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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att se det som inte syns- akutpersonalens erfarenhet av misstänkt barnmisshandel : en litteraturöversikt

Blom, Maria, Persson, Bodil January 2018 (has links)
Barnmisshandel är ett världsomfattande problem i dagens samhällen och mörkertalet är stort eftersom alla fall inte anmäls. I flera länder råder anmälningsplikt vid misstanke att barn utsätts för misshandel och akutpersonal har en viktig roll i skyddandet av utsatta barn. Akutpersonal möter ofta barnen i hemmiljön och är därför den första instansen som kommer i kontakt med det utsatta barnet. Detta ställer höga krav på akutpersonalen, att de kan göra adekvata bedömningar och dokumentera sina misstankar eftersom deras bedömning kan komma att ligga till grund för en anmälan.   Syftet var att belysa akutpersonalens erfarenhet av situationer där barn misstänkts utsatta för barnmisshandel.   Metoden var en litteraturöversikt där vetenskapliga artiklar söktes fram genom databasen PubMed. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades och 15 stycken valdes ut för analys och samtliga av dessa låg till grund för resultatet, som redovisas i kategorier samt subkategorier.   Litteraturöversiktens resultat delades in i två kategorier, som består av tre respektive två subkategorier. Den första kategorin var akutpersonalens bristande kunskap avseende barnmisshandel. Subkategorierna som här framkom var identifiering av tecken som kan tyda på barnmisshandel, dokumentation och anmälan samt utbildning inom ämnet. Akutpersonal upplevde att det var svårt att identifiera tecknen, som kunde härledas till misshandel och det kunde bero på en osäkerhet kring vad som var naturliga skador eller vilka skador som åsamkats av annan person. Likaså upplevdes svårigheter kring vad som ska dokumenteras och hur en anmälan ska göras. Utebliven anmälning kunde också bero på osäkerheten i tillvägagångssätt. Akutpersonal önskade mer utbildning i ämnet och om hur barnmisshandel ska upptäckas och anmälas. Den andra kategorin som framkom var akutpersonalens emotionella upplevelser av barnmisshandel, under vilken subkategorierna rädslor och stress identifierades. Akutpersonal upplevde rädsla för att anmäla och det kunde härledas till deras rädsla att göra fel, för rättsliga påföljder eller rädsla för anhörigas reaktioner. Slutligen upplevde akutpersonalen stress i olika varianter relaterade till fall där barnmisshandel förekommit. Själva mötet med utsatta barn skapade stress men även att göra en anmälan kunde verka stressande.   Slutsatsen var att barnmisshandel är ett svårt ämne, som behöver lyftas fram och uppmärksammas. Akutpersonal upplever otillräckliga kunskaper kring barnmisshandel och att situationer, där misstankar fanns att barn utsattes för misshandel, kunde skapa stress och rädslor. Med en klar bild hur akutpersonalen ska upptäcka tecken, vilka frågor och undersökningar som ska ställas/ bli gjorda och var anmälan ska göras, finns möjligheterna för att akutpersonal ska upptäcka och våga anmäla mer än de gör. / Child abuse is a worldwide problem within the society today and the problem is larger than we are aware of due to all cases are not reported. In several countries there is a duty to report suspicions of child abuse and ambulance staff have an important role in protecting vulnerable children. Emergency staff often meet the children in the home environment and is therefore the first instance to meet the vulnerable child. This imposes high demands on emergency staff, that they can make adequate assessments and document their suspicions as their assessment will form the basis for a notification. The aim was to highlight the emergency staff experience of situations where children were suspected of being exposed to child abuse. The method was a literature review where scientific articles were sought through the PubMed database. The articles were quality-reviewed and 15 were selected for analysis, and all of them were selected to the results, which are reported in categories and subcategories. The results of the literature review were divided into two categories and three subcategories. The first category was of emergency staff's lack of knowledge regarding child abuse. The subcategories that emerged were the identification of signs that could indicate child abuse, documentation and notification as well as education in the subject. Emergency staff found that it was difficult to identify the signs that could be traced to abuse, and it could be due to uncertainty about what was natural injuries or injuries caused by another person. Likewise, difficulties were experienced regarding what to document and how a notification should be made. An unsubscribed notification could also be due to the uncertainty in the approach. Emergency staff wanted more education on the subject and how child abuse should be detected and reported. The other category that emerged was the emotional experiences of emergency staff of child abuse, under which subcategories fears and stress were identified. Emergency staff experienced fear of reporting and it could be derived from their fear of wrongdoing, for legal penalties or for fear of relatives' reactions. Finally, emergency staff experienced stress in different variants related to cases of child abuse. The actual encounter with vulnerable children created stress but also making a notification could seem stressful.   The conclusion was that child abuse is a difficult subject which needs to be highlighted. Emergency staff experience insufficient knowledge of child abuse and situations, where suspicions were found, that children were abused could create stress and fears. With a distinct plan how the ambulance staff will detect signs, what questions and investigations should be made / where to be notified, there are opportunities for emergency staff to detect and have the courage to report more than they do.

Opatření Krajského ředitelství policie Jihočeského kraje při vzniku radiační mimořádné události na Jaderné elektrárně Temelín / Measures of Regional Police Directorate of the South Bohemian Region by an occurrence of a radiological emergency in the Temelín Nuclear Power Station

HRNEČEK, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to clarify fundamental principles of activities of police officers of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region in the case of radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. These principles are concentrated in compact documentation with practical tasks for respective organizational segments of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region. This documentation will be consequently used as a methodical guide for concerned police officers. Fundamental terms are defined in the theoretical part of the diploma thesis, concerning and usable in the course of measures in the case of solving radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. The analysis of legal standards and technical bibliography is also performed in this part. The External Emergency Plan of the Temelín Nuclear power station is presented in detail, and a comparison of the previous and current atomic law is drawn. Last chapter of this part is devoted to the actual documentation of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region to manage the radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. Necessary number of legal regulations, agreements and internal acts of management concerning the current topic was used for elaboration of this thesis. Information and findings of employees from the Department of Emergency Management of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region are also included. The practical part of the diploma thesis is devoted to the concentration of all materials and previous findings of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region in the case of measures for radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station into individual chapters. Each of these chapters presents particular activities of police officers of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region during performation of tasks in connection with managing the radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. When listing particular tasks and processes, some of activities of other subjects participating together with members of the Police of the Czech Republic in measures concerning the radiological emergency are also mentioned in this part. The result of this thesis is a focused overview and operative material for police officers of the Police of the Czech Republic, usable for making them acquainted with questions of managing the radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. It also serves as a background for regular practices and training courses on this subject.

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