Spelling suggestions: "subject:"educational assessment."" "subject:"cducational assessment.""
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A Case Study of the Libraries In the Vanguard Learning CollegesSwaine, Linda G 01 January 2004 (has links)
This study was conducted to determine the characteristics of a learning-centered library from the perspective of the libraries in the 12 Vanguard Learning Colleges which were participants in the Learning College Project sponsored by the League for Innovation in the Community College. The 12 Vanguard Learning Colleges were: Cascadia Community College (WA), Community College of Baltimore County (MD), Community College of Denver (CO), Humber College, (Ontario), Kirkwood Community College (IA), Lane Community College, OR), Madison Area Technical College (WI), Moraine Valley Community College (IL), Palomar College (CA), Richland College (TX), Sinclair Community College (OH), and Valencia Community College (FL). Furthermore, the researcher was interested in discovering the extent to which the learning-centered concept had been implemented in these libraries as it related to the objectives of the Learning College Project and to chronicle the journeys of the libraries to become more learning-centered. The case study methodology was selected as the most appropriate method for collecting data from the libraries. The researcher interviewed the library administrators or their designees using a semi-structured telephone interview format. The interview questions were open-ended in nature and were developed based on the objectives of the Learning College Project under the guidance of a panel of experts from the fields of information studies and qualitative research. An analysis of the data derived from the telephone interviews and archival documents was analyzed using qualitative analysis strategies. The researcher sought to identify recurring patterns. Findings indicated that a learning-centered library: (a) supports the teaching and learning processes of the college, (b) empowers library staff to be facilitators of learning, (c) conducts strategic planning and assessment, (d) markets its services and resources to its learning community, (e) has facilities that are welcoming and conducive to the learning needs of its users, and (f) uses benchmarking with peer libraries and other organizations to improve its resources and services. When the library administrators or their designees rated the level of learningcenteredness attained by their libraries on a scale of one to ten with one being lowest and ten being highest, the most frequently reported level was 7 and the mean was 6.75. Findings on the implementation of the objectives of the Learning College Project suggested that while the libraries had made tremendous strides in this endeavor, their journeys were not yet completed.
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Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Misconceptions About Educational Psychology Among Pre-Service TeachersMcAfee, Morgan 01 January 2018 (has links)
Misconceptions are widespread or commonly held beliefs explicitly contradicted by empirical evidence. When teachers harbor misconceptions or unjustified beliefs about teaching, learning, and human motivation, the potential pedagogical consequences are profound, and these inaccurate beliefs may be instilled into future students through ineffective teaching strategies and gross misinterpretations of learning science. While existing research has examined misconceptions about general psychology and neuroscience among various populations, no prior work has evaluated pre-service teachers' misconceptions about topics of educational psychology, comprising inaccurate beliefs about teaching, learning, and human motivation. The purpose of this research is to describe the development and validation of a scale to measure misconceptions about educational psychology among pre-service teachers. Employing an experimental 2 (scale: true/false, six-point Likert-type) x 2 (valence: positive, mixed) x 2 (order: true/false presented first, Likert-type presented first) factorial, repeated measures design, a randomized experiment was performed to systematically evaluate the conditions under which the proposed scale for misconceptions of educational psychology performed best. As expected, the Likert-type scale was more sensitive to detecting misconceptions relative to the true/false scale. However, contrary to extant research on the valence effect, mixed-valence scales outperformed the positively-valenced scales across conditions indicating that misconceptions are best measured with a Likert-type response format using a heterogeneous mix of positively- and negatively-valenced items rather than a homogeneous set of positively-valenced items. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.
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Middle Grades Science in Florida: A Comparison of Student Achievement in Comprehensive and Subject-specific Science Courses 2013-2017Moore, Kenneth 01 January 2018 (has links)
As with U.S. student achievement on national and international science assessments, Florida's 8th grade student achievement on the 2013–2017 8th grade Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) 2.0 Science/Statewide Science Assessment (SSA) was stagnant. To break this stagnation, many Florida school districts have changed middle grades science course offerings from traditional, subject-specific, discipline-based, layered, or field-specific science courses to comprehensive, integrated, spiraled, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, thematic, or general science courses. There was a lack of research showing if either type of science course improved student achievement on standardized science assessments. Controlling for school district student population, low socio-economic status (SES) student percentage, and English learner (EL) percentage, this study compared the 2013–2017 8th grade FCAT 2.0 Science/SSA school district mean scale scores of two groups of school districts: those that offered comprehensive science courses and those that offered subject-specific science courses. Scores for three student groups were analyzed: all students, low SES students, and ELs. No statistically significant differences were found in school district mean scale scores or pass rates between the two school district groups. The comprehensive group mean scale scores were numerically higher, while the subject-specific group mean pass rates were numerically higher. The subject-specific group had statistically significantly higher raw scores for life science and physical science. The comprehensive group had wider dispersions of mean scale scores and pass rates, suggesting inconsistencies in implementation of comprehensive science courses. The primary implication of this study is that educational leaders should not expect to improve student science achievement simply by changing the type of science course offering. Changes should be made with consideration to student needs, school district demographics, teacher professional development and support, course structure and coherence with standards, and the need for flexibility in teacher assignments.
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The Mathematics Achievement Gap in Virtual EducationGlover, Sara 01 May 2019 (has links)
This phenomenological study examined the lived experiences of online Algebra I teachers as they relate to the instruction of minority students. There is an academic achievement gap that exists between minority students and their non-minority peers in United States public education (Sousa & Armor, 2016). Although national educational policy has sought to narrow the academic achievement gap, it is persistent and must be addressed because public education affects the future of our nation (Fullan & Quinn, 2016). Virtual education is a growing platform for learning, with nearly 300,000 students enrolled across the United States. Achievement data demonstrates the existence of an academic achievement gap in this learning environment as well (Miron, Shank, & Davidson, 2018). Yet, there is not a great deal of high-quality research surrounding aspects of virtual education (Molnar et al., 2017). A phenomenological research method was used to examine the lived experiences of Algebra I teachers in a virtual learning environment. Interviews were conducted with five participants (N = 5). Data analysis resulted in eight overarching themes and twenty-seven tertiary themes. The major themes include: (a) teachers believe that student characteristics are a primary determinant of their success in virtual education; (b) teachers believe they have a strong impact upon student success in a virtual learning environment; (c) teachers believe Algebra I is a challenging content area for student achievement; (d) teachers believe family involvement impacts student learning in virtual education; (e) teachers believe frequent and consistent communication is vital in virtual education; (f) teachers believe there are challenges communicating with English language learners; (g) teachers believe strategies can be implemented to support student success in an online learning environment; and (h) teachers believe virtual education is a unique learning environment. This study concludes with an examination of each finding and provides implications for virtual education teachers and policy, and recommendations for future research.
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Design-Based Research Toward a Professional Development ProgramMiehl, Karl 01 January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation in practice was twofold; The first purpose was to design a Professional Development (PD) program for a specialized group of civilian employees working in a large military organization, and the second purpose was to evaluate and refine that PD program using mixed-methods empirical research. The study focused on a group of approximately 100 Instructional System Specialists and Research Psychologists. These employees are highly educated, with the majority holding advanced degrees in their respective fields, yet they lacked a clear path to career development within their organization. Following the tenets of design-based research, a PD program was developed for these employees based on design principles drawn from a review of extant literature. The program artifacts included a set of assessment rubrics to assess the employees' knowledge and skills, a curriculum design plan to inform curriculum development efforts, and a policy manual to guide program implementation. Once these artifacts were drafted, they were refined through several cycles of formative evaluation. Throughout each phase of the research, quantitative and qualitative data showed strong, positive stakeholder support for the program. Qualitative findings contributed substantially to formative evaluation and revision of the program, although quantitative data did not show a statistically significant improvement from initial draft to final revision. These findings are interpreted to indicate that the program was well-design, even at initial draft, and there was little need for measurable improvement. The methods described in this study resulted in a sound, research-based PD program, and these design-based research methods can be generalized to be used in similar situations. As such, this study adds to our body of knowledge in the areas of curriculum and instructional design, and it serves as an applied example of design-based research in an authentic setting.
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Exploring the Cultural Identity and School Efficacy of Students Through the Lens of Digital StorytellingMack, Rachael 01 January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Digital storytelling is a modern storytelling method that uses videos, images, and audio to share knowledge, wisdom, values, and personal stories from the point of view of the creator in a 2-8-minute first person narrative. This study explored the cultural identity and school efficacy of students through the lens of digital storytelling. This mixed-methods study consisted of both qualitative and quantitative measures. A survey was conducted using the In-Group Identification Scale, the Multidimensional Inventory of Black Identity, and the School Efficacy Scale as the quantitative measures, and qualitative data was generated from the transcription and analysis of the digital storytelling films created by the participants. The Levy-Hughes Boys & Girls Club of Central Florida, is an afterschool program for students residing in the heart of one of the most economically disadvantaged neighborhoods in Orlando, Florida, and was selected as the sample (N=11) for this study due to its majority minority student body population. There were two overarching research questions that this study aimed to answer: (RQ1): How do students identify their school efficacy compared to dominant perspectives based on their cultural identity as expressed through the lens of digital storytelling? (RQ2): What is the relationship between students' cultural identity and their school efficacy? The study's findings indicate that Digital Storytelling is a promising intervention in exploring the cultural identity and school efficacy of students, presenting counter-narratives to dominant perspectives, promoting culturally responsive teaching, and that satisfaction with one's In-Group membership has the strongest correlation to students believing they are capable of succeeding.
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An Examination of the Algebra 1 Achievement of Black and Hispanic Student Participants in a Large Urban School District's Mathematics Intervention ProgramBronson, Elethia 01 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The mathematics achievement gap between Black and White as well as Hispanic and White students has been well documented nationwide and in the school district of study. Much has been written in observance of the achievement gap, yet markedly less research has focused on practices and interventions that have improved mathematics performance for Black and Hispanic students. Consequently, this study examined the Algebra 1 achievement (indicated by student scale scores on the Florida Standards Assessments Algebra 1 End-of-Course exam) of Black and Hispanic students participating in a mathematics intervention program as compared to the Algebra 1 achievement of their similar non-participating peers in one large urban school district. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistical analysis via the one-way ANOVA and the independent samples t-test were utilized. Further quantitative analysis was conducted focusing on the mean scale score differences among intervention program participants in varying course structures, summer days attended, and school socioeconomic status. The study found that Black and Hispanic 7th grade program participants significantly outperformed their similar non-participating 7th grade peers and non-participating Black and Hispanic 9th grade students. No statistically significant differences were found among program participants who attended the summer preview camp for different numbers of days. Black and Hispanic intervention program participants enrolled in a double-block Algebra 1 course numerically outscored their single-period program peers overall and when disaggregated by race/ethnicity and prior year achievement level. The findings indicate the intervention program has the potential to improve Algebra 1 achievement and increase access to advanced-level mathematics for Black and Hispanic students. This study contributes to the scant literature on successful mathematics intervention programs targeting Black and Hispanic students. Studying the implementation of the program in schools demonstrating success could provide insight, enabling other schools to replicate an environment where Black and Hispanic secondary mathematics learners thrive.
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Divided Timed and Continuous Timed Assessment Protocols and Academic PerformancePerucca, David 01 January 2011 (has links)
Children from a low socioeconomic status (SES) are exposed to numerous stress factors that are negatively associated with sustained attention and academic performance. This association suggests that the timed component of lengthy assessments may be unfair for students from such backgrounds, as they may have an inability to sustain attention during lengthy tests. Research has also found academic disparities between gender. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to investigate the relationship between continuous and divided timed tests in terms of student test scores, with additional assessments incorporating gender. Two charter schools from a suburban Idaho school district were the sources of the convenience sample. Fifth grade students were tested in groups of approximately 30. The research questions for the study concerned the relationship between continuous and divided assessment protocols and Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) test scores for low- versus non-low-SES students and among gender. The hypothesis was that there would be a statistically significant difference in TAKS scores between continuous and divided assessments. An ANOVA was used to determine whether a statistical relationship existed between test scores and test protocol by gender. ANOVA results indicated no significant differences in math test scores between test protocols and among gender, suggesting that increased collaborative efforts between families and schools may mitigate factors associated with attentional and academic deficits among students from low-SES environments. The results of this study may be helpful for communities as they develop curricula that may close the academic gap among students of all SES backgrounds.
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Inquiry-based laboratory investigations and student performance on standardized tests in biological sciencePatke, Usha 01 January 2011 (has links)
Achievement data from the 3rd International Mathematics and Sciences Study and Program for International Student Assessment in science have indicated that Black students from economically disadvantaged families underachieve at alarming rates in comparison to White and economically advantaged peer groups. The study site was a predominately Black, urban school district experiencing underachievement. The purpose of this correlational study was to examine the relationship between students' use of inquiry-based laboratory investigations and their performance on the Biology End of Course Test, as well as to examine the relationship while partialling out the effects of student gender. Constructivist theory formed the theoretical foundation of the study. Students' perceived levels of experience with inquiry-based laboratory investigations were measured using the Laboratory Program Variable Inventory (LPVI) survey. LPVI scores of 256 students were correlated with test scores and were examined by student gender. The Pearson correlation coefficient revealed a small direct correlation between students' experience in inquiry-based laboratory investigation classes and standardized test scores on the Biology EOCT. A partial correlational analysis indicated that the correlation remained after controlling for gender. This study may prompt a change from teacher-centered to student-centered pedagogy at the local site in order to increase academic achievement for all students. The results of this study may also influence administrators and policy makers to initiate local, state, or nationwide curricular development. A change in curriculum may promote social change as students become more competent, and more able, to succeed in life beyond secondary school.
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Online Formative Assessments as Predictors of Student Academic SuccessCroteau, Jacqueline L. 01 January 2011 (has links)
Increasingly, educational reform efforts are turning towards data-driven decision making strategies to help teachers improve instruction through skills-based instruction/content that is both measurable and aligned to common rigorous standards, such as the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Examining the impact of a formative online assessment system on a summative measurement of student achievement may provide evidence that data-driven instructional platforms can impact student achievement and learning outcomes. Guided by the theoretical frameworks of Vygotsky and Dewey, along with the concepts of multiple intelligence, constructivism, and mastery learning, this study examined the relationship between student scores from an online formative assessment administered quarterly and an end-of-year summative evaluation. A stepwise multiple regression analyzed the predictive power of the iReady formative assessment program towards archived SAT-10 reading and mathematics data among Grades 1-4 students, before and after the iReady program was implemented (N = 339). The results showed a significant relationship between the iReady program and SAT-10, explaining 11.6% of the variance in SAT-10 scores. The study's intended audience is educators, school districts, and policy makers who are using the achievement data produced by formative assessments to improve results on measures of academic achievement, leading to positive social change.
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