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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Substation consumption forecast in the French power system

Kerouanton, Sylvain January 2014 (has links)
This paper presents the methods and the results obtained during the project conducted by Sylvain Kerouanton for the French transmission system operator RTE. The objective of the project is to define methods to estimate the electric consumption of the substations of the high voltage network. The developed methods are based on the analysis of the past consumption of the substations to predict the load repartition of area consumption forecast over the substations of this area. This project does not deal with the consumption forecast but only with the repartition of it. Methods are presented in this report; the first one, the two floors method, classifies the substations with respect to their active power consumption in order to ease the repartition. The great issue of this method is the load transfers: the load of one substation that is transiently transferred to another substation. The second one aims to adapt the reactive power of substations from the variation of the active power. The third method finds a historical network situation which is as close as possible from the one that must be estimated. A study case on one of the seven regions of France defined by RTE is presented. The conclusion of the study case is that the two floors method can be used to clean up the load transfers of a well-chosen reference situation. This gives the best consumption repartition. / I detta examensarbete presenteras metoder och resultat som erhållits i ett projekt utfört av Sylvain Kerouanton för den franska systemoperatören RTE. Syftet med projektet var att utveckla metoder för att skatta lasten i olika ställverk i högspänningsnätet. De metoder som utvecklats är baserade på analys av den historiska lasten i ställverken för att fördela ut den prognostiserade elförbrukningen i ett område över ställverken. Projektet har inte studerat förbrukningsprognoserna i sig, utan endast hur lasten fördelas inom ett område. Den första metoden som behandlas i rapporten är "two floors"-metoden, som för att underlätta fördelningen av lasten klassificerar ställverk utifrån deras aktiva effektförbrukning. Den andra metoden syftar till att anpassa den reaktiva effektförbrukningen i ställverken till variationerna i den aktiva effektförbrukningen. Den tredje metoden används för att söka en historisk nätsituation som ligger så nära som möjligt den situation som studeras. En fallstudie från en av RTE:s sju regioner i Frankrike presenteras. Slutsatsen från fallstudien är att "two floors"- metoden kan användas för att rensa bort lasttransfereringar i en väl vald referenssituation. Detta ger den bästa skattade fördelningen av lasten.

Validation of Models for Analysis of the Flexibility of the Swedish Power System / Validering av modeller för att studera flexibiliteten i det svenska elsystemet

Shafiee, Leila January 2014 (has links)
The Swedish parliament has passed a planning framework to increase wind power production and have the annual production of 30 TWh wind power in 2020. The expansion of a continuously varying generation would result in an increased need for the capability of power system to keep the balance between generation and consumption. Therefore, it is important to study the flexibility of Swedish power system. Two models of Swedish power system are studied in this thesis work. The first model is a model of Swedish hydro power system which has been developed at KTH. The KTH model is formulated as a large linear optimization problem simulated in GAMS platform. It has a detailed representation of large hydro power plants but presents a simple model of electricity market and trading to other areas. The other model is Apollo which is developed by Sweco Company. Apollo is also formulated as an optimization problem and is a market model which uses a simplified model of hydro power system. The objective of this thesis work is to exchange data between the two models in order to compare, validate and if possible improve the models. To exchange data, the inputs and some outputs of Apollo are used as the inputs of KTH model and finally the outputs of KTH model is compared with the corresponding outputs of Apollo. There are some differences between the two models that must be removed in order to exchange data. All of differences except one of them are removed by data adjustment. The different methods that are used to remove those differences are discussed in the report. Due to the remaining difference and different efficiencies in the two models, scenarios cannot be directly transformed from Apollo to the KTH model. Therefore, three methods are introduced as compensation for the remaining differences. After applying those methods the same results can be obtained in the two models. As a result of the work on the data exchange some improvements are implemented in the KTH model and some improvements are identified and proposed for future work. The improvements are toward removing all the differences between the two models and make the models more similar to the real Swedish hydro power system. It is also concluded from the results that the Apollo hydro power schedules are feasible according to KTH model of hydro power system. This shows that Apollo does not overestimate the flexibility of Swedish hydro power system in the tested scenarios. / Riksdagen har beslutat om ett planeringsmål för ökad vindkraftproduktion upp till 30 TWh vindkraft år 2020. En utbygnnad av kontinuerligt varierande produktion skulle medföra ett ökat behov för elsystemets förmåga att balansera produktion och konsumtion. Därför är det viktigt att studera flexibiliteten i det svenska elsystemet. Två modeller av det svenska elsystemet studeras i detta examensarbete. Den första modellen, som är utvecklad på KTH, är en modell av det svenska vattenkraftsystemet. KTH-modellen är formulerad som ett stort linjärt optimeringsproblem som simuleras i GAMS-plattformen. Modellen har en detaljerad representation av större vattenkraftverk, medan modellen av elmarknaden och handeln med andra områden är mycket förenklad. Den andra modellen heter Apollo och är utvecklad av konsultföretaget Sweco. Apollo är också formulerad som ett optimeringsproblem, och är en marknadsmodell som använder en förenklad modell av vattenkraftsystemet. Målsättningen med detta arbete är att utbyta data mellan de två modellerna för att jämföra, validera och om möjligt förbättra de två modellerna. För att utbyta data används indata och vissa utdata från Apollo som indata till KTH-modellen och slutligen jämförs utdata från KTH-modellen med motsvarande utdata från Apollo. Det finns en del skillnader mellan de två modellerna som måste hanteras för att datautbytet ska vara möjligt. Alla skillnader utom en hanteras genom att modifiera data. De olika metoder som används för att hantera dessa skillnader diskuteras i rapporten. På grund av den återstående skillnaden och olika verkningsgrader i de två modellerna så kan inte scenarier överföras direkt från Apollo till KTH-modellen. Därför föreslås tre metoder för att kompensera de återstående skillnaderna. Med hjälp av dessa metoder kan samma resultat erhållas från de två modellerna. Till följd av arbetet med datautbytet har några förbättringar av KTH-modellen implementerats och ytterligare förbättringar har identifierats och föreslagits som framtida arbete. Dessa förbättringar syftar till att ta bort skillnaderna mellan de två modellerna och att göra de modellerna mer lika det verkliga svenska vattenkraftsystemet. En slutsats från projektet är också att de produktionsplaner för vattenkraften som erhålls från Apollo är genomförbara enligt KTH:s modell av vattenkraften. Detta visar att Apollo i de testade scenarierna inte överskattar flexibiliteten i det svenska vattenkraftsystemet.

Impact of Demand Response on Distribution System Operators' economy. A first approach to a basic general model applicable for Swedish Distribution System Operators

Eklund, Tobias January 2014 (has links)
As the global energy demand is rising, issues of emissions and security of supply arise and become increasingly acute as more energy is being consumed. Schemes of emission reductions and energy efficiency improvements have been introduced to deal with these issues. The answer to part of these efficiency improvements lies within the electricity grid's development towards a so-called smart grid. One integral part of the smart grid is the demand response program which strives to change consumer consumption patterns to further increase grid efficiency. Demand response (DR) has been widely studied in terms of effects and design. Even though much research has been performed, there is still very little knowledge about the economic impact of implementation. This study focuses on uncovering the economic effects DR implementation may have on Distribution System Operators (DSOs) in Sweden. A model has been developed which estimates the possible positive economic effects following a DR implementation for a Swedish DSO. The model is generally applicable to most Swedish DSOs, and their counterparts in other European power markets with similar market design, since it uses universally available data. This is done by investigating the factors driving the DSO's business in terms of impact of DR and generality. Factors identified and used in the model are power losses, grid fee to feeding grid and postponed future investments. These factors were chosen for their economic impact, the rate of effect which DR has on them and on the ability to model them with generally available data. A model implementation is performed to show the possible results which the model can yield. Data from a Swedish DSO is used along with a fictional DR program designed for this purpose. The results show a potential for significant positive effects on DSO economy. An analysis is made on the maximum potential for DR. It is estimated that a reduction in power losses of 19% could be realized, this corresponds to 36% of the annual cost of losses for the DSO. For the grid fee to feeding grid, an estimation of a 46% reduction of the level of subscribed maximum power and 47% of its cost is realized; the subscribed maximum power is the only part of the grid fee to feeding grid affected by peak load shift. For postponed investments, a present value of 45,8 million SEK is realizable over a period of 40 years; this figure is uncertain because of model restraints and long time frames. The current regulation limits the benefits for the DSO however, as many of these costs are passed through to the customer. The customer is thus the current winner when DR is implemented by Swedish DSOs, leaving the DSO with little financial incentive. / Då världens energianvändning ökar framträder problem med utsläpp samt tillgång till energiresurser. Dessa problem ökar i omfattning då allt större mängd energi används. Olika planer för att minska utsläpp och öka energieffektiviteten har satts i verket av världens ledare för att hantera problemen. En del av svaret på en del av dessa energieffektiviseringar finns inom elnätens omställning mot smarta nät. En viktig del inom detta är Demand Response (DR) programmen vilka syftar till att ändra konsumenternas konsumtionsbeteende för att öka effektiviteten inom elnätet. Det existerar mycket forskning inom DR med avseende på dess effekter och design. Då mycket forskning genomförts finns det fortfarande väldigt lite information om den ekonomiska påverkan efter en implementering av DR. Den här studien syftar till att undersöka och belysa den ekonomiska påverkan som en DR implementering hos en svensk distributionsnätägare kan ha. En modell har tagits fram vilken uppskattar det möjliga positiva effekterna följande en DR implementering för en svensk distributionsnätägare. Modellen är generellt applicerbar för de flesta svenska distributionsnätägarna, samt dessas motsvarigheter på andra europeiska marknader med liknande marknadsdesign, då den använder sig av allmänt tillgänglig data. Modellen togs fram genom att undersöka de faktorer som driver distributionsnätägarens affärer med avseende på DR effekt och hur generella dessa faktorer var. De faktorer som identifierades och som utgör modellen är kraftförluster, kostnad mot överliggande nät samt uppskjutna framtida investeringar. Dessa faktorer valdes ut för deras ekonomiska påverkan, den grad DR har möjlighet att påverka varje faktor samt möjligheten att modellera dem med hjälp av allmänt tillgänglig data. En modellimplementering gjordes för att visa de resultat som modellen kan användas för att beräkna. Data från en svensk distributionsnätägare användes samt ett fabricerat DR program designat för detta syfte. Resultatet visar positiva resultat för distributionsnätägarens ekonomi. En analys är utförd över den maximala effekten av demand response för distributionsnätägaren. Det uppskattas att en sänkning av kraftförluster på 19% kan realiseras genom demand response, detta motsvarar 36% av kostnaden för dessa kraftförluster. För kostnaden mot överliggande nät uppskattas en reducering på 46% för nivån av den abonnerade effekten mot regionnätägaren samt 47% av dess kostnad; den abonnerade effekten mot regionnätägaren är den enda kostnaden mot överliggande nät som påverkas av peak load-förflyttning. För förskjutna investeringar beräknas att en besparing motsvarande ett nuvärde på 45,8 miljoner SEK kan realiseras över en period på 40 år; denna siffra har osäkerhet på grund av modellens begränsningar samt långa investeringstider.

Impact on voltage rise of photovoltaic generation in Swedish urban areas with high PV population

Hou, Yining January 2014 (has links)
The main focus of this thesis project is to study the impact on the voltage rise of PV penetration in one urban area of a Swedish city with high residential PV population when assuming the LV distribution grid has a constant frequency of its voltage. The study is done by modeling the system, i.e. the targeted LV distribution grid in Västerås, Sweden. The aspects of the model include network design of the LV distribution grid, everyday load/demand within the LV distribution grid, PV penetrations at different levels and Swedish DSOs’ codes in regard to purchase of PV power from residential PV systems. The thesis aims to find the tolerable maximum installed capacity of a residential PV system according to the result of possible over-voltage rise in the LV distribution grid and then give suggestions to Swedish DSOs about their current regulations in regard to the purchase of electricity from residential PV systems. To facilitate the possible maximization of the use of PV and renewable power is the ultimate concern of the thesis.

Comparison and Evaluation of Doppler Spread Estimation Algorithms in WCDMA

Wen, Hui January 2014 (has links)
In a WCDMA transmission systems, the properties of the radio transmissionchannels can be strongly aected by the movement of User Equipment (UE) orthe surrounding objects. The estimation of Doppler spread is therefore of greatimportance since it is closely related to the mobile speed, as it can also be usedto characterize the fast fading in the radio channel. Thus the Doppler spread estimation can have wide range of applications and the relative research on thistopic has drawn much attention. Many Doppler spread estimation algorithms has been proposed in the literature. In this report, these algorithms are divided into four categories, and the comparison is performed from both performanceand implementation point of view to compare these four types of estimators. During the investigation, the Rayleigh fading and Rician fading model withdierent mobile speed and SNR are simulated to analyze the performance of estimation algorithms under dierent conditions. The effect of Rician factor and angle of arrival of Line Of Sight (LOS) component is also taken into consideration in the evaluation. Furthermore, the computational complexity of each algorithm is calculated. Based on simulation results, the underlying reasons for their performances are analyzed individually. The Moser's estimator (correlation based estimator) demonstrates the best performance among these four estimators from the perspective of estimation accuracy. And it also shows the great value for the implementation in real systems. / I ett kommunikationssystem baserat p WCDMA kan egenskaperna hos radiotransmissionskanalernapverkas starkt av mobilens eller omgivningens rrelser.Estimering av Doppler spridningen r drfr av stor betydelse eftersom den r nrabeslktad med mobilens hastighet och den kan ocks anvndas fr att karakteriseraden snabba fdning i radiokanalen. Sledes kan estimat av Dopplerspridning ha ettbrett anvndningsomrde och forskningen om detta mne har varit intesiv. Mngaalgoritmer fr estimatering av Doppler spridning har freslagits i litteraturen. Idenna rapport, dessa algoritmer r indelade i fyra kategorier och analysen utfrsbde med avseende p prestanda och implementerbarhet. Simuleringar r utfrdamed Rayleigh fading och Rician modeller med olika hastigheter hos mobilen,och olika signal till brus frhllanden. Simuleringar har ocks gjorts fr olika vrdenav Ricianfaktorn och vinkel fr inkommande signal. Vidare har den berkningsmssigakomplexiteten av varje algoritm analyserats. Utifrn simuleringsresultathar de bakomliggande orsakerna till de olika algoritmernas prestatandadiskuterats. Dopplerspridningsestimat med Mosers metod (korrelation baseradestimator) visar det bsta resultatet bland dessa fyra estimator med avseendep skattningsnoggrannhet. Denna metod har ven frhllandevis lg berkningskomplexitetvilket gr den implementeringsvnlig.

Java/Android application for detecting hearing loss / Java/Android applikation utveckling för hörseltest

Lundin Söderberg, Robin January 2022 (has links)
An Android mobile application has been created with a standard audiometry test and a specific psychoacoustic (temporal masking) test to measure the user’s hearing profile and the hidden hearing loss. The application performs these tests over Bluetooth communication with a specific headphone (Sony WH-1000X M3). The audiometry test is following the standards. The audiometry will be playing tones in different frequencies (1KHz, 2KHz, 3KHz, 4KHz, 6KHz, 8KHz, 500Hz, 250Hz). The user is responding to the tone by pressing or releasing a touch button on the phone screen. The temporal masking plays a noise and a ftm (Functional tone management) tone in three different frequencies (500Hz, 2KHz, 4KHz). The noise will have the same intensity through the test on 80dB but the ftm (Functional tone management) tone will change the intensity depending on the input from the user. The user should respond to the ftm (Functional tone management) tone by pressing or releasing a touch button on the phone screen. The application is then sending the results over Bluetooth to the specific headphones over serial communication (SPP profile). The test result will then be used for tuning the sound coding parameters in the connected headphones according to the user’s individual hearing profile. The design of the headphone is not part of this thesis work but will be done in the future.

Comparison and Evaluation of Open-source Cloud Management Software

Jagannathan, Srivatsan January 2012 (has links)
The number of cloud management software related to a private infrastructure-as-a-service cloud is increasing day-by-day. The features of the cloud management software vary significantly and this creates a difficulty for the cloud consumers to choose the software based on their business requirements. An example of the problem is choosing software with a power management feature. The power management feature is used to increase the efficiency of energy consumption by consolidating virtual machines together and turning off unused physical servers, which is not provided by many cloud management software. OpenNebula is one of the most widely used open-source cloud management software among research institutions and enterprises. However, the performance characteristic of OpenNebula is not well studied in the existing literature. An example of the problem is choosing a hardware configuration to run OpenNebula for the research institutions and enterprises. The first objective of this thesis is to develop a framework for comparing features of various cloud management software. For developing this framework, existing works are reviewed. The cloud management software is installed on the KTH LCN testbed for hands-on experience. Both the open-source and the commercial software are analyzed for developing the framework. The major contribution related to the framework is identifying features provided for the commercial software that are not available for the open-source software. The features are: (1) co-location of VMs is running a group of VMs on the same physical machine (for example, if the web server VM has to access the application server VM for getting the web pages, they can be placed on the same physical machine); (2) anti-co-location of VMs is not allowing a pair of VMs to run on a single physical machine (for example, the primary and back-up web server VMs should always run on the different physical machines); (3) the resources of the physical machines can be combined (e.g., number of CPU cores, physical memory) as a resource pool and compartmentalized into an organizational structure (e.g., HR, development, testing, etc). The second objective of this thesis is to evaluate the performance of the OpenNebula cloud management software. For the performance evaluation, existing works are reviewed to identify the metrics, and the OpenNebula cloud management software is installed on the KTH LCN testbed. The performance of the OpenNebula software was evaluated for different virtual machine operations, virtual machine types, number of virtual machines and change in load of the system. The major lessons learned related to the performance evaluation are: (1) the duration for the live migration does not change with the load; (2) the duration for the live migration increases linearly as the memory assigned to the VM increases; (3) the duration of the add and delete operations increases linearly as the number of VMs increases.

Interference Management in LTE-Advanced Heterogeneous Networks Using Almost Blank Subframes

El-Shaer, Hisham January 2012 (has links)
Long term evolution (LTE) is the standard that the Third-generation Partnership Project (3GPP) developed to be an evolution of UMTS. LTE offers higher throughput and lower latency than UMTS and this is mainly due to the larger spectrum used in LTE but in terms of spectrum efficiency LTE does not offer a lot of improvements compared to UMTS. The reason for that is that current technologies such as UMTS and LTE are approaching the theoretical boundaries in terms of spectral efficiency. Since spectrum has become a scarce resource nowadays, new ways have to be found to improve the network performance and one of the studied approaches to do that is to enhance the network topology. The concept of heterogeneous networks has attracted a lot of interest recently as a way to improve the performance of the network. The heterogeneous networks approach consists of complementing the Macro layer with low power nodes such as Micro or Pico base stations. This approach has been considered a way to improve the capacity and data rate in the areas covered by these low power nodes; they are mostly distributed depending on the areas that generate higher traffic. Since cell selection for the users is based on the downlink power level and due to the transmitting power differences between Macro and Pico nodes, Pico nodes might be under-utilized, meaning that a low number of users are attached to the Pico nodes. As a solution to this problem an offset to the received power measurements used in cell selection is applied allowing more users to be attached to the Pico nodes, this solution is called ‘Range Extension’ which refers to the extended coverage area of the Pico nodes. The problem with Range Extension is that it drastically increases the interference that the Macro nodes impose on the Pico nodes users in the Range Extension area in terms of data and control channels. Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (eICIC) schemes have been proposed to combat the heavy interference in the Range Extension case ranging from frequency domain schemes like carrier aggregation to time domain schemes like Almost Blank Subframes (ABS). The focus of this thesis will be on the ABS solution which consists of reserving a group of subframes during which the Macro nodes are partially muted allowing the users in the range extension area to be served with lower interference. The objective of this thesis work is to introduce a closed form expression to calculate the Almost Blank Subframes allocation in order to maximize the normalized cell-edge users throughput. The derivations are carried out for a simplified model of a telecommunications network. The expression will be validated with simulations involving different users and Pico nodes distributions and different channel models (ITU channel models and Spatial Channel Models). Another goal is to try to have a deeper understanding and concrete conclusions about the different heterogeneous deployments.

Development of Scoring Algorithm for Karaoke Computer Games

Qiu, Dongping January 2012 (has links)
In a Karaoke computer game, the users receive a score as a measure of their performance. A music recognition system estimates the underlying music notes the users have performed. Many developed approaches use deterministic signal processing. This thesis builds statistical hidden markov models (HMM) to be used in scoring. The HMM-based note models are based on the musical features pitch, accent, zero crossing rate and power. Gaussian mixture models (GMM) are used to determine the probability distributions of the features. A singing database is constructed by an amateur singer who is well-trained in the area of music. During the training stage, an intra-note model is trained using the HTK toolbox. The intra-note model describes the statistical behavior of model states inside a note. Then, a group of note models, covering a wide range of pitch, is built upon the trained intra-note model. Also a recognition network is constructed. During the recognition stage, the test data are decoded with the aid of thecnote models and the recognition network. An experiment compares the proposed approach with the framed-based and note-based approaches. The results show that our approach provides promising results over deterministic approaches.

Tamper Sensing using Low-Cost Accelerometers

Rådeskog, Tobias January 2012 (has links)
Certain security products, in this case sirens, must according to industry specifications generate a tamper warning in case the system is significantly moved from its place of mounting or subject to significant violence such as drilling. Currently, detecting removal from the place of mounting is typically done by mechanical switches placed between the siren and wall. This type of detection can be defeated by using thin blades and moreover complicates the process of mounting. In this M.Sc. thesis carried out in collaboration with the Stockholm-based security equipment manufacturer Indusec AB, we investigate whether it is instead possible to use an inexpensive, but highresolution three-axis micro-electromechanical (MEMS) type accelerometer in conjunction with an equally inexpensive microcontroller to detect such dislodgement. This is done by digital signal processing techniques implemented in the microcontroller. Emphasis is put on finding reliable algorithms, which despite being reliable and fit for the purpose, do not use significant amounts of complex mathematics or memory, so that the detection can run on battery power with acceptable longevity and the algorithms implemented in the 8-bit microcontroller. For the sake of verification and analysis the algorithms were also implemented in MATLAB. The detection methods are primarily derived based on real-world trials and investigations. The reliability of the developed detector algorithms is graphically presented as a functions of relevant detector parameters. The reliability estimates are strongly indicative of that an accelerometer in conjunction with an inexpensive microcontroller can be used as a reliable detector of system dislodging and chassis piercing by electric drills. The risk of misdetection from structural disturbances such as wall knocks or on site machinery seems to be small, with none of the test cases resulting in a false positive or false negative with the detector parameters properly set.

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