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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energy efficiency in heritage buildings : Conservation approaches and their impact on energy efficiency measures

Örn, Tomas January 2018 (has links)
The impeding climate change challenge urges for a reduction of energy use in the built environment. Buildings account for nearly 40% of the total energy use and about 35% of the greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. EU member states are required to improve the energy efficiency of the existing building stock, for example by sharpening building regulations and developing enforcement schemes. Since energy efficiency retrofits can affect irreplaceable values in heritage buildings, heritage buildings are often excluded from mandatory demands aiming at reducing the energy use in buildings. However, saving energy have gradually become embraced by the conservation community and heritage buildings with are seen as part of the solution. This licentiate thesis discusses the methods to identify heritage significance in a building and how the underlying theory determines different scenarios in a energy retrofitting process. The choice of conservation theory and conservation approach will affect the success the energy retrofitting process and determine how much the energy use that can be reduced. This thesis therefore suggests a framework to understand the different interpretation of the impacts that one could exert either by having an Objectivistic or Relative conservation value approach.. Based on this framework, a decision-support tool is developed to further detail the impacts of such approaches for different energy measures. Other results show that a majority of reviewed research publications focused on the operational energy in a building and only a few were concerned with energy use over the entire life- cycle of a building. These analyses are used to evaluate where most energy savings can be made, and often pinpoint weak spots in the building’s envelope or technical system. If it was mentioned at all, the influence of cultural and historical factors on energy efficiency measures as applied to heritage buildings tended to be assessed only briefly. Indeed, the majority does not describe conservation principles or even mention the methodology used – if any – for assessing or defining heritage values. Instead, researchers often show an explicit (sometimes an implicit) understanding of conservation as essentially something that is not destructive of original construction material and hence the authenticity of a building. This licentiate thesis is a compilation thesis, consisting of one separate sub-study, one literature review and an extended cover essay. The study is oriented towards a Swedish and European context, especially when it comes to climate conditions and discussions on building regulations and the theory and practice of architectural conservation. It addresses the growing research field of energy efficiency in heritage buildings and the thesis aims to contribute to an increased understanding on how the process of assessment and evaluation of heritage significance in buildings affects the making of heritage buildings more energy efficient. The main research question is: How do different approaches for assessing and evaluating heritage significance in buildings affect possible technical energy saving measures in heritage buildings? / Klimatförändringarna driver utvecklingen mot att energianvändningen i den byggda miljön behöver minska. Byggnader står för nästan 40% av den totala energianvändningen och cirka 35% av utsläppen av växthusgaser i Europa. EUs medlemsländer är bundna att förbättra energieffektiviteten hos befintliga byggnader, till exempel genom att skärpa byggreglerna och utveckla handlingsplaner. Eftersom energieffektiviseringar kan påverka värden i kulturhurhistoriska byggnader, är dessa ofta undantagna från krav som syftar till att minska energianvändningen i byggnader. Energibesparing och resurshushållning har gradvis blivit omfamnad av kulturmiljösektorn och kulturhistoriska byggnader betraktas allt mer som en del av lösningen på klimatförändringarna. I licentiatavhandlingen diskuteras metoderna för att identifiera kulturhistoriska värden i en byggnad och hur den underliggande teorin påverkar olika scenarier i en energieffektiviseringprocess. Valet av bevarandeteori och bevarandestrategi påverkar framgångsfaktorn i energieffektivseringen och hur mycket energianvändningen i en kulturhistorisk byggnad kan minskas. I denna avhandling föreslås därför ett teoretiskt ramverk för att förstå effekterna av de olika kulturhistoriska bedömningar som kan göras, antingen genom att använda ett objektivistiskt eller en relativ syn på hur en en byggnads kulturhistoriska värden skapas och bäst bevaras. Utifrån detta teoretiska ramverk har ett stöd för beslutsfattande utvecklats för att ytterligare beskriva effekterna av de olika bevarandestrategiernas påverkan på implementeringen av olika energieffektiviserande åtgärder. Andra resultat visar att en majoritet av de granskade forskningspublikationerna fokuserade på den operativa energin i en byggnad och bara ett fåtal gällde energianvändning under hela livscykeln i en byggnad. Dessa analyser används för att utvärdera var de flesta energibesparingar kan göras och ofta identifiera svaga punkter i byggnadens klimatskal eller tekniska system. Om det nämndes alls tenderade inflytandet av kulturella och historiska faktorer på energieffektivitetsåtgärder som tillämpas på arvsbyggnader endast att bedömas kortfattat. Faktum är att majoriteten av de genomgångna publikationerna inte beskriver bevarandeprinciper och inte nämner den metod som används för att bedöma eller definiera kulturhistoriska värden. Istället används ofta en explicit (ibland en implicit) förståelse för bevarande som i huvudsak något som inte förstör ursprungligt material och därmed autenticitet i en byggnad. Denna licentiatavhandling består av en separat undersökning, en litteraturöversikt och en utökad kappa. Studien är inriktad på ett svenskt och europeiskt sammanhang, särskilt när det gäller klimatförhållanden och diskussioner om byggregler och teori och praktik för kulturhistoriskt bevarande av byggnader. Den är en del av det växande forskningsområdet energieffektivisering i kulturhistoriska byggnader och avhandlingen syftar till att bidra till en ökad förståelse för hur utvärderingen av kulturhistoriska värden i byggnader påverkar arbetet med att göra dem mer energieffektiva. Huvudforskningsfrågan är: Hur påverkar olika metoder för bedömning och utvärdering av kulturhistoriska värden energibesparande åtgärder i kulturhistoriska byggnader?

Sustainable schools : beyond measure?

Roberts, Michael January 2014 (has links)
This PhD research project has examined four newly built secondary schools in Leicester, England that were procured through the UK Government’s Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme (2003-2010). The research strategy has adopted a mixed-methods approach using a range of quantitative and qualitative data. The principle aim was to establish a theoretical framework for Sustainable Development which could then help to shape the analysis. Five specific dimensions were identified as a result of an extensive literature review (Education [A], Community [B], Environment [C], Technology [D] and Economics [E]). It was also important to consider the dynamic nature of a school in relation to the study’s overarching question; ‘Sustainable Schools; Beyond Measure?’ In this regard, a “systems” approach was selected, which in turn led to the identification of three further levels of analysis (Inputs [1], Processes [2] and Outcomes [3]). Five objectives were then identified, helping to instruct the direction of the research activities. Firstly, the BSF procurement mechanism had to identify a private sector partner to rebuild the 16 secondary schools in Leicester over a 10 year period. This was time consuming and did not include energy efficiency as part of the selection process. Secondly, the commissioning of the four phase one buildings prior to occupancy was not sufficiently thorough. As a result, multiple operational problems were encountered post-occupancy by the Facility Management (FM) Provider. Thirdly, when the utility data was examined, the schools were not performing efficiently around their schedule of activities. When the Building Management Systems (BMS) were subsequently re-commissioned, timer settings were adjusted, resulting in substantial carbon and energy savings. Fourthly, when the staff completed an occupancy satisfaction survey, the results identified numerous comfort problems which could be linked to the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems (HVAC). Finally, when the researcher looked back at the past 10 years of educational statistics (2002-2012), it was clear how attainment, based on GCSE results, had dramatically improved following the move into the new buildings in September 2009. In order to draw out new insights from this wide spectrum of data, a matrix was developed, helping to organise the information in a systematic way. More generally, it is hoped this approach will promote a more intricate understanding about the way Sustainable Development can be integrated into future procurement mechanisms, building regulations and education policy.

Energieffektivisering av byggnad med enkla medel : en fallstudie på Hofors mödravårdscentral

Andersson, Niklas January 2016 (has links)
I centrala Hofors ligger vårdcentralen som ingår i Hoforshus ABs byggnadsbestånd, byggnaden i sig är uppdelad i en huvudbyggnad och en mindre del där BVC och mödravårdsverksamheten återfinns. Byggnaderna är sammanbundna med en korridor som huvudsakligen är inglasad. Företaget var intresserat av att kartlägga byggnadens energianvändning eftersom denna föreföll relativt hög, dessutom hade brukarna i byggnaden uttryckt sitt missnöje med inneklimatet under såväl sommar- som vintertid. På grund av den verksamheten i byggnaden var lösningar som inte stör denna av högsta intresse. Studien som genomförts har haft främsta fokus på byggnadens klimatskal och fram för allt på glasgångens inverkan på den övriga byggnaden. Det kan förutsättas att den höga andelen glas i den här delen av byggnaden påverkar dess inneklimat negativt medtanke på de låga U-värdet hos glas och den solvärmelast som detta ger under sommartid då värmetillskottet inte är önskat. En litteraturstudie för att undersöka hur människor upplever inneklimatet samt hur en tillförlitlig simuleringsmodell för en byggnad har genomförts. Studien resulterade i en förståelse för hur inneklimatet upplevs och kvantifieras samt en förståelse för vad som är viktigt vid insamling av data till en simuleringsmodell. Med tanke på hur indata skall hämtas enligt litteraturstudien har så mycket data som möjligt mätts upp via undersökningar och egna observationer, ritningar har undersökts och deras validitet har undersökts genom uppmätning av byggnaden, blower-door har genomförts samt temperatur- och relativånghaltloggning. Momentanvärden. på FTX-systemet för att beräknas dess verkningsgrad. Linjära köldbryggor har undersökts med finitelementmetod i programmet Comsol multiphysics 3,5. För validering av simuleringsmodellen har uppmätta energiförbrukningen använts och jämförts med simuleringens resultat. Simuleringarna är genomförda i BV2. Resultatet av studien visar som tidigare förväntat på glasgångens negativa inverkan på byggnadens inneklimat temperaturen loggades mellan den 12 april och 9 maj 2016 högsta temperaturen var 30°C och lägsta 15°C vilket är en större spridning jämfört med övriga utrymmen där temperaturen loggats. Simuleringarna som genomfördes av glasgången visar att denna förbrukar mellan 5000-5500 kWh med bruksarean 13,5 m2. Slutligen resulterade studien i rekommenderade åtgärder för byggnaden som innefattar tilläggsisolering av vindsbjälklag, utbyte av ett mindre väggparti, sänkning av temperaturen med 1°C samt en del underhållsåtgärder för att förbättra inneklimatet. Åtgärderna antas vara möjliga att genomföra utan att verksamheten störs. Föreslagna åtgärder förefaller också relativt lönsamma enligt pay-off metoden. / In the central parts of Hofors a healthcenter is located which is included in Hoforshus AB's building stock, the building itself is divided into a main building and a smaller one in which the child health center and maternity care is located. The buildings are connected by a corridor substantially glazed. Now they are interested in maping the building's energyusage as this is relatively high, in addition, the users of the building had been dissatisfied with the indoor climate in both summer and winter. Because of the healtcare activities the owners were most interested in finding solutions that would not interfere with it. The study conducted has had a primary focus on the building envelope and above all on the glazed corridor’s impact on the rest of the building. One can assume that the high proportion of glass in this part of the building affects the indoor climate negatively keeping in mind the low U-value of the glass and the solar heat load, this gives during the summer when heat gain is not desired. A literature study to investigate how people perceive the climate as well as how to make a reliable simulation model of a building has been completed. The study resulted in an understanding of how the indoor climate is perceived and quantified, and also in an understanding of what is important in the collection of data for the simulation model. Keeping in mind how data should be collected according to the literature reviwe- have as much data as possible measured through surveys and own observations, blueprints have been studied and their validity has been investigated by measuring the building, blower door has been performed and temperature- and relative humidityloggning. Instantaneous values of the FTX system was made to calculate its efficiency. Linear thermal bridges have been investigated by finite element method in the program COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5. For validation of the simulated model the results of it were compared with the acutal measured energyconsumption of the building. The simulations were performed in BV2. The results of the study show, as expected, the glazed corridor’s negative impact on the building's indoor climate. Temperature was logged between 160412-160509 highest temperature was 30 ° C and minimum 15 ° C, which is more widespread than in other areas where the temperature was logged. The simulations that were performed on the glazed corridor shows that it consumes between 5000-5500 kWh on the area of 13.5 m2. Finally the study resulted in recommendations for the building that includes additional insulation of the attic, replacement of a smaller wall section, lowering the temperature by 1 ° C, as well as some maintenance measures to improve the indoor climate. The measures are believed to be possible to implement without significant interference with the health care acitivities. In addition the proposed measures seem profitable according to the pay of method.

Analýza zhodnocení stavebního objektu při snížení jeho energetické náročnosti / Analysis of the evaluation of a construction unit by reducing its energy intensity

Frank, Jaromír January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the analysis of the evaluation of a construction unit by reducing its energy intensity. The first part of the thesis is dealing with the theoretical explanation of the basic concepts that are necessary for understanding of the dealt problem. The next part is dealing with the methodics of calculation of a building energy efficiency, determination of market prices of the property by general methodology, solution of the budgets of the reconstruction possibilities and determination of payback time of the investment into the reconstructions. The result of the thesis is the summary of all the outputs into the detailed table with comments.

Decreasing Energy Use by 50% in Swedish Multifamily buildings by 2050 - Obstacles and Opportunities

Shafqat, Omar January 2012 (has links)
Building sector in Sweden constitutes a major part of the overall energy consumption, making up for around 40% of the total energy use. During the 60s and 70s, there was a big surge in housing in Sweden with over a million dwellings, both single family houses and multi-family apartments, constructed over a period of ten years. These buildings constructed according to the pre-oil crisis standards, suffer from poor energy performance and are in dire need for large scale renovations. This makes it a very interesting area to focus on to meet the Swedish government targets of 50% energy reduction by 2050. This study tries to assess the prevailing situation in multifamily housing sector and focuses on various obstacles and hinders in the path towards achieving long term energy saving goals. A model has been developed using bottom-up approach to study different scenarios for energy use in 2050 based on various renovation possibilities in the building stock.

Design And Analysis Of Energy Saving Buildings Using The Software Energy Plus

Birol, Kemal Ozgen 01 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Being the major energy consumer of electricity and natural gas, buildings consume more than 70% of electricity and 30% of natural gas. On the way to green buildings and zero energy buildings, investigation and improvement of energy efficiency of the buildings will result in significant reductions in energy demands and CO2 emissions / make cost savings and improve thermal comfort as well. Key steps of a successful green, energy efficient building can be summarized as whole building design, site design, building envelope design, lighting and day lighting design and HVAC system design. Energy Plus&reg / software is mainly developed to simulate the performance of the buildings in the view of the above listed points. The design of a building or the analysis of an existing building with the software will show how efficient the building is or will be, and also helps finding the best efficient choice of the whole building system. Thesis focuses on the effect of changes in building envelope properties. In Turkey, topic of green buildings has recently started to be studied. Therefore, this thesis aims to present efficient technologies providing energy savings in buildings, to present green building concept and alternative energy simulation software. In the context of this study, design, methods and material guidelines are introduced to reduce energy needs of buildings and to bring in the green building design concept. Building and system parameters to enhance building energy efficiency and energy savings together with green building principles are summarized. Moreover, whole building energy analysis methods and simulation steps are explained / year-round simulation is performed for a sample building / as a result, energy savings about 36% is achieved.

Vliv provedení zateplení řadových rodinných domů na výdaje spojené s jejich provozem / The Influence of Thermal Insulation of Terraced Houses on the Operation-Related Expenses

Polický, Robin January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis examines the influence of insulation of terraced houses on the expenses associated with their operation. Its first part deals with legislation concerning the issue and evaluation of energy performance of buildings. Furthermore, the types and properties of the used thermal insulation, methods of thermal insulation, types of filling of openings and then the used methods of budgeting are described. The second part contains several variants of insulation of terraced houses, which are assessed in terms of energy intensity and finally in terms of economic return on investment in insulation.

Projevy fyzikálních vlastností staviv v budovách v nízkoenergetickém a pasivním stavitelství / The effect of physical properties of building materials in buildings in low-energy construction

Svoboda, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The theme of the diploma thesis is the study of physical properties of various building materials in buildings in low-energy construction. The work is mainly focused on the influence of the thermal accumulation properties of building materials used in buildings in order to achieve low energy consumption for heating. The thesis compares the energy characteristics of five different constructional material variants of the house.

Architektura pasivních domů na venkově / Architecture of passive houses in the countryside

Novák, Petr Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis examines the possibility of passive house standard construction of public buildings in the countryside of the Czech Republic, the possibility of application of natural materials in their construction and in the end set of architectural principles for their design. Examines the situation of expansion of this type of buildings in the surrounding countries as well as in our country, differences in their architectural and technical characteristics and possibilities of natural materials use in their construction so that the newly proposed public buildings meet not only the technical and architectural design principles of passive houses, but at the same time reflect using of traditional local natural materials.

Energetické hodnocení budovy / Energy assessment of building

Žůrek, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá energetickým sektorem v Ruské Federaci se zaměřením na sektor budov a jejich energetickou efektivnost. Je zde vytvořen základní přehled předpi-sů a norem týkajících se sektoru budov a dotační programy vytvořené Ruskou vládou na snížení energetické náročnosti. V praktické části je provedeno energetické hodnocení dané budovy v podmínkách Čr a Ruské Federace. Výpočty energetických bilancí budovy jsou prováděny pro klimatické podmínky daných zemí a v souladu s národními předpisy. Na základě energetických bilancí jsou navrženy opatření na úsporu energie. V závěru je provedeno ekonomické posouzení, s ohledem na rozdílné ceny energií a nákladů na provedení návrhových opat-ření v České republice a Ruské Federaci.

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