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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo das propriedades de termoluminescência e de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica da cordierita natural / Study of the properties of thermoluminescence and electron paramagnetic resonance of natural cordierite

Valdenir Orides da Silva 20 April 2006 (has links)
Como parte do principal programa do Laboratório de Cristais Iônicos do Departamento de Física Nuclear do Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo, foi estudado no presente trabalho o mineral natural de cordierita, de fórmula química (Mg,Fe)(Al4Si5O18) . nH2O, amostra esta de Vana, oriunda da Bahia. O trabalho teve como enfoque as propriedades de termoluminescência (TL) e de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (EPR). Foram obtidas curvas de emissão TL de uma amostra com dose adicional de 50 Gy no aparelho leitor montado no LACIFID, e outra de uma amostra com dose adicional de 2000 Gy no aparelho leitor do fabricante Daybreak Nuclear. As duas curvas apresentam um pico único aparente em torno de l50°C, estendendo-se de 50°C a 250°C. A curva de emissão TL da amostra com dose adicional de 2000 Gy apresentou um ombro muito pouco eminente entre 200\"C e250\"C, indicando a presença de outro pico nessa região. As amostras de cordierita com doses adicionais entre 50 Gy e 5000 Gy deram origem a curvas de emissão TL que mostram que deve haver um pico em torno de 100°C, instável à temperatura ambiente, e que quando é feita a leitura TL imediatamente após a irradiação das amostras, esse pico cresce muito rapidamente, dando a impressão de que o pico em 150°C deslocou-se para temperaturas menores. Na representação gráfica linear, a intensidade TL em função da dose é dada por uma curva exponencial do tipo I = I0[1 - exp (-D/DS)], onde I0 é a intensidade TL de saturação e DS a dose a partir da qual começa a saturação. No presente caso, para o pico TL em torno de 100°C, foram obtidos I0 ~- 4,6x105 em unidades arbitrárias, e Ds ~ 2000 Gy. Na escala logarítmica, obtém-se uma reta paralela à da linearidade, isto é, o pico TL em 100°C cresce linearmente com a dose. No entanto, o pico no intervalo 145°C 150°C apresenta supralinearidade; não muito acentuada, mas desde baixa dose (menos de 10 Gy), tornando-se sublinear em aproximadamente 800 Gy. O recozimento a uma temperatura de 600°C por uma hora antes da irradiação (no caso 500 Gy), provocou um aumento na sensibilidade do pico em 100°C, enquanto que com o recozimento a750°C por uma hora, a intensidade TL em 125°C é que sofreu aumento, e com o recozimento a 900°C por uma hora o que sofre aumento na intensidade é o pico no intervalo 145-150°C, de tal modo que dá a impressão de que o pico TL se desloca de 100°C para 150°C com o tratamento térmico de 600°C a 900°C por uma hora. O tratamento térmico isócrono a 72°C, 96°C, 116°C, 136°C, 150°C, 176°C, 196°C, 216°C, 228°C, 240°C, 260°C, 280°C e 300°C, mostrou que deve haver picos TL nos intervalos 130°C 140°C, 150°C 170°C, 210°C 220°C, 250°C 260°C e em 360°C. Com a deconvolução da curva de emissão, temos a confirmação desses picos. A determinação dos parâmetros E e s, relativos ao pico em torno de 145°C das curvas de emissão TL das Figuras VII-2 (a) e (b), foi feita usando o método de duas taxas de aquecimento, com o seguinte resultado: E = 1,305 eV e s = 3,569x1014 s-1. O método de E x Tstop desenvolvido por McKeever (1985), resultou, por outro lado, em vários patamares de energia, indicando vários picos nas regiões de 70-90°C, 95-105°C, 115-118°C, 132-138°C, 155-165°C, 175-195°C. O método de deconvolução da curva de emissão, introduzido por Gomez - Ros et al (1998), mostrou a existência de picos TL em 144°C (E = 0,98 eV; s = 1,715 x 1011 s-1), 178°C (E = 0,995 eV; s = 2,792x1010 s-1), 214°C (E = 1,13eV; s = 1,026 x 1011 s-10), 249°C (E = 1,15 eV; s = 2,323 x 1010 s-1) e 368°C (E = 1,19 eV; s = 2,824x108 s-1). O espectro de EPR da amostra natural apresentou: na região entre 2000 e 3600 Gauss, seis linhas características de Mn2+; em 1500 Gauss, a linha de Fe3+; e centrada em 3400 Gauss, a linha larga devido à interação dipolar de Fe3+. Outras linhas não foram identificadas. O tratamento térmico a 600°C por uma hora não fez se apresentarem novas linhas ou causou supressão de algumas, mas a linha de interação dipolar sofreu um aumento considerável, indicando que o tratamento térmico causou a transformação de Fe2+ em Fe3+, liberando elétrons. / The Ionic Crystals Laboratory at Physics Institute of the Sao Paulo University investigates, as its main research project, studies of physical properties of available natural Brazilian minerals of silicates. In the present work, thermoluminescense and electron paramagnetic resonance properties of cordierite, (Mg,Fe)(Al4Si5O18) . nH2O, from Vana, Bahia State have been investigated. Being natural mineral, a x-ray fluorescence analysis has been conducted, finding first of all 47 ,77 mol % of SiO2, 31,70 of Al2O3, 7,52 of MgO and 8,31 mol % of FeO, as basic component, of the cordierite crystal, and 0,287 mol% of MnO, 0,84 mol% of Na2O, 0,46 mol% CaO, 0,3 mol% K2O, 0,022mol% of TiO2 and several others in smaller concentration. Glow curves, one of a natural sample with 50 Gy additional -dose, registered in a indigenous TL reader and the other one of a natural sample irradiated to 2000 Gy additional dose obtained in Daybreak TL reader. Both glow curves are characterized by a very broad (from 50°C to 250°C) curve peaked at 150°C. The second glow curve, presents a light shoulder around 200 to 250°C. Anyway, in such a case, one expects more than two peaks composing that broad glow curve. The cordierite samples irradiated with different additional -doses in the range 50 - 5000 Gy, have originated TL glow curves that demonstrate the possible existence of a peak around 100°C, unstable in ambient temperature, but if it is read soon after irradiation, the glow curves show this peak increasing quickly, appearing that the peak around 150°C shifted itself toward smaller temperatures. In the linear representation, the TL intensity as function of the dose, is given by an exponential curve in the form I = I0[ - exp(-D/Ds)], where I0 is the TL saturation intensity and Ds is the dose of the beginning of the saturation. In the present case, I0 ~ 4,1 x 105 (arbitrary units) and Ds ~ 2000 Gy were obtained. In the logarithmic scale, it has been obtained a parallel to straight line of linearity for the 100°C TL peak. However, the peak TL around 145-150°C, presents supralinearity, not much pronounced, from low doses (below 10 Gy) up to 800 Gy; after that, becomes sublinear. The pre-irradiation annealing at 600°C/1h, has provoked an enhancement of sensibility of the 100°C peak; the pre-irradiation annealing at 750°C/1h has originated an enhancement of TL intensity of the 125°C peak; at 900°C/1h has originated an enhancement of TL intensity of the peak around 145-150°C; as consequence the TL peak seems to shift from 100°C to 150°C. The isochronous thermal treatment at 72°C, 96°C, 116°C, 136°C, 150°C, 176°C, 196°C, 216°C, 228°C, 240°C, 260°C, 280°C and 300°C, has shown the possible existence of TL peaks in the ranges 130°C 140°C, 150°C 170°C, 210°C 220°C, 250°C 260°C and at 360°C. The glow curve deconvolution calculation confirms the presence of these peaks. The determination of the parameters E and s, relative to peak around 145°C of the glow curves - Figures VII.2 (a) and (b) - was done by the method of two heating rates, and resulted: E ~ 1,305 eV and s ~ 3,569 x 1014 s-1. The E x Tstop method, developed by McKeever (1995), gives, on the other hand, several plateaus, indicating several peaks in the ranges 70-90°C, 95-105°C, 115-118°C, 132-138°C, 155-165°C, 175-195°C. E - values can be inferred from each plateau. The glow curve deconvolution, method developed by Gomez - Ros et al. (1998), has shown the existence of TL peaks at 144°C (E = 0,98 eV; s = 1,715 x 1011 s-1), 178°C (E = 0,995 eV; s = 2,792x1010 s-1), 214°C (E = 1,13eV; s = 1,026 x 1011 s-10), 249°C (E = 1,15 eV; s = 2,323 x 1010 s-1) e 368°C (E = 1,19 eV; s = 2,824x108 s-1). The EPR spectrum of the natural sample has presented in the interval of 3000 to 3600 Gauss 6 characteristic lines of Mn2+, the line of Fe3+ at 1500 Gauss and a broad line centered at 3400 Gauss owing to dipolar interaction of Fe3+. Other lines were not identified. The thermal treatment at 600°C/1h did not produce new EPR lines, neither suppressed other ones. On the other hand, the dipolar interaction line had a considerable increment, indicating that with the thermal treatment there happened the conversion from Fe2+ to Fe3+, releasing electrons, since the broad line around 3400 Gauss, due to dipolar interaction of Fe3+ - ions increased with this heat treatment.

Estudos dosimétricos da hidroxiapatita por ressonância paramagnética eletrônica e termoluminescência / Hydroxyapatite dosimetric studies by electron paramagnetic resonance and thermoluminescence

Luiz Carlos de Oliveira 26 February 2010 (has links)
Estudos dosimétricos em hidroxiapatita (HAp) podem ser utilizados para a determinação da dose absorvida em tecidos duros em diversas situações, tais como acidentes radiológicos, controle de processos de esterilização e datação arqueológica. Essa tese apresenta estudos da resposta à dose de radiação tanto do sinal de Ressonância Paramagnética Eletrônica (RPE) quanto de termoluminescência (TL) para HAp. A fauna de mamíferos fósseis encontrada na Planície Costeira do Rio Grande do Sul é conhecida desde o final do século XIX, porém ainda pouco se sabe sobre seu contexto bio e cronoestratigráfico. Neste trabalho foram datadas, por RPE, onze amostras de dentes de mamíferos extintos, coletados no Arroio Chuí e ao longo da praia, proveniente do sul da costa do Rio Grande do Sul. As idades obtidas para essas amostras contribuem para um melhor entendimento da origem dos depósitos fossilíferos. Em um segundo momento do trabalho, é proposto um novo procedimento de decomposição de espectros complexos de RPE, voltados para a dosimetria e datação. O método consiste na utilização de funções do pacote de funções do software \"Easyspin\", que é gratuito, associadas a métodos de minimização de funções. Após a validação, o método foi aplicado na decomposição de espectro de duas amostras de dentes de Stego-mastodon waringi, provenientes do nordeste do Brasil. A decomposição visa verificar o efeito que tem as componentes sobrepostas ao sinal dosimétrico sobre o cálculo da dose acumulada e mostrou-se útil para melhorar a precisão na determinação da dose. Por fim, hidroxiapatita sintética carbonatada do tipo-A e hidroxiapatita natural extraída de dentes fósseis foram caracterizadas por TL. Os resultados obtidos por essa técnica mostrou que esses dois tipos de amostra são capazes de responder a radiação ionizante. Contudo, esses mesmos resultados também revelaram a impossibilidade de se fazer dosimetria por termoluminescência com fins à datação, para esse tipo de amostra. / Dosimetric studies on hydroxyapatite (HAp) can be used to determine the absorbed dose in hard tissues in several situation, such as radiologic accidents, control of sterilization process and archaeological dating. This PhD thesis presents studies about radiation dose response assessed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) as well as thermoluminescence in HAp. The fossil mammalian fauna from the Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul State has been known since the late XIX century; however, its biostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic context is still poorly known. The present works describes the results of electron spin resonance (ESR) dating on teeth of extinct mammals collected along the Chuí Creek and coastline. The ages obtained for these samples contribute to a better knowledge about the origin of these fossil. In a second stage of this work, we propose a new EPR spectrum deconvolution (or decomposition) procedure aimed to dosimetry and dating. The method uses the EasySpin (a freeware software) set of functions associated with minimization procedures. After validation, the method was applied in spectrum deconvolution of two Stegomastodon waringi enamel samples, originated from northeast of Brazil. The spectrum econvolution is aimed to verify the superposed components effects on the dosimetric signal over the accumulated dose calculation. The results have shown to be helpful in improving the dose calculation accuracy. In the last stage of this work, synthetic carbonated A-typ hydroxyapatite and natural one were investigated by Thermoluminescence. The obtained results shown that the two samples respond linearly to the ionizing radiation dose. However, the short thermoluminescent glow-peak lifetime suggest that it\'s inadequate for dating purpose.

Estudos de difusão e trocas iônicas de vanádio, cromo, manganês e ferro no berilo incolor / Studies of diffusion and ionic exchanges of vanadium, chromium, manganese, and iron in colorless beryl

Juan Carlos Ramírez Mittani 05 December 2002 (has links)
Neste trabalho a difusão de V, Cr, Mn e Fe por troca iônica, eletrodifusão e implante iônico foi efetuada na amostra natural de berilo incolor (goshenita). As medidas de termoluminescência (TL), ressonância spin paramagnética (EPR) e absorção ótica (AO) foram feitas na amostra natural com a finalidade de comparar as amostras apos a difusão em alguns casos a observação da variação das propriedades medidas. A amostra natural após a irradiação - delta com 10 Gy apresentou 3 picos TL a aproximadamente 150, 250 e 320ºC. Para altas doses o primeiro pico aumentou muito sua intensidade, sobrepondo-se sobre os outros dois picos de temperaturas altas. A amostra natural apresentou sinais EPR referentes aos íons Mn POT.2+ localizados na posição de Al POT.3+ e Fe POT.3+ no canal do cristal. As amostras irradiadas com altas doses de até 10 POT.6 Gy, além dos sinais mencionados, apresentaram novos sinais referentes ao CH IND.3, CO POT.-IND.3, H POT.GRAUS e Fe POT.3+. Este último íon, localizado em um ambiente tetraédrico, tem sinais na região de campos magnéticos baixos. As medidas de obsorção ótica na amostra natural apresentaram bandas muito intensas das moléculas de H IND.2O, situadas no canal, o que indica que os canais dessas amostras estão entupidos destas. A banda típica na região de 820 nm devido ao Fe POT.2+ no canal foi, também observada. As amostras, irradiadas com as mesmas doses que nas medidas de EPR, apresentaram bandas referentes ao Fe POT.+ na posição do Al POT.3+ na região entre 350 e 500 nm, bandas devido ao CO POT.-IND.3 na região entre 570 e 720 nm, o que geralmente é encontrado em berilos de tipo \"maxixe\" e, por último, uma banda na região entre 280 e 350 nm referentes ao Fe POT.3+ na posição do Be POT.2+. Para o processo de difusão, as amostras orientadas com a superfície ao longo do eixo-C PAE e perpendicular a este PEE foram usadas, com as dimensões de ) 8*6*1 mm3. No processo de difusão simples, 3 técnicas foram empregadas e denominadas difusão simples A, B e encapsulado. Para a difusão simples A e encapsulado uma camada fina de sal foi colocado numa das faces da amostra. Nestes dois processos os tempos de difusão foram de 1, 2 e 3 semanas à temperatura de 750ºC. Para a difusão simples B a amostra foi submersa dentro do sal num cadinho e a difusão foi feita à temperatura de 600ºC durante um mês. Para o processo de eletrodifusão uma camada de sal numa das faces da amostra PEE foi colocada (seta sobreE// C). Voltagens de 2500 V/cm e 5000 V/cm foram aplicadas entre os eletrodos. As amostras foram aquecidas até 500ºC. A eletrodifusão ao ar foi feita durante 24 horas e sob vácuo durante 5 dias. Além das experiências de difusão e eletrodifusão também foram feitos implantes de V, Cr, Mn e Fe nas amostras PAE e PEE. A energia usada no processo de implante foi de 400 keV e, as doses recebidas foram de 2.10 POT.16 átomos/cm POT.2 para Fe, Cr e Mn e de 9.10 POT.15 átomos/cm POT.2 para o V. As medidas de EPR, AO e TL das amostras após a difusão, eletrodifusão e implante iônico foram feitas. Devido à baixa concentração de íons difundidos no cristal as medidas de EPR das amostras, em todos os processo de difusão empregados, não mostraram sinais significativos dos íons difundidos com exceção do Fe difundido pelo processo simples A e encapsulado. O mesmo tem acontecido com as medidas de AO. Foram encontradas somente bandas devido aos íons de Fe e Cr na difusão simples A e B. Segundo estes resultados tudo indica que os íons estão se difundindo pelo mecanismo de vacância em maior proporção e em menor por interstícios. As medidas de TL mostraram um aumento considerável nos picos TL de altas temperaturas 250 e 320ºC talvez devido à criação de defeitos de estrutura devido à temperatura de difusão. Segundo os resultados obtidos ) para o coeficiente de difusão e energia de ativação tem se observado que os íons se difundem mais facilmente nas amostras PEE que nas PAE e, dos quatro íons empregados, V, Cr, Mn e Fe), o íon de Fe tem-se mostrado mais fácil de se difundir no cristal. Foi também observado que o campo cristalino exerce influência no processo de difusão. / In the present work diffusion of the ions V, Cr, Mn and Fe was carried out using ionic exchanges, electro diffusion and implant techniques in the natural uncolored beryl (goshenite). For comparison measurements of hermoluminescence (TL), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and optical absorption (OA) were carried out on natural and ion diffused goshenite samples. The TL measurements of natural samples irradiates to 10 Gy additional delta-rays revealed three peaks around 150, 250 and 320GRAUSC. for higher delta doses the first peak intensity increases so rapidly to cover two other TL peaks. The typical Mn POT.2+ and Fe POT.3+ signals are found in the natural samples after EPR measurements. Mn POT.2+ is subtitutional to Al POT.2+ and Fe POT.3+ are located in the channel. Irradiation to 10 POT.6 Gy EPR signals due to CH IND.3, CO POT.-IND.3, H POT.GRAUS and Fe POT.3+ in tetrahedric position are added. The optical absorption spectrum of natural samples is characterized by 820 nm Fe POT.2+ band and very intense H IND.2O molecules band indicating the channels full of water molecules. After 10 POT.6 Gy irradiation absorption bands due to Fe POT.3+ subtitutional to Al POT.3+ between 35C and 500nm, band due to CO POT.-IND.3 between 570 and 720 nm (maxixe type) and a band between 280 and 350 nm due to Fe POT.3+ substituting Be POT.2+ are found. For diffusion thin plates of goshenite 1mm thick were prepared. Those with the surface perpendicular to C-axis was dominated PAE and those parallel to C-axis PEE. In the process of diffusion 3 techniques were used and denominated as: simple diffusion A, B and encapsulated diffusion. For the simple diffusion A and encapsulated a fine layer of salt was put in the faces of the sample. In these two process the diffusion times were of 1,2 and 3 weeks and in a furnace at 750°C. For the simple diffusion B the sample was kept immersed inside of the salt to be diffused during one month at 600°C. the electro diffusion process was also used for PEE plates under a field of 2500V/cm in one case and 5000 V/cm in another. The temperature varied from room temperature up to 500°C for 24 hours. The eletrodiffusion in air atmosphere was made during 24 hours and eletrodiffusion in vacuum for 5 days. Implant of V, C, Mn and Fe ions was also made. The energy used in the implant process was of 400 KeV and, the received doses were of 2.10 POT.16 atoms/cm² for Fe, Cr and Mn and 9.10 POT.15 atoms/cm² for the V. Due to relatively small concentration of ions diffused into the crystal only in the case of Fe introduced by technique A and encapsulated one a significant change in the EPR spectrum was observed. Again only for technique A and B produced variation in the optical absorption spectra. These results indicate the vacancy mechanism for diffusion. The measures of TL showed a considerable increase for the TL peaks of high temperatures 250 and 320°C. according to the results obtained for the diffusion coefficient and activation energy it seems that the ions are diffused more easily in the samples PEE that in PAE and among four ions (V, Cr, Mn and Fe) the ion of Fe has shown to diffuse easily in the crystal. It was also observed that the crystalline field influences the diffusion process.

Estudo teórico de sistemas de elétrons fortemente correlacionados / Theoretical study of highly correlated electron systems

Calderon Filho, Cesar José, 1987- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Gaston Eduardo Barberis, Eduardo Granado Monteiro da Silva / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T18:32:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CalderonFilho_CesarJose_D.pdf: 5035446 bytes, checksum: fcbe04000b9cbb2451812618227a75ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Este trabalho é dedicado ao estudo dos multiferróicos, um tipo especial de sistema de elétrons fortemente correlacionados. Foram analisadas teoricamente estas substâncias e estudada a família LiMPO4 (M: Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) em particular. Este trabalho focou particularmente no composto de Mn, LiMnPO4, onde foram utilizados os dados existentes e os recém obtidos de espalhamento inelástico de nêutrons (INS), magnetização, espalhamento Raman e ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (ESR) para modelar as interações magnéticas presentes no material. Os resultados obtidos em monocristais deste composto permitem refinar o conhecimento das interações magnéticas do mesmo. O modelo desenvolvido realiza um ajuste simultâneo dos novos dados de espalhamento Raman e os já publicados de INS, mostrando uma clara interpretação do papel dos parâmetros de troca no material escolhido. É esperado que este cálculo seja estendido para toda a família e para outros compostos. Esta tese tenta ser auto-contida, por isso incluiu-se boa parte do material necessário para o leitor e futuros continuadores deste trabalho / Abstract: This work is devoted to the study of an special type of strongly correlated electrons\' compounds, namely the multiferroics. We analyze theoretically those substances, and we study a particular family of them, the LiMPO4 (M: Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) family. We focus particularly in the Mn compound, LiMnPO4, where we use existing and newly obtained data from Inelastic Neutron Scattering, Magnetization, Raman Scattering and Electron Spin Resonance to model the magnetic interactions in the material. The results in single crystals of this compound allow us to refine the knowledge of the magnetic interactions in LiMnPO4. Our model develops a calculation that fits together the new Raman experiments and the already published INS, arriving to a clear interpretation of the role of the exchange parameters in the chosen material. We expect that our calculation will be extended in the future to the whole family and to other compounds. This thesis tried to be self-contained, so we included some material that can be useful for the readers and future continuators of this work / Doutorado / Física / Doutor em Ciências

Methodologies and application development of high field PELDOR for spin labelled proteins

McKay, Johannes Erik January 2016 (has links)
The function of a biological molecule is linked to its underlying structure, and determination of that structure can lead to significant insights into its function and how this is performed. There already exist a number of important tools in structural biology, however, the pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technique called pulsed electron-electron double resonance (PELDOR) is the only one capable of accurately measuring isolated distances between attached spin-labels over the range of ~2 to 10 nm, a range which is usually impossible to measure directly with other techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and X-ray crystallography. This can provide constraints for refinement of structures determined from NMR and X-ray crystallography, or insights into protein docking and protein mechanics. With recent developments in EPR spectrometer instrumentation and spin-labelling it has become possible to conduct PELDOR experiments in the high field EPR regime ( > 3 Tesla) where measurement sensitivity is increased. These experiments can reveal relative orientations of nitroxide spin-labels in complement to their separation, however, analysis and interpretation of these results has been difficult to perform routinely. This thesis presents a characterisation of the high field spectrometer HiPER showing that it is well suited when optimised for making PELDOR experiments. To perform analysis of PELDOR signals from this spectrometer custom signal simulation code has been written. Two case studies are presented. The first relates to the use of the Rx spin label with the PELDOR experiment to derive orientation information from the spin labelled protein Vps75. The recently developed spin label Rx is proposed to attach more rigidly to underlying structure, offering potentially increased accuracy in determination of structure constraints and additional information about relative orientations of different structural features. An orientation selective PELDOR study is presented which compares molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of spin labels attached to sites on the α-helix of the protein Vps75. This has shown great potential for utilising the Rx spin label in a repeatable way on α-helix residue sites for determination of structural constraints. The second case relates to orientation selective PELDOR measurements of spin labelled oligomeric membrane protein structures. High field PELDOR offers great potential in increasing measurement sensitivity and accuracy of structural constraints in oligomeric proteins. A methodology of signal analysis for this class of protein is presented along with measurements of the membrane channel protein MscS. Difficulties of PELDOR measurement on these labelled proteins are discussed and observed relaxation of the spin echo, relevant to pulsed EPR experiments, are investigated and possible mechanisms are presented.

Investigating orphan cytochrome P450s in Mycobacterium tuberculosis : insights into enzyme structure, function and inhibitor design

Chenge, Jude January 2016 (has links)
The World Health Organization regards tuberculosis as a world pandemic disease. There is increased demand for new drugs to tackle this threat. This threat has been further elevated with the emergence of drug resistant strains of the causative pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), thereby increasing the urgency for development of novel anti-tubercular drugs. Success in whole genome sequence determination of Mtb revealed a large cohort of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes. Research on these Mtb P450s has shown that several of them are critical to the survival of the pathogen. CYP121A1 and CYP128A1 have been demonstrated to be essential using knockout experiments. CYP125A1 and CYP142A1 have been shown to play crucial roles in bacterial catabolism of host steroids, with CYP125A1 also shown to be located within a gene cluster highly important for bacterial virulence and infectivity. CYP144A1 was shown to be one of the genes whose expression is elevated when Mtb was exposed to macrophage-like conditions, and gene knockout studies using the H37Rv virulent strain of Mtb indicated the ΔCYP144A1 mutant to be more sensitive to the clotrimazole antifungal. CYP126A1 was shown to be located within a cluster of genes highly important for the de novo synthesis of purines in Mtb. These and other data suggested these enzymes to be important to the growth process of Mtb and thus potential drug targets for developing novel therapeutics. Findings in this PhD have revealed that many characteristics of CYP144A1 and CYP126A1 are comparable to previous Mtb P450s reported to date. CYP144A1 is highly conserved within the Mycobacterium genus and specifically within pathogenic species. Transcriptomic analysis has revealed an alternative truncated transcript leading to the production of two physiologically relevant versions of CYP144A1. Our comparative biophysical characterization of both versions (CYP144A1-FLV and -TRV) show both enzymes to be similar in their binding tightly to azole antifungals. EPR and DSC studies show that the 30 amino acid truncation (to form CYP144A1-TRV) does not affect the heme electronic environment and the overall thermal stability of the enzymes. X-ray crystallography was utilized to determine the first crystal structure of a Mtb CYP144 family enzyme. The structure reveals that CYP144A1 possesses a large hydrophobic active site primed for accommodating large hydrophobic substrates. Further chemoproteomic profiling identified novel compounds, which bind in both inhibitor-like and substrate-like modes to CYP144A1, resulting in the development of novel CYP144A1 compounds for use as chemical probes for this P450. Fragment and compound screening identified several ligands with varying binding affinities for CYP126A1, suggesting that this P450 is capable of binding and catalyzing reactions with a wide range of substrates. Turnover experiments proved catalytic activity of CYP126A1 on one of these compounds (Compound 4). Crystallization of CYP126A1 with various compound “hits” (compounds 1 and 7, the azole drug ketoconazole) revealed involvement of several important residues within the active site of CYP126A1 in interactions with these molecules, thus providing important information for designing inhibitors for this enzyme. Both CYP144A1 and CYP126A1 display important characteristics that contribute to our general understanding of cytochromes P450 as a whole, and of Mtb P450s in particular. This PhD project has established the first instance of leaderless transcripts in Mtb P450s and has presented the first crystal structures of both CYP144A1 and CYP126A1, as well as identifying novel, useful chemicals that can be used as mechanistic probes for these enzymes as well as providing the basis for Mtb P450 isoform-specific inhibitors.

Elaboration de bâtonnets et de grilles supramoléculaires : étude de leurs propriétés magnétiques / Elaboration of supramolecular grids and sticks : investigation of their magnetic properties

Burg, Christophe 08 July 2013 (has links)
La synthèse supramoléculaire permet de dépasser le jeu du hasard dans les rencontres intermoléculaires en programmant l’assemblage des briques moléculaires selon des stratégies déterministes. De telle prédispositions architecturales sont d’un intérêt majeur en nanosciences pour l’obtention de nano-objets moléculaires et leur organisation à l'échelle nanométrique.On peut imaginer réaliser des dispositifs de taille nanométrique en dotant de propriétés particulières les synthons de ces assemblages. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse de doctorat illustre en intégralité cette démarche, de la synthèse à la caractérisation des propriétés magnétiques de baguettes dinucléaires et grilles tétranucléaires dont les sites métalliques sont paramagnétiques. Une étude approfondie des conditions d’obtention de ces objets a été effectuée en utilisant des méthodes de caractérisation physico-chimiques. L’étude de leurs propriétés magnétiques a été menée principalement par Résonance Paramagnétique Électronique pour étudier les complexes formés en solution. Les contraintes géométriques qui sont exploitées par la synthèse supramoléculaire présentent un intérêt pour l’obtention de propriétés magnétiques particulières. / The elaboration of well-defined geometrical molecular arrangements is a key issue of supramolecular chemical synthesis. This ability is of major interest in the field of nanosciences in order to get well organized supramolecular architectures at the nanoscale. Upon endowing with peculiar physical and/or chemical properties the molecular synthons of such architectures one may think of building original devices. Such a strategy is actually the driving force of this PhD work, which reports on the synthesis and the subsequent characterization of dinuclear stick and tetranuclear grid complexes with paramagnetic metal ions. A comprehensive study of the stability in solution of these supramolecular objects has been carried out with the help of various spectroscopic methods. A thorough investigation of their magnetic properties has been performed in solution by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy. Thanks to its geometrical rules, the efficiency of the supramolecular synthetic strategy is demonstrated to determine the magnetic properties of the studied complexes.

Site-directed spin-labelling of proteins for EPR spectroscopy : application to protein complexes and development of new methods for cysteine rich proteins

Bell, Stacey January 2016 (has links)
The work described in this thesis is an experimental study into the application of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Spectroscopy for the study of biological systems. Using a variety of methods of site-directed spin-labelling (SDSL), this thesis aims to explore long range structure in an assortment of recombinant and native proteins, and complexes thereof. The work described in this thesis covers all aspects of the work, from experimental design, molecular biology and cloning, protein expression and purification, as well as functional characterisation, and finally EPR distance measurements, data analysis and interpretation. Challenges and pitfalls will also be addressed. Chapters 1 and 2 introduce EPR spectroscopy, and its application in the study of long range structure in biological systems. The experimental techniques employed throughout this thesis are also introduced. Chapter 3 details an investigation into the complement C3b:factor H complex. This chapter addresses the challenges associated with the SDSL of cysteine rich proteins. Utilising hidden cysteine residues in native proteins for spin-labelling purposes will also be addressed. Chapter 4 looks at the interactions of the human myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) with cardiac myosin binding protein C (cMyBP-C). Optimisation of expression and purification protocols will be the focus, as well as addressing issues with protein solubility and spin labelling efficiencies. Chapter 5 explores the development of new methods of SDSL, for the specific labelling of cysteine rich proteins. The ability of Escherichia coli to read through the amber stop codon will be exploited for the incorporation of unnatural amino acids for labelling purposes, and novel spin labels, specific for labelling cysteine pairs tested in several model systems. Furthermore, native paramagnetic centres in recombinant proteins will be explored as potential labelling sites.

A magnetic resonance investigation of localised electronic states in crystals

Smith, Peter H. S. January 1970 (has links)
No description available.

Electron resonance absorption in metals at centimetre wavelengths

Liesegang, J. January 1965 (has links)
No description available.

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