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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Two manuscripts of instrumental ensemble music from the Elizabethan period (British Museum add. Ms. 31390 and Bodleian Library Mss. D. 212-216)

Key, Donald Rochester January 1960 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston University / The purpose of this study was to examine the development of Elizabethan consort music from its weal origin as presented in two manuscripts from the period. The following conditions governed the selection of the manuscripts: (1) they should contain a representative number of composers from the period; (2) they should picture, as clearly as possible, the evolution of Elizabethan instrumental ensemble music; and (3) they should contain a sufficient number of works in one instrumental form so that a valid analysis of that form could be concluded. The two manuscripts chosen on the basis of the forementioned conditions were British Museum Additional Manuscript 31,390 and Bodleian Library Manuscripts D. 212-216. Together they contained almost two hundred vocal and instrumental compositions by both Continental and English composers from the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Approximately half the contents of the two sources were In Nominee, an English instrumental form based on a cantus firmus from the Benedictus of Taverner's "Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas" [TRUNCATED]

Celestial Dreams

Knudson, Gary 08 1900 (has links)
Celestial Dreams is a three-movement work for chamber ensemble. This piece employs algorithmic processes (coded in BASIC and Pascal) that generate poetic text and convert it to musical pitches. The three movements contain coherent structures that allow for the complete integration of all ensemble members into the texture and for the flexibility to have one ensemble member emerge as the musical foreground. The chamber ensemble includes strings, tape, slides, and a narrator, who recites the poetic text which forms the foundation of the piece.


Chen, Wei-Sian 01 January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to provide an introduction and analysis of Harvest Festival, a work for piano four hands by Taiwanese composer Yann-Jong Hwang. This work incorporates elements of traditional Taiwanese music that is largely unfamiliar to performers and listeners beyond the border of Taiwan. With the exception of Professor Hwang’s own journal article on this piece, this project is the only study of Harvest Festival available in the United States or Taiwan. This research will be meaningful to both performers and piano teachers as an encouragement to include Yann-Jong Hwang’s work within their concert repertory. This document examines the background of Yann-Jong Hwang; briefly introduces Taiwan, the Amis tribe, and the Harvest Festival event; provides a structural analysis of all four sections of Harvest Festival; and concludes with an appendix consisting of a complete score of Harvest Festival.

Part I--Night of the Living Dead, the operaPart II--How Music Sounds: A Comprehensive Guide to the Grammar of Music

Goodman, Todd William 17 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

The Academic Achievement of Music Students vs. Non-Music Students in a Suburban High School in the Commonwealth of Virginia

Snead, Nicholas LaMar 09 January 2025 (has links)
Participation in music education has proved successful for student academic success and positive youth development (Ilari, 2023). Consequently, educators and policy makers seek to understand what draws students to music and what impact participation in school music has on their academic and personal lives. Some researchers have recommended that school divisions take a more defined look at the benefits of students participating in music. The purpose of this study was to determine what difference, if any, existed in student academic achievement as measured by average daily attendance, grade point average, and office discipline referrals by race, gender, and students with disabilities between those enrolled in a music program and those not enrolled in a music program over a 3-year period in a suburban high school in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This study used quantitative data with a nonexperimental descriptive design to address the research questions posed. The results of the study revealed that music students had higher academic achievement than non-music students as measured by average daily attendance, grade point average, and office discipline referrals by race, gender, and students with a disability over a 3-year period from 2021-2024. The results of this study are significant for education leaders who want to examine the impact of music participation in secondary school. This study also yielded important information regarding demographic subgroups and students with disabilities. / Doctor of Education / The purpose of this study was to determine what difference, if any, existed in student academic achievement as measured by average daily attendance, grade point average, and office discipline referrals by race, gender, and students with disabilities between those enrolled in a music program and those not enrolled in a music program over a 3-year period in a suburban high school in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This study used quantitative data with a nonexperimental descriptive design to address the research questions posed. Data were collected to investigate the average daily attendance, grade point average, and office discipline referrals by race, gender, and students with disabilities between students enrolled in a music program and students not enrolled in a music program. The results of the study revealed that students enrolled in music had higher academic achievement than students not enrolled in music as measured by average daily attendance, grade point average, and office discipline referrals by race, gender, and students with a disability over a 3-year period from 2021-2024. The results of this study are significant for central office and school building leaders who want to examine the impact of music participation in secondary school. This study also yielded important information regarding demographic subgroups and students with disabilities.

La música como herramienta inclusiva: el conjunto musical en la Escuela de Laurena di Borrello

Mannis, Francesco 02 September 2022 (has links)
[IT] L’obiettivo principale di questo studio consiste nel verificare se l’insegnamento musicale, e in particolar modo la pratica musicale d’insieme (dalle piccole formazioni a quelle orchestrali), sia in grado di facilitare i processi di inclusione in alcuni contesti sociali e didattici compromessi per differenti cause. Per dare risposta a questa domanda, la ricerca ha rivolto la sua attenzione sull’insegnamento musicale nelle Scuole Secondarie di Primo Grado italiane con studenti di età compresa tra 11 e 14 anni e, in concreto, in una scuola calabrese che, nell’ambito della sua offerta formativa, propone il corso di Strumento Musicale; tale materia offre ad alunne e alunni la possibilità di frequentare lezioni di strumento sia a livello individuale sia d’insieme. Partendo da questo obiettivo di carattere generale, si è ritenuto utile anche verificare se le Scuole Secondarie di Primo Grado ad indirizzo musicale italiane (e in particolar modo la pratica musicale d’insieme ad esse correlata) stiano svolgendo una funzione didattico-sociale che varca non solo i confini di una semplice materia scolastica, ma anche quelli dello stesso istituto, con ricadute positive per tutta la società e il territorio circostante. Nonostante l’indirizzo musicale sia ormai una materia presente in molte delle Scuole Secondarie di Primo Grado italiane, la scelta dello studio in questione è ricaduta su una realtà musicale che negli ultimi dieci anni si è fatta conoscere su tutto il territorio nazionale per il forte impatto sociale che la pratica musicale d’insieme ha avuto per l’intera comunità circostante. La ricerca, infatti, si è svolta nella scuola “G. B. Marzano” di Laureana di Borrello (Calabria-Italia) dove il corso di Strumento Musicale è riuscito, grazie anche a una sinergia di intenzioni e lungimiranza di impegni con l’altra realtà musicale del paese (orchestra “Ragone”), a esercitare una forte influenza di coesione sociale che ha oltrepassato gli stessi limiti dell’istituto scolastico. L’attenzione dello studio si è focalizzata nel seguimento di sei alunni vincolati con il corso di Strumento Musicale per i quali, in fase di selezione del campione, sono emersi elementi o problemi concreti che hanno fatto sospettare rischi di esclusione o possibili vantaggi derivanti dalla partecipazione all’attività musicale. Allo stesso tempo, si è cercato di verificare l’efficacia dell’insegnamento dello Strumento Musicale dal punto di vista prettamente tecnico e il ruolo che lo stesso iii ricopre all’interno del ciclo di studi musicali nei suoi rapporti di propedeuticità con gli altri ordini di scuola. La raccolta dei dati utili per il seguimento dei casi in questione si è basata sulla combinazione della metodologia quantitativa e qualitativa in modo che la duplice prospettiva potesse fornire basi più solide per la conferma delle ipotesi strutturate in partenza. L’analisi dei risultati osservati ha evidenziato il forte impatto che lo Strumento Musicale ha esercitato (e sta esercitando) per l’intera comunità di Laureana, anche grazie al forte legame tra lo stesso e l’orchestra “Ragone” che offre un percorso di continuità e di crescita sia dal punto di vista musicale, che umano e sociale. Le conclusioni lasciano pensare, senza cadere in facili e fallaci generalizzazioni, che lo Strumento Musicale stia esercitando un ruolo sociale che va oltre a quello degli obblighi di una semplice materia scolastica, sia per la capillarità della sua diffusione su tutto il territorio italiano, sia per le possibilità di aggregazione sociale e crescita integrale proprie della stessa disciplina, soprattutto negli aspetti connessi alla pratica musicale d’insieme. / [ES] El objetivo principal de este estudio radica en verificar si la enseñanza musical y en particular medida la práctica musical de conjunto (desde las formaciones más pequeñas hasta las formaciones orquestales), puede facilitar los procesos de inclusión en contextos sociales y didácticos comprometidos por diferentes razones. Con el fin de contestar a esta pregunta, se ha focalizado la atención en la enseñanza de la práctica musical en el nivel de secundaria con estudiantes de edades comprendidas entre 11 y 14 años y, más concretamente, en una escuela secundaria de primer grado de la región de Calabria (Italia) que cuenta, en su oferta formativa, con la asignatura de instrumento musical; dicha asignatura permite al alumnado del centro recibir clases de instrumento musical tanto de forma individual como de conjunto. A partir de este objetivo general, también ha resultado útil verificar si las escuelas italianas con la enseñanza de instrumento musical (y en particular medida la actividad de música de conjunto del mismo curso) están desarrollando un rol didáctico y social que va más allá no sólo de los límites de una simple asignatura sino también de los límites de la misma escuela, con efectos positivos para la sociedad y el territorio que rodea la escuela. Aunque la asignatura de instrumento musical esté ya radicada en muchas escuelas italianas, se ha elegido para este estudio una realidad musical que desde hace diez años se ha dado a conocer a nivel nacional por las evidentes influencias sociales que la práctica musical de conjunto ha habido para toda la comunidad. La investigación se ha llevado a cabo en el instituto "G. B. Marzano" de Laureana de Borrello (Calabria-Italia) en el cual el curso de instrumento musical ha logrado, también gracias a una estrecha colaboración con otra realidad musical del pueblo (orquesta "Ragone"), ejercer fuertes influencias de cohesión social que ha ido más allá de los espacios escolares. El estudio se ha centrado en el seguimiento de seis alumnos del curso de instrumento musical de los cuales, en la fase de selección del muestreo, habían salido a la luz algunos elementos que dejaban sospechar tantos probables riesgos de exclusión como ventajas conectadas con la participación a las actividades musicales. Al mismo tiempo se ha intentado averiguar la eficacia de la enseñanza de instrumento desde el punto de vista estrictamente técnico y el rol que dicha asignatura desarrolla en el ciclo de estudios musicales en sus relaciones propedéuticas con los otros grados. La recogida de datos relativos a los casos objeto de estudio se ha llevado a cabo a través de la combinación de la metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa para que la doble perspectiva pudiera otorgar bases más sólidas a la hora de confirmar las hipótesis iniciales. El análisis de los datos observados ha evidenciado la fuerte influencia que la asignatura de instrumento musical supuso (y está suponiendo) para toda la comunidad del pueblo de Laureana, también gracias a la conexión entre el mismo curso de instrumento y la orquesta "Ragone" que ofrece una posibilidad de continuación y de crecimiento tanto desde el punto de vista musical como humano y social. Las conclusiones dejan suponer, sin caer en simples y falsas generalizaciones, que el instrumento musical esté desarrollando una labor social que va más allá de sus obligaciones de asignatura escolar, debido a su difusión capilar en todo el territorio nacional y a las posibilidades de cohesión social y desarrollo integral propias de la misma asignatura, en particular medida por los aspectos relacionados a la práctica musical de conjunto. / [CA] L'objectiu principal d'aquest estudi radica en verificar si l'ensenyament musical i en particular mesura la pràctica musical de conjunt (des de les formacions més xicotetes fins a les formacions orquestrals), pot facilitar els processos d'inclusió en contextos socials i didàctics compromesos per diferents raons. Amb la finalitat de contestar a aquesta pregunta, s'ha focalitzat l'atenció en l'ensenyament de la pràctica musical en el nivell de secundària amb alumnes d'edats compreses entre 11 i 14 anys i, més concretament, en una escola secundària de primer grau de la regió de Calàbria (Itàlia) que compta, en la seva oferta formativa, amb l'assignatura d'instrument musical; aquesta assignatura permet al alumnat del centre rebre classes d'instrument musical tant de manera individual com de conjunt. A partir d'aquest objectiu general, també ha resultat útil verificar si les escoles italianes amb l'ensenyança d'instrument musical (i en particular mesura l'activitat de música de conjunt del mateix curs) estiguen desenrotllant un rol didàctic i social que va més enllà no sols dels límits d'una simple assignatura sinó també dels límits de la mateixa escola, amb efectes positius per a la societat i el territori que rodeja l'escola. Encara que l'assignatura d'instrument musical estiga ja radicada en moltes escoles italianes, s'ha triat per a este estudi una realitat musical que des de fa deu anys s'ha donat a conéixer a nivell nacional per les evidents influències socials que la pràctica musical de conjunt hi ha hagut per a tota la comunitat. La investigació s'ha dut a terme en l'institut "G. B. Marzano" de Laureana de Borrello (Calabria-Italia) en el qual el curs d'instrument musical ha aconseguit, també gràcies a una estreta col·laboració amb una altra realitat musical del poble (orquestra "Ragone"), a exercir fortes influències de cohesió social que ha anat més enllà dels espais escolars. L'estudi s'ha centrat en el seguiment de sis alumnes del curs d'instrument musical dels quals, en la fase de selecció del mostratge, havien eixit a la llum alguns elements que deixaven sospitar tants probable riscos d'exclusió com a avantatges connectades amb la participació a les activitats musicals. Al mateix temps s'ha intentat esbrinar l'eficàcia de l'ensenyança d'instrument des del punt de vista estrictament tècnic i el rol que la dita assignatura desenrotlla en el cicle d'estudis musicals en les seues relacions propedèutiques amb els altres graus. La recollida de dades relatives als casos objecte d'estudi s'ha dut a terme a través de la combinació de la metodologia quantitativa i qualitativa perquè la doble perspectiva poguera atorgar bases més sòlides a l'hora de confirmar les hipòtesis inicials. L'anàlisi de les dades observats han evidenciat la forta influència que l'assignatura d'instrument musical va suposar (i està suposant) per a tota la comunitat del poble de Laureana, també gràcies a la connexió entre el mateix curs d'instrument i l'orquestra "Ragone" que oferix una possibilitat de continuació i de creixement tant des del punt de vista musical com a humà i social. Les conclusions deixen suposar, sense caure en simples i falses generalitzacions, que l'instrument musical estiga desenrotllant un rol social que va més enllà de les seues obligacions d'assignatura escolar, a causa de la seua difusió capil·lar en tot el territori nacional i a les possibilitats de cohesió social i desenrotllament integral pròpies de la mateixa assignatura, en particular mesura pels aspectes relacionats a la pràctica musical de conjunt. / [EN] The main objective of this study is to verify whether musical teaching and in particular ensemble musical practice (from smaller formations to orchestral formations) can facilitate inclusion processes in social and didactic contexts, which are compromised for different reasons. In order to find answers to this question, the main focus lies on musical practice teaching at the secondary level with students between the ages of 11 and 14 and, more specifically, at a middle school in the region of Calabria (Italy), that includes, in its formative offer, the subject of musical instrument; this subject allows students of the center to receive musical instrument classes both individually and in groups. Based on this general objective, it has also been useful to check whether Italian schools offering musical instruments teaching (and in particular the activity of ensemble music in the same academic course) are developing a didactic and social role, that goes beyond not only the limits of a simple subject but also the limits of the same school, with positive effects on society and the communities surrounding the school. Although the subject of musical instrument is already rooted in many Italian schools, for this study a specific musical reality has been chosen, which in these last ten years has come to be known nationwide because of the obvious social influences that the ensemble musical practice has had for the whole community. The research has been carried out at the High School "G.B. Marzano" in Laureana de Borrello (Calabria-Italy) in which the class of musical instrument has achieved, partly due to a close collaboration with another musical reality of the town (the "Orchestra Ragone"), to exert a strong influence of social cohesion that has gone beyond the school areas. The study focused on the follow-up of six students of the musical instrument class. Regarding a number of these students some elements had come to light during the sampling selection phase that hinted to likely risks of exclusion as well as to advantages to be gained from the participation in musical activities. At the same time an attempt has been made to evaluate and measure the effectiveness of instrument teaching from a strictly technical point of view, and also the role that this school subject plays in the cycle of musical studies in its propedeutic relationships with the other degrees. The collection of data relating to the cases under study has been carried out through the combination of quantitative and qualitative methodology so that the dual perspective could provide stronger foundations when confirming the initial hypotheses. The analysis of the studied data has shown the strong influence and meaning that the entire community of the people of Laureana attaches to the subject of musical instrument, also thanks to the connection between the same instrument class and the "Orchestra Ragone", that offers a possibility of continuation and growth both from a musical and a human and social point of view. The conclusions suggest, without falling into simple and false generalizations, that the musical instrument teaching is developing a social role that goes beyond its obligations as a school subject. This is so, because of its capillary dissemination throughout the whole of the country and the possibilities of social cohesion and integral development it offers, typical of the same subject, in particular of the specifics related to ensemble musical practice. / Mannis, F. (2022). La música como herramienta inclusiva: el conjunto musical en la Escuela de Laurena di Borrello [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/186009

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