Spelling suggestions: "subject:"eddy simulation"" "subject:"ddy simulation""
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Einbindung von turbulenten Zustandsgrößen der Propulsionsbelastung des Bugstrahlruders in die Bemessung von Schüttsteindeckwerken an BinnenwasserstraßenZimmermann, Rocco 14 January 2021 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Bestimmung des erforderlichen Deckwerkssteindurchmessers für eine Böschung an einer deutschen Binnenwasserstraße, welche unter der Belastung des Bugstrahlrudereinsatzes eines böschungsnah fahrenden Schiffes steht. Hierbei wird ausschließlich der Betrachtungsfall einer losen Steinschüttung (bestehend aus den Wasserbausteinen der geläufigen Größen- bzw. Gewichtsklassen) geschildert. Für die Bestimmung der Belastung des beschriebenen Bugstrahlrudereinsatzes wird auf die dreidimensionale hydronumerische Modellierung (3D-HN-Modellierung) zurückgegriffen. Der wesentliche Fokus innerhalb der 3D-HN-Modellierung liegt auf der Ausarbeitung der vorherrschenden turbulenten Strukturen, welche sowohl dem turbulenten Grundcharakter des Propulsionsstrahls als auch der Strahlumlenkung durch die bestehende Querströmung zugeordnet werden. Diesbezüglich präsentiert die Arbeit geeignete Modellannahmen (z. B. für die Berücksichtigung der Schiffsgeschwindigkeit), Randbedingungen (z. B. für den Propeller des Bugstrahlruders) sowie grundlegende Bedürfnisse an die Diskretisierung des Modellgebietes (z. B. aufgrund der Grenzschicht-Theorie von ebenen Wänden). Als Grundlage für die beschriebene Untersuchungsabsicht wird in einem ersten Schritt ein Überblick zur bestehenden Literatur bzw. zu den bestehenden und angewandten Ansätzen der Deckwerksbemessung infolge der Belastung eines Propulsionsstrahls bereitgestellt. Weiterhin müssen Erfahrungen zur Wirkungsweise einer Querströmung auf die Strahlausbreitung gesammelt und eingebunden werden. Aufgrund der böschungsnahen Fahrt des Schiffes steht dem umgelenkten Propulsionsstrahl ein zusätzlich beengter Ausbreitungs-raum zur Verfügung, welcher ebenfalls in die Betrachtungen einfließt.
Auf Grundlage der beschriebenen Rahmenbedingungen wird die Wahl eines geeigneten Modellierungsansatzes innerhalb der 3D-HN-Modellierung vorgestellt. Damit die vorhandenen turbulenten Strukturen hinsichtlich ihrer Wirkungsweise an der Böschung erfasst werden können, bindet die vor-liegende Arbeit eine von Söhngen (2014) aufgestellte Auswertemethodik der bemessungsrelevanten, böschungsnahen Belastungsgrößen ein. Hierbei wird verstärkt auf die Rolle des Belastungsbetrags, der Belastungsorientierung sowie der Belastungsdauer eingegangen. Entsprechend der geschilderten komplexen Strömungssituation müssen geeignete Versuchsparameter definiert werden, welche in der Lage sind, potenzielle Gesetzmäßigkeiten der Strahlausbreitung und der daraus resultierenden Böschungsbelastung aufzuzeigen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit stehen die Einflüsse der Schiffsgeschwindigkeit, der Bugstrahlruderleistung sowie des Böschungsabstandes im Vordergrund, wohingegen weitere Einflussgrößen (wie z. B. die Böschungsneigung) unverändert bleiben.
Im Anschluss an die Generierung der zeitlichen Belastungsverläufe an der Böschung beschreibt die vorliegende Arbeit ein Vorgehen zur Entkopplung der 3D-HN-Modellierung von der Mobilisierung eines Deckwerkssteins. Hierfür dienten Modellsteine aus physikalischen Modellversuchen der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau als Datengrundlage für die Durchführung einer Computertomographie eines kompletten Modelldeckwerkes. Die daraus gewonnenen Einzelsteingeometrien werden hinsichtlich ihrer Ergebnisqualität interpretiert und abschließend mit den ermittelten Belastungsverläufen der 3D-HN-Modellierung innerhalb einer Festkörperbewegung vereinigt.:Symbolverzeichnis
1 Einführung und Motivation
1.1 Einleitung
1.2 Abgrenzung und Zielstellung dieser Arbeit
1.3 Methodisches Vorgehen
1.4 Gliederung der Arbeit
2 Theoretische Grundlagen
2.1 Konstruktionsarten von Bugstrahlruderanlagen
2.2 Propellerstrahltheorien
2.3 Vereinfachte Strahltheorie
2.4 Strahlausbreitung
2.4.1 Freie Strahlturbulenz
2.4.2 Propellerstrahl des Bugstrahlruders
2.4.3 Flüssigkeitsstrahlen in einer Querströmung
2.5 Erosionspotenzial des Propellerstrahls
2.5.1 Bewegungsbeginn von Gesteinspartikeln
2.5.2 Einfluss turbulenter Schwankungen
2.5.3 Deckwerksbemessung
2.6 Zusammenfassung
3 Numerische Modellierung turbulenter Fließprozesse
3.1 Grundlagen der 3D-HN-Modellierung
3.1.1 Erhaltungsgleichungen
3.1.2 Diskretisierung
3.1.3 Modellierungsstrategien
3.2 Aufbau und Wirkung der Wandgrenzschicht
3.3 Detached Eddy Simulation
3.4 Modellierung der Strömung innerhalb der Bugstrahlruderanlage
3.4.1 Ansatz einer ebenen Scheibe
3.4.2 Reale Propellergeometrie
3.5 Erfassung der böschungsnahen Strömungsverhältnisse
3.5.1 Abbildung der Böschung in der 3D-HN-Modellierung
3.5.2 Modellgebiet und Parametervariationen
3.5.3 Methodik zur Erfassung der Böschungsbelastung
3.5.4 Übertragung der Berechnungsergebnisse auf ein reales Schüttsteindeckwerk
3.6 Zusammenfassung
4 Deckwerksbelastung des Bugstrahlruders eines fahrenden Schiffes
4.1 Modellgebiet und Berechnungsdaten
4.2 Anströmung zum Bugstrahlruder
4.3 Strahlausbreitung
4.3.1 Strahlausbreitung innerhalb der Bugstrahlruderanlage
4.3.2 Strahlausbreitung außerhalb der Bugstrahlruderanlage
4.4 Böschungsbelastung
4.4.1 Belastungsschwerpunkt
4.4.2 Strahlangriffswinkel und modifizierter Strahlangriffsbeiwert
4.4.3 Deckwerkssteinbemessung
4.5 Zusammenfassung
5 Festkörperbewegung
5.1 Datengrundlage
5.2 Computertomographie
5.3 Aufbereitung der Einzelsteingeometrien
5.4 Ergebniskontrolle
5.5 Übergang zur Festkörperbewegung
6 Fazit und Ausblick
Anhang / The present thesis addresses the reckoning of the required embankment stone diameter at German federal inland waterways, in order to guarantee a sustainable embankment stability against the bowthruster jet of closely passing by vessels. In doing so, the exclusive case being examined is armourstones in bulk (common classes of coarse particles and mass). From a systematic point of view the three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling approach is used to determine the incoming strains of the bowthruster jet. Within this approach one of the main emphases is to highlight the prevailing turbulent structures, which can be assigned to the fundamental turbulent character of the jet as well as towards the bending of the jet entering a crossflow. In this regard the thesis presents suitable model assumptions (e.g. the consideration of the vessel movement), boundary conditions (e.g. the turning propeller) and model area requirements (e.g. due to the boundary layer theory at walls). As a basis for the described research intention an overview of the existing literature on bowthruster jets as well as the currently used design approach for armourstones in bulk is given. Furthermore, knowledge of the jet bending mechanism due to a crossflow has to be provided and included. Additionally, the role of the limited space between the vessel and the embankment has to be pointed out, as it forces the jet propagation to modify greatly.
In consequence of the mentioned framework conditions, a suitable modeling approach which is able to comprehend the broad manifestations of turbulence is chosen. In order to achieve knowledge about the strain mechanism of the bended bowthruster jet on the embankment, the present thesis includes an evaluation algorithm given by Söhngen (2014). Within the evaluation algorithm the importance of the strain magnitude, the strain orientation as well as the strain duration is emphasized. In accordance with the outlined complex flow situation appropriate research parameters have to be defined, which enable the detection of potential regularities within the bended jet propagation as well as within the resulting strains on the embankment. Therefore, the present thesis primarily deals with the speed of the vessel, the installed capacity of the bowthruster and the embankment distance of the vessel, whereas additional influence quantities (e.g. the slope angle of the embankment) remain constant.
Following the generating process of the embankment strains, an approach which detaches the three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of the strains from the mobilization of an individual armourstone is introduced. The required model stones originated from experimental modeling approaches of the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute and were processed in order to conduct a computer tomography of a complete embankment model. Subsequent to the computer tomography the isolated stone geometries were processed, leading towards a reunification with the embankment strains within a rigid body simulation approach.:Symbolverzeichnis
1 Einführung und Motivation
1.1 Einleitung
1.2 Abgrenzung und Zielstellung dieser Arbeit
1.3 Methodisches Vorgehen
1.4 Gliederung der Arbeit
2 Theoretische Grundlagen
2.1 Konstruktionsarten von Bugstrahlruderanlagen
2.2 Propellerstrahltheorien
2.3 Vereinfachte Strahltheorie
2.4 Strahlausbreitung
2.4.1 Freie Strahlturbulenz
2.4.2 Propellerstrahl des Bugstrahlruders
2.4.3 Flüssigkeitsstrahlen in einer Querströmung
2.5 Erosionspotenzial des Propellerstrahls
2.5.1 Bewegungsbeginn von Gesteinspartikeln
2.5.2 Einfluss turbulenter Schwankungen
2.5.3 Deckwerksbemessung
2.6 Zusammenfassung
3 Numerische Modellierung turbulenter Fließprozesse
3.1 Grundlagen der 3D-HN-Modellierung
3.1.1 Erhaltungsgleichungen
3.1.2 Diskretisierung
3.1.3 Modellierungsstrategien
3.2 Aufbau und Wirkung der Wandgrenzschicht
3.3 Detached Eddy Simulation
3.4 Modellierung der Strömung innerhalb der Bugstrahlruderanlage
3.4.1 Ansatz einer ebenen Scheibe
3.4.2 Reale Propellergeometrie
3.5 Erfassung der böschungsnahen Strömungsverhältnisse
3.5.1 Abbildung der Böschung in der 3D-HN-Modellierung
3.5.2 Modellgebiet und Parametervariationen
3.5.3 Methodik zur Erfassung der Böschungsbelastung
3.5.4 Übertragung der Berechnungsergebnisse auf ein reales Schüttsteindeckwerk
3.6 Zusammenfassung
4 Deckwerksbelastung des Bugstrahlruders eines fahrenden Schiffes
4.1 Modellgebiet und Berechnungsdaten
4.2 Anströmung zum Bugstrahlruder
4.3 Strahlausbreitung
4.3.1 Strahlausbreitung innerhalb der Bugstrahlruderanlage
4.3.2 Strahlausbreitung außerhalb der Bugstrahlruderanlage
4.4 Böschungsbelastung
4.4.1 Belastungsschwerpunkt
4.4.2 Strahlangriffswinkel und modifizierter Strahlangriffsbeiwert
4.4.3 Deckwerkssteinbemessung
4.5 Zusammenfassung
5 Festkörperbewegung
5.1 Datengrundlage
5.2 Computertomographie
5.3 Aufbereitung der Einzelsteingeometrien
5.4 Ergebniskontrolle
5.5 Übergang zur Festkörperbewegung
6 Fazit und Ausblick
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On the application of detached eddy simulation turbulence modelling to hydrocyclonic separators for shipboard ballast water treatmentMcCluskey, D. K. January 2009 (has links)
There is significant worldwide environmental concern related to the transportation of Invasive Aquatic Species (IAS) by ships ballast water into non-native environments. This has given rise to the development of a vast array of technological ballast water treatment systems. The complex environmental challenges and tight operational characteristics of marine vessels limits the scope of the technologies used for Ballast Water Treatment (BWT). As a result few technologies have progressed beyond the research and development stage; however one of the most promising technologies for ship board use is the cyclonic separator, or hydrocyclone. Despite the use of hydrocyclones in a wide variety of engineering applications they have yet to be successfully adapted towards the removal of suspended sediment and marine organisms from large volumes of ballast water. The following primary objectives of this study have been met: • Via critical review identify the technological solutions for treating ballast water best suited to onboard use. • Define the critical flow regimes evident within hydrocyclonic separators. • Establish a series of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, evaluating standard turbulence models in order to determine the capacity for commercial CFD to model hydrocyclonic flow. This study has detailed the operational characteristics of ballast water hydrocyclones with the aim of enabling hydrocyclones to be optimised for individual ship configurations. Flow simulations have been conducted using CFD, and in particular the Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) turbulence model. Finally the DES model is shown to be a legitimate turbulence model for hydrocyclonic flow regimes, validated against empirical and experimental data.
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Simulation of the cavitating flow in a model oil hydraulic spool valve using different model approachesSchümichen, Michel, Rüdiger, Frank, Fröhlich, Jochen, Weber, Jürgen 27 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The contribution compares results of Large Eddy Simulations of the cavitating flow in a model oil hydraulic spool valve using an Euler-Euler and a one-way coupled Euler- Lagrange model. The impact of the choice of the empirical constants in the Kunz cavitation model is demonstrated. Provided these are chosen appropriately the approach can yield reasonable agreement with the corresponding experiment. The one-way Euler-Lagrange model yields less agreement. It is demonstrated that this is due to the lack of realistic volumetric coupling, rarely accounted for in this type of method. First results of such an algorithm are presented featuring substantially more realism.
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The advance in computational fluid dynamics in recent years has provided the opportunity for many fluid dynamic problems to be analyzed numerically. One such problem concerns the modeling of plunging water into a still water body, often encountered in pump stations. Air bubbles introduced into the system by the plunging jet can be a significant problem, especially when consumed into operating pumps. The classical approach to investigate the hydrodynamics of plunging jet in pump stations is by physical model studies. This approach is time consuming, tedious and costly. The availability of computational power today, along with appropriate numerical techniques, allows such phenomenon to be studied in a greater level of detail and more cost efficient. Despite the advantages of numerical studies, little attention has been devoted to solve the plunging jet and air transport problem numerically.
In this current work, a 3-dimensional finite volume, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) code is developed to simulate these flow conditions. For turbulent flow, the large scale quantities were numerically resolved while the dynamic sub-grid scale model is used to model the small scale energy dissipations. The code also has the capability to handle free surface deformation, an important aspect in simulating the impact section of an impinging jet.
Modeling of the air entrainment is performed numerically utilizing the information obtained from the hydrodynamics. Migration of air bubbles is modeled using the scalar transport equation, modified to account for the buoyancy of the bubbles. Instead of the typical Lagrangian schemes, which track individual air bubbles, air bubble dynamics are modeled in the form of concentrations. Modeling air bubbles in this manner is computational efficient and simpler to implement. For the air entrainment simulations, standard numerical boundaries conditions and empirical entrainment equations are used to provide the necessary boundary conditions. The developed model is compared with the literature, producing satisfactory results, suggesting that the code has an excellent potential of extending its application to practical industry practices.
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Unsteady inlet condition generation for Large Eddy Simulation CFD using particle image velocimetryRobinson, Mark D. January 2009 (has links)
In many areas of aerodynamics the technique of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) has proved a practical way of modelling the unsteady phenomena in numerical simulations. Few applications are as dependent on such an approach as the prediction of flow within a gas turbine combustor. Like any form of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), LES requires specification of the velocity field at the inflow boundary, with much evidence suggesting the specification of inlet turbulence can be critical to the resultant accuracy of the prediction. While a database of time-resolved velocity data may be obtained from a precursor LES calculation, this technique is prohibitively expensive for complex geometries. An alternative is to use synthetic inlet conditions obtained from experimental data High-speed Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is used here to provide planar velocity data at up to 1kHz temporal resolution in two test cases representative of gas turbine combustor flows (a vortex generator in a duct and an idealised combustor). As the data sampling rate is approaching a typical LES time-step it introduces the possibility of applying instantaneous experimental data directly as an inlet condition. However, as typical solution domain inlet regions for gas turbine combustor geometries cannot be adequately captured in a single field of PIV data, it is necessary to consider a method by which a synchronous velocity field may be obtained from multiple PIV fields that were not captured concurrently. A method is proposed that attempts to achieve this by a combined process of Linear Stochastic Estimation and high-pass filtering. The method developed can be generally applied without a priori assumptions of the flow and is demonstrated to produce a velocity field that matches very closely that of the original PIV, with no discontinuities in the velocity correlations. The fidelity and computational cost of the method compares favourably to several existing inlet condition generation methods. Finally, the proposed and existing methods for synthetic inlet condition generation are applied to LES predictions of the two test cases. There is shown to be significant differences in the resulting flow, with the proposed method showing a marked ii reduction in the adjustment period that is required to establish turbulent equilibrium downstream of the inlet. However, it is noted the presence of downstream turbulence generating features can mask any differences in the inlet condition, to the extent that the flow in the core of the combustor test case is found to be insensitive to the inlet condition applied at the entry to the feed annulus for the test conditions applied here.
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Concepts in coalmine ventilation and development of the VamTurBurner© for extraction of thermal energy from underground ventilation air methaneCluff, Daniel L. January 2014 (has links)
Climate change is emerging as a significant challenge in terms of the response needed to mitigate or adapt to the predicted global changes. Severe impacts due to rising sea-level, seasonal shifts, increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as storms, floods or droughts have become accepted by the scientific community as a real and present threat to civilisation. The most significant impacts are expected in the Arctic, the Asian mega-deltas, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and sub-Saharan Africa (IPCC 2007). There are two approaches to global climate change either mitigation or adaptation. This dissertation aims to provide the initial design concepts for a system to mitigate methane, a significant Greenhouse Gas (GHG), emitted from coalmines by ventilation air circulated through the underground workings. The VamTurBurner©, a Ventilation Air Methane (VAM) gas turbine based methane burning system, is proposed as a method of extracting the thermal energy from the VAM. A key aspect of the problem responsible for the difficulty in extracting the energy from VAM is the low concentration of methane in the high volume ventilation airflow. This approach recasts the concepts of combustion dynamics of a premixed fuel flow to that expected for VAM to ascertain the conditions conducive to combustion or oxidation of the methane in the ventilation air. A numerical model using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) to study the combustion dynamics revealed that the temperature of the incoming ventilation air is a key variable related to the concentration of the VAM. Computational Fluid Dynamics modeling was used to study the design features needed to engineer a system capable of providing the required temperature of the incoming ventilation air. Applications for the available thermal energy are discussed in terms of the potential to generate electricity with steam turbines, provide space heating, produce hot water for many uses, and use the heat for industrial drying or as desired. The efficiency of the energy system is enhanced when the output from the amount of natural gas or electricity purchased is compared to the output enhanced by the addition of methane, considered as free. The VamTurBurner© concept, as described in this dissertation, appears to be a viable method of mitigating atmospheric methane in the pursuit greenhouse gas reduction.
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Développement et validation expérimentale d'une approche numérique pour la simulation de l'aérodynamique et de la thermique d'un véhicule à trois rouesThiam, Mor Tallla January 2016 (has links)
La compréhension de l'aérothermique d'un véhicule durant sa phase de développement est une question essentielle afin d'assurer, d'une part, un bon refroidissement et une bonne efficacité de ses composants et d'autre part de réduire la force de traînée et évidement le rejet des gaz à effet de serre ou la consommation d'essence. Cette thèse porte sur la simulation numérique et la validation expérimentale de l'aérothermique d'un véhicule à trois roues dont deux, en avant et une roue motrice en arrière. La simulation numérique est basée sur la résolution des équations de conservation de la masse, de la quantité de mouvement et de l'énergie en utilisant l'approche RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes). Le rayonnement thermique est modélisé grâce à la méthode S2S (Surface to Surface) qui suppose que le milieu séparant les deux surfaces rayonnantes, ici de l'air, ne participe pas au processus du rayonnement. Les radiateurs sont considérés comme des milieux poreux orthotropes où la perte de pression est calculée en fonction de leurs propriétés inertielle et visqueuse; leur dissipation thermique est modélisée par la méthode Dual flow. Une première validation de l'aérodynamique est faite grâce à des essais en soufflerie. Ensuite, une deuxième validation de la thermique est faite grâce à des essais routiers. Un deuxième objectif de la thèse est consacré à la simulation numérique de l'aérodynamique en régime transitoire du véhicule. La simulation est faite à l'aide de l'approche Detached eddy simulation (DES). Une validation expérimentale est faite à partir d'étude en soufflerie grâce à des mesures locales de vitesse à l'aide de sondes cobra.
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Numerical simulation of turbulent airflow, tracer gas diffusion, and particle dispersion in a mockup aircraft cabinKhosrow, Ebrahimi January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering / M.H. Hosni / Z.C. Zheng / In order to study the capability of computational methods in investigating the mechanisms associated with disease and contaminants transmission in aircraft cabins, the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models are used for the simulation of turbulent airflow, tracer gas diffusion, and particle dispersion in a generic aircraft cabin mockup. The CFD models are validated through comparisons of the CFD predictions with the corresponding experimental measurements. It is found that using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) with the Werner-Wengle wall function, one can predict unsteady airflow velocity field with relatively high accuracy. However in the middle region of the cabin mockup, where the recirculation of airflow takes place, the accuracy is not as good as that in other locations. By examining different k-ε models, the current study recommends the use of the RNG k-ε model with the non-equilibrium wall function as a Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) model for predicting the steady-state airflow velocity data. It is also found that changing the cabin air-inlet nozzle height has a significant effect on the flow behavior in the middle and upper part of the cabin, while the flow pattern in the lower part is not affected as much. Through the use of LES and species transport model in simulating tracer gas diffusion, very good agreement between predicted and measured tracer gas concentration data is observed for some monitoring locations, but the agreement level is not uniform for all the sampling point locations. The reasons for the deviations between predictions and measurements for those locations are discussed.
The Lagrange-Euler approach is invoked in the particle dispersion simulations. In this approach, the equation of motion for the discrete phase is coupled with the continuous phase governing equations through the calculation of drag and buoyancy forces acting on particles. The continuous phase flow is turbulent and RANS is employed in order to calculate the continuous phase velocity field. A complete study on grid dependence for RANS simulation is performed through a controllable regional mesh refinement scheme. The grid dependence study shows that using unstructured grid with tetrahedral and hybrid elements in the refinement region are more efficient than using structured grid with hexahedral elements. The effect of turbulence on the particle dispersion is taken into account by using a stochastic tracking method (Discrete Random Walk model). One of the significant features of this study is the investigation of the effect of the number of tries on the accuracy of particle concentration predictions when Discrete Random Walk is used to model turbulent distribution of particles. Subsequently, the optimum number of tries to obtain the most accurate predictions is determined. In accordance with the corresponding experimental data, the effect of particle size on particle distribution is also studied and discussed through the simulation of two different sizes of mono-disperse particles in the cabin with straight injection tube, i.e., 3µm and 10µm. Due to the low particle loading, neglecting the effect of particles motion on the continuous phase flow-field seems to be a reasonable, simplifying assumption in running the simulations. However, this assumption is verified through the comparison of the results from 1-way and 2-way coupling simulations. Eventually through the simulations for the particle injection using the cone diffuser, the effects of cabin pressure gradient as well as the particle density on particles dispersion behavior are studied and discussed.
In the last part of this dissertation, the turbulent airflow in a full-scale Boeing 767 aircraft cabin mockup with eleven rows of seats and manikins is simulated using steady RANS method. The results of this simulation cannot only be used to study the airflow pattern, but also can be used as the initial condition for running the tracer gas diffusion and particle dispersion simulations in this cabin mockup.
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Modelação numérica de processos de sedimentação em escoamentos turbulentos e análise da ressuspensão em canais / Numerical modeling of settling processes in turbulent flows and channel re-suspension analysisAlamy Filho, José Eduardo 19 April 2006 (has links)
O estudo do transporte de sedimentos, partindo da estimativa de estruturas turbulentas relevantes, constituiu o principal foco deste trabalho. Assim, a equação de transporte de massa (advecção-difusão) foi aplicada em conjunto com as equações de Navier-Stokes e da continuidade filtradas. Neste contexto, houve a necessidade de uma descrição conveniente da turbulência, o que ocorreu mediante a aplicação da simulação de grandes escalas acoplada a modelos de viscosidade turbulenta sub-malha. O método de fronteira imersa foi utilizado na modelação da interface sólido/fluido, representada pela geometria de fundo dos canais. As equações de Navier-Stokes filtradas e da continuidade foram resolvidas numericamente pelo método de passos fracionados, o qual estabeleceu o almejado acoplamento entre ambas. Na discretização das equações governantes foi utilizado o método de diferenças finitas, aplicado sobre malhas deslocadas. Os esquemas explícitos de Adams-Bashforth (de segunda e quarta ordens) foram utilizados no avanço temporal das velocidades do escoamento e das concentrações de sedimentos. Uma nova formulação para a velocidade de sedimentação foi desenvolvida analiticamente, enquanto que eventuais fluxos de ressuspensão foram impostos como condição de contorno no fundo do canal. Todos os códigos computacionais, que estabeleceram as diretrizes e a lógica de cálculo, foram criados no contexto deste trabalho. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a simulação de grandes escalas, associada ao método de fronteira imersa, considerando velocidade de sedimentação conforme aqui modelada, e ainda utilizando a equação de advecção-difusão para o transporte de massa, constituem ferramentas altamente adequadas à estimativa do transporte de sedimentos pela água. / The goal of this work is the research of sediment transport phenomena, deriving from outstanding turbulent eddies estimative. Thus, the mass transport equation (advection-diffusion) was connected with the filtered Navier-Stokes and continuity equations. In this context, the large-eddy simulation and sub-grid viscosity modeling established a convenient description of turbulence effects. The immersed boundary method was applied to model solid/fluid interface, represented here by the shapes of channel bottom. The filtered Navier-Stokes and continuity equations were solved by the fractional step method. The equations were discretized with the finite difference method, applied over staggered grids, whereas explicit Adams-Bashforth schemes (second and forth orders) were used in temporal advancement of velocities and sediment concentration fields. A new analytical formulation for settling velocity was obtained, while fortuitous re-suspension flux was applied like a boundary condition in the channel bottom. The computational code was totally developed in this work. The results of present simulations show that large-eddy simulation coupled to the immersed boundary method, considering, yet, the settling velocity of particles and the advection-diffusion equation for mass transport, constitute potential tools for sediment transport evaluation in water flows.
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Dynamique de l’allumage circulaire dans les foyers annulaires multi-injecteurs / Dynamics of light-round in multi-injector annular combustorsPhilip, Maxime 20 April 2016 (has links)
L’allumage constitue une phase critique dans de nombreuses applications de combustion et plus particulièrement dans celles qui sont liées à la propulsion aéronautique et spatiale. Un des défis actuels a été de développer des simulations aux grandes échelles de ce phénomène transitoire dans des configurations réalistes comme celles trouvées dans les moteurs aéronautiques. A cet égard, le travail pionnier de Boileau et al. (2008)a indiqué que des calculs complets de ce processus pouvaient être réalisés dans des géométries complètes de chambre de combustion annulaire et que ces calculs pouvaient fournir des informations de première main sur le processus d’allumage circulaire. Il était toutefois important devoir si la simulation pouvait reproduiredes données expérimentales bien contrôlées.Ceci est accompli dans le présent travail qui utilise un dispositif expérimental nouveau désigné sous le nom de MICCA.La thèse décrit l’ensemble des données recueillies au cours d’essais systématiques sur MICCA, la méthode de calcul aux grandes échelles et sa validation dans une configuration de brûleur simplifiée, les résultats de simulations aux grandes échelles du processus d’allumage circulaire, une analyse détaillée des résultats numériques et enfin une modélisation simplifiée du processus d’allumage fondée sur des équations de bilan macroscopiques. / Ignition constitutes a critical phase in many combustion applications and specifically those related to aerospace propulsion. One of the current challenges has been to develop large eddy simulations of this transient phenomenon in realistic configurations like those found in aeroengines.In this respect, the pioneering work of Boileau et a. (2008) indicated that complete calculations of this process in a full annular combustor geometry could be carried out and that they provided first hand information on the light-round process.It was however important to see if the simulation can match well controlled experimental data. This is accomplished in the present work which uses a novel experimental device named MICCA. The thesis describes the experimental set of data,the calculation methodology and its validation in a single burner configuration,results of large eddy simulation of the full light round process, a detailed analysis of the numerical results and an attempt to build a simplified model of the process based on macroscopic balance equations.
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