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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of PXI instruments

Ryefalk, Maria January 2016 (has links)
This thesis has been written at Ericsson AB in Kumla. The purpouse of the thesis was to evaluate if it was possible to use PXI instruments in Ericsson’s current test system and if it would bring any improvements. The parameters considered were compatibility, test time, radio frequency performance, equipment footprint and total cost of ownership. Compatibility and test time was evaluated using small test apps, the other three evaluations are based on calculations. We found that PXI is compatible with Ericsson’s current test system, is faster than the current instruments, has similar radio frequency performance stats, does not change equipment footprint and shows a 6 % cost decrease in total cost of ownership.

Understanding the fundamentals of CPU architecture : Bachelor project in Electrical engineering

Al Kzair, Christian, Januzi, Altin, Blom, Andreas January 2018 (has links)
Understanding how a computer or rather a CPU works can be a bit tricky and hard to understand. We live today in a society full of computers and there are many who do not understand how a CPU works. This project is aimed to understand how a CPU works and the architecture behind it. For this it is demonstrated the fundamental theory behind it but also a practical computer that has been built from scratch. This computer can demonstrate the theory behind how the CPU works and also how it communicates. This computer is 8-bit which has it limitations but can show the fundamental theory behind how computers work.

Investigation of the Transparent Conducting Oxide (TCO) material used in CIGS thin film solar cell in Midsummer AB

Kainikkara Vatakketath, Rithwik January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Comparison of Control Strategies for Wave Energy Converters

Rahoor, Apram January 2020 (has links)
The development of wave power generation has been carried out since the 1790s. The technology involves capturing the energy of the wave using an actuation mechanism and converting it into useful work. Over the years many kinds of wave energy converters have been designed with varying rates of success. Novige has redesigned the buoy to a rectangular form thereby increasing the wetted area compared to standard round buoys. The primary approach for power absorption for Novige is latching control. But, different other control strategies were also proposed. The objective of the thesis is to compare the control strategies for WEC. The idea of latching came from the necessity to align phases of excitation force and velocity. One way is to latch (keep in the same position) device until the excitation force reaches its maximum. When the excitation force and velocity of the device are aligned in phase, the condition for the maximum power absorption is met. Latchingcontrol is commonly used in WEC to increase power absorption capacity. Different approaches can be taken to implement latching control. Latching of the WEC can be adjusted based on a sea state or on the wave to wave basis that passes through the WEC. This thesis will compare the latching strategies and propose the optimal latching strategy for NoviOcean as well as propose some new approaches for motion prediction. The predicted excitation force is then compared on average absorbed power and complexity for implementation.

Loop impedance measurement tool

Abrahamsson, Johan January 2020 (has links)
This master´s thesis presents a prototype of a hand-held measurement tool used to measure the loop impedance of ground loops using two current probes. This tool allows the user to find bad shield connections in a system without disconnecting the shielded cables. The thesis explains the theory behind the measurement method, hardware requirements and design, how the software works and a demonstration of the implemented graphical user interface. The tool is powered by a two-cell lithium-ion battery and has an integrated battery charger with cell balancing.

Automatic Alignment Detection and Correction in Infrared and Visual Image Pairs

Bjerwe, Ida January 2020 (has links)
Previously well aligned image sensors, mounted on the same camera, might become misaligned depending on external vibrations. It is of interest to be able to automatically detect and correct for this misalignment, and to separate the deviation into pointing- and/or parallax errors. Two methods were evaluated for this purpose, an area based image registration method and a feature based image registration method. In the area based method normalized cross-correlation was used to estimate translation parameters. In the feature based method, SIFT or LIOP descriptors were used to extract features that were matched between the two image modalities to estimate transformation parameters. In both methods only image points that were in focus were extracted to avoid detection of false alignment deviations. The results indicate that the area based image registration method has potential to automatically detect and correct for an alignment deviation. Moreover, the area based method showed potential to separate the deviation into pointing errors and parallax errors. The feature based method was limited to specific scenes but could be used as a complement to the area based method in order to additionally correct for rotation and/or scaling.

Övervakning av kapacitetsbegränsningar i kraftsystemet / Monitoring of capacity constraints in the powersystem

Leander Nilsson, Jonas January 2021 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet genomförs med Vattenfall Eldistribution som uppdragsgivare. Parter inom företaget anser att driftövervakningen idag sker aningen konservativt och traditionsbundet. Syftet med arbetet är att tydliggöra nuvarande övervakningsfilosofi och försöka hitta eventuella förbättringar och förändringar som kan införas i Vattenfall Eldistributions styrande dokument och driftövervakningssystem. Elektrisk kraftöverföring är ett effektivt och flexibelt sätt att transportera energi. Överföringsförmågan i ett elnät är dock begränsad och bestäms av de ingående komponenters kapacitetsgränser. Begränsningarna är oftast av termisk eller mekanisk natur, och ibland även en kombination av dessa. Ur ett övervakningsperspektiv kan en anläggning eller anläggningsdel i kraftsystemet bestå av flera ingående komponenter, exempelvis luftledningssektioner, kabelsektioner, frånskiljare, brytare, ström- och krafttransformatorer samt reläskydd. I rapporten framkommer det att luftledningar är den komponent som begränsar överföringsförmågan i systemet mest, följt av strömtransformatorer. Märkströmmen är den ström som sätter begränsningen för överföringskapaciteten i luftledningarna, den är baserad på kontinuerlig drift och vid bestämda förutsättningar där omgivningens förmåga att kyla är avgörande. När beräkningar av överföringsförmågan genomförs antas parametrar med sämsta tänkbara kylningsförhållandet. Bedömningen av överföringsförmågan är inte alltid enhetligt med hur larmgränserna fastslås, detta eftersom larmgränserna fastslås med försiktighet då det är en hjälpfunktion för driftoperatörerna. Larmen är ett verktyg för operatören som alltid kräver ett aktivt ställningstagande. Överlastförmågan är kopplat till åldring och haveri men även till anläggningssäkerheten. I rapporten framkommer det att apparater och kablar generellt inte överbelastas i Vattenfall Eldistributions nät medans luftledningar och transformatorer antas ha utrymme för det. Samtliga komponenter är beroende av sin omgivnings klimat men ändå tas inte hänsyn till detta i kapacitetsbedömningen för samtliga komponenter. Nätet kommer att användas hårdare i framtiden och för att utnyttja nätets fulla kapacitet krävs åtgärder för en mer exaktbedömning av den outnyttjad kapaciteten.Det resultat som framkommit i arbetet visar att vikten av att införa en ny rate, en kapacitetsgräns för apparater och en funktion för att i en större omfattning kunna bedöma elnätets dynamiska kapacitet i realtid i form av väderområden förfinar och optimerar nuvarande driftövervakning. / This thesis is carried out on behalf of Vattenfall Eldistribution. As parties within the company believe that operational monitoring today is somewhat conservative and traditional. The goal is to clarify the current monitoring philosophy and try to find any improvements and changes that can be introduced in Vattenfall's electricity distribution's governing documents and operational monitoring system. Electric power transmission is an efficient and flexible way of transporting energy. However, the transmission capacity of an electricity network is limited, and the limitation is determined by the capacity limits of the components. The limitations are usually of a thermal or mechanical nature, and sometimes even a combination of these. The power system can consist of several components, such as overhead line sections, cable sections, disconnectors, switches, current and power transformers and relay protection. The report shows that overhead lines are the component that limits the transmission capacity of the system the most, followed by current transformers. The rated current is the current that sets the limitation on the transmission capacity of the overhead lines, it is based on continuous operation and under certain conditions where the environment's ability to cool is crucial. When calculations of the transmission capacity are performed, parameters with the worst possible cooling ratio are assumed. The estimation of the transmission capacity is not always in accordance with how the alarm limits are determined, because the alarm limits are determined with caution as it is a help function for the operating operators. The alarms are a tool for the operator that always requires an active action. The overload capacity is linked to aging and breakdowns, but also to plant safety. The report shows that appliances and cables are generally something that is not overloaded while overhead lines and transformers are assumed to have room for it. All components are dependent on their environment, but still this is not taken into account in the capacity assessment for all components. The network will be used harder in the future and in order to utilize the network's full capacity, measures are required for a more accurate assessment of the available capacity. The results that have emerged from the thesis shows the importance of introducing a newrate, a capacity limit for appliances and a function to be able to assess the dynamic capacity of the electricity grid in real time to a greater extent in the form of weather areas refines and optimizes current operational monitoring.

PerformanceInvestigation of Access Types to IQC Device

Borndalen, Philip January 2021 (has links)
Application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC) are mainly driven by improved power requirements and extensive volume scaling. Ericsson shows that they can downsize their products by using more ASICs, giving easy installation and maintenance. The main drawback with ASIC is that it is fixed at production, compared with software. To improve the flexibility of the chip, CPUs are integrated on-chip and make the available hardware function configurable by the CPUs. The interest in throughput and latency between CPU and hardware components is the increased communication demands and to support better debug capability and backward compatibility. The backward compatibility demanded can be implemented by software instead of hardware. This Master thesis will look inside a subcomponent of an Ericsson chip that controls a radio unit interface, find ways to measure throughput and latency for a packet-based communication between CPUs. The software was developed to parse packet throughput, latency, and loss ratio from simulation and handling multiple runs with different parameters. A test bench was made to run compiled C code for the CPUs in the system. Scripts were made to handle compilation and running simulations where C code with different parameters is integrated. Two different interfaces between CPUs and hardware components were compared. The interfaces were APB/MIRI and AHB with separated read and write channels. The comparison shows that the throughput will increase by 1.1-2.6. Considerable improvement for large packets, while for smaller packets, the overhead is dominating. The maximum write throughput where 400 MB/s for AHB and 161 MB/s for APB/MIRI. Higher throughput can be achieved by using DMA.

Batterier som reservkraft i lågspänningsnät med solceller / Batteries as backup power in low voltage substation with solar cells

Aydin, Faruk, Jasem, Anas January 2021 (has links)
Examensarbetet är skrivit som en fallstudie där syftet är att säkerställa Trollhättan Energi AB:s kunder får en avbrottsfri elleverans under ö-drift samt att företaget kan minska utsläppen av fossilbränslen från en dieselgenerator under ö-drift. Den nya strategin utförs genom att ersätta dieselgeneratorer som används för ö-drift med laddningsbara batterier. Ett problem uppstår idag när Trollhättan Energi AB använder en dieselgenerator som reservkraft i en nätstation där det finns solceller i området som producerar en högre effekt än områdets effektkonsumtion. En sådan överskottseffekt orsakar problem om området ska drivas i en ö-drift då effekten inte kan ta vägen någonstans och som resultat fås ett avbrott på grund av att bakeffektskyddet på dieselgeneratorn löser ut. Ett sätt att lösa denna situation är att använda sig av batterier i ö-nätet som både kan laddas i och laddas ur.  För att klara alla möjliga driftsituationer skulle batterikapaciteten behöva vara relativt stor. För att minska behovet av större batterikapacitet, begränsas dock i studien tidsintervallen till när ö-drift ska köras med användning av enbart batteri till mellan soluppgång och solnedgång. Utanför detta tidsintervall antas en vanlig generator med miljöbränsle HVO 100 användas parallellt och därför undersöktes två olika batterikapaciteter som är 245 kWh respektive 490 kWh. Metoden är att hitta en laddningsnivå för batterier som anpassar till olika årstider. Eftersom effektförbrukning inte är densamma i juni som i februari är batteriets laddningsnivå olika för de olika månaderna. Resultatet visar att med batterikapacitet 245 kWh måste Trollhättan Energi AB kontakta solcellsägaren under en ö-drift och be denne stänga av elproduktionen för att undvika avbrott. Batterikapaciteten 490 kWh klarar ö-drift inom alla studerade tidsintervaller.  Att köpa och underhålla ett 490 kWh batteri kostar utslaget på 15 år ungefär 400 kSEK/år. Det är dyrt och inte lönsamt för att idag lösa problemet med bakeffekt. I framtiden, om batteripriset sänks och antalet solcellsanläggningar ökar, kan det dock bli lönsammare. Det absolut enklaste och billigaste sätt idag är att beordra ägarna av solcellsanläggningar att stänga av produktionen samt därefter köra med dieselgenerator som idag.  I Trollhättan ökar antalet solcellsanläggningar och detta gör att det kan bli ett större problem för Trollhättan Energi AB i framtiden. I framtiden om många kunder installerar solceller och ett spontant avbrott inträffar blir det svårare att kontakta alla kunder. / This bachelor’s thesis is written as a case study where the intended purpose is to reduce emissions of fossil fuels from a diesel generator and to ensure that Trollhättan Energi AB's customers receive an uninterrupted electricity supply during island operation. This is done by replacing diesel generators with chargeable batteries.  The identified problem occurs when Trollhättan Energi AB uses a diesel generator in a substation where solar cells are also connected, and the solar cells produce more power thanthe costumers consume. This surplus power from solar cells will result in a disconnection of the diesel generator due to reverse power protection. The battery capacity would need to be relatively large to cope with all the possible scenarios. For the use of battery only, the study limits the time intervals between sunrise and sunset to reduce the need for larger battery capacity. However, outside this time interval, an ordinary generator with environmental fuel HVO 100 is assumed to be used in parallel and therefore two different battery capacities were examined. Capacity for the batteries are 245 kWh and 490 kWh, respectively. The method is to find a charging level for the batteries that can adapt to different seasons. Since the power consumption is not the same in June as in February, the battery charging level is different for the different months. The results of the study show that with a battery capacity of 245 kWh, Trollhättan Energi AB must contact the solar cell owner during island operation to avoid interruptions. The battery capacity 490 kWh can handle island operation at all time intervals for the risk of back power throughout the year without having to contact the solar cell owner. Buying a 490 kWh battery costs approximately 400 kSEK / year over 15 years. It is expensive and not profitable to solve the problem with the reverse power. In the future, however, if the battery price is lowered and the number of solar cell systems increases, it may become more profitable. The easiest and cheapest solution today is to order the owners of the solar cell systems to switch of the power production and then use a diesel generator, as today. In Trollhättan, the number of solar cell installations is increasing, and this means that in the future it might be a more significant problem for Trollhättan Energi AB. If several customers install solar cells and a spontaneous interruption occurs, it will be more challenging to contact and organize a solar cell switch-off with all costumers. Therefore, buying a battery might be a solution in the future.

DDoS datasets : Use of machine learning to analyse intrusion detection performance

Kiourkoulis, Stefanos January 2020 (has links)
Threats of malware, attacks and intrusion have been around since the very conception ofcomputing. Yet, it was not until the sudden growth of the internet that awareness of security anddigital assets really started to pick up steam. The internet presents a new liability, as the everincreasingnumber of machines on the web provides a new goldmine for those seeking to exploitvulnerabilities. As access increases, new ways are created for attackers to exploit network systemsand their users. Among various types of attack, DDoS remains the most devastating and severedue to its potential impact, and the potentiality keeps on growing, making intrusion detection amust for network security and defense. As a result, machine learning and artificial intelligenceresearch has flourished over the last few years, opening new doors for intrusion detectiontechnologies. However, data availability still limits greatly the success of such technologies, asresearch faces a shortage of good quality IDS datasets.This study bases itself on this persisting issue as it assesses the state-of-the-art of open datasetsand their ability to detect intrusion and harmful network traffic. In particular, this study focuseson providing a comparison of intrusion detection performance of open DDoS attack datasets.DDoS attacks are some of the most concerning due to the magnitude of damage that they arecapable of. Literature on open DDoS datasets is fairly scarce in comparison to other forms ofattacks, hence, this study seeks to shed more light on the nature of existing DDoS data in relationto intrusion detection. The proposed solution sees four DDoS datasets analysed using a set of sixmachine learning algorithms, namely, k-NN, SVM, naïve Bayes, decision tree and logisticregression. This study aims to assess these datasets and analyse their performance with regardsto classification of network traffic.The results of this study contribute to a better understanding of the intrusion detection capacityof open DDoS datasets. The datasets are analysed on the basis of 5 performance metrics: accuracy,precision, recall, F-measure and computation time. The results show that voluminous datasets,such as the CEC-CIC-IDS2018 dataset, can achieve very high performance. In modelling terms, the results denote that random forest performs very well over a wide range of datasets, while naïveBayes and SVM are less consistent.

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