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Fysisk aktivitet på recept : En kvalitativ studie ur ett patientperspektiv / Exercise on prescription : A qualitative study from a patient perspectiveOlsson, Mona January 2014 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Exercise on Prescription (EoP) means that a doctor writes out a customized form of exercise to the patient instead of medicine, or in combination with medication. The activity becomes a part of the treatment. Since many today do not follow recommendations for physical activity occurs in the long term a number of public health diseases. EoP promotes health and prevents disease. AIM: The aim of this paper is toexamine whether EoP from a patient perspective perceived to be an efficient and effective method of treatment. METHOD: A qualitative approach was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted by telephone. The target audience was adults over age 18 who received EoP. RESULTS: The findings of the interviews were that the experience of EoP was largely positive and that most understood why it was important to have physical activity. A visit to a health care raised the direct motivation to exercise, but declined unless follow-up occurred. Several had been needed more help and advice from a contact person or coordinator that the patient could turn to. CONCLUSION: By getting more help with motivation probably more of the respondents had received better results from EoP. / BAKGRUND: Fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR) innebär att en läkare skriver ut en anpassad träningsform till patienten istället för medicin, eller i kombination med medicin. Aktiviteten blir en del i behandlingen. Eftersom många idag inte följer rekommendationerna för fysisk aktivitet uppstår på sikt en rad folkhälsosjukdomar. FaR främjar hälsan och förebygger sjukdom. SYFTE: Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida FaR ur ett patientperspektiv upplevs vara en effektiv och fungerande behandlingsmetod. METOD: En kvalitativ ansats har använts. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts via telefon. Målgruppen var vuxna personer över 18 år som fått FaR. RESULTAT: Det som framkom av intervjuerna var att upplevelsen av FaR i stort sett var positiv och att de flesta förstod varför det var viktigt med fysisk aktivitet. Besöket hos sjukvården höjde direkt motivationen till att träna, men sjönk om inte uppföljning skedde. Trots den positiva upplevelsen så hade det i flera fall behövts mer råd och hjälp. Det saknades i många fall en kontaktperson eller samordnare som patienten kunde vända sig till. SLUTSATS: Genom att få mer hjälp med motivation och stöttning hade troligen flera av respondenterna fått bättre resultat av FaR.
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UV pretreatment of Alkaline Bleaching Wastewater from a Kraft Pulp and Paper Mill prior to Anaerobic Digestion in a Lab scale UASB ReactorKarlsson, Marielle January 2013 (has links)
The effects of UV pretreatment on alkaline bleaching (EOP) wastewater from a kraft pulp and paper mill were investigated prior to anaerobic digestion (AD) in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. The aim was to enhance the methane production, increase the reduction of total organic carbon (TOC) and determine the best UV exposure time. The exposure time of 2.6 minutes partially degraded the organic material in the EOP wastewater since it generated higher biogas and methane production than the reference period, while it also increased the reductions of solved chemical oxygen demand (CODsol) and TOCsol. The exposure time of 16 minutes, on the other hand, did not show any significant improvement regarding increased biogas and methane production nor did it increase the reduction of CODsol. However, it did increase the reduction of TOCsol, but not to the same extent as the exposure time of 2.6 minutes. The presence of unwanted microbial growth in the system during the experiment might have affected the effectiveness of the UV pretreatment more during the exposure time of 16 minutes as the amount of growth was more substantial during this period of time. Furthermore, no optimal exposure time could be determined due to lack of time.
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