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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Consequences of Early Life Stage Thyroid Suppression on Immune Function in the Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas)

Thornton Hampton, Leah Marie 05 1900 (has links)
Current evidence suggests that thyroid hormones (THs) may impact development of the immune system. However, studies that explore the role of THs in immune development are limited, and the mechanisms leading to alterations in immune function are poorly understood. It is important to elucidate the role of THs in immune development given that many environmental contaminants have been shown to disrupt TH homeostasis and may also have negative impacts on the immune system. As such, the main goal of this study was to determine the long-term consequences of early life stage (ELS) hypothyroidism on immune function. To achieve this goal, it was first necessary to further characterize basic immune function in the selected model species, the fathead minnow (FHM, Pimephales promelas). Preliminary studies were conducted to describe the transcriptomic response to Yersinia ruckeri and adapt assays for the assessment of respiratory burst and phagocytic cell activity. To determine the long-term effects of ELS hypothyroidism, FHMs were exposed to the model thyroid suppressant propylthiouracil (PTU) from <1 to 30 days post hatch and reared under normal conditions. Upon reaching adulthood, ex vivo immune cell function and the in vivo immune response to Y. ruckeri were assessed. Fish exposed to PTU experienced significant alterations in gene networks associated with immune cell function as well as significant decreases in phagocytic cell activity. However, immune-related alterations at the molecular and cellular levels did not manifest themselves at higher levels of organization as ELS hypothyroidism did not affect any other immune-related endpoints, including pathogen resistance. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide evidence that ELS hypothyroidism causes long-term effects on the immune system in fish.

Toxicity of chemically dispersed crude oil to early life stages of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus)

McIntosh, Stephen E 28 April 2009 (has links)
To minimize the damage caused by oil spills, responders may chemically disperse floating oil into the underlying water before it contacts shorelines and wildlife. Quantifying this strategy’s net ecological and commercial benefits requires an analysis of its effects on subsurface ecosystems and biota. Unfortunately, spill-responders have little empirical data on which to base such an analysis. Herein I report the effects of dispersed oil to early life stages of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus). Medium South American crude oil (MESA) dispersed with Corexit 9500 caused blue sac disease (BSD) in embryos, but not in free-swimming embryos. The ages of embryos were negatively correlated with their sensitivity to oil, making those that were freshly fertilized the most sensitive. However, sensitivity was also high after hatch. Free-swimming embryos displayed signs of narcosis following brief exposure to dispersed oil. Gametes were also tested; dispersed oil dramatically impaired fertilization success. Toxicity was a function of concentration and duration of exposure, as well as of the life stage exposed. When the duration of exposure was < 24 h, gametes and free-swimming embryos were the most sensitive life stages (i.e. responded to the lowest concentrations). For durations > 24 h, young embryos (< 1 day old) were most sensitive. The results are presented as toxicity models that incorporate developmental stage, oil concentration, and exposure duration. Current effects-forecasting models for oil dispersion are based on published chronic toxicity data, which do not account for the effects of exposure duration and developmental events on toxicity. Thus, the results will better-enable modelers to estimate the effects of realistic exposures to dispersed oil in various locations, including spawning shoals. / Thesis (Master, Biology) -- Queen's University, 2009-04-26 12:55:12.266

Influence de la température sur les premiers stades de vie de trois espèces de poissons dulcicoles : étude de la survie et de la plasticité phénotypique / Influence of temperature on early life stages of three species of freshwater fish : study of survical on sterotypic plasticity

Réalis-Doyelle, Emilie 27 June 2016 (has links)
D’après le dernier rapport du groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat (GIEC), le réchauffement climatique devrait se poursuivre au cours du siècle prochain. La température atmosphérique moyenne pourrait augmenter de 0,3°C à 4,8°C avec des valeurs extrêmes allant de 1°C à 6°C en 2100. Ces changements de température auront des conséquences directes et indirectes sur l’ensemble de la biodiversité et plus particulièrement sur les poissons qui sont des animaux poïkilothermes. Dans cette étude, trois espèces ont été choisies en prenant en compte leur stratégie de reproduction et leur différence de tolérance thermique : la truite commune (Salmo trutta), le brochet (Esox lucius) et la carpe commune (Cyprinus carpio). Nous avons, pour chacune des trois espèces, appliqué les mêmes différences de température par rapport à leur température de référence (-4, -2, Tref, +2, +4°C) et étudié les effets sur la survie et le développement des embryons et des larves au cours de l’ensemble de la période d’alimentation endogène. Ce travail a confirmé la loi générale de l’impact de la température sur la période d’incubation (Q10 ~3). La truite commune montre une forte diminution de sa survie lors d’une augmentation de quatre degrés, néanmoins les larves survivantes sont plus grandes et ont un contenu énergétique plus important. La survie des larves de brochet augmente avec la température, ces larves sont les plus grandes et leur contenu énergétique est plus important à la température la plus élevée. La survie de la carpe n’est pas affectée par la température ; néanmoins les larves élevées à basse température sont les plus petites et présentent un faible contenu énergétique. Les résultats de survie pour les premiers stades de vie sont en concordance avec les modélisations des aires de répartition actuelle. Dans le futur, la prise en compte de la niche thermique théorique des premiers stades de vie pourrait permettre d’affiner les prévisions des aires de répartition / According to the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global warming is expected to continue over the next century, the average temperature could increase by 0.3 ° C to 4.8 ° C with extreme values ranging from 1 ° C to 6 ° C by 2100. These temperature changes will have direct and indirect consequences on the overall biodiversity and specifically fish which are poikilotherms. In this study three species were selected taking into account their reproductive strategy and their thermal tolerance: brown trout (Salmo trutta), pike (Esox lucius) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio). We have applied for all three species the same temperature range of from their referential temperature (-4, -2, Tref °C, +2, + 4 ° C). To carry out this study, we investigated biological traits related to survival and development during the endogenous feeding period. This work confirmed the general law of the impact of temperature during incubation phase (Q10 ~ 3). For brown trout, the results show a collapse of its population with an increase of four degrees; nevertheless surviving larvae were the longest and had a more energetic content. The survival rate of pike larvae increased when temperature increased, these larvae were the longest and the had more energetic content. The survival of the carp was not affected by temperature; nevertheless, at the lowest temperature (16°C), the larvae were smaller and had a lower energetic content. The survival results for the early stages of life are an agreement with the current distribution models. In view of this study the theoretical thermal niche species of early live stage should be undertaken to continue to refine prediction models from range

Effects of effluent wastewater in developing zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Frieberg, Kim January 2018 (has links)
Traditional wastewater treatment is known not to be specifically designed to eliminate the new generation of chemical residues that ends up in the sewage system. Polluted wastewatereffluent therefore reaches the aquatic environment possibly causing adverse effects in aquatic wildlife. The effects of effluent water from five Swedish sewage treatment plants sampled on 6 occasions 2017, were studied in developing zebrafish (Danio rerio). The study included morphological, physiological and behavioural endpoints. Overall there were few effectswhere deviations from control animals could be seen in the exposed zebrafish. The overall outcome of this assessment was that the wastewater effluent had no consistent effects on the early development of zebrafish. The consequences of continuous low-level exposure duringthe whole life-cycle of wild fish are presently unknown and further studies are needed to evaluate potential risks.

The mechanism of retene toxicity in the early life stages of fish

Scott, Jason 15 January 2009 (has links)
Alkylphenanthrenes such as retene (7-isopropyl-1-methylphenanthrene) are aquatic contaminants commonly found in anthropogenically-, industrially-, and petroleum-contaminated environments, and have been implicated in crude oil toxicity. In the early life stages (ELS) of fish, exposures to alkylphenanthrenes produce signs of toxicity typical of those observed in exposures to halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons, particularly to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). TCDD, the most toxic congener, serves as the basis of the current mechanism-based risk assessment model. The model assumes that congeners that produce TCDD-like toxicity share a common mode of action and act additively. The mechanism of TCDD-like toxicity is assumed to be mediated by the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), a ligand-activated transcription factor involved in the xenobiotic response (e.g., induction of cytochrome P450 1A enzymes; CYP1A) and in normal development. CYP1A enzymes are not involved in the mechanism of TCDD toxicity. Alkylphenanthrenes toxic to the ELS of fish are AhR ligands, but in contrast to TCDD, are readily metabolized by CYP1A enzymes. The byproducts of CYP1A metabolism have been implicated in retene toxicity. However, the target tissue of retene and the direct roles of AhR and CYP1A in retene toxicity are unknown, but are expected to be similar to those of TCDD. The results presented in this thesis suggest that in the ELS of fish: (1) the primary target of retene is the cardiovascular system (Chapters 2 & 5); (2) retene toxicity is stage-specific (Chapter 2); (3) the mechanism of retene toxicity is mediated by AhR2, and is independent of CYP1A enzymes (Chapter 5); (4) multiple CYP1A-independent toxicities can result from exposures to different mixtures of CYP1A inducing (retene) and CYP1A inhibiting (alpha-naphthoflavone or 2-aminoanthracene) PAHs (Chapters 3 & 4); and (5) multiple concentration-dependent mechanisms of toxicity (i.e., synergism and response addition) can occur in co-exposures of a CYP1A inducer (retene) with a range of CYP1A inhibitor (alpha-naphthoflavone) concentrations (Chapter 3). Thus, retene toxicity is mechanistically similar to that of TCDD toxicity, suggesting alkylphenanthrenes can be included in the current risk assessment model. However, the observed variable mixture toxicities and species differences in retene toxicity raise questions about the effectiveness of this model. / Thesis (Ph.D, Biology) -- Queen's University, 2009-01-13 12:10:31.373

Effekte von abwasserinduzierten Ionenimbalanzen auf die Reproduktion von Fischen am Beispiel von Danio rerio

Wagler, Marit 04 August 2020 (has links)
Die salzhaltigen Abwässer des Kalibergbaues führen in natürlichen Süßwassersystemen zu Ionenimbalanzen und einer sekundären Versalzung der Werra in Deutschland. Die Auswirkungen dieser Ionenungleichgewichte auf die Reproduktion von Süßwasserfischen wurden unter Verwendung der Modellfischart Danio rerio untersucht. Angepasst an die aktuellen Grenzwerte für die Einleitung der Abwässer aus dem Kalibergbau wurden fünf verschiedene Kombinationen erhöhter Ionenkonzentrationen getestet. Während eines partiellen Lebenszyklustests wurden adulte Fische 35 Tage lang in den Salzkombinationen exponiert. Anschließend wurden die Nachkommen dieser Fische bis zum 8. Tag nach der Befruchtung den gleichen Salzkonzentrationen ausgesetzt. Zusätzlich wurden Early-Life-Stage-Tests (ELST) mit den Nachkommen von nicht exponierten Eltern durchgeführt. Im Vergleich zu natürlich vorkommenden Ionenkonzentrationen und -verhältnissen in Süßwassersystemen war die Befruchtungsrate der Eier für alle Ionenkombinationen signifikant niedriger, die Koagulations- und Deformationsrate jedoch signifikant höher. Die ELST ergaben bei den Embryonen und Larven u.a. vorzeitige und verlängerte Schlupfzeiten, verringerte Überlebensraten, erhöhte Deformationsraten und Herzschlagfrequenzen sowie Unregelmäßigkeiten des Ganzkörpergehalts von K, Mg, Na und Ca und des Ganzkörper-Ionenverhältnisses von Ca:Mg bei erhöhten Ionenkonzentrationen und Ionenimbalanzen. Im Vergleich zu den Effekten auf die Fortpflanzung und Entwicklung der Nachkommen waren die Effekte auf die adulten Tiere moderat. Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation zeigen, dass Teillebenszyklus-Tests besser als Fischeitests oder ELST geeignet sind, die Effekte von durch Abwasser verursachten Ionenimbalanzen, auf die Fortpflanzung und frühe Entwicklung von Süßwasserfischen, zu untersuchen. Weder die momentan gültigen noch die zukünftig herabgesetzten Grenzwerte bis 2027 sind danach als unschädlich, für die Reproduktion von Süßwasserfischen, zu betrachten. / The potash mining industry discharges saline effluents which generate ion imbalances in natural freshwater systems and cause severe secondary salinization in the river Werra in Germany. The effects of these ion imbalances on reproduction of freshwater fish were investigated using the fish model species Danio rerio. Five different combinations of elevated ion concentrations adjusted to the current threshold values for the discharge of potash mining effluents in Germany were tested. During a partial life cycle test, adult fish were exposed to the salt combinations for 35 days. Subsequently, the offspring were exposed to the same concentrations until hatch, and the larvae were further reared at the exposure concentrations from hatch until the 8th day post fertilization. Additionally, a standard early life stage test with offspring from unexposed parents was performed. Compared to naturally occurring ion concentrations and ratios in freshwater systems, the fertilization rate of the eggs was significantly lower for all ion combinations, while coagulation and deformation rates were significantly higher. Early life stage tests on embryos and larvae revealed premature and prolonged hatching times, reduced survival rates, increased deformation and heart rates and irregularities in whole body content of K, Mg, Na and Ca and whole body Ca:Mg ratios at elevated ion concentrations and imbalances of ion ratios. Compared to effects on reproduction and development of the offspring, effects on the parental generation were moderate. The results of this dissertation indicate that partial life cycle tests instead of fish egg tests or ELST are needed to examine most sensitively the effects of ion imbalances caused by potash mining effluents on reproduction and early development of freshwater fish. Neither the recent German threshold values nor the future reduced values until 2027 are safe for the reproduction of freshwater fish.

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