Spelling suggestions: "subject:"educationization, econdary - south africa"" "subject:"educationization, econdary - south affrica""
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The management of HIV/AIDS in secondary public schools in South Africa :|ban overview of policyNair, Eugene John Gilbert January 2004 (has links)
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master in Technology: Education, Durban Institute of Technology, 2004. / As the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa accelerates, HIV sero-prevalence studies report increasing risk among young people in the general population. These young people are found predominantly in schools. It is for this reason that the researcher embarked on this study. The emphasis of the study is to evaluate the management of HIV/AIDS in secondary public schools in South Africa, particularly, an overview of the policy / M
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Psigo-opvoedkundige assessering : narratiewe as instrument vir die fasilitering van die ontwikkeling van respek as etiese norm aan adolessenteVan der Spuy, Thyresa Johanna 21 August 2012 (has links)
D.Ed. / The heart of democracy, as reflected in the Constitution of South-Africa, announced in 1996, is the acknowledgement of human dignity. As result of the Constitution, the National Schools Act was also announced in 1996. The focus of this act is also to promote human rights by eliminating any form of discrimination. The rejection of discrimination and acknowledgement of human dignity implies that all humans are respectable. Respect is one of the cornerstones of ethical norms and therefor all human beings should, as from early childhood, be encouraged to obey this norm. The National Schools Act makes it very clear that education is considered to be the most important factor in reaching this goal (Potgieter, et.al ., 1997:6&7). In a guiding document for the incorporation of alternative discipline (Department of Education, 2001:9) the statement is made that positive discipline is the focus of the Schools Act's code of conduct. This "positives discipline" implies that teacher will commit themselves to the facilitation of the values and attitudes of peace, tolerance, respect, dignity and human rights. General discipline-problems and the increasing rate of crimes committed by youth is probably caused by increasing moral decline. The most important area of deficiency in universal communities is the value which people attach to the norm of respect (Lickona, 1991:43). There are several possible causes for the lacking value systems of young people, but the most important are possibly the secular attitude and dualism of roll models and educators (Curtin, 2000:7). Because narrative writers usually focus on problems resulting from community aspects, their creative products offer a unique source in the facilitation of ethical values (Kearny, 2002:6). Readers can identify with characters of the narrative text. During this "identifying"-process readers are led unconsciously into a situation of rethinking the underlying values which the narrative characters attach to norms — which come to light through the choices of action made by the characters. This rethinking of the actions of the narrative characters results in sensitising the values which the readers themselves attach to the related norm. The aim of this research was to design, implement and evaluate a psychoeducational learning program in the learning area Language, Literacy and Communication for learners in secondary schools (adolescents). The aim of the program was to determine to what extend the value, which named learners do attach to the ethical norm, respect, will be influenced when focussing on the use of narratives. The possible results that the influencing of their values would have on their mental health, was also investigated. A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual design was used for this study. A situation-analyses was done through literature study after which a program was designed and implemented. The aim of this program was the facilitating of respect as ethical value by using stories. After the implementation of the program the participants wrote naïve sketches and focus group interviews was done six months later involving selected participants from the original group. The selected data was coded — with help of a independent coder — and analysed according to the open coding method of Tesch. Analysis of the data proved that the program that was designed, implemented and evaluated in this study was effective in facilitating ethical values to adolescents. The initial research aim was met as such. A meaningful contribution of this thesis is the description of a conceptual framework for the facilitating of ethical values to adolescents.
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Strategiese bestuur as bestuursopgawe vir die topbestuur van die sekondêre skoolVan Heerden, Martinus Phillippus 16 August 2012 (has links)
M.Ed. / High demands in education are set by a complicated and rapidly developing society. Due to better techniques and changing circumstances the task of the principal as well as his management team has become more complex. The management team no longer needs to be reactive to changing circumstances. A pro-active approach such as strategic management can be followed. Strategic management demands that the school management team develop a strategic plan. The mission must be formulated in conjunction with all interested parties. Once the main aim has been compiled, an analysis of the internal environment of the school should take place in order to determine strong and weak points. It now becomes the urgent task of the management team to pay attention to the following aspects, namely: structure, culture, climate, resources, manpower and marketing in order to determine the prevailing situation in the school. Analysis of the external environment should guide the management team to pinpoint the opportunities and threats present in the school environment. A clear mission and an awareness of the school's strong and weak points, as well as the opportunities and threats should lead to the development of aims and objectives. This in turn leads to establishing a common ground for meaningful functioning within the school. It becomes the task of the management team to consider alternative strategies for the execution of the school's aims/objectives. After careful consideration of alternative strategies a choice has to be made as to which strategy should be followed. This strategic plan must be changed into a practical plan. It is essential that the objectives of the strategies are carefully formulated. This in turn leads to the implementation of short term functional activities. A policy framework is developed wherein decisions must be taken and this becomes a barometer as to how all the set aims/objectives are to be achieved. The institutionalization of the policy demands a thorough reflection of organisation structure, leadership, culture and the various means of recognition. Strategy and structure should complement each other. Several structures and their suitability should be considered for strategy implementation. Successful strategy implementation demands strong leadership characterized by personal example. Strategic management is a participative management process. The value of visible management can never be overemphasized. Successful implementation demands that there be clarity of present and envisaged school culture. School culture and the chosen strategy must complement each other. Recognition is an important part of strategical implementation and will motivate staff, which will lead to success. The last part of the strategic management model is the evaluation of performance and the control of work activities. Control follows planning. It ensures that the school achieves what it set out to accomplish. Just as planning involves the setting of objectives along with the strategies and programs necessary to accomplish them, the control process compares performance with desired results and provides the feedback necessary for management to evaluate the results and take corrective action, as needed. This process consists of a four-step feedback model, but is not always easily distinguished. The identification of key success factor areas and strategical control points help to facilitate control. One should also consider.
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Die onderwyser as faktor in die leermotivering van leerlinge in die sekondêre skoolfaseVan Eeden, Hendrik Jacobus Albertus 11 February 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Educational Psychology) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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"Opvoeding tot menseregte : die regte van die persoon voor die regbank"Van Rhyn, Petrus 13 February 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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Multimedia programmes in individual learningSeuoe, Maria Mankonono 25 March 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Media Science) / Aim of the study: To explore the theories, principles, new models and strategies of teaching and learning in order to provide an alternative to the traditional way of teaching and learning. To develop a multimedia programme in which individual learning is enhanced, using a Guided Self-study programme, being a combination of the Keller Plan and the Postlethwait system. 1.4 Method of investigation An exploration of literature as regards the use of particular media in individual learning. Studying media that will be used in drawing up an alternative programme in individual learning, utilizing a picture, a tape and study guide, bearing the models of learning in Chapter 2 in mind. 1.5 Structure of the study In the first chapter literature will be reviewed to gain an overview of the situation in Black education. Probable causes of the high failure rate in English will be examined through reports by examiners of English Second Language Higher Grade (1990a) and Motau (1990). Standard 7, 8 and 9 results will be studied to recognize the trend in performance especially in English literature, as this will be used in developing individualized programmes later in this study (see Appendix A and B). Bearing this knowledge in mind, the principles of learning by Mursell (1954) and Romiszowski's new model of learning will be examined in the light of the aims of teaching English, which emphasize the acquisition of certain skills and the use of the senses in teaching and learning (Compare paragraph 1.2.3). Romiszowski's model revives this awareness. Various learner-centred approaches will be highlighted in the second chapter (compare paragraph 2.5). The third chapter will concentrate on media. It should, however, be observed that media which have been thoroughly dealt with by other researchers in other studies will merely be alluded to. The author of this study acknowledges the views of previous researchers and would like to use only media that are affordable, and can easily be manipulated and duplicated. The fourth chapter will focus on a synthesis of the script and recommendations for further research. In Appendix A a multimedia programme for standard 9 is described. Appendix B contains a proposal for a multimedia programme for teaching English literature to standard 10. An attempt will be made to include Pottas's steps in drawing up a study guide, Romiszowski's new model (compare paragraph 1.3.5) and also skills, hierarchical frameworks and feedback models (compare paragraph 2.3). In this study the emphasis will be on individual learning. It will be endeavoured to use media and approaches by which individual learning is enhanced and which will motivate the learner to study independently.
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Opvoeding tot menseregte : die dienste van die staat en die verpligting van die indiwidu teenoor die staatStellenberg, Glen Elvis 08 May 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Sociology of Education) / This study is part of a broader research project that deals with educating towards human rights. The purpose of this study was to determine the matriculants' perception of the duty of the State and the responsibility of the individual towards the State. It is also aimed at informing readers about the rights and duties of the State and individuals as far as education is concerned.
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Die verborge kurrikulum as bestuursopgaaf in die sekondêre skoolPienaar, Albert Andrew 11 June 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Education Management) / Schools receive detailed curricula from the Department of Education. The successful application of these curricula is mainly the task of the headmaster. In the school another curriculum, namely the hidden curriculum, also functions. Coming to grips with the hidden curriculum is, however, no easy task, seeing as it involves the conveying of values and norms which is, to a great extent, in the hands of the teachers of the school. The headmaster, as managerial leader, is responsible for both the successful application of the formal curriculum and the hidden curriculum. This application has to be done in such a way that the hidden curriculum will supplement and strengthen the formal curriculum. Through his managerial style the headmaster can create the necessary positive school climate which will facilitate the teachers task in this respect. By applying the hidden curriculum the educator is able to supply pupils with anchors which should be of inestimable value in life. These anchors include religion, national- ties and morality. These anchors should supply the adolescent with steadfastness in an ever changing world. Abovementioned anchors form an integral part of mans view of life. The conveyance of the educators view of life to the adolescent places an extremely heavy responsibility on the shoulders of the headmaster. He as educational leader, has to see to it that the hidden curriculum, as such, will be implemented in such a way that it complements the formal curriculum. As managerial leader the headmaster has to see to it that his staffs cultural values and view of life will correspond with the Christian principle. This implies that the view of life should be such that he can point the direction in which the school should move. The headmasters view of life is determined by his personal relationship with God, his fellow - man and other matters. It can be stated, that all the headmasters other relationships are determined by his relationship to God. The headmasters relationship towards his God is conveyed to both the teaching staff and the pupils of the school. The teacher~s relationship towards his God is also conveyed to the pupils in the same way. This principle becomes part of the way of life of the whole school community, and in this way the hidden curriculum becomes an integral part of the formal curriculum. Owing to the fact that the hidden curriculum is dependant on the teacher's view of life, it is essential that education will be and stay a particular matter. Blending of cultural ties can have traumatic consequences for the pupils and can even lead to a dualistic view of life. This will confuse pupils and the conveyance of values and norms won't take place, resulting in failure to achieve the goals of education.
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Vereistes vir suksesvolle skoolhoofskap in sekondêre skole van die Departement Onderwys en OpleidingGouws, Clarence Green 15 October 2015 (has links)
M.Ed. (Education Management) / The effectiveness of proper educational teaching can be ascribed to a great extent to the efficacy of principals. Consequently, this paper attempts to determine the requirements for successful principal ship in secondary schools of the Department Education and Training. On the basis of the annual reports of the Department Education and Training there seem to be certain striking problem areas which can be identified and with which the principals of this department have to cope ...
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History resource materials in Transkei senior secondary schools : their availability and useFlatela, Andile Thaddeus L L January 1991 (has links)
This dissertation, which was motivated by high failure rate in senior secondary history, is primarily an attempt at identifying some of the possible causes for poor performance in high school history in Transkei schools. One possible cause of the weak performance was identified as outmoded teaching methods which were encouraged by lack of adequate facilities and resources for history teaching and learning. The investigation took the form of a survey of both human and material resources in 30 of the then 210 senior secondary schools in Transkei. The survey questionnaire, which was directed to history teachers, covered aspects on personal information about the teachers, material resources and facilities for teaching history, and teaching methods related to history teaching. A total of 55 teachers responded to the questionnaire. The survey included all the three senior secondary school class levels, that is standard 8, 9 and 10. By looking at the nature of history as a discipline and the way in which students learn, it was discovered that at school level history could be learnt best through the 'experiential' approach. This is mainly because in dealing with time-past as it has to, history usually comes up with 'strange' concepts which cannot be easily grasped by present-day senior secondary teenagers. This is because understanding of historical concepts tends to develop slower than would generally be expected, unless it is re-enforced. In Transkei schools this problem of concepts understanding is made worse by the foreign language medium (English) in which the subject is taught. It is felt that these constraints could be partly aleviated with the use of audio-visual aids and self-activity teaching methods. However, this study revealed a gross inadequacy not only in facilities for teaching history but also of both human and material resources. This automatically discourages the 'new history' approach and teachers (most of whom are underqualified) tend to cling to the old-style lecture-textbook method to the detriment of their students. This study suggests that to improve this situation it is essential to upgrade both pre-service and in-service teachers' academic and professional standards. In addition history facilities and audio-visual materials should be generously supplied to afford ample opportunities for pupil activity. This then would be line with modern history teaching theories and, hopefully, would improve performance in history in this region.
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