Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conomic balance"" "subject:"c:conomic balance""
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Vnější ekonomická rovnováha České republiky se zaměřením na roli PZI / External Economic Balance of Czech Republic with a Focus on a Role of Foreign Direct InvestmentsKoubková, Marie January 2010 (has links)
The work deals with the structure of the balance of payments, including its compensation process. It also includes an analysis of this statement in the Czech Republic. Given the importance of foreign direct investment in today's economy, which is based on the international division of labor, the work also focuses on the role of FDI in the country.
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Vnější ekonomická rovnováha Ruské federace / Russian External Economic BalanceGorbacheva, Olga January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the Russian external economic balance, particularly with the balance of payments, indebtness and the rubl exchange rate. The first chapter introduces the theory of balance of payments. The second chapter includes a theoretical approach to exchange rate and development of the ruble exchange rate. Furthermore, I focus on the status of current and financial account of Russian balance of payments in the years 2000-2010. The fifth chapter is focused on analysis of Russian indebtness.
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Analýza vnější ekonomické rovnováhy ČR / Analysis of the external economic balance of the Czech RepublicPařilová, Martina January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis focuses on the development of external economic balance of the Czech Republic in the years 2000-2009. The first chapter introduces the theory of the external economic balance. The second chapter describes the development of balance of payments of the Czech republic in the years 2000-2009. The third chapter analyzes the factors affecting the evolution of the balance of payments of the Czech Republic.
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Uma aplicação da teoria dos jogos ao mercado do vestibular brasileiro / An application of the theory of the games to the market of Brazilian vestibular contestGontijo, Marina Fontes 29 August 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta uma breve revisão sobre a origem e evolução do vestibular no Brasil, apontando as principais questões e as grandes mudanças ocorridas no decorrer do século XX. Aborda o mercado de alocação de alunos às universidades brasileiras sob dois pontos de vista distintos: (i) estuda a eficiência do mecanismo utilizado e (ii) analisa, os incentivos dos candidatos ao se decidirem por quais instituições de ensino se candidatar. No primeiro enfoque modela o vestibular, mercado ainda não explorado na literatura, procurando adaptar a teoria às especificidades do mercado em questão. Para a utilização de todo o arcabouço da teoria dos jogos modela o mercado relacionado ao vestibular como um mercado de matching de dois lados. Identifica possíveis ineficiências do processo atual, e estende alguns resultados ao novo mercado. Ao relaxar a hipótese de informação completa, apresenta um modelo de equilíbrio que determina a alocação de candidatos ao ensino superior. Por meio da teoria microeconômica clássica, busca-se entender como o esforço e a opção de escola do individuo devem mudar em função de suas habilidades, da faculdade e do nível de seus concorrentes. O equilíbrio determina um vetor de esforços dos agentes e as notas de corte das faculdades. Por fim, são realizadas simulações computacionais do modelo teórico para algumas formas funcionais e paramétricas. A possibilidade de distintas preferências pelas faculdades por partes dos candidatos contempla situações novas na teoria, mas recorrentes no mundo real. Dessa forma, bons candidatos que não avaliam bem as melhores faculdades, acabam se esforçando menos e perdendo as vagas para candidatos não tão bem conceituados. Espera-se que o modelo possa ser estendido e usado para avaliar algumas questões relevantes de políticas educacionais, tal como políticas de ação afirmativas; efeitos de complementaridade entre características de alunos na alocação final, dentre outros. / The present work briefly describes the origin and evolution of the vestibular in Brazil, pointing out the main issues and changes that occurred throughout the 20th century. The student-university assignment market in Brazil is analyzed under two different approaches: (i) the efficiency of the allocation mechanism, and (ii) the incentives faced by candidates when choosing which institution to apply. The first approach defines vestibular, a new market in the literature, and an attempt to adapt the theory to the specificities of the relevant market is done. Defines the market related to vestibular as a two-sided matching market which can be modeled under a game theory framework. Some possible inefficiencies on the current process are identified, and some extensions of results to the new market are done. Relaxing the complete information hypothesis, it presents an equilibrium model which determines the allocation of candidates to higher education institutions. A classical microeconomics theory framework sheds light on how effort and individual school choice change as a function of abilities, type of school and quality of the competing candidates. The equilibrium determines a vector of effort levels of the candidates and minimum score requirements of the institutions. Finally, some computational simulations are performed with different functional and parametric forms. The possibility of different preference magnitudes for institutions among candidates contemplates new situations in theory, but recurrent in the real world. Very-good type candidates who do not value the best schools end up making little effort and losing places to average type candidates. This model can help to evaluate some relevant issues of education policy such as affirmative action policies, complementarily effects between candidates characteristics in the final allocation and others.
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Komparace vývoje platebních bilancí České a Slovenské republiky - vliv vstupu a cesty do Eurozony / Comparison of Development of Balances of Payments of the Czech and Slovak Republic - the Influence of the Entry and the Way to EurozoneVeselík, Miroslav January 2010 (has links)
The first and second chapter sum up the most relevant parts of the generally accepted theory of external economic balance and the theory of exchange rates. The way of Czech Republic and entrance of Slovak republic to EMU is described in theird chapter. Fourth part anlyzes and compares development of the CZK and SKK (EUR). The final chapter compares the development of the shapes of the Czech and Slovak external economic balance.
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An operations research approach to the economic optimization of a kraft pulping processCarroll, Charles W. 01 January 1959 (has links)
No description available.
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Uma aplicação da teoria dos jogos ao mercado do vestibular brasileiro / An application of the theory of the games to the market of Brazilian vestibular contestMarina Fontes Gontijo 29 August 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta uma breve revisão sobre a origem e evolução do vestibular no Brasil, apontando as principais questões e as grandes mudanças ocorridas no decorrer do século XX. Aborda o mercado de alocação de alunos às universidades brasileiras sob dois pontos de vista distintos: (i) estuda a eficiência do mecanismo utilizado e (ii) analisa, os incentivos dos candidatos ao se decidirem por quais instituições de ensino se candidatar. No primeiro enfoque modela o vestibular, mercado ainda não explorado na literatura, procurando adaptar a teoria às especificidades do mercado em questão. Para a utilização de todo o arcabouço da teoria dos jogos modela o mercado relacionado ao vestibular como um mercado de matching de dois lados. Identifica possíveis ineficiências do processo atual, e estende alguns resultados ao novo mercado. Ao relaxar a hipótese de informação completa, apresenta um modelo de equilíbrio que determina a alocação de candidatos ao ensino superior. Por meio da teoria microeconômica clássica, busca-se entender como o esforço e a opção de escola do individuo devem mudar em função de suas habilidades, da faculdade e do nível de seus concorrentes. O equilíbrio determina um vetor de esforços dos agentes e as notas de corte das faculdades. Por fim, são realizadas simulações computacionais do modelo teórico para algumas formas funcionais e paramétricas. A possibilidade de distintas preferências pelas faculdades por partes dos candidatos contempla situações novas na teoria, mas recorrentes no mundo real. Dessa forma, bons candidatos que não avaliam bem as melhores faculdades, acabam se esforçando menos e perdendo as vagas para candidatos não tão bem conceituados. Espera-se que o modelo possa ser estendido e usado para avaliar algumas questões relevantes de políticas educacionais, tal como políticas de ação afirmativas; efeitos de complementaridade entre características de alunos na alocação final, dentre outros. / The present work briefly describes the origin and evolution of the vestibular in Brazil, pointing out the main issues and changes that occurred throughout the 20th century. The student-university assignment market in Brazil is analyzed under two different approaches: (i) the efficiency of the allocation mechanism, and (ii) the incentives faced by candidates when choosing which institution to apply. The first approach defines vestibular, a new market in the literature, and an attempt to adapt the theory to the specificities of the relevant market is done. Defines the market related to vestibular as a two-sided matching market which can be modeled under a game theory framework. Some possible inefficiencies on the current process are identified, and some extensions of results to the new market are done. Relaxing the complete information hypothesis, it presents an equilibrium model which determines the allocation of candidates to higher education institutions. A classical microeconomics theory framework sheds light on how effort and individual school choice change as a function of abilities, type of school and quality of the competing candidates. The equilibrium determines a vector of effort levels of the candidates and minimum score requirements of the institutions. Finally, some computational simulations are performed with different functional and parametric forms. The possibility of different preference magnitudes for institutions among candidates contemplates new situations in theory, but recurrent in the real world. Very-good type candidates who do not value the best schools end up making little effort and losing places to average type candidates. This model can help to evaluate some relevant issues of education policy such as affirmative action policies, complementarily effects between candidates characteristics in the final allocation and others.
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Vývoj vnější ekonomické rovnováhy ČR a analýza ovlivňujících faktorů / Development of the external economic balance of the Czech Republic and analysis of the influencing factorsGajdušková, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with the development of the external economic balance and the influencing factors. It describes the development of individual accounts of the balance of payments from 1993 to 2010 and it mainly focuses on last years and on the time of financial and economic crisis. Consequently in accordance to the basic theoretical concepts, it defines factors which can influence the individual parts of the balance of payments, and it analyzes the mutual relations. On the basis of analysis of the trade balance, current account, basic balance and total balance it was confirmed that the Czech Republic does not have a high risk of external imbalance. But during the financial and economic crisis the external balance worsened, the export of goods and import of direct investment decreased, the balance of income worsened. It was also approved that the external and internal income significantly influence the external balance of the Czech Republic.
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Vnější ekonomická rovnováha zemí Visegrádské čtyřky v období let 2008 až 2010 / External Economic Balance of Visegrad Countries 2008 – 2010Tříletá, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the development of external economic balance (particularly balance of payments) of Visegrad Countries in the years 2008-2010. The first chapter introduces the theory of the external economic balance. The second chapter describes the development of balance of payments of of Visegrad Countries in the years 2008-2010, common elements and differences between particular countries, basic trends, and the development during the given period of time.
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A onerosidade excessiva na revisão e extinção dos contratos: a concorrência na aplicação da regra dos arts. 317 e 478 do código civil vigente / Excessive burden in the revision and termination of contracts: the clash in the application of the rules of arts. 317 and 478 of the civil code.Ferraz, Patricia Sá Moreira de Figueiredo 08 April 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como tema central a onerosidade excessiva na revisão e extinção dos contratos no direito civil brasileiro. Ela aborda as hipóteses de rompimento do princípio do equilíbrio econômico contratual na fase de execução dos contratos em virtude da superveniência de fatos extraordinários e imprevisíveis que interrompem sua originária relação de equivalência. O presente estudo divide-se em seis grandes partes. Em primeiro lugar, fazem-se necessárias uma introdução e uma descrição da problemática relacionada ao tema. Em seguida, apresenta-se a origem histórica da revisão e da extinção contratual a partir do exame da cláusula rebus sic stantibus. Feito isso, são relatadas as teorias que as fundamentam pela doutrina e pela jurisprudência antes do advento do texto legal expresso que trata da matéria. Concluída essa fase histórica, analisa-se o direito positivo brasileiro vigente, primeiramente, por questões cronológicas, a revisão por onerosidade excessiva no Código de Defesa do Consumidor. Posteriormente, as disposições legais inseridas no Código Civil que possibilitam a revisão e resolução dos contratos por onerosidade excessiva, com uma análise dogmática dos pressupostos positivos e negativos necessários à aplicação dos arts. 317 e 478 do Código Civil. Em seguida, o estudo procura analisar algumas questões pontuais relacionadas à aplicação dos dois artigos, tais como: (i) quem tem legitimidade e interesse para requerer a revisão e resolução dos contratos, de acordo com os arts. 317 e 478 do Código Civil, respectivamente; (ii) qual é o papel do juiz na revisão e resolução dos contratos, de acordo com os arts. 317 e 478 do Código Civil, respectivamente; e (iii) se há concorrência na aplicação desses artigos ou deve ser observado um procedimento sequencial em atenção ao princípio da preservação dos contratos. Finalmente, o trabalho apresenta breve síntese e conclusões. / This dissertation brings at its core the topic of excessive burden on the revision and termination of contracts pursuant to Brazilian Civil Law. Accordingly, this study discusses the hypothesis of breaking the principle of contractual economic balance in the execution phase of contracts, due to the supervenience of extraordinary and unpredictable facts, which interrupts its original equivalence relation. The current study is divided into six major parts. It is necessary at first to consider the introduction and delimitation of the core subject. Ensuingly, the historical origin regarding the revision and termination of contracts is presented, pursuant to the contemplation of the rebus sic stantibus clause. Subsequently, the theories used as grounds are laid down, through Brazilian doctrine and case law, prior to the upcoming of the express legal text dealing with the subject. Upon the conclusion of the historical phase, the Civil Code the current ruling positive law is analyzed, as to explain the concept of excessive burden present in the Consumer Code. Sequentially, the legal dispositions inserted in the Civil Code, which enable the revision and resolution of contracts through excessive burden, bearing a dogmatic analysis of the positive and negative assumptions necessary to the application of articles 317 and 478 of the Civil Code. Certain correlated topics are then also dealt with, complementing the understanding and analysis of the aforementioned articles of the Civil Code, such as: (i) who possesses the legitimacy and interest in requesting the revision and resolution of contracts, pursuant to articles 317 and 478 of the Civil Code, respectively; (ii) what exactly is the role of the judge in the revision and resolution of contracts, according to articles 317 and 478 of the Civil Code, respectively; and (iii) whether said articles in anyway clash in their application or if a sequential procedure directed at the preservation of contracts must be observed. Finally, the study presents a brief summary and conclusions.
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