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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impactos econômicos de desastres naturais em megacidades: o caso dos alagamentos em São Paulo / Economic impacts of natural disasters in megacities: the case of floods in São Paulo

Santos, Eliane Teixeira dos 17 December 2013 (has links)
A cidade de São Paulo, que abriga 11 milhões de habitantes, sofre constantemente os efeitos dos alagamentos provocados pelas precipitações intensas. Esses alagamentos ocorrem todo verão, em diversas partes da cidade. Além das perdas e inconvenientes sofridos pelos residentes, os alagamentos produzem prejuízos que ultrapassam as fronteiras da cidade, afetando a renda e o produto da região metropolitana, de outras partes do estado e do país. O objetivo desse estudo é avaliar os impactos econômicos dos alagamentos na cidade de São Paulo por meio do uso de um modelo espacial de Equilíbrio Geral Computável, integrado a informações georreferenciadas relacionadas à localização dos pontos de alagamento e às firmas dentro dos raios de influência. Estima-se que os alagamentos contribuem para a redução do crescimento da cidade e do bem estar de seus residentes, além de prejudicar a competitividade local nos mercados doméstico e internacional. Foi identificada uma taxa de dano intra-cidade de 2,1, e uma taxa de impacto total de 4,9 para a economia brasileira. / The city of São Paulo, home to 11 million people, suffers constantly the effects of flooding caused by extreme precipitation. Localized floods occur every summer in various parts of the city. Besides the losses and inconvenience felt by the residents, floods produce damages that cross the city boundaries, affecting income and output in the metropolitan area as well as in other parts of the state and the country. The objective of this study is to evaluate the economic impacts of floods in the city of São Paulo through the use of a spatial Computable General Equilibrium model integrated to GIS information related to the location of points of floods and the firms within their influence. It is estimated that floods contributed to reduce city growth and residents welfare, as well as to hamper local competitiveness in both domestic and international markets. An intra-city total impact-damage ratio of 2.1 and an economy-wide total impact-damage ratio of 4.9 were found.

Impactos econômicos de desastres naturais em megacidades: o caso dos alagamentos em São Paulo / Economic impacts of natural disasters in megacities: the case of floods in São Paulo

Eliane Teixeira dos Santos 17 December 2013 (has links)
A cidade de São Paulo, que abriga 11 milhões de habitantes, sofre constantemente os efeitos dos alagamentos provocados pelas precipitações intensas. Esses alagamentos ocorrem todo verão, em diversas partes da cidade. Além das perdas e inconvenientes sofridos pelos residentes, os alagamentos produzem prejuízos que ultrapassam as fronteiras da cidade, afetando a renda e o produto da região metropolitana, de outras partes do estado e do país. O objetivo desse estudo é avaliar os impactos econômicos dos alagamentos na cidade de São Paulo por meio do uso de um modelo espacial de Equilíbrio Geral Computável, integrado a informações georreferenciadas relacionadas à localização dos pontos de alagamento e às firmas dentro dos raios de influência. Estima-se que os alagamentos contribuem para a redução do crescimento da cidade e do bem estar de seus residentes, além de prejudicar a competitividade local nos mercados doméstico e internacional. Foi identificada uma taxa de dano intra-cidade de 2,1, e uma taxa de impacto total de 4,9 para a economia brasileira. / The city of São Paulo, home to 11 million people, suffers constantly the effects of flooding caused by extreme precipitation. Localized floods occur every summer in various parts of the city. Besides the losses and inconvenience felt by the residents, floods produce damages that cross the city boundaries, affecting income and output in the metropolitan area as well as in other parts of the state and the country. The objective of this study is to evaluate the economic impacts of floods in the city of São Paulo through the use of a spatial Computable General Equilibrium model integrated to GIS information related to the location of points of floods and the firms within their influence. It is estimated that floods contributed to reduce city growth and residents welfare, as well as to hamper local competitiveness in both domestic and international markets. An intra-city total impact-damage ratio of 2.1 and an economy-wide total impact-damage ratio of 4.9 were found.

Nature and character of directions of changes in macroeconomic policy of Kazakhstan under deepening integration processes / Povaha a vlastnosti směrů změn v makroekonomické politice Kazachstánu v rámci prohlubování integrace procesů

Tulegenov, Spartak January 2013 (has links)
The thesis studies directions of changes which might take place in economic policy of Republic of Kazakhstan under unification of economic policies caused by creation of integration structures with Belarus and Russia. It concentrates on investigation of supposed "macroeconomic convergence" between Kazakhstan and Russia, the aim of the thesis, thus, was to find out whether there is an increasing convergence among the chosen indicators and economic ratios as time passes by, and how strong this increasing trend is. Applying correlation analysis and causality test for a number of macroeconomic indicators helped to determine that convergence takes place. The directions for changes in macroeconomic policies were determined by adding the analysis of different assessments of integration consequences, mainly in external trade, and migration and labor market regulation.

Le commerce équitable pour un développement durable en Francophonie / The fair trade for sustainable development in Francophonie

Belazreg, Elhaouari 30 September 2013 (has links)
Dans les pays du Sud des millions de petits producteurs, artisans et salariés occasionnels sont en situation de grande précarité. Seuls et non organisés, ils se trouvent impuissants et dépendants des pouvoirs locaux dominants, des intermédiaires et des fluctuations des cours des matières premières fixés à New York ou à Londres. La concurrence mondiale exacerbée et la mondialisation des échanges telle qu’elle est mise en œuvre ne laissent aucune marge de manœuvre à ces petites structures. Ces phénomènes, conjugués aux difficultés internes, aggravent davantage les inégalités et accentuent la précarité et la pauvreté dans laquelle s‘enfoncent de plus en plus ces petits producteurs, artisans et salariés. En effet, ces derniers ne disposent pas de moyens et de structures leur permettant d’élaborer des stratégies de développement à moyen et long termes, notamment par la diversification de la production, l’investissement et l’amélioration des techniques de production. Dans ce travail de recherche nous essayons de montrer que la contribution du commerce équitable au développement durable en Francophonie est considérable. Une problématique centrale peut être définie de la manière suivante : Quels sont les moyens de développement du commerce équitable et comment permet-il un développement durable en Francophonie ?Cette recherche peut également aider à mieux appréhender certaines logiques de décideurs et d’acteurs en Francophonie s’intéressant au commerce équitable et au développement durable. En effet l’environnement du commerce international devient de plus en plus complexe avec la libéralisation acharnée et la concurrence exacerbée par la mondialisation. / In developing countries millions of small producers, artisans and casual employees are in precarious situations. Alone and unorganized, they are helpless and dependent on prevailing local authorities, intermediate and fluctuations in commodity prices set in New York or London. The heightened global competition and the globalization of trade as it is implemented leave no leeway for these small structures. These developments, combined with internal difficulties further exacerbate inequalities and highlight insecurity and poverty in which s' sink more these small producers craftsman and employees because they do not have the means and their structures to develop strategies for medium and long term, including the diversification of production, investment and improved production techniques.In this research we try to show that the contribution of fair trade to sustainable development Francophonie is considerable. A central problem can be defined as follows: What are the ways of development of fair trade and how it enables sustainable development Francophonie?This research may also help to better understand some logical decision-makers and actors in Francophonie interested in fair trade and sustainable development. Indeed the international trading environment is becoming increasingly complex with the fierce competition and liberalization exacerbated by globalization.

Perspektivy rozvoje Euroasijské unie / Perspectives of Eurasian Union developement.

Belov, Artem January 2012 (has links)
Collapse of Soviet Union caused a snap in relations between ex-soviet states, but simultaneously started the new wave of integration collaboration. This wave brings us such integrations as CIS, EurAsEC, Customs Union, Common Economic Space. Eurasian union, which is planning to become fully functional in 2015, becomes the most real of what happened in this field before. Main goal of diploma thesis is to find out, how could Eurasian union work in connection with organization moments of other deep integrations. Can Eurasian union become a deep integration? Other goal is to find out economic possibilities of integration development due to results of research, and suggest improvements of present situation. Last goal is to discover the way of developing of external trade policy and to determine the role of Eurasian union in the world.

The expansion of sustainability through New Economic Space : Māori potatoes and cultural resilience

Lambert, Simon J. January 2008 (has links)
The return of Māori land to a productive role in the New Economy entails the innovation and diffusion of technologies relevant to the sustainable development of this land. Sustainable development requires substantive changes to current land and resource use to mitigate environmental degradation and contribute to ecological and sociological resilience. Such innovation is emerging in 'New Economic Space' where concerns for cultural resilience have arisen as political-economic strategies of the New Economy converge within a global economic space. New Economic Space comprises policy, technology and institutional innovations that attempt to influence economic activity, thus directly engaging with local 'place-based' expressions of geohistorically unique knowledge and identity. This thesis approaches contemporary Māori development from three perspectives. First, by viewing the changing links between ecosystems and communities as examples of innovation diffusion, the evolution of relevant policies, technologies and institutions can be examined for their impact upon Māori resilience. Second, such innovation diffusion can be described as a form of regional development, acknowledging the integral role of traditional territories in Māori identity and culture as well as the distinct legislative and governance contexts by which this land is developed. Third, by incorporating the geohistorical uniqueness of Māori ideas, values and beliefs, standard concepts of political-economy can be reformulated to show an explicit cultural economy – Māori Traditional Economic Space – in which Māori horticulturalists participate in parallel with the New Economy. Two methods are used in the analysis of the participation by Māori horticulturalists in New Economic Space. Fuzzy set/Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fs/QCA) allows the rigorous investigation of small-N studies of limited diversity for their partial membership in nominated sets. This thesis uses fs/QCA to organise theoretical and substantive knowledge of each case study to score its membership in agri-food networks, Māori institutions and post-production strategies, allowing the identification of causal configurations that lead to greater resilience for Māori growers and their communities. The second method is Actor-Network Theory (ANT) that incorporates elements of nature and society, showing the extensive and dynamic entwinement that exists between the two. ANT describes the enrolment of diverse 'actants' by a range of eco-social institutions and the subsequent translation of the resulting assemblages into resilience strategies. The results of this research first show a 'System of Provision' (SOP) in which Māori development strategies converge with non-Māori attempts to expand research and marketing programmes. These programmes seek to implement added-value strategies in supplying novel horticultural products within New Economic Space; parallel 'cultural logics' ensure food is supplied to traditional Māori institutions according to the cultural logics of Māori. In addition to this finding, results also show that the participation of Māori growers in New Economic Space can paradoxically lead to an expansion of the Traditional Economic Space of Māori. This expansion is not simply contingent upon configurations of policy, technology, and institutional innovations that originate in New Economic Space but is directed by Māori cultural logics, located in Māori territories but seeking innovations from an amorphous universal 'core'. The interface between the global New Economy and the localities of a Māori cultural economy is defined by the 'interrogation' of these innovations, and innovators, through eco-cultural institutions in their diffusion to and from Māori land, Māori resources and Māori people. Within the boundaries of this interrogation border resides a malleable assemblage of actants, enrolled by Māori as components of resilience strategies, which can lead to the endurance of Māori culture.

Framing the Great Divide: How the Candidates and Media Framed Class and Inequality During the 2012 Presidential Debates

Collins, Connie L. 21 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.

À la racine des traits fonctionnels : comprendre l’influence de la fertilité des sols sur la distribution des traits racinaires et l’impact de cette association sur la distribution des espèces végétales

Guilbeault-Mayers, Xavier 08 1900 (has links)
Les plantes se distribuent dans des habitats présentant une disponibilité variable en nutriment et s'y adaptent en ajustant leur taux de croissance relatif. Les espèces adaptées aux habitats infertiles, affichent un taux de croissance plus faible que celles adaptées aux habitats fertiles. Les adaptations expliquant cette distribution ont été identifiées, premièrement, au niveau des feuilles. Un fort taux de fixation du carbone et d’allocation de ce dernier à la croissance sont favorisés en investissant davantage dans des tissus foliaires contenant des enzymes photosynthétiques riches en azote, par rapport aux tissus structuraux riches en carbone. Inversement, les feuilles favorisant une croissance lente présentent une plus grande quantité de tissus structuraux que de tissus riches en enzymes photosynthétiques, ce qui prolonge leur longévité, mais restreint leur taux d'assimilation du carbone. Étant donné que les adaptations foliaires dépendent de l'utilisation des nutriments acquis par les racines, les adaptations de ces dernières sont essentielles pour comprendre la distribution des plantes. Le fonctionnement des racines est influencé par les mêmes variations dans le ratio entre les tissus à forte teneur en protéines riches en azote et les tissus structuraux. Les fortes valeurs de ce ratio améliorent l’acquisition des nutriments et soutiennent une croissance rapide, tandis que les faibles valeurs prolongent la longévité des racines, mais restreignent leur taux d'acquisition. Cependant, les racines doivent également explorer le sol dû à la mobilité limitée des nutriments. Cette fonction est réalisée en établissant des relations symbiotiques avec des champignons ou par l'allongement de leurs racines. Cependant, contrairement aux adaptations foliaires, la relation entre ces adaptations racinaires et la disponibilité des nutriments présente des résultats contradictoires. De plus, ces adaptations n'influencent pas l'acquisition des nutriments non directement disponibles, comme les nutriments organiques, qui peuvent représenter une proportion importante des nutriments du sol. Cela limite notre compréhension de la nutrition des plantes et entrave notre compréhension des mécanismes expliquant leur distribution. Afin de mieux comprendre la nutrition des plantes, des feuilles et des racines furent échantillonnées le long de gradients de fertilité. Les résultats ont montré que l'utilisation de nutriments organiques par le biais d'enzymes hydrolytiques augmentait à mesure que la fertilité des sols diminuait. De plus, une forte corrélation entre cette adaptation et les adaptations racinaires liées aux taux d'acquisition des nutriments a été observée, mais aucune corrélation n'a été constatée avec celles liées à l'exploration du sol. En revanche, dans un autre système d'étude, les résultats ont indiqué que les adaptations racinaires liées à l'exploration du sol, plutôt que celles associées aux taux d'acquisition des nutriments, s'alignaient avec la variation de la disponibilité des nutriments et se coordonnaient avec les adaptations foliaires qui permettent d’expliquer en partie la distribution des plantes. Dans l'ensemble, ces études ont approfondi notre compréhension de la nutrition des plantes et ont révélé différentes relations entre la variation de la disponibilité des nutriments et les adaptations racinaires influençant l'acquisition des nutriments et l'exploration du sol. Cela suggère qu’une généralisation des adaptations racinaires répondant systématiquement aux demandes nutritionnelles des feuilles est peu probable. / Plants are distributed across habitats of varying nutrient availability and adapt by adjusting, notably, their relative growth rates. Species adapted to nutrient-poor habitats exhibit lower growth rates than those adapted to nutrient-rich habitats. The adaptations explaining this distribution have been identified, first and foremost, at the leaf level. Leaves promoting rapid growth enhance net carbon assimilation by investing more in nitrogen-rich photosynthetic enzymes compared to carbon-rich structural tissues. This extends their lifespan, enhances their nutrient-use efficiency but limits carbon assimilation. Given that foliar adaptations depend on the utilization of nutrients acquired by roots, root adaptations are essential to understanding plant distribution. Plants possess also the ability to modify the ratio between nitrogen-rich protein tissues and carbonrich structural tissues in their roots. Similarly to leaf functioning, increasing this ratio enhances the efficiency of nutrient acquisition while minimizing carbon investment, enabling optimal carbon allocation for growth. On the other hand, they can decrease this ratio to prioritize nutrient conservation, which extends their longevity but restricts nutrient acquisition rate. However, roots must also explore the soil due to the limited mobility of nutrients. Soil exploration is achieved by establishing symbiotic relationships with fungi or through the elongation of their roots. Unlike leaf adaptations, the relationship between these root adaptations and nutrient availability yields contradictory results. Additionally, these adaptations do not directly influence the acquisition of non-readily available soil nutrients, such as organic nutrients, which can represent a significant proportion of the total nutrient pool. Thus, our understanding of plant nutrition is limited, impeding our understanding of the mechanisms explaining their distributions. To contribute to an enriched understanding of plant nutrition, leaves and roots were sampled along strong fertility gradients. The results revealed an increase in the utilization of organic nutrients through hydrolytic enzymes as the availability of directly accessible nutrients declined. Furthermore, a strong correlation between this adaptation and root adaptations related to nutrient acquisition rates has been observed, but no correlation was found with adaptations related to soil exploration. On the other hand, in another study system, the results indicated that root adaptations related to soil exploration, rather than those associated with nutrient acquisition rates, aligned with the variation in nutrient availability and coordinated with foliar adaptations influencing net carbon assimilation. As a result, a high degree of mycorrhizal symbiosis was associated with leaves favoring rapid growth in fertile soil. Overall, roots displaying a high density of structural tissues and a high degree of symbiotic association were associated with fertile soil across two different study systems. Altogether, these results have deepened our understanding of plant nutrition and revealed different possible relationships between nutrient availability variation and root adaptations influencing nutrient acquisition and soil exploration. This suggests that generalizing root adaptations that consistently meet the nutrient demands of leaves is unlikely.

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