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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

UTRIKESFÖDDAS UPPLEVELSER AV ATT HANTERA HUSHÅLLSEKONOMIN : En kvalitativ studie av deltagarnas upplevelser av Grönkvistprogrammet

Escobar Despessailles, Nadia January 2017 (has links)
Idag finns det ett samband mellan ekonomi och hälsa, kopplat till utrikesfödda i Sverige. Det är ofta utrikesfödda som drabbas av ojämlikhet på arbetsmarknaden, som därefter påverkar ekonomin. Ett interventionsprogram (Grönkvistprogrammet) har utvecklats och implementerats i syfte att minska den ekonomiska stressen och främja hälsan på kort- och långsiktig väg av Landstinget Västmanland och Samhällsmedicinska enheten. Studien undersökte deltagarnas upplevelser av programmet. Teorierna KASAM samt Socialt stöd har kopplats samman med resultatet. Metoden i studien hade en kvalitativ ansats och tio deltagare har intervjuats i enskilda intervjuer. Resultatet påvisade att den ekonomiska betydelsen för deltagarna var av stor vikt och hade en viktig roll i det dagliga livet. Programmet hade även påverkat deltagarna genom, förändrade levnadsvanor, mer insikt om ekonomin och relaterade områden samt att de har mer självmakt efter programmet. Deltagarnas positiva upplevelser var att handledarna var kunniga och att materialet förekom på olika språk. Deltagarna hade även fått mer kunskap om Sverige generellt och deltagarna upplevde att spridning av den nya kunskapen var möjlig efter programmet. Utvecklingsmöjligheterna som framkom i resultatet var att programtiden kunde ha varit längre, fler moment i programmet som berör ekonomin, mer extern reklam för programmet samt fortsatt spridning av programmet till andra målgrupper. / Today there is a connection between the economy and health, linked to foreign-born personsin Sweden. There are foreign born who suffer from inequality in the labor market which subsequently affects the economy. An intervention program (Grönkvist program) has been developed and implemented in order to reduce the financial stress and promote health in the short and long-term way of Västmanland County Council and Community Medicine Unit. The study examined the participants' perceptions of the program. The theories SOC and Social support has been linked with the outcome. The method of study was a qualitative approach and ten participants were interviewed in individual interviews. The results demonstrate that the economic importance of the participants were of great importance and had an important role in daily life. The program also had affected the participants through,changing lifestyles, more insight about the economy and related areas and that they havemore empowerment after the program. The participant’s positive experiences was that the supervisors were knowledgeable and that material occurred in different languages. The participants also had gained more knowledge about Sweden and the participants generally felt that dissemination of the new knowledge was possible after the program. The development opportunities that emerged in the result was that the program time could have been longer, more program elements that affect the economy, more external advertising forthe program and the continued spread of the program to other target groups.

The economic experiences of fathers: Before, during, and after divorce

Fish, Roy 08 August 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Arbetslöshet bland ungdomar : En kvantitativ enkätstudie om konsekvenser av arbetslöshet hos ungdomar / Youth unemployment : A quantitative study about consequences of unemployment among youth

Jones, Amanda January 2013 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka levnadsförhållanden bland arbetslösa ungdomar. Syftet var även att undersöka vilka konsekvenser som arbetslösheten kan föra med sig för ungdomarna. Konsekvenser som har undersökts är inom livsområdena 1)hälsa 2) sociala relationer och fritid 3) konsumtion 4) rökning, alkohol och droger 5)kriminalitet och 6) livet i sin helhet. Metoden som använts är en kvantitativ metod med enkäter, som har delats ut till arbetslösa ungdomar i två kommuner i Sverige. För att ta reda på varför vissa ungdomar påverkas negativt av arbetslösheten, medan andra förblir nästintill opåverkade har ekonomi- skammodellen använts. Utgångspunkten för ekonomi-skammodellen är att desto högre den ekonomiska påfrestningen är i relation till skamgörandeeffekter, vilka uttrycks genom en negativ attityd från omgivningen, ju mer negativ inverkanhar arbetslöshet i människors liv. Studiens resultat och analys bekräftar denna teori. En större andel av ungdomarna som upplever högre grad av ekonomisk påfrestning och skamgörande effekter har även en sämre hälsa, röker mer, dricker oftare och har provat droger i högre utsträckning samt uppskattar livet i sin helhet att vara sämre, jämfört med ungdomar som upplever lägre grad av ekonomisk påfrestning och skamgörande effekter. Oavsett påfrestning bedömer ungdomarna generellt sett sina sociala relationer och fritid på likartade sätt, varpå modellen ej kan användas för att förklara variationer inom detta livsområde. I föreliggande studie undersöktes även hur ungdomarna påverkas av att vara arbetslösa i ett konsumtionssamhälle där normen är att konsumera. Resultat och analys visar att det är de ungdomar med mest påfrestning som konsumerar i högre grad, vilket förklaras utifrån att de kompenserar för den statusförlust som arbetslösheten medfört. / The aim of the study was to investigate living conditions amongst unemployed youths. The aim was also to examine the effects unemployment can have on young people. Consequences that have been explored are within the following areas of life: 1) Health 2) Social relationships and leisure activity 3) Consumption 4) Smoking, alcohol and drug abuse 5)Crime and 6) Life in its entirety. The method used is a quantitative method with questionnaires, which were distributed to unemployed youths in two towns in Sweden. To find out why some young people are adversely affected by unemployment, while others remain virtually unaffected the economy-shame model was used. The starting point for this model is that the higher the economic stress is in relation to the humiliating effects, which are expressed through a negative attitude from people in the environment, the more negative impact unemployment has in people's lives. The results and analysis in this study confirms the theory. A greater proportion of young people who experience higher levels of economic stress and shame also have poorer health, smoke more, drink more often and are more likely to have tried drugs and have a negative outlook on life, as opposed to adolescents who experience lower levels of economic stress and shame. Overall the model can not be used to explain variations in areas of life concerning social relations and leisure activities. The study also looked into how young people are affected by being unemployed in a consumer society where the norm is to consume. Results and analysis shows that it is young people who experience a greater level of economical distress and shame who consume the most. The explanation for this might be that they are compensating for the loss of status resulting from unemployment.

Parental human investment : economic stress and time allocation in Russia

Bruckauf, Zlata January 2013 (has links)
A decade of growth and wealth generation in Russia ended in 2009 with the collapse in GDP and rising unemployment. This Great Recession added new economic challenges to the ‘old’ problems facing children and families, including widening income inequalities and the phenomenon of social orphanage. One question is how the new and existing material pressures affect parent–child relationships. This research contributes to the answer by examining, in aggregate terms, the role poverty plays in the allocation of parental time in this emerging economy. Utilising a nationally representative sample of children, it explores how child interactions with parents are affected by aggregate and idiosyncratic shocks. Drawing on the rational choice paradigm and its critique, we put forward the Parental Time Equilibrium as an analytical guide to the study. This theoretical approach presents individual decisions concerning time spent with children over the long term as the product of a defined equilibrium between resources and demands for involvement. We test this approach through pooled cross-sectional and panel analyses based on the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey dataset from 2007 to 2009. Children in low-income households face the double disadvantage of a lack of money and time investments at home, with both persistent and transient poverty being associated with lower than average parental time inputs in the sample. Moreover, while on average, we find that children do maintain the amount of time they spend with their parents under conditions of severe financial strain, low–income children lose out on play time with the mother. Material resources cannot be considered in isolation from structural disadvantages, of which rural location in particular is detrimental for parent–child time together. The study demonstrates that the cumulative stress of adverse macro-economic conditions and depleted material resources makes it difficult for parents to sustain their human investment in children. The evidence this study provides on the associations between economic stress and pa-rental time allocations advances our knowledge of the disparities of in the childhood experience in modern Russian society. The findings strongly support the equal importance of available resources and basic demand for involvement, thus drawing policy attention to the need to address both in the best interests of children.

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