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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

No/Nox Removal In Diesel Engine Exhaust Under Different Energizations And Reactor Configurations

Kumar, Bijendra 01 1900 (has links)
In India, with the increase in the number of industries and vehicles the environment is getting more and more polluted. More than industries it is the rapid growth of vehicles which causes serious environmental crisis in the form of air pollution and has become alarming particularly in cities. The industrial and vehicular growth cannot be neglected, as the country’s economic and social well being is largely dependent on them. But this should not come at the cost of our health and eco system. The industrial and vehicular emissions must be controlled in order to keep our air clean. Continued efforts in this direction are being taken up across the globe to investigate an efficient and economical technique. There are many air pollutants being emitted from both natural and manmade sources. The major air pollutants identified as hazardous to human health are nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOC), and sulfur dioxides (SOx). Among these, nitrogen oxides are considered to be difficult to remove. The sources of NOx are thermal power plants, stationary and mobile diesel engines, gasturbine engine, ironore sintering plants and various other smallscale utilities. There are conventionally available technologies to remove NOx such as chemical scrubbing, catalysis etc. But these techniques are either difficult to operate or do not bring down the level of NOx to the required norms imposed by the government. The failure of conventional techniques to remove NOx to the expected limit led to the development of alternative nonconventional techniques. Prominent among these new alternative techniques is electric discharge plasma, where the gas is partially ionized and temperature of electrons is considerably higher than that of ions and background gas molecules. Diesel engines are getting popular due to their inherent merits and their number is increasing considerably. Unfortunately, the exhaust of diesel engine being complex with high oxygen content makes the existing pollution control techniques insufficient particularly with regard to removal of NOx. So there is a need for investigating better technology which can effectively abate the pollutants from diesel engine exhaust. Electric Discharge plasma is one such alternative technique which has been very successful in large volumes of flue gas cleaning and hence, its potential is being explored in the cleaning of small volumes of vehicular exhausts, in particular, diesel engine exhaust. In the present work we investigated the relative performance of different electric discharge plasma reactors, with different type of voltages like AC, DC and pulse. The reactors were evaluated for NOx removal efficiency and NO conversion. This research work is a feasibility study to find whether electric discharge plasma can be used more effectively as an alternative technology for the after treatment of diesel engine exhaust in cascade with some cheaper adsorbents, if necessary. The scope of this qualitative experimental study can briefly be summarized as below: . • To study different reactors for NO conversion and NOx removal . • To study the effect of dielectric pellets in enhancing the radical production which in turn will have a bearing on the chemical reactions . • To study the effect of different types of voltages on the cleansing process . • To propose an efficient reactor system subject to the experimental conditions studied.

Dielectric Barrier Discharge Initiated NOx Abatement In Diesel Engine Exhaust : Towards Achieving Higher Removal Efficiency

Mohapatro, Sankarsan 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In the last few decades India has advanced socioeconomically due to the rapid growth of industries and automobile sector. This in turn increases the use of fossil fuel and diesel. The atmosphere gets polluted due to the harmful substances, which comes from the burning of fuel. These pollutants can be in the form of gaseous, liquid or solid particulate. Diesel engines, the major source of power in industries and automobiles, play a significant part in causing air pollution. The major pollutants in diesel exhaust are oxides of nitrogen (NOX), sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), particulate matter (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOC), aldehydes and alcohols. Due to the heavy consumption of diesel as a fuel there is an urgent need to control diesel exhaust. Diesel exhaust is a complex mixture of several gases and fine particles (commonly known as soot) that contains more than 40 toxic air contaminants. Amongst the gaseous pollutants in diesel exhaust, the major concern and a challenging task is to control oxides of nitrogen, commonly referred to as NOX as it is the major contributor for acid rain, photochemical smog etc. Successful control of emissions from diesel engines is yet to be achieved. The conventional techniques which are available to control emission now are either difficult to operate or does not satisfy the stringent emission standards. This has made the researchers throughout the world to find an alternative and effective non-conventional after treatment technique to reduce diesel engine emission. The failure of conventional techniques lead to the development of non-conventional techniques such as high voltage electric discharge based plasma which has already been proved to be economical and highly efficient in industrial electrostatic precipitators. Electric discharge plasma or non-thermal plasma produce energetic electrons which react with background molecules in flue gas leading to active species such as radicals. These radicals being chemically active selectively react with the harmful pollutants facilitating their removal/reduction. The present thesis work is an attempt to provide a technical solution to achieve higher removal efficiencies of oxides of nitrogen in the backdrop of shortcomings that exist in conventional technologies to do so. The current thesis describes the research in four stages: (i) studies on NOX removal from diesel exhaust by cross-flow DBD reactor, where design and fabrication of cross-flow DBD reactor, exhaust treatment using cross-flow DBD reactor and exhaust treatment with cascaded plasma-adsorbent technique is described (ii) studies on NOX removal from diesel exhaust by compact discharge plasma sources, where design and fabrication of high frequency high voltage AC (HVAC) using old television flyback transformer, Design and fabrication of high voltage pulse (HVPulse) using automobile ignition coil, exhaust treatment with both HVPulse and HVAC and exhaust treatment with cascaded plasma-adsorbent technique is described (iii) studies on NOX removal from diesel exhaust using solar powered discharge plasma source is described (iv) studies on the NOX removal from diesel exhaust using red mud, where exhaust treatment with red mud and Exhaust treatment cascaded plasma-red mud is covered. The results have been discussed in light of enhancing the NOX removal efficiency for stationary and automobile engine exhausts.

Dimensioning Of Corona Control Rings For EHV/UHV Line Hardware And Substations

Chatterjee, Sreenita 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
High voltage (EHV and UHV) transmission facilitates transfer of large amount of power over long distances. However, due to the inherent geometry, the line and substation hardware of EHV and UHV class generate high electric fields, which results in local ionisation of air called corona discharges. Apart from producing audible noise in the form of frying or hissing sound, corona produces significant electromagnetic interferences in the radio range. The limit for this corona generated Radio Interference (RI) has been stipulated by international standards, which are strictly to be followed. In line and substation hardware, corona control rings are generally employed to limit or avoid corona. Standard dimensions of corona rings are not available for EHV and UHV class. In most of the cases, their design is based on either a trial and error method or based on empirical extrapolation. Only in certain specific cases, the dimensioning of the rings is carried out using electric field calculations. In any of these approaches, the unavoidable surface abrasions, which can lead to corona, are not considered. There are also efforts to account for nominal surface irregularity by using a surface roughness factor, which is highly heuristic. In order to address this practically relevant problem, the present work was taken up. The intended exercise requires accurate field computation and a suitable criterion for checking corona onset. For the first part, the Surface Charge Simulation Method is adopted with newly proposed sub-modelling technique. The surface of the toroid is discretised into curvilinear patches with linear approximation for the surface charge density. Owing to its high accuracy, Galerkin’s method of moments formulation is employed. The problem of singularity encountered in the numerical approach is handled using a method based on Duffy’s transformation. The developed codes have also been validated with standard geometries. After a survey of relevant literature the ‘Critical Avalanche Criteria’ is chosen for its simplicity and applicability to the problem. Through a detailed simulation, the effect of avalanche space charge in reducing the corona onset voltage is found to be around 1.5% and hence it is not considered further. For utilities not interested in a detailed calculation procedure for dimensioning of corona rings, design curves are developed for circular corona rings of both 400 kV and 765 kV class with surface roughness factor in the range 0.8 – 1. In the second part of the work, a methodology for dimensioning is developed wherein the inevitable surface abrasion in the form of minute protrusions can be accounted. It is first shown that even though considerable field intensification occurs at the protrusions, such localised modification need not lead to corona. It is shown that by varying the minor radius of the corona ring, it is possible to get a design where the prescribed surface abrasion does not lead to corona onset. In summary, the present work has successfully developed a reliable methodology for the design of corona rings with prescribed surface abrasions. It involved development of an efficient field computation technique for handling minute surface protrusions and use of appropriate criteria for assessing corona inception. It has also provided design curves for EHV and UHV class corona rings with surface roughness factor specified in the range 0.8 – 1.0.

Změna parametrů výbojových světelných zdrojů s frekvencí napájecího proudu / Influence of Change in Frequency of the Supply Current to the Operational Parameters of the Discharge Light Sources

Kuptsov, Alexander January 2014 (has links)
The master’s thesis is devoted to exploiting of gas-discharge lamps and their dependence on frequency of the supply current. The first part describes the theory of discharge, its types and properties, terms of its origin, and ways of its exploitation. The second part concerns electrical ballast systems of gas discharge light sources, inductive (reactive) and electronic ballasts, principles of their functioning, advantages and disadvantages, and the comparison of their properties. The following chapters deal with low-pressure and high-pressure gas-discharged lamps, compare their properties and describe exploitation of fluorescent lamps. Before conducting laboratory experiments the influence of frequency of the supply current on different properties of gas-discharge lamps was described. Besides, simulation of basic electric parameters of high-pressure gas-discharged lamps was implemented in the program SIMULINK/MATLAB. As a result, the received graphs show the dependence of current, voltage and electric power on time. Another simulation included building of dynamic current-voltage characteristics at various frequencies of the supply current. Preparations for the laboratory experiment and the experiment itself were implemented. Compact and tube low-pressure fluorescent lamps were measured. The received graphs show the influence of change in frequency of the current on the operational parameters of the discharge light sources.

Interakce plazmatu s kapalnou fází / Study of Plasma - Liquid Interactions

Němcová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
Disertační práce se zabývá detailním studiem vlastností různých elektrických výbojů generovaných ve vodných roztocích. Tyto výboje se staly v posledním desetiletí velmi populárním tématem, a to zejména díky mnoha praktickým využitím jako například v biomedicíně, čištění odpadních vod, ekologii nebo nanoinženýrství. Studium je zaměřeno na generaci peroxidu vodíku, jakožto jednu z nejvýznamnějších částic generovaných právě elektrickými výboji v kapalinách. Pro první část této práce byla využita speciální výbojová komora zkonstruovaná na Fakultě chemické Vysokého Učení Technického v Brně. Komora byla rozdělena tenkou diafragmovou přepážkou na dvě poloviny, přičemž uvnitř přepážky se nacházela malá dírka. V každé části komory se nacházela jedna elektroda, a obě dvě části komory byly vyplněny kapalinou. Ze zdroje bylo do kapaliny aplikováno vysokofrekvenční napětí (1 a 2 kHz), které tak vlastně upravovalo roztok chloridu sodného (1.5 l). Bylo zjištěno, že tento druh napětí, v porovnání s DC, nezpůsobuje nežádoucí přehřívání roztoku (počáteční vodivost 100 - 800 S/cm) během jeho úpravy při zachování účinnosti produkce peroxidu. Experimentální aparatura pro druhou část práce byla sestavena na Gentské Univerzitě v Belgii. Stejnosměrný výboj byl generován v bublinách plynů (He, Ar, N2, vzduch) v prostředí vodných roztoků. Byla studována generace peroxidu vodíku a odbourávání organických barviv přítomných ve zkoumaném roztoku. Ke generaci peroxidu vodíku byl použit roztok NaH2PO4 . 2H2O (5 microS/cm, V= 750 ml), ke zkoumání rozkladu barviv byly použity roztoky organických barviv Direct Red 79 (20 mg/l) a Direct Blue 106 (20 mg/l, V= 750 ml). Minimální koncentrace peroxidu vodíku byla naměřena při aplikaci proudu 10 mA, zatímco maximální koncentrace peroxidu vodíku byla zaznamenána při použití proudu 30 mA. Rozklad organických barviv vykazoval stejné vlastnosti. Čím vyšší byla dodávaná energie, tím více barviva se odbouralo. Třetí část práce probíhala ve spolupráci s Queen's University of Belfast, Centrum for Plasma Physics, UK. K realizaci experimentů bylo využito vysokofrekvenčního plazmového skalpelu (Arthrocar). Bylo zjištěno, že hodnota koncentrace peroxidu vodíku dosahovala maxima v roztocích s nepatrným přídavkem alkoholu (0.25 %). Celkem byly studovány čtyři 0.15 M roztoky BaCl2, Na2CO3, KCl a NaCl (V= 20 ml), jejichž počáteční vodivost se pohybovala kolem 13 mS/cm. Z výsledků bylo patrné, že největší rozdíl hodnot pH byl zaznamenán u roztoků s přídavkem ethanolu. V optických emisních spektrech byly identifikovány především radikály OH, které jsou prekurzory peroxidu vodíku. Výsledky ukázaly, že plazma v takovémto roztoku je stále tvořeno, což může být považováno za první krok generace plazmatu v organických sloučeninách. Poslední část práce byla zaměřena na tzv. mikroplazmatický jet v přímém kontaktu s kapalnou fází. Tato experimentální práce byla realizována na pracovišti Nanotechnology & Integrated Bio-Engineering Centre (NIBEC), University of Ulster, UK během studijní stáže. Jako vodivé médium byl použit roztok trihydrátu kyseliny chlorozlatité s různou počáteční vodivostí. Zajímavým zjištěním je fakt, že při tomto druhu měření bylo generováno stabilní plazma i při velmi malém výbojovém proudu (0.05 a 0.2 mA), a tedy i peroxid vodíku vznikal při velmi malé vstupní energii, což může být považováno za velmi dobrý výsledek.

Vibrational Energy Distribution, Electron Density and Electron Temperature Behavior in Nanosecond Pulse Discharge Plasmas by Raman and Thomson Scattering

Roettgen, Andrew M. 22 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Rozklady organických barviv metodami AOP / Organic dye decomposition by AOP´s methods

Olexová, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the study of the influence of advanced oxidation processes on degradation of organic dyes. The field of AOP – very effective physically-chemical methods of wastewater treatment – includes application of strong oxidation agents, UV and ionizing radiation and electrical discharges. For this thesis, two of these methods were chosen – the application of oxidation agent (ozone) and UV radiation. Along with electrolysis, which is mentioned rather marginally in this thesis (it is the subject of the previous thesis), these phenomena are products of electrical discharge in water, where they participate in the processes of degradation in a different way. For all measurement series, two direct azo dyes were chosen as model substances – C.I. Direct Blue 106 and C.I. Direct Red 79. The ozonizer, in which either oxygen or synthetic or technical air were loaded as carrier gases, was used for degradation of dyes by ozone. The generated ozone was loaded into the bubbling vessel with dye solution of different initial concentration (10–130 mg.dm-3), which was followed by other bubbling vessel with KI solution for the next analytical determination of the amount of generated ozone. The other parameters changed were the gas flow (1–2 dm3.min-1), ozonizer output (minimal and maximal), type of dye, pH value of the solution (neutral or acid) and additional electrolyte (NaCl, Na2SO4 or any). The reactor for the study of the influence of UV radiation on degradation of dyes was an UV sterilizer into which the equivalent volume of dye solution was added. The possibilities of experimental settings were limited and only the type of dye, an additional electrolyte and pH value of the dye solution were adjusted (as in the case of ozone). Several series of samples were measured with various input conditions which more or less influenced the degradation of investigated dyes in this experiment. It was found that for both used methods the Direct Blue 106 dye was more degradable (with significantly better results for ozone than for UV radiation). The degradation of Direct Red 79 dye proceeded only by ozone treatment, in the case of the application of UV radiation no degradation occurred. By investigation of the influence of initial concentration of dye on its degradation, it was confirmed that with the initial concentration enhancement the final concentration rises as well, whereas in low concentrations (10–50 mg.dm-3) the initial concentration has no effect. The addition of an electrolyte had an accelerating effect on dye degradation in both methods (NaCl and also Na2SO4 showed similar results though the degradation proceeded in different ways). The addition of HCl accelerated the degradation only in the case of UV radiation; during the application of ozone the pH level of the system did not have any influence on the degradation. Oxygen and synthetic air had the strongest effect on ozone degradation (comparable results); in the case of technical air the final dye concentration was higher up to 30 %. The gas flow of 1.5 dm3.min-1 was stated as optimal with the ozonizer output 30 W (maximal). At minimal power the ozonizer produced very low amount of ozone.

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