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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Altruisme bij enkele natuurvolken van Afrika en Australie

Weer, Martinus Claro ter. January 1939 (has links)
Academisch proefschrift--Amsterdam. / "Stellingen": [3] p. tipped in at end. "Gebruikte literatuur": p. 115-124.

Paradigms of explanation in anthropology : the case of ethnographic film

Cohen, Hart K. January 1979 (has links)
No description available.

Minorities and the construction of a nation in post-socialist Laos

Pholsena, Vatthana January 2001 (has links)
In the Introduction [Chapter 1] I first introduce the concept of 'nation' by stressing its 'fuzziness', and by reviewing Western and non-western interpretations of its definition. I then briefly review some pertinent events in Laos' recent history. I next explain the reasons for my choice of a certain terminology. In a third section, I introduce and justify my methodology. In Chapter Two, I introduce and discuss the theoretical framework and studies on Lao nationalism. I first look at the theories of nationalism put forward by Gellner, Anderson and Smith, three of the most influential thinkers on the subject, and note the limits of their theories with respect to my study. I then extend my discussion to theories of nationalism and ethnicity, and I argue that these propose a framework that is too constrained to explain the complexity of my research. I therefore suggest some other conceptual notions that may encompass the multiple outcomes of my study. Finally, I discuss studies that have dealt with the concepts of nation, nationalism and ethnicity in modern Laos, and show how my work may contribute to the fostering of research in this field. In Chapter Three, I review the historical relationships between the non-ethnic Lao people and the political authorities from the pre-modern period up to the proclamation of the Lao PDR in 1975. I focus in particular on three historical periods: pre-modern Laos (until the French colonisation), French rule (1893-1954) and the French and American Wars (1945-1974). Each period corresponds with a specific pattern of relationships between the non-ethnic Lao people and the political authority. Above all, I insist that the French and American Wars changed the role of the non-ethnic Lao populations socially, politically and historically. From the periphery where they were symbolically and administratively confined, the participation of some of their members in the wars exposed these individuals to socialisation and politicisation processes. From that point onwards, the nationalist discourse would have to include multi-ethnicity in its rhetoric. In Chapter Four, I analyse ethnic classifications in contemporary Laos, with a brief review of previous policies. I first look at the ideologies that have influenced the Lao ethnic classification, namely, those of the former Soviet Union, China and Vietnam. Through an analysis of the construction of the latest official census (August 2000), I suggest a close relationship between ethnic categorisation and the nationalist discourse. I conclude with a study of Kaysone Phomvihane's guidelines on the concept of the nation in Laos. In Chapter Five, I question the Majority's ethnicity. I first argue that the constitution of a national identity in post-socialist Laos is being conducted through a dual process of exclusion and inclusion, involving a politics of Minority/Majority representation and a dichotomy between Tradition and Modernity. I extend my discussion to the nationalist discourse's search for particularism, through a politics of cultural discipline and a new approach to the narrative of the national history. At the same time, I suggest that the new form of nation, more centred on a spiritual principle, i.e. Buddhism, also originates in popular will, namely, the ethnic Lao population's. In Chapter Six, I reverse the perspective and disclose the voices of those being represented. I focus my analysis on a few members of ethnic minorities who hold, or have held, a position of authority. More precisely, I analyse their interpretations of the past through their narratives. I point out their pattern, logic and coherence, but also their discontinuities, omissions and exaggerations. All these characteristics are constitutive of these individuals' identity. Experience, however, is never monolithic. Experience structures narratives, which, in turn, structure experience, while all interpretations and expressions are historically, politically and institutionally situated. I therefore show that narratives also can change under new historical and political conditions. In Chapter Seven, I reflect on the issues of ethnicity and identity. I first study the ambiguities of the ethnicities of the individuals discussed in Chapter Six, caught in between the official categorisation, the Majority's ethnicity and their own perception of their ethnic identity. I then analyse what I call the crisis of identity induced by social, economic, political and institutional changes during the post-socialist era. The social and political identity of these educated members of ethnic minority groups is being challenged. Finally, I conclude with a specific case of instrumentalist ethnicity, which might prefigure the awakening of new identities in post-socialist Laos.

The palace complex : the social life of a Stalinist skyscraper in post-socialist Warsaw

Murawski, Grzegorz Michał January 2014 (has links)
No description available.


林修澈, Lin, Xiu-Che Unknown Date (has links)
本文共分為六章,第一章是「序論」。第二章「蒙古民族的繼承法則」,包 含家族的繼承法則與蒙古民族領袖的承襲法則等二種法規。前者考察養子、婦女 (妻與女兒)和兄弟(尤重長幼秩序)在繼承法上所扮演的角色,這裡作者指出 在「蒙古社會制度史」中所說嫡庶兄弟勉位平等,及蒙古人行幼子繼承法二點為 不正確,並指出在繼承上長子與幼子均具有較特殊的地位,尤其長子幾乎享有承 襲的特權。蒙古帝國可汗的承龔,即融合二種法規而成,即行「家產主義」(Pa trimonolism)。 第三章「帝國本部可汗大統的承襲」,首先考出諸可汗的先後秩序及世系譜 。作者接受本田實信及岡田英弘的 approch,利用伊斯蘭資料來考訂蒙古及中國 方面的資料,最後得出一份可能較真確的表與譜來。除了前舉二位學者外,學界 只利用蒙古及中國資料。沒有考慮到伊斯蘭史料。其實只根據前者,會導致不少 的錯誤。 第四章「可汗承襲制度的探討」乃採用社會學的「微視分析」(micro anal ysis)及巨視分析(macro analysis)分別從制度的內部及外部加以觀察。透過 前者可以看出整個制度的形成、演變及運作是表現在三個要素的功能強弱的變化 上。此三要素即:(1)具有黃金氏族血統(2)被前可汗指定為承襲人(包括 「前可汗遺命」及「被立為皇太子」兩型)(3)經「庫利爾台」推戴。透過後 者,表現兩個特色(1)在制度的理論層(theorical level)沒有形成堅定的 長子承襲的理想形象(ideal image)(2)文化、生活型態的差異,強化宗室 各王的磨擦。卸漢地主義對抗蒙古主義。 第五章「可汗承龔制度的比較觀」以帝國內諸汗國及中國北族王朝為此較對 象。前者深受伊斯蘭文化影響,而 Kalif繼承法則與蒙古近似,故加強了諸汗國 汗的繼承制度,但汗非信奉伊斯蘭教便易引起混亂與謀弒;帝國本部因為宗教寬 容的原故,沒有宗教爭執,但受漠地土皇太子制度影響。這是因為游牧社會建立 強大國家引起權力結構的改變,君權擴大。君與諸部族長常形成封建關係,故需 要立皇太子制度配合,這是中國北族所建立朝代難以避免的改變。 最後,第六章則為結論。


郭光鋏, Guo, Guang-Jia Unknown Date (has links)
本論文總共約捌萬位千字。共分五章:一、西漢與匈奴在西域爭戰之前奏; 二、西漢與匈奴在西域爭戰之因素;三、漢匈勢力在西域之消長;四、西漢在西 域之軍政措施:五、結論。 第一章分三節:一、漢初西北之國際形勢與漢國力之運作;二、大戰略;三 、漢匈對抗之政略與戰略的運用。第二章亦分三節:一、西域之政治經濟特質; 匈奴與西城之關係;三、漢通西域之目的。第三章分四節:一、漢在河西之經營 方略;二、漢匈與西域之地理交通;三、大宛之役;四、匈奴勢力在西域之衰微 。第四章分三節:一、漢在西域之戰略佈署;二、都護制度;三、陳湯滅郅支之 戰。第五章為結論。 匈奴是一個機動而活躍的民族,其活躍表現在軍事方面時,便顯示了戰士的 勇武和戰馬的慓悍;當表現於經濟方面時,則顯示了商業性格的強烈。漢朝為了 對付匈奴這一強敵,乃實施一連串的富強安內政策,並有「斷匈奴右臂」的政略 指導,蓋西域乃漢政治生存空間之前線地帶,漢通西域一方面是基於國防安全的 考慮,另一方面方可因此而威脅匈奴之右翼,斷其府藏,絕其西方之援國。匈奴 卒因漢朝的撻伐而窮蹙、而衰微,終於分裂為二部,最後則呼韓邪單于南降漢, 郅支單于被滅於康居。


郭明璋, Guo, Ming-Zhang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文計一冊,約十萬字,連緒論及結論共六章,每章下分二至四節不等, 今扼要說明論文內容於下第一章緒論係將本論文的題目加以界定,次敘述研究動 機及史料的使用,最後則綜論各章節的內容。 金源與北亞諸部族的關係,可以金章宗泰和六年成吉思汗稱汗為劃分點。第 二章「金源時代的北亞諸部族」係將前段之歷史加以有系統的整理。第一節是以 拉施特哀丁所著集史之部族篇為主,以秘史為輔,再參以諸史,將諸部族的起源 、分佈及其與金源的關係理出經緯。第二節是以金史紀傳為主敘述金與韃靼、阻 璞(北亞諸部族之泛稱)之關係。第三節是以部族為中心從理論及史實層面分別 敘述諸部族的分合。第四節以金史地理志整理出金源北邊的疆域。 泰和六年以後,由於諸部族已為成吉思汗所統一,故金源與北亞諸部族的關 係等於「金源與蒙古的關係」。第三章就是將整個金蒙關係史加以總整理,分析 其演變經過。 第四章則完全以金源的立場分析其「北亞部族政策」,即金對北方所採取的 主要措施。第一節將守邊部族區分為兩種。第二節則將金源諸帝所修之邊堡界壕 按年代作直線式的敘述。第三節則由金史中將與北邊有關的軍事機構加以整理考 證。 第五章是屬於分析性的,站在金源北邊政策上從四個角度分析其亡國原因。 第一節言其重南輕北,這是金源對外政策的一個趨向。第二節重點放在耶律留哥 與蒲鮮萬奴之叛變,再加上蒙古勢力的介入,導至金東北的喪失。第三節契丹反 亂軍的叛變是承續第四章的第一節。第四章分析宣宗棄燕京遷都汴京的重大錯誤 。 第六章是綜合前述五章得出結論並提出研究心得。


龔甬波, Gong, Yong-Po Unknown Date (has links)
共一冊,七萬五千餘字。 共分六章十六節。 本論文主要在提供西藏婚姻制度的全貌,並說明兄弟共妻只是變眾婚的一種。 其次藉對西藏婚姻制度的認識和瞭解,以探討其對西藏宗教,社會、經濟的關係 ,以及婚姻制度的變遷情形。茲將章節簡錄於後: 第一章:導論—(生態環境、歷史背景、社會文化) 第二章:西藏婚姻制度的認識— (中外學者對西藏婚姻的研究,對西藏婚姻制度的認識) 第三章:西藏婚姻制度的分析— (配偶制度、通婚範圍、婚姻條件、婚姻程序的儀禮及意義、婚姻之 成立與效力以及婚姻之消滅與再生) 第四章:西藏婚制度與社會文化的關係— (西藏婚姻與宗教、社會、經濟的關係) 第五章:西藏婚姻制度的變遷— (配偶制度、通婚範圍、結婚儀禮的孌遷) 第六章:結論。


郭泮, Guo, Pan Unknown Date (has links)
中國與西藏之關係,在唐朝起正式建立,唐朝以前的西藏是由「舜逐三苗於三 危」逐漸演變發展而來。元、明兩朝西藏與內地的關係甚為密切,在政治上是漢族 領導了藏族,在文化上是藏族涵化了漢族。至清朝更增加了對藏的統治關係,西藏 成為中國領土的一部份,尤其經過三次對西藏的用兵,中國在藏主權正式建立, 滿清末年,國勢漸衰,邊地多故,外交失敗,除了藩屬不斷喪失外,西藏亦遭 到帝國主義者的侵略,外患主要來自英俄兩國。英國侵入西藏為確保其喜馬拉雅山 南方的印度殖民地,在侵藏之前,先又吞併了西藏南方約三小邦;蘇俄亦不落後, 從蒙古、新疆直向西藏滲透,與英國發生衝突。此時西藏受帝國主義者的煽惑,時 而親英反華,在民國成立,尤其在國府奠都南京時開始,漢藏關係日漸好轉。西藏 代表參加城民大會,西藏是中華民國牢不可破的一部份。第十三輩達賴喇嘛生於清 光緒二年(西元一八七六年)圓寂於民國二十二年(西元一九三三年),正值西藏 涉外關係最複雜時期,太論文題目由此而來。


陳杭升, Chen, Hang-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
〞拉薩抗暴事件〝,係就民國四十八年三月十日,左西藏拉薩所爆發的抗暴事 件,來討論中共人藏後飽泰政、及此事發生的經過與影響,俾供研究藏事之參考。 全文約十萬字,分六章十六節,共壹冊敘完。首章敘論說明西藏的地理環境及歷史 背景。第二章分中共人藏前、中、後三階段,來敘述抗暴之起因。第三章別說明抗 暴之緣起、爆發及蔓延的事實。第四章討論抗暴發生後中共之措施。第五章為我海 內外及自由世界對抗暴之反應。第六章結論,則扼要敘明抗暴事件之意義及西藏抗 暴運動前途之展望。

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