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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Examining the phenomena of eating habits and body image satisfaction: an in depth study of the elite rhythmic gymnast as they transition into retirement from the sport / Examing the phenomena of eating habits and body image

Di Palma, Amy 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Rhythmic gymnastics is a demanding sport that requires the athlete to not only execute the moves and elements required with perfection, but also demands a very specific lean body type in order to compete and be successful within the sport. This study explores retired gymnasts’ experiences of competing in rhythmic gymnastics at an elite level, as well as, exploring their experiences in relation to personal body image satisfaction and eating habits when they enter into retirement from the sport. The aim of this study is to provide an understanding of the athlete’s experiences as a rhythmic gymnast, as well as aspects of body image satisfaction and eating habits, following retirement from rhythmic gymnastics. The study provided a semi-structured interview to seven retired elite rhythmic gymnasts from Canada that had competed at provincial, national, and international levels. The data for this in-depth phenomenological study was obtained through the means of the semi-structured interviews to allow for the researcher to obtain an understanding of each of the gymnasts own personal experiences in their retired years. The transcription of each interview was then analysed and coded, first manually and then electronically using the qualitative coding software program ATLAS.ti, into various categories as well as themes found within the data. Findings were interpreted utilising the method of phenomenology explored themes relating to negative body image and poor eating habits both during their athletic career and after they had transitioned out of the sport and into retirement. In addition, the themes suggested that most of the former athletes still related to their elite rhythmic gymnastics identity with respect to their body image even after years of being in retirement. Participants seemed to highlight difficulties with lower self-confidence and self-esteem, as well as struggles regarding the acceptance of their body type and body image, themes also spoke to some participants’ dissatisfaction towards their new body post gymnastics. Ethical approval was obtained and all ethical standards were maintained throughout the duration of the research. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Nadváha a obezita v dětském věku / Excess weight and obesity in the child age

FEDROVÁ, Vendula January 2009 (has links)
This Thesis deals with the problem of excess weight and obesity in the child age. The problem of child obesity is described in detail and subsequently divided. The work deals with the causes of origins of excess weight and obesity in children; subsequently it describes the diagnostics of excess weight or obesity in children. Further, it describes various types of obesity, treatment and obesity prevention. The methodical part was elaborated with the help of the quantitative research. The data collection technique was utilized in the questionnaires for the primary school children from 4th till 9th classes. The aim set for the Thesis purposes was to map the problem of excess weight and obesity of primary school pupils both in the town and the country in 4th till 9th classes; mainly their eating habits and movement activities. This aim was fulfilled. In accordance with the aim hypotheses were set. The hypothesis 1 was: Excess weight will increasingly grow in children with bad eating habits. On the basis of the research this hypothesis was disconfirmed. The children with the considered problem have almost the same eating habits as the children with normal weight. The hypothesis 2 was: Excess weight will increasingly grow in children with low movement activities. On the basis of the research this hypothesis was partially confirmed. The children with the considered problem take part in sport bees 20% less frequently. In the remaining questions regarding movement activities, the evaluated results are almost the same for both categories of children. The obesity problem is not avoiding even the present time, either. Obesity has become a serious problem in all developed countries where the Czech Republic belongs as well. This problem does not involve the adult population only. Recently, we can meet with excess weight or obesity in children more often. Number of children with excess weight in this country keeps growing. This thesis of experts is confirmed even by the survey performed for this Thesis purposes. It is quite clear from the results that no fewer than 140 children, which equals 20 % from the sample surveyed, have the problem with excess weight or obesity. The allocation of excess weight and obesity problem was as follows. The highest obesity occurrence was within the age category of the 12-year-old, where 14 % recorded the excess weight. Within the age category of the 15-year-old 12 % recorded obesity. Of the total number with excess weight the total 38 % boys live with excessive weight and 25 % suffer obesity. As for girls, 18 % suffered excess weight and 19 % of them were obese. When comparing children with excessive weight in the country and the town it is obvious that in villages there are considerably more children having the problem of increased weight. 68.5 % village children with obesity or excessive weight against 31.5 % children from towns. Obesity of children is a problem of societies in a lot of countries. However it is just unsuitable eating, life style, in particular lack of movement which in the absolute majority bear their shares in the redundant kilograms. Therefore prevention is very important. Such prevention should be aimed at children and their parents from the babyhood.

Strengthening lifestyle interventions in primary health care : the challenge of change and implementation of guidelines in clinical practice / Stärka arbetet med levnadsvanor i primärvården : utmaningen att förändra och att introducera riktlinjer i klinisk praxis

Kardakis, Therese January 2017 (has links)
Background: Lifestyle habits like tobacco use, hazardous use of alcohol, unhealthy eating habits and insufficient physical activity are risk factors for developing non-communicable diseases, which are the leading, global causes of death. Furthermore, ill health and chronic diseases are costly and put an increased burden on societies and health systems.  In order to address this situation, governmental bodies and organizations’ have encouraged healthcare providers to reorient the focus of healthcare and undertake effective interventions that support patients to engage in healthy lifestyle habits. In Sweden, national clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) on lifestyle interventions were released in 2011. However, the challenges of changing clinical practice and introducing guidelines are well documented, and health interventions face particular difficulties. The overall purpose of this thesis is to contribute towards a better understanding of the complexities of shifting primary health care to become more health oriented, and to explore the implementation environment and its effect on lifestyle intervention CPGs. The specific aims are to investigate how implementation challenges were addressed during the guideline development process (Study I), to investigate several dimensions of readiness for implementing lifestyle intervention guidelines, including aspects of the intervention and the intervention context (Study II), to explore the extent to which health care professionals are working with lifestyle interventions in primary health care, and to describe and develop a baseline measure of professional knowledge, attitudes and perceived organizational support for lifestyle interventions (Study III), and to assess the progress of implementing lifestyle interventions in primary care settings, as  well as investigate the uptake and usage of the CPGs in clinical practice (Study IV).   Methods and results: Interviews were conducted with national guideline-developers (n=7). They were aware of numerous implementation challenges, and applied strategies and ways to address them during the guideline development process. The strategies adhered to four themes: (a) broad agreements and consensus about scope and purpose, (b) systematic and active involvement of stakeholders, (c) formalized and structured development procedures, and (d) openness and transparent development procedures. At the same time, the CPGs for lifestyle interventions challenged the development-model at the National Board of Health and Welfare (NBHW) because of their preventive and non-disease specific focus (I). A multiple case study was also conducted, using a mixed methods approach to gather data from key organizational individuals that were accountable for planning the implementation of CPGs (n=10), as well as health professionals and managers (n=340). Analysis of this data revealed that conditions for change were favorable in the two organizations that served as case studies, especially concerning change focus (health orientation) and the specific intervention (national guidelines on lifestyle interventions). Somewhat limited support was found for change and learning, and change format (national guidelines in general). Furthermore, factors in the outer context were found to influence the priority and timing of the intervention, as well as considerable inconsistencies across the professional groups (II). A cross-sectional study among physicians and nurses (n=315) in Swedish primary healthcare showed that healthcare professionals have a largely positive attitude and thorough overall knowledge of lifestyle intervention methods. However, both the level of knowledge and the involvement in patients’ lifestyle change, differed between professional groups. Organizational support like CPGs and the development of primary health care (PHC) collaborations with other stakeholders were identified as potential strategies for enhancing the implementation of lifestyle interventions in PHC (III). In addition to interviews and case studies, a longitudinal survey among health professionals (n=150; n=73) demonstrated that their use of methods to encourage patients to reduce or eliminate tobacco or alcohol use, had increased. The survey also indicated that nurses had increased the extent to which they addressed all four lifestyle habits. The progress of the implementation of CPGs on lifestyle interventions in PHC was somewhat limited, and important differences in physicians and nurses’ attitudes, as well as their use of the guidelines, were found (IV). Conclusions: Health orientation differs in many ways from more traditional fields in medicine. To strengthen the implementation of this very important (but not “urgent”) field in health care, it needs, first of all, to be prioritized at all levels! The results of the studies demonstrate relatively slow adoption of lifestyle intervention CPGs in clinical practice, and indicate room for improvement. The findings of this thesis can inform healthcare policy and research on further development of the health orientation perspective, as well as on the challenges of implementing CPGs on lifestyle interventions in primary care. In summary, this thesis presents important lessons learned regarding health orientation - from the development of CPGs in the field, via assessing healthcare organizations’ readiness to change and health professionals’ attitudes to methods to support patients with lifestyle changes. / Bakgrund: Levnadsvanor som tobaksbruk, riskbruk av alkohol, ohälsosamma matvanor och otillräcklig fysisk aktivitet är riskfaktorer för att utveckla kroniska sjukdomar, vilka orsakar de flesta dödsfallen i världen. Ohälsa och dess följdsjukdomar utmanar också samhällen och hälsosystem världen över p.g.a. de höga kostnader som de medför. För att förbättra situationen så försöker regeringar och organisationer förändra hälso- och sjukvårdens perspektiv till att fokusera mer på hälsa och att arbeta med effektiva interventioner för att förebygga och att förändra människors ohälsosamma vanor. År 2011 i Sverige, publicerades nationella kliniska riktlinjer för vårdens arbete med att förebygga sjukdom genom att stödja förändring av patienters ohälsosamma levnadsvanor. Det är dock välkänt hur svårt det är att förändra klinisk praxis och att introducera riktlinjer, och interventioner på området hälsa i sjukvården brottas med specifika utmaningar. Det övergripande syftet med den här avhandlingen har varit att bidra till en bättre förståelse av komplexiteten i att hälsoorientera primärvården, och att utforska förutsättningarna till att implementera kliniska riktlinjer för att stödja förändring av patienters levnadsvanor. De mer specifika syftena var: att (I) utforska hur implementeringsutmaningarna behandlades i utvecklingsprocessen av riktlinjerna ; att (II) undersöka dimensioner av beredskapen för förändring i primärvården för att implementera riktlinjerna om levnadsvanor inkluderande aspekter av interventionen själv samt kontexten ; att (III) utforska i vilken utsträckning hälsoprofessionerna arbetar med levnadsvanor i primärvården, och att beskriva deras kunskap, attityder och uppfattat organisatoriskt stöd för livsstilsinterventioner ; att (IV) i en två-årig uppföljning utvärdera utvecklingen av arbetet med levnadsvanor i primärvården, och användningen av de specifika nationella riktlinjerna för levnadsvanor. Metod och resultat: En intervjustudie med riktlinjeutvecklare på nationell nivå (n = 7) visade att många utmaningar för implementeringen av riktlinjerna identifierades och bemöttes under utvecklingsprocessen i fyra teman av strategier: breda överenskommelser och konsensus om inriktning och syfte, systematiskt och aktivt inkluderande av stakeholders, formaliserad och strukturerad utvecklingsprocess, öppenhet och insyn utvecklingsprocess. Samtidigt utmanade dock riktlinjerna om livsstilsinterventioner Socialstyrelsens utvecklingmodell p.g.a. deras förebyggande och icke sjukdomsspecifika fokus (I). En multipel fallstudie med nyckelpersoner ansvariga för implementeringen av riktlinjerna i sjukvårdsorganisationerna (n = 10) samt vårdpersonal och chefer (n = 340), visade på gynnsamma villkor för förändring i båda organisationerna rörande förändringsfokus (d.v.s. hälsoorientering) och den specifika interventionen (d.v.s. riktlinjer om metoder för att stödja förändring av ohälsosamma levnadsvanor). Stödet för förändring och lärande visade på något svagare resultat, likaså formen för förändringen d.v.s. nationella riktlinjer i allmänhet. Faktorer i den yttre kontexten visade sig kunna påverka prioritering av och optimalt val av tidpunkt för interventionen, likaså betydande skillnader i uppfattningar mellan yrkesgrupperna (II). En tvärsnittsstudie bland läkare och sjuksköterskor (n = 315) i primärvården visade att de har en positiv attityd och en god kunskapsnivå om metoder för livsstilsförändring. Både kunskapsnivå och i vilken utsträckning man arbetar med patienters livsstil skiljer sig mellan yrkesgrupper. Organisatoriskt stöd som nationella riktlinjer och utvecklandet av primärvårdens samarbete med intressenter i närområdet identifierades som viktigt för att förbättra arbetet med livsstil interventioner (III). En longitudinell undersökning bland vårdpersonal visade att användning av metoder för att förändra patientens vanor beträffande tobaksbruk och riskbruk av alkohol har ökat över tid, och att sjuksköterskorna arbetar i högre utsträckning med alla fyra levnadsvanorna än i tidigare. Implementeringen av de nationella riktlinjerna för levnadsvanor hade inte kommit så långt vid det andra mättillfället, och stora skillnader visade sig i hur läkare och sköterskor ser på riktlinjer och i vilken utsträckning de använder dem (IV). Slutsats: Hälsofrämjande och prevention skiljer sig på många sätt från mer traditionella fält inom medicinen. För att stärka implementeringen av det här viktiga (men ej akuta) fältet i hälso- och sjukvården, så måste det först av allt prioriteras på alla nivåer! Resultatet visar på ett svagt upptag av riktlinjerna för livsstilsinterventioner i klinisk praxis, och lämnar utrymme till förbättring. Aspekter av resultatet som presenteras i avhandlingen kan vägleda fortsatt utveckling och implementering av hälsoorientering och riktlinjer för livsstilsinterventioner inom primärvården, samt användas för att påverka policy, praxis och framtida forskning. Det gäller framför allt aspekter av utveckling av nationella riktlinjer på området; hälso- och sjukvårdsorganisationernas beredskap till förändring; hälsoprofessionernas attityder, kunskap och i vilken utsträckning de arbetar med livsstilsinterventioner och riktlinjer.

Gastronomie jako součást životního stylu na stránkách českých celostátních tištěných médií v období první Československé republiky / Gastronomy as a part of life style in the Czech national print media in the period between the wars in Czechoslovak Republic

Zábrodská, Kristina January 2021 (has links)
The doctoral thesis Gastronomy as a part of life style in the Czech national print media in the period between the wars in Czechoslovak Republic presents the results of eight years long research of food journalism in the Czech press between 1918 and 1938. This period called First Republic is often seen, due the positive sentiment, as a modern, democratic and prosperous state. The reality is a different. This text presents just a little part of picture of life style during First Republic which is gastronomy. That mirrors the economic and social level of the society. This text reflects critically the historical facts. The assumption, that print media pay regularly attention to the gastronomy as an integral part of life is important idea of this research. The content analysis proofs, that food journalism had its own section in the analyzed daily print, although media didn't used this kind of terminology. Five national newspapers (Lidové noviny, Národní politika, České slovo, Právo lidu and Venkov) were issued in the period 1918-1938 and newspapers Rudé právo established 1920 are included in the analysis. The selection of these (media) reflects the whole social-political spectrum of the audience. It could be assumed, that the selected newspapers represent the whole plurality of opinions. The analysis...

An assessment of food consumption patterns of selected households of Mbilwi and Matavhela Villages in Thulamela Municipality, Limpopo Province of South Africa

Magadze, A. A. 18 September 2017 (has links)
MRDV / Instutute for Rural Development / Health and wellbeing of humans is affected by their eating habits, patterns and choice of meals. This research discusses food consumption patterns of selected households of Mbilwi and Matavhela villages in Thulamela Municipality, Limpopo Province of South Africa. The study identified types of food consumed and the nutritional knowledge of households living in the study area. In addition, the study assessed the knowledge of households on how food choices affect their health. Lastly an analysis of socio-economic factors that influence food consumption patterns in households living in Mbilwi and Matavhela villages was investigated. Using purposive sampling, qualitative and quantitative inquiry were used to explore the research objectives. A sample size of 50 and 47 households from each village were selected respectively and the heads of each household were interviewed. Thematic content analysis was used to categorise data into themes, to address and interpret qualitative data. Themes were generated as the units for analysis based on the objectives of the study to enable interpretation of qualitative information. The quantitative data was analysed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0. The findings indicated that there was no variety in foods consumed by households in both the weekly food consumption pattern and 24-hour food recall. There was also limited nutrition knowledge of the foods consumed in households of both villages. Households usually consumed energy giving foods such as carbohydrates and body building foods such as proteins. There was low consumption of milk and milk products, fruit and vegetable food groups. Various socio-economic factors such as income, living conditions, health, nutrition knowledge, culture, religion and lack of time to prepare food, affected eating habits. Some foods were recommended or condoned based on religious and cultural factors. Most households were unemployed and relied on government grants and remittances from family members working in the metropolitan centres. The findings in this study provide a better understanding of food access, availability and consumption in rural areas which can also assist in the formulation of policies that would improve quality of food consumption in rural areas. This study presented an opportunity that can be filled by institutions working in rural areas to support and strengthen their activities. Information sharing with households on the benefits of balanced diets can contribute to the health and the well-being of the society. The emphasis must be on strengthening backyard vegetable/fruit gardens and community food gardening programmes for household consumption v and sale, to generate income. These programmes can also offer fruit/vegetable preservation skills to households in order to help improve the shelf life of the produce. Policy makers must encourage provision of nutritional knowledge to households through different media and channels such as television, clinics, hospitals, schools, and newspapers.

Psycho-sociální faktory stravovacích návyků a jejich prožívání u sportovců. / Psycho-social factors in eating habits and their perception among athletes.

Janáková, Kristína January 2020 (has links)
The main goal of the diploma thesis is to examine the issue of psycho-social contexts of eating habits and their experience in athletes. The theoretical part summarizes the findings to date on the issue of nutrition and eating disorders in athletes and possible preventive measures. The empirical part presents qualitative research on a sample of six Czech and Slovak athletes. The research is carried out through a semi-structured in-depth interview and three diagnostic questionnaires. The information obtained is processed into individual case studies and an overall summary. Due to the size of the research population and the nature of the study, it is not possible to generalize the results to the entire population of athletes. In a specific research cohort, all respondents had a negative comment related to body weight or physical appearance as a risk factor leading to nutritional problems. The main protective factor for all respondents was social support and support from their relatives. The outputs provide many recommendations for athletes, coaches and other specialists who work with athletes. Keywords psycho-social factors of eating habits, disordered eating, eating disorders in sport, female athlete triad, relative energy deficiency in sport, LMI, prevention of eating disorders in sport

Examining the maintaining factors of anorexia nervosa

Aberdeen, Petrina 15 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis is a qualitative investigation of the factors which maintain anorexia nervosa (AN) according to the transdiagnostic theory of eating disorders (Fairburn et al., 2003). AN is difficult to treat and continues to evade complete understanding. The present study aimed to promote further understanding of food restriction and physical activity in relation to the constructs of clinical perfectionism, core low self-esteem, mood intolerance, and interpersonal difficulties. Twenty females with self-reported AN were recruited from Guelph, Ontario and participated in semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis revealed eight major themes for clinical perfectionism, five for core low self-esteem, five for mood intolerance, and six for interpersonal difficulties. The in-depth emotional accounts and details of food restriction and physical activity in relation to the four constructs examined in this study may contribute to further appreciation of AN, informing practitioners and family members, promoting empathy, and improving treatment options.

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