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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of the potential relocation of Texas-Mexican migratory farm workers to Wisconsin

Erenburg, Mark. January 1969 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1969. / Typescript. Vita. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references.

Las semiosferas de la cultura norteña mexicana según Luis Humberto Crosthwaite y Carlos Adolfo Gutiérrez Vidal

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: La frontera entre México y Estados Unidos es un territorio que se ha conceptualizado y construido por el centralismo mexicano y por el discurso chicano dominante: el de Borderlands. Estos dos focos equidistantes establecen sus perspectivas a partir del contacto que la región fronteriza tiene con los Estados Unidos en términos de intercambios económicos y culturales. La tradición de definir la zona fronteriza se inicia a partir de 1848 con el Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo. Más tarde, dicha región estaría en indiferencia por su distancia geográfica con el centro mexicano, excepto durante la Revolución mexicana. Sin embargo, la región fronteriza empieza a recibir gran atención hacia finales del Siglo XX, cuando nuevas formas de intercambio económico entre México y Estados Unidos se empiezan a desarrollar. La frontera, entonces experimenta un crecimiento económico que se refleja, a su vez, en el resurgimiento y crecimiento de la cultura fronteriza. El antropólogo cultural, Nestor García Canclini intentó definir la cultura fronteriza al analizar el uso del idioma inglés en Tijuana. En sus estudios, tanto Tijuana: la casa de toda la gente (1989) como Culturas híbridas: Cómo entrar y salir de la modernidad (1992), García Canclini sostiene que la frontera es un espacio de hibridación cultural. Por otro lado, las teorías dominantes dentro del campo chicano definen la frontera en términos metafísicos. Para Gloria Anzaldúa, el espacio fronterizo es el Borderlands: un área geográfica en donde los paradigmas de la psicología del individuo están en constante conflicto. Considerando estos antecedentes como punto de partida, esta investigación se enfoca en el estudio de la cultura fronteriza como múltiples universos de signos que entran en contacto unos con otros. Tal como lo establece Iury Lotman en su estudio teórico La semiosfera (1996), una semiosfera es un espacio delimitado por una frontera que, a su vez, tiene la función de traducir información de otras semiosferas. De manera que dicho concepto se muestra adecuado para analizar El gran preténder (1992) de Luis Humberto Crosthwaite y Berlín 77 (y otros relatos) (2003) de Carlos Adolfo Gutiérrez Vidal. En última instancia, al establecer los espacios fronterizos como universos culturales (semiosferas) se devela el nivel de contacto entre éstas, especialmente entre las semiosferas mexicana/americana y la fronteriza. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Spanish 2011

Gaming and English language development : En kvalitativ studie om samband mellan användande av MMO-spel och engelsk språkutveckling ur ett lärarperspektiv. / Gaming and English language development : A qualitative study on the relationship between the use of MMO games and English language development from a teacher perspective

Fritzon Sund, Viktoria January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka kopplingar mellan användande av MMO-spel och ökad engelsk språkutveckling hos elever i svensk skola ur ett lärarperspektiv. För att besvara syftesfrågorna i studien användes en kvalitativ metod. Fem lärare som undervisar eller har undervisat i engelska i årskurserna 4-6 intervjuades om sina erfarenheter. Studien har inspirerats av fenomenografi och fokuserar på lärarnas upplevelser och erfarenheter av MMO-spelande elevers språkutveckling i engelska.  Resultatet i studien visar att lärare har följande uppfattningar: elever som spelar MMO-spel har en ökad engelsk muntlig förmåga, mer tillgång till det engelska språket ett naturligt sammanhang för det engelska. Samtidigt finns det nackdelar med MMO-spelens inverkan på elevernas engelska språkutveckling. Dessa nackdelar består av negativt språkbruk, avsaknad av abstraktionsförmåga och svårigheter med att skilja på formellt och informellt språkbruk. / The aim of this study was to investigate the relation between the use of MMO games and increased English language development among pupils in Swedish schools from a teacher perspective. To answer the research questions of this study, a qualitative method was used. Five teachers who teach or have taught English to grade 4-6 pupils were interviewed about their experiences. The study has been inspired by phenomenography and is focused on how teachers experience the phenomenon of MMO playing pupils and their English language development. The result of the study show that teachers hold the following perceptions: pupils have an increased English verbal ability, more access to the English language, and that the MMO games give a natural context for the English language. At the same time, MMO games may have a negative impact on pupils English language development. These disadvantages consist of negative language, lack of abstraction ability, and difficulties in distinguishing between formal and informal English language use.

EXIOBASE 3: Developing a Time Series of Detailed Environmentally Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output Tables

Stadler, Konstantin, Wood, Richard, Bulavskaya, Tatyana, Södersten, Carl-Johan, Simas, Moana, Schmidt, Sarah, Kunen, Jeroen, Bruckner, Martin, Giljum, Stefan, Lutter, Franz Stephan, Acosta-Fernández, José, Merciai, Stefan, Schmidt, Jannick H., Theurl, Michaela C., Plutzar, Christoph, Eisenmenger, Nina, Erb, Karl-Heinz, de Koning, Arjan, Tukker, Arnold January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Environmentally extended multiregional input-output (EE MRIO) tables have emerged as a key framework to provide a comprehensive description of the global economy and analyze its effects on the environment. Of the available EE MRIO databases, EXIOBASE stands out as a database compatible with the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) with a high sectorial detail matched with multiple social and environmental satellite accounts. In this paper, we present the latest developments realized with EXIOBASE 3-a time series of EE MRIO tables ranging from 1995 to 2011 for 44 countries (28 EU member plus 16 major economies) and five rest of the world regions. EXIOBASE 3 builds upon the previous versions of EXIOBASE by using rectangular supply-use tables (SUTs) in a 163 industry by 200 products classification as the main building locks. In order to capture structural changes, economic developments, as reported by national statistical agencies, were imposed on the available, disaggregated SUTs from EXIOBASE 2. These initial estimates were further refined by incorporating detailed data on energy, agricultural production, resource extraction, and bilateral trade. EXIOBASE 3 inherits the high level of environmental stressor detail from its precursor, with further improvement in the level of detail for resource xtraction. To account for the expansion of the European Union (EU), EXIOBASE 3 was developed with the full EU28 country set (including the new member state Croatia). EXIOBASE 3 provides a unique tool for analyzing the dynamics of environmental pressures of economic activities over time.

Inloggning : Lösenordskryptering och Brute force attack

Strandberg, Emil January 2015 (has links)
This report is the result of a sub-project of a larger project to create a platform formathematical education. The sub-project focuses on authentication with associ-ated security, where security is emphasized. The project environment is Java EE 6where GlassFish 4.0 acts as the server. The project has been divided into threeparts; password encryption, Java EE authentication and brute force attack. Thepassword encryption part focuses on examining different hash functions executionspeed, the result shows that none of the examined hash algorithms is suitable fordirect use. Instead its recommended to use PBKDF2 with salt to encrypt pass-words. The Java EE section constructs a working application where users can reg-ister and login etc. This is performed as a study of the security tools available inJava EE. The result meets the requirement specification and a section on Java EEsecurity tools is presented. The brute force attack section is a theoretical study ofwhat can be done to protect against a brute force attack. The result shows thatCAPTCHAs is not recommended by OWASP and a system using cookies and aform of userblocking is purposed. The various parts are separated as far as possi-ble through the report with the exception that the result of the password encryp-tion section is applied in the Java EE application. / Denna rapport är resultatet av en deluppgift i ett större projekt att skapa en platt-form för undervisning av matematik. Uppgiften fokuserar på inloggning med till-hörande säkerhet. Projektets miljö är Java EE 6 med Glassfish 4.0 som server.Projektet har delats upp i tre underkategorier; Lösenordskryptering, Java EE in-loggning och Brute force attacks. Lösenordskrypterings delen fokuserar på att un-dersöka olika hashfunktioners exekveringshastighet, resultatet visar att ingen avde algoritmer som undersöks lämpar sig att användas direkt. Istället rekommende-ras system som PBKDF2 med SALT för att kryptera lösenord. Java EE avsnittetkonstruerar en fungerande applikation där användare kan registrera sig och loggain med mera. Arbetet utförs som en studie av vilka säkerhetsverktyg som finnstillgängliga i Java EE. Resultatet uppfyller kravspecifikationen och ett avsnitt omJava EEs verktyg presenteras. Brute force attack-avsnittet är en teoretisk studieav vad som kan göras för att skydda sig mot Brute force attacker. Resultatet visaratt robotfilter inte är rekommenderat av OWASP och ett förslag på ett system somanvänder kakor och en form av användarblockering presenteras. De olika delarnaär separerade så långt som möjligt genom rapporten med undantaget att resultatetav lösenordskrypterings avsnittet tillämpas i Java EE applikationen.

Understanding Expressed Emotion mechanisms : an investigation of behavioural control, attributions and distress in relatives of people with psychosis

Antoniotti de Vasconcelos e Sá, Débora January 2014 (has links)
Research indicates that certain family environments can impact negatively on psychosis. Expressed Emotion (EE) in relatives is a reliable measure of the individual’s interpersonal family environment that has been shown to predict relapse. However, the factors contributing to the development of EE in this condition and the mechanisms by which EE leads to relapse are still poorly understood. Relatives’ control attributions and behaviours have been linked to EE, and controlling behaviours have been found to be predictive of relapse. This thesis investigated the role of behavioural control, controllability and self-blame attributions in high- and low-EE relatives of individuals with psychosis, and explored the impact of these cognitions and behavioural responses on patient’s symptom outcomes and on relative’s distress. The first empirical study (Study 1) utilised a cross-sectional design to compare types of behavioural control attempts (direct influencing vs. buffering) in high-EE-critical/hostile and high-EE-overinvolved relatives of patients with recent-onset psychosis; and examined whether behavioural control attempts and controllability attributions differed for the high- and low-EE relatives. The links between relatives’ behavioural control and patient relapse were also explored. Results confirmed that types of behaviours (direct influencing and buffering) were associated with different sets of beliefs (about controllability) and with different types of EE (criticism and EOI). However, EE, controllability attributions, nor behavioural control predicted patient relapse. Study 2 used a cross-sectional design to explore the links between self-blame attributions and distress, and self-blame attributions and behavioural control in recent-onset relatives. Results showed that self-blame attributions predicted relatives’ controlling behaviours towards the patient. Relatives who blame themselves did so for not overseeing their family member’s mental health problems properly or for perceiving themselves generally as poor carers. However, self-blame was not predictive of distress. The final empirical study (Study 3) examined temporal associations between contact with high/low EE relatives, behavioural control, affect and symptom experiences in the daily life of patient-relative dyads experiencing psychosis, using experience sampling methodology. Findings revealed that contact with high/low-EE relatives per se did not impact on patient’s symptom experiences or affect, but behaviourally controlling interactions did, suggesting that the measure of behavioural interactions rather than the EE status of the relative may be more sensitive to momentary fluctuations in patients’ symptoms. Momentary self-reports of relatives’ behavioural responses were also linked with their negative affect. This thesis evidenced that relatives’ controllability and self-blame attributions and behavioural control are associated in significant and meaningful ways with psychosis experiences and can impact both patient and relative outcomes, shedding some light into the EE mechanisms that relate to relapse and to the development of EE responses in relatives. However, more work is needed to further understand how these mechanisms operate, particularly in high-EE-overinvolved or low-EE relatives, in order to increase our knowledge about relapse prevention. The findings highlighted that the concept of behavioural control should be considered in future clinical work with families experiencing psychosis.

Systém pro vedení bakalářských a diplomových prací / Thesis management system

Bouda, Petr January 2012 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with finding a solution of shortcomings in the information system ISIS during the processing of the theses. In the first instance the weaknesses of the present system are identified and analyzed. The found weaknesses are the basis for functional requirements of the developed system. Other chapters of the thesis are devoted to the development, monitoring and testing of the system. At the end is created the user's guide for simplification of the control the application.

Vysoce dostupný škálovatelný CMS v prostředí Java EE / Highly Available Scalable CMS in the Java EE Environment

Šramko, Samuel January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the background of the design of a highly available, scalable and modular content management system based on the Java EE platform and the OSGi framework and with the implementation of the designed system. It describes the design and implementation of the application decomposition to modules, their communication and bindings. Finally, it presents the results of the application testing and proposes available extensions of the application.

Long-Lived Particles at the FCC-ee

Sengupta, Rohini January 2021 (has links)
The presented project explores the current theoretical and experimental tools available within the study group for the Future Circular Collider (FCC) with focus on the electron-positron collider. The aim of the study is to evaluate the current frameworks used for simulation, and investigate the possibility of simulating long-lived particles, that could be dark matter candidates, through them. Pythia cards were run through the framework of Delphes and several different software packages were studied on the journey through the work. It was found that the current framework reconstructs the masses of a Z bosons and Higgs bosons accurately from the ZH signal, which is central for the analysis at the FCC-ee. When the same analysis was applied for the new physics case of a dark matter particle included in the new card for study, a ROOT file was produced indicating that the framework was able to handle the new case. When this card was run through the analysis software however, difficulties arose and a final output could not be achieved. Conclusively, it can be said that the current framework has the possibilities of handling new physics cases but further study is required to be able to run certain software packages on these cases.

Extramural English in the Swedish school : A teacher perspective on practices related to extramural English in Swedish schools in years F-3

Nygren, Sofie January 2021 (has links)
English is a globally used language and with the emergence of the digital era, it surrounds usall over the world. This had led to pupils in Sweden meeting English even outside school,which is a concept called extramural English, EE in short (Sundqvist, 2009). This thesisexamines Swedish teachers, who teach years F-3, beliefs on the concept of extramuralEnglish, as well as how they incorporate extramural English via digital resources in theirteaching. To investigate this, both a survey and three interviews with teachers who teachstudents in year F-3 are analyzed.This study shows that most of the teachers who participated are not familiar with the conceptof extramural English, but they all work with similar materials and have similar attitudestowards the concept. This thesis highlights the importance of educated teachers oncontributing factors and pedagogical conditions that extramural English provide to languageteaching, in order to maintain pupils' motivation and create a meaningful English teaching. / <p>Engelska</p>

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