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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Le vin et l'argent" : osterie, bastioni et marché du crédit à Venise au XVIIIe siècle / ‘Wine and Cash’ : Osterie, Bastioni and the Venetian credit market (18th century)

Pompermaier, Matteo 01 April 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse au marché du crédit à Venise au XVIIIe siècle. Une partie importante de la recherche se concentre sur une offre de crédit spécifique au contexte vénitien, qui avait lieux dans les osterie (auberges) et les bastioni de la ville, des entrepôts où le vin était vendu à emporter. Le vin et l’argent étaient deux éléments intrinsèquement liés et trouvaient un point de contact dans l’activité des osti (aubergistes) et des bastioneri. Ces derniers offraient à leurs clients un service original de prêt sur gage. Ils assumaient le double rôle des fournisseurs de biens de consommation de base et de créanciers, devenant ainsi des figures incontournables dans le contexte urbain, en particulier pour les membres des couches les plus pauvres. L’un des éléments les plus intéressants est la manière dont les intérêts sur les prêts étaient perçus, puisque les créanciers tiraient profit du fait qu’un tiers de la valeur totale des crédits était payé en vin. La valeur faible des prêts confirme que ce service s’adressait principalement aux classes les plus fragiles de la société, c’est à dire les principaux protagonistes de ce que nous avons appelé l’économie ‘du mouchoir’. Il s’agissait surtout d’individus pauvres mais pas ‘très pauvres’, ceux qui n’avaient pas de grandes réserves d’argent et qui étaient vulnérables en raison de l’irrégularité de leurs revenus. Les objectifs de la recherche sont principalement au nombre de deux. Le premier consiste à analyser l’activité de crédit des bastioni et des osterie. Le second est de replacer cette organisation dans le contexte urbain, en analysant le marché dans son ensemble et en évaluant les caractéristiques et les variables qui pouvaient influencer la demande. Par conséquent, afin d’avoir une vision plus complète du marché, toutes les omposantes principales de l’offre ont été prises en considération. Outre les bastioni et les osterie mentionnés ci-dessus, les autres activités de prêts ont été analysés et comparés : l’activité des banques juives dans le Ghetto, mais aussi celle des monts-de-piété des villes de la terre ferme vénitienne, des notaires et des prêteurs privés. De cette façon il a été possible d’enquêter sur les relations existantes entre les différents circuits de crédit, et de démontrer qu’ils n’étaient pas en concurrence les uns avec les autres, mais qu’il s’agissait plutôt d’un marché segmenté. La recherche s’adresse aussi bien aux spécialistes de l’histoire vénitienne qu’aux historiens de l’économie dans d’autres contextes, en proposant une nouvelle méthodologie et un cas d’étude qui appellent à la comparaison dans d’autres villes à l’époque moderne. / This thesis analyses the credit market in Venice during the 18th century. An important part of this research focuses on a quite unique credit system, specific to the Venetian context, that was offer through the inns, or osterie, and the bastioni (warehouses where wine was sold) of the city. In 18th century Venice, wine and money were intrinsically linked through the activity of the innkeepers and the bastioneri (the managers of the bastioni), who originally offered their customers a pawnbroking service. They assumed the double roles of suppliers of basic goods and creditors, thereby becoming central economic figures in Venice’s urban context – especially for the members of the poorest classes. One of the most innovative elements of this research lies in the findings regarding the way that interest on loans was collected: creditors benefited from the fact that one-third of the total value of the transaction was paid in wine. The low average value of the loans confirms that this service was mainly aimed at the lower classes of society, the main actors in what has been defined as ‘the handkerchief economy’. Those who benefited the most from this kind of credit arrangement were essentially poor – but not too poor – people, who had only modest reserves of money, and were thus more vulnerable due to the paucity and irregularity of their income. The main objective of this research is twofold: (a) to analyze the credit activity of bastioni and osterie, and (b) to place it in the Venetian urban context. This study analyzed the Venetian credit market as a whole, and then assessed the characteristics and variables that could influence the demand for credit. Moreover, to develop a more complete view of this specific market, all the main components of the credit offer were taken into consideration. In addition to the already mentioned bastioni and osterie, the activities of Jewish bankers in the Ghetto, the monti di pietà situated on the Venetian mainland, as well as those of the notaries and the private lenders, were also analyzed and compared. In this way, it was possible to investigate the existing relationships between the different credit channels, and to determine that they were actually not in competition with one another; rather, it was discovered that they were, in fact, discretely positioned in a distinctly segmented market. This research is relevant to both specialists in Venetian history, and researchers concerned with economic history in other contexts; this study also proposes a new methodology, and a case study, useful for relative comparison by either constituency.

Rezension zu: Martin Christ, Biographies of a Reformation. Religious Change and Confessional Coexistence in Upper Lusatia, 1520–1635. (Studies in German History.)

Kästner, Alexander 02 December 2022 (has links)
Die Grenzregion Oberlausitz war im 16. Jahrhundert von einer Vielfalt kultureller und urbaner Lebenswelten, von einer Vielzahl relevanter Akteure sowie von komplexen Herrschaftsbeziehungen (Nebenland der böhmischen Krone) geprägt und geriet erst in jüngster Zeit stärker ins Blickfeld der historischen Forschung. Aufbauend auf regional- und lokalhistorischen Arbeiten etwa zur frühneuzeitlichen Musikkultur der Oberlausitz, zur Geschichte der Sorben (man denke etwa an die Arbeiten von Friedrich Pollack oder Petr Hrachovec) und auf Grundlage eigener intensiver (Bild-)Quellenstudien argumentiert Martin Christ überzeugend, dass sich in der Oberlausitz eine Geschichte von Reformationen im Plural beobachten lasse, die sich in Bezug auf katholische und lutherische Akteure als Ausfluss synkretistischer Praktiken der bewussten Selektion und Adaption geteilter Räume, Rituale und Objekte beschreiben lassen. Synkretismus schließt Grenzziehungen durchaus ein und Konflikte nicht aus. Die vorliegende Studie zeichnet daher auch kein nostalgisches Bild toleranter Oberlausitzer Konfessionskulturen.

Rajonizace rožmberských vodních mlýnů na panství Třeboň po roce 1590: Mýtus nebo skutečnost? / The Zoning of Rozmberk's Water Mills on Třeboň estate after 1590: Myth or Fact?

Škudrnová, Jaroslava January 2014 (has links)
At the end of 16th century an unique document had been preparing on the Rozmberk's estates. The Description of Mills from the year 1590 registers all Rozmberk's water mills in the south part of Bohemia. Thanks to this Description Jaroslav Honc published in 1959 an article that dealt with the concept of zoning of Rozmberk's milling in 1590. The main goal of the master's thesis is presentation of this very interesting source and comparison reformative Rozmberk's officers' ideas with the fact emerged from the study of accounting books of Třeboň estate between years 1550 and 1615.

Komunikace Českých Budějovic a nižší šlechty na přelomu 16. a 17. století / Communication of České Budějovice and the lower nobility at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries

GAJDOŠ, Patrik January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the research of communication between the town council of České Budějovice and representatives of the lower nobility between 1581 and 1584 and later with the interruption from 1602 to 1604. Its aim is to describe the content of mutual correspondence and interpret it in the context of the history of the South Bohemian region. It presents a typology of correspondence in order to identify the most common topics that occurred in the mutual communication of the city council and representatives of the lower nobility. The specific arguments used by the councilors of České Budějovice also became the subject of interest. This approach helped to clarify the identity that the burghers represented through the documents of the city office. Finally, it examines the settlement of representatives of the lower nobility. It was reconstructed using data from correspondence and tax registers. In conclusion, the thesis summarizes the findings and offers possible directions that could be followed in future research.

Každodenní život ve svědectvích urozených osob o jejich nezájmu o válečná tažení ve druhé polovině 16. a na počátku 17. století / Everyday life in testimonies of noblemen about their lack of interest in war campaigns in the second half of the 16th and at the beginning of the 17th century

AUSOBSKÁ, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the everyday image of the wars in the 16th and early 17th Century. The medieval ideal of "miles christianus" still permeated the thinking of an early modern nobleman and influenced his life. There were several noblemen who devoted their lives to the war. On the other hand, the analysis of preserved correspondence portrayed a conflict between the ideal and reality. The result showed the lack of interest in the war campaigns. Historical-anthropological point of view allowed to look at the individuals and their behaviour methods, which should have helped them to avoid a campaign. A typology of individual letters was emphasized. It became the basis for determination of the strategies used by nobility. The main concern of this thesis was, by using the methodology of collective mentalities, to reconstruct the thinking of early modern noblemen, who were no longer able to behave according to the standards. It tries to create a collective biography, where several demands set the behavioral traits of noble absentee.

Historie špitálu u sv. Jana Křtitele v Jindřichově Hradci v raném novověku / History of the hospital of St. John the Babtist in Jindřichův Hradec in the early Modern Age

LOVĚTÍNSKÁ, Ivana January 2017 (has links)
The theme of this master thesis is History of the hospital of St. John the Babtist in Jindřichův Hradec in the early Modern Age. This thesis is focused on the first period of its functioning. The first chapter shortly describes a bibliography of this theme published in the Czech Republic and a German bibliography. Next two chapters introduce materials survived in the fund Ústav chudých u sv. Jana Křtitele v Jindřichově Hradci and history of charitable institutions functioned in Jindřichův Hradec since the middle of 13th century. Some of them became the base of the hospital of St. John the Babtist. The chapter about the hospital of St. John the Babtist is focused on its own history. This chapter introduces property and financial base, an inner organisation and a daily course of this hospital based on founding documents, instruction and on other archive materials.

Kateřina Hradecká z Montfortu (1556-1631) / Kateřina Hradecká of Montfort (1556-1631)

ŘÍHOVÁ, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis is dealing with the life of Katerina Hradecká of Montfort, noble foreigner, married to Adam II. of Hradec. The author is using older as well as more recent literature, written, tangible and iconographic sources to analyze, based on historical-anthropological methods, transformation of the inner world of the noblewoman. She is firstly introduced as a maid of honor in the hofstadt of archduchess Maria of Bavaria in Graz. Author also looks into her marriage to Adam II. of Hradec, investigating it within political and religious context of that period, as it was associated with the connections of the lords of Hradec to the House of Habsburg. Author also pays attention to the noblewoman as a wife, a mother, a Jesuit confidant, a widow and a strict catholic, that had a substantial influence on the social life of Hradec and its surroundings due to her religious views. Author does not omit the tangible cultural aspects connected with the activities of Katerina Hradecka of Montfort and her impact on the ecclesiastical and secular architecture in Jindřichův Hradec.

Hraběnka Serényiová a město Blatná / Countess Serényi and the Town Blatná

Hasilová, Pavla January 2013 (has links)
COUNTESS SERENI AND THE TOWN OF BLATNA The thesis is not only a contribution to the regional history of Blatná nad Blatná district, but also a probe to the life of a baroque noble marital pair. The first part of the study (the 1st and 2nd chapters) takes heed of the research survey up to now, mainly of the personality of J.P.Hill, and the summary of sources. The reader is also acquainted with the life milestone of Marie Alžběty (Mary Elizabeth), countess Sereni, née Waldstein (1698 - 1787), and her husband, count Josef (Joseph) Sereni. The Blatná demesne was under their rule in the period of 1709 to 1787 (part 3.1). Part 3.2 deals with the official career of count Josef Sereni. Chapters 4 and 5 present an insight to the everyday life of barogue nobility, mainly through the medium of preserved accounts of the count household; the author deals with the question of banqueting, their residences, domestic stuff and wardrobe, primarily taking account of noble self-presentation. Its specific form - the problems of family legends - is analysed in chapter 6. The most extensive chapter (No 7) deals mainly with widowed Marie Alžběta's activities at Blatná demesne, namely through baroque religiosity. Sereni religous endowments, foundations of sacral architecture, efforts to improve the school in Blatná, the interest in...

Venkov a válka. Rekruti z třeboňského panství v habsburské armádě na počátku 18. století / War and Countryside. Recruits from the Třeboň Dominion in the Habsburg Army at the Beginning of the 18th Century

Paták, Josef January 2018 (has links)
(in English): Early modern standing army and countryside were connected with dense network of relationships and influences that were reflected in several different layers. The personal link between countryside and army was a very important part of a mutual interaction. This connection resulted from the simple fact that rural subjects constituted a significant part of ranks and files that served, risked their lives and died in the early modern army. The main topic of the diploma thesis is the recruitment within the rural population. The thesis sets two fundamental goals. The first one is the recognition of various methods and techniques that the clerks and patrimonial authorities employed in order to administrate the military issues. The second one is the search for particular people that joined the army, the explanation of their life conditions, family background and social status and the comparison with other subjects which did not choose a career in the army. The research is territorially and chronologically confined to the Třeboň dominion at the beginning of the 18th century. The thesis is based mainly on the original sources stored in the State Regional Archive in Třeboň.

Křest v myšlení raně novověkého měšťana / Baptism In The Thinking of Early Modern Burghers

JIROUTOVÁ, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
The birth and the baptism of child were significant events in the life of people in all historical periods. This diploma thesis demonstrates meaning of the baptism rite and its reflection in the urban society in the Early Modern Age. In comparison to bachelor thesis was used more sources. The research of six families memoirs is supplied with analysis of parish register of Český Krumlov town from 1662 to 1666. Sources of religious area represents catholic, evangelical and Lutheral clerical works and especially polemics. Wider spectrum of sources made possible deeper sight at meaning of baptism and confrontation between religious order and everyday practice in baptism and godparenthood in towns in the 16. and 17. centuries.

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