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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Earthen Materials In Organic Forms: An Ecological Solution to the Urban Biosphere?

Patil, Rutuja 26 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The pandemic has taught us several valuable lessons. It led to a new interest in redesigning-built environments that promote healthy indoor atmospheres and provide a space for reflection along with social distancing. The architecture of a space affects how people move within a space and live their lives. By using organic design principles and sustainable systems, we can transform and renew our built environment. A holistic approach that combines natural and built elements can create a sense of harmony and health, which is in line with the essence of organic architecture. Organic architecture can provide a sustainable solution to the persistent conflict between humans and nature due to urbanization, resource scarcity, and deforestation. By incorporating organic design principles, we can reconcile expanding urban environments and mass constructions with the natural world and biosphere. This approach can establish a harmonious relationship between human-made environments and nature, creating a more sustainable future. Despite their benefits, earthen materials are not widely used in new construction in North America. (Jenkins Swan, Rteil, and Lovegrove 2011) Some people even might believe that earthen materials are indicators of poverty, creating a social stigma that limits their use. Labor standards and knowledge sharing in the building industries may preference other ways of building. For others, the technical data available may be insufficient to quantify an understanding of building performance in various climates. Importantly, earthen materials are not fully represented in building codes and standards, particularly in North America.(Jenkins Swan, Rteil, and Lovegrove 2011) According to recent research, earthen building materials are capable of regulating indoor temperatures and humidity to attain optimal levels for occupant health (Alassaad et al. 2021). Low toxicity along with recyclability at the end of its life cycle which in turn allows for a cradle-to-cradle supply chain are also some of the other advantages of earthen materials. By being sustainable from the start of its life cycle, this thesis explores the use of earthen materials in construction by not just promoting the environmental benefits but also demonstrating how it could possibly add life to new organic forms.

Caractérisation et maîtrise de la prolifération microbienne dans des produits biosourcés pour des bâtiments sains et durables / Characterization and control of microbial proliferation on bio-based products for healthy and sustainable buildings

Simons, Alexis 04 April 2018 (has links)
Les impacts de la construction sur l'environnement et sur la santé des habitants sont aujourd'hui des enjeux prioritaires. Les matériaux en terre crue connaissent un essor important pour de nombreuses raisons (écologique, économique, etc.), mais des questions se posent sur leur sensibilité à la prolifération des moisissures vis-à-vis de la qualité de l'air intérieur. Au cours de ces travaux, les flores bactériennes et fongiques présentes sur des supports en terre crue, biosourcés ou non, au sein d'habitations, ainsi que dans les matières premières, ont été caractérisées selon des méthodes par culture et par métabarcoding. Les champignons détectés sont similaires à ceux présents dans les habitations conventionnelles. L'ajout de fibres végétales ne modifie pas la structure des communautés fongiques mais rend le matériau plus sensible à la prolifération. Celle-ci n'intervient qu'en condition d'accident hydrique. Des approches de lutte biologique à partir de bactéries ont été initiées pour inhiber la prolifération fongique sur ces matériaux. / Impacts of building on environment and on health of inhabitants are nowadays priority issues. The interest for earthen materials is increasing for many reasons (ecological, economical, etc.), but some questions are raised about their fungal proliferation sensitivity considering the quality of indoor air. This work consists in characterizing by cultural and metabarcoding methods the fungal and bacterial communities on the surface of earthen building materials, biobased or not, and raw materials. Detected fungi are related to those which are identified in conventional buildings. The addition of vegetal fibers don't modify the fungal communities structure, but make the material more favorable for proliferation. The fungal development appears only under water damage condition. Biocontrol methods with bacteria have been initiated in order to inhibit the fungal proliferation on these materials.

Tectonic Potentials of Earthen Materials: Post-Tensioned Structures

Maher, Joy Samuel Labib 22 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] A lo largo de los años, numerosos materiales de construcción han sido objeto de experimentación y mejoras tecnológicas para cumplir con sus propósitos previstos y mantenerse competitivos en la industria de la construcción. En una era marcada por crecientes preocupaciones sobre el cambio climático, la selección de materiales de construcción con bajo impacto de carbono es fundamental. Sin embargo, materiales locales como la tierra carecen de los avances técnicos y la integridad estructural necesarios para lograr una adopción generalizada entre arquitectos y la sociedad. Si bien los materiales a base de tierra ofrecen beneficios ambientales innegables, como baja energía incorporada y emisiones de carbono, persisten dudas sobre su rendimiento técnico y su fiabilidad estructural. Los arquitectos y constructores a menudo prefieren opciones convencionales percibidas como más fiables. La tesis busca explorar las posibilidades arquitectónicas de los materiales de tierra, examinando formas de integrarlos en varios elementos arquitectónicos y proponiendo enfoques de diseño innovadores, como estructuras postensadas, para mejorar su usabilidad y ampliar sus aplicaciones. El objetivo es capitalizar las cualidades únicas de los materiales terrosos y desafiar la noción predominante de ellos como formas estandarizadas y planas, abordando las preocupaciones de viabilidad. La metodología de investigación emplea un método mixto concurrente, que combina datos experimentales con observaciones del comportamiento del material para derivar resultados. A través de un proceso de experimentación de tres fases, se prueban rigurosamente variables como materiales de moldeo, mezclas de tierra y estructuras postensadas. El diseño iterativo y las pruebas meticulosas refinan las técnicas de fabricación, asegurando la solidez del diseño de investigación. En resumen, esta tesis avanza significativamente los materiales de construcción contemporáneos y la ingeniería arquitectónica. A través de la innovación y la colaboración interdisciplinaria, facilita la creación de estructuras funcionales y estéticamente agradables que se integran perfectamente con su entorno, al tiempo que empujan los límites de los paradigmas de diseño convencionales. / [CA] Al llarg dels anys, nombrosos materials de construcció han sigut objecte d'experimentació i millores tecnològiques per a complir amb els seus propòsits previstos i mantindre's competitius en la indústria de la construcció. En una era marcada per creixents preocupacions sobre el canvi climàtic, la selecció de materials de construcció amb baix impacte de carboni és fonamental. No obstant això, materials locals com la terra manquen dels avanços tècnics i la integritat estructural necessàries per a aconseguir una adopció generalitzada entre arquitectes i la societat. Encara que els materials a base de terra ofereixen beneficis ambientals innegables, com baixa energia incorporada i emissions de carboni, persisteixen dubtes sobre el seu rendiment tècnic i la seua fiabilitat estructural. Els arquitectes i constructors sovint prefereixen opcions convencionals percebudes com més fiables. La tesi busca explorar les possibilitats arquitectòniques dels materials de terra, examinant maneres d'integrar-los en diversos elements arquitectònics i proposant enfocaments de disseny innovadors, com ara estructures postensades, per a millorar la seua usabilitat i ampliar les seues aplicacions. L'objectiu és capitalitzar les qualitats úniques dels materials terris i desafiar la noció predominant d'ells com a formes estandarditzades i planes, abordant les preocupacions de viabilitat. La metodologia de recerca empra un mètode mixt concurrent, que combina dades experimentals amb observacions del comportament del material per a derivar resultats. A través d'un procés d'experimentació de tres fases, es proven rigorosament variables com ara materials de motlleig, mesclades de terra i estructures postensades. El disseny iteratiu i les proves meticuloses refinen les tècniques de fabricació, assegurant la solidesa del disseny de recerca. En resum, aquesta tesi avança significativament els materials de construcció contemporanis i l'enginyeria arquitectònica. A través de la innovació i la col·laboració interdisciplinària, facilita la creació d'estructures funcionals i estèticament agradables que s'integren perfectament amb el seu entorn, alhora que impulsen els límits dels paradigmes de disseny convencionals. / [EN] Over the years, numerous building materials have undergone experimentation and technological enhancements to meet their intended purposes and remain competitive in the construction industry. In an era marked by escalating climate change concerns, the selection of low-carbon footprint building materials is paramount. However, local materials like earth lack the necessary technical advancements and structural integrity to garner widespread adoption among architects and society. While earth-based materials offer undeniable environmental benefits, including low embodied energy and carbon emissions, doubts persist regarding their technical performance and structural reliability. Architects and builders often prefer conventional options perceived as more dependable. The thesis seeks to explore the architectural possibilities of earthen materials, examining ways to integrate them into various architectural elements and proposing innovative design approaches, such as post-tensioned structures, to enhance their usability and broaden their applications. The objective is to capitalize on the unique qualities of earth materials and challenge the prevailing notion of them as standardized, flat forms while addressing feasibility concerns. The research methodology employs a concurrent mixed method, combining experimental data with observations of material behavior to derive outcomes. Through a three-phase experimentation process, variables such as mold materials, earth mixtures, and post-tensioned structures are rigorously tested. Iterative design and meticulous testing refine fabrication techniques, ensuring the robustness of the research design. In summary, this thesis significantly advances contemporary building materials and architectural engineering. Through innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration, it facilitates the creation of functional, aesthetically pleasing structures that seamlessly integrate with their environment while pushing the boundaries of conventional design paradigms. / Maher, JSL. (2024). Tectonic Potentials of Earthen Materials: Post-Tensioned Structures [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/207011

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