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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da sincronização e dessincronização cortical em EEG associada a movimento de membros inferiores. / Study of cortical sybchronization and desynchronization associated with inferior members.

Bonifácio, Paulo Ricardo Corrêa 25 May 2006 (has links)
Bonifácio, P.R.C. Estudo da sincronização e dessincronização cortical em EEG associada a movimento de membros inferiores. 84 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Escola Politécnica, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2006. Quando o ser humano prepara a execução de um movimento conhecido e treinado, é possível identificar as fases desta preparação no sinal eletrencefalográfico (EEG), sobre as faixas de freqüência delta, mu, beta e gama. A preparação do movimento dos membros inferiores pode ser antecipada em milhares de milissegundos e a facilitação descendente no sistema nervoso central pode ser identificada. Este trabalho sistematiza um processo de aquisição para o sinal de preparação motora baseado no EEG, em área associada a membros inferiores, como subsídio à identificação de Sincronização e Dessincronização corticais, nas faixas de freqüência acima de 13Hz, como reflexo da interação funcional de alças córtico-talâmicas, para movimento conhecido e treinado, em tarefa de retardo instruído. Buscou-se comprovar a possibilidade de uso de um número reduzido de cinco canais de EEG para monitorar esta preparação cortical, bem como formalizar a possibilidade de usar o sinal processado nas faixas beta e gama. Foram obtidos resultados coerentes com a literatura, com dessincronização mu e beta com todos os sujeitos e sincronização gama evidenciada em metade dos sujeitos. Como resultado principal ficou evidenciado que: o uso de cinco canais suportando a coleta de EEG apresenta-se cabível e possui uma boa capacidade de discriminação dos fenômenos de ERS/ERD nas faixas de interesse, para o monitoramento da atividade cortical pré-movimento para membros inferiores; que é possível identificar, no paradigma empregado, os períodos de envio de informação para os tratos descendentes, e quais são as condições mínimas para realizar o monitoramento com a preparação ambiental adequada para evitar os distratores mais conhecidos. / The analysis of the electroencephalogram (EEG) enables the identification of a pre-movement activity associated with the execution of a known and pre-trained movement. The main frequency bands to achieve this identification are the delta, mu, beta and gamma. The initiation of the movement of the legs can be anticipated by thousands of milliseconds by a suitable analysis of the EEG. The objective of this work is to develop signal acquisition and signal processing methodologies associated with the scalp EEG during pre-movement trials. The EEG recordings are concentrated over the leg cortical area with the objective of identifying cortical synchronization and desynchronization (ERS/ERD) associated with trained movements. The number of available EEG channels was limited to five and one task was to investigate if this low number of channels would be enough for the purposes of monitoring cortical preparation. The results were consistent with those presented in the literature. In all subjects mu and beta desynchronization were observed and in half (four) of them the gamma band showed synchronization. One conclusion was that the cortical ERS/ERD associated with the lower limbs are recognizable using only five EEG channels. Several aspects of the experimental paradigm and the signal processing were adjusted for optimal results. members, foot, leg.

Estudo da sincronização e dessincronização cortical em EEG associada a movimento de membros inferiores. / Study of cortical sybchronization and desynchronization associated with inferior members.

Paulo Ricardo Corrêa Bonifácio 25 May 2006 (has links)
Bonifácio, P.R.C. Estudo da sincronização e dessincronização cortical em EEG associada a movimento de membros inferiores. 84 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Escola Politécnica, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2006. Quando o ser humano prepara a execução de um movimento conhecido e treinado, é possível identificar as fases desta preparação no sinal eletrencefalográfico (EEG), sobre as faixas de freqüência delta, mu, beta e gama. A preparação do movimento dos membros inferiores pode ser antecipada em milhares de milissegundos e a facilitação descendente no sistema nervoso central pode ser identificada. Este trabalho sistematiza um processo de aquisição para o sinal de preparação motora baseado no EEG, em área associada a membros inferiores, como subsídio à identificação de Sincronização e Dessincronização corticais, nas faixas de freqüência acima de 13Hz, como reflexo da interação funcional de alças córtico-talâmicas, para movimento conhecido e treinado, em tarefa de retardo instruído. Buscou-se comprovar a possibilidade de uso de um número reduzido de cinco canais de EEG para monitorar esta preparação cortical, bem como formalizar a possibilidade de usar o sinal processado nas faixas beta e gama. Foram obtidos resultados coerentes com a literatura, com dessincronização mu e beta com todos os sujeitos e sincronização gama evidenciada em metade dos sujeitos. Como resultado principal ficou evidenciado que: o uso de cinco canais suportando a coleta de EEG apresenta-se cabível e possui uma boa capacidade de discriminação dos fenômenos de ERS/ERD nas faixas de interesse, para o monitoramento da atividade cortical pré-movimento para membros inferiores; que é possível identificar, no paradigma empregado, os períodos de envio de informação para os tratos descendentes, e quais são as condições mínimas para realizar o monitoramento com a preparação ambiental adequada para evitar os distratores mais conhecidos. / The analysis of the electroencephalogram (EEG) enables the identification of a pre-movement activity associated with the execution of a known and pre-trained movement. The main frequency bands to achieve this identification are the delta, mu, beta and gamma. The initiation of the movement of the legs can be anticipated by thousands of milliseconds by a suitable analysis of the EEG. The objective of this work is to develop signal acquisition and signal processing methodologies associated with the scalp EEG during pre-movement trials. The EEG recordings are concentrated over the leg cortical area with the objective of identifying cortical synchronization and desynchronization (ERS/ERD) associated with trained movements. The number of available EEG channels was limited to five and one task was to investigate if this low number of channels would be enough for the purposes of monitoring cortical preparation. The results were consistent with those presented in the literature. In all subjects mu and beta desynchronization were observed and in half (four) of them the gamma band showed synchronization. One conclusion was that the cortical ERS/ERD associated with the lower limbs are recognizable using only five EEG channels. Several aspects of the experimental paradigm and the signal processing were adjusted for optimal results. members, foot, leg.

Well control procedures for extended reach wells

Gjorv, Bjorn 30 September 2004 (has links)
The limits of directional drilling continue to be pushed back as horizontal or near-horizontal reservoir sections are being drilled, cased, cemented and completed to tap reserves at extreme distances. Continuous development of new technology and adopting a technical-limit approach to performance delivery are key elements for the success and further development of extended-reach drilling projects. For this study a two-phase well control simulator was used to evaluate different kick scenarios that are likely to occur in extended-reach wells. An extensive simulation study covering a vide range of variables has been performed. Based on this investigation together with a literature review, well-control procedures have been developed for extended-reach wells. The most important procedures are as follows: Perform a "hard" shut-in when a kick is detected and confirmed. Record the pressures and pit gain, and start to circulate immediately using the Driller's Method. Start circulating with a high kill rate to remove the gas from the horizontal section. Slow down the kill circulation rate to 1/2 to 1/3 of normal drilling rate when the choke pressure starts to increase rapidly. The simulator has been used to validate the procedures.

Metriky kvality řízení IT / IT Governance Quality Metrics

Marcin, Juraj January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with metrics of IT management. The main goal of the thesis is to design a web application for assessing the quality of IT service management. The resulting application will determine the aforementioned quality based on the specified criteria and values. In the first part of the thesis, there are elaborated current methodologies, which are focused on quality assessment of IT administration and management. These methodologies also include metrics to assess this quality. In the third chapter, the quality assessment process is processed using the IT Quality Index. The fourth and fifth chapter describes the design and implementation of the web application itself. Validation of application results is processed in the fifth chapter. The created application is deployed on the server and used to assess IT quality. In the last chapter of this work is described practical use of work results and possible extensions of the web application.

An Exploration of the Erdös-Mordell Inequality

Hamilton, Jeremy 21 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Elastische Rückstoßatomspektrometrie leichter Elemente mit Subnanometer-Tiefenauflösung

Kosmata, M. 14 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird erstmals das QQDS-Magnetspektrometer für die höchstauflösende Ionenstrahlanalytik leichter Elemente am Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf umfassend vorgestellt. Zusätzlich werden sowohl alle auf die Analytik Einfluss nehmenden Parameter untersucht als auch Methoden und Modelle vorgestellt, wie deren Einfluss vermieden oder rechnerisch kompensiert werden kann. Die Schwerpunkte dieser Arbeit gliedern sich in fünf Bereiche. Der Erste ist der Aufbau und die Inbetriebnahme des QQDS-Magnetspektrometers, der zugehörige Streukammer mit allen Peripheriegeräten und des eigens für die höchstauflösende elastische Rückstoßanalyse entwickelten Detektors. Sowohl das umgebaute Spektrometer als auch der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gebaute Detektor wurden speziell an experimentelle Bedingungen für die höchstauflösende Ionenstrahlanalytik leichter Elemente angepasst und erstmalig auf einen routinemäßigen Einsatz hin getestet. Der Detektor besteht aus zwei Komponenten. Zum einen befindet sich am hinteren Ende des Detektors eine Bragg-Ionisationskammer, die zur Teilchenidentifikation genutzt wird. Zum anderen dient ein Proportionalzähler, der eine Hochwiderstandsanode besitzt und direkt hinter dem Eintrittsfenster montiert ist, zur Teilchenpositionsbestimmung im Detektor. Die folgenden zwei Schwerpunkte beinhalten grundlegende Untersuchungen zur Ionen-Festkörper-Wechselwirkung. Durch die Verwendung eines Magnetspektrometers ist die Messung der Ladungszustandsverteilung der herausgestreuten Teilchen direkt nach einem binären Stoß sowohl möglich als auch für die Analyse notwendig. Aus diesem Grund werden zum einen die Ladungszustände gemessen und zum anderen mit existierenden Modellen verglichen. Außerdem wird ein eigens entwickeltes Modell vorgestellt und erstmals im Rahmen dieser Arbeit angewendet, welches den ladungszustandsabhängigen Energieverlust bei der Tiefenprofilierung berücksichtigt. Es wird gezeigt, dass ohne die Anwendung dieses Modells die Tiefenprofile nicht mit den quantitativen Messungen mittels konventioneller Ionenstrahlanalytikmethoden und mit der Dickenmessung mittels Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie übereinstimmen, und damit falsche Werte liefern würden. Der zweite für die Thematik wesentliche Aspekt der Ionen-Festkörper-Wechselwirkung, sind die Probenschäden und -modifikationen, die während einer Schwerionenbestrahlung auftreten. Dabei wird gezeigt, dass bei den hier verwendeten Energien sowohl elektronisches Sputtern als auch elektronisch verursachtes Grenzflächendurchmischen eintreten. Das elektronische Sputtern kann durch geeignete Strahlparameter für die meisten Proben ausreichend minimiert werden. Dagegen ist der Einfluss der Grenzflächendurchmischung meist signifikant, so dass dieser analysiert und in der Auswertung berücksichtigt werden muss. Schlussfolgernd aus diesen Untersuchungen ergibt sich für die höchstauflösende Ionenstrahlanalytik leichter Elemente am Rossendorfer 5-MV Tandembeschleuniger, dass die geeignetsten Primärionen Chlor mit einer Energie von 20 MeV sind. In Einzelfällen, wie zum Beispiel der Analyse von Bor, muss die Energie jedoch auf 6,5 MeV reduziert werden, um das elektronische Sputtern bei der notwendigen Fluenz unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze zu halten. Der vierte Schwerpunkt ist die Untersuchung von sowohl qualitativen als auch quantitativen Einflüssen bestimmter Probeneigenschaften, wie beispielsweise Oberflächenrauheit, auf die Form des gemessenen Energiespektrums beziehungsweise auf das analysierte Tiefenprofil. Die Kenntnis der Rauheit einer Probe an der Oberfläche und an den Grenzflächen ist für die Analytik unabdingbar. Als Resultat der genannten Betrachtungen werden die Einflüsse von Probeneigenschaften und Ionen-Festkörper-Wechselwirkungen auf die Energie- beziehungsweise Tiefenauflösung des Gesamtsystems beschrieben, berechnet und mit der konventionellen Ionenstrahlanalytik verglichen. Die Möglichkeiten der höchstauflösenden Ionenstrahlanalytik werden zudem mit den von anderen Gruppen veröffentlichten Komplementärmethoden gegenübergestellt. Der fünfte und letzte Schwerpunkt ist die Analytik leichter Elemente in ultradünnen Schichten unter Berücksichtigung aller in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Modelle, wie die Reduzierung des Einflusses von Strahlschäden oder die Quantifizierung der Elemente im dynamischen Ladungszustandsnichtgleichgewicht. Es wird die Tiefenprofilierung von Mehrschichtsystemen, bestehend aus SiO2-Si3N4Ox-SiO2 auf Silizium, von Ultra-Shallow-Junction Bor-Implantationsprofilen und von ultradünnen Oxidschichten, wie zum Beispiel High-k-Materialien, demonstriert.

Přihlašování na témata bakalářských, diplomových prací a ke státním zkouškám / Student's registration for the topics of bachelor and diploma theses and state exams

Quast, Karel January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on a topic selection for bachelor and diploma theses, student’s registration for the topics, a registration for state exams and bachelor and diploma theses defense. This thesis includes an analysis of this area and a proposal of an electronic solution. The main goal of this thesis is to build a solution which eliminates a physical appearance of students at school during the registration for the topic of bachelor and diploma theses as well as a registration for state exams and bachelor and diploma theses defense. In connection with this is also valuable to spare the work of the department clerk and secretary connected with the registration agenda. The analysis was realized mostly by UML methodology, the solution includes detailed ERD model and the proposed application screen layouts. The final result of this work is a complete solution proposal that is ready to be used for the application implementation.

Návrh projektu informačního systému malé firmy / Project information system for little firm

Švábenský, David January 2008 (has links)
The objective of this dissertation is to suggest the structure of new IS in the company, to suit the recent data flows, and simultaneously to satisfy the needs of the user. According to the suggestions and concepts mentioned in the thesis, it should be possible to pre – set a completely functional IS.

Neural Preparation For Step Initiation In Unpredictable Conditions With Age And Parkinson's Disease

Popov, Roman 01 January 2018 (has links)
Mobility is essential for the independent lifestyle. However, as the US population ages, challenges to mobility start to arise, among them just the aging itself which leads to decreased postural stability, falls and the second most common neurodegenerative disease, that is Parkinson’s disease (PD). We decided to investigate step initiation as it is crucial to mobility: walking is not possible without the first step. Step initiation is impaired in PD. However, the impact of PD on the neural mechanisms of step initiation when some of the step parameters are unpredictable remains unexplored. Cortical preparation for step initiation can be assessed by beta event-related desynchronization (ERD) derived from electroencephalography (EEG) recordings. We hypothesized that subjects with PD would exhibit less cortical modulation between conditions of forward step initiation with and without prior knowledge of limb choice. Further, we hypothesized that decreased cortical modulation in PD would associate with a higher impairment of motor performance. Results identified that the group with PD exhibited decreased beta ERD amplitudes that were similar regardless of condition, whereas control subjects modulated beta ERD amplitudes between conditions, particularly in early stages of pre-movement processing in areas overlying sensory cortex. Subjects with PD presented with delayed and reduced postural preparation with increased step target error across both conditions and exhibited a greater incidence of multiple anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs) in the predictable relative to the unpredictable condition. Delayed postural preparation significantly correlated with lower amplitudes of beta ERD. We concluded that diminished early pre-movement processing over sensory cortex was concomitant with poor pre-selection of the stepping limb in predictable conditions and that a generally diminished amplitude of cortical pre-movement processing relates to delayed step initiation in people with PD. Furthermore, impaired mobility accompanies healthy aging, but there is a need for deeper understanding of how aging changes central control of motor behavior. Using previous study’s method, we compared cortical preparation for step initiation using beta ERD in young and older healthy subjects performing forward steps with and without prior knowledge of limb choice. Our results show that older subjects exhibited increased beta ERD amplitudes before the step regardless of whether they were informed of limb choice or not. Moreover, older subjects exhibited early increases in beta ERD in the “sensory” cluster of electrodes, but only when full limb-choice information was available. Behaviorally, the older subjects also exhibited shortened and increased anticipatory postural adjustments which led to earlier step initiation and similar swing-foot velocities but was also accompanied by greater target step placement errors and decreased postural stability. For the older group, condition-related increases in beta ERD amplitudes and stability correlated with condition-related prolongation of APA durations. We conclude that older subjects exhibited a spectrum across two strategies: (1) a “fast” strategy associated with decreased neural preparation that trades shortened step preparation and higher swing-foot velocity for target step errors and lowered postural stability; and (2) an “accurate” strategy associated with greater neural preparation, longer step-preparation time, and higher stability during step execution. In conclusion, this thesis provides more support for beta ERD as a useful tool for studying cortical preparation non-invasively. We have also established the importance of the signals recorded by “sensory” clusters: in subjects with PD the absence of beta ERD similar to the control group was associated with impaired motor behavior even when conditions were predictable. Similarly, a part of the older group seemed to pre-potentiate its cortex lying beneath the cluster of “sensory” electrodes which was associated with more safe and accurate steps. Further investigations should focus on the importance of sensorimotor integration and its’ changes due to PD or healthy aging and beta ERD may be an excellent tool for this task.

Přihlašování na témata bakalářských, diplomových prací a ke státním zkouškám ) návrh a programové řešení / Student's registration for the topics of bachelor and diploma theses and state exams

Quast, Karel January 2007 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on a topic selection for bachelor and diploma theses, student's registration for the topics, a registration for state exams and bachelor and diploma theses defense. This thesis includes an analysis of this area and a proposal of an electronic solution. The main goal of this thesis is to build a solution which eliminates a physical appearance of students at school during the registration for the topic of bachelor and diploma theses as well as a registration for state exams and bachelor and diploma theses defense. In connection with this is also valuable to spare the work of the department clerk and secretary connected with the registration agenda. The analysis was realized mostly by UML methodology, the solution includes detailed ERD model and the proposed application screen layouts. The final result of this work is a complete solution proposal that is ready to be used for the application implementation.

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