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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití statického a dynamického strečinku v tréninku dívek kadetské kategorie ve sportovním aerobiku / Effect of Static and Dynamic Stretching on the Performance of Cadet Category in Competitive Aerobics

Knobová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
6 ABSTRACT Tittle: Effect of Static and Dynamic Stretching on the Performance of Cadet Category in Competitive Aerobics Objectives: The aim of the work is to find out the type, method and use of static and dynamic stretching in the training of cadet girls in the training of sports aerobics through the opinions of competitive aerobics coaches. The theoretical part consists of research on the issue. In the practical part, a questionnaire survey and an interview are used, conducted in person by the author of the diploma thesis or sent by e-mail, or conducted by telephone or otherwise online. The outputs from this questionnaire + interview are analyzed, compared and evaluated with specific clear outputs. Methods: The work consists of a theoretical and a practical part, while the theoretical part is conceived descriptively. The research part uses the method of qualitative research - a questionnaire. Competitive aerobics coaches are interviewed through a questionnaire and in the form of a guided interview. The interview is conducted in person, according to the prepared questions, and the answers are then logically sorted, evaluated and commented. Descriptive statistics are used for the actual classification and analysis of the obtained data. Results: The results of the work showed the type, method and use of...

Vliv statického a dynamického strečinku na koordinaci a flexibilitu u dětí 1. stupně ZŠ / The impact of static and dynamic stretching on coordination and flexibility in children in primary school

Plachá, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
TITLE: The impact of static and dynamic stretching on coordination and flexibility in children in primary school AUTHOR: Tereza Plachá DEPARTMENT: Katedra tělesné výchovy SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Lucie Kainová ABSTRACT: In my final thesis I want to deal with two types of warm-up - static stretching and dynamic stretching. Warming up is an important part not only of the sport performance, but also at the beginning of the physical education lesson. In schools, this phase is often neglected. With the help of selected tests, I will observe primary school pupils at primary school to get better results after static or dynamic stretching. I will watch them in coordination and flexibility. I compiled two types of stretching, which I will try in grades 1, 3 and 5. In the first lesson, I will do static stretching with the pupils after the proper warm-up. In the second lesson, I will include dynamic stretching along the busy part. In the main part of the lesson, the pupils then pass three tests for coordination - flamingo, crossing the bench and running with the roll; and three for flexibility - standing forward bend, shoulder joint range, and hip joint range. After dynamic stretching, the children are warmed up, reaching the necessary temperature for further activities. They have a greater range of motion and therefore...

Effets aigus des étirements statiques et dynamiques sur le système neuromusculaire / Acute effects of static and dynamic stretching on the neuromuscular system

Opplert, Jules-Antoine 06 June 2019 (has links)
Dans un contexte de performance sportive, de réhabilitation ou de santé, les étirements sont couramment utilisés dans le but de préparer le système neuromusculaire à l’exercice subséquent. Si la littérature montre majoritairement que les étirements altèrent de façon aigue la performance musculaire et/ou fonctionnelle, il existe toutefois des études dont les résultats diffèrent, suggérant l’influence d’un certain nombre de facteurs sur la variabilité des réponses du système neuromusculaire. Pour une meilleure compréhension de cette variabilité et des mécanismes impliqués, cette thèse avait pour objectif d’examiner l’influence de différents paramètres sur le système neuromusculaire : la durée d’étirement, le groupe musculaire et la modalité d’étirement. Au travers de quatre études, il a été montré que les étirements statiques pouvaient altérer la production de force maximale et les propriétés neuromusculaires indépendamment de la durée d’étirement. Cependant, il est apparu que ces modulations étaient spécifiques au muscle, et plus précisément à la raideur relative du système musculo-tendineux. Indépendamment de la durée d’étirement, les étirements statiques ne seraient pas efficaces pour préparer le système neuromusculaire à une activité musculaire subséquente, et notamment pour des muscles raides. Plus particulièrement, les étirements dynamiques ne paraissent pas plus efficaces. Même si les effets néfastes ont été diminués comparativement aux étirements statiques, ils ne favoriseraient pas davantage la production de force ni la commande nerveuse. Toutefois, il est intéressant de noter qu’une durée courte d’étirements dynamiques peut réduire la résistance passive à l’étirement, et donc augmenter potentiellement l’amplitude articulaire maximale, sans affecter les capacités de production de force. Finalement, les étirements dynamiques pourraient être envisagés comme une activité musculaire dynamique, qui compense partiellement les effets néfastes de l’étirement sur la performance musculaire. D’un point de vue pratique, ceci suggère que ce type d’étirements peut être réalisé avant une performance, mais néanmoins accompagnés d’une activité musculaire de plus haute intensité, afin d’optimiser les effets de l’échauffement musculaire sur le système neuromusculaire. En définitive, la variabilité des réponses du système neuromusculaire serait dépendante de facteurs spécifiques, tels que la modalité d’étirement et la raideur relative du système musculo-tendineux, soulignant l’importance de les prendre en considération dans la pratique. / Stretching is traditionally incorporated into pre-exercise routines in health, rehabilitation and sporting environments to condition the neuromuscular system for exercise. While a large body of evidence reported that stretching may acutely impair the subsequent muscular performance, some conflicting results highlight possible mitigating factors of neuromuscular responses variability. Because the limited data available do not present a clear consensus, the aim of this thesis was to investigate the effects of different factors on neuromuscular responses to stretch: the muscle group, the stretch duration and modality. By means of four studies, it has been shown that static stretching may alter maximal voluntary torque and neuromuscular properties, irrespective of the stretch duration. However, these modulations were dependent on the muscle group, and more specifically on the intrinsic stiffness of the muscle-tendon system. Regardless of the stretch duration, static stretching appears to be not effective, or even detrimental, to prepare the musculotendinous system for subsequent exercises, and especially for stiff muscles. It is also relevant that dynamic stretching was not better than static stretching. Even if stretch-induced impairments were mitigated compared to static stretching, dynamic stretching would not optimize muscle strength capacities and central nervous system. However, a short duration of dynamic stretching may be sufficient to reduce passive resistive torque, and therefore potentially increase maximal range of motion, without affecting muscle strength capacities. Finally, dynamic stretching could be considered as dynamic muscle activity, which would partly counteract deleterious muscle-tendon stretching effects. From a practical point of view, dynamic stretching could be a part of warm-up procedure, but should be associated to stronger contractions to optimize the improvement in muscle strength capacities. In summary, the variability of neuromuscular responses to stretch would be dependent on specific factors, such as stretching modality and relative stiffness of the musculotendinous system, emphasizing the importance of taking it into consideration in practice.

Optimalizace rozcvičení před rychlostně-silovým tréninkem / Optimization of warm-up before strength-power training

Čaklošová, Karolína January 2017 (has links)
Title: Optimization of warm-up before speed-strenght loading Objectives: The aim of this work is to compare three variants of warming up and to determine the most appropriate one before speed-strenght loading. Methods: The test group consisted of 15 male students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport at The Charles University at the age of 22 -26 years. The tested subjects underwent 4 tests within 4 weeks. The first test was used to determine the 1 RM bench press and leg-press, the results of which we needed for the proper determination of the weights for the following protocols. The other three measurement protocols include three warm-up (base, a speed-strenght and toning), followed by a test of explosive strength in arms and legs. Countermovement vertical jump height with arm swing was used for legs testing and medicine ball shoot-up in supine position was used for arms testing. Results: This research shows that best results in the countermovement vertical jump height with arm swing were achieved after the speed-power warm-up. The best results in medicine ball shoot-up in supine position were achieved after the basic warm up, but results are not statistically significant for these testing. Keywords: Warm-up, dynamic stretching, speed-force loading, toning, explosive force, testing

Vliv různých druhů rozcvičení na rychlostní schopnosti u hráčů fotbalu z pohledu ontogeneze / The influence of different kinds of warm-up on the speed skills of football players from the ontogenetic point of view

Turbák, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Title: The influence of different kinds of warm-up on the speed skills of football players from the ontogenetic point of view. Aims: The main objective of this diploma thesis is to compare the results of the times achieved by football players in the U18 youth team with their previous times measured two years ago, and in this way to evaluate their development of speed capabilities. Another aim of the research is to evaluate the progress of these players' flexibility at a chosen time interval (two years) and to inquire into other possible connections of these outcomes. Methods: For the assessment of speed power performance, each player goes through two runs at a distance of 30 meters, with measurements in this section also at distances of 5, 10 and 15 meters. Before the measurement itself, all participants are being prepared by a selected type of stretching. Two standardized tests are used for secondary research dealing with potential connection between the attained speed and the degree of flexibility of lower limbs. Outcomes: Testing revealed that subjects had a deterioration in the average running time with a two-year interval at distances of up to 15 meters (5,10,15 meters). On the contrary, when analyzing the results of measuring the distance of 30 meters, a significant improvement in average...

Vliv dynamického strečinku na výslednou dynamiku dolních končetin u volejbalistů / Influence of dynamic stretching on the resulting dynamics of lower extremities in volleybal

Hons, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
Title: Influence of dynamic stretching on the resulting dynamics of lower extremities in volleyball Objectives: The aim of this work was to find out if there is a correlation between long term dynamic stretching and muscle dynamics of lower limbs of volleyball players. Methods: Theoretical part is based on foreign literature and researches. To gain the necessary data, experimental study was created. It contained 10 male probands in the age of 16-19. In the beginning of the experiment, all the participants attended the Bosco test at the biomedical lab at UK FTVS. The main parameter was the total flight time of the entire 60 seconds. After that participants attended 8 weeks of 2 times a week of dynamic stretching before the training instead of their usual stretching stereotype. Immediately after those 8 weeks, second Bosco testing took place and the comparison of the data of the whole group and individuals was made from the view of their volleyball posts. Results: There was a slight improvement in all the data at the whole group and significant improvement in anaerobic endurance. After comparing of the results of all the probands no significant differences between the probands from the perspective of player's volleyball posts. Keywords: volleyball, stretching, static stretching, dynamic stretching,...

Акутни ефекти различитих садржаја уводно-припремног дела тренинга на моторичке способности и неуромишићну адаптацију кошаркаша / Akutni efekti različitih sadržaja uvodno-pripremnog dela treninga na motoričke sposobnosti i neuromišićnu adaptaciju košarkaša / Acute Effects of Different Types of Warm-up and Stretching on Motor Abilities and Neuromuscular Adaptation of Basketball Players

Stevanović Vuk 06 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Циљ рада: Циљ истраживања је да се утврди разлика у акутним ефектима статичког (СИ) и динамичког истезања (ДИ), у комбинацији са специфичним кошаркашким загревањем (СКЗ), на флексибилност, експлозивну снагу ногу, брзину, агилност и неуромишићну адаптацију кошаркаша јуниорског узраста.</p><p>Методе: Истраживање у оквиру ове докторске тезе су чинила два одвојена експеримента, један спроведен у теренским условима, и други спроведен у лабораторијским. Оба су била &bdquo;cross-over&ldquo; дизајна. У теренском експерименту је учествовало 46 кошаркаша (узраста 17&plusmn;0,83 година), док је у лабораторијском учествовало 12 (узраста 17,7&plusmn;0,49 година). У теренском експерименту су тестиране четири моторичке способности. За процену флексибилности коришћен је тест досезања у седећем претклону, експлозивна снага ногу је процењивана уз помоћ вертикалног скока са контактне плоче, брзина трчањем на 20 метара, док је Т тест коришћен за процену агилности. У лабораторијском експерименту је као мера неурофизиолошке адаптације коришћена промена ексцитабилности &alpha;-мотонеурона, која је представљена као однос Хофмановог (Х) рефлекса и М таласа (Х/М). За њихово одређивање се користио Medelec ST-10 стимулатор (Medelec, Old Woking, UK). Површинске електромиографске електроде су биле постављене на унутрашњој глави m.gastrocnemius-a одскочне ноге, применом тзв. &bdquo;belly-tendon&ldquo; монтаже. Као третмани, у оба експеримента су коришћени протокол статичког и протокол динамичког истезања, уз комбинацију са специфичним кошаркашким загревањем. Мерења су се у оба експеримента изводила у 3 временске тачке и то пре протокола истезања, одмах након протокола истезања (а пре специфичног кошаркашког загревања) и одмах након специфичног кошаркашког загревања.</p><p>Резултати: Резултати истраживања показују да постоје одређене разлике акутних ефеката комбинација протокола СИ+СКЗ и ДИ+СКЗ. Комбинација протокола СИ+СКЗ је повољније утицала на експлозивну снагу ногу и на агилност кошаркаша јуниорског узраста. Ефекти обе комбинације протокола су били готово идентични на флексибилност, а разлика је изостала и у ефектима на брзину, иако је пре СКЗ био&nbsp;уочљив негативан ефекат СИ. Однос Х/М се значајно разликовао одмах након истезања, када је СИ значајно оборило однос, али су се те разлике изгубиле након примене СКЗ.</p><p>Закључак: Посматрајући ефекте комбинације протокола СИ+СКЗ и ДИ+СКЗ на моторичке способности и неуромишићну адаптацију кошаркаша јуниорског узраста, може се закључити да је примена СИ+СКЗ препоручљивија у свакодневном тренингу и такмичењу.</p> / <p>Cilj rada: Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi razlika u akutnim efektima statičkog (SI) i dinamičkog istezanja (DI), u kombinaciji sa specifičnim košarkaškim zagrevanjem (SKZ), na fleksibilnost, eksplozivnu snagu nogu, brzinu, agilnost i neuromišićnu adaptaciju košarkaša juniorskog uzrasta.</p><p>Metode: Istraživanje u okviru ove doktorske teze su činila dva odvojena eksperimenta, jedan sproveden u terenskim uslovima, i drugi sproveden u laboratorijskim. Oba su bila &bdquo;cross-over&ldquo; dizajna. U terenskom eksperimentu je učestvovalo 46 košarkaša (uzrasta 17&plusmn;0,83 godina), dok je u laboratorijskom učestvovalo 12 (uzrasta 17,7&plusmn;0,49 godina). U terenskom eksperimentu su testirane četiri motoričke sposobnosti. Za procenu fleksibilnosti korišćen je test dosezanja u sedećem pretklonu, eksplozivna snaga nogu je procenjivana uz pomoć vertikalnog skoka sa kontaktne ploče, brzina trčanjem na 20 metara, dok je T test korišćen za procenu agilnosti. U laboratorijskom eksperimentu je kao mera neurofiziološke adaptacije korišćena promena ekscitabilnosti &alpha;-motoneurona, koja je predstavljena kao odnos Hofmanovog (H) refleksa i M talasa (H/M). Za njihovo određivanje se koristio Medelec ST-10 stimulator (Medelec, Old Woking, UK). Površinske elektromiografske elektrode su bile postavljene na unutrašnjoj glavi m.gastrocnemius-a odskočne noge, primenom tzv. &bdquo;belly-tendon&ldquo; montaže. Kao tretmani, u oba eksperimenta su korišćeni protokol statičkog i protokol dinamičkog istezanja, uz kombinaciju sa specifičnim košarkaškim zagrevanjem. Merenja su se u oba eksperimenta izvodila u 3 vremenske tačke i to pre protokola istezanja, odmah nakon protokola istezanja (a pre specifičnog košarkaškog zagrevanja) i odmah nakon specifičnog košarkaškog zagrevanja.</p><p>Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da postoje određene razlike akutnih efekata kombinacija protokola SI+SKZ i DI+SKZ. Kombinacija protokola SI+SKZ je povoljnije uticala na eksplozivnu snagu nogu i na agilnost košarkaša juniorskog uzrasta. Efekti obe kombinacije protokola su bili gotovo identični na fleksibilnost, a razlika je izostala i u efektima na brzinu, iako je pre SKZ bio&nbsp;uočljiv negativan efekat SI. Odnos H/M se značajno razlikovao odmah nakon istezanja, kada je SI značajno oborilo odnos, ali su se te razlike izgubile nakon primene SKZ.</p><p>Zaključak: Posmatrajući efekte kombinacije protokola SI+SKZ i DI+SKZ na motoričke sposobnosti i neuromišićnu adaptaciju košarkaša juniorskog uzrasta, može se zaključiti da je primena SI+SKZ preporučljivija u svakodnevnom treningu i takmičenju.</p> / <p>Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the difference of acute effects of static stretching (SS) and dynamic stretching (DS), in combination with specific basketball warm-up (SBWU), on flexibility, explosive leg strength, speed, agility and neuromuscular adaptation of basketball players U18.</p><p>Methods: This study consisted of two separated experiments, first in field conditions, and second conducted in laboratory. Both had &bdquo;cross-over&ldquo; design. Forty-six basketball players (age: 17&plusmn;0,83 years) participated in field experiment, while twelve participated in laboratory experiment (age 17,7&plusmn;0,49 years). In field experiment, four motor abilities were tested. Seat and rech test was used for the evaluation of flexibility, explosive leg strength was evaluated by vertical jump from contact plate, speed by 20m run, and T test was used for agility testing. In laboratory experiment, the excitability of &alpha;-motoneuron was taken for the evaluation of neuromuscular adaptation. It is presented as a ratio of the maximal amplitudes of Hoffman (H) reflex and M wave (H/M). For their determining we used Medelec ST-10 stimulator (Medelec, Old Woking, UK). Surface electromyographic (EMG) electrodes were placed over the m.gastrocnemius medialis, and Achilles tendon, in a &bdquo;belly-tendon&ldquo; montage. In both experiments, SS protocol and DS protocol, in the combination with SBWU, were used as a treatment. Measures were taken in 3 time points: before the stretching, immediately after stretching (and before SBWU) and immediately after the SBWU.</p><p>Results: Results of this study showed that there are certain differences in acute effects of combination of protocols SS+SBWU and DS+SBWU. Combination of protocols SS+SBWU had more positive influence on explosive leg strength and agility of U18 basketball players. The effects of both protocols were almost the same on flexibility, and there was no noticeable difference in effects on speed, although before SBWU there was significant negative of SS. Immediately after the stretching there was significant difference in H/M ratio, it was significantly lower after the SS, but after the application of SBWU, differences disappeared.<br />&nbsp;<br />Conlcusion: Regarding the effects of SS+SBWU and DS+SBWU protocols on motor abilities and neuromuscular adaptation of U18 basketball players, it could be concluded that the use of SS+SBWU is more preferrable in everyday practice and competition.</p>

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