Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conergy 1generation"" "subject:"conergy 4egeneration""
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Effect of Electrolytes on Room-Temperature Sodium-Sulfur Battery PerformanceDaniel Jacob Reed (12457485) 26 April 2022 (has links)
<p> </p>
<p>Room-temperature sodium-sulfur (RT Na-S) batteries are an emergent new technology that are highly attractive due to their low raw materials cost and large theoretical specific energy. However, many fundamental problems still plague RT Na-S batteries that prevent their progression from the research and development phase to the commercial phase. Sulfur and its final discharge product are insulators, and intermediate polysulfide discharge products are soluble in commonly used liquid electrolytes. As a result, RT Na-S cells exhibit large capacity defects, low coulombic efficiencies, and rapid capacity fading. Additionally, the reactive sodium metal anode can form dendrites during cycling, which reduces capacity and shortens cell life. One way to combat these issues is the judicious selection of electrolyte components. In this study, the effects of monoglyme (G1), diglyme (G2), and tetraglyme (G4) glyme ether electrolyte solvents on RT Na-S cell performance are investigated. Galvanostatic cycling of Na/Na symmetric coin cells reveals that the G2 solvent enable stable cycling at low overpotentials over a wide range of current densities. In contrast, the G1-based cells show evidence of dendritic plating, and G4-based cells are not suitable for use at high current densities. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy during cycling confirms that the G2 solvent facilitates the formation of a strong, stable SEI on the Na electrode surface. Results from galvanostatic cycling of RT Na-S full coin cells demonstrates that G1-based cells deliver the highest initial specific discharge capacities among the three cell types, but G4-based cells are the most reversible. Infinite charging, the indefinite accrual of charge capacity at the high charge voltage plateau, affects all cell types at different cycle numbers and to different extents. This behavior is linked to the strength of the polysulfide shuttle during charge. Optical microscopy experiments show that G2 and G4 facilitate the formation of the S3•- sulfur radical, which reduces capacity. G1 minimizes the radical formation and thus delivers higher initial specific discharge capacity. In order to fully optimize the electrolyte for RT Na-S cells, future work should study glyme solvent blends, additives, and concentrated salts.</p>
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<strong>IMPLICATIONS OF OFF-NOMINAL CONDITIONS ON LI-ION BATTERY DEGRADATION AND CYCLE LIFE </strong>Maria Terese (16470225) 30 June 2023 (has links)
<p>Recently, energy storage systems have become more focused towards sustainable energy sources like LIBs due to attractive attributes like high energy density and volumetric density which make them extremely competitive compared to other energy sources for many portable and non-portable applications (smartphones, eVTOLs, stationary storage systems, electric vehicle and so on). Longer cycling stability, capacitance retentive power, lower self-discharge rate and high voltage window are qualitative features in LIB. Even though LIBs are rechargeable energy storage systems, all cells decay and degrade over time causing capacity and power fade due to a number of factors such as manufacturing defects, usage outside the normal operating conditions, and other abuse conditions like overcharge, over-discharge and indentation. This work presents a systematic investigation of several off-nominal conditions which are typically observed in LIBs such as overcharge, over-discharge, nail indentation, periodic overcharge, and over-discharge in order to form a comparative analysis on the effect of each of these conditions on cycle life aging, morphological changes on the cell components and also to evaluate potential internal short circuit (ISC) mechanisms. The cell failure mechanism induced by each condition and its negative impact on the electrochemical performance has been rigorously analyzed in this work based on the proper protocols. The correlation of the galvanostatic performance with the morphological change of the individual electrodes was also scrutinized under SEM and EDS to demarcate the severity of the defect into Li-ion cells. The practical off-nominal condition analysis of LIB will pave the way for more reliable cell functioning and recommendations to be considered to effectively analyze these off-nominal conditions. The analysis was divided into two parts; 1) curve-based analysis which included capacity fade, internal resistance, Incremental & Differential capacity analysis and EIS analysis 2) disassembly-based analysis which consisted of post-mortem visual inspection, morphology-based analysis using electron microscopy and composition analysis. From the capacity fade and IR evolution study, it was observed that periodic off-nominal conditions exhibited the highest rate of capacity fade and the greatest increase in DC internal resistance consistently. The least rate of capacity loss was shown by overcharged and no defect cells and a similar trend for DCIR values as well indicating that there was a positive correlation between capacity fade and internal resistance evolution. From the EIS study a slightly different trend was observed with the overcharged cell exhibiting the highest ohmic resistance and the no defect cell XV </p>
<p>the least indicating ORI as an aging mechanism in overcharged and periodic overcharge/over-discharged cells. Another interesting observation was that the highest change in change transfer resistance was shown by over-discharged cell followed by nail-indented and overcharged cells and the least for cells subjected to periodic off-nominal conditions. This was attributed to a large amount of delamination caused by particle cracking in no defect cells causing LAM in these cells, lithium plating in Overcharged, copper current collector dissolution in over-discharged cells which resulted in LLI as the primary aging mechanism in these cells. This was further confirmed by ICA-DVA curve analysis at various capacity fades, postmortem inspection and SEM-EDS analysis. The periodic overcharged cells underwent a combination of degradation mechanisms including LAM from delamination, LLI through lithium deposition on the separators and Contact loss due to electrolyte vaporization causing active material adhesion on the separator and vice versa. The last degradation mechanism exacerbated the rate of increase of internal resistance by blocking pathways for Li+ ion diffusion. To summarize, while no defect and nail-indented cells exhibited primarily one aging mechanism (ORI) other cells exhibited a combination of degradation modes and the decoupling of these modes became increasingly indistinguishable for the cells subjected to periodic off-nominal conditions. Interestingly, no manifestation of soft or hard Internal short circuits was observed in the tested cells. However, it should be noted that for the periodic overcharged cells which underwent excessive lithium plating on the separators and charring of electrodes, dendrite formation could potentially have caused ISC upon further cycling. This cements the fact that periodic off-nominal conditions exacerbate the possibility of sudden failures and accelerate degradation in Li-ion cells. </p>
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Roadmapping and Critical Assessment of Emerging Heat Pump Technologies for Residential ApplicationsZechao Lu (16798611) 08 August 2023 (has links)
<p>With increasing concerns about the global warming effects of HFC refrigerants, low-GWP refrigerants and non-vapor compression heat pumps are investigated as potential mid- and long-term replacements for current vapor compression heat pump systems that rely on high-GWP refrigerants. To address the need for more environmentally friendly space cooling and heating, and water heating solutions. the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) is supporting the development of smarter, more efficient, and affordable heat pumping systems operating with low- or near-zero GWP refrigerants through different programs including the Energy, Emissions, and Equity (E3) Initiative. In addition, the Emerging Technologies (ET) Program within the Building Technologies Office (BTO) emphasized the research and development efforts needed to support new technologies that could reduce energy usage in residential and commercial buildings by 50\% over the next decades. In the literature, limited studies were found that systematically investigated different combinations of conventional and emerging space conditioning and water heating technologies while accounting for real building loads, different climate zones, utility structures, and current state-of-the-art equipment. Existing literature primarily focused on thermodynamic performance evaluations at fixed boundary conditions. In addition, separate sensible latent cooling (SSLC) and other novel cooling and dehumidification systems (e.g., membrane-based systems) can significantly reduce the electricity usage for space conditioning. To compare the performance of conventional and emerging technologies several figures-of-merit such as the second law efficiency, are often used. However, limitations exist in previous studies to define the thermodynamic reversible limits and second law efficiency for cooling and dehumidification systems.</p><p>This study developed a comprehensive modeling framework to evaluate both current state-of-the-art vapor compression systems and emerging HVAC\&R technologies in real-world scenarios. The platform will be used to assess potential energy savings, scalability issues, and the effectiveness of combined technologies for different buildings, climate conditions, and utility structures.</p><p>To compare HVAC technologies, a new physics-based definition for the reversible limit and the second law efficiencies for cooling and dehumidification systems with air recirculation has been developed. The new framework is then extended to define a novel performance metric, the seasonal second law efficiency, to form a universal benchmark for assessing various cooling and dehumidification systems. Five cooling and dehumidification systems including magnetocaloric cooling, solid desiccant dehumidification, and membrane dehumidification are evaluated using this benchmark. Steady-state thermodynamic models are constructed for each system. Second law efficiency for each system under various outdoor temperatures and indoor sensible heat ratios (SHR) are calculated. The annual electricity usage of the five systems is used to justify the seasonal second law efficiency definition. The results show that compared to conventional vapor compression systems with mechanical dehumidification, the membrane-based AMX-R cycle can reduce annual electricity use by 12.2%-22.2% and increase the seasonal second law efficiency by 36%.</p><p>The advancements of nine not-in-kind (defined as non-vapor compression systems, solid-state, and chemical-based systems) technologies, i.e. magnetocaloric, thermoelectric, elastocaloric, electrocaloric, membrane-based, Vuilleumier, sorption, chemical looping, and desiccant, were reviewed in detail and compared with the state-of-the-art vapor compression systems. Suitable figures-of-merit were defined to compare the different technologies from a thermodynamic standpoint as well as technology readiness level. As a result of the thorough literature review, a roadmap was created to track the development of emerging HVAC&R technologies and future developments. More importantly, the roadmap enabled the identification of several case studies to evaluate potential energy savings both for space conditioning and water heating. Techno-economic studies for eight HVAC configurations for space heating, cooling, and water heating were conducted for a realistic building scenario under various climate conditions. Different combinations of advanced equipment such as heat pump water heater (HPWH), ground-source heat pumps (GSHP), cold-climate heat pumps (CCHP), and membrane-heat pumps were compared with traditional vapor compression heat pumps and gas furnaces. A building model was developed in EnergyPlus and validated with historical data from the DC Nanogrid House at the Purdue University campus. A total of eleven climate zones were considered, and both local weather conditions and utility pricing were implemented in the simulations. Moreover, future SEER2/HSPF2 equipment ratings and E3 Initiative targets were also included in the analyses.</p><p>The initial simulation results provided climate-based equipment selection guidelines and quantitative techno-economic assessments. For instance, CCHPs with two-stage compression in heating mode save 10%-20% in annual heating cost compared with single-stage VCHPs in Climate Zone 4A, 4C, 5A, 5B, 6A, and 6B. Membrane evaporative air-conditioners could provide cooling cost savings in places where is a significant cooling load, such as Zone 1A, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3C, 4A, 5A, and 6A. Gas furnaces should only be used in cold places where the electricity price per kWh to gas price ratio is higher than 3. GSHP has the lowest HVAC annual energy cost in six out of eleven climate zones in the U.S. Dual fuel heat pumps are not always the most economical option but yield better average cost savings among the eleven locations. HPWHs should be recommended in areas where the electricity price to gas price ratio is below 3. </p><p>The developed simulation framework will be instrumental to continue in-depth investigations of current and next-generation heat pump technologies. The ultimate goal of this research is to provide future guidelines on the selection of building-specific and climate-specific equipment solutions that will enable energy savings and future decarbonization strategies (e.g., geospatially-resolved simulations).</p>
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<p>Highly loaded airfoils in low-pressure turbines (LPTs) suffer from laminar flow separation from the suction side of the airfoils aft of the throat of the passages. This separation harms the performance of the engine by reducing the power extraction from the turning air and ultimately reduces the overall turbine efficiency. Flow control techniques have been investigated to eliminate flow separation in aerodynamic surfaces to abate the losses associated with it. This Master of Science Thesis investigates the design, implementation and testing of pulsated injection actuation in a low-Reynolds flow over a wall-mounted hump.</p>
<p>Furthermore, this Thesis expands on the existing expertise in the infrared (IR) thermography measurement technique at the Purdue Experimental Turbine Aerothermal Lab. This is done through an investigation of the factors affecting the IR measurement technique and the development of an optical instrument (borescope) to implement in an annular cascade wind tunnel. IR thermography is used on the wall-mounted hump blowdown tests to detect the separation point in the boundary layer using two techniques: by an investigation of the surface temperature distribution and an investigation of the heat transfer behavior at the surface. Finally, the borescope is commissioned through the first testing campaign of the LPT airfoils, and are processed to thermally investigate the passage.</p>
<p>This thesis succeeds in expanding the IR capabilities within PETAL, and at demonstrating pulsated injection as an effective method to eliminate flow separation. Furthermore, IR successfully detects flow separation on the wall-mounted hump through the two methods presented, as well as detecting the boundary layer reattachment caused by the flow control technique. The limitations of the thermal methodology, as well as those of the optical probe are addressed, and the uncertainties in the measurements are quantified. Finally, steps to continue the studies are suggested at the end of each methodology chapter, including the potential redesign of the IR borescope to improve the quality of measurements. </p>
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A Comparison of Models and Approaches to Model Predictive Control of Synchronous Machine-based MicrogridsLucas Martin Peralta Bogarin (11192433) 28 July 2021 (has links)
In this research, an attempt is made to evaluate alternative model-predictive microgrid control approaches and to understand the trade-offs that emerge between model complexity and the ability to achieve real-time optimized system performance. Three alternative controllers are considered and their computational and optimization performance compared. In the first, nonlinearities of the generators are included within the optimization. Subsequently, an approach is considered wherein alternative (non-traditional) states and inputs of generators are used which enables one to leverage linear models with the model predictive control (MPC). Nonlinearities are represented outside the control in maps between MPC inputs and the physical inputs. Third, a recently proposed linearized trajectory (LTMPC) is considered. Finally, the performance of the controllers is examined utilizing alternative models of the synchronous machine that have been proposed for power system analysis.
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<p> Integrating solar energy into the electric vehicle (EV) market alleviates the demand for</p>
<p>fossil fuels used to generate the electricity used to power these vehicles. Integrated solar panels</p>
<p>provide a new method of power generation for an electric vehicle, but researchers must consider</p>
<p>new dependent variables such as drag in the figure of vehicle efficiency. For the solar array to be</p>
<p>deemed a viable option for power generation, the solar array must generate enough energy to</p>
<p>overcome the added weight and aerodynamic drag forces the solar system introduces. The thesis</p>
<p>explores the application of photovoltaic modules for power generation in an EV system.</p>
<p>Researchers installed an off-the-shelf solar module on the roof of an EV and investigated the</p>
<p>system to explore the efficiency tradeoffs. The research sought to identify an optimized solar</p>
<p>panel configuration for minimized drag based on maximized panel surface irradiance, cooling,</p>
<p>and array output voltage parameters. The study utilized computational fluid dynamics modeling,</p>
<p>wind tunnel testing, and full-scale track testing to analyze the system. The results of this study</p>
<p>provide an optimized configuration for a Renogy RNG-100D atop a Chevrolet Bolt. The system</p>
<p>was considered optimal at a tilt angle of zero degrees when in motion. The performance benefits</p>
<p>due to the increased angle of the solar panel tilt were deemed insufficient in overcoming the</p>
<p>aerodynamic drag forces introduced into the system while in motion.</p>
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Quasi-Two-Dimensional Halide Perovskite Materials For Photovoltaic ApplicationsAidan Coffey (12481935) 29 April 2023 (has links)
<p>As energy demands for the world increase, the necessity for alternate sources of energy are critical. Just in the United States alone, 92 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu) were used in 2020. As political and geographical pressures surrounding oil increase, along with the growing concern for climate, the drive to explore alternative and renewable means for harvesting energy is on the rise. Solar cells, also known as photovoltaics (PVs), are an attractive renewable source and have been developed as an alternative energy means for over 60 years. When considering losses due to atmospheric absorption and scattering, the Earth’s surface gets about 1000 W/m2 of energy from the sun, which is why there are research efforts around the world trying to maximize the efficiency of solar cells.</p>
<p>Organic-inorganic halide perovskites provide for ideal absorbing layers that feature long carrier lifetime and diffusion lengths, strong photoluminescence, and promising tunability. Furthermore, the solution-processing methods used to make these perovskites ensure that the solar cells will remain low-cost and have easy scale-up possibilities. The main problem perovskites is that they degrade in the presence of water, thus leading to decreased device performance.</p>
<p>In this work two approaches are investigated to increase moisture stability. The first investigates incorporation of thiols as pseudohalides into the 2D perovskite structure. Instead of the theorized perovskite, two novel 2D compounds were created, Pb<sub>2</sub>X(S-C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>5</sub>)<sub>3</sub> (X= I, Br, Cl) and PbI<sub>1.524</sub>(S-C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>5</sub>)<sub>0.476</sub>. While not perovskites, this study gives insight into the effect that the thiol may have on determining structure when comparing –S-C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>5</sub> with –SCN groups. Future work will explore more electronegative thiols that will be used to make moisture resistant, tunable 2D perovskites.</p>
<p>The second approach is to incorporate longer organic ammonium cations into the perovskite structure to produce quasi-2D perovskite films fabricate them into devices. Adding in electronically insulating ligands leads to a stricter requirement for vertically aligned 2D films and special care must be taken to have efficient charge collection. The current field has successfully incorporated short ligands such as butylammonium (BA) into PVs, however the extension to larger and more beneficially hydrophobic ligands has been very scarce. In this work, a novel solvent engineering system is developed to create vertically aligned quasi-2D perovskite absorbing layers based off of a bithiophene ligand (2T). These absorbing layers are then characterized and incorporated into efficient PV devices. Generalizations to solvent conditions related to ligand choice is discussed herein, creating deep insights into incorporating more conjugated ligands into devices.</p>
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<p>Lithium-Ion Batteries (Li-ion batteries or LIBs) have been extensively used in a wide variety of industrial applications and consumer electronics. Additive Manufacturing (AM) or 3D printing (3DP) techniques have evolved to allow the fabrication of complex structures of various compositions in a wide range of applications. </p>
<p>The objective of the thesis is to investigate the application of 3DP to fabricate a LIB, using a modified process from the literature [1]. The ultimate goal is to improve the electrochemical performances of LIBs while maintaining design flexibility with a 3D printed 3D architecture. </p>
<p>In this research, both the cathode and anode in the form of specifically formulated slurry were extruded into filaments using a high-temperature pellet-based extruder. Specifically, filament composites made of graphite and Polylactic Acid (PLA) were fabricated and tested to produce anodes. Investigations on two other types of PLA-based filament composites respectively made of Lithium Manganese Oxide (LMO) and Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide (NMC) were also conducted to produce cathodes. Several filaments with various materials ratios were formulated in order to optimize printability and battery capacities. Finally, flat battery electrode disks similar to conventional electrodes were fabricated using the fused deposition modeling (FDM) process and assembled in half-cells and full cells. Finally, the electrochemical properties of half cells and full cells were characterized. Additionally, in parallel to the experiment, a 1-D finite element (FE) model was developed to understand the electrochemical performance of the anode half-cells made of graphite. Moreover, a simplified machine learning (ML) model through the Gaussian Process Regression was used to predict the voltage of a certain half-cell based on input parameters such as charge and discharge capacity. </p>
<p>The results of this research showed that 3D printing technology is capable to fabricate LIBs. For the 3D printed LIB, cells have improved electrochemical properties by increasing the material content of active materials (i.e., graphite, LMO, and NMC) within the PLA matrix, along with incorporating a plasticizer material. The FE model of graphite anode showed a similar trend of discharge curve as the experiment. Finally, the ML model demonstrated a reasonably good prediction of charge and discharge voltages. </p>
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<p dir="ltr">Improving environmental sustainability in energy production and waste management are of critical importance. Anaerobic digestion (AD) uses microbes to biologically decompose organic waste and produce biogas, which can be used for various forms of sustainable energy. It can be particularly valuable for livestock facilities considering AD of their manure, and potentially other feedstocks as well, a process known as co-digestion. Improved understanding of co-digestion of agro-industrial feedstocks is critical for these facilities. Understanding the macromolecular composition (carbohydrate, protein, and lipid portions) of potential AD feedstocks has the potential to provide important information for predicting important parameters of AD behavior. However, the stability of these macromolecules in AD samples during long-term storage must be confirmed. Furthermore, synergistic and antagonistic impacts of co-digestion on methane production and digestate composition need to be more thoroughly explored.</p><p dir="ltr">This dissertation investigates the impact of storage at refrigeration temperatures (4°C) for up to one-year on the macromolecular composition of various agro-industrial feedstocks (beef manure, starch, slaughterhouse waste, soap stock, and filter press slurry) and anaerobic co-digestion samples. These same feedstocks were co-digested with manure in batch digesters at different proportions, using two or three feedstocks to determine possible synergistic effects.</p><p dir="ltr">The findings show that minimal macromolecular degradation occurred in AD samples during storage at refrigeration temperatures for up to one-year. A major exception was samples containing high concentrations of readily biodegradable starches, which did experience >50% carbohydrate degradation. This indicates a need for methodological rigor during sample storage and reporting experimental design.</p><p dir="ltr">Furthermore, the co-digestion experiments demonstrated frequent improvements or synergy in specific methane yield, methane production rate, and a wide variety of physical and chemical parameters in the digester effluent. Specific methane yield was shown to be at least additive, with improvement ranging from 3-168%. Some improvements in kinetic performance were also observed and quantified. Statistical results suggest that influent characteristics could be useful as predictors for methane production. This research could catalyze additional work needed to optimize co-digestion feeding strategies for full-scale digesters.</p>
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Development, Calibration and Validation of A Dynamic Modeling Framework for Air-Source Heat Pumps Under Cycling of Frosting and Reverse-Cycle DefrostingJiacheng Ma (8072936) 02 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This thesis presents a comprehensive dynamic modeling and model calibration framework and experimental validations for air-source heat pumps under cycling of frosting and reverse-cycle defrosting operations. </p>
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