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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ledning av Specialoperationer / Ledning av Specialoperationer

Hedborg, Andreas, Neidmark, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Specialförband har under mer än ett halvt sekel ökat i betydelse i egenskap av komplement till de traditionella stridskrafterna. Under denna period har förhållandevis lite forskning genomförts kring hur ledning (planering, förberedelser och genomförande) av specialoperationer på taktisk nivå bör bedrivas. William H. McRaven publicerade 1993, ”The Theory of Special Operations” där han skapade en teori för specialoperationer på taktisk nivå. Denna teori har fått stor genomslagskraft inom västvärldens specialförband och är än idag den enda och i stort sett även oemotsagda teori som beskriver hur specialoperationer i form av kvalificerade stridsinsatser bör utformas. Denna teori är baserad på specialoperationer som genomfördes mellan åren 1940 till 1976. Omvärldsutvecklingen sedan 1976 har naturligtvis även påverkat specialförbanden, som i stor utsträckning numera används annorlunda, har tillgång till ny teknik och i flera avseenden tillämpar annan taktik. Även motståndaren har förändrats och utgörs numera ofta av utomstatliga organisationer med ett helt annat uppträdande och förhållningssätt till gällande lagar och konventioner. Syftet med den här studien är att utreda förutsättningarna för specialförband att använda McRavens teori för att skapa framgång vid dagens specialoperationer. Genom tre fallstudier av specialoperationer genomförda 1993, 2000 och 2011 svarar vi på undersökningens syfte. De undersökta fallen skiljer sig åt i flera avseenden som till exempel genomförande nation, syfte, typ av motståndare och uppgifter. Resultatet av denna undersökning visar att McRavens teori i hög grad fortfarande är giltig. Därmed ger en tillämpning av teorin goda förutsättningarna till framgång även vid dagens specialoperationer. Vi är övertygade om att uppsatsen kan vara användbar och intressant för Försvarsmakten, men framförallt Specialförbanden, avseende hur man numera kan förhålla sig till McRavens teori.

En marknadsjämförelse mellan peer-to-peer-boenden och hotell

Noback, Roelof, Stenberg, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
This article is made for the purpose of identifying the competition between Peer-to-peer accommodation (P2P) and hotels. We look at what the different segments think about the both choices, and we look at what P2P and hotels themselves believe to be the difference. We let the different segments define what they appreciate most and least of the two choices. We let the hotels and P2P discuss how they act as price-efficient as possible and to find out the difference in pricing strategy. We will also look at what different factors the hotels and P2P focuses the most on to attract customers, and if these factors match what the segments actually want from the two choices. The opinions from the different segments that we find can be used to shape your business plan to attract the specific segment that you’re interested in. Finding out the different pricing strategies from P2P and hotels should make it easier for hotels and P2P to identify the differences themselves and potentially take advantage of it to enlarge their own profit.

The effect of gender diversity on firm performance : Evidence of Norway

van der Heijden, Jillian, Zhang, Luyang January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Sambandet mellan CSR och lönsamhet och det ökade hållbarhetskravets påverkan över tid : En longitudinell studie om företag inom EU

Rask, Julia, Strömvall, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
There are no doubts regarding the fact that the subject sustainability has gained a lot of attention and importance to the public over the past years. Everything from ecological products to electric cars and fair working environment shows us that everyone can gain something from working with sustainability, even the companies. The fact is that with all the coverage in media about how companies working with sustainability increase their profitability it has almost become public knowledge. Whether there are facts to back this claim is however not certain. The research that has been done shows not only a positive relationship between a company’s work with sustainability, also called CSR, and their profitability, but also a negative and a neutral relationship. This paper aimed to give some clarity in the issue; using theories for signaling, legitimacy, and stakeholders, three hypotheses were formed to answer the question of whether there is a relationship between CSR and firm profitability for companies in the EU-countries and how the increased demands for sustainability and sustainability reporting has affected that relationship over time. Through a longitudinal study using the tools correlation and t-test several results were received, these mainly highlights the fact that as the demands and regulations for sustainability has increased the companies’ performance regarding sustainability has increased at the same rate. The results also reveal a neutral relationship between CSR and firm profitability. Furthermore, the study indicates a change in the relationship over time; from slightly negative to slightly positive. This result however isn’t statistically significant and requires extended research.


Unknown Date (has links)
The analysis described in this dissertation demonstrates the use of benefit/cost sensitivity analysis in examining the wide range of potential damages and savings associated with converting oil-fired electrical utility boilers to burn coal in Florida. This model, for the first time incorporates, in quantitative terms, environmental economic externalities into a benefit cost ratio sensitivity analysis framework. Five different dose-response estimate of morbidity and mortality costs, property devaluation and willing-to-pay estimates are used in combination with four acid rain dose-response models to estimate the net present worth of externality costs. / The model estimates the net present worth of benefits by incorporating into a dynamic framework all relevant construction, O+M and fuel costs of converting an electrical generation facility from using oil to coal. These benefits of fuel savings are then weighted against various combinations of externality costs associated with increased sulfur oxide emission from the converted units. / The policy analysis simulations provided in this study demonstrate that the economic externalities associated with uncontrolled emissions are frequently far greater than the higher operation and maintenance and capital costs of the most expensive emission control equipment. Furthermore, the partial and full emission control options result in very little change in the net present worth of savings from the completely uncontrolled option. The acid rain dose response models employed in this analysis are first approximations only drawn from a wide range of national and international research. The relative magnitude of acid rain externality costs, however, overwhelm all other sulfur oxide morbidity and mortality, willingness-to-pay and all property value change dose response model combinations. / The introduction of environmental economic externalities into the benefit cost equations significantly alters the final ratios as the sensitivity analysis in this report demonstrates. Finally, internalizing these externalities substantially alters the policy conclusions of all scenarios examined. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 45-09, Section: A, page: 2947. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1984.


Unknown Date (has links)
An analysis of unanticipated cost growth (cost overruns) in the construction of electric powerplants, focusing on those characteristics within the firm's operating environment which distort incentives for efficient resource allocation. The work of Averch-Johnson and Joskow serves as a starting point for a theoretical analysis which specifies the firm's objective function as it appears within the context of modern electric utility regulation. The author concludes that the objective function as specified implies that the willingness of the firm to invest is fully determined by three factors: expected plant life for rate making purposes, the allowed return on ratebase, and the firm's opportunity cost of capital. Two data sets are used to test the derived hypotheses. One is Department of Energy data on all nuclear generating units currently in service in the United States. The second is a data set compiled by the author from the docket files of the Florida Public Service Commission covering all powerplants currently in service in the Jacksonville Electric Authority, Gulf Power Company, Florida Power Corporation and Florida Power and Light Company service areas. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 44-07, Section: A, page: 2207. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1983.

Hur kvinnliga ledare hanterar arbets- och familjelivsbalansen och krossar glastaket : En studie om hur kvinnor på ledande befattningar balanserar arbets- och familjelivet och samtidigt avancerar i karriären / How female leaders handle work-life balance and break the glass ceiling : A study about how women in leadership positions balance work and family life and at the same time advance in their career

Joelsson, Annie, Jonsson, Tova January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The readiness of business students to change the world : A quantitative study of perception of social entrepreneurship among business students in Lithuania, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine

Bogdanov, Pavlo, Masiul, Evelina January 2019 (has links)
This bachelor thesis deals with the difference of perception of social entrepreneurship among business students.The concept of social entrepreneurship has gained an increasing importance in recent years. Nonetheless, a research gap towards the perception of social entrepreneurship among business school students was identified. The purpose of this research is to close the research gap and find out the difference in perception of social entrepreneurship among business school students from different countries. Therefore, two research questions were stated: “What is the difference in perception of social entrepreneurship between business school students from different European countries, more precisely in Lithuania, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine” and “To what degree do universities influence the perception of business school students about social entrepreneurship”.The previous research about entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship are analyzed and eight hypotheses are derived. The study is based on a quantitative research approach with standardized, mostly close-ended survey design, where data was collected through an online survey. The empirical data chapter includes the summary of collected data from 220 respondents, with 55 for each country. All the hypotheses are tested using SPSS program.The study shows that there is a difference in perception of SE among business students from Lithuania, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine. Moreover, none of the combination of countries showed similar results. However, Sweden outstands other countries with the greater perception of social entrepreneurship. It was also found out that the universities have a significant impact on perception level of social entrepreneurship. Therefore, the policy and societal implementations of this research give a place for further research.Because of the findings, the theory must be adjusted, as everyone has a different perception of social entrepreneurship, a uniform definition is not even possible. Companies should adapt their business environment to students, if they want to have a richer social environment.

Youth Unemployment in South Korea - with a Focus on Parental Financial Support

Ibrahim, Idil January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to understand how the belonging of young adults to different households may influence their job search. Youth unemployment has been consistently rising in South Korea due to the young people’s behaviour and decisions. The job search model was applied in this paper to look into the motivations and reasons of why job-seekers from high-income and low-income households accept job offers and why other prefer to delay their entry. The results showed that young adults from poor family backgrounds were more likely to be employed but with low wages. Young adults from affluent family backgrounds were more likely to stay out of the labour market due to parental financial support and prefer to wait longer until the right job comes along.


Unknown Date (has links)
The objective of this study is to study three issues related to the Tallahassee, Florida housing market. These issues are: the specification of a hedonic housing equation, determine the effect of public schools on the housing value, and the determinants of probability of sale. Three different models were estimated based on a cross-sectional sample and the use of a stepwise multiple regression method. / The empirical results for Model I, hedonic value, indicate that lot size, floor area, the existence of a paved front road, a fireplace, a garage, and a carport are the most significant structural variables that determine the housing value. Median family income, however, turned out to be the only significant neighborhood variable. The rest of the variables included in the model, even though the majority have the expected sign, are insignificant. / Using school districts as a measure for neighborhood quality, Model II, turned out to have a significant effect on housing value. Empirical results indicate that housing units located in good schooling neighborhoods are more expensive than comparable units located in neighborhoods with a low quality of schools. Our findings show that housing value could increase up to 20 percent than it would actually be if it is located in a neighborhood characterized with a high level of school's quality. / The last model estimated in this study is the probability of sale model. Using both an OLS and a logit technique, the empirical results show that housing units are more (less) likely to sell if: (1) it is vacant (occupied), (2) it is not overpriced (underpriced) by owners, and (3) it has been on the market for less (more) than ninety days. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 46-01, Section: A, page: 0223. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1984.

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