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Preparation and characterization of dense electrolyte films for solid oxide fuel cellsHuang, Jin-Bang 22 July 2009 (has links)
In the past few years, YSZ (Yttria Stabilized Zirconia) had been the dominate electrolyte material of high temperature (>1000¢J) solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Nowadays, CGO (Cerium Gadolinium Oxide) material has been considered as preferred electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs) used in the temperature range of 600¢J~800¢J due to their excellent oxygen-ion conductivity compared to YSZ. The performance of unit cells can be improved when an anode functional layer (AFL) is employed between the anode composite substrate and the electrolyte. Therefore, AFL has been a lot of use in SOFCs
In this study, the deposition system of EAVD (Electrostatic Assisted Vapor Deposition) was employed to deposite CGO electrolyte films and NiO-CGO anode functional layer. In this study, deposition parameters such as deposition temperature, flow rate and concentration of precursor solution were varied to figure out their effects for the resultant films. Finally, the OCV of unit cells was also measured in this study.
In this work, the optimum concentration of precursor solution for NiO-CGO anode functional layer and CGO films were 0.2 M and 0.3 M, respectively. The optimum deposition temperature and flow rate for this two films were both 400¢J and 6 mL/hr, respectively. When the cells were test with H2 as fuel and air as oxidant, the unit cell of Ni-CGO/CGO/BSCF with CGO film thickness of 25 £gm exhibited an maximum OCV of 0.86 V at 500¢J and the other unit cell of Ni-CGO/AFL/CGO/BSCF with 25 £gm CGO film thickness and 10 £gm AFL exhibited an maximum OCV of 0.91 V at 500¢J.
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Deposition of porous LSCF films by EAVD methodFu, Cheng-yun 25 August 2004 (has links)
In this study, a deposition system called EAVD was made to deposite porous LSCF films used as cathode material in the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). The relation of deposition parameters to morphology was discussed. Porous La0.8Sr0.2Co0.2Fe0.8O3 films were successfully deposited on Corning glass and ceria substrates, and a pseudo-cubic perovskite phase was obtained after a post-calcination at 750¢J for 2 hrs.
Deposition parameters, such as deposition time, deposition temperature, flow rate, voltage applied, different kinds of set-ups (downward spraying or upward spraying), were discussed. The obtained calcined films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). On the other hand, surface and cross-section morphology were examined using SEM.
In the series using downward spraying system, deposition temperature and deposition time showed profound effect on morphology. With increasing the extent of these two factors, porous films were obtained. With decreasing the extent of these two factors, however, dense films were obtained. The effects of other parameters to morphology were less obvious. Under proper conditions, cauliflower-like films with high porosity were obtained.
In the series using upward spraying system (vertical set-up), reticular films were successfully obtained using deposition temperature ranging from 275~320¢J, flow rate 1.0~1.5 ml/hr, and deposition time within 2 hrs. In the series of flow rate, the pores of reticular structure seemed to grow up with increasing flow rate. Under the condition of prolonged deposition (4 hrs), a stalactitc structure with micropores on it was obtained. The highly porous structures obtained in this study are very suitable for applications in gas sensor and electrodes in SOFC.
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Deposition of SnO2 thin films as gas sensor by EAVD methodKe, Jih-Hung 10 January 2006 (has links)
Electrostatic Assisted Vapor Deposition method was adopted to deposit SnO2 thin films in this work using either SnCl4 or DBTDC (C12H24O4Sn) as precursors. Appropriate deposition parameters were identified for deposition of porous and dense films . A post-deposition calcination of 600¢XC/2h yielded well crystalline rutile phase. Electrical resistance measurement indicated that the most porous films ,derived from the precursor solution of ethanol solvent, were not continuous. Instead, films derived from precursor solution of mixed ethanol-carbitol solvent were less porous allowing stable resistance values to be measured. A detection sensitivity of 2.55 for 100ppm CO gas was obtained from films derived from a 30% ethanol-70% carbitol solution. A higher sensitivity of 6.55 was obtained from films derived from solutions containing Di-n-butyltin diacetate (DBTDC) as precursor.
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Deposition of NiO/CGO films by EAVD methodChang, Jun-liang 04 August 2004 (has links)
In this study, EAVD(Electrostatic Assisted Vapor Deposition) technique was used to fabricate NiO/CGO (Cerium Gadolinum Oxide) films for the anode of IT-SOFCs (Intermediate Temperature-Solid Oxide Fuel Cells). The objective of this work is to establish the relationship between the morphology of NiO/CGO films and deposition parameters. The effects of different deposition parameters on film morphology were studied. The systematically changed deposition parameters were : deposition temperature, deposition time, flow rate and concentration of precursor solution and substrate types.
According to experiment results, deposition temperature and deposition time are most important deposition parameters of controlling the morphology of films. The deposited NiO/CGO films with a highly porous structure were obtained above 400 oC and 5mins. On the other hand, when deposition temperature and time were decreased below 400 oC and 5mns, dense films were obtained. In this study, the flow rate and concentration of precursor solution and substrate types also influence the morphology of films, although to a lesser degree. The most suitable range of the flow rate is 0.7 cc/hr to 1.4 cc/hr.
The XRD results show that the crystalline NiO/CGO film were obtained by EAVD technique.
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