Spelling suggestions: "subject:"electromagnetic theory."" "subject:"clectromagnetic theory.""
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Um estudo histórico da evolução do conceito de potencial vetor no eletromagnetismo clássico / A historical study of the evolution of vector potential in classical electromagnetic theoryPereira, Aldo Gomes 28 May 2009 (has links)
Atualmente o potencial vetor é geralmente tratado no eletromagnetismo clássico como um artifício para o cálculo dos campos elétricos e magnéticos sem um significado claro. No entanto, quando foi proposto na metade do século XIX, ele possuía um significado físico claro e desempenhava um papel central para Faraday, Maxwell e outros físicos britânicos. Um dos objetivos deste trabalho é entender como se deu esta mudança na interpretação do conceito de potencial vetor. Para isto foi realizado um estudo histórico analisando as diferentes interpretações para este conceito partindo dos trabalhos de Faraday sobre indução eletromagnética, onde propôs o conceito de estado eletrotônico. Analisamos as contribuições de William Thomson que fortemente inspiraram Maxwell a sugerir diferentes interpretações para o conceito em trabalhos publicados ao longo de cerca de duas décadas até a publicação do Treatise on Electricity and Magnestism em 1873. No final do século XIX a interpretação dada por Maxwell ao conceito de potencial vetor começou a ser questionada por vários físicos. Uma das questões envolvidas neste processo foi a realidade das grandezas físicas. Nomes como Heaviside, Hertz e outros defendiam que as grandezas dotadas de realidade física na teoria eletromagnética eram os campos elétrico e magnético e não o potencial vetor. Com essa nova visão desenvolveram uma nova teoria eletromagnética próxima da que conhecemos atualmente. No entanto, este processo não foi linear e aceito acriticamente. Ao longo do século XX foram publicados trabalhos propondo uma interpretação física para o potencial vetor, ainda no contexto clássico. O estudo histórico aqui desenvolvido priorizou a abordagem desenvolvida na Grã-Bretanha / Currently the vector potential generally is considered in the classical electromagnetic theory as an artifice for the calculation of the electric and magnetic fields and without a clear physical meaning. However, when it was proposed in the mid-nineteenth century, it used to have a clear physical meaning and played a central role for Faraday, Maxwell and other British physicists. One of the goals of this dissertation is to understand how the meanings attributed to the vector potential changed along years. In order to answer to this question, we developed a historical study analyzing the different interpretations for this concept starting with the works of Faraday on electromagnetic induction, where he introduced the concept of electrotonic state. We analyzed the contributions of William Thomson that inspired strongly Maxwell to suggest different interpretations for the concept in works published along the next two decades until the publication of the Treatise on Electricity and Magnestism in 1873. In the end of the nineteenth century Maxwells interpretations for the vector potential began to be questioned by several physicists. One of the issues involved in this questioning was the reality of the physical quantities. People as Heaviside, Hertz and others defended that electric and magnetic fields, not the vector potential, were quantities endowed with physical reality. With this new approach they developed a new electromagnetic theory closer to the currently accepted. Nevertheless, this process was not linear and uncritically accepted. Throughout the twentieth century papers and books were published defending a physical interpretation for the vector potential considering a classical context for the electromagnetic theory. The historical study developed here focused the developments in Great-Britain although some mentions to Continental physics are made
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Contribution à l'analyse et à la modélisation des couplages électromagnétiques au sein de torons de câbles à grand nombre de liaisons : application aux câblages aéronautiques / Contribution to model and analyze electromagnetic coupling into bundles with lots of cables : applied to aeronautical harnessesJullien, Charles 12 February 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’analyse et la modélisation des interactions électromagnétiques sur des torons aéronautiques constitués de câbles multiconducteurs représentatifs de la réalité industrielle. En effet les évolutions technologiques (introduction de matériaux composites, augmentation des fonctions électriques,..) conduisent à revoir les niveaux d’exigence des couplages électromagnétiques sur torons de câbles. Ainsi, les outils de dimensionnement de ces couplages s’avèrent indispensables pour décider des choix technologiques d’architectures des câblages.Dans ce contexte, les codes numériques basés sur la théorie des lignes de transmission permettent de calculer les couplages électromagnétiques au sein de torons multiconducteurs. Ces modèles numériques doivent être alimentés par la description géométrique des sections droites de toron. Un outil logiciel de génération de sections droites de toron a étévalidé dans un premier temps par comparaison à une référence bibliographique, puis par une étude expérimentale d’un toron réel d’A380. Cette étude de suivi de positionnement de conducteur dans le toron a mis en évidence que le cheminement des câbles au sein du toron dépendait de leur rigidité. Ainsi, la bifilaire torsadée non blindée est le câble dont le cheminement est le moins maîtrisé. De plus, ce type de câble très couramment utilisé pour transmettre desdonnées en mode différentiel, est à l’origine de couplages spécifiques qu’il est essentiel d’analyser pour correctement les modéliser. Par conséquent, le premier cas étudié est composé d’une bifilaire torsadée agresseur et d’une monofilaire victime. Les simulations numériques ont montré que les courants induits le long de la monofilaire victime présentaient un motif propre à la torsade de la bifilaire agresseur. Ce motif a été expliqué par une approche analytique et confirmé par expérimentations. La prise en compte des torsades dans une simulation numérique induisant des temps de calculs prohibitifs, un modèle simplifié de câble torsadé basé sur un moyennage des paramètres linéiques a été développé et validé. L’effet des extrémités dé-torsadées résultant de la connectorisation a également été évalué d’un point de vue numérique et expérimental. Les cas d’étude ont ensuite été complexifiés à des couplages entre bifilaires torsadées jusqu’à traiter un toron réel de plus de 60 conducteurs. Un banc expérimental a été développé. La modélisation numérique de ce toron complexe a été réalisée et les résultats numériques de couplages électromagnétiques confrontés aux données expérimentales. En vue de réduire considérablement les temps de calculs, le modèle simplifié a étéappliqué à ce toron. Sa potentialité a été démontrée. Une analyse statistique de la dispersion des couplages lectromagnétiques au sein de ce toron complexe a finalement été abordée. / This thesis focuses on the analysis and the modeling of electromagnetic interactions on aeronautical bundles made of multicore cables representative of the industrial reality. Indeed, technological changes (introduction of composite materials, increased electrical functions, ...) force to reconsider the requirement levels of electromagnetic coupling on cable bundles. Thus, the design tools of these electromagnetic couplings are essential to help to technological choices of architectureswiring. In this context, numerical software based on transmission line theory can calculate the electromagnetic coupling in complex bundles. These numerical models need the geometric description of bundles cross sections. A software tool for generating bundles cross sections was initially validated by comparison to a bibliographic reference, followed by anexperimental study of a real bundle arised from an A380. This analysis of conductors positioning along the bundle showed that the cable routing depends on the cable stiffness. Thus, the unshielded twisted cable appears to be the cable which routing is less controlled. In addition, this type of cable most commonly used to tr nsmit data in differential mode can generate specific couplings which are important to analyze for correctly modeling this cable. Therefore, the first case studied is composed of a twisted pair cable aggressor and a single victim wire. Numerical simulations have shownthat the induced currents along the victim wire had a behavior specific to the twist of the twisted pair cable aggressor. This pattern has been explained by an analytical approach and confirmed by experiments. Taking into account twists in numerical simulation leads to prohibitive computational time. Therefore, a simplified model based on averagingparameters per unit length of twisted cable was developed and validated. The effect of untwisted ends resulting from connection was also assessed numerically and experimentally. Case studies were complicated to coupling between twisted pair cabl es and finally to a real bundle with more than 60 wires. An experimental bench was developed. Numerical modeling of the complex bundle has been carried out and numerical results of electromagnetic couplings compared to experimental data. In order to significantly reduce the computation time, the simplified model was applied to this bundle. Itsefficiency has been demonstrated. A statistical analysis of the dispersion of electromagnetic couplings within this complex bundle was finally addressed.
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Model-Based Information Extraction From Synthetic Aperture Radar SignalsMatzner, Shari 01 January 2011 (has links)
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a remote sensing technology for imaging areas of the earth's surface. SAR has been successfully used for monitoring characteristics of the natural environment such as land cover type and tree density. With the advent of higher resolution sensors, it is now theoretically possible to extract information about individual structures such as buildings from SAR imagery. This information could be used for disaster response and security-related intelligence. SAR has an advantage over other remote sensing technologies for these applications because SAR data can be collected during the night and in rainy or cloudy conditions. This research presents a model-based method for extracting information about a building -- its height and roof slope -- from a single SAR image. Other methods require multiple images or ancillary data from specialized sensors, making them less practical. The model-based method uses simulation to match a hypothesized building to an observed SAR image. The degree to which a simulation matches the observed data is measured by mutual information. The success of this method depends on the accuracy of the simulation and on the reliability of the mutual information similarity measure. Electromagnetic theory was applied to relate a building's physical characteristics to the features present in a SAR image. This understanding was used to quantify the precision of building information contained in SAR data, and to identify the inputs needed for accurate simulation. A new SAR simulation technique was developed to meet the accuracy and efficiency requirements of model-based information extraction. Mutual information, a concept from information theory, has become a standard for measuring the similarity between medical images. Its performance in the context of matching a simulation image to a SAR image was evaluated in this research, and it was found to perform well under certain conditions. The factors that affect its performance, and the model-based method overall, were found to include the size of the building and its orientation. Further refinements that expand the range of operational conditions for the method would lead to a practical tool for collecting information about buildings using SAR technology. This research was performed using SAR data from MIT-Lincoln Laboratory.
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Electromagnetic-Theoretic Analysis and Design of MIMO Antenna SystemsMohajer Jasebi, Mehrbod January 2011 (has links)
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems are a pivotal solution for the significant enhancement of the band-limited wireless channels’ communication capacity. MIMO system is essentially a wireless system with multiple antennas at both the transmitter and receiver ends. Compared to the conventional wireless systems, the main advantages of the MIMO systems are the higher system capacity, more bit rates, more link reliability, and wider coverage area. All of these features are currently considered as crucial performance requirements in wireless communications. Additionally, the emerging new services in wireless applications have created a great motivation to utilize the MIMO systems to fulfil the demands these applications create. The MIMO systems can be combined with other intelligent techniques to achieve these benefits by employing a higher spectral efficiency.
The MIMO system design is a multifaceted problem which needs both antenna considerations and baseband signal processing. The performance of the MIMO systems depends on the cross-correlation coefficients between the transmitted/received signals by different antenna elements. Therefore, the Electromagnetic (EM) characteristics of the antenna elements and wireless environment can significantly affect the MIMO system performance. Hence, it is important to include the EM properties of the antenna elements and the physical environment in the MIMO system design and optimizations.
In this research, the MIMO system model and system performance are introduced, and the optimum MIMO antenna system is investigated and developed by considering the electromagnetic aspects within three inter-related topics:
1) Fast Numerical Analysis and Optimization of the MIMO Antenna Structures:
An efficient and fast optimization method is proposed based on the reciprocity theorem along with the method of moment analysis to minimize the correlation among the received/transmitted signals in MIMO systems. In this method, the effects of the radio package (enclosure) on the MIMO system performance are also included. The proposed optimization method is used in a few practical examples to find the optimal positions and orientations of the antenna elements on the system enclosure in order to minimize the cross-correlation coefficients, leading to an efficient MIMO operation.
2) Analytical Electromagnetic-Theoretic Model for the MIMO Antenna Design:
The first requirement for the MIMO antennas is to obtain orthogonal radiation modes in order to achieve uncorrelated signals. Since the Spherical Vector Waves (SVW) form a complete set of orthogonal Eigen-vector functions for the radiated electromagnetic fields, an analytical method based on the SVW approach is developed to excite the orthogonal SVWs to be used as the various orthogonal modes of the MIMO antenna systems. The analytic SVW approach is used to design spherical antennas and to investigate the orthogonality of the radiation modes in the planar antenna structures.
3) Systematic SVW Methodology for the MIMO Antenna Design:
Based on the spherical vector waves, a generalized systematic method is proposed for the MIMO antenna design and analysis. The newly developed methodology not only leads to a systematic approach for designing MIMO antennas, but can also be used to determine the fundamental limits and degrees of freedom for designing the optimal antenna elements in terms of the given practical restrictions. The proposed method includes the EM aspects of the antenna elements and the physical environment in the MIMO antenna system, which will provide a general guideline for obtaining the optimal current sources to achieve the orthogonal MIMO modes. The proposed methodology can be employed for any arbitrary physical environment and multi-antenna structures. Without the loss of generality, the SVW approach is employed to design and analyze a few practical examples to show how effective it can be used for MIMO applications.
In conclusion, this research addresses the electromagnetic aspects of the antenna analysis, design, and optimization for MIMO applications in a rigorous and systematic manner. Developing such a design and analysis tool significantly contributes to the advancement of high-data-rate wireless communication and to the realistic evaluation of the MIMO antenna system performance by a robust scientifically-based design methodology.
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Tailored Force Fields for Flexible FabricationWanis, Sameh Sadarous 11 April 2006 (has links)
The concept of tailored force fields is seen as an enabler for the construction of large scale space structures. Manufacturing would take place in space using in-situ resources thereby eliminating the size and weight restriction commonly placed on space vehicles and structures. This thesis serves as the first investigation of opening the way to a generalized fabrication technology by means of force fields. Such a technology would be
non-contact, flexible, and automated. The idea is based on the principle that waves carry momentum and energy with no mass transport. Scattering and gradient forces are generated from various types of wave motion. Starting from experiments on shaping walls using acoustic force fields, this thesis extends the technology to electromagnetic fields. The interaction physics of electromagnetic waves with dielectric material is studied. Electromagnetic forces on neutral dielectric material are shown to be analogous to acoustic forces on sound-scattering material. By analogy to the acoustic experiments,
force fields obtained by optical tweezers are extended to longer wavelength electromagnetic waves while remaining in the Rayleigh scattering regime. Curing of the surface formed takes place by use of a higher frequency beam that scans the surface and melts a subsurface layer enabling a sintering effect to take place between the particles. The resulting capability is explored at its extremes in the context of building massive structures in Space. A unification of these areas is sought through a generalization of the various theories provided in the literature applicable for each field.
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Multi-frequency Contactless Electrical Impedance Imaging Using Realistic Head Models: Single Coil SimulationsGursoy, Doga 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Contactless electrical impedance imaging technique is based upon the measurement of secondary electromagnetic fields caused by induced currents inside the body. In this study, a circular single-coil is used as a transmitter and a receiver. The purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to solve the induced current density distribution inside the realistic head model resulting from a sinusoidal excitation, (2) to calculate the impedance change of the same coil from the induced current distribution inside the head model. The Finite Difference Method is used to solve the induced current density in the head. The realistic head model is formed by seven tissues with a 1 mm resolution. The electrical properties of the model are assigned as a function of frequency. The quasi-stationary assumptions, especially for head tissues, are explored. It is shown that, numerical solution of only the scalar potential is sufficient to obtain the induced current density in the head below 10 MHz operating frequency. This
simplification not only reduce the excessive size of the solution domain, but also reduces the number of unknowns by a factor of 4. For higher frequencies (depending on the application) induction and propagation effects become important. Additionally it is observed that dynamic monitoring of hemorrhage at any frequency seems feasible. It is concluded that the methodology provides useful information about the electrical properties of the human head via contactless measurements and has a potent as a new imaging modality for different clinical applications.
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Analysis And Design Of Microstrip Printed Structures On Electromagnetic Bandgap SubstratesGudu, Tamer 01 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In the first part of the thesis, the 2-D structures in stratified media are analyzed using an efficient MoM technique. The method is used to optimize transmitted or reflected electric fields from the 2-D structures. The genetic algorithm is used in the optimization process. In the second part a 3-D MoM technique is implemented to analyze multilayered structures with periodically implanted material blocks. Using the method, the dispersion and reflection characteristics of the structure are calculated for different configurations. The results are compared with the results found in the literature and it is seen that they are in good agreement. Asymptotic Waveform Evaluation (AWE) technique is utilized to obtain the Pade approximation of the solution in terms of frequency. The high order derivatives that are required by the AWE technique are calculated through Automatic Differentiation technique. Using the AWE method, the dispersion diagram and reflection characteristics of the periodic structures are obtained in a shorter time. The results are compared with the ones obtained through direct calculation and it is seen that they are in perfect agreement. The reflection coefficients that are obtained from the 3-D MoM procedure are used to calculate Green&rsquo / s functions that approximate electric field of an infinitesimal dipole on the periodically implanted substrate. Using the calculated Green&rsquo / s functions and the spectral domain MoM procedure, dispersion characteristics of a microstrip line on the periodically implanted substrate are obtained.
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Adaptive Beam Control Of Dual Beam Phased Array Antenna SystemSemsir, Emine Zeynep 01 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the Dual Beam Phased Array Antenna System designed for COST260* project is upgraded to have the abilities of beam steering, tracking and direction finding by providing the necessary computer codes using C++ Programming Language. The functions of new prototype are tested to verify the operation.
*COST260 project was an adaptive phased array receiving antenna system for satellite communication, which was operating at 11.49-11.678 GHz band.
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Numerical Analysis, Design And Two Port Equivalent Circuit Models For Split Ring Resonator ArraysYasar Orten, Pinar 01 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Split ring resonator (SRR) is a metamaterial structure which displays negative permeability values over a relatively small bandwidth around its magnetic resonance frequency. Unit SRR cells and arrays have been used in various novel applications including the design of miniaturized microwave devices and antennas. When the SRR arrays are combined with the arrays of conducting wires, left handed materials can be constructed with the unusual property of having negative valued effective refractive indices.
In this thesis, unit cells and arrays of single-ring multiple-split type SRR structures are numerically analyzed by using Ansoft&rsquo / s HFSS software that is based on the finite elements method (FEM). Some of these structures are constructed over low-loss dielectric substrates and their complex scattering parameters are measured to verify the numerical simulation results. The major purpose of this study has been to establish equivalent circuit models to estimate the behavior of SRR structures in a simple and computationally efficient manner. For this purpose, individual single ring SRR cells with multiple splits are modeled by appropriate two-port RLC resonant circuits paying special attention to conductor and dielectric loss effects. Results obtained from these models are compared with the results of HFSS simulations which use either PEC/PMC (perfect electric conductor/perfect magnetic conductor) type or perfectly matched layer (PML) type boundary conditions. Interactions between the elements of SRR arrays such as the mutual inductance and capacitance effects as well as additional dielectric losses are also modeled by proper two-port equivalent circuits to describe the overall array behavior and to compute the associated transmission spectrum by simple MATLAB codes. Results of numerical HFSS simulations, equivalent circuit model computations and measurements are shown to be in good agreement.
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Electromagnetic-Theoretic Analysis and Design of MIMO Antenna SystemsMohajer Jasebi, Mehrbod January 2011 (has links)
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems are a pivotal solution for the significant enhancement of the band-limited wireless channels’ communication capacity. MIMO system is essentially a wireless system with multiple antennas at both the transmitter and receiver ends. Compared to the conventional wireless systems, the main advantages of the MIMO systems are the higher system capacity, more bit rates, more link reliability, and wider coverage area. All of these features are currently considered as crucial performance requirements in wireless communications. Additionally, the emerging new services in wireless applications have created a great motivation to utilize the MIMO systems to fulfil the demands these applications create. The MIMO systems can be combined with other intelligent techniques to achieve these benefits by employing a higher spectral efficiency.
The MIMO system design is a multifaceted problem which needs both antenna considerations and baseband signal processing. The performance of the MIMO systems depends on the cross-correlation coefficients between the transmitted/received signals by different antenna elements. Therefore, the Electromagnetic (EM) characteristics of the antenna elements and wireless environment can significantly affect the MIMO system performance. Hence, it is important to include the EM properties of the antenna elements and the physical environment in the MIMO system design and optimizations.
In this research, the MIMO system model and system performance are introduced, and the optimum MIMO antenna system is investigated and developed by considering the electromagnetic aspects within three inter-related topics:
1) Fast Numerical Analysis and Optimization of the MIMO Antenna Structures:
An efficient and fast optimization method is proposed based on the reciprocity theorem along with the method of moment analysis to minimize the correlation among the received/transmitted signals in MIMO systems. In this method, the effects of the radio package (enclosure) on the MIMO system performance are also included. The proposed optimization method is used in a few practical examples to find the optimal positions and orientations of the antenna elements on the system enclosure in order to minimize the cross-correlation coefficients, leading to an efficient MIMO operation.
2) Analytical Electromagnetic-Theoretic Model for the MIMO Antenna Design:
The first requirement for the MIMO antennas is to obtain orthogonal radiation modes in order to achieve uncorrelated signals. Since the Spherical Vector Waves (SVW) form a complete set of orthogonal Eigen-vector functions for the radiated electromagnetic fields, an analytical method based on the SVW approach is developed to excite the orthogonal SVWs to be used as the various orthogonal modes of the MIMO antenna systems. The analytic SVW approach is used to design spherical antennas and to investigate the orthogonality of the radiation modes in the planar antenna structures.
3) Systematic SVW Methodology for the MIMO Antenna Design:
Based on the spherical vector waves, a generalized systematic method is proposed for the MIMO antenna design and analysis. The newly developed methodology not only leads to a systematic approach for designing MIMO antennas, but can also be used to determine the fundamental limits and degrees of freedom for designing the optimal antenna elements in terms of the given practical restrictions. The proposed method includes the EM aspects of the antenna elements and the physical environment in the MIMO antenna system, which will provide a general guideline for obtaining the optimal current sources to achieve the orthogonal MIMO modes. The proposed methodology can be employed for any arbitrary physical environment and multi-antenna structures. Without the loss of generality, the SVW approach is employed to design and analyze a few practical examples to show how effective it can be used for MIMO applications.
In conclusion, this research addresses the electromagnetic aspects of the antenna analysis, design, and optimization for MIMO applications in a rigorous and systematic manner. Developing such a design and analysis tool significantly contributes to the advancement of high-data-rate wireless communication and to the realistic evaluation of the MIMO antenna system performance by a robust scientifically-based design methodology.
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