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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Black holes and Dirichlet branes in the theory of strings

Breckenridge, Jason C. January 1997 (has links)
The research presented here is carried out along two related fronts. Calculational techniques which derive from the symmetry properties of the theory of strings are used to generate new solutions corresponding to five dimensional rotating black holes. The Dirichlet brane (D-brane) content of these black holes is then identified and this information is used to compute the microscopic statistical entropy, which is then shown to be identical to the classical Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. The symmetry techniques are then further exploited to create new low-energy background solutions describing different supersymmetric bound states of D-branes. In one case these D-brane bound states have constituent D-branes which differ in dimension by two. In the second case these bound states represent arbitrary numbers of D-branes which intersect at non-trivial angles.

Search for top-antitop quark resonances with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider

Chapleau, Bertrand January 2014 (has links)
The intriguing nature of the top quark, by far the heaviest particle in the Standard Model of particle physics, has motivated the development of many theoretical extensions predicting the existence of new massive particles decaying to a pair of top-antitop quarks. The production of these hypothetical particles in proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider would reveal itself as a resonance in the expected smooth distribution of the top-antitop quark invariant mass. This thesis presents a search for such a new heavy particle decaying to a pair of top-antitop quarks in the semi-leptonic final state. The analyzed data sample amounts to a total of 4.6 fb−1 at a proton-proton collision center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. Novel techniques specifically tailored to the identification of the decay products of highly energetic top quarks are developed and used. No evidence for resonant production of pairs of top-antitop quarks is found and, as a result, constraints are set on two theoretical models. Upper limits on the production cross-section times branching ratio are established at a 95% credibility level for a leptophobic Z′ boson from the Topcolor model, and a Kaluza-Klein gluon from the Randall-Sundrum model. The Z′ boson and the Kaluza-Klein gluon are excluded to exist (at a 95% credibility level) in the mass ranges 0.8-1.65 TeV and 0.8-1.88 TeV, respectively. The constraints de- rived in this thesis on the two theoretical models are more stringent than the ones obtained at other experiments, thanks to the large center-of-mass energy and the dedicated high-energy top quark identification techniques used. / La nature intrigante du quark top, de loin la particule élémentaire la plus lourde du Modèle standard de la physique des particules, a motivé le développement de nom-breuses théories prédisant l'existence de nouvelles particules massives se désintégrant en une paire de quarks top-antitop. La production de ces particules hypoth étiques dans des collisions de type proton-proton au Grand collisionneur de hadrons (LHC) se manifesterait sous la forme d'une résonance dans la distribution de la masse invariante des paires de quarks top-antitop. La présente thèse consiste en une recherche d'une telle particule se désintégrant en une paire de quarks top-antitop dans l'état final dit semi-leptonique. La taille de l'échantillon de données analysé équivaut à 4.6 fb−1 à une énergie de centre de masse des collisions proton-proton de 7 TeV. Des techniques novatrices d'identification des produits de désintégrations de quarks top à grande énergie sont développées et utilisées. La présence d'une résonance dans la production de paires de quarks top-antitop n'a pu être établie et, conséquemment, des contraintes sont dérivées sur deux modèles théoriques. Des limites supérieures sur la section efficace de production multipliée par le rapport de branchement sont établies avec un niveau de crédibilité de 95% pour un boson Z′ leptophobique du modèle Topcolor, ainsi que pour un gluon Kaluza-Klein du modèle Randall-Sundrum. Le boson Z′ et le gluon Kaluza-Klein sont proscrits (avec un niveau de crédibilité de 95%) dans la région de masse 0.8-1.65 TeV et 0.8-1.88 TeV respectivement. Grâce à la grande énergie de centre de masse ainsi qu'aux techniques spécialisées d'identification des quarks top de grande énergie, les contraintes dérivées dans la présente thèse sur les deux modèles théoriques ici considérés sont plus restrictives que celles obtenues par le biais d'autres expériences.

Isospin-violating dark matter and direct detection experiments

Whittamore, Zakary January 2014 (has links)
Hints of direct detection of dark matter have been presented by the DAMA, CoGeNT, and CRESST collaborations, despite a number of null results that seem to contradict such claims. Although standard spin-independent dark matter is not capable of reconciling the results, dark matter models containing isospin-violating couplings have shown promise in solving the issues surrounding direct detection of dark matter. Inelastic or momentum-dependent scattering dark matter has also been shown to help alleviate these tensions. In light of the 2012 XENON100 observations, updated analysis of surface event contamination at CoGeNT, revision of the energy resolution employed by XENON10, and new results from the CDMS-II silicon detectors, we study the extent to which spin-independent, spin-dependent, and combined models of isospin-violating dark matter are capable of explaining current direct detection data. Moreover, we explore the effect of an energy-dependent sodium quenching factor $Q_{\rm Na}$ for fitting the DAMA observations, and give an isospin-violating prediction for XENON1T. In addition to the usual analysis involving phase space plots, we investigate a halo-independent model of dark matter in the space of minimum velocities required for a dark matter particle to scatter off a given nucleus. For the first time, such an analysis is performed for models of dark matter which embrace both inelastic and isospin-violating couplings, as well as for dark matter with momentum- and spin dependent interactions. With respect to the models considered herein, our results do not support a dark matter interpretation of direct detection data in either the standard or halo-independent formalisms. / Conseils de détection directe de la matière noire ont été présentés par les DAMA, CoGeNT, et CRESST collaborations, malgré un certain nombre de résultats nuls qui semblent contredire ces allégations. Bien que la norme matière noire indépendante du spin n'est pas capable de concilier la résultats, la matière noire modèles contenant couplages de isospin-violation ont montré des résultats prometteurs dans résolution des problèmes de détection directe de la matière noire. Diffusion inélastique ou dynamique dépendant de la matière noire a également été démontré que aider à atténuer ces tensions. À la lumière des observations XENON100 2012, analyse actualisée de la contamination de l' événement de surface à CoGeNT, la révision de la résolution de l'énergie utilisée par XENON10, et de nouveaux résultats provenant des détecteurs de silicium CDMS-II, nous étudier la mesure dans laquelle indépendante du spin, dépendant du spin, et des modèles combinés de la matière noire isospin-violation sont capables d'expliquer les données de détection directs actuels. De plus, nous explorons l'effet d'une trempe de sodium dépendant de l'énergie facteur $Q_{\rm Na}$ pour le montage des observations DAMA, et de donner une prévision de isospin-violation de XENON1T. En plus de l'analyse habituelle impliquant des parcelles de l'espace de phase, nous étudions un modèle de halo-indépendant de la matière noire dans l'espace des vitesses minimales requises pour une particule de matière noire se disperser hors d'un noyau donné. Pour la première fois, une telle analyse est effectuée pour les modèles de matière noire qui embrassent les deux couplages élastiques et isospin-violation, ainsi que de la matière noire avec des interactions dépendant du dynamique et spin. En ce qui concerne les modèles considérés ici, nos résultats ne soutiennent pas une question d'interprétation sombre de données de détection directe soit dans la norme ou formalismes halo-indépendant.

Searching for signs of supersymmetry at the large Hadron collider

Giguère, Philippe January 2014 (has links)
With the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, physicists are in a better position than ever to test the Standard Model of particle physics and what might lie beyond it. In this thesis, we investigate one possibility of physics beyond the Standard Model: supersymmetry. We discuss phenomenological aspects of the theory and describe a series of software that allows us to look for signs of supersymmetry in particle physics experiments. Using this framework, we do a sample analysis in the $m_0$-$m_{1/2}$ plane of the CMSSM, producing a combined likelihood exclusion band based on results of the ATLAS experiment from $35 \> \text{pb}^{-1}$ of $7$ TeV proton-proton collisions. / Avec le Grand collisionneur de hadrons, nous sommes en meilleure position que jamais pour tester le Modèle Standard de la physique des particules, ainsi que ses possibles extensions. Dans cette thèse, nous considérons une de ces possibilités, la supersymétrie, une théorie qui va au-delà du Modèle Standard. Nous présentons des aspects phénoménologiques de cette théorie ainsi que des programmes qui nous permettent d'en chercher les signes dans des collisions de protons. À l'aide de ce cadre de travail, nous faisons une analyse dans le plan $m_0$-$m_{1/2}$ du CMSSM, et produisons une bande d'exclusion à partir des resultats d'ATLAS pour $35 \> \text{pb}^{-1}$ de collisions de protons à $7$ TeV d'énergie.

The power spectrum of cosmic microwave background polarization from cosmic string wakes

Salton, Grant January 2014 (has links)
We compute the integrated Sachs--Wolfe type contribution to the CMB polarization power spectrum from cosmic string wakes. An introduction to topological defects, cosmic strings, CMB polarization, and spin-s fields is given. We then use these tools to compute the angular power spectrum of E- and B-mode polarization due to cosmic string wakes, in the flat sky limit. We find that cross-correlation terms (i.e., EB, ET, BT) vanish, while the EE and BB power spectra are equal in shape and magnitude. This result is in stark contrast with B-mode polarization from Gaussian fluctuations, which vanishes identically. However, we find that the shape of the power spectrum from cosmic string wakes is very similar to the predicted B-mode power spectrum from gravitational lensing, but with a small overall amplitude. As such, the cosmic string wake signal is too small to be picked out from lensing, and background subtraction techniques would be very difficult. We find that the peak amplitude in the dimensionless power spectrum (sqrt(l(l+1)C_l/2pi)) is about 10^(-4) at a peak value of l~400.We briefly study the asymptotic version of the power spectrum and find that C_l is approximately constant until a turn around point set by the angular size of the dominant wakes. We then determine which cosmic string wakes give rise to the dominant contribution to the full, integrated power spectrum and find that the dominant wakes are those which were formed at the time of equal matter and radiation, and which intersect our past light cone at recombination. We conclude that the Fourier space signal (power spectrum) is too weak to detect cosmic string wakes in existing data, and future searches should focus on distinct position space features. / Nous calculons la contribution intégrée au spectre de puissance de la polarisation du fond diffus cosmique (CMB) grâce aux sillages des cordes cosmiques. Une introduction aux défauts topologique, cordes cosmiques, de polarisation du CMB, et aux champs spin–s est donnée. Nous utilisons ensuite ces outils pour calculer le spectre de puissance angulaire de la polarisation des modes E et B grâce aux des sillages des cordes cosmiques, dans la limite du ciel plat. Nous trouvons que les termes de corrélation croisée (EB, ET, BT) sont zero, tandis que les spectres de puissance pour EE et BB ont la même forme et grandeur. Ce résultat contraste le polarisation du mode B causée par les fluctuations Gaussiennes, qui disparaîssent. Cependant, nous trouvons que la forme du spectre de puissance causée par les sillages de cordes cosmiques est très similaire au spectre en mode B prédite par lentille gravitationnelle, mais avec une amplitude globale trés faible. Donc, le signal du sillage de corde cosmique est trop faible pour être measuré au-dessus l'indicatif du lentille. Aussi, les méthodes de soustraction du fond serait très difficile. Nous trouvons que l'amplitude maximum dans le spectre de puissance sqrt(l(l+1)C_l/2pi) est d'environ 10^(-4) pour l~400.Nous étudions brièvement le forme asymptotique du spectre de puissance, et nous trouvons que Cl est quasi–constant en l jusqu'à un tournant correspondant à la taille angulaire du sillage le plus important. Nous déterminons alors quel sillage donne la contribution dominante au spectre de puissance complet. Nous trouvons que les sillages dominants sont ceux qui ont été formés à l'epoque de l'égalité de matière et de rayonnement, et qui croisent notre cône de lumière passé à l'époque de recombinaison. Nous concluons que l'indicatif dans l'espace Fourier est trop faible pour être détecté. Donc, les recherches futures devraient se concentrer sur les caractéristiques l'espace spatial.

Electromagnetic signature of early gluon populations in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions

Bourque, François-Alex January 2002 (has links)
We first present a brief overview of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) and its possible production in a heavy ion collision. Equilibrium quantum field theory is then outlined as a tool to study QGP. With this, we investigate the consequence of a finite charge density plasma through the breaking of Furry's theorem. In particular, we calculate the dilepton differential production rate for one of the simplest medium-induced processes: 2g → ll¯. We show that this effect is sub-dominant to the leading tree-level qq¯ → ll¯.

Scalar fields generating contemporary inflation

Grenier, Patrick January 2003 (has links)
The evidence for an accelerating expansion of our Universe at the present epoch have led us to look for an energy component which could generate it. That may consist in quintessence in the form of a system of scalar fields {φa} rolling down a potential V({φ a}). This master's thesis presents the equations relevant to the cosmological evolution of such a system, along with the different conditions required for a viable cosmology. Also, via the exploration of two distinct models, two fundamental problems of quintessence theory are outlined. The impossibility of escaping the fine-tuning of initial conditions is first presented in link to the Liouville's theorem, and second the difficulty of avoiding the coincidence of the recent rise of quintessence even in the presence of attractors is shown.

Radion dynamics in a five-dimensional brane-world : from the hierarchy problem to a four-dimensional inflationary universe

Trudeau, Joel January 2004 (has links)
Inspired by the Randall-Sundrum (RS) solution to the weak-scale hierarchy problem we present a new five-dimensional brane-world model. While many cosmological implications of RS-type scenarios have been considered, the question of inflation is still relatively unexplored. In this work we investigate the dynamics induced by fluctuations in the extra dimension and find that the so-called radion can be used for inflation. A class of models are found which simultaneously allow for radius stabilization by utilizing a bulk scalar field with a potential in the bulk and on the branes. The coupled radion-scalar field system is analyzed from the five-dimensional point of view and is seen to consistently reduce to a four-dimensional Friedmann-Robertson-Walker-like cosmology. An analysis of the constraints imposed during inflation fixes the radion mass and we speculate on the possibility that the new physics at work here may be distinguishable from typical four-dimensional models.

Dijet photoproduction at high transverse energies with the ZEUS detector at HERA

Ochs, Andreas H. January 2002 (has links)
Photoproduction events in ep collisions with photon virtuality Q2, the negative squared four-momentum of the exchanged photon, less than 1 GeV2, and at least two jets of high transverse energy have been studied in the photon and proton center-of-mass range Wgp of 134 < Wgp < 277 GeV with the ZEUS detector at HERA. The data sample was collected during the 1996 and 1997 running periods with an integrated luminosity of 38.7 pb-1 allowing for a precise measurement of differential cross sections in a kinematic regime unreachable for experiments at current e+e- colliders. For the determination of these differential cross sections, both jets were required to have a transverse energy larger than 11 GeV with at least one having more than 14 GeV. Differential hadron cross sections were extracted for these dijet events using separate resolved and direct enhanced subsamples. The cross sections have been compared to NLO QCD calculations using several different parametrisations of the photon structure functions within these calculations. The achieved sensitivity of the data at the photon structure functions allows to test the validity of the used parametrisations of the photon structure functions. This test shows the need for improvements of those parametrisations in the kinematical range under investigation. The extracted data at low xOBSg constrains the parton densities in the photon which can be exploited in future parametrisations of the photonic parton densities.

Dijets and photon remnant studies in photoproduction with the ZEUS detector at HERA

Zhou, Changyi, 1980- January 2005 (has links)
At the HERA particle accelerator, 27.5 GeV electrons collide with 920 GeV protons. In the photoproduction mode, the quasi-real exchange photon emitted by the electron interacts with the proton at small momentum transfer. Such events are selected and investigated with the ZEUS detector in the photon proton center-of-mass range 130 GeV < Wgamma p < 270 GeV using the 55.1 pb-1 gated luminosity of the year 2000 data. The two typical photoproduction processes are studied separately: in the direct case photons can interact directly with the proton, while in the resolved case the photon is resolved into its hadronic components. An inclusive data sample of two parton jet events with each a minimum transverse energy of 6 GeV and a third jet with a minimum transverse energy of 2 GeV are reconstructed and selected using the inclusive kT clustering algorithm. The third jet travelling in the electron propagation direction can be assumed to be the photon remnant jet. Jet transverse energy density distributions, which are also known as 'jet shapes' are calculated on the jet sample. The photon remnant jets are found to be broader than the parton jets.

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