Spelling suggestions: "subject:"electrotherapeutics"" "subject:"electrotherapeutic""
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Powering the modern body : theories of energy transfer in American medicine, science, and popular culture, 1875-1945 /De la Pen̂a, Carolyn Thomas, January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2001. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 389-421). Available also in a digital version from Dissertation Abstracts.
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Changes in hyo-laryngeal elevation post-pharyngeal electrical stimulationBasson, Tobias Johannes 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Swallowing disorders are prevalent in many elderly individuals and are common amongst individuals suffering from neurological diseases. These individuals are affected from slight swallowing difficulty to total swallowing inability. In severe cases this may cause aspiration pneumonia, dehydration, malnutrition and ultimately death. Swallowing disorders can be diagnosed and treated to increase quality of life. New treatment strategies to understand the pathophysiology and impaired swallowing response are needed.
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation is used as rehabilitation method in various disciplines. This method of rehabilitation of physiological dysfunction is used in treating swallowing disorders and has become a focus for current research. To understand the effect of electrical stimulation to the swallowing centre it is proposed to study its mechanism on normal swallowing musculature. The outcome of the effect that electrical stimulation has on healthy individuals may possibly be used to extrapolate to clinical settings and its benefit for modern dysphagia rehabilitation.
The purpose of this study was to report on the hyo-laryngeal movement pattern of young healthy, male and female, individuals and to measure the effect of a single neuromuscular electrical stimulation session on the hyo-laryngeal complex of 22 young healthy individuals. Lastly, the aim was to determine the detraining or lasting effect on the hyo-laryngeal swallowing complex of a single neuromuscular electrical stimulation session.
The study reported on baseline hyo-laryngeal complex movement patterns by measuring the anterior movement and elevation of the hyo-laryngeal complex through the use of videofluoroscopy swallow study. Analysis of these measurements where done to report on the effect of electrical stimulation on the hyo-laryngeal complex movement pattern pre- and post- electrical stimulation. Significant changes were revealed with elevation of the hyo-laryngeal complex, however no significant effects could be found with anterior movement of the hyo-laryngeal complex pre- and post- electrical stimulation. It was found that elevation of the hyo-laryngeal complex lowered after a single electrical stimulation session. The hyo-laryngeal complex movement pattern remained similar between genders. Lastly it was found that a single electrical stimulation session showed significant reversibility towards baseline levels. This might be related to muscle fatigue and one would need to take into account muscle recovery for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sluk versteurings is algemeen onder bejaardes asook individue wat ly aan neurologiese siektes. Hierdie individue word geaffekteer deur matige sluk probleme tot totale sluk onvermoë. In ernstige gevalle kan dit aanleiding gee tot aspirasie longontsteking, dehidrasie, wanvoeding en selfs dood. Sluk versteurings kan gediagnoseer en behandel word om die kwaliteit van lewe te verbeter. Dit is daarom noodsaaklik om die patofisiologiese en verswakte sluk reaksie te verstaan om sodoende nuwe behandeling strategieë te ontwikkel.
Neuromuskulêre elektriese stimulasie word gebruik as rehabilitasie tegniek in verskeie dissiplines. Hierdie metode van behandeling van fisiologiese disfunksie word ook gebruik in die behandeling van sluk afwykings en geniet tans baie navorsings aandag. Om die effek van elektriese stimulasie op die sluk sentrum te verstaan word dit dus voorgestel dat die meganisme op die normale sluk spierstelsel bestudeer word. Hierdie bevindinge kan dus moontlik toegepas word op persone met sluk afwykings en sodoende meer effektiewe rehabilitasie tegnieke bevorder.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om die effek op die hyo-laringeale bewegings patroon van jong, gesonde, manlike en vroulike individue te bestudeer, asook om verslag te doen oor die uitwerking van 'n enkele neuromuskulêre elektriese stimulasie sessie op die hyo-laringeale kompleks van 22 jong, gesonde individue. Laastens was die doel van hierdie studie ook om die blywende effek van 'n enkele sessie neuromuskulêre elektriese stimulasie op die sluk sentrum te bepaal.
Die studie het basislyn hyo-laringeale kompleks bewegings patrone gerapporteer deur die voorwaartse asook opwaartse beweging van die hyo-laringeale kompleks te meet deur gebruik te maak van videofluoroskopie sluk studies. Ontleding van hierdie metings is gedoen om die uitwerking van elektriese stimulasie op die hyo-laringeale kompleks bewegings patroon voor en na elektriese stimulasie te bepaal. Beduidende veranderinge is in die opwaartse beweging van die hyo-laringeale kompleks gevind, alhoewel geen veranderinge gevind is in die voorwaartse beweging van die hyo-laringeale kompleks voor en na elektriese stimulasie nie. Daar is vasgestel dat die opwaartse beweging van die hyo-laringeale kompleks verlaag het na 'n enkele elektriese stimulasie sessie. Verder het die hyo-laringeale kompleks bewegings patroon geen beduidende verskille tussen geslagte getoon nie. Laastens is bevind dat 'n enkele elektriese stimulasie sessie beduidende omkeerbaarheid terug na basislyn vlakke van beweging toon. Dit kan verband hou met die uitputting van die hyo-laringeale spiere as gevolg van die elektriese stimulasie en toekomstige navorsing sal dus uitputting, asook die tempo van herstel in ag moet neem.
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Treatment of Migraine Headache Utilizing Cerebral ElectrostimulationEngland, Ronald R. 12 1900 (has links)
Cerebral electrostimulation (CES) as a treatment for migraine headache was investigated. Eighteen participants recorded data on headaches for two baseline weeks. Six were assigned to each of three groups--an active treatment group receiving CES, a placebo group receiving a simulated version of CES, and a no-treatment control group placed on a waiting list during the study. The CES group evidenced a significant reduction in headache duration and intensity relative to the placebo group. The waiting list control group did as well as the CES group. A number of hypotheses were put forth in an attempt to account for the unexpected finding.
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The effects of EGS therapy on muscle dysfunction as determined by the Patronic PRI a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ... restorative dentistry ... /Payne, John Anthony. January 1985 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1985.
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The effects of EGS therapy on muscle dysfunction as determined by the Patronic PRI a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ... restorative dentistry ... /Payne, John Anthony. January 1985 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1985.
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A comparative study of positive versus negative polarity in the treatment of acute ankle sprains utilizing high voltage electrogalvanic stimulationWells, Lauren Michelle 01 January 1986 (has links)
Electrical stimulation has long been used in the treatment of a variety of ailments. Its current uses range from muscle re-education and orthotic substitute to scoliosis management and edema control. I chose to study the effect of electrode polarity in high voltage electrogalvanic stimulation in the treatment of edema for several reasons. I had access to subjects because I was the only physical therapist at the Stockton Orthopedic Medical Group. High voltage electrogalvanic stimulation is a commonly used modality in treating edema (Brown, 1981). High voltage generators have a polarity switch, and the direction manual which accompanies the Electro-Med generator used by the Stockton Orthopedic Medical Group states that the negative pole should be used for edema reduction. (Instruction manual for high voltage Electrogalvanic Stimulator, 1977). However, the effect of electrode polarity on edema reduction has not been demonstrated, nor documented in the literature.
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The effectiveness of spinal manipulation and interferential current therapy versus oral meloxicam and interferential current therapy in the treatment of acute mechanical low back painBekker-Smith, Carla January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Chiropractic)-Dept. of Chiropractic, Durban Institute of Technology, 2003
65 leaves / Low back pain is one of the largest known causes of disability in western society. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relative effectiveness of combined spinal manipulation and interferential current therapy versus combined oral meloxicam and interferential current therapy in the treatment of acute mechanical low back pain.
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The effectiveness of spinal manipulation and interferential current therapy versus oral meloxicam and interferential current therapy in the treatment of acute mechanical low back painBekker-Smith, Carla January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Chiropractic), Durban Institute of Technology, 2003. / Low back pain is one of the largest known causes of disability in western society. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relative effectiveness of combined spinal manipulation and interferential current therapy versus combined oral meloxicam and interferential current therapy in the treatment of acute mechanical low back pain. / M
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Intra-Cortical Microelectrode Arrays for Neuro-InterfacingGabran, Salam 06 November 2014 (has links)
Neuro-engineering is an emerging multi-disciplinary domain which investigates the electrophysiological activities of the nervous system. It provides procedures and techniques to explore, analyze and characterize the functions of the different components comprising the nervous system. Neuro-engineering is not limited to research applications; it is employed in developing unconventional therapeutic techniques for treating different neurological disorders and restoring lost sensory or motor functions. Microelectrodes are principal elements in functional electric stimulation (FES) systems used in electrophysiological procedures. They are used in establishing an interface with the individual neurons or in clusters to record activities and communications, as well as modulate neuron behaviour through stimulation. Microelectrode technologies progressed through several modifications and innovations to improve their functionality and usability. However, conventional electrode technologies are open to further development, and advancement in microelectrodes technology will progressively meliorate the neuro-interfacing and electrotherapeutic techniques.
This research introduced design methodology and fabrication processes for intra-cortical microelectrodes capable of befitting a wide range of design requirements and applications. The design process was employed in developing and implementing an ensemble of intra-cortical microelectrodes customized for different neuro-interfacing applications. The proposed designs presented several innovations and novelties. The research addressed practical considerations including assembly and interconnection to external circuitry.
The research was concluded by exhibiting the Waterloo Array which is a high channel count flexible 3-D neuro-interfacing array. Finally, the dissertation was concluded by demonstrating the characterization, in vitro and acute in vivo testing results of the Waterloo Array. The implemented electrodes were tested and benchmarked against commercial equivalents and the results manifested improvement in the electrode performance compared to conventional electrodes. Electrode testing and evaluation were conducted in the Krembil Neuroscience Centre Research Lab (Toronto Western Hospital), and the Neurosciences & Mental Health Research Institute (the Sick Kids hospital).
The research results and outcomes are currently being employed in developing chronic intra-cortical and electrocorticography (ECoG) electrode arrays for the epilepsy research and rodents nervous system investigations. The introduced electrode technologies will be used to develop customized designs for the clinical research labs collaborating with CIRFE Lab.
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The perceived proficiency of newly-qualified somatology graduates in using electrical equipment in the modern health and skincare industryCampbell, Debra Elizabeth 18 April 2013 (has links)
M.Tech. (Somatology) / The somatology industry has seen a rapid advancement in the use of technology to address physical concerns of clients in terms of addressing the visible signs of skin ageing, issues around centimetre reduction, cellulite and other aspects. In South Africa, the Somatology curricula vary between public and private higher education institutions. Even more diversity has been noted within the private somatology higher education providers. The electrical equipment curriculum that is taught in specifically nationally and/or internationally accredited private institutions has not been updated in years and is perceived as outdated. These students are still being taught and examined on electrical equipment that was popular during the 1980’s and that have since been replaced with updated and modern machines. The purpose of this study was to establish the perceived proficiency of newly-qualified nationally and/or internationally accredited graduates in using electrical equipment currently used in the modern health and skincare industry. This study made use of a mixed method design, incorporating three different data-collection techniques. These techniques included unstructured and semi-structured personal telephone interviews and structured questionnaires. Collecting data from three perspectives allowed for triangulation, ensuring validity and reliability. The results of this study concluded that the graduates, from selected specified nationally and/or internationally accredited private higher education institutions, did not deem themselves to be proficient in the use of modern electrical equipment. This sentiment was supported by their employers in the health and skincare industry, and verified by the lecturers who facilitated their learning during their two-year qualification.
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