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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nitrogen release, tree uptake, and ecosystem retention in a mid-rotation loblolly pine plantation following fertilization with 15N-enriched enhanced efficiency fertilizers

Werner, Amy 11 June 2013 (has links)
Nitrogen is the most frequently limiting nutrient in southern pine plantations.  Previous studies found that only 10 to 25% of applied urea fertilizer N is taken up by trees.  Enhanced efficiency fertilizers could increase tree uptake efficiency by controlling the release of N and/or stabilize N.  Three enhanced efficiency fertilizers were selected as a representation of fertilizers that could be used in forestry: 1) NBPT treated urea (NBPT urea), 2) polymer coated urea (PC urea), and 3) monoammonium phosphate coated NBPT treated urea (MC NBPT urea). Urea, MC NBPT urea, and NBPT urea fertilizer treatments showed an extractable NH4+ spike 14 days after fertilization while the polymer coated urea showed a spike in NH4+ 49 days after fertilization. Total ecosystem recovery of fertilizer in each treatment was; MC NBPT urea, 51.29 g N; NBPT urea, 48.87 g N; urea, 45.09 g N; and PC urea, 31.30 g N which represents 78.7%, 74.7%, 72.1%, and 47.6% respectively of the total N applied.  For the MC NBPT urea, NBPT urea, and PC urea treatments the largest sinks for N were the forest floor and mineral soil.  The largest sink for fertilizer applied N in the urea treatment was in the tree.  The 2011 foliage cohort was the largest sinks for fertilizer N recovered by the tree.  N volatilization was around 20% for all fertilizer treatments except polymer coated fertilizer, which was 1.1%.  Urea preformed the same as the soluble enhanced efficiency fertilizers and better than the PC urea fertilizer.  The results emphasize the importance of climatic conditions on fertilizer release and effectiveness. / Master of Science

An Integrated Approach for Nitrogen Management in Upland Cotton Production

Ofori, Bright Kwabena 23 January 2023 (has links)
Nitrogen (N) fertilizer application constitutes a major portion of farmers' cost of production since N is the most applied nutrient in U.S. cotton production. Despite this, N uptake and use efficiency (NUE) in cotton remains below 50%, which presents challenges of environmental quality. Studies were conducted across 4 states in the US Cotton Belt with the overall objective of evaluating strategies to reduce loss of N to the environment, increase N uptake and NUE. The first study had two objectives: 1) compare NH3 volatilization from surface versus subsurface application/placement of granular (urea) and fluid N source (urea ammonium nitrate; UAN32); and 2) compare NH3 volatilization from urea and UAN treated with enhanced-efficiency fertilizer products. For this study, four A horizon soils of different types were collected from four sites in Virginia (VA), Georgia (GA), Tennessee (TN), and Texas (TX). The EEF products were N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT), nitrapyrin, and ESN. In the first set of experiments (N placement experiments), it was found that across soil types, subsurface placement of granular N source reduced NH3 volatilization by 58 – 81% and subsurface placement of UAN reduced NH3 volatilization by 56 – 98%. In the second set of experiments (EEF experiments), it was found that NBPT reduced NH3 volatilization by 5 – 77% across soil types, and the highest reduction in losses by NBPT was observed on sandier and low CEC soils. Treating urea with both nitrapyrin and NBPT was more effective at reducing NH3 volatilization compared to treating urea with nitrapyrin alone. Based on our findings, subsurface application of granular and fluid N sources is recommended as strategy to reduce NH3 volatilization. Where subsurface placement is not possible, EEF products should be considered. The objectives of the second study were: 1) determine the effects of small grain and legume cover crops on N cycling; 2) evaluate the effects of cover crops and N fertilization on N uptake; and 3) evaluate the effects of cover crops on lint yield. Cover crops were winter fallow (winter weeds), small grain [cereal rye (Secale cereale)], legume mix [(50% crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum): 50% hairy vetch (Vicia villosa)], and legume mix + rye [(67% legume mix:33% hairy vetch)]. Fertilizer N application rates were 0, 45, 90, and 135 kg ha-1. Soil inorganic N in the top 30 cm depths of the legume mix and legume mix + rye plots was consistently higher than in the rye lone or fallow plots. Cotton lint yield following legume mix with 45 kg ha-1 fertilizer N application was comparable to following fallow plots with 135 kg N ha-1. Thus, fertilizer N rate could considerably be reduced when cotton follows legume cover crops. The objectives of the third study were: 1) evaluate urea and UAN placement (broadcast, dribbling, and injection) on lint yield and fiber quality of three cotton maturity groups (early-, mid-, and full-maturity); (2) assess N use and agronomic efficiencies as influenced by N source, rate, and placement; (3) evaluate the impact of N source and placement on fiber quality. A study including 9 site-years studies was conducted in VA, GA, and TX. It was found that placement had no effect on yield in VA, had effect in all 3 years in TX, and had effect in 1 year in GA. Yield responded to N application in 8 out of 9 site-years in this study. Nitrogen use efficiency was highest among the early- and mid-season varieties. Overall, N rate and variety, rather than application/placement strategy, had the most pronounced effects on lint yield. / Doctor of Philosophy / Nitrogen (N) is usually the major limiting nutrient in cotton production and represents a significant cost of production. On average, the current proportion of applied N recovered in the aboveground crop biomass, (i.e., nitrogen use efficiency, or NUE) ranges from 33 – 50%, meaning that up to two-thirds of applied N is not recovered by crops. This unrecovered N not only represents economic loss to growers, but acts as a potential pollutant in the environment. There is a need for practices which increase N uptake in cotton production, agronomic efficiency, and environmental sustainability. Previous studies conducted outside the U.S. Cotton Belt reported that NUE is influenced by N source and rate of application. Data on NUE of contemporary cotton varieties utilized in the humid and semi-arid regions of the U.S. Cotton Belt would prove useful in efficient N management in the region. First study evaluated gaseous N loss from fertilizer application. It was found that subsurface placement of granular urea reduced NH3 loss as much as 58 – 81% compared to surface broadcast granular urea and subsurface placement of fluid N source reduced NH3 loss by 56 – 98%. In a second study, N rate and method of application/placement were evaluated. Here, it was found that N rate and cotton variety, rather than application/placement strategy had a more pronounced effect on cotton yield. Lastly, the potential of cover crops as alternate N source in cotton production was investigated. It was found that cotton yield following legume mix and fertilized with 45 kg of N per hectare was comparable with cotton yield following no cover crop and fertilized with 135 kg of N per hectare. The results of these studies indicate that subsurface placement of granular and fluid N sources can reduce NH3 loss. In addition, all other things being equal, choosing the right cotton variety as well as applying the right N rate are critical for yield. Furthermore, by growing cotton after legume cover crops, N fertilizer application rates can be significantly reduced.

Blending polymer-sulfur coated and NBPT-treated urea to improve nitrogen use efficiency and grain yield in corn production systems / Misturas de ureia revestida com enxofre e polímeros e ureia tratada com NBPT para aumentar a eficiência de uso do nitrogênio em sistemas de produção de milho

González Villalba, Hugo Abelardo 25 May 2018 (has links)
Blends of controlled release and stabilized nitrogen (N) fertilizer represent an alternative to provide N at all corn growth stages, and is an option to reduce costs compared to the use of solely controlled release N. In this context, field experiments were conducted in Southeast Brazil with the use of a blend of polymer-sulfur coated urea (PSCU) and NBPT-treated urea (NBPTU) at a 70:30 ratio, applied at corn planting and incorporated into the soil. The objectives of the study were: i) to quantify and measure each fertilizer-derived N fate in the plants, and determine the nitrogen recovery efficiency of each N source in the blend; ii) to evaluate corn grain yield response to N rates (blend) in contrasting cropping systems, and to assess the posibility of reducing N rate when applying a blend of two enhanced efficiency N fertilizers compared to the application of regular urea; iii) understand and monitor changes in plant biomass and N uptake during the growing season. Fertilizer N contributed with less than 50% of the total plant N uptake at all evaluated corn growth stages (V4, V12, R2, and R6). At V4 growth stage, most of the N in the plant derived from fertilizer (NPDF) was provided by NBPTU, while later in the season, most of the NPDF was provided by PSCU. At harvest, most of the plant N was allocated in the grains (59%). Of the total plant N, 64% was supplied by the native soil N pool, 26% was provided by PSCU, and 10% by NBPTU. Therefore, NBPTU provided N to corn early in the season, while PSCU played a crucial role supplying N later in the season, as plants demand for N increased. Soil N was the main N source at all GS and this fraction decreased as N rate increased. At harvest, 64% of the total plant N was derived from the soil native N pool, 26% derived from PSCU, and 10% from urea. The measured fertilizer NRE of urea was in average 36%, and the estimated NUE from PSCU was 51%. In the second study, corn grain yield varied between sites, probably due to soil and climate characteristics of each site. Corn grain yield, N uptake, and biomass production were greatly impacted by fertilizer N. Grain yield and N uptake showed a quadratic response to N rates (blend). The blend of PSCU and NBPTU, applied at corn planting and incorporated into the soil proved to be a great strategy to attain yields at N rates below those needed when using regular urea. The third chapter focused on corn biomass and N uptake and partitioning throughout the growing season, and it was demonstrated that the amount of N uptake after flowering can reach up to 50% of the total plant N, thus, N availability must be guaranteed in late vegetative corn growth stages, and especially in the reproductive stages, which can be achieved by adopting enhanced efficiency N fertilizers such as the blend of PSCU and NBPTU used in this study. / A mistura de fertilizantes nitrogenados de liberação controlada e estabilizados representa uma alternativa para fornecer nitrogênio (N) em todos os estádios da cultura do milho, além de ser uma opção válida para reduzir custos em comparação ao uso exclusivo de produtos de liberação controlada. Neste sentido, conduziram-se experimentos de campo na região Sudeste do Brasil com a aplicação de um blend de ureia revestida com enxofre e polímeros (UREP) e ureia tratada com NBPT (U-NBPT), na proporção 70:30, aplicada na semeadura do milho, de forma incorporada. Os objetivos do trabalho foram: i) avaliar o destino do N dentro das plantas de milho proveniente dos fertilizantes misturados e determinar a eficiência de recuperação de cada um; ii) avaliar a resposta do rendimento de grãos de milho a doses de N (blend) em sistemas de produção contrastantes e avaliar a possibilidade de reduzir as doses de N quando aplicado o blend em comparação à ureia convencional; iii) entender e monitorar as mudanças da biomassa e o nitrogênio dentro das plantas de milho ao longo do ciclo da cultura. No primeiro estudo, o N na planta proveniente da UREP, da U-NBPT, e do solo (N-Solo) variaram ao longo do ciclo do milho. Contudo os fertilizantes nitrogenados contribuiram com menos de 50% do N total da planta em todos os estadios avaliados (V4, V12, R2 e R6). No estádio V4, a maior parte do N na planta proveniente de fertilizante (NPPF) foi fornecido pela U-NBPT, enquanto que nos estadios seguintes, a maior parte do NPPF foi fornecido pela UREP. O N-Solo foi o maior fornecedor de N para a planta, mas a contribuição diminuiu com o aumento das doses de N. Na colheita, 59% do total do N da planta foi alocado nos grãos. Do total de N da planta, 64% foi proveniente do N-Solo, 26% foi fornecido pela UREP, e 10% pela U-NBPT. A eficiência de recuperação da UREP e U-NBPT foram, respectivamente, 51 e 36%. No segundo estudo, o rendimento de grãos de milho variou entre locais, provavelmente devido às condições edafo-climáticas de cada área experimental. A aplicação do fertilizante nitrogenado influenciou o rendimento de grãos de milho, a produção de biomassa e acúmulo de N em todos os locais. O rendimento de grãos e acúmulo de N mostraram uma resposta quadrática às doses de N (blend). A incorporação do blend de UREP e U-NBPT na semeadura do milho mostrou-se como uma ótima estratégia para evitar perdas massivas de N e mostrou que pode atingir produtividade similar a ureia convencional com doses de N menores. O terceiro capítulo, com foco no acúmulo e particionamento da biomassa e N nas plantas de milho ao longo do ciclo, desmonstrou que a quantidade de N absorvido após o florescimento pode chegar a 50% do total de N acumulado nas plantas, pelo que adequada disponibilidade de N deve ser garantida nos estádios vegetativos finais e nos estádios reprodutivos da cultura do milho, o que pode ser conseguido com o uso de misturas de UREP e U-NBPT.

Blending polymer-sulfur coated and NBPT-treated urea to improve nitrogen use efficiency and grain yield in corn production systems / Misturas de ureia revestida com enxofre e polímeros e ureia tratada com NBPT para aumentar a eficiência de uso do nitrogênio em sistemas de produção de milho

Hugo Abelardo González Villalba 25 May 2018 (has links)
Blends of controlled release and stabilized nitrogen (N) fertilizer represent an alternative to provide N at all corn growth stages, and is an option to reduce costs compared to the use of solely controlled release N. In this context, field experiments were conducted in Southeast Brazil with the use of a blend of polymer-sulfur coated urea (PSCU) and NBPT-treated urea (NBPTU) at a 70:30 ratio, applied at corn planting and incorporated into the soil. The objectives of the study were: i) to quantify and measure each fertilizer-derived N fate in the plants, and determine the nitrogen recovery efficiency of each N source in the blend; ii) to evaluate corn grain yield response to N rates (blend) in contrasting cropping systems, and to assess the posibility of reducing N rate when applying a blend of two enhanced efficiency N fertilizers compared to the application of regular urea; iii) understand and monitor changes in plant biomass and N uptake during the growing season. Fertilizer N contributed with less than 50% of the total plant N uptake at all evaluated corn growth stages (V4, V12, R2, and R6). At V4 growth stage, most of the N in the plant derived from fertilizer (NPDF) was provided by NBPTU, while later in the season, most of the NPDF was provided by PSCU. At harvest, most of the plant N was allocated in the grains (59%). Of the total plant N, 64% was supplied by the native soil N pool, 26% was provided by PSCU, and 10% by NBPTU. Therefore, NBPTU provided N to corn early in the season, while PSCU played a crucial role supplying N later in the season, as plants demand for N increased. Soil N was the main N source at all GS and this fraction decreased as N rate increased. At harvest, 64% of the total plant N was derived from the soil native N pool, 26% derived from PSCU, and 10% from urea. The measured fertilizer NRE of urea was in average 36%, and the estimated NUE from PSCU was 51%. In the second study, corn grain yield varied between sites, probably due to soil and climate characteristics of each site. Corn grain yield, N uptake, and biomass production were greatly impacted by fertilizer N. Grain yield and N uptake showed a quadratic response to N rates (blend). The blend of PSCU and NBPTU, applied at corn planting and incorporated into the soil proved to be a great strategy to attain yields at N rates below those needed when using regular urea. The third chapter focused on corn biomass and N uptake and partitioning throughout the growing season, and it was demonstrated that the amount of N uptake after flowering can reach up to 50% of the total plant N, thus, N availability must be guaranteed in late vegetative corn growth stages, and especially in the reproductive stages, which can be achieved by adopting enhanced efficiency N fertilizers such as the blend of PSCU and NBPTU used in this study. / A mistura de fertilizantes nitrogenados de liberação controlada e estabilizados representa uma alternativa para fornecer nitrogênio (N) em todos os estádios da cultura do milho, além de ser uma opção válida para reduzir custos em comparação ao uso exclusivo de produtos de liberação controlada. Neste sentido, conduziram-se experimentos de campo na região Sudeste do Brasil com a aplicação de um blend de ureia revestida com enxofre e polímeros (UREP) e ureia tratada com NBPT (U-NBPT), na proporção 70:30, aplicada na semeadura do milho, de forma incorporada. Os objetivos do trabalho foram: i) avaliar o destino do N dentro das plantas de milho proveniente dos fertilizantes misturados e determinar a eficiência de recuperação de cada um; ii) avaliar a resposta do rendimento de grãos de milho a doses de N (blend) em sistemas de produção contrastantes e avaliar a possibilidade de reduzir as doses de N quando aplicado o blend em comparação à ureia convencional; iii) entender e monitorar as mudanças da biomassa e o nitrogênio dentro das plantas de milho ao longo do ciclo da cultura. No primeiro estudo, o N na planta proveniente da UREP, da U-NBPT, e do solo (N-Solo) variaram ao longo do ciclo do milho. Contudo os fertilizantes nitrogenados contribuiram com menos de 50% do N total da planta em todos os estadios avaliados (V4, V12, R2 e R6). No estádio V4, a maior parte do N na planta proveniente de fertilizante (NPPF) foi fornecido pela U-NBPT, enquanto que nos estadios seguintes, a maior parte do NPPF foi fornecido pela UREP. O N-Solo foi o maior fornecedor de N para a planta, mas a contribuição diminuiu com o aumento das doses de N. Na colheita, 59% do total do N da planta foi alocado nos grãos. Do total de N da planta, 64% foi proveniente do N-Solo, 26% foi fornecido pela UREP, e 10% pela U-NBPT. A eficiência de recuperação da UREP e U-NBPT foram, respectivamente, 51 e 36%. No segundo estudo, o rendimento de grãos de milho variou entre locais, provavelmente devido às condições edafo-climáticas de cada área experimental. A aplicação do fertilizante nitrogenado influenciou o rendimento de grãos de milho, a produção de biomassa e acúmulo de N em todos os locais. O rendimento de grãos e acúmulo de N mostraram uma resposta quadrática às doses de N (blend). A incorporação do blend de UREP e U-NBPT na semeadura do milho mostrou-se como uma ótima estratégia para evitar perdas massivas de N e mostrou que pode atingir produtividade similar a ureia convencional com doses de N menores. O terceiro capítulo, com foco no acúmulo e particionamento da biomassa e N nas plantas de milho ao longo do ciclo, desmonstrou que a quantidade de N absorvido após o florescimento pode chegar a 50% do total de N acumulado nas plantas, pelo que adequada disponibilidade de N deve ser garantida nos estádios vegetativos finais e nos estádios reprodutivos da cultura do milho, o que pode ser conseguido com o uso de misturas de UREP e U-NBPT.

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