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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo das interações magneto-elásticas em ligas de cromo-vanádio / Study of magnetoelastic interactions on chromium-vanadium alloys

Castro, Elisabeth Pavão de 21 March 1988 (has links)
Medidas de atenuação ultrassônica e constante elástica em ligas de Cr-V, utilizando técnicas de pulso eco foram realizadas e as transições na temperatura de Neel, TN, estudadas. Um modelo teórico é proposto para descrever os comportamentos da atenuação e constante elástica perto da transição em TN. De acordo com o modelo proposto a adição de vanádio diminui drasticamente o coeficiente de difusão, modificando a natureza da transição. Foram utilizadas amostras de cromo contendo 0,2%V; 0,5%V; 0,67%V; 1,0%V e 1,5%V. A partir da dependência aproximadamente linear de TN com a concentração de vanádio conclui-se que 3,3% V corresponderá à TN= 0K. O efeito do campo magnético até 4,5T revelou-se insuficientemente para a obtenção de monodomínio magnético e não causa nenhuma variação mensurável em TN / Measurements of ultrasonic attenuation and elastic Constant in Cr-V alloys, using pulse echo techniques were realized and the transitions at the Neel temperature, TN, were studied. We propose a theoretical model which describe the behavior of the ultrasonic attenuation and elastic Constant near the transition in TN. According to the theoretical model the addition of Vanadium to chromium, drastically diminishes the diffusion coefficient thus changing the nature of the transition. It was used samples of chromium containing 0,2%V; 0,5%V; 0,67%V; 1,0%V and 1,5%V. From the approximately linear dependence of TN with the vanadium concentration it was concluded that 3,3%V corresponds to TN= 0. The effect of magnetic fields up to 4,5T was insufficient to produce single-Q samples, and did not cause any mensurable variation in TN

Estudo das interações magneto-elásticas em ligas de cromo-vanádio / Study of magnetoelastic interactions on chromium-vanadium alloys

Elisabeth Pavão de Castro 21 March 1988 (has links)
Medidas de atenuação ultrassônica e constante elástica em ligas de Cr-V, utilizando técnicas de pulso eco foram realizadas e as transições na temperatura de Neel, TN, estudadas. Um modelo teórico é proposto para descrever os comportamentos da atenuação e constante elástica perto da transição em TN. De acordo com o modelo proposto a adição de vanádio diminui drasticamente o coeficiente de difusão, modificando a natureza da transição. Foram utilizadas amostras de cromo contendo 0,2%V; 0,5%V; 0,67%V; 1,0%V e 1,5%V. A partir da dependência aproximadamente linear de TN com a concentração de vanádio conclui-se que 3,3% V corresponderá à TN= 0K. O efeito do campo magnético até 4,5T revelou-se insuficientemente para a obtenção de monodomínio magnético e não causa nenhuma variação mensurável em TN / Measurements of ultrasonic attenuation and elastic Constant in Cr-V alloys, using pulse echo techniques were realized and the transitions at the Neel temperature, TN, were studied. We propose a theoretical model which describe the behavior of the ultrasonic attenuation and elastic Constant near the transition in TN. According to the theoretical model the addition of Vanadium to chromium, drastically diminishes the diffusion coefficient thus changing the nature of the transition. It was used samples of chromium containing 0,2%V; 0,5%V; 0,67%V; 1,0%V and 1,5%V. From the approximately linear dependence of TN with the vanadium concentration it was concluded that 3,3%V corresponds to TN= 0. The effect of magnetic fields up to 4,5T was insufficient to produce single-Q samples, and did not cause any mensurable variation in TN

Un modèle Maxwell-élasto-fragile pour la déformation et dérive de la banquise / A Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle model for the drift and deformation of sea ice

Dansereau, Véronique 17 February 2016 (has links)
De récentes analyses statistiques de données satellitales et de bouées dérivantes ont révélé le caractère hautement hétérogène et intermittent de la déformation de la banquise Arctique, démontrant de ce fait que le schéma rhéologique visco-plastique utilisé traditionnellement en modélisation climatique et opérationnelle ne simule pas adéquatement le comportement dynamique des glaces ainsi que les efforts mécaniques en leur sein.Un cadre rhéologique alternatif, baptisé "Maxwell-Élasto-Fragile" (Maxwell-EB) est donc développé dans le but de reproduire correctement la dérive et la déformation des glaces dans les modèles continus de la banquise à l'échelle régionale et globale. Le modèle se base en partie sur un cade de modélisation élasto-fragile utilisé pour les roches et la glace. Un terme de relaxation visqueuse est ajouté à la relation constitutive d'élasticité linéaire ainsi qu'une viscosité effective, ou "apparente", laquelle évolue en fonction du niveau d'endommagement local du matériel simulé, comme son module d'élasticité. Ce cadre rhéologique permet la dissipation partielle des contraintes internes par le biais de déformations permanentes, possiblement grandes, le long de failles (ou "leads") lorsque le matériel est fortement endommagé ainsi que la conservation de la mémoire des contraintes associées aux déformations élastiques dans les zones où le matériel reste relativement peu endommagé.The schéma numérique du modèle Maxwell-EB est basé sur des méthodes de calcul variationnel et par éléments finis. Une représentation Eulérienne des équations du mouvement est utilisée et des méthodes dites Galerkin discontinues sont implémentées pour le traitement des processus d'advection.Une première série de simulations idéalisées et sans advection est présentée, lesquelles démontrent que la rhéologie Maxwell-Élasto-Fragile reproduit les caractéristiques principales du comportement mécanique de la banquise, c'est-à-dire la localisation spatiale, l'anisotropie et l'intermittence de la déformation ainsi que les lois d'échelle qui en découlent. La représentation adéquate de ces propriétés de la déformation se traduit par la présence de très forts gradients au sein des champs de contrainte, de déformation et du niveau d'endommagement simulés par le modèle. Des tests visant à évaluer la diffusion numérique découlant de l'advection de ces gradients extrêmes ainsi qu'à identifier certaines contraintes numériques du modèle sont ensuite présentés. De premières simulations en grandes déformations, incluant les processus d'advection, sont réalisées, lesquelles permettent une comparaison aux résultats d'une expérience de Couette annulaire sur de la glace fabriquée en laboratoire. Le modèle reproduit en partie le comportement mécanique observé. Par ailleurs, les différences entre les résultats des simulations et ceux obtenus en laboratoire permettent d'identifier certaines limitations, numériques et physiques, du modèle en grandes déformations. Finalement, le modèle rhéologique est utilisé pour modéliser la dérive et la déformation des glaces à l'échelle de la banquise Arctique. Des simulations idéalisées de l'écoulement de glace dans un chenal étroit sont présentées. Le modèle simule une propagation localisée de l'endommagement, définissant des failles en forme d'arche, et la formation de ponts de glace stables. / In recent years, analyses of available ice buoy and satellite data have revealed the strong heterogeneity and intermittency of the deformation of sea ice and have demonstrated that the viscous-plastic rheology widely used in current climate models and operational modelling platforms does not simulate adequately the drift, deformation and mechanical stresses within the ice pack.A new alternative rheological framework named ''Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle” (Maxwell-EB) is therefore developed in the view of reproducing more accurately the drift and deformation of the ice cover in continuum sea ice models at regional to global scales. The model builds on an elasto-brittle framework used for ice and rocks. A viscous-like relaxation term is added to a linear-elastic constitutive relationship together with an effective viscosity that evolves with the local level of damage of the material, like its elastic modulus. This framework allows for part of the internal stress to dissipate in large, permanent deformations along the faults/leads once the material is highly damaged while retaining the memory of small, elastic deformations over undamaged areas. A healing mechanism is also introduced, counterbalancing the effects of damaging over large time scales.The numerical scheme for the Maxwell-EB model is based on finite elements and variational methods. The equations of motion are cast in the Eulerian frame and discontinuous Galerkin methods are implemented to handle advective processes.Idealized simulations without advection are first presented. These demonstrate that the Maxwell-EB rheological framework reproduces the main characteristics of sea ice mechanics and deformation : the strain localization, the anisotropy and intermittency of deformation and the associated scaling laws. The successful representation of these properties translates into very large gradients within all simulated fields. Idealized numerical experiments are conducted to evaluate the amount of numerical diffusion associated with the advection of these extreme gradients in the model and investigate other limitations of the numerical scheme. First large-deformation simulations are carried in the context of a Couette flow experiment, which allow a comparison with the result of a similar laboratory experiment performed on fresh-water ice. The model reproduces part of the mechanical behaviour observed in the laboratory. Comparison of the numerical and experimental results allow identifying some numerical and physical limitations of the model in the context of large-deformation and laboratory-scale simulations. Finally, the Maxwell-EB framework is implemented in the context of modelling the drift and deformation of sea ice on geophysical scales. Idealized simulations of the flow of sea ice through a narrow channel are presented. The model simulates the propagation of damage along arch-like features and successfully reproduces the formation of stable ice bridges.

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