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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of School Governing Bodies in the transformation of education in South Africa

Maraj, Kripanath 06 September 2012 (has links)
D.Ed. / The key concepts in this research are "governance " and "transformation". The terms are clarified in terms of the context of this study. Transformation can be seen as a democratising process, a process that involves change for the better and encompasses the following factors: transformation is proactive transformation is coherent and organised transformation is visioned with clear forms transformation has the in-built capacity to address problems transformation builds upon strengths leading to more effective and efficient public delivery This can be applied to the school situation which has been discussed in detail in this chapter. Governance refers to the act or manner of governing namely the act or manner to rule or control with authority. In the school situation, the School Governing Body has been accorded this responsibility by virtue of legislation as enshrined in the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996. School Governing Bodies have been charged with the execution of an array of strategic functions which include: adopting a constitution, formulating a mission statement, formulating religious policies, admission policies, language policies, funding policies, recommending employment of educators and non educators. The development of school governance in South Africa cannot be seen in isolation from the broad policies of the government of the time. The present state of school governance can best be described as a system of decentralisation that has been implemented through a policy of geographical deconcentration. Previous systems of school governance such as the School Management Committees, the PTA's, the PTSA's, had limited or no legislated power and served mainly as fund raising structures for the school. In 1990, State controlled White schools had Model A (private school status), Model B (controlled learner admission —State school), Model C (State Aided school) and Model D (White State schools with Black enrolment). This has changed with the coming in of a democratically elected government in 1994 where School Governing Bodies that have statutory rights manage school governance. These School Governing Bodies represent the aspirations of the parents and the devolution of power to the lowest level, namely the school.

Die rol van die adjunk-prinsipaal in die verhoging van onderrigeffektiwiteit aan 'n tegniese kollege

Neethling, Siebert Ernst Jacob 25 March 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Education Management) / Lecturers at Technical Colleges mostly come from the industrial sector and consequently they seldom have experience in teaching or the necessary qualifications to teach. The lecturer who has no formal teacher's training is confronted with the realities of the teaching profession and has now become part of this profession. Lecturers very seldom receive training prior to actually practising the profession. Methods have to be found to provide in-service training for lecturers at technical colleges with the view of preparing them for their task as lecturers. with this study an attempt has been made to establish a workable program to assist the deputy principal in the in-service training of lecturers at a technical college. The rapid technological development of the past few decades has caused a breath-taking expansion of knowledge and therefore the lecturer must become a lifelong student. The constant change and renewal of teaching methods, skills and techniques can only be addressed by effective in-service training. In-service training is therefore indispensable. The task of in-service training at the technical college is assigned to the deputy principal. He must first determine the type of staff required, then he has to recruit and select staff and finally see to it that new staff members are orientated. This is, however, merely the beginning of in-service training. The deputy principal must now design a well-planned programme of in-service training. He can in this case make use of a mentor and a Subject-head. The mentor must be an experienced and successful lecturer, seeing that he has to convey his knowledge and teaching experience to the beginner lecturer. The subject-head can also play an important and valuable role in the initial in-service training programme by conveying knowledge and expertise concerning teaching practice to the beginner-lecturer.

Gebruik van die Internet as faset van 'n multimodus-onderwysbenadering by Technikon Pretoria

Van der Merwe, Herman Johan 01 January 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Various technological developments have taken place in the last century, but most of them had very little or a minimal influence on higher education. It has often been speculated that technology would increase the pass mark and retention of students, but to date that has not happened. Where has technology failed? Or is it not technology that has failed, but, rather, the educational model? These questions will be addressed in this study. Riegelman, Povat, Ott and Piemme (1985:279) state that knowledge doubles every three to five years and that lecturers can no longer be mere disseminators of knowledge. Therefore, the present-day student should be guided to find knowledge him- or herself within a broad framework. This means that the educational model of higher education institutions needs to be renewed. The traditional lecturer-centered teaching approach should give way to a more student-centered learning approach. However, the problem is that there are not yet guidelines [or a model] for the use of, for example, the Internet in such a new educational approach. In this study, the focus is on the creation of a didactically justifiable model [guidelines] for the use of the Internet in a multi-mode educational approach, since the Technikon currently does not have such a model. This model and these guidelines should enable the lecturer, as the teaching-learning manager, to plan, develop, implement and evaluate a multi-mode teaching-learning programme. However, before any didactic model is, or guidelines are, developed, it is essential to determine the starting point from which the design should be done. In order to arrive at a well-founded starting point, a comprehensive literature study of local and international publications was undertaken, personal interviews were conducted and specialists locally and abroad were visited. In this manner, an illuninating overview was obtained of that which has already been done to deal with the set problem, as described in the previous paragraph. The research for the development of the model [didactic guidelines] was preceded by a three-year institutional study, in the course of which trends, needs and perceptions were debated at an institutional forum chaired by the researcher, namely, the TLTR [Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable]. The report on this study is divided into six chapters and represent the problems identified by the TLTR, which form the foundation [core] on which the model and guidelines are based. The questions are as follows: Who are we and how do we currently execute our core task? [How do we teach?] Who are our clients and what are their needs? [How do they learn and how do they wish to be served?] How could we use technology to facilitate our task and teach our students effectively without sacrificing quality? [What teaching-learning opportunities are there?] The theoretical study that provides the answers to the above questions is embodied in a model [guidelines] for the use of the Internet within a multi-mode educational approach. This model is then evaluated by 106 lecturers and 437 students to: Determine the lecturer's attitude to the proposed model, determine the lecturer's perception of the differences between on-line and contact instruction management, and determine whether there are any differences in the learning experience(s) of students who receive instruction by means of an Internet-supported programme and students who receive contact instruction. Lastly, attention is given to a number of related findings and recommendations that flow forth from the study. These aspects also lead to recommendations on future research in this field. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

Die gebruik van die internet as faset van 'n multimodus onderwysbenadering by Technikon Pretoria

Van der Merwe, Herman Johan January 2001 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Verskeie tegnologiese ontwikkelings het die afgelope eeu plaasgevind, maar die meeste daarvan het weinig of 'n minimale invloed op hoer onderwys gehad. Daar is baie gespekuleer dat die tegnologie die slaagsyfer en die retensie van studente sal verhoog, maar tot nou toe was dit nie die geval nie. Waar het die tegnologie gefaal, of het die tegnologie nie gefaal nie, maar die onderwysmodel? Hierdie is van die vrae waarop in hierdie studie gefokus word. Riegelman, Povat, Ott en Piemme (1985:279) stel dit dat kennis elke 3 - 5 jaar verdubbel en dat die tyd verby is dat dosente slegs uitdelers van kennis kan wees. Die hedendaagse student behoort daarom begelei te word om self kennis binne 'n bree raamwerk te vind, en dit kom daarop neer dat die onderwysmodel van hoeronderwysinstellings om vernuwing vra. Die tradisionele dosentgesentreerde onderrigbenadering moet plek maak vir 'n meer studentgesentreerde leerbenadering. Die probleem is egter dat daar tans nog geen riglyne [of model] bestaan vir die gebruik van byvoorbeeld die internet binne so 'n nuwe onderwysbenadering nie. Hierdie studie is daarop gefokus om 'n didakties-verantwoordbare model [riglyne], vir die gebruik van die internet binne 'n multimodus-onderwysbenadering daar te stel, aangesien daar tans nie so 'n model by die Technikon is nie. Hierdie model en riglyne behoort die dosent as onderrig-leerbestuurder in staat te stel om 'n multimodus onderrig-leerprogram te beplan, te ontwikkel, te implementeer en te evalueer. Voordat enige didaktiese model of riglyne egter ontwikkel kan word, is dit noodsaaklik dat vasgestel word vanuit watter vertrekpunt die ontwerp gedoen moet word. Ten einde tot 'n gefundeerde vertrekpunt te kom, is 'n omvangryke literatuurstudie van plaaslike en oorsese publikasies en persoonlike onderhoude en besoeke aan kundiges plaaslik en internasionaal onderneem. Sodoende is 'n insiggewende oorsig verkry van wat reeds gedoen is om die probleem, wat in die vorige paragraaf beskryf is, te hanteer. Die navorsing vir die ontwikkeling van die model [didaktiese riglyne] is deur 'n driejaarlange institusionele ondersoek voorafgegaan, waartydens tendense, behoeftes en persepsies op 'n institusionele forum onder voorsitterskap van die navorser, naamlik die TLTR [Teachning, Learning and Technology Roundtable] gedebatteer is. Die verslag van hierdie ondersoek word in ses hoofstukke verdeel en verteenwoordig die probleme wat deur die TLTR ge"identifiseer is en wat die fondament [kern] vorm waarop die model en riglyne gebaseer is. Die vrae is soos volg: • Wie is die Technikon Pretoria en hoe word daar tans aan die Technikon onderrig? • Wie is die Technikon se klient(e) en wat is hulle behoeftes? [Hoe leer hulle en hoe wil hulle bedien word?] • Hoe kan die akademici van die Technikon, die tegnologie gebruik om hulle taak te vergemaklik en die studente effektief te onderrig sonder om kwaliteit in te boet? [Watter onderrig-leergeleenthede bestaan?] Hierdie model is deur 106 dosente en 437 studente geevalueer om: • die houding van die dosent teenoor die voorgestelde model te bepaal; • die dosent se persepsie van die verskille tussen aanlyn- en kontakonderwysbestuur vas te stel; en • te bepaal of daar enige verskille in die leerervaring(s) van studente bestaan wat onderrig deur middel van 'n internetondersteunde program ontvang, en studente wat 'n kontakprogram ontvang. Laastens is aandag aan 'n aantal verbandhoudende bevindings en aanbevelings wat uit die studie voortvloei, geskenk. Hierdie aspekte het aanleiding tot aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing binne die veld gegee. / Various technological developments have taken place in the last century, but most of them had very little or a minimal influence on higher education. It has often been speculated that technology would increase the pass mark and retention of students, but to date that has not happened. Where has technology failed? Or is it not technology that has failed, but, rather, the educational model? These questions will be addressed in this study. Riegelman, Povat, Ott and Piemme (1985:279) state that knowledge doubles every three to five years and that lecturers can no longer be mere disseminators of knowledge. Therefore, the present-day student should be guided to find knowledge him- or herself within a broad framework. This means that the educational model of higher education institutions needs to be renewed. The traditional lecturer-centred teaching approach should give way to a more student centred learning approach. However, the problem is that there are not yet guidelines [or a model] for the use of, for example, the Internet in such a new educational approach. In this study, the focus is on the creation of a didactically justifiable model [guidelines] for the use of the Internet in a multi-mode educational approach, since the Technikon currently does not have such a model. This model and these guidelines should enable the lecturer, as the teaching-learning manager, to plan, develop, implement and evaluate a multi-mode teaching-learning programme. However, before any didactic model is, or guidelines are, developed, it is essential to determine the starting point from which the design should be done. In order to arrive at a well-founded starting point, a comprehensive literature study of local and international publications was undertaken, personal interviews were conducted and specialists locally and abroad were visited. In this manner, an illuminating overview was obtained of that which has already been done to deal with the set problem, as described in the previous paragraph. The research for the development of the model (didactic guidelines) was preceded by a three-year institutional study, in the course of which trends, needs and perceptions were debated at an institutional forum chaired by the researcher, namely, the TLTR [Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable). The report on this study is divided into six chapters and represent the problems identified by the TLTR, which form the foundation [core] on which the model and guidelines are based. The questions are as follows: • Who are we and how do we currently execute our core task? [How do we teach?] • Who are our clients and what are their needs? [How do they learn and how do they wish to be served?] • How could we use technology to facilitate our task and teach our students effectively without sacrificing quality? [What teaching-learning opportunities are there?] The theoretical study that provides the answers to the above questions is embodied in a model [guidelines] for the use of the Internet within a multi-mode educational approach. This model is then evaluated by 106 lecturers and 437 students to: • Determine the lecturer's attitude to the proposed model, • determine the lecturer's perception of the differences between on-line and contact instruction management, and • determine whether there are any differences in the learning experience(s) of students who receive instruction by means of an Internet-supported programme and students who receive contact instruction. Lastly, attention is given to a number of related findings and recommendations that flow forth from the study. These aspects also lead to recommendations on future research in this field. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

An investigation into the use of Visual Technology for the Autonomous Learning of mathematics (VITALmaths) video clips through the medium of cell phones in the teaching of mathematics in selected South African Grade 9 classes: a case study

Hyde, Janet Catherine January 2012 (has links)
This qualitative study examines the use of Visual Technology for the Autonomous Learning of mathematics (VITALmaths) video clips in three Grade 9 classrooms in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, two of which are in well-resourced ex-Model C schools and one in a semi-rural township school. The rapid development of mobile technology, especially in Africa, has opened up previously unexplored avenues in economy, communication and education (Aker & Mbiti, 2010), with a number of mobile learning initiatives being launched in South Africa (Botha & Ford, 2007; Vosloo & Botha, 2009). The VITALmaths project was developed collaboratively between the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland and Rhodes University in South Africa (Linneweber-Lammerskitten, Schäfer and Samson, 2010). As the main platform for dissemination of the video clips is the cell phone, the study looked at the various aspects involved in the use of cell phones by learners in the classroom, as well as the incorporation of the clips into the teaching of three teachers. Consideration was given to whether or not the clips assisted the teachers in teaching, as well as whether or not they encouraged further exploration. The study was divided into six stages during which data was collected and analysed using an interpretive approach throughout. Data collection methods included semistructured interviews, questionnaires, observation, journals and reflective essays. The study revealed the participating teachers, having incorporated the clips into several lessons, found that these had a meaningful effect on their teaching practice, as well as on the engagement of the learners in the lessons. The majority of the learners involved in the study had access to cell phones, either their own or borrowed, and were able to download the video clips onto their phones from the website (www.ru.ac.za/vitalmaths). A number of learners found that the clips helped them find examples of specific mathematical concepts outside of the classroom, thus leading to further enquiry and exploration, while several learners downloaded and viewed additional clips. Overall findings showed that the VITALmaths video clips could be incorporated into teaching with relative ease.

Gebruik van die Internet as faset van 'n multimodus-onderwysbenadering by Technikon Pretoria

Van der Merwe, Herman Johan 01 January 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Various technological developments have taken place in the last century, but most of them had very little or a minimal influence on higher education. It has often been speculated that technology would increase the pass mark and retention of students, but to date that has not happened. Where has technology failed? Or is it not technology that has failed, but, rather, the educational model? These questions will be addressed in this study. Riegelman, Povat, Ott and Piemme (1985:279) state that knowledge doubles every three to five years and that lecturers can no longer be mere disseminators of knowledge. Therefore, the present-day student should be guided to find knowledge him- or herself within a broad framework. This means that the educational model of higher education institutions needs to be renewed. The traditional lecturer-centered teaching approach should give way to a more student-centered learning approach. However, the problem is that there are not yet guidelines [or a model] for the use of, for example, the Internet in such a new educational approach. In this study, the focus is on the creation of a didactically justifiable model [guidelines] for the use of the Internet in a multi-mode educational approach, since the Technikon currently does not have such a model. This model and these guidelines should enable the lecturer, as the teaching-learning manager, to plan, develop, implement and evaluate a multi-mode teaching-learning programme. However, before any didactic model is, or guidelines are, developed, it is essential to determine the starting point from which the design should be done. In order to arrive at a well-founded starting point, a comprehensive literature study of local and international publications was undertaken, personal interviews were conducted and specialists locally and abroad were visited. In this manner, an illuninating overview was obtained of that which has already been done to deal with the set problem, as described in the previous paragraph. The research for the development of the model [didactic guidelines] was preceded by a three-year institutional study, in the course of which trends, needs and perceptions were debated at an institutional forum chaired by the researcher, namely, the TLTR [Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable]. The report on this study is divided into six chapters and represent the problems identified by the TLTR, which form the foundation [core] on which the model and guidelines are based. The questions are as follows: Who are we and how do we currently execute our core task? [How do we teach?] Who are our clients and what are their needs? [How do they learn and how do they wish to be served?] How could we use technology to facilitate our task and teach our students effectively without sacrificing quality? [What teaching-learning opportunities are there?] The theoretical study that provides the answers to the above questions is embodied in a model [guidelines] for the use of the Internet within a multi-mode educational approach. This model is then evaluated by 106 lecturers and 437 students to: Determine the lecturer's attitude to the proposed model, determine the lecturer's perception of the differences between on-line and contact instruction management, and determine whether there are any differences in the learning experience(s) of students who receive instruction by means of an Internet-supported programme and students who receive contact instruction. Lastly, attention is given to a number of related findings and recommendations that flow forth from the study. These aspects also lead to recommendations on future research in this field. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

Die gebruik van die internet as faset van 'n multimodus onderwysbenadering by Technikon Pretoria

Van der Merwe, Herman Johan January 2001 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Verskeie tegnologiese ontwikkelings het die afgelope eeu plaasgevind, maar die meeste daarvan het weinig of 'n minimale invloed op hoer onderwys gehad. Daar is baie gespekuleer dat die tegnologie die slaagsyfer en die retensie van studente sal verhoog, maar tot nou toe was dit nie die geval nie. Waar het die tegnologie gefaal, of het die tegnologie nie gefaal nie, maar die onderwysmodel? Hierdie is van die vrae waarop in hierdie studie gefokus word. Riegelman, Povat, Ott en Piemme (1985:279) stel dit dat kennis elke 3 - 5 jaar verdubbel en dat die tyd verby is dat dosente slegs uitdelers van kennis kan wees. Die hedendaagse student behoort daarom begelei te word om self kennis binne 'n bree raamwerk te vind, en dit kom daarop neer dat die onderwysmodel van hoeronderwysinstellings om vernuwing vra. Die tradisionele dosentgesentreerde onderrigbenadering moet plek maak vir 'n meer studentgesentreerde leerbenadering. Die probleem is egter dat daar tans nog geen riglyne [of model] bestaan vir die gebruik van byvoorbeeld die internet binne so 'n nuwe onderwysbenadering nie. Hierdie studie is daarop gefokus om 'n didakties-verantwoordbare model [riglyne], vir die gebruik van die internet binne 'n multimodus-onderwysbenadering daar te stel, aangesien daar tans nie so 'n model by die Technikon is nie. Hierdie model en riglyne behoort die dosent as onderrig-leerbestuurder in staat te stel om 'n multimodus onderrig-leerprogram te beplan, te ontwikkel, te implementeer en te evalueer. Voordat enige didaktiese model of riglyne egter ontwikkel kan word, is dit noodsaaklik dat vasgestel word vanuit watter vertrekpunt die ontwerp gedoen moet word. Ten einde tot 'n gefundeerde vertrekpunt te kom, is 'n omvangryke literatuurstudie van plaaslike en oorsese publikasies en persoonlike onderhoude en besoeke aan kundiges plaaslik en internasionaal onderneem. Sodoende is 'n insiggewende oorsig verkry van wat reeds gedoen is om die probleem, wat in die vorige paragraaf beskryf is, te hanteer. Die navorsing vir die ontwikkeling van die model [didaktiese riglyne] is deur 'n driejaarlange institusionele ondersoek voorafgegaan, waartydens tendense, behoeftes en persepsies op 'n institusionele forum onder voorsitterskap van die navorser, naamlik die TLTR [Teachning, Learning and Technology Roundtable] gedebatteer is. Die verslag van hierdie ondersoek word in ses hoofstukke verdeel en verteenwoordig die probleme wat deur die TLTR ge"identifiseer is en wat die fondament [kern] vorm waarop die model en riglyne gebaseer is. Die vrae is soos volg: • Wie is die Technikon Pretoria en hoe word daar tans aan die Technikon onderrig? • Wie is die Technikon se klient(e) en wat is hulle behoeftes? [Hoe leer hulle en hoe wil hulle bedien word?] • Hoe kan die akademici van die Technikon, die tegnologie gebruik om hulle taak te vergemaklik en die studente effektief te onderrig sonder om kwaliteit in te boet? [Watter onderrig-leergeleenthede bestaan?] Hierdie model is deur 106 dosente en 437 studente geevalueer om: • die houding van die dosent teenoor die voorgestelde model te bepaal; • die dosent se persepsie van die verskille tussen aanlyn- en kontakonderwysbestuur vas te stel; en • te bepaal of daar enige verskille in die leerervaring(s) van studente bestaan wat onderrig deur middel van 'n internetondersteunde program ontvang, en studente wat 'n kontakprogram ontvang. Laastens is aandag aan 'n aantal verbandhoudende bevindings en aanbevelings wat uit die studie voortvloei, geskenk. Hierdie aspekte het aanleiding tot aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing binne die veld gegee. / Various technological developments have taken place in the last century, but most of them had very little or a minimal influence on higher education. It has often been speculated that technology would increase the pass mark and retention of students, but to date that has not happened. Where has technology failed? Or is it not technology that has failed, but, rather, the educational model? These questions will be addressed in this study. Riegelman, Povat, Ott and Piemme (1985:279) state that knowledge doubles every three to five years and that lecturers can no longer be mere disseminators of knowledge. Therefore, the present-day student should be guided to find knowledge him- or herself within a broad framework. This means that the educational model of higher education institutions needs to be renewed. The traditional lecturer-centred teaching approach should give way to a more student centred learning approach. However, the problem is that there are not yet guidelines [or a model] for the use of, for example, the Internet in such a new educational approach. In this study, the focus is on the creation of a didactically justifiable model [guidelines] for the use of the Internet in a multi-mode educational approach, since the Technikon currently does not have such a model. This model and these guidelines should enable the lecturer, as the teaching-learning manager, to plan, develop, implement and evaluate a multi-mode teaching-learning programme. However, before any didactic model is, or guidelines are, developed, it is essential to determine the starting point from which the design should be done. In order to arrive at a well-founded starting point, a comprehensive literature study of local and international publications was undertaken, personal interviews were conducted and specialists locally and abroad were visited. In this manner, an illuminating overview was obtained of that which has already been done to deal with the set problem, as described in the previous paragraph. The research for the development of the model (didactic guidelines) was preceded by a three-year institutional study, in the course of which trends, needs and perceptions were debated at an institutional forum chaired by the researcher, namely, the TLTR [Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable). The report on this study is divided into six chapters and represent the problems identified by the TLTR, which form the foundation [core] on which the model and guidelines are based. The questions are as follows: • Who are we and how do we currently execute our core task? [How do we teach?] • Who are our clients and what are their needs? [How do they learn and how do they wish to be served?] • How could we use technology to facilitate our task and teach our students effectively without sacrificing quality? [What teaching-learning opportunities are there?] The theoretical study that provides the answers to the above questions is embodied in a model [guidelines] for the use of the Internet within a multi-mode educational approach. This model is then evaluated by 106 lecturers and 437 students to: • Determine the lecturer's attitude to the proposed model, • determine the lecturer's perception of the differences between on-line and contact instruction management, and • determine whether there are any differences in the learning experience(s) of students who receive instruction by means of an Internet-supported programme and students who receive contact instruction. Lastly, attention is given to a number of related findings and recommendations that flow forth from the study. These aspects also lead to recommendations on future research in this field. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

Kriteria vir 'n skoolverbeteringsmodel

Odendaal, R. M. 25 March 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Education Philosophy) / The purpose of this study is to indicate that school renewal and improvement is necessary. The researcher aims to describe the crisis in schools in South Africa and tries to give a practical solution to this crisis, by means of a literature study. The literature study describes the crisis in South African schools, as well as the role different agents play in the improvement of school practice. Finally, ten criteria for school improvement are identified and briefly described and a visual, practical model is developed to show how these criteria can be utilized in practice. The most important findings are: • that the school principal, teachers, parents and pupils have a definite role to play in school improvement; • that a change for the better can be brought about; • for improvement to the implemented in a successful mannerthe process of change and improvement involves certain criteria, which must be adhered to. Recommendations are: • school improvement in practice is possible, when crisis in the school situation is removed; • school improvement can only take place with the active participation of the agents or roleplayers of improvement such as the school principal, teachers, parents and pupils. • the practical implementation of such a process of improvement be applied through a practical process model taking the ten criteria of improvement into serious consideration.

'n Kritiese analise van NICRO se YES-program vir jeugoortreders

Maritz, Linda 23 August 2012 (has links)
M.Ed. / The aim of this research study is to analyze the Youth Empowerment Scheme critically, within the requirements of reformative justice. The study is motivated by the fact that crime in South Africa is on the increase. Most offenders are between the ages of 16- and 20 years. An effective rehabilitation program for first time youth offenders as part of diversion is critical to prevent further crime by these offenders. The Youth Empowerment Scheme is a program currently run by the National Institute for Crime Intervention and the Reintegration of Offenders in an attempt to prevent a criminal record and further crime. The researcher compared the current retributive justice system with the proposed reformative justice system to identify the implications of these justice systems for the youth offender. The principles of the reformative justice system and the Youth Empowerment Scheme were analyzed to formulate criteria to improve the reformative potential of the program. In the achievement of the above-mentioned study goal, the researcher applied the techniques of qualitative research and specifically used the Youth Empowerment Scheme as a case study according to this paradigm. The data was gathered through a variety of techniques (questionares, literature review, observation, field notes and an interview) which enhanced the viability and reliability of the study through triangulation. The researcher attended the Youth Empowerment Scheme, which gave her the opportunity to explore and describe the program within its natural context. Further data was gained through questionares completed by the youth offenders and an interview with their parents/guardians. From the data certain themes were identified that highlighted aspects of the Youth Empowerment Scheme that should be changed to ensure a more effective rehabilitation program. These themes led to the formulation of guidelines to improve the Youth Empowerment Scheme. The formulated guidelines focus on the following aspects: The facilitators of the program. The social context and potential of the youth offenders. The content of the program. The group size of the program. The duration of the program. Participation of the parents/guardians. Principles of reformative justice. Protection of the youth offender, by law. The limitations of the study and the role of the Educational Psychologist were discussed. The researcher also proposes that this study presents a lot of other research opportunities.

Secondary school science pupils' rankings of science and technology related global problems : a comparison of the responses of rural-Northern Sotho, urban-Xhosa and urban-English speaking pupils in South Africa to meeting basic needs in the context of the 1994 Government White Paper on Reconstruction and Development

Le Grange, Lesley Lionel Leonard January 1995 (has links)
Bibliography: pages 66-71. / In 1984 Bybee used 262 science educators from 41 countries to develop an instrument for measuring their ranked priorities of science and technology related global problems. In 1995 the original Bybee scale was updated and clarified, and a new 15-item version, the Le Grange Global Priorities Instrument (LGPI) was piloted, refined and administered in fifteen schools to 946 secondary school pupils speaking three different home languages in two provinces in South Africa. The study is an enlargement of the work of Bybee and Mau (1986); Bybee and 'Najafi (1986); Ndodana, Rochford and Fraser (1994); and Le Grange, Rochford and Sass (1995), and is carried out in the context of the new key programme of Meeting Basic Needs presented in Section 1.4.1 of the Government White Paper on the Reconstruction and Development Programme for the New South Africa which states:- The basic needs of people extend from job creation, land and agrarian reform to housing, water and sanitation, energy supplies, transport, nutrition, health care, the environment, social welfare and security (Government Gazette No. 16085, 23 November 1994:9). The 946 pupils surveyed in this study in 1995 comprised 414 rural-Northern Sotho pupils (sample 1) from the Northern Province; 189 urban-Xhosa speaking pupils (sample 2) and 343 urban-English speaking pupils (sample 3) from the Western Cape.

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