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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pushing Back on School Pushout| Youth at an Alternative School Advocate for Educational Change through Youth Participatory Action Research

Burbach, Jessica H. 24 July 2018 (has links)
<p> In the United States, a staggering four thousand students drop out every school day. Moreover, in 2016, the graduation rate in Oregon was only 74.8%, one of the lowest in the nation. Research shows that a disproportionate number of youth leaving school are from historically marginalized communities. Many of these youth resiliently return to education at alternative schools. This research sought to explore the educational experiences of youth in alternative schools in their own voices and perspectives. From a theoretical framework based in sociocultural theory, cultural capital, and critical theory, this study underscored the importance of youth voice in changing the education system by incorporating qualitative methods and YPAR (Youth Participatory Action Research). Working alongside seven youth co-researchers who attended an alternative school in Oregon, we interviewed eight other students at the same school about their educational experiences and perceptions of the education system. The youth co-researchers and I co-constructed four themes collectively: &ldquo;I felt invisible to the teachers&rdquo;; &ldquo;Teaching is a sacred act&rdquo;; &ldquo;Regular high school is like drowning, it&rsquo;s cruel&rdquo;; and &ldquo;Dropping out was [actually] a success.&rdquo; We also compiled counternarratives in the words of the eight student participants, which highlighted how the school system pushed them out despite their desire to learn. Finally, we spoke truth to power, in solidarity with the youth in this study, by presenting our recommendations for educational change to teachers, including how they can co-create spaces with students that foster care and empathy, value youth voice, and are culturally sustaining and identity affirming.</p><p>

A Qualitative Analysis of African-American High School Students' Transitioning from Middle School to High School in an Urban Private High School Setting

Holland, Syreeta R. 25 April 2018 (has links)
<p> Research indicated the transition from eighth grade into ninth grade can be a difficult time for students. His Grace High School (HGHS) ninth grade students illustrated this difficulty. The purpose of this study was to examine African American student and parent perceptions regarding the transition process into high school. Currently, all students and parents at HGHS participate in a two-part orientation session to prepare and acclimate to the new school community and learning environments. Orientation sessions are facilitated by predominately African American staff members; however, the premise of the session was developed and implemented by Caucasian staff and faculty. Furthermore, the manner in which the information is developed and shared with the African American students and parents does not consider or address the cultural needs of African American parents and students. Critical Race Theory, CRT, was used to measure inequality in education. According to Hiraldo (1994) scholars have used CRT as a framework to analyze and critique educational research and practices. Critical Race Theory attempts to address the cultural needs and disparities of minority students when compared to students of the dominant race. </p><p> The research questions provided additional information about the transition process and how the administration, faculty, staff, and school community can develop and implement a transition program that will assist both students and parents transitioning into HGHS. A qualitative analysis of the current transition process was conducted. Current freshmen students and parents completed surveys and participated in interviews about their experience with the transition process at HGHS.</p><p>

Urban High School Educators' Perceptions of Pre-Service and In-Service Conflict Resolution and Violence Prevention Education

Brooks, Sean M. 06 April 2018 (has links)
<p> Studies have shown that conflict resolution and violence prevention education may be lacking within school-based environments. There is a gap in the literature regarding pre-service and in-service conflict resolution and violence prevention education for urban high school educators. The purpose of the study was to understand the experiences and perceptions of urban high school educators&rsquo; pre-service and in-service conflict resolution and violence prevention education, and the student health-related antecedents that contribute to both. Utilizing a case study methodology, this study emphasized the diverse geographic locations of urban high school educators&rsquo; pre-service institutions and the perceptions of their pre-service and in-service education regarding 5 student health-related antecedents to conflict and violence in school. Data collection included individual audio-recorded interviews and a follow-up focus group. Data was analyzed by participant&rsquo;s responses to interview questions that aligned with research questions. Data was then coded, cross-coded, and triangulated to generate themes. The results indicated that pre-service teacher education programs are not addressing conflict resolution and violence prevention in schools among pre-service teachers. Further, study findings indicate that teachers and administrators are currently experiencing student health-related antecedents to conflict and violence in school. Research findings also indicated that in-service training is failing to address these critical issues. This study could impact positive social change by implementing relevant and innovative education within pre-service and in-service educator training to address school-level violence.</p><p>

Understanding the Hybrid High School Student Experience

Leary, Riley 09 May 2018 (has links)
<p> Hybrid High School education is a disruptive innovation that has begun to replace traditional brick and mortar schools for many students world-wide. In addition to a traditional school model are the traditional metrics by which schools are compared. These metrics have been achievement data, success rates, and funding analyses. These metrics do not account for the lived experience of the high school students, in the same way that the traditional model of education does not account for the changing methods available for learning. This study is a phenomenological analysis of the lived experience of high school students who have attended hybrid educational programs. These programs utilize the digital advances available for learning by offering at least half of their curriculum online, while maintaining face to face instruction during the rest of curricular time. The premise of this study is that high school provides an <i>ethos</i>, or manifested culture, for each student served. The questions used in nine interviews to understand this ethos were created using research in the area of adolescent life satisfaction. The research resulted in focus areas to be discussed: autonomy, engagement, social capital, and community connectedness. Participants in this study age 18&ndash;20 recently graduated from four years attending a hybrid program. The participants were introspective and detailed in their explanations of life experiences during their time in hybrid programs, and how their ethos was shaped by experiences in each of the areas of life satisfaction listed above. The interview analyses led to four conclusions regarding hybrid high school student life. First, the hybrid program graduates interviewed have a rich sense of community. These communities vary and most are members of multiple communities. All feel a sense of belonging and are connected to groups beyond family. Second, the hybrid program graduates are highly self-reliant. Participants pointed out that they have relationships with people who are supportive, but that they are independently responsible for overcoming life&rsquo;s obstacles. Third, these conclusions are intended to influence design of future innovational programs. Finally, the hybrid high school did serve as a disruptive innovation which had clear benefits for the adolescents participating. This study, in combination with additional studies focusing on specific program elements, could result in quality innovative programs that meet the needs of a changing adolescent population.</p><p>

Why High School Students Participate in Band

Varner, Edward Lee 30 March 2018 (has links)
<p> The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that motivate high school students to participate in school band. The relationships between music education, academic success, and social engagement in school were explored. A survey questionnaire and interview questions were used to generate response data from 45 high school band members. Data were gathered, coded, and analyzed using qualitative survey and structured interview design techniques. A systematic approach was used to create a viable narrative that, when added to existing literature, provided a better understanding of the topic for those decision makers struggling to find justifications for how and why band is an important option for high school students. Findings from this study support earlier research and provide a strong case for the claim that many students are intellectually, emotionally, expressively, and musically nurtured by membership in school band. Stress relief was a powerful theme throughout student responses and many students indicated that band was an important place where they were able to build their strongest support relationships. The information acquired from this study provided insight into student perceptions about the value of band participation from environmental, behavioral, and cognitive viewpoints and highlighted the importance of band as a social and emotional support space where students are able to find sanctuary from the stressors of their lives. </p><p>

A Qualitative Study of the Positive Transformation of Public High School Cultures as Perceived by Administrators, Teachers, and Classified Staff Members

Besler, Amy L. 11 October 2017 (has links)
<p> <b>Purpose:</b> The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study is to discover the factors which contribute to the positive transformation of a comprehensive public high school&rsquo;s culture as perceived by the school&rsquo;s administrators, teachers, and classified staff. An additional purpose of the study is to determine what similarities and differences exist between the perceptions of administrators, teachers, and classified staff. </p><p> <b>Methodology:</b> The researcher identified comprehensive public high schools within the state of California where measurable growth in positive perceptions of school culture had been achieved within the preceding two to four years. Of this target population, six schools were identified, through which the researcher conducted individual interviews with each principal and focus group discussions with separate groups of six to eight teachers and six to eight classified staff members at each school site. Additionally, the researcher participated in observations at each school site and gathered artifacts to support the data garnered through the interviews and focus group discussions. </p><p> <b>Findings:</b> Participants recognized trust, relationships, and shared values as the fundamental components of a positive school culture. Principals perceived shared leadership and decision making as vital, while teachers and classified staff members responded strongly to the inspiring vision of a passionate school leader. Classified staff members also responded strongly to the importance of communication within the organization. </p><p> <b>Conclusions:</b> Cultural change efforts require time, patience, empathy, and willingness to engage in conflict and honest discourse. Additionally, schools with strong, positive culture create an environment that is student-centered, feels like home/family, and values all stakeholders as equally important. All decisions, goals, and plans are rooted in the shared values of the school community, which are communicated constantly in various ways. </p><p> <b>Recommendations:</b> School leaders hoping to positively shift their cultures must engage all stakeholders in the development of shared values, implement structures that facilitate the building of relationships, celebrate risk-taking and small wins, demonstrate and inspire trust, and develop methods to assess and constantly reassess the aspects of their schools&rsquo; cultures in order to spark a call to action that will resonate with stakeholders.</p><p>

Reauthoring Narratives with Alternative Education Students Using Recorded Music Expressive Arts

Oklan, Ari M. 18 October 2017 (has links)
<p> Alternative education students face many interacting challenges that put them at significant risk of dropping out of school (Carver &amp; Lewis, 2010), as well as deleterious health and psychological outcomes, and intergenerational cycles of sociopolitical disadvantage (Laird, Kienzel, Debell &amp; Chapman, 2007). Despite the persistent national epidemic of school dropout, few studies have investigated treatments for alternative education students, often characterized as &ldquo;difficult to reach&rdquo; given the chronic substance abuse, low motivation, and poor attendance typical of this population (Rumberger &amp; Lim, 2008). </p><p> This study investigated the effectiveness of a novel music therapy intervention, Recorded Music Expressive Arts (RMEA), with alternative education students. The purpose of RMEA in this context was to engage students in a potentially motivating, culturally relevant treatment that satisfies identified provisions to ameliorate dropout (Kim &amp; Taylor, 2008). RMEA employs narrative therapy concepts as a framework for treatment, and integrates songwriting, music production, and recording into psychotherapy. Through the song-creation process, participants were encouraged to &ldquo;tell their story&rdquo; to re-author problem-saturated personal narratives and discover more self-affirming ways of being (White &amp; Epston, 1990). </p><p> Participants were 10 adolescent boys, age 14&ndash;18, attending an alternative education school in the San Francisco Bay Area. Ten 60-minute individual RMEA sessions were delivered twice weekly over 7&ndash;19 weeks. Pre/post data was analyzed using Vargha-Delaney&rsquo;s <i>A</i>. Large effect sizes were found for a) coping (problem focused engagement, cognitive restructuring, problem solving, and emotional expression); b) substance misuse (decreased marijuana use) and co-occurring psychological disturbances (decreased school and behavior problems); c) increased contemplation and action readiness to respond to intervention; d) behavior (decreased internalizing, behavior, learning problems, and suspension rates); and e) attendance (increased attendance for RMEA sessions and days on which RMEA was delivered). Overall, the results indicate that RMEA is a viable and effective treatment for alternative education high school students. Analysis of participant interviews and song content further support results, as well as RMEAs proposed therapeutic mechanisms of action, including narrative therapy concepts. Findings highlight the need for replication studies with larger sample sizes, inclusion of adolescent girls, and other alternative education school settings.</p><p>

Inadvertent Evangalisms (Or Not)| Teachers' Views on Religion, Religious Beliefs, Positionality and Presence and Their Influence on Their Curricular Choices in the Classroom

Lipmen, Sara-Jean 21 October 2017 (has links)
<p> There has been very limited research on the possible role religion has in its influence on teacher choices, especially within a Social Science classroom. The purpose of this study was to examine how secondary Social Studies teachers explicitly and implicitly treat religion as a factor in the teaching of history and how their own affinity with/to a religion and beliefs about religious institutions influence their curricular choices. The following research question informed the study: How are teachers&rsquo; religious identities, affinities and positionality revealed in their curricular choices? </p><p> Through the use of the multiple case study model using interviews, observations and artifacts, this dissertation examined how secondary Social Studies teachers explicitly and implicitly treat religion as a factor in the teaching of history and how their own affinity with/to a religion and beliefs about religious institutions influence their curricular choices. Using the lenses of positionality and presence, while explicitly being aware of American Civil Religion, religious hierarchies and Christian Privilege, this study examined two Atheist/Agnostic teachers in a comprehensive urban high school settings. </p><p> The findings are presented as single case studies with a cross case analysis. The analysis of findings found that both teachers did not include religion as a significant factor of history and therefore, did not privilege religion as a topic in their classes. The data showed that both teachers, despite their religious identifications, had internalized Civil American Religion and its alignment with Christianity.</p><p>

Exploring Potential Connections between Philadelphia-Area Catholic High School Experiences and Graduates' Later Life Pathways| Are These Schools Helping to Shape Service-Oriented Citizens?

Boyle, Patricia 25 October 2017 (has links)
<p> As the continuous search for educational alternatives in Philadelphia intensifies, one only has to look at the current landscape, our surrounding communities, and fiscal pressures to appreciate the need for better alternatives to our public system. This study examines one such &ldquo;alternative,&rdquo; though long-standing education model, Philadelphia&rsquo;s Catholic schools. Within these schools, perhaps we have leaders and a system that may be positioned to play an even greater role in providing a set of experiences that may impact the later life pathways of graduates, potentially predisposing them to community or civic service interests in their adult lives. I have completed an analysis of recollections of Catholic high school graduates across multiple graduation eras and collected insights from their narratives, to help illuminate those potential connection points. Further, unlike many previous longitudinal and correlational studies, in both Catholic and secular schools, I have conducted qualitative research to map earlier student experiences to current-day life practices and dispositions. Through surveys, one-on-one interviews and a focus group with graduates of Philadelphia&rsquo;s area high schools, I am surfacing findings to determine if graduates are embracing certain values from their experiences and whether and how this may have helped shaped their civic and community interests years later.</p><p>

Going for gold| A study of urban secondary school athletic health care

Adler, Phillip J. 05 August 2017 (has links)
<p> The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the influence of the athletic health care team on urban secondary school student-athlete physical health, academic engagement, and academic success. Limited and inconsistent research had been identified that linked student-athlete physical health to academic engagement and success at the time of research. In question is how the presence of an athletic health care team influenced student-athlete health, academic engagement, and academic success. A qualitative intrinsic case study using a face-to-face responsive interview model was deployed for data collection. The population was identified as all student-athletes, coaches, and parents/guardians involved with one urban secondary school district athletic program. Five male student-athletes, two male and one female parent, and three male coaches voluntarily participated in the research study. Data analysis occurred through an iterative process beginning with manual transcription of audio recordings into a Microsoft Word document that was uploaded into the NVIVO 11 computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software for organizing further coding and theme development. A conceptually clustered matrix was further used for data analysis to help identify themes among student-athletes, their parents, and coaches to triangulate responses. The athletic health care team in this research study was found to directly influence student-athlete health, have a minimal influence on academic engagement, but have indirect influence on academic success according to participants. The athletic trainer was the key athletic health care team member contributing to student-athlete physical health, while coach was identified as most dominant figure on academic engagement, with coaches and parents being most powerful on academic success. Additional research is needed to fully understand the collaboration between athletic health services and general health services for the secondary school student-athlete. The variability between health care programing offers an opportunity for standardization that can be replicated and then studied across different settings, such as rural versus urban, or among diverse socioeconomic groups. Future research collaboration between health care and education is also needed specifically in the area of athletic health care team implementation at the secondary school level to fully understand the positive educational impacts that may be achieved. Extending health services beyond than the traditional student and into the extracurricular environment may be a powerful tool that offers additional academic engagement and success opportunities.</p><p>

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