Spelling suggestions: "subject:"0nvironmental education,"" "subject:"byenvironmental education,""
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Os projetos de Educação Ambiental desenvolvidos nas escolas brasileiras: análise de diissertações e tesesPalmieri, Maria Luisa Bonazzi [UNESP] 25 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2011-08-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:20:34Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
palmieri_mlb_me_rcla.pdf: 1351364 bytes, checksum: 284b57fe794d57275d3172f1ba586462 (MD5) / Os projetos de educação ambiental desenvolvidos em escolas tiveram um crescimento bastante significativo nos últimos anos. Entretanto, ainda há poucas informações sistematizadas sobre os mesmos. Concomitantemente, as pesquisas em educação ambiental também têm apresentado grande crescimento, inclusive de dissertações e teses que analisam projetos de educação ambiental desenvolvidos em escolas, e não há uma sistematização do conhecimento resultante de tais trabalhos. Nesse contexto, a presente investigação tem o objetivo de caracterizar e discutir as pesquisas que analisam projetos de educação ambiental desenvolvidos em escolas brasileiras. Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental do tipo “estado da arte” e, para a análise dos dados, utilizou-se como referência a “análise de conteúdo” proposta por Bardin (2009). Para a constituição do corpus documental, foi consultado o banco de teses e dissertações da Coordenadoria de Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Por meio de buscas neste banco, a partir de critérios, elaborados previamente, e da análise dos resumos, foi delimitado o corpus documental da presente pesquisa, constituído por 87 trabalhos. Realizou-se o mapeamento dessa produção quanto aos locais de produção, contextos educacionais, focos temáticos, entre outras características, tendo por base os resumos e demais informações apresentadas no banco da CAPES. Constatou-se a existência de dissertações e teses sobre o tema produzidas em todas as regiões brasileiras, principalmente nas regiões Sudeste e Sul, e uma expressiva participação das instituições privadas de ensino na produção desses trabalhos. Posteriormente, foi realizada uma análise de 24 textos completos, selecionados por meio de determinados critérios, na... / The environmental education projects held in school have been growing significantly in recent years. However there is a lack of systematized data about them. At the same many researches on environmental education have also increased, especially dissertations and thesis that analyze these projects, nonetheless there is not a systematization of knowledge as a result of these researches. Thus, this present study intends to distinguish and discuss all about the environmental education issues developed in Brazilian schools. Such documental research treated more specifically as “state of the art ”. The analysis of data was based on Bardin’s concept of “content analysis”. In order to compound the documental corpus the database of Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) was consulted. The focus of this research was determined by searching this sources, following pre-established elaborate criteria and analyzing several summaries. To this essay, it was conducted a survey on the works related which includes the local production, educational contexts, thematic focus, among others. It was verified the existence of dissertations and theses on this subject produced nearly in all Brazilian regions but mainly in South and Southeast regions, and a significant participation of private institutions in the production of these researches. Subsequently 24 full texts were analyzed, selected by determined criteria in which were described and discussed the general and pedagogical features, and the boundaries and possibilities of the projects addressed in the research. An astonishing fact is a notable amount of projects developed over one year and the existence of projects held three, even seven years ago in school. Another relevant fact is that 46% of researches analyze projects were sponsored by external institutions... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Projetos de educação ambiental no contexto escolar: concepções e práticasValentin, Leirí [UNESP] 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2005-09-01Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:51:55Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
valentin_l_me_rcla.pdf: 1393361 bytes, checksum: d83d9931870c584491c4d64c277c5f14 (MD5) / Secretaria de Estado de São Paulo / Este estudo analisa as concepções e práticas de Educação Ambiental através do desenvolvimento de um projeto da mesma área em uma escola pública do Ensino Fundamental, envolvendo classes de 5ª a 8ª séries. A realização de projetos na escola pública faz parte de uma política implantada nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais e incentivada pela Secretaria da Educação e Diretorias de Ensino do Estado de São Paulo. A análise foi realizada a partir dos dados coletados nos documentos, nas entrevistas e nas observações. Constatou-se que as concepções de Educação Ambiental presentes no desenvolvimento do projeto dão ênfase às mudanças de hábitos e atitudes, evidenciando as vantagens econômicas de se combater o desperdício de energia elétrica. A responsabilidade individual na resolução dos problemas ambientais aparece com destaque, desconsiderando os contextos históricos, sociais, culturais e políticos. Cada professora desenvolveu o projeto dentro de sua disciplina específica, como uma atividade pontual, sem se preocupar em dialogar com as outras disciplinas. Apesar de usarem o nome de projeto, as atividades foram realizadas através da seqüência: explicação - aplicação dos conhecimentos. Os resultados obtidos com a pesquisa demonstram que há necessidade de formação continuada para que os professores possam repensar, reelaborar ou até mesmo modificar suas concepções e práticas de Educação Ambiental no interior da escola. / This study analyse the conceptions and practices on Environmental Education in a primary public school, from 5th to 8th grades. The realization of these kinds of projects in public schools is due to the introduction of the National Curricular Patterns Policy, which was stimulated by the Ministry of Education of the state of São Paulo. The analysis is inserted in a line of research taken from documents, interviews and observations. It became an evidence that the conceptions about Environmental Education presented during the development of the project emphasize the changing of habits and attitudes, having as their main goal the avoidance of eletric energy waste. One s own responsibility, in the resolution of environmental problems is reinforced, not depending on the historic, social, cultural and political contexts. Each one of the teachers developed the project in his specific subject- matter, disconnected from the other disciplines. Although using the name of the project, the activities were done in a sequence-explanation- Knowledge appliance. The results of this research show that there is a strong necessity of an extending formation of teachers in order to permit them to rethink, to reorganize and even modify their conceptions and practices about Environmental Education at school.
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Projetos de educação ambiental e seu desenvolvimento na escola pública: concepções e práticas de professores de ciênciasAlmeida, Fabiana Panetto de [UNESP] 08 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2005-09-08Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:31:06Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
almeida_fp_me_rcla.pdf: 865089 bytes, checksum: 90f57a0f27ea0905a638e759956fcd26 (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / Levando-se em consideração que a maioria das escolas está desenvolvendo, ou afirma desenvolver, projetos de Educação Ambiental, quando trabalha conteúdos relacionados à temática ambiental, nesta pesquisa procurou-se identificar as concepções de Educação Ambiental de três professoras de Ciências de três Escolas Públicas de Ensino Fundamental, que elaboraram e desenvolveram projetos de Educação Ambiental, bem como caracterizar as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas nesses projetos. Para a coleta de dados, foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos, entrevistas semi-estruturadas, observações das práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas e análise documental dos projetos elaborados pelas professoras. Os resultados revelaram diferentes concepções de Educação Ambiental entre as três professoras, sujeitos deste estudo, assim como diversas características das práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas nesses projetos, referentes à participação dos alunos e da comunidade escolar, às dificuldades encontradas para desenvolvê-los, aos procedimentos e recursos pedagógicos utilizados, bem como outras características peculiares de cada projeto. A partir da análise dos dados, pode-se indicar que faz-se necessária uma compreensão mais profunda do professor em termos do significado e da dimensão de se trabalhar com a temática ambiental por meio de projetos, tendo em vista que a estrutura e o funcionamento das Escolas Públicas e a fragmentação do currículo escolar impõem determinados obstáculos à prática pedagógica da Educação Ambiental no contexto escolar. / Considering that most of the schools are developing, or declare they are developing, Environmental Education projects, when contents related to the environmental thematic are worked, in this research we tried to identify the conceptions about Environmental Education of three Science teachers of three Elementary Public Schools, that prepared and developed Environmental Education projects, as well pointed out the pedagogic practices developed in these projects. For the collection of dates, it was used the following tools: semi-structured interviews, observations of the pedagogic practices developed and documental analysis of the projects elaborated by the teachers. The results revealed different conceptions of Environmental Education among the three teachers, used in the study, as well as several characteristics of the pedagogic practices developed in these projects, concerning to the students and school community participation, the difficulties found to develop them, to the pedagogic procedures and pedagogic resources used, as well as other singular characteristics of each project. From the analysis of the dates, we can appoint that it's necessary a deeper understanding of the teacher to the meaning and the dimension of working with the environmental thematic through projects, observing that the structure and the operation of the Public Schools and the fragmentation of the school curriculum impose certain obstacles to the pedagogic practice of Environmental Education in the school context.
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Educação ambiental e a construção da cidadania: agenda 21 escolar - um caminho?Orsi, Caroline Pinto de Oliveira [UNESP] 04 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2008-09-04Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:47:29Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
orsi_cpo_me_rcla.pdf: 908384 bytes, checksum: 3a37bf74215ba0c899d988514b9b2700 (MD5) / Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo / O desenvolvimento deste trabalho partiu do seguinte questionamento: a educação ambiental (EA) tem contribuído para a construção da cidadania? Consideramos que a EA pode contribuir para a efetivação de transformações sociais ao colaborar para a formação de sujeitos autônomos/cidadãos. Embora reconheçamos que as escolas brasileiras apresentem muitas condições desfavoráveis para a concretização de tais práticas, interessava-nos investigar suas possibilidades. Procurando conhecer iniciativas nesse sentido nas escolas, elegemos para nossa investigação a proposta de construção da Agenda 21 Escolar. Com base na abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa, objetivamos identificar a perspectiva de EA presente em dois documentos oficiais que se referem ao desenvolvimento da proposta de interesse – “Formando COM-VIDA: Construindo Agenda 21 na Escola” (MMA/MEC) e “Água Hoje e Sempre: Consumo Sustentável” (SEE/SP). Objetivamos também analisar o encaminhamento dessa proposta até as escolas da rede estadual paulista de ensino, verificando se tais documentos e seu encaminhamento colaboraram para a construção da cidadania dos educandos. Por meio da análise de conteúdo dos documentos oficiais, identificamos alguns limites e possibilidades referentes à contribuição para essa construção. Já por meio da análise de conteúdo das entrevistas estruturadas realizadas junto a diversos atores ligados ao desenvolvimento da proposta, identificamos diferentes aspectos ligados aos contextos de produção das políticas curriculares, às quais a proposta está vinculada. Entre eles, destacam-se: o longo percurso que a proposta percorreu até sua concretização junto aos alunos, a ênfase no documento estadual na Secretaria Estadual de Educação de São Paulo, o caráter autoritário de seu encaminhamento, as resistências... / The starting point of this work was the following question: has the environmental education (EE) contributed to build citizenship? We argue that EE can contribute to put into effect social changes since it plays a role in the education of independent human subjects/citizens. Although we're aware of the poor conditions of Brazilian schools and the difficulties to carry out EE practices, we aimed to investigate their possibilities. Searching to know about some initiatives of this kind in schools, we chose to organize the School Agenda 21. Based on a qualitative approach, our aim was to identify the EE perspective present in two official documents concerning the School Agenda 21 – “Educating WITH-LIFE: Organizing the Agenda 21 in Schools” (MMA/MEC) and “Water Today and Always: Sustainable Consumption” (SEE/SP). We also analysed how this purpose was forwarded to the public schools in the São Paulo State, checking if such documents and the way they were forwarded collaborated to build the students' citizenship. By doing the content analysis of the official documents, we identified some limits and possibilities related to the contribution for this building. As for the content analysis of the structured interviews carried out with many social actors related to the development of the purpose, we identified different aspects concerning the context of production of curricular policies, to which the purpose is linked. We point out some of them: the long path taken until the purpose was finally applied to the students, the emphasis given to the State document at the São Paulo State Secretariat for Education, the authoritarian way by which it was forwarded, and the oppositions, reinterpretations and adaptations made. Therefore, we discuss the necessity of deep changes in the structure of public schools, such as helping... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Detached harmonies : a study in/on developing social processes of environmental education in eastern southern AfricaO'Donoghue, Rob January 1997 (has links)
Long-term social processes are explored to examine the shaping of environmental education in eastern southern Africa. The study opens with early Nguni social figurations when 'to conserve was to hunt.' It then examines colonial conservation on the frontiers of imperial expansion and developing struggles for and against wildlife preservation. These processes shaped an inversion of earlier harmonies as declining wildlife was protected in island sanctuaries of natural wilderness and 'to conserve was not to hunt.' Inside protected areas, conservation management struggles shaped new harmonies of interdependence in nature, enabling better steering choices in developing conservation science institutions. Here more reality congruent knowledge also revealed escalating risk which was linked to a lack of awareness amongst communities of 'others' outside. Within continuing conservation struggles, education in, about and for the environment emerged as new institutional processes of social control. The study examines wilderness experience, interpretation, extension, conservancies and the development of an environmental education field centre, a teacher education programme and a school curriculum. Naming and clarifying the emergent education game for reshaping the awareness and behaviour of others is examined within a developing figuration of environmental education specialists. Particular attention is given to academic and statutory processes shaping environmental education as a field of objective principles and rational processes within modernist continuities and discontinuities into the 1990's. An environmental education field centre, an earth-love curriculum and research on reserve neighbour interaction are examined as political sociologies developing within a declining power gradient and wide ranging socio-political change. Into the present, a final window on a local case of water pollution examines shifting relational dynamics revealing how environment and development education models of process may have little resonance amidst long-term socio-historical struggles and shifting controls over surroundings, others and self. A concluding review suggests that grounded critical processes engaging somewhat blind control over surroundings may yet reshape self-control and social control amongst others. The trajectories of these clarifying struggles must remain open-ended as sedimented myth and memory is reshaped within ongoing processes of escalating risk and global intermeshing.
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Perceptions and attitudes of headmasters about the implementation of environmental education programmes in primary schoolsNemavhola, Rendani Florence 31 March 2009 (has links)
M.Ed. / This study is centered on the attitudes of the school managers towards the implementation of environmental education (EE) in primary schools. A qualitative method which involves the use of in-depth individual interviews and focus group interviews were used in this study. The study revealed that the managers have a positive attitude towards the implementation of EE in primary schools. They emphasised that EE will teach learners to look after the environment, learners will grow with the knowledge of protecting and caring the environment. Although the participants have positive attitudes towards the implementation of EE, they felt that it would not be possible to implement it as a subject on its own because of shortage of teaching and learning support materials and lack of well trained subject specialist. All these indicate that participants have an interest in implementing EE in primary schools.
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A study of the role of nature conservation law enforcement officers as facilitators of environmental educationBarrett, Janice Anne January 1992 (has links)
This study explores the potential roles of a sample of 18 nature conservation law enforcement officers, as facilitators of environmental education. More specifically it examines their attitudes towards their dual duties of enforcing laws and providing extension services. Attitudes were examined by means of qualitative data analysis from semi-structured interviews. Officers' environmental attitudes, as well the relative emphasis placed on law enforcement and extension, and their own perspectives of working with communities, are explored. The historical and cultural context of officers' work, as well as worldviews and personality traits are also discussed. Certain recommendations regarding officers' roles as facilitors of environmental education are made.
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An exploratory study into the status of the cross-curricular approach to teaching environmental education at South African schoolsRamsaroop, Sarita 07 June 2012 (has links)
M.Ed. / This study emanated from my observations and experiences as an educator into the teaching of Environmental Education at school. Environmental Education was infused into all Learning Areas, as per the Revised National Curriculum Statement. However, the teaching and learning of environmental issues and topics seemed to have been addressed very superficially. The indifferent attitude displayed by learners was also an area of concern. These observations were the motivation for this research. There is an abundance of research in support of an interdisciplinary approach to teaching Environmental Education. Research has also supported the use of a holistic and systemic approach to the teaching and learning of Environmental Education. This study attempts to report on the status of the integration of Environmental Education in the Revised National Curriculum Statement (RNCS) across Grades 7 to 9 in South Africa, through the lens of systemic and holistic thinking. Following a study of the different models available to depict the teaching and learning of Environmental Education holistically and systemically, I have elected to use the Van Rooyen Model as it supported a more holistic understanding of environmental issues, in accordance with global trends. The mixed methods research design was most appropriate to explore how Environmental Education was captured in the RNCS and to determine how teachers have interpreted these policies in classroom practice. The first stage of the sequential exploratory design was undertaken, informed by an in-depth qualitative study of the RNCS policy documents, learner textbooks and teacher’s lesson plans. An analysis of the RNCS policy documents in all Learning Areas in C2005 was carried out to determine how Environmental Education had been incorporated using the principles of systemic and holistic learning. Data that emerged indicated that there tends to be a disjuncture between the macro, meso and micro planning on the part of policymakers. The infusion of EE, which is done by policymakers (macro planning) and which filters through to the different Learning Areas (meso planning) and finally down to individual teacher’s (micro planning), has shown how Environmental Education content has become quite diluted. The teaching of environmentally related content was done according to broad umbrella topics, with topics being addressed very minimally in accordance to holistic and systemic teaching. The cross curricular approach to teaching Environmental education was implemented by curriculum planners with an assumption that teachers were equipped with the vi necessary knowledge, skills and values to teach Environmental Education effectively. This therefore informed the second stage of the sequential exploratory design within the mixed method framework. Taking into consideration the overall findings of this research, the study recommends that future curriculum planning to incorporate Environmental Education should be done with much more deliberation and in accordance to holistic and systemic principles. The study also highlights the need for Higher Education Institutions involved in teacher training to incorporate a compulsory Environmental course in their programme, thereby equipping all teachers, irrespective of subject specialization, with the necessary knowledge, skills and values to teach Environmental Education meaningfully.
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A philosophic survey of resident outdoor education in CaliforniaHynes, Daniel Marshall 01 January 1975 (has links)
No description available.
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Teacher's guide planning a 6th grade outdoor education program for your schoolMuench, William Arnold 01 January 1977 (has links)
No description available.
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