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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring food habits and nutritional behaviours in adolescents at a secondary school in South Africa

Ndlovu, Proper 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The purpose this study was to explore food habits and nutritional behaviours of adolescents in a school in Lenasia South, in Gauteng Province. Qualitative, explorative research was conducted in order to recommend effective prevention strategies of non-communicable diseases. Adolescents from the selected secondary school formed the sample of the study. Data collection was done using focus groups’ discussions. Three focus group discussions were conducted in the study. The first group comprised of thirteen male adolescents, followed by ten female adolescents and the final group was a combination of both female and male learners to produce a homogenous group. Specific common eating habits and nutritional behaviours emerged from the focus group discussions which included skipping meals, high consumption of high energy dense foods and sweetened beverages. Consequently, when developing intervention programs and policies to improve health of adolescents, environmental influences that undermine efforts to improve adolescent’s dietary behaviours must be addressed. / Health Studies / MPH (Health Studies)


Westbacke, Kerstin January 2006 (has links)
Currently, many developing countries are experiencing rising prevalences of caries associated with changes in lifestyle and living conditions. Objectives: To describe the hygiene, eating habits, and oral health status of Nepalese children. Materials and Methods: A stratifiedsample of 231 children 5–7, 11–13, and 15–16 years of age (53% boys, 47% girls) who attended public high schools in the rural area of the Lalitpur District, Nepal was selected. The study was a field study combining a clinical examination (plaque, gingivitis, calculus, and caries) and a questionnaire. The questions concerned sanitary conditions, health support, personal hygiene, tooth cleaning, and eating habits. Results: During the school day, half of the children ate nothing at all. General personal hygiene was associated with tooth-cleaning frequency.Four out of five children in the entire sample cleaned their teeth once/day or more, using their own toothbrush. The use of fluoride toothpaste was rare.More frequent tooth cleaning and lower plaque indices were seen among girls and older children. More plaque was found on the occlusal surfaces of erupting permanent molars than on fully occluded permanent molars. Most children had a low prevalence of manifest caries in the primary and the permanent dentitions. However, every fifth 5–7-yr-old had manifest caries in three or more primary teeth. The occlusal surfaces of molars accounted for almost all registered caries in both dentitions. Conclusion: Although the prevalence of manifest caries was low, the low level of preventive activities may cause an increase in the prevalence of caries, as in other developing countries. The presumed risk scenario needs to be met by comprehensive and systematic health promotion and preventive measures. / Sammanfattning: I många utvecklingsländer sker förändringar av livsstil och levnadsförhållanden med samtidig ökad förekomst av karies. Mål: Att beskriva hygien, matvanor och munhälsa hos nepalesiska barn. Material och Metod: Ett stratifierat urval av 231 barn, som i åldrarna 5-7, 11-13 och 15-16 år (53% pojkar, 47% flickor), elever i statliga grundskolor på landsbygden, Lalitpur distriktet Nepal, användes. Studien utformades som en fältstudie med klinisk undersökning (plack, gingivit, tandsten och karies) kombinerad med en enkätstudie. Frågorna rörde sanitära förhållanden, hälsostöd från hemmet, personlig hygien, tandrengörings- och matvanor. Resultat: Under skoldagen åt hälften av barnen ingenting alls. Allmän personlig hygien var associerad med tandrengörings frekvens. Av alla barn, som användande sin egen tandborste, borstade fyra av fem, en gång om dagen eller mer. Äldre barn och flickor rengjorde tänderna oftare och hade ett lägre plackindex. Mer plack fanns på erupterande molarers occlusalytor jämfört med molarer i full ocklusion. De flesta barnen hade en låg frekvens manifest karies i primära och permanenta bettet. Dock hade en femtedel av 5-7 åringarna tre eller fler manifesta kariesangrepp i primära bettet. Ocklusal karies på molarerna utgjorde nästan all registrerad karies i båda dentitionerna. Slutsats: Låg frekvens av manifest karies, men en låg grad av förebyggande aktiviteter, kan medföra en ökad kariesfrekvens liknande den i andra utvecklingsländer. Den förmodande risken måste bemötas med behovsinriktade och systematiska hälsobefrämjande och preventiva åtgärder. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-151-2</p>

Relations entre le style parental, le style parental alimentaire et les pratiques alimentaires de la mère et les comportements alimentaires de l’enfant québécois d’âge préscolaire

Dulude, Geneviève 10 1900 (has links)
Le surpoids (embonpoint et obésité) chez l’enfant est un problème préoccupant qui prend de plus en plus d’ampleur. Le rôle du parent dans cette problématique est prédominant, puisqu’il assure la disponibilité des aliments, choisit les mets présentés, joue le rôle de modèle dans l’acte alimentaire et interagit avec l’enfant durant les prises alimentaires pour guider son comportement alimentaire. Le parent offre et façonne l’environnement dans lequel évolue l’enfant. Cette thèse explore le rôle de la mère dans cet environnement. Le parent utilise diverses pratiques alimentaires pour guider l’alimentation de l’enfant. Certaines sont douces, comme encourager positivement l’enfant à essayer un aliment (ex. Goûtes-y, moi je trouve ça très bon!) et d’autres plus coercitives (ex. Tu ne sors pas de table sans avoir terminé ton assiette). Les interactions parent-enfant lors de la prise alimentaire sont susceptibles d’avoir différentes conséquences sur l’alimentation de l’enfant, modifiant possiblement les apports alimentaires, les préférences, la néophobie et le statut pondéral. Les interactions parent-enfant en général, donc hors du contexte précis de l’alimentation, peuvent aussi influencer les comportements alimentaires de l’enfant. L’objectif général de cette thèse est d’explorer les relations entre les interactions parent-enfant en général, aussi nommées « styles parentaux » (SP), les interactions parent-enfant dans le contexte alimentaire, portant le nom de «styles parentaux alimentaires» (SPA), les stratégies alimentaires utilisées par les parents pour guider l’alimentation de l’enfant, nommées « pratiques alimentaires parentales » (PAP), les comportements alimentaires de l’enfant et le statut pondéral de ce dernier. Cette thèse comprend 4 objectifs spécifiques. D’abord, d’examiner les relations entre les SP, les SPA et les PAP. Dans un deuxième temps, les relations entre les SPA, le comportement alimentaire de l’enfant (préférence et fréquence de consommation) et le statut pondéral de l’enfant seront explorées. Puis, l’existence de relations entre l’usage de PAP et le comportement alimentaire de l’enfant sera évaluée. Finalement, les relations entre les attitudes de la mère à l’égard de son poids et de celui de son enfant et du comportement néophobique de l’enfant seront explorées. Cent vingt-deux mères d’enfants d’âge préscolaire, de 3 à 5 ans, ont été recrutées par des milieux de garde de l’île de Montréal et ont complété et retourné un questionnaire auto-administré portant sur le style parental, style parental alimentaire, les PAP, les fréquences de consommation de l’enfant, les préférences de l’enfant pour certains aliments et groupe d’aliments, la néophobie de l’enfant, le poids et la taille de l’enfant, le régime actuel de la mère, la perception du poids de l’enfant, la préoccupation face au poids de l’enfant ainsi que la description du profil familial. Les SP, les SPA et les PAP montrent des corrélations. Les SPA, plus particulièrement les deux échelles qui les composent (exigence et sensibilité) montrent des corrélations avec la consommation et la préférence pour certains aliments. Des différences sont aussi notées entre les différents SPA et le statut pondéral de l’enfant et certains comportements alimentaires. La présente thèse suggère une implication de trois concepts, soient les SP, les SPA et les PAP, dans la dynamique alimentaire de la dyade mère-enfant. Des relations importantes entre les SPA et les préférences alimentaires sont suggérées. Les futures recherches dans ce domaine devront évaluer l’impact relatif des PAP, des SP et des SPA sur le comportement alimentaire (consommation et préférence) et le poids de l’enfant. Une intervention efficace visant des changements de comportements alimentaires auprès des familles devra adresser à la fois les PAP, mais aussi les SP et les SPA. / Childhood overweight is a fast growing and worrisome problem. The role of parents in this situation is of great importance as they ensure food availability, chose the presented meals, act as role models in the feeding act and interact with children during feeding to guide their eating behavior. The parent offers and molds the environment in which the child will evolve. This thesis explores the mother's role within this environment. The parent uses various feeding practices to guide the child's food choices. Some are kind, such as positively encouraging the child to taste new foods, (e.g., give this a taste, I think it's delicious!) while others are coercive (e.g., you are not leaving from this table until you finish your plate). Parent-child interactions during mealtime are likely to have different consequences on the child's eating habits, possibly modifying his food intake, food preferences, neophobia and weight status. Parent-child interactions can also influence a child's eating behavior without necessarily being within a food setting. The main objective of this thesis is to explore the relationship between the general parent-child interactions, also known as the parenting style, the parent-child interactions in a food setting, known as the feeding style, the feeding strategies used by the parents to guide the child's food choices, known as the feeding practices, the child's eating behavior and his weight status. This thesis has 4 specific objectives. First, to examine the relationship between the parenting style, the feeding style and the feeding practices. Second, to study the relationship between the feeding style, the child's eating behavior (food preferences and consumption frequency) and his weight status. Thirdly, to evaluate the existence of a relationship between the feeding practices and the child's eating behavior. Finally, to explore relations between mother’s attitudes toward her weight and her child’s weight and neophobic behavior. One hundred twenty-two mothers of preschoolers aged 3 to 5, were recruited by daycare centers on the island of Montreal and completed and auto-administered questionnaire on parenting style, feeding style, feeding practices, child consumption frequency, child preference for certain foods and food groups, child neophobia, child weight and height, the mother's diet, the mother's perception of the child's weight, the mother's concern regarding the child's weight and a description of the family profile. Parenting styles, feeding style and feeding practices display correlations among themselves. The feeding styles, more precisely the two scales that describe them (demandingness and sensibility), show correlations with the consumption and preference for certain foods. Differences were also noted between various feeding styles and child weight status and certain eating behaviors. The following thesis suggests that three concepts are implicated in the feeding dynamic of the mother-child dyad; the parenting style, the feeding style and the feeding practices. It is suggested that the feeding style and food prerefences are correlated. Future research in this field will need to evaluate the relative impact of feeding practices, parenting styles and feeding styles on eating behavior (consumption and preferences) and child weight. An effective intervention seeking to change eating behavior among families will need to address parent feeding practices as well as parenting style and feeding style.

Les déterminants psychosociaux du poids corporel dans la population québécoise adulte

Plourde, Hugues 09 1900 (has links)
Titre : Étude des déterminants psychosociaux du poids corporel dans la population québécoise adulte. Objectif : L’objectif principal des travaux effectués était l'étude des déterminants psychosociaux du poids corporel dans quatre groupes d’adultes qui ont participé à l’Enquête sociale et de santé 1998 (ESS 98). Méthodologie : Les microdonnées de l'ESS 98 ont été accédées en utilisant les services de l’Institut de la statistique du Québec. Les groupes étudiés étaient les hommes et les femmes âgés entre 25 et 44 ans ou 45 et 64 ans. Résultats : La pratique d’activités physiques reliées au transport et un niveau de scolarité plus élevé ont été associés à moins de probabilités de rapporter un excès de poids chez les hommes âgés entre 25 et 44 ans. Une meilleure perception des habitudes alimentaires a aussi été associée à moins de probabilités d’avoir un excès de poids dans la plupart des groupes à l’exception des femmes âgées entre 25 et 44 ans. Le niveau d’AP a été associé négativement à l’excès de poids uniquement chez les femmes plus âgées. Une meilleure perception de l’état de santé a été associée à moins de probabilités de rapporter un excès de poids chez les femmes âgées entre 25 et 44 ans et à plus de probabilités chez les hommes âgés entre 45 et 64 ans. Chez les hommes des deux groupes, le tabagisme a été associé à moins de probabilités de rapporter avoir un excès de poids. Chez les femmes, la consommation d’alcool a été associée à moins de probabilités d’avoir un excès de poids. Dans tous les groupes, tenter présentement de perdre du poids a été associé à plus de probabilités de rapporter un excès de poids. Les travaux effectués démontrent que ces déterminants du poids corporel ne sont pas nécessairement associés aux habitudes alimentaires et au niveau d’AP. Conclusion : Les déterminants psychosociaux associés à l’obésité divergent selon le sexe et l’âge. L’identification de ces associations illustre le besoin d’intégrer les spécificités de chacun de ces groupes dans les interventions populationnelles qui visent la problématique du poids corporel. / Title: Psychosocial correlates of body weight in the Quebec Adults Population. Objective: Within the variables available in the 1998 Social and Health survey, identify psycho-social correlates of body mass index (BMI) in the Quebec population. Method: Access to the Social Lifestyles and Health 1998 survey was done at the «Institut de la Statistique du Québec». Groups studied included the 25- to 44-years and the 45- to 64- years old men and women. Results: Higher number of physical activity (PA) related to transport and levels of education were associated with less odds of reporting an excess body weight only in the 25- to 44-years old men. Cigarette smoking was also associated with less odds of reporting an excess weight in both men groups. Regular practice of leisure time PA was associated with less odds of reporting an excess weight only in 45- to 64-years old women. In both women groups, more frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages decreased the odds of reporting an excess weight. Perceived eating habits were also associated with less odds of an excess weight in most groups except in the 25- to 44-yearsold women where the trend was not significant. Opposite associations were observed between perceived health and BMI. In the 45- to 64-year old men, better perceived health increased the odds of reporting an excess weight. On the opposite, the odds of reporting an excess weight decreased with better health in 25- to 44-years-old women. In all groups, currently trying to loose weight increased the odds of reporting an excess weight. Others analyses also indicate that those correlates are not always associated with eating habits and PA level as it would be expected. Conclusion: Many correlates differ between age-group and sex. The identification of these factors illustrates the need to adapt obesity related program toward specific sub-group within the general population.

O ambiente alimentar, os indivíduos e suas práticas: um estudo no município de São Paulo / The food environment, individuals and their practices: a survey in São Paulo

Almeida, Luara Bellinghausen 06 November 2015 (has links)
Introdução Evidências sugerem impacto das características do ambiente nas taxas de obesidade, por mediadores em nível comunitário, como acesso a comércios, disponibilidade e custo de alimentos. Porém, há insuficiente compreensão sobre a interação do meio nas práticas alimentares. Objetivos Ampliar a compreensão a respeito das relações entre o ambiente e as práticas alimentares em diferentes contextos socioeconômicos e de acesso à alimentação em que vivem indivíduos no município de São Paulo. Métodos Estudo de abordagem qualitativa baseado em dados de auditoria de ambiente alimentar, inquérito e entrevistas individuais. A amostragem propositiva abrangeu diversos estratos do ambiente socioeconômico e alimentar no município de São Paulo e incluiu 48 indivíduos adultos de ambos os sexos. O roteiro de entrevistas semiestruturadas foi elaborado a partir de duas perguntas norteadoras: Como é a percepção dos indivíduos sobre os estabelecimentos de comercialização de alimentos no bairro em que vivem e a sua influência nas práticas alimentares? e Como é a rotina de aquisição, preparo e consumo dos alimentos no bairro em que vivem e como isso se relaciona ao consumo de frutas e hortaliças e de alimentos ultraprocessados?. Para a categorização dos discursos aplicou-se análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin. A trajetória interpretativa foi conduzida sob o referencial teórico das representações sociais. A análise de clusters hierárquica foi utilizada para o agrupamento dos indivíduos, retendo-se dois grupos: cluster 1 e cluster 2, diferenciados pelo nível socioeconômico e pela disponibilidade de alimentos saudáveis nos locais avaliados. Resultados As representações sociais sobre os ambientes alimentares estudados corresponderam às características aferidas em auditoria, revelando desigualdades entre os locais estudados. No cluster 1, caracterizado pelo maior nível socioeconômico e pelo melhor acesso à alimentação saudável, prevaleceu a percepção favorável sobre a disponibilidade de feiras, sacolões e supermercados, destacando oportunidades para a aquisição de alimentos com qualidade, variedade e preços acessíveis, dentre os quais as frutas e hortaliças. Os indivíduos do cluster 2 viviam em locais de menor nível socioeconômico e de menor acesso à alimentação saudável e representaram a falta de acesso à estabelecimentos de comércio de alimentos e a indisponibilidade de frutas e hortaliças. Nos dois clusters verificou-se a representação social: refrigerantes, salgadinhos, biscoitos recheados e fast-food se encontra em todo lugar, sobre a disponibilidade de alimentos ultraprocessados. A preocupação com a saúde foi a principal motivação para o consumo de frutas e hortaliças entre os dois clusters, e o gosto, a falta de hábito e o custo foram identificados como barreiras. Sobre o consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados, no cluster 1 ocorreu maior percepção sobre as barreiras, como a preocupação com a saúde. Já no cluster 2, se destacaram as motivações para este consumo, como o gosto e a presença de crianças. Conclusão A forma como conhecem e compreendem as características do ambiente alimentar está refletida em algumas ações dos sujeitos sobre as suas práticas de aquisição e consumo de alimentos. / Background Evidences suggest an impact of environmental characteristics on obesity and non-communicable diseases rates, by mediators at the community level such as access to markets, cost and availability of food. However, there is insufficient comprehension about the interaction of the environment in food pratices. Objective Enhancing knowledge about the relations between the environment and eating habits in different socioeconomic and food access contexts, whereupon São Paulos individuals live. Methods This is a qualitative study based on food environment audit data, inquiry and individual interviews. The purposeful sampling comprised different strata of the socioeconomic and food environments in São Paulo and included 48 adults of both genders.The script for semi-structured interviews was drawn from two guiding questions: How is the perception of the individuals on the food establishments in the neighborhood they live in, and their influence on eating habits? and How is the acquisition routine, preparation and consumption of foods in their neighborhood, and how does it relate to the consumption of fruits and vegetables, and ultra-processed food?. For categorizing the speeches Bardins content analisys was applied. The interpretative trajectory was conducted under the theoretical framework of social representations. The hierarchical clusters analisys was used for grouping individuals, retaining two groups: cluster 1 and cluster 2, differentiated by the socioeconomic level and by the availability of healthy foods at the locations assessed. Results The social representations about the food environments investigated corresponded to the characteristics measured in audit, revealing disparities between the locations assessed. In cluster 1,characterized by higher socioeconomic level and better access to healthy food, prevailed favorable perception about the availability of fairs, grocery stores and supermarkets, standing out opportunities to food acquisition with quality, variety and affordable prices, among which are fruits and vegetables.Individuals from cluster 2 lived in places of lower socioeconomic level and less access to healthy food, and they accounted for the lack of access to food establishments and the unavailability of fruits and vegetables.In both clusters there was the social representation: soft drinks, snacks, cookies and fast food are everywhere, about the availability of ultra-processed food. The concern about healthcare was the main motivation for fruits and vegetables consumption among both clusters, and the taste, the lack of habit and costs were identified as barriers. Regarding to ultra-processed food consumption, in cluster 1 there was a greater awareness about the barriers, like the concern for healthcare. On the other hand, in cluster 2, the motivations for this consumption were highlighted, such as the taste and the presence of children. ConclusionThe way individuals know and understand the environmental characteristics is reflected in some of their actions about the purchasing practices and food consumption.

Projeto Jovem Doutor na conscientização da prática de atividades físicas e hábitos saudáveis para a prevenção da síndrome da apneia obstrutiva do sono / Youth Doctor project on awareness of the practice of physical activities and healthy habits for the sleep apnea syndrome prevention

Silva, Vinicius José 23 February 2017 (has links)
A obesidade tornou-se um problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo, devido ao aumento significativo desta doença que é considerada crônica, complexa e multifatorial e responsável por muitos problemas cardiocirculatórios, locomotores, metabólicos e respiratórios, a exemplo da hipertensão arterial, a Síndrome da Apneia e Hipopneia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAHOS), dentre outras. Estudos apontam para uma relação importante, onde crianças e adolescentes com sobrepeso ou obesidade possuem uma maior chance de se tornarem adultos obesos. A presente pesquisa desenvolveu um Programa de Educação em Saúde (PES) com sete encontros a estudantes do 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental II e 1º ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola da rede pública do interior paulista, com o objetivo de sensibilizá-los sobre a importância da prática de atividades físicas e hábitos saudáveis na prevenção da SAHOS e obesidade. O programa foi dividido em três etapas: desenvolvimento, realização e avaliação do PES. Na 1ª etapa, o pesquisador organizou a estrutura básica do programa e elaborou o material. Na 2ª etapa, aconteceram os encontros presenciais com os alunos com aplicação de questionários, avaliação antropométrica, acesso à Plataforma de Aprendizagem Moodle, atividades lúdicas e ação social. Na 3ª etapa, houve a avaliação do PES. Os resultados apontaram que o programa proporcionou aprendizagem significativa aos estudantes sobre os conteúdos desenvolvidos, uma vez que houve a compreensão dos alunos sobre os benefícios da prática de atividade física implementada no cotidiano, assim como a importância dos hábitos alimentares e comportamentais saudáveis para prevenção da Síndrome de Apneia e Hipopneia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAHOS) e obesidade e, por fim, realizou-se a multiplicação do conhecimento à comunidade escolar por meio da ação social tendo como consequência a promoção da saúde com a disseminação das informações aprendidas. / Obesity has become a public health issue throughout the world, due to the significant increasing of this disease, which is considered chronic, complex, multifactorial, and liable for many cardiocirculatory, locomotors, metabolic and breathing problems, such as high blood pressure, Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS), among others. Studies indicate to an important relation, where children and adolescents overweight or obesity, have a greater chance to become obese adults. The present research has developed a Health Education Program (HEP) with seven meetings to the Ninth grade students of the regular Elementary School II and first year of the High School at a public school in the State of São Paulo, in order to sensitizing them about the Importance to practicing physical activities and healthy habits to the prevention of OSAHS and obesity. The program has been divided into 3 stages: development, implementation and evaluation of HEP. In the first stage, the researcher arranged the basic structure of the program and prepared the material. In the second stage, there were face-to-face meetings with students with questionnaires, anthropometric evaluation, access to the Moodle Learning Platform, playful activities and social action. In the third step, there was the HEP evaluation. The results showed that the program provided meaningful learning for the students about the content developed, since there was the students\' understanding about the benefits of physical activity practice implemented in daily life, as well as the importance of eating habits and healthy behavior for prevention of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS) and obesity, and lastly, the multiplication of knowledge to the school community through social action resulting in health promotion with the information learned dissemination.

Projeto Jovem Doutor na conscientização da prática de atividades físicas e hábitos saudáveis para a prevenção da síndrome da apneia obstrutiva do sono / Youth Doctor project on awareness of the practice of physical activities and healthy habits for the sleep apnea syndrome prevention

Vinicius José Silva 23 February 2017 (has links)
A obesidade tornou-se um problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo, devido ao aumento significativo desta doença que é considerada crônica, complexa e multifatorial e responsável por muitos problemas cardiocirculatórios, locomotores, metabólicos e respiratórios, a exemplo da hipertensão arterial, a Síndrome da Apneia e Hipopneia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAHOS), dentre outras. Estudos apontam para uma relação importante, onde crianças e adolescentes com sobrepeso ou obesidade possuem uma maior chance de se tornarem adultos obesos. A presente pesquisa desenvolveu um Programa de Educação em Saúde (PES) com sete encontros a estudantes do 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental II e 1º ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola da rede pública do interior paulista, com o objetivo de sensibilizá-los sobre a importância da prática de atividades físicas e hábitos saudáveis na prevenção da SAHOS e obesidade. O programa foi dividido em três etapas: desenvolvimento, realização e avaliação do PES. Na 1ª etapa, o pesquisador organizou a estrutura básica do programa e elaborou o material. Na 2ª etapa, aconteceram os encontros presenciais com os alunos com aplicação de questionários, avaliação antropométrica, acesso à Plataforma de Aprendizagem Moodle, atividades lúdicas e ação social. Na 3ª etapa, houve a avaliação do PES. Os resultados apontaram que o programa proporcionou aprendizagem significativa aos estudantes sobre os conteúdos desenvolvidos, uma vez que houve a compreensão dos alunos sobre os benefícios da prática de atividade física implementada no cotidiano, assim como a importância dos hábitos alimentares e comportamentais saudáveis para prevenção da Síndrome de Apneia e Hipopneia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAHOS) e obesidade e, por fim, realizou-se a multiplicação do conhecimento à comunidade escolar por meio da ação social tendo como consequência a promoção da saúde com a disseminação das informações aprendidas. / Obesity has become a public health issue throughout the world, due to the significant increasing of this disease, which is considered chronic, complex, multifactorial, and liable for many cardiocirculatory, locomotors, metabolic and breathing problems, such as high blood pressure, Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS), among others. Studies indicate to an important relation, where children and adolescents overweight or obesity, have a greater chance to become obese adults. The present research has developed a Health Education Program (HEP) with seven meetings to the Ninth grade students of the regular Elementary School II and first year of the High School at a public school in the State of São Paulo, in order to sensitizing them about the Importance to practicing physical activities and healthy habits to the prevention of OSAHS and obesity. The program has been divided into 3 stages: development, implementation and evaluation of HEP. In the first stage, the researcher arranged the basic structure of the program and prepared the material. In the second stage, there were face-to-face meetings with students with questionnaires, anthropometric evaluation, access to the Moodle Learning Platform, playful activities and social action. In the third step, there was the HEP evaluation. The results showed that the program provided meaningful learning for the students about the content developed, since there was the students\' understanding about the benefits of physical activity practice implemented in daily life, as well as the importance of eating habits and healthy behavior for prevention of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS) and obesity, and lastly, the multiplication of knowledge to the school community through social action resulting in health promotion with the information learned dissemination.

L’alimentation précoce : ses déterminants, son influence sur la croissance postnatale et les consommations alimentaires à 3 ans / Early feeding practices : determinants and influence on postnatal growth and on food intake at 3 years of age

Betoko, Aisha 27 June 2013 (has links)
Contexte : L’alimentation précoce a une influence sur la croissance et le développement des habitudes alimentaires. Dans la littérature, les déterminants et les effets sur la santé des pratiques d’allaitement et de diversification alimentaire (introduction des aliments autres que le lait) ont souvent été analysés en dissociant ces deux pratiques pourtant très liées. Objectifs : Caractériser par une approche plus globale l’alimentation dans la première année de vie, mettre en évidence ses principaux déterminants et comprendre son influence sur la croissance dans les trois premières années de vie de l’enfant et ses habitudes alimentaires à 3 ans. Méthodes : Les données de la cohorte EDEN qui a recruté 2002 femmes enceintes en début de grossesse, entre 2003 et 2006 dans deux hôpitaux à Nancy et à Poitiers, ont été utilisées. L’alimentation et les paramètres anthropométriques de l’enfant ont été recueillis par questionnaires et examens cliniques à la naissance, 4, 8, 12, 24 et 36 mois. Une analyse en composantes principales a permis d’identifier des profils de pratiques alimentaires dans la première année de vie à partir de la durée d’allaitement, de l’âge d’introduction de différents groupes d’aliments et du mode de préparation des aliments utilisés (préparations « maison », plats préparés « spécifiques bébé » et plats préparés ordinaires du commerce). Des régressions linéaires et logistiques multiples ont été utilisées pour analyser les associations entre profils de pratiques alimentaires, croissance et habitudes alimentaires à 3 ans. Résultats : i) Le type de préparation infantile utilisée de manière prédominante les 4 premiers mois de vie était associé à la parité, l’éducation et le retour à l’emploi maternels mais pas à la croissance de l’enfant sur cette même période. ii) Trois profils de pratiques alimentaires dans la première année de vie ont été identifiés dans la cohorte EDEN. Des scores élevés sur le profil 1 « Diversification tardive et utilisation d’aliments spécifiques bébé » étaient associés à un revenu familial élevé, un âge et un niveau d’études maternels élevés, une parité faible et un recrutement à Nancy. Des scores élevés sur le profil 2 « Allaitement maternel long, diversification tardive et utilisation d’aliments faits maison » étaient associés un âge et un niveau d’études maternels élevés et un recrutement à Poitiers. Des scores élevés sur le profil 3 « Utilisation fréquente d’aliments ordinaires du commerce » étaient associés à un âge maternel plus faible, une parité plus élevée et un recrutement à Nancy. iii) Un score élevé sur le profil 2 était associé à une croissance staturo-pondérale plus lente entre 0 et 1 an et plus rapide entre 1 et 3 ans après ajustement sur les facteurs de confusion potentiels. Ce même profil était associé positivement à la consommation de fruits et légumes à 3 ans. Un ajustement supplémentaire sur la durée d’allaitement maternel atténuait les relations sans pour autant les faire disparaître totalement, suggérant un effet de l’ensemble de pratiques alimentaires dans la première année de vie sur les paramètres que nous avons étudiés. Conclusions : Ces résultats confirment l’importance des déterminants socioculturels sur les pratiques d’alimentation dans la première année de vie. Ils confirment également les liens entre l’alimentation précoce et d’une part la croissance dans les trois premières années de vie et d’autre part l’apprentissage des habitudes alimentaires ultérieures. La prise en compte dans la recherche de l’ensemble des pratiques alimentaires dans la première année de vie, lorsque l’on s’intéresse à leurs effets sur le développement de l’enfant doit être encouragée. / Background: Early eating patterns can determine later eating habits and food preferences and they have been related child growth. In the literature, the determinants and health effects of breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices have often been analyzed separately. Yet, breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices are interrelated and there are arguments to suggest that both influence later health. Objectives : We aimed to characterize feeding practices over the first year of life and to examine their associations with family and infant characteristics, with growth changes in the first 3 years of life, and their relations with food intake at 3 years of age. Methodes : Subjects were participants of the EDEN mother-child cohort. The study recruited 2,002 pregnant women aged 18-45 years attending their prenatal visit before 24 weeks’ gestation at Nancy and Poitiers University Hospitals between 2003 and 2006. Dietary practices and anthropometric measurements were collected through maternal self-report and clinical examinations at birth, 4, 8, 12, 24 and 36 months. Principal component analysis was applied to derive patterns from breastfeeding duration, age of introduction of complementary foods (CF) and type of food used at 1y (ready-prepared baby foods, home-made foods, ready-prepared ordinary foods). Multiple linear and logistic regressions were used to analyze associations between feeding patterns, growth and food intake at 3 years of age. Results : i) The type infant formula (partially hydrolyzed, thickened, enriched in pre- or probiotic and others) used in the first four months of life was related to maternal return to employment, parity but not to infant growth in the same period. ii) Three major feeding patterns were identified in the EDEN study. The main source of variability in infant feeding was characterized by a pattern labeled ‘Late weaning and use of ready-prepared baby foods’. Older, more educated, primiparous women with high monthly income and recruited in Nancy ranked high on this pattern. The second pattern, labeled ‘Longer breastfeeding, late CF introduction and use of home-made foods’ was the closest to infant feeding guidelines. Mothers with high scores on this pattern were older, more educated and recruited in Poitiers. The third pattern labeled ‘Use of ordinary foods’ is more suggestive of infants having a less age-specific diet. Mothers ranking high on this pattern were often younger, multiparous and recruited in Nancy. iii) High scores on the second pattern were related to significant lower 0-1y weight and height change, higher 1-3y weight and height change and to a significant higher fruit and vegetables intake at 3 years of age after controlling for a wide range of potential confounding variables. An additional adjustment on breastfeeding duration attenuated the relationships without making them disappear completely, suggesting an effect of the overall feeding practices in the first year of life on the parameters that we studied. Conclusions : Our results confirm the importance of socio-cultural determinants on feeding practices over the first year of life. They also confirm the relations between early nutrition and growth in the first three years of life and later eating habits. Our results emphasize the need to consider infant feeding over the first year of life including breastfeeding duration, age of complementary foods introduction as well as type of foods used when examining effects of early infant feeding practices on later health.

Dieta habitual de adolescentes de uma escola estadual do município de São Paulo / The eating habits of adolescents in a state school in São Paulo

Mantoanelli, Graziela 30 June 2003 (has links)
Introdução: O padrão alimentar, com alto teor de gordura, colesterol, açúcar refinado e o baixo teor de ácido graxos poliinsaturados e fibras presente na dieta dos adolescentes, é considerado o principal responsável pelo aumento da morbidade e mortalidade em adultos, pois resulta em aumento da prevalência de obesidade e conseqüentemente de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. Objetivo: Avaliar a dieta habitual qualitativa e quantitativamente de adolescentes de ambos os sexos de uma Escola Estadual do Município de São Paulo - SP. Casuística e Métodos: Foram avaliados adolescentes de ambos os gêneros entre 14 e 18 anos e 11 meses de idade, em quatro momentos diferentes durante seis meses. Utilizou-se o Recordatório 24 horas para avaliar o consumo alimentar e os dados foram processados pelo software Virtual Nutri. As análises estatísticas (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, teste T Student bicaudal para amostras repetidas, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test e McNemar) foram realizadas pelo SPSS 11.0. Resultados: O consumo de gordura total foi superior a 30% em todos os dias de análise; o consumo de fibras obteve uma tendência de melhora nos dias úteis, assim como a gordura insaturada; o alimento com consumo mais freqüente foi o arroz e o consumo dos salgados (pão de queijo, coxinha, esfiha, etc.) aumentou durante os dias da semana. O café da manhã teve um declínio de consumo durante o feriado. Conclusões: O conhecimento do da dieta habitual dos adolescentes possibilita o planejamento de políticas públicas de saúde voltadas à nutrição, orientações dietéticas específicas ao grupo e possíveis intervenções. / Introduction: High amounts of fat, cholesterol, refined sugar, and low amounts of fat acid and fibers present in the diets of adolescents is results in high rates of obesity, chronic non-communicable diseases, and death in adults. Objective: Evaluate qualitatively and quantitatively the daily eating habits of adolescent males and females from a São Paulo city state school. Methods: Students between the ages of 14 years and 18 years 11 months old in four different times in a six month period were evaluated. The students logged their food intake over a 24 hour period and the data was processed by the Virtual Nutri software. The statistical analysis (Kolmogorov-Smirnow, T Student test for two repeated samples, Wilcoxon Signed Tank Test, and McNemar) was made by SPSS 11.0. Results: For every day of the test, fat accounted for more than 30% of the caloric intake. The fiber intake showed a tendency to improve on week days when compared with weekends, as did the intake of unsaturated fats. The food most frequently consumed was rice. Snacks were consumed mostly on the holiday, and during holidays the students frequently skipped breakfast. Conclusions: This study of the eating habits of adolescents can help shape the public policies of health, nutrition, and diet for specific groups and interventions.

Attitudes et pratiques alimentaires des principaux intervenants face à l’alimentation des enfants de 0 – 5 ans au Québec

Naud, Gabrielle 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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