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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação dos riscos de contaminação do solo por agroquímicos em áreas de horticultura na porção oeste de Boa Vista - RR

Neila Regea Ervilha Santos 13 April 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A cidade de Boa Vista, capital do Estado de Roraima, está localizada em uma área de vegetação do tipo Savanas, inserida em uma área de relevo suave, com uma densa rede hídrica e domínio dos Latossolos. A expansão urbana da cidade foi observada principalmente em seu setor Oeste, onde se intensificou a produção de hortaliças, através de um sistema convencional com o uso de produtos químicos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o risco de contaminação do solo por agroquímicos, em áreas de horticultura no Bairro Operário localizado na porção Oeste da cidade de Boa Vista RR. Para isto foram realizados levantamentos bibliográficos, trabalhos de campo e laboratório. Em campo ocorreram registros fotográficos, coleta de pontos em GPS, abertura de seis trincheiras para análise de perfis de solo e coleta de amostras, além de análise de dois perfis em barragens de tanques de peixes e dois perfis em paredes de drenagem pluvial, com a coleta de 29 amostras de solo. O Laboratório de Informática do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia PPGGEO, da Universidade Federal de Roraima UFRR, foi utilizado para o processamento dos dados digitais, através dos softwares ArcGis 10.0, Spring 5.2 e PCI Geomatics, com a elaboração de mapas de localização, hipsometria, declividade e drenagem, usando Imagem de Satélite (LandSat 8) e Imagem TOPODATA (SRTM). As análises de granulometria/textura, foram realizadas no Laboratório de Sedimentologia do Núcleo de Pesquisas Energéticas NUPENERG - UFRR, a morfologia dos grãos foi efetuada no Laboratório de Áreas Degradadas UFRR. Para as análises de pH (potencial hidrogeniônico), e M.O.S (matéria orgânica do solo), as amostras foram encaminhadas para o Laboratório de Solos da EMBRAPA Amazônia Oriental de Belém PA. As análises mineralógicas ocorreram no Laboratório de Difratometria de Raios X do Departamento de Física UFRR. Os resultados das análises granulométricas/textura e de morfologia dos grãos, revelaram que os solos da área de estudo são arenosos, com predomínio da fração areia fina com morfologia angular e subangular. As análises de pH (potencial hidrogeniônico) e M.S.O (matéria orgânica do solo), mostraram que os solos são ácidos e pobres em matéria orgânica. Os mapas de hispometria e declividade confirmaram para área o domínio de relevo suave. Pelo mapa de drenagem foi possível observar que a área de hortas no Bairro Operário está próxima a uma densa rede hidrográfica. Assim tais resultados mostram a necessidade de ações que visem um melhor manejo do solo, tendo como objetivo a manutenção do equilíbrio ambiental. / The city of Boa Vista, capital of the State of Roraima, is located in an area of vegetation of the type Savannas, inserted in an area of soft relief, with a dense water supply and domain of Oxisol. The urban expansion of the city was observed mainly at your section west, where it was intensified the production of vegetables, through a conventional system with the use of chemical products. The objective of this research was to evaluate the risk of contamination of the soil for agrochemicals, in horticulture areas in the District of Operário, located in the portion west of the city. For so much, bibliographical risings, field works and laboratory were accomplished. In field, they happened photographic registrations, collection of points in GPS, opening of six trenches for analysis of soil profiles and collection of samples, besides analysis of two profiles in barrages of tanks of fish and two profiles in walls of pluvial drainage, with collection of 29 soil samples. The Laboratory of Computer Science of the Program of Pós-Graduation in Geography - PPGGEO, of the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR) it was used for the processing of the digital data, through softwares ArcGis 10.0, Spring 5.2 and PCI Geomatics, with the elaboration of location maps, hypsometry, steepness and drainage, using satellite image (LandSat 8) and image TOPODATA (SRTM). The grain size/texture analyses were accomplished at the Laboratory of Sedimentology of the Nucleus of Energy Researches (NUPENERG) of UFRR; the morphology of the grains was made at the Laboratory of Degraded Areas (UFRR). For the pH analyses (hipogenionic potencial) and M.O.S (organic matter of the soil), the samples were directed to the Laboratory of Soils of EMBRAPA Amazonian Oriental of Belém-shovel. The mineralogical analyses happened at the Laboratory of Diffratometry of Raios X of the Department of Physics of UFRR. The results of the analyses of grain size/texture and of morphology of the grains they revealed that the soils of the study area are sandy, with prevalence of the fraction it sands fine with angular and subangular morphology. The pH analyses and M.S.O. they showed that the soils are acid and poor in organic matter. The hypsometry maps and steepness confirmed for the area the domain of soft relief. For the drainage map it was possible to observe that the area of vegetable gardens of the District of Operário is close to a dense water supply. Like this, such results show the need of actions that they seek a better handling of the soil, tends as objective the maintenance of the environmental balance.

Balanço social e a demonstração do valor adicionado: compromisso, sustentabilidade e transparência

Cabral, Natanael 10 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T18:39:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Natanael Cabral.pdf: 3230738 bytes, checksum: b7cc63c6c1f52e2e2dbc848005b2f232 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-10 / This study aims to compare the composition of the data and the demonstration of Social Balance and Statement of Value Added to establish a discussion about contents that are presented in these financial reports. Thus, we performed a comparison between these financial statements of two major Brazilian companies listed in the ranking of companies most valuable brands in Latin America in 2011: Itaú/Unibanco and Petrobras, making a demonstrative analysis of information contained in the Social Balance of these companies, regarding their concern with social responsibility, and also demonstrate how they apply their wealth these data were extracted from Statement of Value Added of each one, in order to analyze and demonstrate the evolution or not as much data as made of the years presented. The analyzed and used datas for this study were gathered from extensive literature and academic literature on the subject and the official websites of the companies studied. Finally, it was noted that both companies use the IBASE model for preparation of the Social Balance, however, the issue of Statement of Value Added, there is no model followed, and the information contained in these approaches are differentiated. Based on this evidence, analyzes and critiques were developed involving the presented study / O presente estudo objetivou comparar a composição e demonstração dos dados do Balanço Social e Demonstrativo do Valor Adicionado, a fim de estabelecer uma discussão a respeito dos conteúdos que são apresentados nestes relatórios contábeis. Para isto, foi realizada uma comparação entre os demonstrativos financeiros, Balanço Social e Demonstração do Valor Adicionado de duas grandes empresas brasileiras − listadas no ranking das empresas de marcas mais valiosas da América Latina em 2011: o Itaú/Unibanco e a Petrobras − fazendo uma análise demonstrativa das informações contidas no Balanço Social destas empresas, no tocante à sua preocupação com a responsabilidade social e, ainda, demonstrar onde elas aplicam suas riquezas, dados estes, extraídos das Demonstrações do Valor Adicionado de cada uma delas, com o intuito de analisar e demonstrar a evolução ou não, tanto dos dados quanto dos feitos nos anos apresentados. Os dados pesquisados e utilizados para realização deste estudo foram extraídos de vasta literatura acadêmica e bibliográfica sobre o tema e dos sites oficiais das empresas estudadas. Por fim, observou-se, que ambas as empresas utilizam do modelo IBASE para a elaboração do Balanço Social, porém, na questão da Demonstração do Valor Adicionado não existe modelo seguido, bem como as informações e os enfoques contido nestes são diferenciados. Com base nestas evidências foram idealizadas as análises e críticas que envolvem o estudo apresentado

Saúde e segurança no trabalho das mulheres: a perspectiva de gênero para a proteção e promoção do meio ambiente equilibrado / Safety and health at womens work: gender equality as na essential condition to the construction of a balanced work environment.

Vieira, Regina Stela Corrêa 01 December 2014 (has links)
Pensar na saúde e segurança no trabalho remete diretamente às medidas de proteção para evitar acidentes graves ou mortes em decorrência do trabalho, associadas a profissões geralmente masculinas. Os riscos ocupacionais a que as mulheres estão expostas são geralmente invisibilizados, fazendo crer que proteger o trabalhador é também proteger todas as trabalhadoras. No entanto, não existe o indivíduo padrão, tampouco ciência neutra, pois quem necessita de proteção são seres humanos concretos, e o processo saúde-trabalho é mediado por fatores sociais, econômicos e culturais, em especial, pelas relações de gênero. A compreensão dessas imbricações só é possível com o emprego do gênero como categoria de análise do meio ambiente do trabalho, o que possibilita romper com a abordagem da saúde das mulheres trabalhadoras estritamente da perspectiva da maternidade ou da fragilidade. Esta dissertação propõe-se a ampliar o conhecimento das influências das relações de gênero na saúde e segurança no trabalho, desconstruindo naturalizações e estereótipos sobre feminilidade arraigados no Direito do Trabalho, na busca por compreender se as mulheres precisam de tutela especial, se sua saúde e segurança está de fato protegida pelas normas hoje vigentes e se essas normas promovem igualdade ou discriminação. Três grandes temas que interferem na relação das mulheres com o trabalho nos servirão de eixos para a análise das principais normas e questões trabalhistas que envolvem sua saúde e segurança: a maternidade; o corpo feminino e sua capacidade física; e a saúde mental. Objetiva-se contribuir para o aprofundamento da pesquisa acadêmica sobre a relação entre gênero e saúde e segurança no trabalho, bem como desconstruir preconceitos e apresentar algumas propostas para que as normas do Direito do Trabalho superem paradigmas sexistas e possam evoluir no sentido da promoção da igualdade entre homens e mulheres, essencial para a construção do equilíbrio do meio ambiente de trabalho. / To think about safety and health at work leads to inquiry what protective measures can prevent major accidents or deaths due to work, usually associated with professions dominated by men. The occupational hazards to which women are exposed are usually invisible, since it is believed that protecting the worker encompasses protecting all female workers. However, there is neither a standard individual, nor a neutral science, because those who are in need of protection are concrete human beings, and the health-work process is mediated by social, economic and cultural factors, in particular, gender relations. The understanding of these overlaps is only possible if gender is mobilized as a category of analysis of the work environment. Moreover, gender makes it possible to break with the approach of womens health at work strictly from the perspective of motherhood or fragility. This dissertation intends to extend the knowledge about the influence of gender relations on safety and health at work, and to deconstruct naturalizations and stereotypes built around femininity that are rooted in Labour Law. It seeks to understand whether women need special protection, if their health and security is actually protected by today\'s current standards, and if those standards promote equality or discrimination. Three major themes that mediate the relationship between women and work guide the analysis of the main standards and labor issues involving their safety and health: motherhood; the female body and its physical ability; and mental health. This work aims at contributing to the scholarship on the relationship between gender and safety and health at work, as well as to deconstruct prejudices and present some proposals for labor law standards to overcome sexist paradigms towards the promotion of gender equality an essential condition to the construction of a balanced work environment.

Vers une organisation globale durable de l’approvisionnement des ménages : bilans économiques et environnementaux de différentes chaînes de distribution classiques et émergentes depuis l’entrepôt du fournisseur jusqu’au domicile du ménage / Towards a global sustainable organisation of housholds

Ayadi, Abdessalem 26 September 2014 (has links)
La logistique urbaine, et celle du dernier kilomètre notamment, est un sujet de préoccupation majeure pour les villes d’aujourd’hui. Pour répondre à cette préoccupation, nous avons établi dans le chapitre introductif un historique de la problématique de la logistique urbaine pour mieux comprendre son développement au fil des années, permettant ainsi de déduire qu’il est fondamental d’étudier la globalité de la chaîne de distribution dans ce travail de thèse pour mieux résoudre la problématique de la logistique urbaine. En revanche, nous étions confrontés à un sujet redoutable par sa complexité et l’absence de données complètes et fiables. De plus, nous assistons dans les dernières années, à une multiplication des schémas logistiques que ce soit pour la livraison des magasins à partir des entrepôts des fournisseurs ou pour l’approvisionnement des clients à partir des surfaces de vente.De ce fait, nous avons fixé comme objectif d’identifier toutes les organisations logistiques existantes et émergentes en France et ailleurs (deux séjours d’un an en Angleterre et en Suisse). Pour ce faire, nous avons déterminé dans le deuxième chapitre les paramètres de différenciation des modes d’organisation en amont (de l’entrepôt du fournisseur à la surface de vente) et en aval de la chaîne (de la surface de vente au domicile du client). Or il n’existe pas aujourd’hui de bilan économique et environnemental complet permettant d’arbitrer entre différentes formes de distribution classiques et à distance en tenant compte des particularités des familles des produits (non alimentaires, secs, frais, surgelés) et de la diversité de leurs modes de livraison.Face à ces contraintes de taille, nous avons eu recours aux enquêtes de terrain dans ce travail de recherche, qui ont été l’occasion de nouer de très nombreux contacts avec les acteurs de la grande distribution, permettant ainsi de recueillir des données techniques et économiques de première main et inédites jusqu’ici. En plus de la résolution du verrou empirique dans le troisième chapitre, ce travail de thèse a permis également de lever des verrous méthodologiques relatifs à la reconstitution et à l’évaluation des coûts et des émissions logistiques (pour les entrepôts de stockage et les plateformes de transit en amont ; et pour les surfaces de vente et les plateforme de mutualisation en aval) et des coûts et des émissions des véhicules de transport (des articulés et des porteurs en amont ; et des VUL, voitures particulières, transports publics, deux roues, et marche à pied en aval). Enfin, ce travail de thèse a permis d’aboutir à la construction d’une base de données et la mise au point d’un outil d’aide à la décision permettant ainsi de déduire, dans le quatrième chapitre, les bilans économique et environnemental de la globalité de la chaîne depuis l’entrepôt du fournisseur jusqu’au domicile du ménage. Cet outil devrait se révéler très utile pour les politiques publiques, les stratégies futures des grands distributeurs et leurs prestataires logistiques afin de privilégier les modes d’organisation économes et durables, et même pour le client final afin d’estimer les coûts et les émissions de ses actes d’achat dans les différentes alternatives de vente classique et à distance. / Urban logistics and the last mile in particular, is a major concern for cities today. To address this concern, we have established in the introductory chapter a history of the problem of urban logistics. This allows a better understanding of its development over the years, and deducing that it’s essential to study the supply chain in its entirety to better solve the problem of urban logistics. However, we were faced with a daunting task: the lack of comprehensive and reliable data. In addition, there has been a multiplication of distribution channels in recent years. This includes the delivery from warehouses to stores and further to households from the retail space.Therefore, we intended to identify all existing and emerging logistics organizations in France and beyond (one year exchange stay in England and Switzerland for research purposes). To do this, we established in the second chapter certain parameters that differentiate the logistics modes of various organizations upstream (from manufacturers to retail stores) and downstream (from retail stores to households). Unfortunately, there does not exist any economic and environmental assessment to settle between different forms of traditional and modern electronic distribution, by taking into account the various characteristics of different products families (non-food, dry, fresh, frozen) and the diversity of their delivery modes.Faced with constraints of such size, we conducted surveys with different actors of distribution channels, which provided the opportunity to make contacts, thus collect firsthand and so far unpublished technical and economic data. In addition to the resolution of empirical inadequacy in the third chapter, this research also helped to develop a methodological approach related to the reconstruction and evaluation of logistics costs and emissions (in warehouses, transit platforms, retail stores and shared platforms) and also the costs and emissions of vehicles (trucks, delivery van, cars, public transport, bikes, motorbikes and walking).Finally, this research has lead to the construction of a database and the development of a decision support tool to infer, in the fourth chapter, the economic and environmental appraisal of the entire supply chain from the supplier's warehouse to the final customer. This tool can be useful for public policy, future strategies of retailers and Third-Party Logistics providers to focus on efficient and sustainable modes of organization, and even it will benefit the customer to estimate the costs and emissions of its acts of purchase in classic and e-grocery shopping.

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