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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A prospective study of clinical, biological and functional aspects of outcome in first episode psychosis

Chiliza, Bonginkosi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Prospective, longitudinal clinical studies in first-episode schizophrenia have become relatively commonplace over the past two decades or more and have provided a wealth of useful information regarding the clinical presentation, treatment, course and outcome of the illness. However, there remain several unanswered questions. The majority of the studies have been conducted in upper income countries using often costly medication with heterogeneous samples. While the overall outcome of patients showed some progress, there is room for improvement yet. The overall aim of the dissertation was to study the clinical, biological and functional aspects of outcome in first episode schizophrenia in a resource constrained setting. We conducted a prospective, non-comparative, longitudinal study over 12 months assessing the efficacy and tolerability of a cost effective, long-acting injectable antipsychotic (LAI; flupenthixol decanoate) combined with an assertive monitoring program (AMP) among first-episode schizophrenia patients. Efficacy was measured by examining rates of response, remission and relapse, as well as quality of life and social and occupational functioning. Tolerability of our intervention was assessed by measuring extrapyramidal symptoms, and weight and metabolic changes. We also examined the evolution of treatment refractoriness by studying the rates of non-response, and other associated predictor and outcome features. We found high rates of acceptance and adherence to the LAI and AMP. Seventy percent of our patients completed the 12 months of treatment. Treatment response was achieved by 82% of the participants and 60% achieved remission. Although 19% of our patients relapsed, the majority of the relapses were mild and did not require hospitalisation. Patients experienced significant quality of life and social and occupational functioning improvements. We found mild rates of extrapyramidal effects, present in only a third of our cohort. The majority of the extrapyramidal effects were treated with anticholinergics or propranolol. Only 3% of our patients developed transient dyskinesia over the duration of the study. However, our cohort gained considerable weight, with statistically significant increases in BMI (p< .0001) and waist circumference (p=0.0006). Our cohort also experienced significant deleterious changes to their lipid profiles. Of particular concern was the increase in triglycerides (p=0.03) and a significant decrease in high density lipoprotein (p=0.005) leading to a 91% increase in the triglyceride/high density lipoprotein ratio. With regards to emerging treatment refractoriness, 12% of our patients met our pre-defined criteria for non-response. Non-responders were younger and at baseline showed more prominent disorganised symptoms, poorer social and occupational functioning, poorer quality of life for psychological, social and environmental domains, more prominent neurological soft signs (NSS), and lower BMI. At endpoint the non-responders were characterised by higher levels of symptomatology in all domains; poorer functional outcome, poorer quality of life and greater cognitive impairments. They also had more prominent NSS and a lower BMI. The strongest predictors of non-response were prominent baseline NSS and poor early (7 weeks) treatment response. In conclusion, the combination of an LAI with an AMP may be an effective and safe intervention in firstepisode schizophrenia, and may be particularly suitable for resource-constrained settings. The risk of weight gain and metabolic syndrome associated with antipsychotic treatment in first-episode schizophrenia are not restricted to second generation antipsychotics and low-potency first-generation antipsychotics. Ensuring effective treatment for first episode schizophrenia patients is a global problem, and likely to be under-recognised in LMICs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oor die afgelope twee dekades het toenemend meer longitudinale kliniese studies, wat eerste episode skisofrenie bestudeer, die lig gesien. Die studies het ‘n magdom van waardevolle inligtng oor die kliniese voorkoms, behandeling, verloop en uitkomste van die siekte opgelewer. Die meerderheid van die studies is egter in hoë inkomste ontwikkelde lande gedoen met pasiënte wat duur medikasie gebruik en hoofsaaklik in heterogene steekproewe. Alhoewel dit blyk uit hierdie studies dat daar oor die algemeen vordering gemaak word ten opsigte van die behandeling van pasiënte is daar steeds ‘n gebrek aan voldoende inligting oor die onderwerp veral in minder gegoede, ontwikkelende lande. Die oorhoofse doel van hierdie proefskrif is om binne ‘n hulpbron beperkte konteks die kliniese, biologiese en funksionele aspekte van pasiënt -uitkomste in eerste episode skisofrenie te ondersoek. Ons het ‘n longitudinale studie gedoen waarin ons die effektiwiteit en toleransie van ‘n enkele antipsigotiese medikasie vir 12 maande nagevors het. Die medikasie wat ons ondersoek het, is flupenthixol decanoate en word deur ‘n inspuiting gegee en die medikasie word dan geleidelik deur die liggaam geabsorbeer. As deel van die behandeling het ons pasiënte ook streng gemonitor. Ons het die effektiwiteit van die behandeling gemeet nagelang van hoe pasiënte reageer op die behandeling, hoeveel pasiënte in remissie gaan en terugval, en ook pasiënte se kwaliteit van lewe en hulle sosiale en beroepsfunksionering. Ons het toleransie gemeet nagelang van pasiënte se gewig en metaboliese verandering sowel as die voorkoms van medikasie geïnduseerde newe-effekte. Verder het ons pasiënte wat nie op medikasie gereageer het nie ondersoek sowel as die aspekte wat moontlik hiernee verband hou. Ons het bevind dat die meerderheid van pasiënte hulle medikasie getrou geneem het en ook die streng monitering aanvaar het. Sewentig persent van die pasiënte het hulle 12 maande behandeling voltooi, 82% het op die medikasie gereageer en 60% het in remissie ingegaan. Alhoewel 19% van die pasiënte teruggeval het, was dit nie so ernstig dat ons hulle moes hospitaliseer nie. Pasiënte het beduidende verbetering ten opsigte van hulle kwaliteit van lewe en sosiale en beroepsfunksionering getoon. Ons het slegs ‘n gematigde mate van medikasie geïnduseerde newe-effekte opgemerk en alleenlik by ‘n derde van die kohort. In die meerderheid van gevalle het ons die newe-effekte met anticholinergics of propranolol behandel. Slegs 3% van die pasiënte het gedurende die verloop van 12 maande die kondisie transient dyskinesia ontwikkel. Ongelukkig het ons kohort geweldig baie gewig opgetel en die toename in pasiënte se BMI (p< .0001) en middellyf omtrek (p=0.0006) was statisties beduidend. Ons het ook bevind dat veranderinge in ons kohort se lipied profiele kommerwekkend is veral as in ag geneem word dat die toename in trigliseriede (p = 0,03) en die beduidende afname in die hoë digtheid lipoproteïen (p = 0,005) gelei het tot ‘n 91% verhoging in trigliseriede: hoë digtheid lipoproteïen verhouding.

Living with manic experiences : an interpretative phenomenological analysis

Jacobs, Emma Anne January 2010 (has links)
Although psychological research into manic experiences is increasing, it remains an underresearched phenomenon. In particular, there is a dearth of qualitative research exploring these experiences in a clinical sample of people diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. This study examined six participants’ experiences of mania using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Through semi-structured interviews, the participants provided detailed accounts of how they made sense of and experienced their manic states. Three master themes were described: “A mixed relationship with mania,” “A separate and controlled self”, and “The struggle to be different.” The first master theme explored the participants’ mixed and ambivalent relationship with their manic experiences. These were viewed as both alluring and dangerous, but overall the perceived costs had outweighed the benefits, for all but one of the participants. Most participants described losses in relation to giving up their manic experiences, as well as losses related to the destructive consequences of their episodes. The second master theme examined perceptions of mania as a separate, uncontrollable phenomenon, over which they had little influence. It was hypothesised that these explanations served to relieve these participants from underlying negative emotions, such as guilt, regret, shame and selfstigma. The third master theme described how manic experiences had represented struggles to be different. These included a struggle against society; a struggle to experience a preferred self; and a struggle to access very unique experiences or abilities. A number of issues were discussed in relation to the above themes. These included positive and conflicting appraisals of high moods; loss; entrapment and helplessness; ambivalence; negative moral emotions and a preferred manic identity. A range of therapeutic approaches were suggested as potentially helpful for some of these issues. These included Motivational Interviewing, Narrative, Constructivist and Compassion therapies. Additionally, the findings of the study provided support for existing therapies for Bipolar Disorder; particularly Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Interpersonal & Social Rhythm Therapy (IPSRT).

Future-directed thinking in first episode psychosis

Goodby, Emmeline January 2014 (has links)
Psychosis encompasses a constellation of symptoms that have far-reaching social, physical and functional consequences for sufferers. One of the key clinical concerns in the management of psychotic illnesses is the risk of suicide, which is greatest in the early stages of psychosis. Hopelessness is consistently associated with risk for suicide but as a concept it is not well defined and is not specific enough to be of use in prediction of suicide. Future-directed thinking, particularly regarding positive future events, constitutes an aspect of hopelessness that is closely associated with risk for suicide. This study employed the Future Thinking Task to investigate whether future-directed thinking in first episode psychosis is significantly different from that of matched controls in performance or content, and to clarify the nature of its association with suicide risk in this patient group. In addition, the association of future-directed thinking with the negative symptoms of psychosis was investigated. The results showed that individuals with psychosis were impaired in future-directed thinking globally, particularly with respect to the coming year. Specific deficits were shown in the domains of relations with other people and personal development and understanding. Associations were shown between future-directed thinking and suicide, and reduced positive future-directed thinking was shown to be strongly associated with increased severity of negative symptoms. The results suggest avenues for novel interventions to improve hopelessness, suicide risk and the severity of negative symptoms in psychotic illness, and thereby improve functional outcomes.

Durées d'hospitalisation des patients souffrant d'un premier épisode psychotique : déterminants et conséquences cliniques et organisationnelles / Length of hospitalisation in first episode psychosis : determinants and clinical and organizational consequences

Capdevielle, Delphine 15 December 2010 (has links)
Depuis 30 ans a été mise en place, dans la plupart des pays européens, une politique de réduction des durées d'hospitalisation. Beaucoup d'études ont été conduites sur les conséquences de ce raccourcissement des durées d'hospitalisation mais par contre peu se sont intéressées aux caractéristiques cliniques et sociodémographiques des patients à l'admission qui pourraient influer sur ces durées. Une meilleure connaissance de ces facteurs permettrait d'adapter ces durées aux besoins spécifiques des patients et ainsi réduire les conséquences négative s de sorties prématurées. De plus, cela pourrait permettre une meilleure planification de la disponibilité en lit. L'objectif de notre étude est de mettre en évidence les déterminants cliniques et sociaux des durées d'hospitalisation et les conséquences de celles ci sur l'organisation des soins grâce à une étude prospective portant sur 121 patients hospitalisés pour un premier épisode psychotiques. A l'admission il n'est retrouvé aucun facteur prédictif des durées d'hospitalisation. Par contre la réponse au traitement et la symptomatologie à la sortie de l'hospitalisation sont significativement associés aux durées d'hospitalisation. Mais le facteur le plus prédictif est la préférence du psychiatre traitant pour une durée courte ou longue d'hospitalisation. Lors du suivi les courtes hospitalisations n'ont pas été compensées par plus de suivi par les services extra-hospitaliers de psychiatrie ou par les médecins généralistes. Ces résultats suggèrent la nécessité de développer des soins plus rationnels et standardisés pour la prise en charge des premiers épisodes psychotiques pour améliorer notamment le suivi post hospitalisation. / Since the middle of last century, there has been a transition in almost all western countries towards a policy of reduced periods of hospitalization. Although many studies have been carried out on the consequences of short versus long length of stay (LOS), less is known about the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients on admission, which could influence LOS. A better knowledge of these factors could help adapt LOS to patients' specific needs and perhaps reduce the negative consequences of early discharge. Furthermore, predicting LOS could be helpful for planning bed availability. First-episode psychosis is a key moment to study with the importance of cares on prognosis. The aim of our study is to evaluate clinical and social determinants of LOS at admission and discharge in relation to 121 hospitalisations for first episode psychosis using standardized assessment measures and their consequences on care organisation. None of the clinical factors at admission were significant predictors of longer hospital stay. However, response to treatment and symptomatology at discharge were significantly associated with longer LOS as was the head psychiatrist's general preference for long or short hospitalisation. Furthermore our findings, during the one-year follow up, suggest that a shortening of hospital stay for first episode psychotic patients has not been compensated by an increased role of the general practitioner (GP) in providing post-discharge care or by psychiatric community care. This suggests a need for greater evidence-based rationalization of practice for the care of first psychosis episode with more interactions between hospital and community care

Navigating pathways to care: exploring older adults’ experiences seeking psychological care using the Network Episode Model-II

Beatie, Brooke E. 09 September 2016 (has links)
Within the next 20 years, mental health problems are projected to be the leading cause of disability in Canada. Given that one in four Canadians is expected to be over the age of 65 by 2036, older adults’ mental health problems are a growing public health concern, especially because the rate of mental health service use is particularly low among this age group. Although there have been several decades of mental health research, it is still not well understood why older adults are not accessing treatment. A possible explanation for this is that identifying reasons for poor access alone does not capture the multifaceted, complex nature of individuals’ experiences with mental health problems and their paths into treatment. To address this gap in the literature, this study explored older adults’ experiences seeking psychological care and the factors that influence this dynamic process using the Network Episode Model-II (NEM-II; Pescosolido & Boyer, 2010; Pescosolido et al., 2013). To achieve this objective I conducted 15 individual semi-structured interviews with adults 60 years of age and older, who were receiving outpatient psychological services from a hospital in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Findings from this study suggest that participants’ background (social content), social support network, and the treatment system influence, and are influenced by, participants’ illness careers. Factors that delayed participants’ help-seeking included: a lack of support, “inappropriate” referrals or advice from treatment professionals, and a lack of knowledge among older adults about mental health and treatment options. This research has implications for researchers, clinicians, and public policy initiatives aimed at enhancing older adults’ access to psychological care. / October 2016

Using the episode of care approach to analyze healthcare use and costs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations

Kuwornu, John Paul 07 January 2016 (has links)
Healthcare utilizations are typically measured independently of each other; neglecting the interdependencies between services. An episode of care is suitable for measuring healthcare utilizations of patients with complex health conditions because it tracks all contacts throughout the healthcare system. The overall goal of this research was to construct an episode of care data system to study healthcare utilizations and costs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbations. To achieve this goal, four related studies were undertaken. The first study (Chapter 2) evaluated the agreement between emergency department (ED) data and hospital records for capturing transitions between the two care settings. Using the κ statistic as a measure of concordance, we found good agreement between the two data sources for intra-facility transfers; but only fair agreement for inter-facility transfers. The results show that linking multiple data sources would be important to identify all related healthcare utilization across care settings. The second study (Chapter 3) linked hospital data, ED data, physician billing claims, and outpatient drug records to construct an episode of care data system for COPD patients. Latent class analysis was used to identify COPD patient groups with distinct healthcare pathways. Pathways were associated with outcomes such as mortality and costs. A few individuals followed complex pathways and incurred high costs. Building on the previous study, the next one (Chapter 4) predicted whether high-cost patients in one episode also incurred high costs in subsequent episodes. Using logistic regression models, we found that patient information routinely collected in administrative health data could satisfactorily predict those who become persistent high users. The final study (Chapter 5) used a cross-validation approach to compare the performance of eight alternative linear regression models for predicting costs of episodes of COPD exacerbations. The results indicate that the robust regression model, a model not often considered for cost prediction, was among the best models for predicting episode-based costs. Overall, this research demonstrated how population-based administrative health databases could be linked to construct an episode of care data system for a chronic health condition. The resulting data system supported novel investigations of healthcare system-wide utilizations and costs. / May 2016

Expression von Monoamintransportern, NO-Synthase-III und Neurotrophin BDNF in Antidepressiva-stimulierten Astrozyten / Expression of monoamine transporters, nitric oxyde III and neurotrophin BDNF in antidepressant-stimulated astrocytes

Kuhlemann, Julia January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Schwermut, Einsamkeit, Desinteresse: 2-7% der Weltbevölkerung werden von diesen Gefühlen bestimmt, sie sind an einer Depression erkrankt. In Deutschland leiden aktuell bis zu 4 Mio. Menschen an einer Depression. Zwei Drittel diese Kollektivs befinden sich in hausärztlicher Behandlung, aber nur etwa die Hälfte von diesen Patienten wird korrekt diagnostiziert und behandelt. Die Gründe hierfür sind auf der einen Seite die schwierige Diagnosefindung, auf der anderen die bisher nicht vollständig geklärte Ätiologie und die komplexen Wirkmechanismen der medikamentösen antidepressiven Therapieoptionen. Die Entstehung einer depressiven Episode ist multifaktoriell bedingt, wobei insbesondere genetischen Faktoren in der Pathogenese depressiver Erkrankungen eine wichtige Rolle zugeordnet wird. Neurobiologische Untersuchungen der molekularen und biochemischen Hintergründe von depressiven Episoden befassen sich zurzeit insbesondere mit drei Hypothesen: Diese sind die Neurotransmitter-Dysbalance-Hypothese (Monoaminhypothese), die Stressachsen-Hypothese (Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Achse) und die Neurotrophin-Hypothese. Die Stressachsen-Hypothese befasst sich in diesem Zusammenhang mit der Aktivität des Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Systems, die bei depressiv erkrankten Patienten dysreguliert ist und mit einer erhöhten Kortisolsekretion einhergeht. Die Monoaminhypothese der Depression postuliert eine Dysfunktion serotonerger, noradrenerger und dopaminerger Systeme. Die Neurotrophinhypothese bezieht sich auf das Second Messenger-System des durch Antidepressiva aktivierten cyclischen Adenosin-Monophosphat (cAMP) Signalwegs. Cyclisches Adenosin-Monophosphat aktiviert die cAMP-abhängige Proteinkinase (PKA), die wiederum den Transkriptionsfaktor cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) phosphoryliert und ihn somit stimuliert. Aktiviertes CREB verstärkt die Transkription zahlreicher Zielgene, inklusive die des brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), welcher unter anderem als Regulator von Neurotransmittern dient und Überleben, Differenzierung und Plastizität von Neuronen beeinflusst. Astrozyten gehören zur Gruppe der Makrogliazellen im zentralen Nervensystem (ZNS) und sind die größte Population der Gliazellen. Sie sind für die Kaliumhomöostase und ebenso für die Regulation der synaptischen Transmission und der neurovaskulären Koppelung zuständig. Des Weiteren scheinen Astrozyten eine wichtige Rolle für die Bildung glialer Narben, die Induktion der Blut-Hirn-Schranke und auch für das neuronale Überleben zu spielen. Bei der Analyse der Wirkmechanismen medikamentöser antidepressiver Therapien ist in der letzten Zeit die Rolle der Astrozyten in den Vordergrund gerückt, um deren Beitrag zu antidepressiven Therapien zu untersuchen. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war zu untersuchen, ob in Astrozyten der Serotonin-Transporter (5-HT-Transporter, 5-HTT), der Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), der Dopamin-Transporter oder die Stickstoffmonoxyd-Synthase III (endotheliale Stickstoffmonoxid-Synthase, eNOS) gebildet werden und falls ja, ob sich deren Expression durch Applikation von Antidepressiva ändert. Die aus Rattenhirnen gewonnenen Astrozytenkulturen wurden hierfür entweder mit dem trizyklischen Antidepressivum Imipramin, dem selektiven Serotoninrückaufnahmeinhibitor Escitalopram oder zur Kontrolle mit Kochsalzlösung inkubiert. Nachdem die entsprechende mRNA aus den behandelten Astrozytenkulturen extrahiert wurde, ist sie in cDNA translatiert und mit Hilfe der quantitativen Real-Time PCR quantifiziert worden. Durch Vergleich der Expression des zu untersuchenden Gens mit der Expression der Housekeeping-Gene 18s-rRNA, Glycerinaldehyddehydrogenase (GAPDH) und Acidic ribosomal phosphoprotein (ARP) wurden Ungenauigkeiten bei der cDNA-Synthese ausgeglichen und die Daten normalisiert. Die rechnerische Auswertung der quantitativen Real-Time PCR erfolgte unter Verwendung der Ct-Werte unter Zuhilfenahme der geNORM Software. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine signifikant erhöhte BDNF-Expression nach Imipramingabe. Hierbei zeigen bei den getrennten Untersuchungen der jeweiligen mRNA Chargen die mit 100µM Imipramin behandelten Astrozytenkulturen stärker signifikante Ergebnisse, als die mit 50µM Imipramin behandelten Astrozytenkulturen. Werden alle Proben, die mit der jeweiligen Imipraminkonzentration 4 Stunden inkubiert wurden, zusammen analysiert und mit den jeweiligen Kontrollen verglichen, zeigt sich sowohl bei der Behandlung mit 50µM Imipramin als auch mit 100µM Imipramin eine signifikante Steigerung der BDNF Expression. Escitalopram stimulierte die BDNF-Expression zwar ebenfalls nominell, jedoch war der Effekt nicht signifikant. Des Weiteren konnte eine deutliche Expression von 5-HTT-mRNA in Astrozytenkulturen nachgewiesen werden. Jedoch hatte keines der Antidepressiva einen signifikanten Effekt auf die 5-HTT-Expression. Es konnten weder in den behandelten, noch in den unbehandelten Astrozytenkulturen DAT oder NOS-III nachgewiesen werden. / Melancholia, loneliness, lack of interest: 2-7% of world population are ruled by these feelings. In Germany, 4 million inhabitants suffer from depression. Two third of this population are under medical treatment, but only half of these patients are diagnosed and medicated correctly. Reasons are difficulties in finding the exact diagnosis on the one hand and the vague aetiology and complex effects of antidepressants on the other. The origin of a depressive episode has multiple reasons, especially genetic components are considered to play an important role. Neurobiological investigations of the molecular and biochemical backgrounds of depressive episodes centre on three hypotheses: The dysbalance hypothesis of neurotransmitters (monoamine hypothesis), the hypothesis of activated hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and the neurotrophin hypothesis. In this context, the hypothesis of activated hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis deals with the dysregulation and over-stimulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and the following elevated cortisol-secretion. The monoamine hypothesis of depressive episodes postulates a dysfunction of serotonergic, noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems. The neurotrophin hypothesis refers to the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) second messenger system, activated by antidepressants. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate activates the cAMP dependent protein kinase (PKA) that phosphorylates and consequently stimulates the transcription factor cAMP response element binding protein (CREB). Activated CREB enhances the transcription of numerous genes, including the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) that is among others regulating neurotransmitters and influences neuronal survival, differentiation and plasticity. Astrocytes are part of the macroglia in central nervous system and form the major population of glial cells. They are considered to be responsible for homeostasis of potassium and the regulation of synaptic transmission and neurovascular linkage. Furthermore, astrocytes take part in forming glial cicatrixes, induction of blood-brain-barrier and neuronal survival. In the course of investigating the effects of antidepressants, the centre of interest has focused on astrocytes and their contribution to antidepressant therapy. The aim of this dissertation was to study, if the serotonin transporter (5-HTT), the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), the dopamin transporter or the nitric oxide synthase III (eNOS) is synthesised in astrocytes and in case of, if their expression is modulated by antidepressants. The astrocyte cultures, gained from rats’ brains, were incubated with the tricyclic antidepressant imipramine, the selective serotonin reuptake-inhibitor escitalopram or sodium chloride solution. After extracting the corresponding mRNA from the astrocyte cultures, it was translated to cDNA and quantified using the quantitative Real-Time PCR. Comparing the expression of the gene of interest with the expression of the housekeeping genes 18s-rRNA, glyceraldehydes phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and acidic ribosomal phosphoprotein (ARP), equated inexactness of cDNA synthesis and normalised the acquired data. The mathematical evaluation of the qRT-PCR based on the Ct-figures with the assistance of geNORM software. The results show a significantly elevated BDNF expression after imipramine administration. mRNA batches of astrocyte cultures incubated with 100µM imipramine presented more significant results than mRNA batches of astrocyte cultures incubated with 50µM imipramine. Analysing all samples incubated for four hours with the corresponding concentration of imipramine and compared with the sodium chloride solution controls, a significant elevation of BDNF expression is detected in 50µM imipramine samples as well as in 100µM imipramine samples. Escitalopram stimulates the expression of BDNF nominally without showing significant effects. Furthermore, a clear expression of 5-HTT-mRNA in astrocyte cultures could be detected, but none of the antidepressants induced a significant effect on 5-HTT expression. Neither in medicated nor in control samples DAT or NOS-III were detected.

Contribuição ao estudo do ritmo climático na bacia do Ribeirão do Lobo (Itirapina-SP) / not available

Villa, Eneida Aleixo 25 January 2002 (has links)
O clima apresenta uma importância indiscutível, constituindo-se num dos mais relevantes elementos da biosfera, desta forma imprescindível o conhecimento minucioso de sua dinâmica, bem como de sua interação com os outros elementos do ambiente. Optou-se pelo estudo de uma \"bacia hidrográfica\" pelas facilidades de análise que a mesma oferece, pois por se tratar de uma unidade bem delimitada, todos os processos geológicos, geomorfológicos, hidrológicos, pedológicos, climatológicos, entre outros, ocorrem, em seu limite natural. Para tanto, selecionou-se a Bacia do Ribeirão do Lobo, por apresentar uma consistência de dados meteorológicos fundamentais para este estudo, e por abranger uma área de foco de muitas pesquisas em diversas áreas do conhecimento. Assim, uma das metas desta pesquisa foi apresentar informações climatológicas que subsidiarão a compreensão dos fenômenos interligados em outras áreas. A concepção climática elaborada por SORRE (1951) e na análise rítmica preconizada por MONTEIRO (1971) foram os conceitos norteadores desta pesquisa, entretanto, numa primeira etapa efetuou-se uma abordagem climática tradicional, utilizando-se de estatística e de computação, para definir as tendências ao longo da referida bacia hidrográfica. Assim, sob a temática do clima, foram analisados quatro episódios representativos, descrevendo o comportamento da circulação atmosférica e as repercussões nos elementos climáticos. / The climate presents an unquestionable importance, being constituted in one of the most important elements of the biosphere, thus becoming indispensable the meticulous knowledge of its dynamics, as well as its interaction with the other elements ofthe atmosphere. The study of a hydrographic basin was opted due to its easiness of analysis therefore for being a well delimited physical unit, all the geological processes, geomorphologic, hidrologic, pedologic, climatological, amog others, occur in its natural boundary. For this purpose, the Wolf River System was selected, by presenting a consistence of fundamental meteorological data for this study, and for comprising a focus area of many researches in several areas of knowledge. Thus, one of the goals of this research was to present climatological information that will subsidize the understanding of the interlinked phenomena in other areas. The climactic conception elaborated by SORRE (1951) and in the rhythmic analysis extolled by MONTEIRO (1971) were the guideline of this research, however, in a first stage it occurred a traditional climactic approach, making use of the statistics and of the computation, to define the tendencies along referred hydrographic basin. So, under the optics dynamics of the climate, four representative episodes were analyzed, describing the behavior of the atmospheric circulation and the repercussions in the climactic elements.

O episódio do furto das peras no livro segundo das Confissões de Agostinho de Hipona: (Confissões II, IV-X, 9-18) / The episode of the theft of the pears on the second book of Confessions by Augustine of Hippo: (Confessions II, IV-X, 9-18)

Rodrigues, Rafael Alves de Sousa Barberino 06 September 2012 (has links)
Nas Confissões de Agostinho de Hipona, o episódio do furto das peras, localizado no livro segundo, é possivelmente um dos dois momentos mais importantes no percurso dos seus seis primeiros livros. No entanto, tem boa parte de seu potencial filosófico desprezado. Os comentários são numerosos, mas os melhores tratam-no do ponto de vista de sua composição. Já os trabalhos filosóficos sobre o episódio não têm nem a mesma frequência, nem o mesmo fôlego. O que é de se lamentar bastante, visto o potencial que o episódio tem de fazer pensar. A fim de mudar um pouco este cenário, o que se pretende com essa dissertação é uma leitura mais atenta deste episódio. Planeja-se, em dois capítulos, cumprir dois estudos a seu respeito. Um primeiro, e mais introdutório, visa reunir os resultados daqueles estudos literários sobre o episódio. Estes importam, na medida em que preparam a leitura mesma do texto. Seus símbolos não são simples de compreender, e, além do mais, dão o que pensar. O segundo capítulo se dedica ao estudo filosófico do ato imoral, tal como ele se apresenta no feito no episódio. Por fim, para, entre outras razões, se solucionar algumas dificuldades de ordem teórica que aparecem na leitura do episódio, o terceiro capítulo pretende pensar o episódio dentro da estrutura confessional que o sustenta. Ver-seá que o livro segundo é um ótimo laboratório para o estudo do conceito de confissão em Agostinho. / In the Confessions of Augustine of Hippo, the episode of the theft of pears, located on the second book, is possibly one of the two most important moments in the course of its first six books. However, most of its philosophical potential is ignored. There are numerous comments, but the most elaborated ones deal with it from the point of view of its composition. The philosophical works on the episode are not as numerous and are not as extensive. Which is unfortunate, because of the potential that the episode has to induce to deeper thinking. In order to change a little this scenario, this thesis has been developed to propose a more attentive reading of this episode. It has been planned to introduce two studies, in two chapters. A first, and more introductory, aims to bring together the results of those literary studies about the episode. They are important to prepare the reader, so that they will be able to truly understand te text. Its symbols are not something simple to understand, and, moreover, they require deeper thinking. The second chapter is dedicated to the study of philosophical immoral act, the way it happens in the episode.

Estudos climáticos e ambiente construído no município de Descalvado - SP / Climatic studies and building environment in municipality of Descalvado - SP

Silva, Adeildo Cabral da 10 August 2001 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisou o ritmo climático da cidade de Descalvado - SP, por meio de dois episódios representativos do fato climático (de inverno e de primavera), bem como o comportamento térmico no interior de duas casas populares ocupadas, situadas na área urbana do município. Utilizou-se estação automática (CR10X - Campbell Scientific Inc.) que possibilitou a aquisição e o armazenamento dos dados meteorológicos, vinculando estes dados climáticos ao sistema de circulação atmosférica secundária. Dentro da abordagem Dinâmica do Clima, utilizou-se os conceitos de tipos de tempo afeito ao comportamento térmico das casas ocupadas. Os limites da zona de conforto propostos por GIVONI (1992) foram utilizados como referencial na análise do comportamento térmico das casas ocupadas. Os resultados demonstraram que as duas residências apresentaram comportamento térmico semelhante durante as possíveis situações de estresse de calor e frio. Conclui-se que, apesar de se tratar, do ponto de vista econômico, de moradias de baixo custo de construção, são casas que apresentaram adequado desempenho térmico. / The present work analyze the climatic rhythm Descalvado - SP, by using representative episodes of the climatic (winter and spring), as well as the thermal behavior of two occupied popular houses indoor, located in urban area of municipal district. Automatic station used (CR10X - Campbell Scientific Inc.) made possible acquisition and storage of meteorological data, correlating climatic data to the secondary atmospheric circulation system. Dynamic approach of Climate was used the concepts of Types of Time for obtaining thermal behavior of the occupied houses. Givoni\'s limits of comfort zone (1992) was used a reference in analysis of house\'s thermal performance. Results demonstrated that the two occupied houses presented similar thermal behavior during possible situation of heat and cold stresses. For conclusion, under economical point of view, although treating of low cost construction homes, they are houses that presented appropriate thermal performance.

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