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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systém motivace pracovníků ve vybrané organizaci / Motivation and stimulation system of workers in a selected organisation

PIŠTĚLÁKOVÁ, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
The aim of my thesis was evaluating the motivation of workers in a selected organisation and proposing changes leading to improving the management of this area. For being able to analyse these issues, I chose the organisation Hervis Sports and Fashions, Ltd. In the theoretical part information on the chosen topic is gained. In the practical part I have first specialised in the organisation itself, its profile followed by the evaluation of the present state of the organisation Hervis. Furthermore, I analysed in detail all benefits offered by the organisation. In order to gain information I chose an interview with a manager and a questionnaire enquiry. The main aim of this enquiry was to gain information on employees. I focused on the contentment of employees in terms of stimulation and motivation. Subsequently on searching for causes of dissatisfaction, on the perception of the motivation programme of the organisation or the general personal policy of the organisation. In the conclusion of the practical part there is the summary of the gained information and possible measures ( proposals), which could contribute to making the processes of motivation and stimulation within the organisation more effective.

Motivace zaměstnanců v organizaci / The Motivating of Employees in Company

Vágnerová, Monika January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to investigate the current state of the system of the motivating employees in FOX company. The theoretical part deals with importance of the motivating employees for the success of the company. The forms of motivating are categorized here (for example internal and external motivating). The part also describes the theories of motivating like the Theory of the instrumentality, the content focused theories, the theories based on process and McGregors theory of X and Y. The relation between motivation, satisfaction and employees performance is clarified in this part. The thesis identifies the motivation factors related to the employees performance and describes the motivating strategies. In the practical part the parameters and structure of the examined company are defined. There are described the current motivating strategies of the company. In this part the analysis that was used to examine the companys motivating strategy takes place. The results of the analysis are evaluated in the last chapter. The pros and cons of the companys motivating strategy are described in detail and the improvements are proposed.

Analýza pracovnej spokojnosti zamestnancov / Analysis of employees´ satisfaction

Linknerová, Alena January 2012 (has links)
The subject of my theses is the analysis of employees' satisfaction in a concrete company. The goal is to discover weaknesses in this area through a survey on employees' contentment and consequently creating a concept of how to improve current status in particular areas. The theoretical part includes specification of basic terms, clarifies importance of research of employees' contentment and presents results from other surveys. It also deals with particular elements of staff contentment and specifics of work in restaurant facilities. The practical part shows the application of theory into the business practice through actual research of employees' contentment in the restaurant XY. The survey focuses on employees' reflection in respect of selected areas of their work contentment. It uses a questionnaire and interview as research methods. The final output of the theses consists of recommendations and suggestions which should increase staff contentment in the chosen restaurant.

Analýza spokojenosti zaměstnanců ve vybrané firmě a návrhy na její zlepšení / Analysis of Satisfaction of Employees in the Selected Company and Proposals for Its Improvement

Žáčková, Nikola January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with the analysis of satisfaction of employees in the company AG Transport, s.r.o. The theoretical part is devoted to introducing the issues of satisfaction of staff. The analytical part is then focused on the description of the company. The analysis itself will be conducted through a questionnaire. Based on the results of this survey, suggestions on improving the satisfaction of the company’s workers will be expressed.

Organizational structure in family business management styles and employees satisfaction. / Estrutura organizacional na empresa familiar estilos gerenciais e satisfação dos funcionários

João Marcelo Morais 04 November 2004 (has links)
Nowadays, world ambient discussion constitutes an important subject, which also includes Brazil, an organizations importance, especially the company that aims at profit, for economic, social and individual development. At the same time the form of expectations, the companies find themselves in competitive scenery, that is, a combined economic evolution in an open market, that resulted in new companies, international competitors entering the local market and improving products and services that already exist for focalizing quality and low cost. This scenery determines that the organizations should be alert in its organizational structure, especially in its reference an existing relation a between high administrative conception and its perspectives of managerial and other employees, because this can reflect in their market and clients. The aim of this thesis is to identify the organizational structure in a family business, or that is, managed and run by its owners. It also scopes on knowing the relevant structural factors facing the scenery mentioned before, as we realize de main characteristics of managers in a family organizations and influenced by a structural model used and management style in relation to the employees satisfaction. For this reason a typical family company was selected, managed and run by its owners, in the case, husband and wife, that work in services sector of international commerce which has its influence and administration, even though its head-office is situate in the city of São José dos Campos São Paulo Brazil -, and represents in the Brazilian and world economy, through its branches, risk partners and representatives. Such aspect meant using a research method collecting information from its owners, managers and employees co-localized in all its branches. / Atualmente constitui-se tema de significante discussão em âmbito mundial, e não menos diferente no Brasil, a importância das organizações, especialmente as empresas destinadas a produzir lucratividade, para o desenvolvimento econômico, social e do indivíduo. De forma concomitante às expectativas declinadas anteriormente, as empresas se encontram em meio a um cenário referendado por características muito particulares de competitividade, ou seja, a evolução econômica combinada com a abertura de mercados, culminou com a criação de novas empresas, entrada de concorrentes internacionais no mercado local e aprimoramento dos produtos e serviços já existentes para um enfoque que exige qualidade e baixo custo. Este cenário determina que as organizações estejam atentas à sua estrutura organizacional, especialmente no que tange a relação existente entre as concepções da alta administração e as perspectivas do corpo gerencial e dos demais funcionários, vez que isto poderá produzir reflexos em seu mercado e clientes. Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar a estrutura de organização de uma empresa familiar, ou seja, uma empresa administrada e gerida por seus proprietários. Também tem como escopo apreender os fatores relevantes da estrutura frente ao cenário anteriormente descrito, assim como perceber as principais características dos gerentes da organização familiar e a influência do modelo estrutural adotado e do perfil gerencial em face da satisfação do corpo operacional, isto é, dos funcionários. Para tanto, foi selecionada uma empresa tipicamente familiar, administrada e gerida por seus proprietários, in casu, marido e mulher, que atua no setor de prestação de serviços de comércio exterior e cuja zona de influência e atendimento, muito embora sua matriz esteja localizada na cidade de São José dos Campos - SP, perfaça localidades mais representativas da economia brasileira e mundial, por intermédio de suas filiais, parceiros de risco e representantes. Tal aspecto significou, para a metodologia de pesquisa empregada, a coleta de dados perante gerentes e funcionários co-localizados em todas as unidades da empresa selecionada.

Odměňování zaměstnanců NNO / The remuneration system in the nonprofit organization

Hanušová, Jitka January 2015 (has links)
Main focus of the thesis "Remuneration of employees in non-profit organizations" is an analysis of the remuneration of employees of non-governmental non-profit organizations in the Czech Republic. The goal is to determine which systems of remuneration are mostly used in NGOs and find out how important is remuneration for employees in non-profit organization and to what extent is it for them satisfactory

Human Resource Management Strategies in Hospitality Industry : Employees’ competence, attitude, behavior and organizational operation (management perspective)

Gheliji, Elham January 2019 (has links)
The current study demonstrates human resource strategies in hospitality industry (Hotel segment) and its impact on employee competencies and skills. The human resource management enhances employee performance and their credibility to maximize overall firm goals in hotel segment. Employees with level of attitude and behavior provide best services and performances. In this regard, service managers need to support and improve their employees’ skills and competencies related to the organization structure and strategy. Therefore, it is necessary for organization to have strong human resource management strategies to optimize the employees’ competencies and performance which drives higher organizational productivity. The research question of this thesis is how managers perceive that human resource management strategies influence on employees’ skill and competence in the hotel segment of Gothenburg? The data collection indicates that different human resource strategies executed to sustain employee roles and responsibilities. Various human resource strategies should implement to achieve valuable outcomes contributing to employees’ satisfaction and organization performance. Training practices, recruitment and selection, compensation and incentive practices, performance management and job design are essential human resource strategies which are identified in this research study. The thesis applies qualitative approach. Empirical data are collected through structured interviews. Moreover, the interactive model is used to analyze the collected empirical data.

Chování zaměstnanců ve vybrané organizaci / Behaviour of Employees' Satisfaction in a chosen Organization

Bělohlavová, Martina January 2010 (has links)
The dissertation is about employees' behaviour in the middle-sized organization. The theoretical part at first focus on individual behaviour and influences that determine this behaviour in the organization. The next theoretical part is focused on the group behaviour, working relationships and mentioned also the role of the manager. The Practical part analyses the chosen organization, where the survey was made and comes with the conclusions for the management and the organization.

Marketingový audit vybrané společnosti / Marketing Audit of a Company

Ermolin, Daniil January 2021 (has links)
The master‘s thesis deals with marketing auditing of company Tungaloy Rus with a special focus on its employees’ satisfaction. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the meaning and importance of marketing audit, as well as the concept of employees’ satisfaction and modern approaches to its measurement. The analytical part of the thesis focuses on performing the marketing audit of company Tungaloy Rus and surveying the satisfaction of its employees. The proposal part of the thesis aims to making a set of recommendations based on the results of the marketing audit and the satisfaction research, which leads to improving the company's marketing activities.

La gestione del capitale intellettuale per ottenere un vantaggio competitivo sostenibile / MANAGING INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL TO OBTAIN A SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE

UGLIETTI, GUIDO 25 March 2013 (has links)
Questo lavoro di ricerca poggia sulla solida convinzione che sia necessario un salto di qualità sia negli investimenti in capitale intellettuale che nelle pratiche di gestione manageriale, al fine di attivare un processo di crescita di lungo corso che duri nel tempo. Dal momento che l'economia della conoscenza riveste una sempre maggiore importanza, questo studio ha verificato gli effetti che le pratiche HR e le capacità di rinnovamento possono esercitare sul capitale intellettuale al fine di creare un vantaggio competitivo sostenibile. Il modello adottato ha considerato il capitale intellettuale come la somma di tre componenti: capitale umano, capitale relazionale e capitale strutturale. In un ambiente dinamico, come l'attuale, il capitale intellettuale può essere il fattore chiave per ottenere un vantaggio competitivo sostenibile, dal momento che è raro, di valore e difficile da imitare o sostituire. Per questa ragione, il presente studio ha esaminato gli elementi decisivi per la gestione del capitale intellettuale in un ambiente competitivo turbolento valutando l'impatto delle componenti del capitale intellettuale sulla soddisfazione dei dipendenti e la qualità del servizio. I dati analizzati nell'ambito di questa ricerca sono stati raccolti attraverso questionari a cui hanno risposto varie realtà operanti nel settore finanziario in Italia e alcuni dei loro partner, operanti nel settore ICT, specializzati in attività ad alta intensità di capitale umano come lo sviluppo di applicazioni informatiche. Sono state individuati alcuni importanti risultati. In primo luogo, le capacità di rinnovamento mediano la relazione tra le pratiche HR e le componenti del capitale intellettuale. In secondo luogo, il capitale umano ha un impatto positivo diretto sulla qualità del servizio. In terzo luogo, il capitale strutturale influenza positivamente la soddisfazione dei collaboratori. Quindi, la soddisfazione dei collaboratori e la qualità del servizio sono alimentati e sostenuti da differenti fattori chiave: il capitale strutturale e il capitale umano rispettivamente. Da una prospettiva pratica e manageriale questi risultati sono molto interessanti al fine di deliberare l'allocazione delle risorse aziendali per ottenere delle configurazioni di capitale intellettuale efficaci. Le ricerche future potrebbero indagare i contribuiti dei differenti portatori d'interesse sugli antecedenti e conseguenti del capitale intellettuale valutando la capacità di produrre valore e, come conseguenza, la soddisfazione dei portatori d'interesse adottando un approccio di tipo managing-for-stakeholders. I fornitori e i clienti rivestono un ruolo centrale nelle dinamiche aziendali e per questo meritano particolare attenzione negli studi che saranno svolti nel prossimo futuro. / This work is rooted in the conviction that our economies need both better investments in intellectual capital and better management practices in order to achieve higher long-term growth. Starting acknowledging the increasing importance of the knowledge economy phenomenon, this study assessed the effects that HR practices and renewal capability can exert on firm’s intellectual capital in order to create a sustainable competitive advantage. The adopted model has considered intellectual capital as the sum of three components: human capital, relational capital and structural capital. In a dynamic environment, such as today’s competitive arena, intellectual capital can be the key factor to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage, because it is rare, valuable and difficult to imitate or substitute. For this reason, the present study has examined the key drivers to manage intellectual capital in a turbulent environment evaluating the impact of firm’s intellectual capital components on employees’ satisfaction and service quality. This research has gathered data through surveys of various Italian business units operating in the financial sector and some of their ICT partners specialised in human capital-intensive activities such as software development. A set of findings has been generated. First, renewal capability mediates the relationships between HR practices and all intellectual capital components. Second, human capital has a direct positive relationship with service quality. Third, structural capital has a direct positive relationship with employees’ satisfaction. Hence, employees’ satisfaction and service quality are nurtured and fostered by different crucial drivers: structural capital and human capital respectively. From a managerial and practical perspective these findings are very interesting in order to deliberating the allocation of firms’ resources to obtain effective intellectual capital configurations. Future researches may investigate the contributions of different stakeholders to the antecedents of intellectual capital as well as the contributions to its consequences in order to produce value and, in turn, stakeholders’ satisfaction adopting a managing-for-stakeholders approach. Suppliers and customers play a central role and for this reason they deserve particular attention in future studies.

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