Spelling suggestions: "subject:"epidemie"" "subject:"épidemie""
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Analýza zájmu zdravotnických pracovníků o očkován proti chřipce v Nemocnici Rudolfa a Stefanie Benešov. / Analysis of interest of medical workers in vaccination against influenza in the hospital Rudolfa and Stefanie in Benešov.ZEMANOVÁ, Irena January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on analyzing the interest of health professionals in vaccination against influenza in the Hospital of Rudolf and Stefanie in Benešov. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part and an empirical part. The theoretical part processes, in a complex way, the available knowledge about the history of influenza epidemiology and disease prevention with the emphasis on vaccination. The processing of this part used monographic publications, scientific articles from professional journals and electronic resources. In the empirical part, the opinions and attitudes of health workers to vaccination against influenza were analyzed. The research group consisted of health professionals from the Hospital of Rudolf and Stefanie in Benešov. In my thesis, I set two objectives. The first objective was to map the interest of health professionals in vaccination against influenza. The other objective was to find the main reason for the lack of interest in such vaccination. This part was processed using quantitative research. Using charts, I evaluated statistically the data which was obtained in a questionnaire survey. At the end of this section, the obtained results were discussed and some measures were proposed. The main proposal to address the identified deficiencies is to train health professionals and inform them about potential health consequences of influenza for their patients and for themselves.
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Snížená proočkovanost jako nový globální zdravotní problém / Decreasing vaccination rate as a new global health problemGalstyan, Elen January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on decreasing levels of vaccination as a new health risk. In recent years it has become a new trend that we can observe in European countries. Low vaccination levels amongst population are one of the reasons for new epidemics or pandemics happening. When immunization rises above 95 % then a collective immunization comes into effect. Collective immunization lowers the chances of diseases spreading. For this reason, World health organization supports immunization and tries to make immunization affordable reachable for everyone everywhere. This these analyses measles which can be stopped by vaccinating the population. Therefore, the World health organization prepares strategic plans aimed at eradication of this disease. Each member state has a task to apply these plans in their specific environment. This thesis focuses on the Czech Republic and its implementation of strategic plans happening 2005-2010 and 2011-2020. This thesis is structured into 5 chapters focused on theory of international relations, hesitancy to vaccinate, strategic plans of World health organization and the Czech Republic.
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Nedostatek zdravotně nezávadné vody v Africe: klíčový faktor vzniku epidemií cholery ve vybraných státech v okolí Velkých jezerNeužilová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the problem of lack of safe water and other factors that cause cholera outbreaks in African Great Lakes Region. Thesis explores the history of the disease in selected area and differences in approaches of individual countries to its therapy and prevention. The theoretical part deals with lack of safe water in Africa and other infectious diseases caused by contaminated water. The diseases include also cholera, whose causes in African Great Lakes Region are analysed till 2006. Subsequently, in the years 2007-2016, specific cholera outbreaks are analysed in more details, its causes and preventive measures within the three selected countries in the region: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya and Rwanda. It has been found that the elimination of cholera in this region may occur primarily by improving access to safe water and sanitation facilities, which in the case of Democratic Republic of the Congo will insist many years.
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Die Pest in Augsburg um 1500. Die soziale Konstruktion einer Krankheit / The Plague in Augsburg around 1500. A Social Construction of the DiseaseHoranin, Mariusz 20 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Náplňování Národního akčního plánu na zvýšení proočkovanosti proti chřipce v okrese Trutnov / Implementation of the National Action Plan to increase vaccination coverage against influenza in the district of Trutnov.KISSOVÁ, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Influenza is a highly contagious viral disease with epidemic and pandemic spread of the character, which annually affects 10% of the world's population, in the course of a pandemic even 40-50%. The originator of the disease is a virus that is present as a type A, type B or type C. Source of infection is the man to transfer air or contaminated objects. Susceptibility is widespread. The disease predominantly affects the respiratory tract, has a sudden beginning and manifests itself primarily with fever, chills, muscle pain, joint pain and headache. The most common complication is inflammation of the lungs. In the diagnosis are rapid tests for the detection of the Antigen. Treatment is symptomatic, antivirals are available the type of neuraminidase inhibitors M2, which easily gives rise to a resistance of influenza virus. The basis for the prevention of influenza is annual vaccination, which dramatically reduces the risk of hospitalization and death, especially among the elderly and the chronically ill. Coverage in our population is low, and that despite the fact that the flu is the cause of the deaths of thousands of people around the world. A year in the Czech Republic will die according to qualified estimates the flu one to two thousand people. Due to the possible prevention of influenza, it is important to disseminate information on the possibilities of prevention by vaccination and educate the general public about the seriousness of this disease. Diploma thesis discusses influenza disease as such and on the issue of vaccination against influenza among the elderly in connection with the adoption of the NAP to increase vaccination coverage against the flu. The theoretical part summarises the commonly known knowledge on the causative agent of the disease, the way of transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, complications, treatment, and prevention by vaccination.
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Unsichtbare Feinde – Als die Pest im Jahr 1349 auch in Radeberg Einzug hielt…: Vergangenheit und Gegenwart – Pandemien verändern die WeltSchönfuß-Krause, Renate 26 July 2022 (has links)
Ausgehend von dem geschichtlichen Pestausbruch des 14. Jahrhunderts in Europa werden 350 Jahre Geschichte der Pest als Pandemie, Epidemie, Endemie und Pest der Kinder in Deutschland, dem Kurfürstentum Sachsen und der Residenzstadt Dresden mit dem Amt Radeberg untersucht und dargestellt. Wichtig war dabei die Herausstellung, dass Pandemien durchaus die Welt verändern und der „Krieg der Mikroben, als sogenannte „Unsichtbare Feinde”, Zivilisationen immer wieder mit ihren eingefahrenen Strukturen zum Wanken bringen können. Dokumentiert wird die Sterbensgefahr durch die Pestausbrüche und deren Überlieferung in Dresdner Akten und dem Amt Radeberg, welches auch zum Fluchtort der Kurfürsten bei Pestgefahr wurde. Herausgearbeitet wurde ebenfalls die stetige Pestgefahr, die als Bedrohung durch das nahe Grenzgebiet von Böhmen ausging, durch Glaubensflüchtlinge beziehungsweise mit dem Handel auf dem Wasser- oder Landwege nach Sachsen gebracht oder durch die Heerscharen des Dreißigjährigen Krieges verbreitet wurde. Nachdem die Pest 1682 offiziell als „überwunden“ erklärt wurde, traten bis in die Jetztzeit immer wieder epidemische oder endemische Pestausbrüche auf, die zeigen - die Pest lebt weiter…
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The psycho-educational needs of children orphaned by AIDS as perceived by their caregivers / Marieke Cornelia van RooyenVan Rooyen, Marieke Cornelia January 2011 (has links)
During the past decade, South Africa has become the country with the highest number of
HIV/AIDS infections in the world. In the wake of the widely spread HIV/AIDS epidemic in
South Africa, hundreds of thousands of children are left parentless. Since limited research exists
on the psycho-educational needs of children orphaned by AIDS in South Africa, the focus of this
study was on their psycho-educational development.
A literature study was conducted to investigate the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa and its
consequences for the psycho-educational development of AIDS orphans.
A qualitative investigation was undertaken and interviews were conducted with caregivers of
AIDS orphans at two care centres in rural KwaZulu-Natal. The aim of the investigation was to
identify the psycho-educational needs of AIDS orphans as perceived by their caregivers.
Moreover, the investigation also aimed at identifying factors that impede the psycho-educational
development of AIDS orphans, and to determine the extent to which these day care centres meet
the psycho-educational needs of these orphans.
The following psycho-educational needs of AIDS orphans emerged from the investigation:
- the need to socialise and communicate
- the need to cope with parental death
- the need for acceptance
- the need for security and care
- the need for love and belonging
- the need to deal with negative emotions
Physical and material needs were added to the above needs, since these were frequently
mentioned during the course of the interviews.
Factors that seriously impeded the psycho-educational development of AIDS orphans were abuse
and neglect. The investigation also revealed that the care centres were to a large extent able to
meet a broad spectrum of these orphans’ psycho-educational needs, especially at the care centre
where the AIDS orphans were able to sleep over and received the full-time attention caregivers.
Since the extended family system can no longer fully carry the burden of hundreds of thousands
of AIDS orphans in South Africa, care centres situated in the affected communities can offer a viable alternative to traditional models of care. The study emphasised the need for further
research on the needs of AIDS orphans as well as increased support of AIDS orphans on local,
provincial and national levels. / MEd (Learner support), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012
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The psycho-educational needs of children orphaned by AIDS as perceived by their caregivers / Marieke Cornelia van RooyenVan Rooyen, Marieke Cornelia January 2011 (has links)
During the past decade, South Africa has become the country with the highest number of
HIV/AIDS infections in the world. In the wake of the widely spread HIV/AIDS epidemic in
South Africa, hundreds of thousands of children are left parentless. Since limited research exists
on the psycho-educational needs of children orphaned by AIDS in South Africa, the focus of this
study was on their psycho-educational development.
A literature study was conducted to investigate the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa and its
consequences for the psycho-educational development of AIDS orphans.
A qualitative investigation was undertaken and interviews were conducted with caregivers of
AIDS orphans at two care centres in rural KwaZulu-Natal. The aim of the investigation was to
identify the psycho-educational needs of AIDS orphans as perceived by their caregivers.
Moreover, the investigation also aimed at identifying factors that impede the psycho-educational
development of AIDS orphans, and to determine the extent to which these day care centres meet
the psycho-educational needs of these orphans.
The following psycho-educational needs of AIDS orphans emerged from the investigation:
- the need to socialise and communicate
- the need to cope with parental death
- the need for acceptance
- the need for security and care
- the need for love and belonging
- the need to deal with negative emotions
Physical and material needs were added to the above needs, since these were frequently
mentioned during the course of the interviews.
Factors that seriously impeded the psycho-educational development of AIDS orphans were abuse
and neglect. The investigation also revealed that the care centres were to a large extent able to
meet a broad spectrum of these orphans’ psycho-educational needs, especially at the care centre
where the AIDS orphans were able to sleep over and received the full-time attention caregivers.
Since the extended family system can no longer fully carry the burden of hundreds of thousands
of AIDS orphans in South Africa, care centres situated in the affected communities can offer a viable alternative to traditional models of care. The study emphasised the need for further
research on the needs of AIDS orphans as well as increased support of AIDS orphans on local,
provincial and national levels. / MEd (Learner support), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012
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Příprava pandemického plánu - průběh pandemie chřipky způsobené virem Pandemic A (H1N1) 2009 v Plzeňském kraji / Preparation of the pandemic plan - the course of the influenza pandemy caused by the Pandemic A (H1N1) 2009 virus in the Pilsen region.VELKOBORSKÁ, Marcela January 2011 (has links)
An influenza is an illness annually affecting 5-15 percent of the world population. During the influenza pandemy 40-50 percent of world population can be affected and millions of people can die.The measures resulting from the pandemic plans help to limit the influenza virus spreading, to reduce morbidity and mortality. In April 2009 the first cases of the flue pandemic caused by Pandemic A (H1N1) 2009 virus occurred on the American continent, in the Czech Republic there was the first case registered in May, in the Pilsen region in July. Based on these facts I decided to assess the pandemic plans at the level of the Pilsen region and to analyse the course of the pandemy in the Pilsen region too. Having studied the Pandemic plan of the Pilsen region and the Pandemic plan of the Regional Hygiene Station of the Pilsen Region I got to the conclusion that in case of the pandemy caused by the highly virulent tribe of the influenza it would not be possible to use up the pandemic plans efficiently. The disadvantages concern mainly the way of the distribution of the pandemic vaccine and antivirotics. The other disadvantage is the absence of a parenteral form of antivirotics. A bad awarness of the inhabitants also came out effecting mass rejection of vaccination by the pandemic vaccine and preventative taking antivirotics. The analyse of the course of the pandemy in the Pilsen region proved that at many patients with the flue pandemic there was present a risky factor of more serious course of the influenza in the anamnesis. If these patients had been vaccinated by the pandemic vaccine they had been entitled for, they could have been protected against this illness, for some of them the vaccination might have meant life-saving. It was also proved that originally the pandemic tribe of Pandemic A (H1N1) 2009 virus became the causer of the common seasonal influenza in the season of 2010-2011.
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Prevalenční studie výskytu nozokomiálních gastroenteritid virové etiologie v zařízení Psychiatrické léčebny Bohnice v období let 2003-2009. / Prevalence Study of Occurence of Nosocomial Gastro-enteritis of Virus Etiology in the Bohnice Asylum in Years 2003-2009.NUSLOVÁ, Aneta January 2010 (has links)
The degree work is concentrated on the problems of the epidemic as to acute viral gastro-enteritides of nosocomial nature occurring in the Mental Home Bohnice in the years 2003 {--} 2009. I chose for my work the methodology of quantitative research in the form of an epidemiological descriptive study with the technique ``data collection and analysis{\crq}q. The infectious diarrhoeal affections are very current all the time and great importance in developing and even in advanced countries of the world. About 5 {--} 10 million people are dying of diarrhoea often connected with undernourishment in developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America per year, whereof 4,6 millions are children aged up to 5 years. The infection diarrhoeal affections in advanced countries of the world are important mainly as to their high frequency because they represent the second most frequent infection just behind the infection of air passages. The theoretical part of the work is concentrated on general characterization of the acute viral gastro-enteritis, on the process of spreading, on the most frequent aetiologic agents and on the new possibilities of diagnosis and therapy. The attention is also paid to the observance of antiepidemical measures and rules fixed in the hygienic and antiinfectious regimen, that prevent further spreading of the diseases in the case that an epidemic has broken out. In this connection, the basic profile and structure of the Mental Home Bohnice is also presented inclusive of important facts concerning the hospitalized patients. These patients form a very specific group of persons in respect to the occurrence of epidemics caused by viral diarrhoeal diseases as they are hospitalized in an isolated environment often for long term and their heath condition depends on psychiatric diagnosis. The performed investigation resumes the general judgement on the problems of epidemics caused by the acute viral gastro-enteritides in the Mental Home. It determines the most frequent aetiologic agents giving rise to this disease and analyzes these epidemics in relation to the age and sex of the patients. Another aim of the work was to explain the seasonal nature of the epidemics and to evaluate the efficiency of antiepidemical measures taken in this establishment. It is necessary to conclusion that the epidemical occurrence of viral gastro-enteritides was registered in Mental Home Bohnice even before the year 2003, but the aetiologic agents could not be specified in greater detail owing to the possibilities of virologic diagnostics being at disposal at that time.
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