-onderrig siklus, word leerlinge se gereedheid om met formele onderrig voort te gaan, deurlopend geevalueer. / Psychology og Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

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