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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Storievoltooiing : 'n projeksiemedium vir gebruik by elf- tot veertienjariges

Joubert, Christina Margaretha 01 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Hierdie navorsing spruit uit die behoefte om doeltreffendheid van hulpverlening by kliente in die ouderdomsgroep elf- tot veertien jaar te verbeter. Die doel was om vas te stel of die projeksietegniek storievoltooiing by vroee adolessente nuttige responsies oplewer. Twee bestaande storievoltooiingsmedia, naamlik die Doss Fabels en die Madeleine Thomas Toets is toegepas saam met ander projeksiemedia en die responsies wat by storievoltooing gekry is, is geevalueer. Deur middel van 'n literatuurstudie is die eienskappe van die vroee adolessent nagegaan. Daar is spesiale aandag gegee aan die probleme wat kliente in hierdie ouderdomsgroep by hulpverlening vir die hulpvertener oplewer. Navorsing dui daarop dat die vroee adolessent 'n relatief hoe risiko loop om wordingsprobleme te ontwikkel. Vanwee die kenmerke van hierdie spesifteke ontwikkelingstadium, is erkende metodes van hulpverlening soos onderhoudvoering, nie altyd die aangewese of mees suksesvolle metode van hulpverlening nie. Tydens die empiriese ondersoek is gevind dat die proefpersone gunstig gereageer het op die storievoltooiingsmedia en nuttige responsies gelewer het. Die gevolgtrekking is gemaak dat storievoltooing as tegniek, moontlik 'n rol te speel het naas die meer bekende projeksiemedia soos die TAT en die OAP as hulpmiddel by diagnose van probleme by vroee adolessente. / This reseach evolved from the need to increase the efficiency of therapy with early adolescents. The objective was to establish whether story completion as projective technique elicits useful responses. Two existing story completion media, the Duss Fables and the Madeleine Thomas Test, were applied in addition to other projection media and the responses were evaluated. The characteristics of the early adolescent were studied as found in the literature. Research indicates that the early adolescent is at risk for various ontological and psychological problems. Because of the characteristics of clients in this specific developmental stage, accepted techniques in therapy, for example the interview, are not entirely successful when counseling early adolescents. It was found that testees responded positively to the story completion media and produced useful responses. The conclusion was that story completion may have a role to play as an instrument in diagnosing the problems of early adolescents. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Terapie met kinders volgens die inkkladmetode : 'n sielkundig-opvoedkundige benadering

Steenkamp, Susanna Magdalena Petra 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Deur hierdie ondersoek is gepoog om aan te toon dat die inkkladmetode as uitvloeisel van die Rorschach, as projeksietegniek, gebruik kan word vir diagnose en terapie. Proj~ksie is 'n belangrike aspek in kinderterapie. Herhaalde gebruik van projeksietegnieke verminder die effektiwiteit daarvan. In haar werk met kinders van verskillende kulture, is gevind dat bulle instaat is om projeksies vanuit inkkladde te maak. Dit het aanleiding gegee tot huidige navorsing. Dit word aanvaar dat deur die gebruik van die inkkladmetode: * inligting wat versamel is deur ander projeksietegnieke, en wat moontlik verlore gegaan het, weer versamel kan word; * inligting aangaande psigiese struktuur van die kind vir diagnose en terapie versamel kan word. Bevindings word geverifieer deur die gebruik van bestaande projeksietegnieke. Twintig leerlinge is gebruik tydens die navorsing. Twee idiografiese studies en eksemplariese snitte is ingesluit. Dit is bevind dat die inkkladmetode as bykomende projeksietegniek effektief in kinderterapie en diagnose gebruik kan word. / This research is aimed at showing that the inkblot method with reference to the Rorschach method - as projective technique, can be applied for diagnosis and therapy. Projection is important in child therapy. Repetative use of projective techniques prejudices the effectivity thereof. In her work with children of different cultures, the researcher found that they were inclined to do projections from their inkblots. This resulted in the present research. Through the use of the inkblot method; * information which was gathered through the use of other projective techniques, and possibly lost, can be gained; * information regarding the psychological structure of the child for diagnosis and therapy, can be gathered. These findings were verified by means of including existing projective techniques. Twenty pupils were involved in two idiographic studies and illustrative examples. It was found that the inkblot method as additional projective technique can be used effectively in child therapy and diagnosis. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Spesialisering in Voorligting)

Storievoltooiing : 'n projeksiemedium vir gebruik by elf- tot veertienjariges

Joubert, Christina Margaretha 01 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Hierdie navorsing spruit uit die behoefte om doeltreffendheid van hulpverlening by kliente in die ouderdomsgroep elf- tot veertien jaar te verbeter. Die doel was om vas te stel of die projeksietegniek storievoltooiing by vroee adolessente nuttige responsies oplewer. Twee bestaande storievoltooiingsmedia, naamlik die Doss Fabels en die Madeleine Thomas Toets is toegepas saam met ander projeksiemedia en die responsies wat by storievoltooing gekry is, is geevalueer. Deur middel van 'n literatuurstudie is die eienskappe van die vroee adolessent nagegaan. Daar is spesiale aandag gegee aan die probleme wat kliente in hierdie ouderdomsgroep by hulpverlening vir die hulpvertener oplewer. Navorsing dui daarop dat die vroee adolessent 'n relatief hoe risiko loop om wordingsprobleme te ontwikkel. Vanwee die kenmerke van hierdie spesifteke ontwikkelingstadium, is erkende metodes van hulpverlening soos onderhoudvoering, nie altyd die aangewese of mees suksesvolle metode van hulpverlening nie. Tydens die empiriese ondersoek is gevind dat die proefpersone gunstig gereageer het op die storievoltooiingsmedia en nuttige responsies gelewer het. Die gevolgtrekking is gemaak dat storievoltooing as tegniek, moontlik 'n rol te speel het naas die meer bekende projeksiemedia soos die TAT en die OAP as hulpmiddel by diagnose van probleme by vroee adolessente. / This reseach evolved from the need to increase the efficiency of therapy with early adolescents. The objective was to establish whether story completion as projective technique elicits useful responses. Two existing story completion media, the Duss Fables and the Madeleine Thomas Test, were applied in addition to other projection media and the responses were evaluated. The characteristics of the early adolescent were studied as found in the literature. Research indicates that the early adolescent is at risk for various ontological and psychological problems. Because of the characteristics of clients in this specific developmental stage, accepted techniques in therapy, for example the interview, are not entirely successful when counseling early adolescents. It was found that testees responded positively to the story completion media and produced useful responses. The conclusion was that story completion may have a role to play as an instrument in diagnosing the problems of early adolescents. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Pre-schoolers' agency through learning for well-being in inner-city early childhood centres : the role of the practitioners

Vlok, Milandre 01 1900 (has links)
This study explored the diverse ways in which practitioners' roles manifest to develop pre-schoolers’ agency through learning for well-being in inner-city early childhood centres (ICECCs). Findings served as the foundation for a training programme for practitioners to develop pre-schoolers’ agency in South Africa. Various factors that have an impact on the development of pre-schoolers’ agency and ways in which preschoolers express agency were further explored through using the tool of pedagogical documentation. A conceptual framework was based on the Framework of Learning for Well-being, the Framework of Indigenous Well-being and the Reggio educational approach, which supports the notion that pre-schoolers can express themselves and influence their lifeworlds. Myself, three practitioners and nine pre-schoolers participated in the study. I made use of participatory action research (PAR) to generate qualitative data. The various data collection tools used were: Conversations with pre-schoolers; semi-structured interviews with practitioners; focus group interviews between myself and the practitioners; observations of circle time discussions; practitioners' open-ended questionnaires and self-reflective notes on fake Facebook pages; notes in my selfreflective journal; and documentation of pre-schoolers' four art projects. A manual thematic analysis of the data was done and feedback obtained during final interviews. Practitioners indicated the following insights into their practice during and upon completion of the research process: Discoveries of the capabilities of pre-schoolers to express agency; the need to ask more probing and open-ended questions; the importance of listening to pre-schoolers; an awareness of the diverse capabilities of preschoolers; and knowledge and understanding of the value of the tool of pedagogical documentation to make pre-schoolers' agency visible. Aspects that posed challenges were highlighted, such as lack of technology, time constraints, work load and concerns of parents over the academic performance of their children. Upon conclusion of the study the following recommendations were made: a new theme in the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS); a module in Foundation Phase education on children's agency; a one-day workshop for practitioners to develop pre-schoolers' / Psychology of Education / Ph.D. (Psychology)

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