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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation, analyse et modélisation des échanges énergétiques entre un mur végétalisé intensif et son environnement / Characterization, analysis and modelization of energy exchanges between a green wall and its environment

Kenaï, Mohamed Amine 20 September 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse vise à comprendre et analyser les échanges thermiques qui ont lieu entre un bâtiment et son environnement en présence de parois végétalisées « intensives ». Nous présentons dans ce manuscrit, une démarche numérique et expérimentale sur l’évaluation de l’incidence thermique de ces Murs Végétalisés (MV). Une plateforme constituée de trois prototypes identiques (3 mini-laboratoires thermiques) sous conditions climatiques réelles a été conçue et instrumentée. Dans un premier temps, deux écrans permettant une variation rapide et graduelle des taux de couvertures de 10 à 100% ont été ajoutés devant les prototypes. Ainsi, plusieurs séries de mesures ont été effectuées et des réductions significatives au niveau des températures et des flux de chaleur ont été enregistrées et interprétées. Cette démarche expérimentale avait pour premier objectif de mettre en oeuvre une occultation artificielle et donc maîtrisée. Un premier modèle a été développé sur la base de l’écriture des équations de bilan des échanges thermiques entre la paroi à occultation variable et son environnement climatique. Ce modèle confronté aux résultats fournis par l’expérimentation apermis de valider les approches théoriques au niveau des transferts radiatifs et convectifs. Dans un deuxième temps, le premier modèle qui a été développé dans ce travail a été adapté au cas d’une occultation « réelle » par de la végétation (lierre ou vigne vierge) puis validé expérimentalement. Il a été finalement implémenté dans un code de simulation thermique dynamique de bâtiment (TRNSYS), et ainsi l’incidence thermique des murs végétalisés simples (intensifs) a pu être évaluée à l’échelle réelle d’un bâtiment. Les résultats de simulations pour un climat tempéré montrent que la présence des plantes à feuilles persistantes a un impact négatif sur la demande énergétique hivernale. A l’inverse, en période estivale, les résultats montrent que les murs végétalisés ont un intérêt au niveau de la limitation des surchauffes. Leur présence réduit alors notablement la consommation énergétique nécessaire pour « climatiser » le bâtiment et améliore ainsi le confort thermique intérieur. / This PhD thesis aims to understand and analyse the heat exchanges that occur between a building and its environment in the presence of intensive vegetated walls. In this manuscript, a numerical and experimental approach to evaluate the thermal impact of green walls is presented. A platform composed of three identical prototypes (3 thermal mini-laboratories) under real weather conditions has been designed and instrumented. As a first step, two screens permitting a rapid and gradual variation of coverage rate from 10 to 100% were added to the prototypes. Thus, several series of measurements were performed and significant reductions in temperature and heat flow were recorded and interpreted. The primary objective of this experimental approach was to implement an artificial shading and thus controlled. A first model was developed based on the writing of heat exchanges energy balance equations between the wall with variable coverage rate and its climatic environment. This model confronted to the experimental results allowed the validation of the theoreticalapproaches at the level of radiative and convective heat transfer. Secondly, the first model that was developed in this work has been adapted to the case of a "real" occultation by vegetation (Ivy or Virginia creeper) then validated experimentally.It was finally implemented in a dynamic thermal simulation code (TRNSYS), and thus the thermal impact of green walls were evaluated at the real scale of a building. Simulation results in a temperate climate show that the presence of evergreen plants has a negative impact on winter energy demand. Conversely, in summer, the results show that green walls have an interest in limiting overheating. Their presence significantly reduces energy consumption needed to cool the building and improves the indoor thermal comfort.

Uhlíková stopa ve stavebnictví a její teoretická hodnota / The carbon footprint of the building industry and its theoretical value

Halama, Miroslav January 2018 (has links)
Presented theses dealing with the complex influence of human activity on the environment. Particularly provides the calculation of carbon footprint volume consumed during manufacturing of raw materials used for a normal and a low-energy house. The calculation of the energy performance certificate for both variants is also included. To evaluate of economical demanding investment to both mentioned houses including carbon dioxide disposal, the theoretical calculation of the price of carbon footprint equivalent has to be determined. The aim of this study is an investigation of carbon footprint in construction industry focusing on the production of carbon dioxide during the realization of a normal and low-energy house.

Vliv provedení zateplení hasičské zbrojnice na výdaje spojené s jejím provozem / Influence of Insulating a Fire Station on the Expenses Related to its Operation

Lušinská, Jana January 2018 (has links)
This thesis sloves assessment and project insulation of a firehouse, on the expenses related to its operation.Firehouse is situated in Hruba Vrbka nr.138. The building is partly basement, has free floors and is based on concrete foundation girders. Roofing is by the tent roof. In the first part of the thesis is a theoretical introduction in the legislature, energy prices and the posibility of insulation. In the practical part of the thesis is an assessment coefficient of firehouse, evaluation of individual variants insulation and calculated simple payback period.

Vliv provedení zateplení bytového domu ve Slavičíně na výdaje spojené s jeho provozem / The Influence of Thermal Insulation of a Residential Building in Slavičín on the Expenses Related to its Operation

Zvonek, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the economic evaluation of return of the different variants of thermal insulation for residential building in Slavičín. In the first part are described the topics, which is related to the issue. Further, it is written the entire range of insulations, which currently are appear on the domestic market. In the practical part is described the residential house and are performed by the proposals of the variants of thermal insulation. Further, they are processed energy performance certificates for buildings, the cost to implement the options chosen. In conclusion, the evaluated individual variants and determined their economic return.

Energetický posudek a průkaz energetické náročnosti budovy / Energy assessment and certificate of energy performance of buildings

Bidmonová, Renata January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate the energy assessment and elaboration of energy performance certificates of the building. The building is an apartment building in Vítkov. The theoretical part deals with centralized heat supply. The calculation part contains a more detailed description of individual relationships and calculation procedures that are used to process energy performance certificates of the building. Furthermore, proposals for measures to improve the energy performance of buildings. In this part there is also a proposal of individual equipment of the new boiler room and thermographic measurement. In the project part there is an energy assessment assessing the building in two variants with individual heat sources. The evaluation is carried out from an energy, economic and environmental aspect.

Vliv změny klimatu na energetickou náročnost a vnitřní prostředí budov / Impact of climate change on energy performance and indoor environment quality of buildings

Kalný, Richard January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines the impacts of possible climate change on selected buildings. For simulations in program BSim the author uses climatic data of SRES scenarios, specifically models B1, A1B and A2. It also includes a research on global warming, design and optimization of the measurement and control system at the production hall and a part of the energy audit for the office building.

Simulace energetické náročnosti a reálné užívání budov / SIMULATION OF ENERGY PERFORMANCE AND REAL OPERATION OF BUILDINGS

Šteffek, Libor January 2020 (has links)
This dissertation thesis primarily focuses on the experimental measurement of energy consumption of a given energy-passive family house as well as theoretical research in the field of energy calculations using computer simulations. The results of quasi-stationary and dynamic simulations, with varying computational and real-time climate data, are compared with experimental measurements. Using the dynamic calculation model, which was validated by actually measured data, the relationship between architectural design and the energy performance of the building was analyzed. The influence of selected different operating modes for heat consumption on heating, cooling, ventilation, and interior overheating is observed. The result of the mutual interaction of several input parameters of variant solutions provides the basis for optimization of the whole design.

Studium vlivu konstrukčních systémů na energetickou náročnost staveb / Study of the influence of structural systems for the energy performance of buildings

Dus, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The theme of the diploma thesis is study the influence of structural systems for the energy performance of buildings. The thesis compares designed and measured values of the energy consumption of selected buildings with different bearing structure materials beside the results from numerical modeling of energy consumption.

Vliv provedení zateplení objektu penzionu na výdaje spojené s provozem této nemovitosti. / Influence of insulation of a guest house on expenses related to the operation of the property

Mach, Stanislav January 2015 (has links)
The thesis solves the construction of the pension and deals with the assessment of the impact of the thermal insulation on expenses related to the operation of the property. The pension is situated on the street Valtická in Mikulov. The building has one floor and is founded on strip foundations. Roofing of the house is solved with irregular gable roof. In the first part of the thesis is a theoretical introduction mentions the possibility of building insulation and insulation methods. In the practical part of the thesis is an assessment of the heat transfer coefficient of the pension and costs associated with heating. There is also a proposal for modifications of the envelope construction with assessment of the heat factor and there are also proposed modifications to reduce the costs of operating the property.

Posouzení ekonomické efektivnosti nízkoenergetického a pasivního domu / Assessment of the economic efficiency of low-energy and passive house

Maixner, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to assess the economic efficiency of alow-energy and passive construction. This paper presents problems of lowenergy and passive construction, their individual characteristics, classification, construction materials, evaluation methods and opportunities for economic assessment due to the investment costs of implementation objects. The main practical part focuses on comparing the investment and operating costs for the construction of a standard, low-energy and passive house. Together with this are processed simple labels building. The out come of this diploma thesis is the calculation of returnability increased by the initial investment in the construction of a standard, low-energy and passive house.

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