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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards sustainable futures : exploring ecological learning in early childhood development

Pangeti, Patricia R. R. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The end of the 20st and beginning of the 21st century is characterised by a multiplicity of ecological complexities and alterations that are impacting both nature and humankind negatively. Such ecological problems are an indicator of unsustainable living by humans in societies, with inadequate natural resources management. These ecological intricacies are exacerbated by the increasing disinterestedness and detachment of children from the marvels of the natural world resulting in the creation of generations of ecologically unconscious citizens and imbalanced ecosystems. It seems apparent that in this ecological crisis, it is the poor and, in particular, the younger generations that are most affected. In this context; how can the manifest and evolving ecological crisis be reversed? This study is an inquiry into the usefulness of ecological learning in ECD, towards developing conscious future citizens who promote sustainable and ecological balance on the earth. The core objective is to understand current trends, scope, content and methodologies involved in ecological learning and how they may assist in preparing a proecological generation. The study employs a literature review methodology to explore the concept of ecological learning in ECD; examining the application of this paradigm to the sector of ECD through an exploration of the practice of ecological learning in 2 case studies of ECD centres (the Lynedoch EcoVillage and Campus Kindergarten) that place ecological learning at the core of their practice. Using a review of literature on ecological learning and ECD and the two case studies, the study attempts to demonstrate ecological learning practices in ECD centres. The teaching and learning practices in such centres project ECD to be the primary stage whereby ultimate growth, development and learning are created and therefore a vital platform for mentoring an ecologically mindful generation of citizens. However, on the other hand, the study also observes that the scale at which ecological learning is taking place around the world is too negligible to have a large impact in producing a generation of ecologically informed citizens. The study, then, recommends a paradigm shift in the content and methodologies that prioritise ecological learning in ECD both as a way of preserving the ecology and promoting sustainable development. The study therefore suggests, (1) Underpinning ECD with transdisciplinary ecological learning within local contexts (2) Linking ecological learning to ECD may contribute to ‘just transitions’, and (3) Attending to the growing need of new ways of being that can generate connectedness and belonging in a postconsumerist society seem best inculcated at early ages. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die einde van die 20ste, en begin van die 21ste eeu word gekenmerk deur ’n magdom ekologiese kompleksiteite en veranderinge wat die natuur en die mensdom (meestal) negatief raak. Hierdie ekologiese probleme dui op onvollhoubare samelewings en natuurlikehulpbron-bestuur. Die ekologiese uitdagings word vererger deur kinders se toenemende onverskilligheid en afsydigheid teenoor die wonders van die natuurlike wêreld, wat generasies van ekologies onbewuste burgers, sowel as ’n ongebalanseerde ekosisteem tot gevolg het. Dit is voorts duidelik dat die huidige ekologiese krisis, laer inkomste groepe en die jonger generasie die ergste raak. Teen hierdie agtergrond, moet ons onsself afvra, hoe die onmiskenbare en ontvouende ekologiese krisis omgekeer kan word? In hierdie studie word daar ondersoek ingestel na die doeltreffendheid van ekologie in die vroeë kindontwikkelings- (VKO) stadium, om burgers op te lewer wat volhoubare en ekologiese ewewig bevorder. Die kernoogmerk is om die huidige tendense in die bestek en inhoud van, metodologieë vir ekologiese leer te verstaan; sowel as hoe dít ’n pro-ekologiese generasie help toerus. Daar word gebruik gemaak van ’n literatuuroorsig, ten einde die konsep van ekologiese-leer in VKO te ondersoek. Die praktiese toepassing daarvan in twee VKO-sentrums, naamlik die Lynedoch-ekodorp en Campus Kindergarten (CK), wat albei ekologiese leer as ’n kernaktiwiteit beskou, ondersoek. Aan die hand van die kritiese literatuuroorsig sowel as die twee gevallestudies, poog hierdie navorsing, om te toon dat VKO-sentrums toenemend ekologiese praktyke erken. Die onderrig- en leerpraktyke in sulke sentrums beskou VKO as die primêre stadium wat uiteindelike groei, ontwikkeling en leer bepaal, en dus is dit ’n uiters belangrike platform om ’n ekologies-bewuste generasie van mentorskap te voorsien. Aan die ander kant is daar ook gevind dat die skaal waarop ekologiese leer wêreldwyd plaasvind, te klein is om enige beduidende impak te hê op die skep van ’n generasie wat ingelig is oor ekologie. Daarom word daar aanbeveel dat daar ’n paradigmaverskuiwing in inhoud en metodologieë moet plaasvind om ekologiese leer in VKO te prioritiseer as ’n manier om die ekologie te bewaar sowel as volhoubare ontwikkeling te bevorder. Die studie dui op die volgende; (1) geïntegreerde leer, tesame met konsekwentheid in die aanbieding van onderwerpe, en die fasilitering van VKOonderwyseropleiding en–diens; (2) die skakel tussen ekologiese opvoeding en die bydrae wat dit tot VKO lewer; (3) om nuwe maniere te vind, waarmee daar ’n skakel gevestig, en ‘n verband getrek kan word, in ‘n post-verbruikers samelewing.

How do teachers and learners navigate the terrain of ecology and what are the associated conceptual understanding?

Raitt, Rosemary Ruth January 2011 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This thesis relates the teaching of ecology in schools to the requirements of the National Curriculum Statements, Grades R-9 and Grades 10-12, for Natural and Life Sciences. It examines the conceptual understanding of the learners to determine their level of bioliteracy. The effectiveness of various teaching strategies in enhancing bioliteracy is considered. The study was a case study involving classroom observations of Grades 4 to 7 at a primary school and Grades 8 to 11 at a high school in the Western Cape of South Africa, and the administration of a misconceptions questionnaire to learners in Grades 8 to 11. The Department of Education did not allow researchers into the Grade 12 classes. To counter this, the misconceptions questionnaire was also administered to first-year Life Science students and to students in one second-year course in the Department of Biodiversity and Conservation Biology. It was administered to a small sample of the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) students (prospective teachers) at the University of the Western Cape, in order to determine whether misconceptions would be carried into their teaching. In-depth interviews which focussed on the particular student's misconceptions were used to verify the misconceptions which the first-year students held. The questionnaire revealed that learners lacked an understanding of photosynthesis and respiration, which forms the basis for an understanding of food chains and energy flow within an ecosystem. Learners were confused about ecology and did not understand basic concepts. The misconceptions held in high school carried over to university, as shown by the fact that the first-year Life Science students, tested before they had had any lectures, still held many of the misconceptions that were found among the high school learners. A few second-year students still held misconceptions, but their understanding of photosynthesis and respiration was better than that of first-year students. The questionnaire also revealed that learners lack language skills. Good language skills are necessary for the development of scientific literacy.

On my watch : a review of the environmental education literature with particular reference to South Africa, and South African teenagers

Murray, Robin Anne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: About half a million students matriculate from South African high schools each year, with limited environmental education and an underdeveloped capacity to live sustainable lives. This does not seem to be the case in some other parts of the world, where many high school students appear to be receiving education that is relevant to the socio-ecological crisis. The rationale of this thesis was to understand this phenomenon and explore what could be done to improve the situation for South African teenagers. This was a desktop study based upon systematic literature review methodology. The primary research objectives were to describe the local context of the study, explore emerging environmental education theoretical themes and detail a number of practical initiatives from around the world. The research process culminated in the fourth objective, which was to consolidate the work into key learnings for South Africa, with particular reference to South African teenagers. A backdrop to environmental education was provided that included a discussion on the global socio-ecological crisis, development and sustainable development in South Africa. The definition and use of the term “environmental education” was justified. In this instance, it is an inclusive definition that incorporates eco-literacy, ecological learning and education for sustainability. In addition to this, a brief comparative history of sustainable development and environmental education has been tabulated. Key theoretical themes in environmental education cluster around the centrality of place. Six themes are presented, namely space and place, trans-national education and third-culture kids, claims of transformation, principles of environmental education, institutional innovation, and the sustainability researcher. Three kinds of practical initiatives emerged in the literature review. These are “green fields” environmental education (brand new institutions), “moving train” environmental education (adaption of existing organisations) and “plug-in” environmental education. Eight initiatives are described, providing examples for all three of these groups. The key learnings for environmental education in South Africa and South African teenagers conclude this thesis. Among other key learnings, the value of the radical perspective is presented, as well as the benefit of perceiving environmental education through different lenses, including a historical one. The link between environmental education and food is explored. It is suggested that the theory and praxis of place-based education exerts a gravitational pull on many aspects of this work. It seems that place-based education provides a “holding space” for environmental education in South Africa, and a starting point for future research or practical application. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ongeveer ’n halfmiljoen studente matrikuleer jaarliks aan Suid-Afrikaanse hoërskole. Hierdie leerders beskik oor beperkte omgewingsopvoeding en ’n onderontwikkelde vermoë om volhoubare lewens te lei. Dít blyk nie die geval te wees in ander wêrelddele nie, waar baie hoërskoolleerders oënskynlik onderrig ontvang wat met die sosio-ekologiese krisis verband hou. Die beweegrede vir hierdie tesis was om hierdie verskynsel te verstaan en te bepaal wat gedoen kan word om die stand van sake vir Suid-Afrikaanse tieners te verbeter. Die navorsing het bestaan uit ’n lessenaarstudie op grond van ’n stelselmatige literatuuroorsig. Die hoofnavorsingsdoelwitte was om die plaaslike konteks van die studie te beskryf, ontluikende teoretiese temas op omgewingsopvoedkundige gebied te verken, en ’n aantal praktiese inisiatiewe van oor die hele wêreld te beskryf. Die navorsingsproses het uitgeloop op die vierde doelwit, naamlik om die studieresultate in kernlesse vir Suid-Afrika, bepaald met verwysing na Suid-Afrikaanse tieners, te verwerk. Eerstens word die agtergrond van omgewingsopvoeding geskets, wat onder meer bestaan uit ’n bespreking van die wêreldwye sosio-ekologiese krisis sowel as ontwikkeling en volhoubare ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika. Die omskrywing en gebruik van die term ‘omgewingsopvoeding’ word ook geregverdig. In hierdie geval word die term inklusief gebruik om ook na eko-geletterdheid, ekologiese leer en onderwys vir volhoubaarheid te verwys. Daarbenewens bied die studie ’n bondige vergelykende geskiedenis van volhoubare ontwikkeling en omgewingsopvoeding in tabelvorm. Die vernaamste teoretiese temas op omgewingsopvoedkundige gebied draai om die kernrol van plek. Ses temas word aangebied, naamlik ruimte en plek, transnasionale onderwys en derdekultuurkinders, bewerings van transformasie, beginsels van omgewingsopvoeding, institusionele innovasie, en die volhoubaarheidsnavorser. Drie soorte praktiese inisiatiewe het uit die literatuuroorsig na vore getree, naamlik “braakland”-omgewingsopvoeding (splinternuwe instellings), “bewegende trein”-omgewingsopvoeding (aanpassing van bestaande organisasies) en “inprop”-omgewingsopvoeding. Agt inisiatiewe word beskryf, wat voorbeelde van ál drie hierdie groepe bied. Die tesis bied ten slotte die belangrikste lesse vir omgewingsopvoeding in Suid-Afrika en vir Suid-Afrikaanse tieners aan. Dit sluit onder andere in die waarde van die radikale perspektief, sowel as die voordeel daarvan om omgewingsopvoeding deur verskillende lense, waaronder ’n historiese een, te beskou. Die koppeling tussen omgewingsopvoeding en voedsel word verken. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die teorie en praktyk van plekgebaseerde onderwys ’n soort ‘beweegruimte’ vir omgewingsopvoeding in Suid-Afrika, sowel as ’n wegspringplek vir toekomstige navorsing of praktiese toepassing, bied.

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