Spelling suggestions: "subject:"61effective cross section"" "subject:"c.affective cross section""
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Simulação numérica do comportamento pós-fissuração de vigas de concreto armado pelo método dos elementos finitos / Numerical simulation for the post-cracking behavior of reinforced concrete beams by finite element methodRadi Neto, José 23 February 2007 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work presents a numerical method for the evaluation of internal forces and
displacements in reinforced concrete straight beams considering cracking and the influence
of longitudinal and transversal reinforcement. In order to simulate cracking behavior, the
elasticity module of the cracked element is reduced depending on the dimensions of the
finite element. The physical non-linear behavior of concrete and steel is also considered.
The finite element method was used for a rectangular element with four nodes representing
the concrete. A hinged end bar element in tension and compression was used for steel. The
numerical results obtained compared satisfactorily with the experimental ones available in
the technical literature. The results were analyzed by graphs and tables. The analysis
showed the proposed method is actually appropriate for reinforced concrete beams
simulations. / O presente trabalho apresenta um método numérico para a determinação dos esforços e
deslocamentos em vigas retas de concreto armado levando em consideração a fissuração e
a influência das armaduras longitudinais e transversais. Para simular numericamente as
fissuras, o elemento fissurado tem seu módulo de elasticidade reduzido em função das
dimensões do elemento finito. Também é considerada a não-linearidade física dos
materiais aço e concreto. Empregou-se o método dos elementos finitos com elementos
retangulares de quatro nós para o concreto e elementos do tipo barra com capacidade de
tração ou compressão para o aço. A validação do sistema computacional foi feita através
de comparações entre resultados numéricos do programa com resultados experimentais
desenvolvidos por outros pesquisadores. Os resultados são comparados entre si através das
respostas mostradas em gráficos e tabelas mostrando que o método utilizado é bastante
apropriado para a análise de vigas de concreto armado. / Mestre em Engenharia Civil
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VLIV ZMĚNY NÁHRADNÍ TLOUŠŤKY PRŮŘEZU NA CHOVÁNÍ BETONOVÝCH KONSTRUKCÍ / The effective cross-section thickness and its effect on the behavior of concrete constructionsHofírek, Radovan Unknown Date (has links)
Determination of rheological phenomenon is very difficult, because there are many unknown inputs parameters, e.g. concrete age, the size of elements, relative humidity of the surrounding environment, cement hydration rate, temperature influence, type of strain and treatment. This Ph.D. thesis deals with the effective cross-section thickness and its effect on the behaviour of concrete constructions that is how the rheological phenomena change in time as a result of the application or removal of insulation layer from the concrete surface. Long-term experimental measurements of specimens and real bridge constructions were performed. The data collected from these measurements were described, evaluated and mathematical modifications for the standards Model Code 2010 and Model B4 (B3) have been proposed. Using these new computational formulas is possible to take into consideration the changes in the effective cross-section thickness and therefore make the computational models for concrete structures more accurate.
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Návrh silničního ocelobetonového mostu v Trenčíně / Design of steel-concrete composite structure of road bridge in TrenčínDoležal, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The aim of diploma thesis was to design alternative of composite road bridge in Trenčín. The bridge beam is designed as continuous with theoretical span of 65 m + 106 m + 65 m. Permanent load, climatic load (uniform and nonuniform temperature variation, windload), shrinkage, differential settlement and traffic load were taken into consideration according to Eurocodes. Technical report, static report, drawings, bill of quantities are included. Computational model for evaluation of internal forces was carried out in SCIA Engineer software.
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Reduced stress method for steel in class 4 cross-sections : Evaluation of the reduced stress method for a railway bridge / Reducerad spänning för stål i tvärsnittsklass 4 : Utvärdering av metoden reducerad spänning för en järnvägsbroBadrous, Therese, Lund, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
The effective cross-section method, also called reduced cross-section method is generally used for steel in class 4 cross-sections in considering local buckling. This method is a bit complicated and time consuming, which often leads to engineers not using profiles in class 4 cross-sections. The reduced stress method is an alternative method for handling slender steel cross-sections. These two methods are described in the Eurocode, of which the latter is less described. The national annex states that the reduced stress method should not be used, however, without explanation to the general recommendation. This study is a comparison of the two different methods and is intended to provide a better understanding of the reduced stress method. The calculation process and design for steel profiles in class 4 cross-sections can in this way become more efficient. This is done by determining when it is most profitable to use the reduced stress method instead of the effective cross-section method. Thus, can the use of profiles in class 4 cross-sections become a more obvious choice in the industry. This study considered a simply supported I-beam in an open railway bridge exposed to bending moment where the same conditions were investigated for each method. The effective crosssection method is implemented by reducing the cross-sectional area and was calculated manually. In the reduced stress method, it is the yield stress that is reduced. The reduced stress method was analyzed both through FEM and manual calculations in this study. The result showed that the reduced stress method performed through FEM gave a similar result as the effective cross-section method, which makes it an appealing method. The reduced stress method with manual calculation, however, gave a more conservative result. These methods are relativelydifferent and recommendations for each method are presented in this report. / Idag behandlas ståltvärsnitt i tvärsnittklass 4 generellt med hjälp av metoden effektivt tvärsnitt för att beakta lokal buckling. Metoden är en aning komplicerad och tidskrävande, vilket leder till att konstruktörer överlag inte använder profiler i tvärsnittsklass 4. Reducerad spänning är en alternativ metod för hantering av slanka ståltvärsnitt. Dessa två metoder beskrivs i Eurokoden varav den sist nämnda mer kortfattat. I den nationella bilagan står det att metoden reducerad spänning ej bör användas dock utan motivering till det allmänna rådet. Studien är en jämförelse av de två olika metoderna och är ämnad till att ge en bättre förståelse av metoden reducerad spänning. Således kan beräkningsgången samt projektering för stålprofiler i tvärsnittsklass 4 effektiviseras. Detta genom att avgöra när det är mest lönsamt att använda reducerad spänning framför effektivt tvärsnitt. Följaktligen kan användning av profiler i tvärsnittsklass 4 bli ett mer självklart val i branschen. Denna studie omfattade en fritt upplagd I-balk i en öppen järnvägsbro utsatt för böjande moment där samma förutsättningar har undersökts för respektive metod. Effektivt tvärsnitt går ut på att reducera en tvärsnittsarea och har utförts via handberäkningar. I metoden reducerad spänning är det sträckgränsen som reduceras. I denna studie undersöktes reducerad spänningsmetoden via FEM samt handberäkningar. Resultatet påvisade att metoden reducerad spänning utförd via FEM gav ett liknande resultat som metoden effektivt tvärsnitt, vilket gör det till en attraktiv metod. Reducerad spänning via handberäkning gav dock ett mer konservativt resultat. Metoderna är relativt olika och rekommendationer för tillämpning av respektive metod presenteras i denna rapport.
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Promene nuklearnih spektara pod dejstvom kosmičkog zračenja / Changes of nuclear spectra under the influence of cosmic radiationBikit Kristina 13 June 2015 (has links)
<p>U ovoj disertaciji su prikazani rezultati kompleksnih istraživanja uticaja<br />kosmičkog zračenja na nuklearne spektre na nivou mora.<br />Utvrđivanje specifičnih vremenskih intervala u vremenskom spektru,<br />kojima odgovaraju tačno određene grupe događaja indukovane<br />kosmičkim mionima, omogućava adekvatno odbacivanje ometajućih<br />događaja u željenim energetskim oblastima detektovanih spektara, pri<br />antikoincidentnom režimu rada ultraniskofonskih sistema. U prvom<br />eksperimentu prikazanom u ovoj disertaciji, istraživana je mogućnost<br />vremenskog razlaganja detektovanih događaja, pomoću koincidentnog<br />sistema u čijem sklopu se nalazi HPGe detektor i plastični scintilator, u<br />površinskoj laboratoriji. Ustanovljeno je da se promptni i zakasneli<br />koincidentni događaji između plastičnog “veto” detektora i<br />germanijumskog detektora mogu jasno razdvojiti u dve grupe, za oko<br />100 ns. Dodatno, zakočno zračenje i anihilacioni događaji mogu se<br />razdvojiti u vremenu od (n,n’) događaja, iako svi ovi događaji pripadaju<br />grupi zakasnelih događaja. Takođe, registrovani su i značajno zakasneli<br />anihilacioni događaji, koji nastaju usled raspada zaustavljenih pozitivnih<br />miona.<br />Drugi eksperiment prikazan u ovoj disertaciji baziran je na ultra-niskofonskom HPGe spektrometru relativne efikasnosti 100%.<br />Dodatkom dva plastična scintilatora i brzo-sporog koincidentnog kola,<br />istraživani su koincidentni događaji između plastičnih scintilatora i<br />HPGe spektrometra. Ovaj spektrometarski sistem MIREDO <em>(Muon<br />Induced Rare Event Dynamic Observatory</em>) prvenstveno je namenjen<br />proučavanju procesa indukovanih kosmičkim mionima u različitim<br />materijalima. Analiza ovakvih interakcija može biti od značaja za ultra-niskofonske eksperimente. Rezultati dobijeni za tri ispitivana materijala,<br />pakovana u<em> Marinelli</em> sud, prezentovani su i diskutovani.<br />U trećem eksperimentu prikazanom u ovoj disertaciji ispitan je<br />potencijalni uticaj solarnih neutrina na izmerenu brzinu radioaktivnog<br />raspada, merenjem varijacija u brzini brojanja<br /><sup>3</sup>H metodom tečnog scintilacionog brojanja. Korišćenjem sofisticiranog tečnog scintilacionog spektrometra <em> Quantulus</em> ustanovljeno je da na merenje<br />visokoenergetskog dela <sup>3</sup>H spektra može značajno uticati nestabilnost<br />instrumenta. Oscilatorni karakter izmerenog visokoenergetskog dela<br /><sup>3</sup>H spektra je registrovan, ali sa veoma malom amplitudom (manjom od<br />0.5%), koja se ne može jednostavno objasniti samo nestabilnošću<br />instrumenta. Kada je meren ukupan <sup>3</sup>H spektar, nisu nađene značajne<br />varijacije u brzini brojanja.<br />Već duže vreme je poznato da je niskoenergetsko gama zračenje<br />kontinualne distribucije prisutno na otvorenom prostoru, u vazduhu na<br />površini Zemlje. U prethodnim istraživanjima pretpostavljano je da ovo<br />zračenje potiče skoro isključivo od gama fotona koji su emitovani usled<br />prirodne radioaktivnosti i potom rasejani u nazad od strane vazduha<br />iznad zemlje. U četvrtom eksperimentu prikazanom u ovoj disertaciji<br />pokazano je da je ovo zračenje (u energetskom regionu 30 keV-300<br />keV), sa maksimumom na oko 90 keV, u značajnoj meri proizvedeno<br />kosmičkim zračenjem, sa fluksom fotona od oko 3000 m<sup>-2</sup>s<sup>-1</sup>. Takođe,<br />ustanovljeno je da dozama opšte populacije doprinosi ovo sveprisutno<br />niskoenergetsko gama zračenja kosmičkog porekla, zajedno sa<br />odgovarajućim fluksom niskoenergetskih elektrona i da ove komponente<br />ukupnih doza indukovanih kosmičkim zračenjem na nivou mora nisu<br />zanemarljive.</p> / <p>In this dissertation results of complex research on cosmic-ray impact on nuclear spectra at sea level are shown. The appropriate selection of coincidence time interval in low-background experiments that are based on the rejection of anticoincidence background events is very important for reducing the influence of cosmic-ray muons on acquired spectral data. In the first experiment presented in this dissertation, performed by the coincidence system of an HPGe detector and a plastic detect or in a surface laboratory, the time resolution of the detected events is explored. It is found that the prompt and delayed coincidence events between a plastic veto detector and a Ge detector can be sharply divided for approximately 100 ns in two groups. In addition, the bremsstrahlung and annihilation events can be time-resolved from the (n,n’) events, although all of these events belong to the group of delayed events. Also, substantially delayed annihilation events, which are caused by the <br />decays of stopped positive muons, were detected.<br />The second experiment shown in this dissertation is based on the 100% relative efficiency ultra-low-background HPGe spectrometer. With the addition of two plastic scintillators and a fast-slow coincidence circuit, the coincidence events between the plastic detectors and the HPGe spectrometer have been investigated. This MIREDO (Muon Induced Rare Event Dynamic Observatory) spectrometer system is primarily <br />developed for the study of cosmic muon induced processes in different materials. Exploration of such interactions can be important for ultra-low background experiments. Results derived for three samples, placed in a Marinelli beaker, are presented and discussed.<br />In third experiment shown in this dissertation, the potential influence of solar neutrinos on measured decay rate is investigated by the liquid scintillation measurement of the count rate variations of <sup>3</sup>H. Making use of the sophisticated Quantulus liquid scintillation spectrometer, it is found that the measurement of the high-energy tail of <sup>3</sup>H spectrum may be significantly influenced by instrumental instability. The oscillatory behavior of measured high-energy tail of <sup>3</sup>H spectrum is registered, but with very small amplitude (less than 0.5%), which cannot be easily <br />explained only by instrumental instability. When the total <sup>3</sup>H spectrum was measured, no significant variations in the count rate were found. <br />For a long time, it has been known that low-energy continuous gamma radiation is present in open air at the Earth’s surface. In previous investigations it was assumed that this radiation is produced almost exclusively by gamma photons emitted due to the natural radioactivity, which are backscattered by air above ground. In the fourth experiment presented in this dissertation, it is shown that significant amount of this <br />radiation (related to energy region 30 keV-300 keV) that peaks at about 90 keV, is produced by cosmic-rays, with the photon flux of about 3000 m<sup>-2</sup>s<sup>-1</sup>. Also, it is found that the contribution of this omnipresent low energy gamma radiation of cosmic-ray origin, including the corresponding low-energy electron flux, to the doses of general <br />population are non-negligible components of overall doses induced by cosmic rays near sea level.</p>
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