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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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營志宏, Ying, Zhi-Hong Unknown Date (has links)
第一章為「民族與民族問題的本質」,論述列寧斯大林對民族的定義,民族與民 族運動的發生與消滅,民族問題的本質與作法等的意見。 第二章為「民族自決權」,論述列寧斯大林所主張的民族自決權的意義與目的, 他們與反對者的論爭,與他們反對民族文化自治主張的意見,以及他們對民族文化 的態度。 第三章為「蘇維埃聯邦」論述列斯在俄國建立新的多民族國家的理論,及他們對 高加索問題的爭執,和斯大林對蘇聯成立後發生的民族問題的意見。 第四章為「殖民地理論與中國革命」,論述列斯民族問題理論範圍的擴大,他們 所認為的在殖民地附屬國的任務,以及殖民地理論在中國的應用。第五章為總結。


黃松義, Huang, Song-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
關於中共職工運動之研究,學生係以早期中共職工活動為撰寫範圍,其共分為五 個章節,字數大約六萬餘字: 第一章撰寫中國近代工業的發展與無產階級的形成,其內分二個節次。第一節描 寫中國近代工業發展史及時代背景,第二節描寫無產階級形成、其人數分佈情形, 生活狀況及工人政治意識。 第二章撰寫中共早期工運之情形,其內分四個節次,第一節描寫中共工運的萌芽 ,其包括五四運動與工運的啟蒙活動,第二節描寫早期工運活動情形,其包括勞動 組合書記部的成立,第一次全國勞動代表大會,勞動立法運動及罷工活動,第三節 描寫三七工運的原因、結果及影響,第四節小結。 第三章撰寫容共期間中共工運活動,其內分四個節次,第一節描寫工運活動的轉 變其包括國民黨容共政策,俄共對中共的指示及工運理論的分歧及其策略的運用( 二、三次大會決議)第二節描寫工運的扶蘇其包括全國鐵路工會的成立及第二次全 國勞動代表大會,第三節描寫五卅慘案的原因、結果及影響,第四節為小結。 第四章撰寫北伐期間工運的活動,其內分四個節次。第一節描寫北伐前中共工運 的活動包括省港罷工,第三次勞動代表大會及陳贊堯事件,第二節描寫北伐中的工 運,其包括共產國際第七次擴大執委會的指示及恐佈活動,第三節描寫上海事件的 原因、結果,第四節小結。 第五章為總結論,批判中共工運的共黨與陰謀策略等。


黃源德, Huang, Yuan-De Unknown Date (has links)
第一章新四軍的成立與早期的發展,敘述新四軍收編經過,早期的發展概況,與 擴軍之手段。 第二章皖南事變,探討國共磨擦的真相,皖南事變的真相,與共黨內部鬥爭的概 況。 第三章皖南事變後的新四軍,敘述事變後共黨的處置與發展概況,並比較事變前 後兩個發展階段的差異。 第四章新四軍的困境與作叛,說明皖南事變後,該軍所遭遇的困境,以及其因應 措施,並敘述抗戰前後,該軍擴大叛變的經過。 第五章為結論,對該軍整個發展過程以及後來對毛共政局之影響加以評述。


楊鴻志, Yang, Hong-Zhi Unknown Date (has links)
主要內容是說明中共於第一個五年計劃時期,何以採行農業合作化,糧食統制及 增產糧食之政策。並由此而分析共黨土地政策之本質與目的。就理論上,說明共產 黨之作法,並非是為人民謀福利,由此揭發共黨之殘毒作法。並由事實及理論上, 以尋求毛澤東開展人民公社的目的,並藉此分析中共經由此種土地政策之運作,而 探討其利弊得失,一方面以作為世人之殷鑑;另一方面作為吾人光復大陸之後,如 何施行民生主義農業政策之助力。


劉天均, Liu, Tian-Jun Unknown Date (has links)
其中第一章四節旨在簡介印度尼西亞的地略價值、資源、文化、社會、政經概況 ;第二章係述說中共之外交政策與對印尼之外交策略;第三章在闡明印尼之外交政 策及其擴張主義與中共之支持;第四、五兩章陳述中共與印尼之間的外交、經濟文 化、僑務、國際統戰,以及中共與印(尼)的關係;第六章係就「九、卅運動」, 雙方交惡與中止外交關係加以敘述。共十萬字左右。


賴瑞卿, Lai, Rui-Qing Unknown Date (has links)
第一章虛無主義的陳獨秀 第一節時代背景 第二節倫理革命-倒孔 一、孔道與共和政體 二、倫理的障礙-特權與平等 三、陳獨秀對孔道價值的批判 第三節文學革命 一、白話文運動 二、文學革命的內容 三、世界語運動 第二章陳獨秀從虛無主義到共產主義 弟一節俄國十月革命的衝擊 第二節五四運動與六三運動的意義 一、五四運動 二、民族資本主義與產業無產階級的興起 三、六三運動 第三節初期的理論鬥爭 一、社會主義的討論 二、對無政府主義的鬥爭 第三章國共聯合戰線時期陳獨秀的見解 第二節聯合戰線的理論基礎 第二節陳獨秀對「聯合戰線」的意見 一、中共黨內初期意見的分歧 二、陳獨秀的意見 三、容共初期中共約政治口號 第三節中共對國民黨的分化 一、國共兩黨初期的鬥爭 二、戴季陶和陳獨秀的理論鬥爭 三、中山艦事變及其影響 第四節中共對北伐的態度 一、陳獨秀的意見 二、中共態度的轉變 三、汪陳聯合宣言與清黨運動 第五節武漢時期陳獨秀的見解 一、關於和國民黨的「聯盟」問題 二、關於工農運動的態度 三、對於武漢軍人的態度 第四章托派時期陳獨秀的見解 第一節機會主義的陳獨秀-第三國際的代罪羔羊 一、八七會議對陳獨秀的批判 二、陳獨秀的答辯 第二節史大林和托洛斯基對中國革命之論爭 一、對社會主義革命的不同看法-革命階段論與不斷革命論 二、對中國革命的性質的爭論 第三節中共左派反對派的興起來沒落 第四節托派時期陳獨秀的見解 一、一九二七年革命失敗的責任之檢討 二、資本主義佔優勢的中國社會 三、革命情勢的估計-兩個革命問的過渡時期 四、現階段的鬥爭形式-國民會議 五、以黨內民主代替官僚主義 第五章陳獨秀的覺醒 第一節陳獨秀最後的見解 第二節陳獨秀思想約三部曲--代結論


黃公弼, Huang, Gong-Bi Unknown Date (has links)
第一章首先談論立三路線的形成背景; 其背景溯自一九二八年七月之「六全大會 」李立三之掌權始,再進而分析當時國內外情勢,並進一步陳述一九二九年十月廿 六日,共產國際執委致中共中央委員會的一封指示信,而在這一積極進攻的指示下 ,匪黨中央才一反已往保守穩健的政策,於一九二○年二月廿六日,發出了第十十 號進攻的通告。 第二章談到立三路線的內容,這是以一九二○年六月十一日,中共中央政治局所通 過的「目前政治任務的決議」,亦即是「新的革命高潮與一省或幾省的首先勝利」 決議和一九二○年七月廿一自,中共中央一發出的「第八十四號通告」,為其基本 文獻及代表「傑作」,其後並對立三路線執行的經過和失敗情形詳加陳述。 第三章談到三中全會和共產國際。第二節說明立三路線與共產國際的關係,在基本 上立三路線是根據共產國際的指示發展而來,可是當立三路線失敗後,共產國際立 即諉過於李立三的中共中央,兩國際指示好像永遠是正確的。第二節說明三中全會 之所謂「調和主義」,由於立三路線的失敗,直接引起中共黨內反立三路線的鬥爭 ,而共產國際亦派瞿秋白返國清算立三路線,不料瞿秋白不但沒有清算立三路線, 反而對立三路線採取調和的態度,於是在第三節中陳述共產國際於一九二○年十一 月十六日對中共中央不滿所發出的嚴厲指示信,以申斥立三路線的錯誤。第四章談 到對立三路線的清算,共分六節,一一加以說明,第一節談到「國際派」的陳紹禹 等和「何孟雄派」對於反對瞿秋白的調和主就教於各位先進。


陳福到, Chen, Fu-Dao Unknown Date (has links)
緒論 第一章蘇聯與中共對國際法和國際條約的看法 第一節概述 第二節蘇聯與中共對條約的性質及範圍之理論與實踐 第三節蘇聯與中共對不平等條約的看法 第四節蘇聯與中共締結條約的程序 第五節結論 第二章政治類 第一節史大林時期-一九五○年「友好向盟互助條約」又其化協定 第二節赫魯曉夫時期-從「條約」中著中共與蘇聯在國際共產主義運動方面的合作關係 第三章經濟類 第一節蘇聯與其附康簽訂的經濟貿易條約之性質和範圍 第二節「條約」中著一九五○-五九年中共與蘇聯的經濟關係 第三節中共與蘇聯性經濟合作關係的本質 第四章科學技術類與教育文化類 第一節從「條約」中看蘇聯幫助中共發展原子科學 第二節從「條約」中看中共與蘇聯的教育文化交流 第五章文通運輸類與其他協定 第一節從「條約」中看中共與蘇聯的交通運輸合作關係 第二節其他協定 結論 第一節從「條約」中看中共與蘇聯的關係演變 第二節從「條約」中看中共與蘇聯決裂的因素 參考書目 簡稱表

Making sense of the English language policy in Thailand : an exploration of teachers' practices and dispositions

Fitzpatrick, Damian January 2011 (has links)
Similar to other countries in the South-east Asian region, Thailand has transformed its education policy so that it may be able to better face the challenges of the globalised world. In order to do this, constructs such as student-centred learning and critical thinking, as well as the teaching of English in a more communicative manner, have been promoted. There has been little critical or grounded research carried out on the current English policy in Thailand, which emerged from the National Education Act of 1999 and the subsequent Basic Education Core Curricula of 2001 and 2008, therefore, in order to better understand how this policy works, this study explores how a group of Thai-English language teachers conceptualise the English language policy in Thailand by investigating their practices and beliefs (dispositions). In order to do this, and drawing on a social constructionist perspective from Bourdieu’s theory of practice, this thesis adopts a qualitative methodology that incorporates exploratory and ethnographic elements. Employing a combination of data collection methods that include classroom observations, retrospective accounts and semi-structured interviews, the findings demonstrate that a gap exists between the goals of the policy and what actually occurs in the classroom. Thus, there were few examples of either the communicative approach or student-centred learning being employed, with teachers instead tending to transmit knowledge to their students in a teacher-centred manner. Reasons for this may be due to the influence that the national examinations has on teachers’ work, the suitability and / or relevance of imported teaching and learning approaches on local contexts, as well as the need for better implementation of change. Teachers would indeed benefit from more professional development concerning the policy, but this thesis also argues that the policy itself needs to be critically examined. This would then allow Thailand, as well as other countries in the region, to better inform and improve their current education policies.

Essays on liquidity risk and banking fragility, dynamic depositor discipline and information disclosure : an empirical analysis on the East Asian banks

Sahul Hamid, Fazelina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis contains three empirical essays in banking. The empirical analyses focus on the role of information in banking. This will be done by analyzing the effectiveness of three types of signals that are sent by banks. The first signal is the CAMEL-type indicators that measure the soundness of the banks. The second signal is the price offered by banks in attracting deposits. The third signal is the amount of risk related information that banks disclose in their financial statements. This thesis aims to answer a few key questions that are relevant in banking. Firstly, it aims to find if CAMEL-type indicators are able to predict subsequent decisions by regulators to fail banks. This analysis will focus on the banks' liquidity ratio before and during crises in finding whether high liquidity holding and high reliance on external funding contribute towards the subsequent failure of the banks. Secondly, it aims to find if depositors discipline banks by focusing on depositors' reaction to the price signal from banks. Lastly, it aims to find if depositors react to the amount of risk-related information that banks disclose. The empirical issues are analyzed using the sample of financial institutions in five crisis led East Asian countries namely Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. Among the striking findings in Chapter 2 are that the effect of liquidity on the probability of bank failure varies before and during a crisis. The results show the vulnerabilities of banks to failure declines as a result of higher liquidity holding. The results also show that banks' probability of failure increases as a result of high reliance on external funding. Findings in Chapter 3 confirm the endogenous relationship between the price and quantity of deposits in the depositor discipline model. Panel data analysis shows that depositors' behavior in East Asia is driven by bank fundamentals and risk aversion activities and also by price movements. Dynamic panel data analysis is carried out to account for the lagged dependency of the deposits growth variable and endogeneity of the price mechanism in the depositor discipline model. The results show that depositors in East Asia do not demand a higher price for deposits. Analysis by subdividing the sample of banks into healthy and weak banks shows that the relationship between price and quantity is not non-linear. Healthy banks are not able to attract more deposits by raising price. Depositors do not discipline weak banks by demanding a higher return. Lack of responsiveness by depositors to price signals may be attributable to large the outflow of deposits that happened during the crisis period and regulations on interest rates. Analysis in Chapter 4 confirms that depositors are influenced by the content and also quantity of risk-related information disclosure. Panel data analysis shows that higher risk-related information disclosure enables banks to attract more funds only during the post-crisis period. Once the lagged dependency of the deposits growth variable and endogeneity of the price and disclosure mechanism is taken into account, estimation using dynamic panel data analysis shows that disclosure is a more effective signal in attracting deposits than price. These findings provide support to the proposition of the third pillar of the Basel II which aims to encourage market discipline by requiring banks to disclose more risk-related information. In line with the wake-up-call hypothesis, the findings show that depositors' responsiveness to the amount of information disclosure is higher during the post-crisis period. This study also finds that the effectiveness of disclosure signal varies according to the quality of banks. Depositors in East Asia reward good banks for disclosing more information but they do not discipline weak banks by demanding greater disclosure. Greater responsiveness of depositors to the disclosure signal of healthy banks compared to weak banks implies that disclosure is a more effective signal for healthy banks than for weak ones. Other issues analyzed in the thesis pertain to the relevance of the different type of econometric analysis used in carrying out the empirical analyses.

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